HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-9-8, Page 1•wwi Srke*t '..R rr lr iffs 11114 1111>rra t.•%dyL4 a:wa"t:.Aakatilat.or;tI.. e- r n di9 yM _ Ai-aa1F ' . ',Was jY W►p.e.e.1 MIND 00Nf iV ►!IO) . WEENCI.AY EI PITIUN The Greatest Possible ;cod to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 180. !VOL. XXI1I.-DO fastness Wirtctoto._- De. E'. Aall Ousiness Wirtdorv. . __ do Doug-- tTyfLL us AT MOUE PVR NOW IS CONSULTATION YOUR CHANCE YY wpm Il Wider, aeeday. Ni Urou ar a, au, hew , Ingle es day --wee tn.p. tib a1. D. PH TSIclhI,eusefos. eo. Ihe., Yeesmw,ra-C.1y la: • Dae. 1aeL1DAN. 1 t. HYSICIIN, sU QUON, CORONianbe. Dire - Baebre the ' A. d*erMani at deur wet efCew(r51ae►ee1. 41 (p 1' - `hallow ere the ie "tetane. (ads. os •1 437 Olif M "r_eaStik Who Ca y Si. M. Me M!CI( ENC:. M.D. E' ICKRTIATKCOLLEA)E PHYSICIANS u. 1411R. I OKI)NI C. L Reedier., the h•.s.anwerly ...pied by Nr. J. r. c. Reran, Cel Wort I -Tito CANAON% la Yogi)! Cdllwl•) DIITEICLLM. BL'RDfuN.►c.., tlaa, arae No Prot 1 tom.Godenr►, O41uu. •.Ir .7. F. Darter, M. 0.. 'II)Nt;PoUC, 1CCOf7CHICD K. Homsopethic 1711T►y,cian, nod Vedieal Ele.anuan. (4.41444 Phyl0 N *10 Y uw11c Mut.11 tome Cue rely . Albany, and Rs•tdoaas Park et., tat trarD4t David". Nrr ard.Goderh. Medical. caw I('. DIV.Ily wPHTal -`t y{.e,URORON awe W. I(V.brwer'th Ire+. wart r ►I Ti 1('fit)LMOa7. Tt SERGEO% DENTIST. Rooms over the Poet Office, West Street, floderich. ' November a7t4, lava. _.. w/S if etre s,. -,ane -.a r.: -T'{' r A-Nr'•Tie►y, Bolerre,CM4daWed. err. a Coon llowebrlan/o n‘ItRINTSR. ATTORNEY. oo$YITANCIR, Le . EI tea ah. O.de.tek. Oat.. w7aenes•he• as (ie►yyow. B*RRP'TERY,JUJ.ICITORIl41 CUANC(RT,Re. Ilan. Ei.l.4a .tr0.1. - .deetel:-.. M. C C.ear•e. •12 J. T. Omutate Y Jmnn H. 4401910n. 111111.111.E.101Unt '}T-SAw,ea IM CHANCERY tsy Ceweekterratrit. &C.. -- asci ,,k , •r a caw mr«i.d Ile... 1'. T...e. J) * R(MTR CITOIN Cholowv AT.' , G a islet. On i IJ raW'. de.:1.. [ap1a .fres Dostnt ac t;gntetr, SIL.AND IIR. `SASH AND DOOR Prices to Snit the 'lI.es t Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., OK ;.,ate. ran (ALF (Palle. Large Photograph Reduced .in .Proportion. Alw will mak. 44. lar4..t nwto,-r.pl. made la Gods 1.4. very cheeplorvrW4 pw-turra from use dollar upwards al D. CAMPBELL'S Fhot,grapeO.ls.y. Gaderi. k. Oct. 1714. NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING S 10P, yin 171.4.1. > P05f -ffirt NI bF MONTIIEAL, GODERICH. ERIC McKAY, ,r :Vl11r.n e11tr1:,11:L.he. L r ,-. one W''t K0,.1, .L,{Two.oAdN rr tienn ,,rr..i...4. he 4d 4w) rannetu117 • n.r FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. issionia4.4,4.4tt 4 00 * Attwotik X4491 4.l., 4..4olatar ( u Mat lute. militt A ...ttyt l•QD .. Pleuro Praala* to Order. Q• Yew : ►l- arlrc, a `t..,n to buwyp eo ea4rte4, Nw17.1400-4490 -._- w444 n nye L Ielwood. IRRI TER• .Yrn1R't R YFir .A r -La, tb1.r. IIIKKJ ems... Clymer re a Motel e«ry .'. 4«r • ser. N. oi...V to'1 **Teod.. 0,11.11 Gears II i, mar Yr WIII/.arm R. 1.80. g. A. - CH WwnT E AND L, ^ OPTICS rr~ana4 www t4.,n• M. ■. -hies air derriere••gg,, Nosey tom ow •araahl. eon. Doman' sag derrieretreetee to, real senate stored. Oodenct. Dee. as law. .Rea Attorney -at -ire .a Mer r..704•0.1, ".Aar, . a trC1ee .t Use Clerk of the 1•«,., Coert Illissiie,Seder. A Ontario GIFFORD ELLIQT. { two seuestw u Mesa. ('° - 111`40 AM, Pry. New. to lase Patellas ....tamed tame clse.pl,. d III•pntot me4 ,.le1A'4, Croce J41i era. 4r, 0, F ACTOR Y. 'pH It endere,gned having per, h0Aee'•M let.ur ng seen and Sash Feelon owned, and or - espied by Donald foaming, are now prepared 10 carry on (he hw,a.r .l manufaetur•ng Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, gztsnsiveNew Premises • (AND SPLENDID NEW STOCK C. Barry ti Bro., Cabinet Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turners, u s 3EdOLX. E+ON Have Reeved avow 4w .trwl w tae store neat door to Wm. ArLerst . Ranier* shop, where .14l be tuuud A GOOD ASSORTMENT ! .f[Odom. Bedroom. Dimngremn. an4,Parlor Fur- a1Wre,...A as TAMILEa CAWS* Moir, caw sad weed 0•4114.) 4.71:10W0allloM. BRUTE AIME, WAIN STANDS, MA'ITRENMlM, WL'sure. WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES, GILT 11.1111740. [rc B d D .re prepared w sell erw,taatli• edea haul Cheap for Cash. N R. A coop: t. &menet Collies or Con• .el te.roe4. o. Wed u.14.4. Bars to Wn :.B oe resessb1 tens.. s CALL SOLICITED. Oed.rtoh, 1a4 Rev, INS NnVP Waggon and Carriage BATES & ELLIOTT U.YR peasant loonies. Ins t., the public. of Iowa and rount0 t4,t they car. u ,aep.1 • Wagg.. ofdCaraease ehnp • 04 141. 1)evld'e wt. (Leer Elbott's old eWd.) ISI• medutelt otiotaleg the wrte.n Hort B k L. •tt.nd 1.'n,-cany to ell the work eatr4Iwl 4. thou, .ad are prepared 10 tun nut Waggons. Buggies, Gators, Sleighs, wet eemytaw Whey flak M the k ery beat .earYl LTCoSSX Mra' ON RAND, a large assortment of eiMAEDI G whlebwWi istlail-Ckmr ter Cel. or Cord- _04•11111404116J*111, airway enapi Oil! PIANOS, ( jiltscclienn. R1HD DISPLAY A d Sclweld Hoo\oj.-II yuime pus fumed 9chchnld, who for some time put -,_ _ I has been employed in the gnwery store of one Graves, in Shelby County, Tema., foot- ling indisposed one day last last Stemmer, D. FE CU 8Q N ! strolled out into an adjoining wdde, taking !kT u ride with him in search of sy,.irrub.- HAS OPb N ED A JUT • Whim he lied proceeded, bat r short die. Lance he witnessed a sale of horror. - There was a ouwber of men whom he IN DRY GOODS knew, whew be carr In the habit of speak - T H E LATEST STYLES I ti., ley 1, of s tree. Among • wati from too limb of r teen. Awung thmu Rea► Graves, his employer, .Lam everybody • had a Blight ehi:1 loaf Sunday. The day before be was in excellent health. Mum day wonting he telt the approach of so- other chill, and lay down ou the bed. Alter lyiug awhile ho remarked that he had beard it said that spider %che "were good for the chills." He ruse from the bed, and gathering from Sig wal.s or ceiling of the room a web, in which were three "spider bolls," u they ate called, swallowed them. Immediately there was heard within bis chest a faint sound, as if the bolls had burst, --and in ten minutes he was dead. V •uppueed to be an exemplar. citizen.-. er soon bis throat, lip, and the whole THE CHOICEST PAT rE.RNf3 Young Schofield returned bonne, unseen of hu face were growiug ewoIeu by flit r by the murderers, alwoel petrified with active of the poisuo. 11'bo Ass not seen TBE BEST QUALITIES horrible emotions. He thought the beat I b Lucdrrds of 'fl 't L • THE LOWEST PRIC8 Els JVaotories & sheeting, it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PURCHASE For Cheaper' and quality all his stock is Unequal:ed. A LOT, OF COTTON YARNS HEST QUALITY AIL&r- IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT VIE COMPETED WITH ELLS GROCERIES Are eq.al 4.-e fr..,.e(s 1e am. Vb1 have galled (nim the 'spatulas tar E MOST (ELI FAMILY GROCERY IN (.4O1 J k RIDER MELODEONS, HOUSE ORGANS, CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools, AC., &c,,; Muer.: lured AT the celebrated Pion et 11. 8. WILLIAMS & CO., Toa,.ero. The root .11490,, rakers la tM Demur.. TH1 ..de.elsnad b.a, Pena.,. 44.1 h. •I•ry,lnte t ag0.t 40, 0. 4 ,0,4 and toe .err• omen pard 40 eel 4.4 k. mule pry them, .1 •IAYI'I.4.CTURE WA IeRI('Ets. swept -sere M leer and term, .sc,n. , Ilhe•ub. wa4e-Ito.Ia. mea Street{ DANIEL GORDON. 0d1Nr.445 Aero. ITS la T. tn. moue.. 4 (1t T eon .111 %Tr,RP AARICU1.Tt%RAI. CI, yr wt. (J reply Shasta., pnpr.etnry R..klrntr, ay end R.•4. .Illy -Sp yt. Malenmeon, 4),*R1.1ER. ATTORNEY, MI.ICTTOR, I) Clanton, tent was MONEY TO LF,ND. /ijtrong Hy Ryutew. CI Ft I.1: N'V each a. Clerk and 0..h.• 74•14 sad Frame. They think Pram thine .r per -were ,, Fe, lory Wor*,!k•t they ran nve•mmfact ion 10 all wan may town( them Web • call. 74. R. -A liber' d,a.uv.t 10 the Inde. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hind. JAS 1'r CRANAN, CAVID 1..AWSON, NII ROBINSON. Oedema. Merckrl44. Itlil. eve655 1. FREDERICK, m,raa aiss,mS4arm .. de e•r.,.wet..'.ve-. A, Ar,,M. R.I41,np R,4.lo a T 0.1,0- Mw.e.., ALUMS., fit. Lege H. R. Leila. Env x345 new. 11. Mono.■ell IICE'f1ED AtCr1OY1.KR, RAVPIRTA. Mery nl 4 Heron. S.M a village or entry peee1.011rt. e.4.4 lo. .0.17,0 l.. A. Eiamitn. Ctyn ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, LAND Aae.Ised Oererane,r. 1n.nM,w. 4 P,IMAILI. (%ROOK ARCHITECTS. *1LAN,' and neelnfcatko, a Bandage, kc. got op In j- • neat tied mrmtt atyte. 4)" oar. ever J. C D.11,n Co'. store. Oa4erteh. nay 10, 1041 Auction & Commission. GODERICII &CLINTON Eetablirehe(1 10_362. (A14(74 of Mlseellaneoue Property is Goier,ek 7 eTor7 Saturday, mad ,n Cllatoa every Wed- ■ ond.y. Mone edvaneetf n■ Property for immediate n ate and prompt returns made. Farm Amok and other aides punctually •ttend- Idtothroughout the 0000)7, 0.11.TRUE14AN'S Amos. Mart, MI Market Imu.re,(J.denck FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, LAND AGNNT, VALUER, ere. WrNT NT.. envDICK,C1I. MONEY'l')-T .EN 1), gest for Sha Ot5M► 1.04,4 (le4n ('n , cad De 154 V. Wring* and lovesuwnt (M. gl►rmlls rc r saran© Crown Land Patents taken ont. Debts Collected. en'MAa4. 0.t. LR 1100. Ele4t 2'1:31 Oldest Establishment in Town. I L. MARTIN AMANN ._.. QE CURE TO CALL ROUND TC HIS Pit rl'<>I-t ON HAMILTON STREET hd"r .vepleu0g 7...1Pwrhear. HE CHARGES NOTHING FOR SHOWING GOODS A\0 YOU WILL SAVE MONEY ..-BYe, ,,YINe-FRO: 1_ F..77t, INFORM HI+"1.1, C4J7.4T(IMERN that he Is 1111 able 10 rot for cash, a1 the W_ ATCHMAER. JEWELER, e4.!.. WEST ST., (t)DF:III(H, Near the Post Office. n(01 WONT RE9IRITFCI.t.Y TO RETURN HIM 1) pincer* thank. to the people M Ouderl,4 and *Manny for their 1,h•nl petr.mape during the neat a withTeen. an I now that the day wagon hut arrived di its aortal entoymen It .44 amen tires, he would @tate that all who tenth to purehaee jewelry for pr"arl,te nr ntld i.ae. lol fwarrr. 1.4a mba„tne0al 11.114 workman/dap at rates .o,npvatirely cheaper than that naked for worthies. trash. All Jewelay Sold for Gold Warranted. I} Repairing done in the beet style of workmanship. ISAAC FREDERICK Oodefleh Dec. 10th 1011. w39.tf PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. HALF DOZEN FROM BACK NEGATIVE 51 cents, postage free. One down from hark negative 87 mots, postage , loony address. Particular Attention paid toCopy- ing old Ambrotypea. Far eider large ur .mall pkotorrephe. The soheerlbar is returning thanks Inc the liberal patronege heretofore n ztew! d to him • would jest say that he hod made such im- provements in hie gallery u will merit 4 co n- ttalaser* of the same. tis- A Great Redsetisi on PAII TTII TC-, BRADEN AND OLUCAS. lanae, Sfax A Oraametal Niters, C111ODICI R=p$ Agsaw for Js(+henn'a enivara4l 'Mop & 4 Wringer ' Opp,alr Oneeltr. Har'w•r4l Nem) (tnd.rta, Aug IT4. life. Irwin ..aJ Iyw•'..^ tN a wry ew5Ale ,.ems MINT WI fa}R+T •.e e• a. t. e Pbetegrslbe. s.L, JOHNRON, Oederieh, Ort. 2*, 10(9. .aatf. B. MdARMi;1K, TAILOR, etc. r. e(.14AyNS OLD T4 D,. PAST. (TJ At h.• .hop on King. cm Ntreet, opposite the Maros Ham, Uodenca. Uwe him • cell . Uudsnah. Oet.1. IRE(. awl 1w37. Maitland Salt Well PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, The undersigned u prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IN A747 QUANTITY AT TRU Lowot.4t Yoriteo, FROM THE ABOVE WELL. TERTl■OWTAL GOPERICTI Ihw. REPT Ie00, car. WM7R1Itl* nos neon In ear; o,0 employment ea Cotter kw over 1 .1•'•' ". Sand err I. Wo trey. l 0tng Rw tan any sedenee A +j .M' wryer Hr. *•HN C MEMOS a Co TOR SALT• if iRSi5Ii0 404, Arthur etprpe/yard m Ow p • e+,ar,41 - (5 tJOTL1. netI. 11411L blJsalM/sl6.Mw,l.r. M.. tsM• swage's sow Bret 4. I b11.aa x444,4 Mewl .etas Rs 19. DFTLOR. Goderieb. Aal((ust 3rd, 1889. w27 TO SELL. THE RANT ff ALP nr 117 lrl'ME(R i ?OCR Gant& 'Mlocea,kan I Itnllett, o, th. beasdary wee 4.191 . Blythe and waltnnEert Mace each w.y n.w l haMwnn4 ; aped with • vera, ladle. rowel. set never lasing *pang. *ler well .lose by the hone, Forty errs owed. will freed, r? acne In all I Muse ,Id baro, Murk mina WI gnneebernee. premises 70 Mas loth, IA:e. a thriving ore1u.d, a Male a Me,no, r..1 comet., peen, red d yellow `7 further petn.nl•n seriy n tan 1 )IKIN4LAWSON .el M, Wither, *let/ 0'000;OOq04 -Tpo Pee zowrNO PLA ahrwl.. pl Anew .e..pa.rno Mel at woos. Rees: w/ .IM 9••. ir, .+,' r•dlrrw Pt,wa, fin a. :a,aear 001, b...,aw nor' Aitehem.a.. wa'."wri . A v. FERGUSON odsM4 fad July. 107• W2441 young spa erg >w u rh corse for 114 wee to'tr.', quirt, to any „ a pin head swarm from oos of three and it would not lie safe for him t•, Incur en used r And who bu there anger. The murdered luau was one 1141 111 tate) Mluludppian would ev.r Couche, a carpenter, who was known to have Thought of swallowing a spoonful u' have a considerable summit of nroney.-- them ea remedy fur chills or auythmo I Since the murder the young man has ..n wan 7 , several occasions informed Graves that haknew several nein in the town to be guilty I A Cosa Mlue horror. of murder. This information led to • plot among the murderers of Gouche to make •.'ay with Schofield because "he knew too moth • u/ their misdeeds. He sou e c,0. a qunta', accused of stealing mann) from Graver' dra.er arrested and placed i0 an 1othung; he had fallen among evil people. Iron. whew brok unused ice -house for safe -keeping by the persons who hal perpetrated the murder, and to insure ban silence they took him from ban priaon-hnuae late at night and put Aim to death. Tlleraappean to be an or- ganized band of murderers in this section of Teunesaee, who hsvo for some time hold rta). uttiCri titian oaQunir, _ -Yate tril'alE$$rostitertTiifk NETTS. -I have learned sumo interesting details of manufactured blood,., and one was pointed out to mo u un.1ueeti)n- aLly' a manufactured article. t believed it vaguely but my interest in the metier was aroused one day recently, when 1 called on a friend iii the city and saw the nest wonderful change i11 her. Her hair, a week ago a dark 1,rown, was almost light brown, with a decided tinge of red iu it. I asked explanations, And they were frankly given, elle was un- det'goingtbe prunes of being changed w!o Time was considerable uecesary de. • blonde. She told and eemething of the (y ie gf,pleg the bodies le tits kilted pr,ax4s. Thu hair u first saampooed to and wounded to the top of the shaft and dense it thoroughly of all urease and dirt, it sou two o cl. 4k at ni,ht before the and then the liquid is Applied to a few strands of hair at \ tier. the liquid is int Ludy reached the surface. 001011es, and warrauted barmier of course. The hair first turns red. She good- hem(redly replies to remonstrances, that A and a: eident orearred at the Min. of Moors Olaemireh (lines, near Middle port, Pa., on Wednesday About half pa.t four on the at'lernoon of that day, twelve men pt on the cage to come out of the mines. The shaft is 11(1 yards deep. The ease &acceded, and when about two thirds of the way up it Mopped, thea began Fdowly to deeeend, then more rapidly, and finally fell into the bump with the men. The Sin rope •---- ,lolg•i fi7lja-i •O(r u.Jer water. With the help of seine of the meu wile were ati)i below, tt.e sounded suc- ceeded io getting 't1te;r hands above the surface of the water and diaentang'ing thew -elves Gem the rope. dip of the men who were oo the cage were killed iustautly, acid two d'etl before they could be brought to the top of the MLalt. One mac diad early yesterday morning. Three of the wounded ere still alive. The scene of distress at the mouth of toe shaft beggared description. Mother. and wives, brothels, sisters, in orphaned her hair u her own, and her husband likes children, anxiously preened forward No light Bair, and (Let aha is assured by the each body reached the surface, inquiring highest authority among hairdressers that in heart-rending amens of &gory and the application is nut in)unoua to the hair despair, "Who is he?" "le he alive ?" or health. The process costs, whem.a. long, thick snit of hair u to bo colored 11041.- Limy BrunuA ('or. 4pri,.g4Gt1 Rep. rut S Tar. ! IuU&1ITY .. P1a■eL Berlin, Aug. 31. -Th. N••rth •Oerwrtt • A PE.1 RFI' L (SAC►LE ! I Gage to all uteukied to behold the b. ty of in Fr.i.u1 i..sikiwg 4r steep SAUNA SON 100441%041TUE emulate roux -11. 1..io o,rlau.0 of t►e 51•k R■d wuululed TIES. i acct seinl[rl sola.nt -• corr44po..udef os ?' Nnr I'HE FRENCH ('131- 4' 1N PRUSSIAN (o,Am I•aru,'llwsday oerertiu egw'iAt leaea1writer• 11, i BANDS. OOetroop* lett to -slate by >N the'ustn ber 1 14iloy, deseuuauuu eukdowu- Ybat► 14410610E DRNol'Ncs4 ET tq1 ►LEECH Or 1*0044 aro bat la sewn Yid Ib.y &ri '- renionaaa. i still swarming, specially merlon .144 I calors, who aro aplanutly Se be autrua&ed NO INFORMA I'ItON MADE PUBLIC frith eta defrsse. •• - IN PARIS. Eightbendrwl wagonscsntaining hoose. - - hold goods pained yesterday through the eas4l7i in a MEEK EecArs. Antwerp pee alone. 1 u &ATTLE TImTRDAT* ' ' •'r FRlI.,v Motalwu, beet. Yd. A special c,rrespwwlent telegraphs Ir,n1 glacial W /Iero6l from Brawls, 1st, re- Kana this evening : The Ylvao ce g+ur! • ported hole, a fresh ba'tle had c.nluarn.ed lel the 'eolith aures ywterdnv swveesluUi 10 -day ill the direction of Sedan. Mac- engaged the troops of the French fifth Ma1tou occupies • strong pwiUo 1, ourps at Nuwart. Trnat.urthy „pre/mr• New York, SiepI. '.'nd. -tins 1•fwid r p11t Macl(abun ,,u tM Utte creta k(ezner, gable-rep.mw another tremendous battle 14, Rethel. The exteouun of his lett wing r'.turday before Sedan. McMahon with I from Sedan towards l.uaguy is not full infer. r (orae, disputing every' inch eif known. , li The railroad from Memories to Thiouvlll• has been dtstooyed at two p44144 by Ger- man troop. . The Siege ant Strubarg is mirroring favorably. Meta is quiet. r A Trib•ow special telegraphs from Lux- emburg this afteruuou that the French pe... 4y1e expect a tattle user the handier, Whole velnear the h i11 France 5I 111.11 and a bridge ...or the M.sehe, avoid deserted. 9'he Iaesatdryntw flying (ruin X all dlr,otiuna 104,4 Bnlg.n m. ing Mets uud&avoid 20 miles. They have There &re Yt immense number of atm -- also reorganized the whole erteru railway glen. 1/diesel estimate losses from this system, brwgi,.g Germain 0oginen, eta- ,...may since las, rang elAloal• ea snore (halt Sinn master,..,.d all other employees.- 2,5,006, Noramdisade. '44 T•h..e:_ i- a rawa7 eau*MMWI. Thanes._ - Tine-i`nsls 14' 'IVY, '- tnw0nt emF(s Reran whehe ysw irp y theew.ts mi► "r'r"-. 314 N.thuu has been oanght nth Lis Irmo 11411,, •'( thet,l'l '*•uuy approsiiung. Tb1 estrum Mayan alto:►ed by superior fora Neth. ja.t,4.eg anal u.., gasman& turned ou► .,n north side and beaten. Hewes already with groat alacrity. The alarm was lakes attempting W rotr.at finding the enemy but it was th'4( 11 prudent to send.Q t(1e vu his ilauk and los communications three- 1'rir.a. f tenet by e crouns. Hu wutud no 11 ie tow known tial tM King d time but atW.•k th(Ied wherever he rnuld fi141 Lr„can Pnuce'a heal, oaten wen t &Dliar the einany. The country shove Elain and le Duc and Ligny on `the 941(1. 'Pardue a tilled aide troops French Mil- '('fro prnain m fire& hear) oftheabgssilBie owl ru(s,ru reprg4ut M' Mahon retiring menta Chalons on that day. 'nee meshy! either onSedaiur 5lerri,rtoICC upy enemy scouts sent out thirty miles Anew nothing when it is no loupe able tueugage at &din- of MacMah"n'a whereaboots.• M•cklahom t*uco Prow a atruughold. loft Cbetuusun the 7bt and Bbeim. th* tcy? 111a)AN4 Ica 1Aart. - '',."Ind, and reached eradau on the 14th. '- -VW lf:iuit'eer ways That very G,e.a.a Lt.r h.lterwl W 't'M * .ape rol'nat• who Lava jut bust, eapwlled from Paris ml ant Bethta►rtetday wenrsinF.reem.1.t14 were actively plotting against France. It sept from t'ane, and Mist c.M Maab,I,n is. - ,s raid Slut tiro (.,Ire have discovered a n,eagi(.g hu f ores, now shoat 170,000 mem cage of Prerinn mid .rine in the house of a in the ueighborl.'ad of Mootmedy wide wsissgted person. Many Gorman who the intention of making& deeperMi attack have teen expelled have given false re- 4ow,'d. Mets. - porta of hardships they have Leen coin- An engagement took pities yesterday be - tolled to nndurgo. The Germans aro Ise- twee Mluou end Gangosa bwtwen i ing rapidly, thole' penmnai0n t0 remain .4 ,ug(nna of Prusux' taralryend t14f has been given in a number of Instance advance guard ofS(acMahou'sonny. Afton when there was no doubt as to the propos a hard contest the French fell hack. Th4t conduct of the apph Ants. Prussians took p,saeriuu of Carignan on w rasa ITEMS. line 4.1 thnjrallro..d fn,m Skiaa to TAie6 714. chief muuicq,al (70143415 of Pari1 have villa 4444.1*.) ing rah. Too -dry eghting w . addresnod a letter to the Minister of the reuee.d at Mmigrty, on the awro tre 1iIM•i or declaring {{P0.1,6 7wdy te ndn,ed, tw knlohutru from eke rlisl4tlurtlIIF eecennter the enemy. Ike commanders frontier. in o.nequeoce 04 the pdeitiod of the National Guard have received orders of the c,uteuding armies Belgian troops) notityiug them of the positions which they under the C,nrnt .1 Flanders, hare beets are 4o hold o,a the fortifications in nage of rationed at Philipv,lle. sie, e. Oen. Troche will hold a review the 'PLS '"tr'Fjpthtted garde"d8 _ riAvt► t.. Gt r tHw mt. grommd ooh despeare valor. i'ulita.o alit to day Mc,1.lwn has not seffered moony as meet. es the German. Fighticg h:.. ooutiu ,ed for several days in the unto region. Par,ei.ea believe Mc3fahnn is able to hold the Unratetu at bay till the army at Lyons, 150,1100 strong can be brought ito ration The Prussians .th- in a fortnight have surveyed and built • new tnmaay from 'Lewdly to Pout a Moe - Ontario Carriage S Shop, (Unimak -is St., (; edrrirA. TILE STRAKER CITY OP BOnToN.- The mystery of the disappearance of the City of Boston will forever remain un- solved. but the hasty conclusions of Mr. Benjamin G. Jenkins, who published a lett,r charging that the steamer left Halt - loaded, have resulted in subjecting him to libel snit, now in progress In an English court, by the lomau Cumpauy. The evidence has been taken'montly at Halifax, and ii dreetly contradictory. 10 r.Jenkinsg witnesses, of which he has brought up fiftytbree, testify that the ateweirf was out of trim and loaded toc de ply. Dr. Hannan, Vicar-Ueueral of Halifax, says that going en board the City of Roston the day before she sailed, he toned her lower in the water then be had ever seen an Inmtn steamer. A passenger fru • Nee York to Halifax fives the same teatimony, and adds be felt auzious all night. A machinist of Halifax soya that he found her ehal't heated end that the engi neer eapreaeed an unwillingeea to ernes in Ler with the new fen put in at New York. e u d: a.f it na. • te steam rad peri.hed 9 he company's "tnes0C4 testified that the ship woe in Rood trim and safe. The pilot who took her out of Halifax says sae was in as good condition as any ship that ever came to the wharf, and similar testimony was given by the I'.esid.nt of the Privy Council of the Dominion, by the captain of the City of Halifax, and others. W itneeees state that eho was so lightly freighted that her redline showed above the water, and throughout the testimony is contradictory. The progres of the trial will be watched with interest, as the final determination of the suit will be difficult and important. re• RR'y fJan •rterr.w, leaw { W'rxLw _ rir R. J. WHITE.LY,- " 4a, IlloTnretk,n, sal 1. termor not..,.le" Carets Man knob.. M1.Eloll., 1. •-A nnrMr Meryl .ler O'bes'e. as ked, 0.14.:r tele Ng 'CP' '' 3 lir, ren thrm,.we •Ia r•T r 4R. Oe■N t:eor,t^ntM >Ay • :3;cr'.f ala,, . ;tuner ran closer a,rs ak 11►>s17BLL L a 1Q T one lB O 1R'T G A ar II. I ee,lrnw.• Irevlth]Ille cwt APO! et •*11. R. RAIN'S ?IANO PORTS ,f.. a,r.v.h Pel..wer ell &OWEN Y.tn. 541 (!hse•ery amt Lai =is, Crabb's block, (rn/erieh. (Irderisb. Nash SA. 10(7. awes ae'" .4 .7004 , ''•:'4'+p o, ipelpirrS o/ ► r ►'nea•sjar A 4..d rw Rate, 7RUIMAN, 4 welt . Hama 1.1E117. Marta /ewers eja{ ...."'•"7"71'1 i awrr'e, re ere sora-. ,g;.Eaywll+.anAwr.' "'OM Cr.a1R 11Trre n.TA(E rocs A Inn et .w„w Rnw.one no, ray s r,rr 4 Cr. . ea m1. M ■' Ware s w„te, Mane Ione and oryew a. he t A h Erha.P linter smash IA7r And when the reply came, as it did :n each cane when a dead body was bmugbt up, "He is dead l"the wails of grief Wore enough to touch the hardest heart, and bring tears to the eyes of those unused W yield to the melting wood. The families 4, which thin afflictive has been thus uuddeuly and tt rribly broo r curt lett tem' •Pard de flea MIRAGE lir Sdx,TLAND.-The meat •z• traordinary mirage entlun memory that haeoc;urrod in the firth 4o Firth took place en Friday. 'file Baas, which at ono time ane/tied 4, lie fiat upon the see, suddenly shot up into & tall spinal eali*R4n, &ptarettt- I, ten times its uenst height, surrounded by b&ttlemente rising tier un tier, and ffesenting a most imposing spectacle. As urinal, however, the most fantistie appear- ances ppearances sere pneented by the May, which, Ir the course of the sftern.,,n, underwent an ahn'4t ienunterable aeries of phantas- mµp,ric tranfonnatious At one time it war apparently es round as a dere, at another seemingly drawn out for utiles against the honzon ; now flet Nein 11.e water, then rising to ten times its usual height ; occasionally parts appx4',d to - break off and sail ass then to return and Ino i t. "'.ln ani'... n{ -A ye d•,nblo-one on the water, and M1,other in- verted in the air ; and in one instance three figures of the veinal sen dupnetly visible -'me in.erted, soother on the sea, and a third in its natural tesitbm between the two. The fishing boats pnreeeding to sea in the evening underwent the 'ante t15us- forinationa when only n few yards off Shu shore, the double appearance Bing dis- tinctly ietinctly visible within a certain distance The nicks at the harbor also seeped to play fnub-shc tracks opening and shutting, rising andfalling, with a parent regularity. These extraordinary allusions lasted from midday till oighlfall, and 'stated, great interest among the inhabitanta of Dunbar. Bingular Stuctde. A lloT OM MAD 1T NIR MOTHER b He PIO[1 OUT A TLIT rob 1110 TUNLIAL S WMON, AND HANGS NIM0(LI. The town of Half Moon, Paratog County, was the Beene on Wednesday of one of the coolest and most do.perate.canee of suicide ever recorded. A boy nam•,d Norman Shaw, aged about thirteen years, did something to displease his mntheri who, after correcting him, said she would inform his f&thee of his conduct. Upon this the boy went and Rot the Bibla, picked out a tent from which he said he wanted his funeral sermon preached, and telling his mother that she would never see him again, went oat. This occurred about ten o'clock, and the mother deeming it looms foolish thew,, went oo with liar Ro,k, 15,,'.n prel6 a ea1ne, end tb boy grandmother went in welshh:warhi i, Did fn.nd him to the wage .top about hie neck, showing Ihn aslea.J e lin had ' dd . 't ted ea1C ml Tom ,lid It w the step o his neck, sal thew end r ol._ip to his w w • him- eTinlbSd xlr0rpmtF: rad he Rea lying on the A1Jor, e straph having g,reo away, best not until death had occurred. Hie funeral took plies from the IiafdM Creh, at llohoea, of Friday morning, Whitt' time • wr- wieids had Islr44 d• The lad Rae of a very wayward di,pail(nw and was eon- st•ntly getting his Rtth 'serape*," for w►ph h. had o ►• paai.hs( ♦ lkftial.heipd an 4wM1o7,pa TOO,(y00•- 000,0OO Spider* tol1Mie (yiilli.- ria a H le lire y')eath. wI l ..,,,yk..' e•es..a *gal aW„iA'u•hi!At' r c. , 7 _' nLn, AT ewe 054741* d:eHAM( h Des:. s' eft m 'full.; waw •aria w. an k ane s flee oast n,.a ming* County, MP*, a healthy4 npw gal. caeca Mr. PNeington, a 5oat, oeawl.e• r mm. fele b,...,.._.,.5ee,.,, •. r.wa4' 1Ino iy '".. ira':1...+..+=. ,s.v.:.a..".m i • Pans. A special caro.ppn'ndent of the Tri4eer The Bank .1 Frans yulerday con,- telegraph. from Berhr. this evening this menad the issue of new bills of the de- following dispatch, }est regelvhd.,ft„(1, nowwattuu of twenty -fire trances. Kiug SVdliyn W (Mean Augusta: "Varen- MA0MARot D nes, Ans. 31. -We had yesterday a. ries,. Iluzincr, Amt. 30, vie London, 31. The rious engagement with the Fnnrth,Terelftlp - rruauans Attacked MeeMahon'R army to- and .on.,•1tavaruw claps. Meltrhom was day near 8 sainio u-d°Lated itaslldmr* K.et.,, and driten Irv,,,, Bs,tmogt algae.. it back uln,u the (14 hose frontier. the hlen.e to Minton. n. Twd7e Bona, The I rench,:aaup fell into the hands of several thousand prisoners and much ma+ the I'ruuia,,a. Serial fell into our hands. I repair to 41 e The pursuit, of the French troops yea cwt- battlefield to punto the nates of the vie.' tinued for several miles and was niter- tory. (lust help us further. WILU1AN." ro pied bythe number ofcannon and prison- • 7E4E71'L. RATTLE. ere which were taken, The extent of the A special to the /tenth{ from Bouillon., battle -field was se vast that it is impossible Deletion, Aug. 3l, 7 pia , ways: A fearful to obtain further details at the memoir. battle sou fought yesterday and to -day by - 4 DIA1Ara11 ►pow E1Nu 1ILt1*0. the Premien armies of the Crown Prince Drkeeh, Aug. 31, via London, Sept 1- and fence Fndurick t,harts with taw 1:36 A. M. -The Kier of I'ruNu hs sent f„Mesa of M•rb,al McMahon. Ystenlav the following t.legrntn W Queen Augusta : m..rn.og McMahon cnm,1,emcd a pr..& Death of C enema Douay The M 'tear gives the the following ac- count of the death of General Douay, at the tattle of Weissenberg "The 'General we from the beginning in the thickest of the fight. When he un the day was 1.411, after he had done all he could to retrieve it, when not even a bat- talion wait telt him, he celled his aides one by one, pee them nrdcn and sent them away. As soon a the last one vu gone, the General. spurting his hone, Acle some distance to the front, dismounts(, and taking a pistol (rem the holster shot the 'tonna'. Then turning around, he slowly walked toward, the enemy. Hu moldier. vainly tried o stop hint. Amid the terrible firing he deliberately walked arae rr&lin soldiers. aroused b on. Tb g by the spectacle, throe.' Poe.' again upon the enemy, hot fell in heaps *round their General, who still. A( dos ed (award. Ai seemendeire"'jj ,,fir r from end Ow.end__'^D^•ankj. al Imo* deed; "V(Ra71111T An .30. -Th Crown f .e'. .....4-'. 17th corps, and 14th Bavarian driven back after en obs --tate reactance *II beaten and dm ern beyond the Meuse. toward the Belgian frontlet The Pros -- Twelve genu, some th0nsnd essence. 514115 occupied, Sha 1104 of rad and cap' and material of ear wore captured. toted a large amount of vamp stores. They• ►Er0100 novenae -re. drove the Frenell from por.4700 after pupi The Pniuuns oonce,vmg that Mac- tion until night closed. Mahon s aim was to pin the frontier 10,1- Fe4rly Shu nn.rning the battle sou renew tee(• junction with ftazalne, advanced in ed end conGpuvd all day. Doneepi th. three lines. The Crown Prince, eolith of night • lArke uumlrer of French relnfm.rcr- Nancy, m'arehed by way of Har le Due, It. ,,,dny 041110 up but they fadtld ao taro (dl's Ihz,er and Vitry. The fourth army, tinder scale of victory. The Iranian slay warm th,e Prince Royal of Saxony, keeping north reinforced largely, and attacked w ever - of font a'Mauanon mored toward Chalons, uhehning nnmbets, at the same time observing Meta, while THE EEMNANT I P NAC14WON'a nrsT *1' Stein meta being reinforced pnseeded ranATllbatnDA,f. throii Verdun to Rheims, his right McMahan retrwtod 4, Sedan with the encoring the Belgian frontier iii the hope remnant of hu army. Th. dawght.r.►r of meeting MacMahon. This the German immense. it u impossible r. estimate the advance iuvered the country- fromllelgium hes. The Prince Imperial u rid to be n► - e'": along the . MMARse to the Aube, rendering I4olginm Th. population an flying ka taw it impossible aur MacMahou o reach greatest terror. - Meta. ' MacMah'n is being reinforced to the ex- tant of 10,000 men daily. lf><*1UI s'iU%.'' 4T atomise an. Thea sufferings of the inhabitantanf Strs- The plc d M1leS,lt.-, Iiia 4R5t6s, burg aro terrible. They are starving and pr. .14 a a4taul hanmay aid R•wut compelled to live in cellar,' dayand night, will 0., 0.7 ell diem thesi.assurob. oavoidthe increasing fire oftebesiegers. Ty.. ,&,f,ermots , tin Aalht(s,and the. Another fruitless sortie ws made ray the gi1ep,00pied e.eft every to4rtl4 garrison on Monday. The Premien •h $ 44.4e. TMIF eet'*rat. Rulsday 5brute15 Iran within 600 yards •'f f! ..*.ob•-- y Yat, house have been burned. ISIp ritnsrnent of (1..0ml *)'Nai1 4415.041 aton.timews on fta•• • end Aiti frll'ow e'dd1n15, i4. Vor,wmt,is ewi.l• ninon sou safely reneanedrb. 4,1.& tomo, tt amm..:hey 4r. andK leo Wutiulnl, t0 rea101 w •_ ,-wtrai.ut, than they eat math the keeper.• a -I 7 a r' , W tywsde, who smoke,. drank and d.. ever) thing that' Rena el tM few given tins fof- plisse, short of le&vuag (bi lreme . . a,w:a/ the l+'nurh mihta The Chief of tome Itnreau of Statistic@ u 1r. r Orn , T ado 7. IIOn r tY hon M • la an apreparing As• • of Itl d(t 1111,1 . '•Tula etirnatetl'ar• nm monthl9rotMrtfor Asyut., is whldi iso , given a full statement of the imp lrla end etpoets, etc., for the i.cal year, IA70; Thu Ippon will show that, adtlwugb air. import, s one ex e oral Dnr4 4r. in. SIP" •veadle sof. 111/S.N 4000 ever the tibcal ,year of 1t14 Ms mildest. From Mile the of^t,,r-a .w. figure an taken : Tata/ export@ hese tame- • Aral year ending Juste 70th 1170, 1ellee n: re-ere..1drafty• n Pecan 1N1M4t - .:dlii,.Ots A :Att bi+aill.- ac111a ,n ver, include the contingent for IH70 drafted ,n Monday the 20th mei. 'I h • journals a)' the /Yin*, Royal h44 iufwnned the people of Nancy that the pos- tal service is oa- talserviceis o be speedily resumed, but I,mldon, Ang. 2.. that all letters must he pasted unsealed. rife morel,rj eliortly before. Palen The Prefect of the Department of Aisne o'oloek Mr. A vadnr C*mpb.11 a prom. oflicully:wp,wncea the presence o/ the fl inept builder of this plat., case instant- enemy, and invites the people to (xYamise 31E951. TLlup w ,PI. ' • h,rct (• tt+i't 4p a 4rprc eb by wseaq a10 427.191 taT ' t4 -+t•ew.ly killed by R.4i, Tciiaq train of utnttact vu thw fitmrwytriree sed coo- r g, oar the (great Western Railway peasiou ev,r Toy& SI 1, Y14L -u _ hie body, Ha had been waking on the - . i '- track in deep abeiraetien, and d'nl not $ 1,AI 1's8171*1 TReteearx. The Diehl whssI, which has 111 •Fps hemi the approach of the 415x11, nor the Klemm. Aug. 71.--A letter /mm tbs mrd► snIrrnd.i..l iuFr W..1.. bttjlgNi,i Pntsian hoadgp&rten explain 4.V Da. P1e• y .sbta tse're mt tali OrN whistle sounding. Ilii body below his i. hsrva.tal, whMt TM wsvp,Er m. hrnwst Ind nem r.1 'sae An . •'cal.. ..t15,1: 4. ++iny a atlempt to asespe fnsm r car e,s ..i.• .• h-. ►....... -1 . , rale Dog abs bra .•s 14141 tYe akar Sof BitpiniwmterociRswl5,-r: mwhhh wk '4e.o* s(Ms( 11 *Rtra) a fracture.). Deaih was insiant.n( ons. ne the pnr{i ..'. (stud the pnmy can• to ' ' y oases• WAS a MI' ire of Edinburgh, and resided ',tire in leo Md' (Ise bye &he htg ( ....i . tt 4it a•alwmtkie* Is I■sMiea hen 21 ]rase, and was eery much respect- t" Man la Tony and Vedas,and t rho* in ed b ala a Beale of friends le lens by the (:anluw 71lTn,}ttke. 7 hu plan soy r -.K M,,_,( ', . a.-_' y rR t diaawleerlad by the ri esewn atatk •IYitte f i _ ., ..,,„.: ' e wile and *even children. An inquest o4nU irk L- iras held this (Sunday) ailments at the 11th• The wench sMr.l y /N at* rt J mad via INsy, bot were spin •fir+ a4li onas A,,y.yyCorea, r t`eU1•a, and a verdict :',74i yn.i nAIIY reran 1s L'a th. Aat/fs er - T..ai''r.T!,Af,.we. qp le -1 4/tru .1014 Rf 14(74 1..4 \72•" fi.0-wk-,,41P►t4 •' yt,(w ii' rI • -w . aJ.r -t.► . p 5,0(5 4548 enn8,nd, 4h.H 0111► icy fir si ( A (new Ti1 Afarawtllaae wes sea w Now Verb, 'pest kelp se ell a 4610194 the 1 A Mar lma other night by a pruesaaon l4 Irt.Aien 't lit., 10.4 bwloarteaetl.* j= Al701l* P.r,+,t• Rv.-area 411.- s'''',- ,...yana.1 J r,,.9 1 ' r't' ia+► ...•w".. ,^a.'r Iwa:- .r.MaK. ••li ^'"t. z ;.':.i•.ii -: .,,. .•a1 wmm ty, ,.yn.1 .. •w '1Saa .Ami>•w ae•_. e-tr3ro..n,. 7 17 Rwwem.m'' - ' • M ,. , -,