HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-05-06, Page 5Times-Advocate, May 0, 1971 Page Lewis Bread Hostess Potato Chips Schneider's Vacuum Wieners Lewis Hot Dog Buns UNITED CHURCH; May 9 is Family Sunday. V.C.W, will meet May O. at 2-3 p.m. and are also invited t.a Daftb,clilirea at DashwPOO Wednesday 2-4 p.m. B'ala will be packed week of 9th, please leave donations in church foyer. The Annual Bible Society Canvass will take place in the villa anext week. Ready Mix CONCRETE .44 Plant 235;0833 Residence 228.6961 A.McDOWER Repairs To All Makes . • Lawn Mowers • Garden Tractors • Outhoard Motors • Chain Saws jack's Small Engine Repair Service HENSALL 262-2103 107 Queen - One Block North of Business Section SPECIALS THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1/2 Gallon Bisset's Ice Cream With Purchase of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER) McLellan's GENERAL STORE KIPPEN Give Her A .. . Portable Or Built-In DISHWASHER Mothers' Day May 9 7 Models To Choose From '249" UP Sales With Service CREST HARDWARE HENSALL 262-2015 _ BALL - MACAULAY BUILDING ,SUPPLIES CLINTON 482-9514 HEN SALL 262-2713 SEAFORTH 527-0910 DID WINTER ICE RUIN YOUR EAVESTROUGH? Repair or Replace Them From Our Complete Stock as low as $1,49 per 10-ft. section SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES? .We have a complete stock of clay tile and fit- tings. Also 4-inch Big '0' plastic tile cut to length. READY TO START — While he is probably familiar with the school, Chris Reaburn, son of principal Robert Reaburn registered for fall kindergarten classes Tuesday at Hensall public school. Chris is shown with his mother and kindergarten teacher Mrs. Joyce Preszcator. u011100111011101111111110100111111111110011111111111111111101011110111immillmiimuimmillummnulinummumw00000000finuminniffinfliiiiii01111111111111101111fflifill00111000111111111111111010111", "mi,mnillitun111111111111 -2- =i. I~ 11 Inllnlluuaunrr.' Dinner Hams _ Cryovac Ha Ives lb, 890 Ground Chuck l,73t Rib Steaks lb. 890 Cryovac Side Bacon End Cuts 2 lbs. 69e Cooked Ham lb, 890 Beef Liver lb 490 Minute Steaks lb. $1.19 '11111111, 1111111111, 11111IIIIII III111111111U1111111111UIIIIIIII0 111 iiiiii 111 111111111111111111i11111111111111111111.1111111111111l1ci111il11111ril111111 FI4OZEN FOOD McCain PEAS 4 lbs. 99 34-oz. 49 prepriced 73c) (2.22 oz. tins, 590 DOVE liquid detergent, 24-oz. (prepriced 69c) 57 Brimful TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. 3 tins 93 (chunks or crushed) PINEAP PLE in its own juice, 14-oz. tins 4/$1 Blu iie/Bil tGARINE 2-1b. pkg. 69 Good Morning MARMALADE (prepriced 59c) 24-oz. jar 2/$1 SANI FLUSH banded deal pack JAVEX CLEANSER Delmonte unsweetened Stafford CHERRY PIE FILLING Taster's ChoiceFF C O FFE E E E NOXZEMA Super $ave ROLLS (8s) for hot-dogs or hamburgs PANTY HOSE (one size, fits all) 594 11111111111111111111, lllll iliiiittil tttttt Offilitill l t tttttt Canada No. 1 Ontario PRODUCE POTATOES 25 lb. bag 87 U.S. No. 1 Green CABBAGE lb. 12It California ORANGES doz. 690 freeze-dried instant 19-oz. tin 2/93 4-oz. jar 99111" skin cream 21/4 -oz. jar 654 3 pkgs, 854 i t l l t t l l l l 1 1 t 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 L A l t l t l l l l t l i t t u t t i i l l t t l l i l t t t t t l t l i t l [ t garbage cans.' Davis said people encourage dogs by not covering their gar- bage cans properly. Councillor Harold Knight said, "Surely I should be able to put garbage outside my back door without worrying about dogs getting into it," Council agreed that dogs running at large should be rounded up and taken to the pound at Zurich. Knight and Murray Baker will represent council at a MODA meeting in Stratford, May 19, while other members will attend a meeting of municipalities at Londesboro,May 18. With regard to new street lights to be installed, Councillor Knight said they were still getting prices from various companies. Harry Klungel, owner of Queensway Nursing Home, was present to inquire when the new drain to replace the plugged one on Queen's Street would be replaced. He said it was causing an unsanitary condition in his basement. The reeve assured him council Was just waiting for the con- tractor to come and do the work. Hensall friends honor bride-elect at shower READYING FOR SCHOOL — Tuesday was registration day at Hensall public school for kindergarten students for the fall term. Shown at a registration desk are Mrs. Aldon Vanstone and Kelly Marie and Mrs. Keith Lovell and Philip. T-A photo Although the local mill rate increased three mills from 1970, the overall Hensall tax levy will be decreased from 88 mills to 85 for residential property owners. Council also set the rate at 96 commercial for public school supporters during 1971, and 83.44 and 94.44 respectively for residential and commercial separate school supporters. This means that most ratepayers with an average • assessment of $2,500 will pay about $7.50 less in taxes this year. For the first time Hensallites will pay their taxes in two in- stallments, the first being due June 30, and the second December 30. The dump was discussed again by council at Monday night's meeting and it was agreed to hire a machine to bury the refuse from Boise Cascade and bill the company for the costs, Until the time change in October the dump is open • Monday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reeve John Baker told utility man, Ernie Davis, he was getting complaints about 'dogs and • • 4 • • Mr. Klungel also complained about the poor condition of sidewalks on the east and south sides of his building. He said they were dangerous for older people to walk on. In other business council asked Ernie Davis to start patching the pot holes in the streets as soon as possible; and ordered five bucket style walnut chairs from Hay Stationery for council chambers. They also' agreed to repair a resident's boulevard with a load of gravel, and to let the parks board use the village tractor and trailer from time to time in order to keep the park cleaned up. Three building permits were approved for Mrs. Gladys Coleman, renovations; house, Roy Bell, and trailer addition for Philip Ward. Accounts were paid in the amount of $7,175.59. Open house at church school St. Paul's Anglican Church School, closed the years activities Sunday with an evening service and Open House for parents and friends. In place of the sermon, the Rector, Rev. G. A. Anderson, conducted an old fashioned type of oral examinations of the pupils. The offering will go to the World Relief Fund. Sugar 'n spice — Continued from Page 4 About every two years, I make a speech, whether I need it or not. I'm proving something to myself. This time it was different. Vimy Branch is the way I like it. They meet only twice a year, for a real smash. They have no club rooms, no flags, no lugubrious mutterings about "At the setting of the sun, we shall remember them," Instead they have their own band, which smashes out the "tunes of glory" at a volume that is exceeded only by their en- thusiasm and skill. The chaps took the insultswell. Their hospitality was gracious, unobtrusive and generous; a hotel room, a cheque for ex- penses, and a crock of choice. My wife was not thrown in as an afterthought. Maybe I'll make another speech in a couple of years. Mrs. Harold Parker and daughter Patsy were hostesses Friday evening for a Personals Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Orr received word that their son Donald had been promoted to Master Warrant Officer. Don is stationed at Ottawa where he resides with his wife Margret. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Pamela, Sheila, Kevin and Scott, Ingersoll, Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Underwood, Gorrie, spent the weekend with Mrs. John Hen- derson, Aldon Vanstone has been ap- pointed manager and recreation director of the Hensall recreation, park and community centre. Mrs. T, J. Sherritt has returned from a months vacation in Florida, where she visited with Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Tim) Sherritt, in Fort Lauderdale, and also with relatives in Flint, Mich. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Er i c Munroe in Seaforth. Rod Chapman and Craig Chapman of Strathroy visited this week with Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren and family in Scar- borough. Anniversary Services will be held May 16 in Carmel Presbyterian Church, with guest speaker Rev. Russel Gordon of St. George's Presbyterian Church, London. miscellaneous shower in honor of Beth Snell of Exeter, bride-elect of May. A chair was specially decorated for the guest of honor. Mrs. Jack Kinsman and Mrs. Harold Parker gave readings and contests were enjoyed. The bride-elect was presented with many gifts in a decorated basket by Kathy Parker, Janet Kinsman and Bonnie Cooper. Refreshments were served when Patsy Parker was assisted by Brenda Cooper, Cindy P'',rker, Mary Prouty and Jane'l Kin- sman. Mplauysicatstfudeietinvtasi A number of interested parents and music lovers attended the Monday afternoon session of the Mitchell Music Festival, held thr George et hTis A. R. C. 0., A. R. C. M., Hamilton, was the Veary, adjudicator for the piano classes. The following marks were awarded pupils of Miss Greta Laramie. Piano solo, grade VI, Linda Thompson 79, Dianne Baird 79, Piano solo, grade VII, Linda Bell 79, Jo-ann Van Wieren 80, Surely, inflation must be the world's most successful thief. Hensall and district news COKRESPONI,ENTS Mrs, Maude Hodder', Phone 2024002 Mrs, Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262.21)2,5 New dump hours 4, Tax cut for ratepayers