HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-04-08, Page 18Page 18 Times-Advocate, April 8, 1971 Lucan and district news Phone ;227-4517 Couple returns from California Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murdy returned home last Thursday night from a three-week's holiday in California. Gary and Ann Revington en- tertained their parents, Dr. & Mrs. C. H. George, and Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan Revington at a dinner-party in their home last Sunday. Mrs. Earl Young and her sister Mrs. Edna Burnett of Toronto have returned home, after visiting their brother in Arizona. Mrs. Harold Courtney's mother, Mrs. Wesley Thompson died in Kincardine Hospital, Sunday morning. Funeral service was at McCreath and McLennan Funeral Home, Ripley, April 6, with Rev. G. N. Ball of Ripley officiating. _ Mr. & Mrs. Allan Tindall of Wiarton, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ford of Detroit were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Don Downs and family. Mr, & Mrs. Harold Prince visited Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott for supper last Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Turner and Mavis of Varna, visited Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott and family, Sunday on the occasion of his birthday. Also Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Mr. & Mrs. Allan Tindall of Wiarton called in the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley spent last Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Verne Howard of Glencoe. Howard Cranston who suffered a heart attack is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, but is showing signs of improvement. Visitors with Miss Lina Abbott last week included Mrs. Bob Bilyea, formerly of Lucan, Tuesday, and Mrs. H. B. Langford, and Mrs. Harold Hodgins of Lucan, Friday. Mrs. Katherine Fischer spent the weekend with her family in London and attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Louella Snell, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson visited her sister Mrs. Lela Beadle last Saturday and went to New Hamburg, Sunday to visit Mr. & Mrs. Allan Robinson. Grand Bend Starting Entertainment for season Sat., April 10 9 - 1 Enjoy your Easter Holiday Sat. nite by being entertained by the Music of The Blenders WIN SEPARATE SCHOOL TITLE — The senior hockey team from Our Lady of Mount Carmel school had little trouble winning the recent Knights of Columbus separate school tournament held in Seaforth. Back, left, coach Bill Regier, Harry Smits, Mike McCann, Randy Regier, Dave Regier, Peter Catlos and Klaus Jeromkin. Centre, Doug Regier, Marty Martens, Matthew Muller, Bernie Kelders, Hank Baltessen and Steve Martens. Front, Dave McCann, Hugh Ryan, Scott Ross, Dennis Glavin, Bill Anger and Terry Anger. T-A photo DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Belated April Fool 01.,r04.11k4Immg 10.0 Entertainment at the DASHWOOD HOTEL Featuring Easter Flowers Easter Lilies Miniature roses Hydrangeas Pot mums Mixed pots By MRS. J. H. PATON The Palm Sunday Service had the following readers: Glen Cunningham, Catherine Cun- ningham, Alan Cunningham, Susanne Hill, Maurice Simpson, Joan Cunningham, and Rev. R. Carson. Easter Sunday Communion will be celebrated at 12:30 p.m. The Sunday School will meet during the service. The glory of the Christian faith is that one Man uniquely arose from the• dead to live forever. Jesus was dead, the Roman Soldiers saw to that. He was placed in a tomb, but it couldn't hold him, He arose from the dead. He was seen of many people. So we commemorate His resurrection on Easter Day. Won't you join with us in celebrating the victory of life over death? UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Tupling spoke on 'I Believe in the Triumph of Good,' Sunday. He said that when the people turned against Jesus and he was crucified it looked like the triumph of evil over good. But because Jesus still lives good triumphed over evil, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cun- ningham were visited Sunday by their son and daughter-in-law and family. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Kimberly, Tracy and Hill spent two weeks at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. w • Club Albatross Centralia Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 Swing Into Spring With An Evening of Fun and the Finest in DINING AND DANCING (Closed Good Friday) This Saturday Only The Country Three Try Our Delicious CHICKEN-IN-A-BASKET Every Tuesday is Amateur Night Dance Queen Darlene Instrumental Bruce Pollard Male Singer Bud Malon Dance Couple Stew & Linda IA\ ERN PHONE 227-4411 LUCAN Bayview Tourist Inn 1 Mile south of St. Joseph 7 Miles north of Grand Bend ON HIGHWAY 21 EASTER SPECIAL BAKED HAM Home Cooked Meals We Cater to: •Small Weddings • Family Dinners • Business Meetings . Banquets PHONE 236-4850 Mrs. Blanche Bechard DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE Cr", CENTRALIA CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY AND SATURDAY April 8 and 10 Odds 'N Ends Corning Next Weekend - April 16 & 17 A Whole New Sound From London The Country Kings Come Early . . . This Group Will Pack The House DAILY SPECIAL —ALL NEXT WEEK $1 Spare Ribs " DINING ROOM OPEN MONI,TO '8AT, 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Closed on Sundays until further notice. Take Cult Orders — Phone 228-6648 EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY DINNER DANCING In Our Redecorated And Enlarged Lampliter Room AT THE Dufferin Hotel ,4111111 Bunny tea at Explorers The Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers held their 18th annual Bunny Tea at Lucan United Church last Saturday which was very successful. Mrs. R. A. Carson and Mrs. W. C. Tupling poured tea at a table tastefully decorated with a lace cloth, spring flower centre arrangement and pink and yellow candles. The dining-room hostesses were Mrs. Ross McRoberts and Mrs. William Froats, while Mrs. Keith Kraul was in charge of the 164 take-outs. Sheila Smith and Cathy Hearn served at the candy table. There were five live bunnies for sale. Work in the kitchen was in the charge of Mrs. Lorne Mohr and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer and eight mothers also helping at various times. April 17, a bus will take the girls to the Explorer Rally at First St. Andrews United Church, London, leaving Lucan United Church at 12.30 p.m. returning at 5.30. Girls are asked to book and pay 35 cents to include a snack, ahead of time. Any adult who would like to accompany them, please contact Mrs. Froats. Girls who will be 9 and joining next September are invited. ANGLICAN CHURCH Sunday at Holy Trinity Church the flowers were from the funerals of Mr. & Mrs. Barney Macklem, Donald Farr, William Duffield and Gordon Washburn. The lessons were read by Linda Kraul, Helen Shipway, Julie Henderson, Bill Carson, Mike Culbert, Julie Hardy, Brian Ankers, Stephen Revington and Rev. R. Carson. The junior choir sang the anthem, 'Hosannas,' and the senior choir sang an orio from J. H. Maunders 'Olivet to Calvary.' Sunday evening the last of the Lenten programs was held in Carlisle Hall. John Carson president of Poole Insurance, London spoke on the need to preserve a good image if we were going to sell the Church to others. He said the gospel is something that is personal. We have to read it, if we are to practice it. He said we should be proud of our heritage, we've wonderful church buildings, but we don't really appreciate them. He sighted St. James' Church Clandeboye as an example of a Church with a commanding position and an attractive cemetery. He asked "do we appreciate it?" What do we do to develop interest and concern for God? April 8 is Maundy Thursday and Holy Communion will be TTTTT -*****-1-4- *A** * STARDUST * Restaurant And Motel CREDITON WEST * ******4it NOTICE Effective April 9, Open Until 4:00 a.m. Each Friday and Saturday SUN. TO THURS. - 12:00 Noon to 12:00 Midnight FRESH THE OVEN PIZZA Lunch Room SPECIALS This Weekend Only Fri. - Pancakes and Maple Syrup Sat. - Country Style Sausage Sun. - Ham & Scallop Potatoes Take Out Orders Phone.., 234-6395: Final service for Lent Learners At the last meeting in the Learning for Lent series at the Lucan United Church, Wed- nesday morning, the baby nur- sery was in the charge of Mrs. F, Diemert and the pre-schoolers in the charge of Mrs. James Curtis and Mrs. William Froats. The pre-schoolers were taken into church to talk about the two stained-glass windows. Rev. W. C. Tupling told them a story about Jesus. The children then made a picture of Jesus with a stick-on seal. Mrs. M. H. Hodgins taught them a cardinal song, and provided pictures for them to colour, and take home, At each of these meetings the children enjoyed a lunch of crackers, cereal-bits and juice. They made up their own story about Winkie-Bear. The Winkie- Bear House was used for the last time at this meeting. Birthday party Mr. & Mrs. David Compton held a party for their daughter Lisa's eighth birthday recently. Guests present included Lynn Butler, Barbara Thompson, Brenda Thompson, Lori Comp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill, London, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Crozier and Miss Susan Crozier, Lucan. celebrated at 7:30 p.m. Good Friday the choir will sing 'Olivet to Calvary' a sacred cantata, recalling some of the incidents in the last days of the Saviour's life on earth. Easter Sunday at 6:00 a.m. there will be the sunrise service of Holy Communion, followed by coffee in the Church Hall. At 9:45 a.m. there'll be a Children's service. At 11:00 a.m. the Holy Communion will be celebrated. The nursery will meet at 11:00 in Carlisle Hall. The League of Loyalty will meet during the church service. The Cubs meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Carlisle Hall. They are selling hot cross buns to raise funds for their work. UNITED CHURCH For his sermon, Rev. W. C. Tupling at the United Church, chose I Believe in the Triumph of Good, Both the junior and youth choirs sang. This was par- ticularly fitting on Psalm Sun- day. Friday, at 7.30 p.m., Good Friday service will be held. Easter Sunday the annual sunrise service at 7 a.m. will be followed by breakfast. Easter service of worship will be at 11 a.m. April 18, Communion Sunday, the Confirmation Class will be received. April 22, at 6.30 Supper is Served. Tickets can be obtained from Mrs. D. Lankin or any member of the U.C.W. SCHOOL SPORTS In the basketball tournament for Area A. (Medway Zone) Schools the boys' team from Biddulph Central School were first, winning their final game with a score of 22-9. By SID DALEY Ah-ha, quite a "sneaky" I pulled in last week's column, eh? I wonder how many of you fell for it. To those of you who did, I must say "Belated April Fool" greetings to you, for if you read the date of the Advocate you will note it was published on April 1st. And, of course, I am referring to the $250,000 Open Dart Tour- nament to be held at Branch 540 on April 17, 1971. The Dart Tournament is fact, it's the amount of the prize money where I tried to fool you. Actually the prize money is $250.00. Sounds like this could be a fun day around Branch 540, where you always expect to find the "Action Set". Just a reminder — April 14, that's this Wednesday night, Branch 540 calls upon all of its members to set aside all else and attend a most important meeting, the nomination of the Comrades whom YOU wish to manage the affairs of your branch of the Royal Canadian Legion for the ensuing twelve months. Branch 540 is growing, Comrades and it is up to YOU as a member to make sure 540 has the best Executive Committee possible. It's difficult for today's teenagers to realize that the old town square was not a person! Branch 540's Saturday Afternoon Dart Club must be paying off. Our Dart team comprising of Gord Elson, Andy McIntyre, Harvey Hillman and Ron Walker (four of 540's finest! ahem!) journeyed to Mount Brydges Legion, Saturday April 3 to participate in the Zone A5 Dart Tournament and qualified to represent, the Lucan Legion in the District A Dart Tournament to be held in the Corunna Branch of the Legion at a date to be announced later. GOOD LUCK, CoMrades, we hope you bring the District A Dart Trophy and the '72 Dart Tournament to Lucan. It just shows you that "practice makes perfect!" I never could understand why folks wait to brag about their hometown until after they move away! The Lucan Legion pee wees are in the Playoffs for the A trophy in the Shamrock league. In the first game last Tuesday they tied Lambeth 4-4. However, our Information about Grandma Burns Does anyone have any in- formation of a Grandma Burns - Mrs. David (Rachel P. Bilyea) Burns, who died at Pomme de Terre, Minnesota, in 1903? There is a picture of her taken in Lucan, and it is not known who she may have been visiting, or if she had any relatives here. If anyone has any information would they please contact your reporter, Mrs. Frances Saward. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS The funeral of the late Gordon F. Washburn, formerly of this community, who passed away at Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, was held from the Denning Funeral Home, Strathroy. The service was conducted by Rev. Bob Carson, rector of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, with burial in the Mausoleum at St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Mr. Washburn is survived by Mrs. Jessie Cox, Florida; Mrs. Cora Coutts, Toronto; Mrs. Annie Le Compte, Annapolis, M.D.; Mrs. Bessie McNab, Coboconk, and a brother, Ivan of Florida. He was predeceased by one brother, Howard. PERSONALS Sunday service was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Service next Sunday will' be at St. Patrick's church for the Easter day service and communion. Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Ron Carroll entertained for her son Ian's seventh birthday. Guests were Kim Culbert, Steve Glenn, Julie and Jamie Mugford, Lucan and Cathy Knight, Granton. Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Davis and novice and bantam teams didn't fare quite so well being put out of the B Division last week. Several of our comrades are starting a bicycle campaign to help crippled children. If anyone has an old bicycle or any parts, if only a wheel or handle bars, they would be more than welcome. The bicycles or any parts thereof may be brought to branch manager Carl Stuckless and our super mechanics will put them together. All renovated vehicles will be donated to the Crippled Children's Treatment Centre in London • Branch 540's Executive wish each and every one of our comrades and their families a HAPPY EASTER and trust that the Easter Bunny is good to you all. Dates to remember. Thursday night is Bingo nite. April 14 — Nomination and General Meeting 17 — Open Dart Tournament $250.00 in prize money 23 — 24th District A Convention, London. And that's 30 for this week. Remember — There are some gals who will scream their head off at the sight of a mouse, then climb right into the family car with a wolf! Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Love, Varna, were Sunday guests with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis. Mrs. Love was celebrating her birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wilber Sutherland, Ilderton. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll, Wayne and Cheryl Dyer, Sarnia, were guests Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll. Mr. &'Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Eaton and Carol and Mrs. Leonard, London, were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Leslie, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were dinner guests Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Lucan and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were dinner guests Tuesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Shoebottom, Ilderton. Freddie Dobbs and his sister Patti were guests at a birthday party for their school mate J,ohnny Lloyd, London, Friday and Sunday they attended a birthday party for Peter Kaman, Hyde Park. iiiiiiiii 1 iiiii 1 iiiii 1 iiiiiiii 111111 llllllllllll litin llllllllll ill iiiiii mill1111111111141111111siltis.11 iiiiiiii 11 iiiiiiiii 1101.111111H Lucan church news 1.4111.1111.11111111m11101111111111111111111111111111111filflU111111111111111Ali111.01.111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1111, iiiiiiii m11111111111111 HOTEL HENSALL featuring The Country Tones THURSDAY, April 8 & Saturday, April 10 Saintsbury native dies in Strathroy .11110“4.11•0411M.1.1110.11.10.11111,114111100.•011.111•11.101101141111011,11.110M.1.10•100.1(11•MOMEDO.1044111.01 Now Appearing Music Explosioni 5611 111111iiilliiiiiiiiiia1111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIF Joe Overholt Sat., Apr. 10 Special Matinee Sat., April 10 * * * Starting Monday The Belltones Special Matinee on Mon. & Sat. • April 12 & 17 411,00,10140•40611101•ANIMPluorilp i0