HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-9-1, Page 1'FT". ,y, t„ r cr, t1Rr. .aryl t?.4 • DEO. CZ ABILLEAX SMITE, Proprietors. 41 .000111E4 ANN 41LA,1 r Juror or... easiness 1Dircttoiq. NOW I8YOIIR gAI(CE b4 0 6. 0 4* RR NI H Prices to Salt tie Tiae.1 Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Des., us 76ete. ria ala Poses. taarge Photograph Rednoed in ,Proportion. Ass ow .ah. the '..mist rhonser p 0 smile a. Gear t.►. .Pry wry. most.. prt.uw• from sae Maar ywa/d..t D. CAMPBELL'S IAe.P•r4 O.7. tT.2lrlsh• Ona Web.. MA $suints! gliutdorp. ramosa HURON HOTEL; au L1CO. Cu. Yu two. JOHN PRANG, - Proprietor. TY1. Woe 1e modal .p web every roiveal•tee 4• tIe twrelula pu41,a, Or throe etabineted p..mpt .Unaden.* hhrr.ry let, INTO car tf NEW CABINET AN D UPHOLSTERING 8 10P, magi .TaIIT .. +•. .DFttbE?E.SANILOF OODERICU. ERIC MORAY; -_ JUToUL0 RlrreL?retLr as- ey ammo that be W op.eva e ▪ ,.,1. ,a•he .lee. In.eus W.A mooned. ompn.iu, • ea.. MLeatmal. w1I 4.44 knee rwlanuy ea Wd sent. to enter The aresteat/a'l AM, loole to•tse4ri stee ' - --.. DAY, SEPT. 1, 1870. GODERICH, ONTAILIO, A►..Al '1' V? .•._ 1'I' _ --. - Stoves ! Stoves ! N F &IRS. DAYS' HOTEL' or ROISTER. ON the direct road tram et7 eafortb to Walkerton. Every necessary seism NI modatioo tor the travelling Tebbe. b HANNAH DAYS. 1/l Wreseter. Pee. e. 1RAT. .4 CO Cr COLB tIO 1YE HOTEL, CODERICH. S. NARTIN, Proprietor. Good AcCOesetddatiuns. Ample Stable Room. t p This u admitted to be a !test clan house. kept in Good Style. Dom wt4-lr70. .w44 -ii QUEEN'S HOTEL • .. rti a ra r0LLIT, winks' .7AB1,5. - OODEREICKs (LAT. Or Tee Ralnaw emelTANUt.otara ) vented Ttroiseb.'u4 w mow w u ' arseItelemt sed FUBIBITUBE OF ALL RINDS. Wane; et heed u u,.rtment M L 'j wrian miebe .ret M prepa1ed W 011 7mm Wy ell oder. la Wet duo. t} A gouty M bet sad Im..oi4 yto.Mlsp es Phtare Framing to Order. tr II•De4. .r .oral .14.wnea to beau ,,• 44 . ran a pablk p.tru..4. 4+torteh. we. yr. 1114 _ -•401 SASH AND BOOR F ACTOR Y. COOD STABLING. CROP:* LIQCOK5 AT ?He BAIL 16dorn ► sunset 4th. Ire. vlBef pessoeretntt•tateCilltekel le.•1 THIS vnwsl5Md Meierparr has le she Slater 1. leg4t,u ileal Wei Pastan • green , e.d or - repose by Dos)' Cemmie4. w caw prepare/ to marry ,a the OnMuene 4 weeshereeriso Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. Siding, urin S r GOYF...R1V$ _ CABINET FORMING UAWIAHIE HOUSE, DANIEL GORi0N, 31 ti I}r MIR UPROLIITSRR. SAID Under+eker,cLow H`rpue a FURNITURE • PLASH *.N1 WA.NCY N w A COAL OIL,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Star Coal Oil Lar, Le. he. ROl d wIroAdtO0Nbo . Cooper, Ream, Wool aoe,.. sad Sheep Skim ukea is ear • . t 1. 11TURY. sal- Sign of tb Large Coal 011 Barrel, u deme L. a.reh l.t.l W7 JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This 11 tb I srgeetud M.tCouotry Hotel is Wester oma.tad semen in moderate a sic Heine V bluebell it.,e riverbetar. Uuod••t bits,for 100 Homes arsoraed Carriage. for Hae, es Shortie. . thor see el bieree4 • Ci.8I.E WURR, ..rb •. Mtge. sed 0.411? ad Primes They thud' fees thelt_v4arimwe_ he rectory W.s.lb.t they ems giveullol*1ios to all wen m.y avw them with a cell. 14.11.-A libels /Agree* to the trade. 40,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter Floori.g on hind. -- JAR RRCRA:.AN, DAViD LAWSON, wY IIOBiNSOM. a.dmw• Mesyh nth. 441.:. elute AGENT& WANT B. Rd'ORMI31C, TAILOR, &c. (K.LEANS OLD STAND, BAST St.) Pagv10179LT MYTHIC TU J. C, DirtO$.1 Oe T*tTIMO$1*L: mimeo eo tan. ISPT 114. WT.' weCORMICS 17 hes kern is ..pi.•ymae es Ostler far on? 1 Ism H: w eaelle M sellar* reran. atmnldrear M t Cam e.t.D't.k..a. . h.w.e.kYIAA "y.4.. may emploJ W. Si t a DfH.rnt Ars 1. FREDERICK, PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. a. To Sell the Revised Edition of flame: s'e lClieyel•prelis -- --- A re•ii.uo of I b70 with MaPL- PLATES, AND . HBO itAk'MOS. To BE Gums'. -?Ito rr Tile VOLUMES OT 0t roe writ Illeewt•d .,.k sent .ear Mem- 41 10err 110101. .4h,► .anon' ft,l roemfod the peer et all mewl ty.altere •bi,man War Ms web . vie eWm Y style W price, IOTA as W mar.... ee Cbalm. men.1.•.l.. via I osmose. Tables, ewbeMet ' `s, tjy 'etre u !aneloetobere.m.4T CMM,. lbki44 C w.rdr.w, BWe bo.rdr, limb Stine, Ritchie Totdoe. tD' om 1 em Orme WUru...'. M•.1 m, Noir da, d 4 or 1 dIRereat 41141 yprl.a le•LmOwa M. B.- mop .M.7. 44 heed . tom ...russet el Warthalrla At awlelitdoo•ooshorter' Watt,,.' Dom• • II aim 0 .1.... - male enl.i n.nit• web 1At5Y8 and lnpanl0P41d rorty Mir,, lottothst . th.,) owner M Pram ouaigI ty w .,we 1.0. 1411 1 db *Mho rel scow for rthe Anil u.. the ppeali ,s u w tort N tM.r.. ALSO LIPPINCOTT'3 Pronouncing Dictionary 'ter 1 ..,... res ra..b .syiIt•. er E:WA RoL: Rtrimly. It .s re the armor of the Mahon Am reaehsd a puwuon where [Priam Royal au Prides Frederic Charly enter it yea th declaim stntggla. • ham funned a intention west of afeta. 'b' 1'.M 'urs /lei Confirm alio.' int i LATEST. *.o.Goma reveal wilds twat. 't*OPOSED IBTHRviII'r!O : - OWa 01.TLA*)Ui' W. DEST1U.'CT[ON OF KTBtIL.. $Dg,0ema IlMeer or ISLWALSOli 1144* /IANC.$. • 11ohoi,tAs `_-111014 betatro n. }tot i*4 is 01 OL tvau.om Eur, Toa. R•k• !4. -Detail. eat the battled!' Osareletts are received : ft is de- scribed aaaw of the greatest battles of modern times. A rewnuaw.ncu made the day previous showed the French army was retreating on 'Verdun ; tbetr column was out in two by the .0.000 of the Geneses. fwd the diet part esu driveu back 4rtween Onvolotte&oil Met Item reoolved to attack tt..re, .s the retreat of the French to Venture was cut off. 7 he Gelman" weer rotted in a north easterly ono from WWI DevINCI or ream. To div, the 'Toms' e11..,rte the Preach poo ply to ouseid,0 .kat the attempt w de fend Paru Dmst aro, and organ them to .0,mider snout any alternative The do fence ail Paris cannot ameou117 defer 1u motto.. Tbe f, etlhtatausr of Luzembotre' have been rased. flroaXI of ro'w's. TIQLLNCa sem. Captain Je.nnenel write. 4.. the Paris 'Temps,' ',Outlier that Me .io our4 o1 Prussian moieties are exaggerated, 01011/4 is a few iodated instattoee. 01PTC SR Or 4 rae41Ae ►11047*. The following hu just been tweived free Aletandru •-Tho Prowse frigate Bertha, carrying 28 guts, hem Moe wptur. by the French. N..partienlari. TH■ MUNCH tor*11a1 1.LLIee annum. The cnlTespuud.mt .4 'Le Tomes' 'etc -bore Y ue hsps for a tnnn.phalli most.. the war,unl.-r, the Emperor and the Primes latpenal ooale their Mterfereue+and re tura to Paris. Th. Prince chatters about and 4.441 hod military uuovemsu to .rtM7 y net imiM.rtallt ..Clot/: __ • D ora 41100 /N Tell waggon CAar. The general headquarters of the French army alt Sendai night, were a few miles west of Rhine. Edmond Teller venue rf1/p there to the -S'ee'n' that the deepest ole• at their Wareruu.0 is imootu. 1 direction ( preesion prt.ralle,10.t the Emperor seem Via t gr t4* shear.• rms. pleu .anoAre elItetg. The ernns4 d'ru.eau cores dorms' nobody. Coffins & Shrouds la the Latest Style. right of line, *test a u.' the eighth, petrel NIUTIALITT 01 1T*LT. us the road to Urevelotte ; then the Muth I The object .f Prince Napdeot. a visit t.. A1s01 IIEA IRS Ft• to etre. I and twelfth. The guards were on the ea- ploretic+, was to pn,4st &gun,* the ...- trent. left the third, brat and tenth corps tons, eat te,o7. C7210ap FOS /aEa.ssh O.erarh.lbr.ery 14. 1870 3,868. THE LIVERPOOL L LONDON being held to merle. The brim was kept ualong the etiolating frim eleven o'clock. The Pritaern artillery seemed overpower- ing, and the Vowel B..tteriei were driven back ou theses oud Ilam. Iia the village of '-,.eca:s.y AXa+aTa - ).- Merle, 106101 wall in the puwWuw t i I N -8 U N A •NCE COM Yr *a a" "'ae' Rn••er••811.4Lt6mw liveryaveilalde spot was crowded j y w.atteitaieu. urea the streets were covered with s'raw, "Rd -t' man wouedad were lyiu4 there iia imam Beyond Reaonyille, the country is strip- ped tripped bare. No cowrey auto of food to be Pool Meta is completely surnw1ded by Premien furors, Fourth Army Corps Mo- ms mored rimed front seal to north. The Salim Carps of Pioneer" has been sent to the front. Four Prussian' Corps will be left *bout Meta to Mirry onthe siege, war e re.aaader of the army tri Verdun. The battle fought on Sunday, M414, i, described as bloodier than Konig• grate or Salons. rn the merinos a part of the Germans pushed forward upun the portion of the French. who retired as they adeatocd. The Finch subsequently re- hired reinforcements. 2114 intreb0hed tigmarlves behind asrtb.osk*, .itsbtling amend the city at 4,44.564 of two ,r three wilss, in a ramie, including tie rinrges of Berry, Cotsmbsru, Mistoy, Noimerille and Nooilly.e'On the sidle of the ()erwaop there weru'criettn d to the immediate naiglbounccoud the 7th and let easy corps, which with the 8tls army aerps farmed 11.. fust army ardor Geeor- e1 Bteinmets. At. about 3:30 o'clock Is the ■fterr000 the Freseb .penedfire upon .regiment or Oetmsss tea the 'hi;,hw•y end quickly the whets corps corps 'tinter Ower al "Von Nmienfil'6d-tbi4iivlsssi composed of four ncimenle of 'the ltb corp soder General Vale 4uwtroi fieeae er*Eea•d. The number 01 the Germ••ne thee engaged Was forty 9esdwriemad. 'f1. French had a great deet of artillery, and cavalry,, ilia Germans but little. The (humps carried all the' bteutworks against a wurderom fire of 401 Newel: who wore always compelled to retire be- fore them, but the fire of the Chassepot told very severely 011 the ti.r0vdns who lest malty more than the French. it was the superior course° of the Germans which compelled the enemy 40 rube.. They did this 'lowly, ec.trstie. mere Mess until driven aoaivat the wills of Mots. ri.lr,.(••.-•e.s.teaecpbal ea R dories that period bre pend area Tress id R hall million pounds sterling. rt. dl.buommret 01 Ih.a wn,•as ..an over • wide some, hoe w,te ,u. Joulm ...Inboard to to the a.t•bh*b,Me of 14,0 inanul.oe, ewadeuer .l I'i1*Mo ' aS. 4Mer l lir. Householders, ed W herevw ,1 re re pnwe.led. la 11• sot year. 11A6, the Vire Premium •Ione srt.euntei to ... p .. Lt1,76y • .1. 14114 ye+r, IV6, •• •• £4l.763 1014 .er.1462, •' l. „ tots Ss! yeah veer, 11•B6. •• lite year Paler. 4IM1, e r .. itlM,Ofe s.1r1.04 . The Piro Rea'?1 punts seer $1.1r1.04 '1 he Lile N,airrve Vend ,• neer 42 're. ro•,p••!• i s_ repr.•eetsd' throne bomb Pile, urn s.d.l t.mrR., lF tadeealm Ag' .ue le wham .ppl.estmn IM 10err00ce may be made. as w►gr•T'Sl awl Myths. any. t'..1. 1.4.1 r...0. .1 ...lest 1•en..0 of all .tr..nil • • .tow. sad wta of tha vannn. hiw-u of the .ar•a I.A.. .•4 Clonic tlythologtm, 1.h Ihn primer -mem el Weir 1u.1. Ie LM 446.1.1 Im0nr'. la which they 00110, with a ,,-ober M,dh4 row aid Mighty pepa- v work. TThe.0 .rot. re .old mit 17 agents. Lomat is.. •n allow.d/4 Aeesa- Pw,.irtka:ameeaerwnL+lT•i address ms, ' .: AZT. • 1 totem. me. rtes Gemm1 *04tl.r 9.. WA WJ MACHINE t' A PERFECT CUM ' pr ALF RACE WROATIVI 31 cents, postage tree. One tore from heck MgaUve 87 cents, postage free, to say address. 1tJ Partiealar Atlentinl paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For either la'ge air ees•1I photographs. The subeeriber ie. reuniting thank. for the liberal patronage heretofore este.4.04 t. bit., .geld j,ml say that be had made such tei- ro..meate lobo gallery WI will waits Sow i Creat Re setllii' Large Ph•tegtsprs. R. L. JOHNTIOK. Oderi.b,O.t. 26. 1869. eletf. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. 1 .ley 1Deliesig`t tl p $o tD RAO L.t e1101 211112 e 014s au well es Compton., for investment onimprovt4 Farms, Rate of Interest from 8 to leper dent WATCHMAER. JERELE1, Seo WEST ST., OODERICH. Near the Post Office. s me... pasha to She peep. of Otirlerteh •/4.11.117 a, cam Memel patronage f erten the pr 1 year.,.01110 that the holiday ream lea rr.Ivad It►.t IYrwtal H. 't esteem.% 4. 0001.1 pesionsta Ma" w" : wish rrYMJ pa WW Yd workmanship car do well to 4'.7 from h1. at mime p.ren rely shame. Mae Wet east for worthier. trees. A:I Jeweliy Sold for Gold Warranted. M} Repairing done in the beet style of workmanship. [ISAAC re* Qe lar4 4 Des.1011 144. 1 .1►,, H! 10010ilSPAS MIB. POR •AJ.4 "A THIS woimei lecei• ltt e • t I tonal g .p. ed a.d .414«.mr.l W It 10 w ehrap0m one ever 1.0414.1: see bol •t wee a ear dinar? ...b.t,b : ma be seae aby wistomtit .nher light or Man {aerie role,' .. Milrastlyse more 1• eeinem1 ad buns , and dor ren Wary to the clothe. lass.thm nearly a dr7. N dashed. an • miens *01048x. TMIa. prime of Om Ortega /t .vena the b of u) 11.l7. with 0 ray 1r.Msekrtwr was dr heewew.lti a w.ihe.t Maim gelling rem Mals es ,hag back. U.k.0 Slit; H, ILwslent S•er.tm•T.• . . Woo real A. Y. Stale, Apes f r Calera. h , B. V 6bsu,1M Lasater W.M. Waimea, r11 u •.eereblib.11.nb4e TAILORING afg •HAt[r Ra101Nt Mit MU•Tai$ •444 fors be rely luso g re1rure4•.es a he kat ,081?e4aoa be cum1101 e d bunds•• a 11 - do feh,nolbelag41`1 1e hermle uo I.,l over 0.0-8* 4e01 o h eo.Mr Arr2 sew • stare140Vi11t.erfe 1 Larryin on Business Eilensirely E ! Nr w Premises SPLENDID NEW STOCK Call and See the Machine Al' ROBINSON k YATES' pee mon.., payable lull year tor yearly. with W. .plea f payee the .Arte'•+ to r Mow sho the and d s Nos+M viy 4r•. modes milt e r of pert"? u...ez et 2108 et emu w Oo. onry, mal's4 I Who , k•ilrennee .1100 shiesa~•taiga tray re-penW b 414 e au l.M.h.1ate, T 1 to 40%INititter 'R0.00.01ta.reedit 4.,•m Mese Q..r Luded Comp Company Atanthe Imperial Wet WeePee y N to A Linen, ort Btree4 •i.derieh, Apel flu ISr1. eller • ail er. to eg mode h.4 awt•riaev t ,.steam oa A.d•• D. A. believes hie a e remote et netherrten • meanie ROM n•lh. Province, 2° • bn•meeosetenene,r ae/tistmedullyi s H1864.0 , pvnee1pel041.-cleggeosto er• ea rl •e Celts, is Me of tee PeiemM Mdisharg4, Sootiest', 4e etAaeslytt ate to e Insure is eWio test toe no lyra ue• ae• s r'.mtsA. ewe rassaworWeston l. seal ,ds rf.b OeMher 3rd.1863. Feed i Feed/ 1. CLOT CAN BZ NADI dMf/^ee Ontario Carriage Shop, (Hamilton A, Ooderidt. T REl7BtVf]D Al hard & 101.20%411'e. 3 Or liUisgs, rrwl00 74411 0111.1 Bell Cheap for Cash. ilndaeiall. Judah 714. iese. w 4.44.100101.7 0..1.01 8. Mk See. 1:81 644 C. Barry a YrO.,. , • ti... Turners, , $ WI'. Hae•re...,aa.errrans4e4WIhe e• (Y d.a 414 A.be.au'.'damn *W1/,. Le A GOOD A88OBTALENT 1 M Llttbee, 1wro '.. • and srarlor tut. latta0 ?emote C 14.14014 !half, ran ..d weed a8pted.) LI. 11.10A RIM. D10M ALN• *.tall w7ANIM- Y►TR 1.ULD: t:4t. Boras WHATNOTS, LOOSING GLASSES, PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, 011.7 011444170. li' a 8 r IL ass p01114 t. .cal .v.tyt*teg la Wer awe The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, 1N ANY QDA1'IfITr AT Te■ I.oweslt Pries. runt THE ABOVE WELL. V . it. a er.1M. iseetmeet ,f tlsese OW.* ea Mitt .see tser1' W.: Oleg Woe. 16. 0. DETLOI. Ooderteh, Angust Srd, pool•. - .27 TO SELL. A CALL SonJltrrl . 0./wg.o2ehWm. 1I74 e.Att Yssmet. A mora. This morning the 'Opinion Naiicnele under the Leyden 'Keep Cool.' predicta the defeat of the Premien. as the Indult of the pending oumbtnetlu.•. Herbert Bt•murek, nue of Ik. f/ the Premeds Prima MGiiutest .:;1:91=1 S efA.i .d in the L..t, and his brother William hod los hors. killed soler him. The 40.4* '#' enT eapendeet * mat - dent Paris mil be defend d, voeu it bum- berd41eut taker plats. 1 h 'Post' u authorized to deny the letter published yeterda , said to hare lien written by Queen Vittoria w the Empress. A letter from Baden says the French peauntd are powmlmg the wells et Alar:.. L..Mimtl, Any. 23-Advitw from the vicinity .•f the hostile armies, state thet heavy rains fell all brat night. hick must have obviously Impeded all military ammo menta 40-0My. The .ltr10edwlp forme called out by the Swiss Goverurwnt are reuniting to their bones, the regular army being 0.14. siderel'unico ' to protect the twutraltty .4 that country. The details of the battle of the 19'h at Oravelutte me still wanting, even ,t Ber- lint i'hm lermnn de■p5Wroa today w oeaagglresl401.d4hipment of bditua 2c. Trainer Tee Admiralty has prrtarrned until the war has ended, the rte of.utl.lm naval sures A st . oigp411184 o Bn4*.lt lfww- clads to .oeherod elf the levy nod' their fins banked. teea7t 111, Panrr,Aturr g -ta the oC ops lAlfr4 4111 gaehrtdav filen ( '.iillnt Palkao annumd t1e dinrpatch Wising the re-ar4n*g rletliillgfn4rf "il`F.I'fat!41._.J44 * edelet and also whether the despatch Pas front Boman. himself. Peeks." said the An - path 010 'dated the lath, but an uproar monied le great as 1./ drown the ao.wer Leeching tee aoeholehip of the tones. e. M Kcratry thee pnrpewd, that nine room• ben of the CAalnoere be eho,wn u. fora a part eumr•Ittee of detente. The members .,( the Lett Immediately ,(ave nuns of ap- ppro vat, bot the majunty branded. M. ((eratry dries.. that the Bate 0t agates urgently demrnded IL &o.ne members eat the majority row as &pinowing, and mo- ral member, of the Left, which was accept- ed u es.blishing the urgency of the ewre. The 'Soft save, the despatch 'Motel - hided w was from Barinel brought t.. Palnkv. by k messenger. It u undereonod that U. lueua4e ceutained much intim!' I ra,,r.4le nertw,es;,. which hes been 'foie -r^ "'-'v se74 urtiterl lh id '' tTk.."1k w111 be ...stained by the corp. T.eyubtlf, else he would not h.vu been s0 decided at the eve4uwg yesterday. WITHDRAWS or SWUM SLOOP, PROM SOY IL Amnesiaces have been sent from the French Gnrernment 4. His Huhn*** that Italy hes no iftenti.m of attacking Rome. Papal trope Mol been withdrawn hems the rainpaiyn w defend the city. Xany arrests had been .s4de. PTAPW/D 11114..l:lTION. It 80141* certain, that a project bee been brought before thegrest powers of Europe, hiving for is object the prevention of the diameetbeneeet ••t Enloe. Waggon atd Carrie FACTORY. 1 Burr o.olonro 1.R0'11 d 8 Meaadel7 1 uanth IAP lawaw 4 , ..lie erlth a.P•,/ lata OI any: a•.naod 4 *r falling lI1 ; erring ringd cal.0 a eerrm 'any berm Potty..88.110,el.„..n 1...1, 'an "nal rror new li Cllr. beim L. Mom awl Ion.. thriving oraMd, 8 41148 f plums, Moc4. white •94 r.401,rsea, peen. 1.4 end ,alsow gmootl•rlw per fw1h41 p0ltlentera arp17 on Ni. prowl*. TO RANkIN)I.A*S01 .red hl. Mat lett, 117., • etatf 1,11m Ralloporration, Ma is tartans mit mparon' Carriages, Boggled , Wagons MON EV` pc) .OA.N of all Mahe IL11101112, C117111111 ee. • Reduced Ilateo, on Pertinent attesters mil to Recessed Commie an. IL WHITELY, wee WhMOVII • D 3111w111.1111, se de via CIPI31111111 Olt eshment ROOMS. foe So ute .001 h•lr• O.; OW enure infil 111/1122T 2C11,1117, Watches (Pocks snd loweleryl Wow Rs-opestA 1a Ise Newal3 eliding Met Ws %pm hr spelt edmoomi mood ./s a• Tea The re ins Con of good .owl trine proof .4 the Mentiss the the ie. 4t5weut shares a it .11 $* S'in or was ruaes0ed to- moss1tr7a u► TIP Oe ) A special to the New Yoko oi6fes •n Musa or sra*te,vao. - 41-,.1 Loudon, Aug , mpg • T..O eu4t, ., - _ yr Pana.ren,.. , be wordlist edia* 10 - trues hoary stow lama Pana&rad 4 itstealiab.t.es a{r. the boiubierlmeyf of a 011, so ter, has Auk,* and tyuobortare duos ' toils *hymn-. The French In Stow- ' n.rd I a.a t tt. The sou m b. ,ry f.*vr, hive shelled K hl on the 'et 0ey Frem.b ss.w other Ads •f due Mune ••tih plane boy he. , sot eau ase asppt dank.'yed. The lulls'. ...eta of ParirnddrerMd a let- ter tofie u.)*4 rr• ehu, and eaprodl-d the utu,et ueinehnine nu hint, and h..p.s for the energetic defence of the city. 1lrvirrse trioAr/ ar Jrarbilme. Paru, A 041 1Y•- The Suprema fess *h64 pertuwi,.a Nl core 4,o.B.l 1.m. Naapp..Ie.A 1s rvla,rterl to li.•e esd►ped from Franca. A mural aNeeil to-Fresebrtee to 4er- M, the r1M:lle .4 Yw:1es, will be tooted 44,. ,s01 ,fy and the Orleatlatamity . anon - le ,J to retire to Fraaps• NO Mane IMAM Sal MOM Paris, Aug. 22, midnight. -Notht far- ther f the fr.o.t. Con Meuse In the ul- timate timatu wcws. of the military movements the ben. d awn W,Vru tlrs+ a increment Alulutryof the Interior 4•-tuKht,ilwag a4t- uoeuted tlat uo definite news would be 0.- 0044041 free, the army for some days to come, tt being withheld fur prudent teen .4s. Willie dosed weak ---mimes 611. 10e. The "Pres', attributes the deoliue to heavy sale. w mistily parties to take up the national Lou. u1 01144114E 4'o YACWABON. r afteruor.n and early, ua 14..r- 5, the main body of Bamajp s weo.eael io .deotw a ,Kith. Meta by the gated Thlontflle rtSt. Qtwitin and 9Umdtalese. lei way follows tbs heft bank of and rum doe birth t01 liatble 4d Tmoski tile, wham Y strikes lyrr,trw..tert+oli.io ' toward d goblin yon the Belvieu The radnmd,Odlowimg Ws Ilse, iartlftter ilbe Miler lea -ire.• an soil ewar'•s, from which ret 0, proceed. des south to es stilt Intact. By latest se- na o- ne was reported in Spincl.rt, timely town, as the river 1•)beera, of the )1.ops, 25 aides north mad au eilwmurt4-eastOl Meta, touted th it piss intention , was to now by S1sy , w the Wogs', tete, Anwntes volley n1 Mane chid, sten, 1a1Loe.y between rd Chatham, ,A jMIotwu u.p4 SMI 'treated Fl1tt MacYahup id u 30 Miles 'moth of Vitry W and 25 sides srrrtb-east e1' Tile Mum plstlsefaeaslr (hulloes is the apes,. At 1. 14 r 41r.:yt Male will prob4bl j' be ii Is air 4M Haclfabon 11 floe G, r'i1551.4041 *Atli /injects... 0 ihrens5 pistima coven al/ the n es. Ynl mamma Ole retest to .c14. of del.st. An tslpurlant rut M 41 primrose,to MAW' yi6 Moth-. Witte Wile On Enda day no,rniu eesmasad • drawal from Beteeeu fo Mer, the b ALoeeiW a,aH00 off in • Loulsnry u frontier: Sod ddtSedt ter ail stied lather pia 'Mutual. w *emote demi new4 Mott . tributary e1 Vet.. w 11re , Argo then s 1' t. M.H. Verdes u ►+dill 44'010041 Francais., 131.444. < w 444► M.nc4o 4 fou4ld, u nm hie why pout. 'loft refined 4 to Psi. 441 aowui 24014, lbs pyrwli )a• -s .0 meso 4044* 4 of ,the bee. Asst it ia.behted)haa furtu/ie 101* .top 11 advarleer eat, Pfin.. laCn,JL $ Dmm*lM1esey5t► w , l,y1eT t Alia* idol t1 The jyuglyh,Cld.r.wmst i4 coin m.lIMelt4• W mato. . Great?.I t).' deemed* m.de.0 Pros 10 'IAIr..,n d Auras I+.r. alfa. Aa _frft pnploet sse+uug t lmltt4t 1104 (to-d*y - 1411 14 4e111tnW meal. • . ,moped'.air,', wither Sugland nor 4 ossisa ... rd for • • torwii..j. to toad. W te*m. - • • ►auert*JX 7100,44.1 AT IRa4U•i>1e 1141/- rt cReloLrib d Paassr • ... .e.rh . o e Pirb d«p.,,erW,,h - b wC • -1714. pfvteoded'04Wlt7 oeRt*e at (to ouviU4 oak t4.. 1*I14, and* ? credeu.e [teff: Tow 141. • god autbottty:-:}p swiss see, i Off i►aa4dal _ .uehnded , At d • ch restart 11441In rmnbg to P4.0*, heekel;r- est noon' of tL• nimbi to tyetd*., ere et Orwrelotte. eessmeai .time n}t114 1• North with Thtonvitle .till feww4nat upil. ea '208,000 rax«laws miaow*, i'• 14 New York, A.tg. 'CS. -.t Cu0rvsln•0e 411. writes hula the Reece A0r1 a%marten" . Tbereey, 164 miles W. ht. W ail ileo.. the moose te forbarh, taw tins 144b - that the Nisei ares, p 1 thin, has mewed forward W M.4$. d.rps, atlnosat 908,OW p4t4 4t,a l!,"`^Vv sear tet turtR'es TAO andmn d 1b.ly4e. am structum poi leo :d►. 0* yr strn,p„tiT > M► • r- TnO aM 1•. ANTa aTflat110:0 1101 .'.''( 1bG•r $ dr44M1.c1. MI Kinds% intim .tK, it' Bioplres a taming She We tater ail hu o,1/• >ittt t 111..1. A N is d141lla (}.2i1w , L 1MM4f l't take effect ,rttthout the •-►^ •. elm6rmma M W' M0s•' tMOM ert1ah. - 03,,,,.q 1 + •4 ,,, e The ih mflon{linde 1* -41.1144, unit i - the 'j ll1l1. i.8 W IN4s j.y,Le0.,rf ilgw.. 1. rye' j 1 e ' "grip dieNrnnemt. i .Yui set monis gen firiArVisee 1.▪ ' 4.!.t.11,17.=', t11f 1,,4 n+ • "44: w : •4e•1m+ T dhebwtdf fiaal.am.r ti ht141dsAtw6 Y4e lobs m ddtieeelltirAmsdIllre. Geodeora Mame, me-edoel$ ego. Beek Awl.'ie(StHmaiPitt, where he pleend 11y the,eheenEu4 i.. 1. Wel Ind gr•.rghe b.es 1whp lradnsmek ) .go. Qet l6,. fathom slet> ala 'Moeller eiasbl. sMPs Ian Amtiu, wok the pru..wr w.i;4r.a,d"t aeis_ Ileuagi.hier drown h. ,p,sr4(h es it skill and ry eee np e. ver tc ia.yr to ur',tiitia, 11'6 1. " , t t .pht.lie8Y be HMIs% 11 'mutative), NEW Wale he% ,, N preper i III NSA N,*hiplidmd theft J m.b at Wee s- ia! 110114 1) III in bid impost 1A. ini T/ f1tf.egat.i. env+*. ,m wLs a► fr. perrj.'b. L'riliable nwllnw, tyw Ntwll'r1i94r1.yi.c4tet, vlwpssd7 Alli 11,01 the twenty men we/1-4rale.Ae.b - ort ,.f j.il, maluled • IL:t of .kills, as a sorb rel guard, and the 1.141000 was rowid 0C1oN 0100? by I) wa•ilwR?fgaYtll /Wet We4Ias•loyetorainQ,Lb1M1241M`. let a sandbar on tbd d{ •a alsofl ppir ,there under the lone .best.s of tre4a,- rl'e crowd gethrred Tend tear wk41i/1 .. '9T A correrpoodeni" deiNftbB -11fe' itiefl0 ou the battle 6.1J of Tuesday, the 16th, as „n° *0ldom equ•Ilod. Thiry miles of , ground was covered with the dead mud wounded of both bides. The cannnnane from the Germane, and the rattle of 1110 ' needle guns. were ferrite. The defeat of , the French was total, their long colmees Itould be seen pouring towards the North is the effort termitic the German pursuit b7 the way of Brie). The dots on both aides was noises.e, and many Fteocb prisoners were taken. The King was personally attentive to the French woun- ded. A French peasant taken while killing wounded Germans was hanged at once. Out of eleven [berated inh■bitste el' the neighbourhood searenly any re- tp}ined. The *preial 00t14speedent of the 71•ibrne at Ifru1ele, writes Saturday 1014,:-I learn from a trustworthy source .that Trocbs hiked., end., within s few day's '1n invite the Orleans ''rubes to Aare in the defenee or their .ouot1'y. Troops ►a,s been tient to the B lgis previuse of LesemboOrf to damn 10gitivs soldiers smite% os Belgiwm territory and scud them into the interior. TMg Lelia/ PLOY TU/ SLAT Or WAIL. A amble dispatch W the Sus, dated Brea ods, Aug. 2 1, toys :- '•I did sot succeed in reselling D.seine • BATES & ELLIOTT • as Bag in the priblOO of 11.••• •nd ronatry that they r. edlotionse the lOvalent Motel It • 11. Mewed porno/ally to all the work ilatrests• to Minn, wad aro peetwera le Sara win Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, mid everything thar Rae, of the Tory Mot teetotal sad oroarmauship awl at the very korest isswiliaersUre Prowls ettenOnt fro* Virree Ten int %norm borrower . Ra.petvolart in Monthly. ( V•101, or Yearly Inate,monta, unt Co. :raw ehlMss, JOHN TURF V, are. mem 11rBorl-101*. 10e. Illamhars--iftrakeedd Donk of Canoda, rot sernessi. of On 1. •n n wInaneed webfoot ON RAND, a large sew tment of Ill Car Sis: oat curt On Gael. ow Orwil,- wood Osieeteb, tete 180.111* wenn 4'lr+,l' .1..J L . e/. .tete moo 1. • It G Cbalena w rte00Ni$Mr diplomat Droller R miOlttA1116101011. let repurted that at ..r • their army. 16,W1M pro& 1.1 Freteela Nov Pa, ere sit eon elbrAnATANs relIAIHTin arta bhona nee pole - v 11)4 Peahen 05 his resigns sere he bad beet** Emeauel, WIZ and Itiohemood. The railroad is eat sod the way from Montniedy to ton villa la equally out ol order. Flasaine in not at Verdun , he is shut up in a peoliaa.00ef :we.* yoLbiabrp of Wail's &NNW y cantmlict the report that the felicitated the King ot *maw oilier of Premiss spins will1611APFPA'' reported that girl William Las nal not belenging ta ad taken in u hostility to the ie rettIttr. ellth..rlty, irk the mint p move term.. the report in the Lottri011 Thane' that the Empress Zapata mei far the kennel& here iseligniatly deny the truth of the report, also printed the "Timm" that the entrallletirs are loaded with et- pl.eave bullets. The ''.Ineraid (Meier explains se length eise %editors of the Batik of tomes for the inamtheseure of paper ourreacy. Viotor Bag" lees asked periniseion to serve in the Neeemsl flanle, sod Una. ta the French army . Berlin, Aug. 23 -The Grallitin 1,11sto in itemisation, ;anti ea reinforced and rodeo tribinisd, will go isms Soule. summating to 52o,cono aroma MYTHDLAWAL OP ram Morn PHISOL. repotted that the Crowe Proms of PIVIII•lik eathdreon from advence en Paris mid rims to support the Prussian, armies west of Niets the position .4 the latter being threatened loth • formidoble attack by {Maine, who is said to have Mimi rein- forced by Maddithon. raaNCH LOAN. The Minh? says : A moven bemired and Aftv nit'l on francs loan his streedy been more than taken by seinialpdem. Five millions of francs have been distributed the wit imiems the families' .4 soldiers. The joie' nals to -day say, a deepatch been rereiven here (pm' in eh the Marshio declares los intent'. maining near Stets witheat explanation. he des Koletne's ammo BAC CS Doi MI lir tbe rim 1 Orne and the road from burning the mew) AT APPIf •• , tr mime. yet 'wedeln f it i• • r....ira and premise. martian/ revel/Aims Wel R. RAI ' f noosed ter • eseueseefoissee. As far Three workmen implies...el ln the, agate Chancery and Lew 011ie- • , '' ;se I ean me the epirit of th Hoops is were noel •Abli mmtenemit/ilay by a Coon - I feel perfectly sure t at ih-ci lemlers ,i r Tiro -1110,W liate•••‘44.A.:_ti.t--...-., know better. Oenwral he Brett assume." "fit '4 at. "c her er.rtr , to the piimior of the nem, There pert of the eindlessted their &Oar MOW *pm 'pit' as Lee and tarailliaglipsea/ Nina, wham iimen.soalikitsgsmaios , 4 As the Aral pmy c. eflOstenetinat are nom se. It h reported that Dreeh the leader of the Villette outbreak, litho ham heen con- demned to death, Irish., to mahe a own - oa, Rea 0,01.M811 118,1 SW WO VAS • lows ape ward from the wore etty e knee wiW scooped get of the wa 14 a 18t • sitsrar44012StjhotatOt, sato* alit • ismer Lois *to the 'hdle. • Theo wr rim of the vented "toed epe.-iiii. bed, 4,64...... dm heti was lielmr Ailed tip, {Miss feet every met led thee teLep po a sum tor rutiott sand. 1101 Alm moil w is, time. moo iisis.111„ d fro "it.th, M Be Venom en that ilia Premier' is an Male% 'makes the 1.4 twenty, Aug. 9111.-elleit UM VMS - 1 Kite. Nel failure" are yet ported, nor are eny astieinited. Here, Yeti where, the only hops resempoon annertial sr laity is based oft • mph of the l'rusalam, eV York. 23. London soy tes that t' Ste trim frun eta gee the the th deepsesh deepitch of Aim Witham dimoot0v7.1....1).eforr0:::trnher-zretlfrre:::S1;4".":1‘1"ewteahobilly,a.6141erilhtip,946rbag.:61:6")::(44.14:1 Omura Pro* "ad rescue , lie appall .ag Prussian lamps hare asp( eriensa los seas storking mos, assay ildotee41.'llialtitilwalowall91.1°11411.* '101114441114".* SauMalioto ve14:4".p. rosienve eon all mit ims▪ e Ger silarlay to 1,411, .41 Is Boa tbb wwia open therbillom Prima, we liff "(tan° nsietiot77-7vin fake plam Its II few/Jays. isosioir stawimot ; ',beers A Tinge 111. • 1141.1444a , !Asti The Paris joufnals continue to eve a i Ledo rn made to Ilit termimite the iroraiMegAllo loam tothliaildwa faet teat p. oft hue Imam Isiah • frelet Mistier ol L, 11114oll tat. yy lin Real Estate, libruliZnit.lrh.onint.=::;"4"&"„ ,boikurii..1111tro-pe Ileoliesi Imo not abandon. is vow tie has .•••44,410,7, ,,,JabbselereleWiltbs.110116. - ried It tin until the son rose same dasi soh, when tan borriedissieirsit if& the Misallisipp stmts. ?be, said that aka had after &MI6; Wader' SIN rem, yif tit *rest Nagy* prep= die lieut., eiroualtritn•e, • et to yisit wpm Boak,,,osapg Tam. U 'of nie eriows 1.01 ta his *svgs. ,isp6t to 141014, Afra.lar1.1 OWL itiollOth Midis you UM, gays* , speaks tomnybudy. nod, tier kito,limiire mega SAWA% 61011011111111.0' WOW 0411 .4 410600.• liA111011. Tett- Nth Noted giss masa, fattifr.tes hew ere :411_111111..01171,5.-et-a•-eseo. •••••--. Nem 11