HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-16, Page 3r tiler r 60. .w-,-- ►gee TELEGRAM Aso, STAT IONIRt STORE: tWOma ef RL0{YI j'. i • ire ThE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY t b Jd IIeses' Periodical Pills 'TVI/ InyaLU.,BLI NIDICINI la DX/ILIUM, ll ►o w. ea .d 4,0. 0.0.11 I lesimmee dl.....• r urban 4. i. . manatee. 0 n .Id.sw all *WAN 0.f NweVU d t1loWnelliNYS DISSOLU'iIUN of PARTNERSHIP NOTICE r lenby elves that 4 4.• p.r.boy here Ware witmantriu Item. tar. 4, ..4. os•00 - Grunt and 0ndu. Menne has twos 4m da) awn- ed M mutual .0.0., All d`14o owing to t4 sad petteenhlp we to be pad U. MILLI .r ItlHIN4llN at the Toes of k..dwr► sea e11 .airs seams& 1 e Mona mtMate»' e0 :4,�o the ate••a lII M 0.a.,,.. Salim.yvii' iy ti rAidda Lar - -w..u: ra.K,c wtlipr 1+ehsro 1'OMR. r• .•sal BMr Nm! rtPig tlr flg RrtlYe W IR YJRIr r k 1ywyyrsg Phu d d, h.,. • e. Ave.* 0.....li. N•led to ARV Millems w rusty/ .4 wire, ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS RM:IIYIO SOON AS ISSUED. Ca. .apply am Rook. 4'.l.. no .4.4.010e published ti.dubk •.i.. 4 1410, I170, .a1/: -t0. PUNTERS ATTENTION ! H. CARDINER a CO., Au a•Luruj WRITN LEAD at $1.95 per Keg. RAW OIL l .8.c " Gel. BOILED OIL 'Je " TURNIfUaaE VARNISH t$I.75 " liFAR1RE83 ATTENTION H. GARDINER k CO.'' r Is the best pleas at which to bey Agri. .rltunl Tools of every de.oription, suit- able for the sewn. BUILDERS Ar r NTION. C, - - - - Oudial.r i Cis. will supply_ you thea u17 . ' .Ise in the trade. Cat Hada $3.35 pur keg • be *1 . drr .h 1. rarlelb 'yam ow. COOPERS ATTENTION ! A Dew arortaest.1 Osoper'• Tools, at the lowest prion, isle be este at the More of s.OAILDINERA Co. Market Square Deisgieh, 14th Jose, 1870. w43-tr .n eye 1. all Orme/ ..roes •ed apl.el AR.YY., PM. M I. B•ik .,d limb, rear eam Myyluieminara hyaa- Itser 11. Mean. Hr.l.rw, and Wham. t► M Y maul .i. • a.n orf la •4 Mk', ....,r b.. fulled , e0 ehhualb • rwMil VAmid,. do 0.41.min Das, marl; hme aesy, Oe nedual ►ar.fat.• t\. cwlx•. Fe1144,0.4... IN Me pamphlet .,..04 .e.► p..10.. .. elk. d 40 earehtily pew,.. 101 NIma. 1.0 411.0, eat• Peunle}ae. 1 r ..d 114 meta far metope, ..lord to N.Map 0 Lrittee, N•1001114'41.11111 1..en1 a1. le I..0. M D.0-1•10., 0144 ....,. • le41.,r.w•1..y.• N 1 .11a, ay total. awl. NORTHRUP a 1 YMAN, Me weenie, t3 . 0.l .,g.ss• agentlurl'anade • r)" hold a O,.den.h by Parket • Cdal. a.. r. Joed.. 1 fletdoe. r .t Co., Bayl 44 ; Jaime* 44..14.o.., Rne.1•,u. 1 J. eiakerd,l toter; J.H. (7owk.. Magoon 5 eord, Loeb.owl E. H.ekI •.a.3aetewt2. and ell Med..... Omahas. was CHOW rim DESTROTIS A P•mdy M.d..tea, well soul ( bly tutu fulls paw tee yews. neves A•I.a( ta mask 1010.00 to 440 monument mita ahem lamely .Md, Dad w. la.* sell.• !mown • gins le VIM u0. du..tuanat.s. inure 100 rllre0tW.s have hu. N apoli), ldbwcd, ho' o• the acatery . 1 are derl.gt:d well its op•ntensw, .m1 .peak 1a Oke ►tib• -•tense el '1. Ton.. •.d M•pe•1 .secs, THE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER bee wen IW h..lf • rep.l.tio. , u • haul pun 6e, alSnl.v. .Ion,.ek tOl e, u0arpa...d .n the l.f.,yo(,*.dernIpee pants.. It Nektons Mile le ewe Overture, Lout Com9M..e, imbue - Ilea, H.etbur., Nock Headache, Kelsey C1rm- pl...t., Ace( Sten•.► Ptah nte.r Arnhm•, thea rename 10 t 1101 •t04•11y 1M .7110. h►...st0 by miens. ..d there... Its =areal a0 . 1mdM el weenies to •sent •odds• .oar, acs throe, Coyh., D.ptbrna pews 1e the .4.).... •.d beck. e..nlpn,avlh •e1•, fk.unahc sed .4.r paws on any part 0l IM body 440 Irmo whatever calmer b. (11*0 u • place 4s every household •ed et l.' .per.. . • •Haber prayers, n... .4 t0 load. tt r .1.1 •n VIM owl •.d prompt remedy lar 0.44.. Nero•, Bat..., Spew., ChdM.... rt•.al lkw, Cnwpp.a. 0 the Stomach, Manua, l.•obn. morbus, Hollows Chalet. Cholera IOM.. 101,. I)ye Mlerv, ,L. Pros °sly 25 cornea mew 0.411. DUDA kiRUP• LTMAN Newcastle C. W. Gement Agent Tor 00.eela. •eRrRo{d I• Cadenrh by Perkin r Caul. .ed P. Jordan; (Jardine. Ar Co, hayfield; Jame. Nathan, Rod`ery it le; J Prk•rd, Keeton J.H. Co.b., t:Ifpl }�•wl'a.rd, LflrknYrtYr 4/• •••0 VV. az s. IC A iv 1151,E RECYIVYD; Dress. Gams ingreat-- variety, Cheap; WAWA sYa�TTarsw • As_euiuu*l If errs{ Mas. R. sus,,1t4f,-�, -'Dmt-LaE Y'S ARAIBIAN OIL TOR HORSES OCATTLSL 1. t4. prrre0 .4 melon. t Imus 1•00=• ••40 P4Wi Omupnerd.yr.p MH7p•4nrMl00..N eon feed twaro 47 the Il4.11*1.6 0.41.1.• : Howler free- doomMA le ... .e of the imam o•rrr0.4. a wen •s awl kernel utim too 4.110.: W4 � meek. • system J. a. ARY•TRJ4u. Chprs . Qua.. Coney, N. It, Prue 41.01 • tete 0 a0 47 N Bus by •poll, wane. ma y r C.0U1 1 be., ganule •s••4. Y .aua.L LOST 4ao4y evades, bet ulna 40. madmen of D V WRAa.. k.g 440 t4.. foal .4 wee /twit,. 01.44 of charms. •..OU'(J • rueour key, • sash ✓ .0. an ..4 • owl oks oa • .u.0N.a...LL Tho fled. • e neit•Wy easer Unary 4e omen W .'L1.dsM� Ind Alga 1.1•. _.. ___-_--..rw►Y FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE, A*RAT. 1.{.1.0{41 Raw. but 4 reals... and w• 0Dh oto. sere lot.ith Pted bars hempen: es rrd...hi street 14* lheth teu.d.ry/ w.t of 4a reenanee of Mr. t Imre•Cos kw tanker yanks - en twin. .4 Ude oe... Oudstch *01 .t 0th Ia70. ears EX;USSION ON THE LAKE. SPLENDID STEAMER CITY OF SANDUSKY Capt. G. W. McGregor. WILL GIVE TOO EXCURSIONS ON THE LAKE ON MAY AUG, 12t11 1870, E'IRIT 6nsekes. testa* M 411.040.01... S...0d se10.r 1. q.t w... 'n04.1► l■ t71. •0 lla4wr 0 ...w41. Nod.Trh.1. N 44.0.. •os W.4A110 *00 e Dan b. 4..14..111 e W ,,.o. h. k•M em b prrus0 W W. .4. 1AV WE, w a0. board 1. 4.1 Otele 0.0 Avian Mb. 711.. .r►11 N01ICE, I UElI BY w41 any party or pollee.tem tte tome 147r.da tea ser •,. H1LL4 LIONARI•,.. ale W Nit my bed .d buena le m. •4...... withal° Ort maim or rr0a. m*1 11•1410110••• Ow to Meer w paldr that no chow bun... 1. 0'1 He d.partmon.. .111 he tw.afw car�.d , a by 1►M Tey twined rrq.UW ly moan . do 110. gln..ye ROMIN4O1 A UOWELL O•dMMb. Airs. WM. 417O. .7* LOST. R a 1.4)'• 0.44 .ad C.00 ,. �•/IN b ..{ably weandd ullirltlMerilllk.sirs TEI,RAPHI BOOK S1'AT�N ER Y S I ORE OM�'0 OF TMEMONT. QE. \I: TFLQORaPII Is the best place to ret your Stationery cheap. and good. Ayer' Hair V' II71s4j Q A 181/1• r " •T'} ) . : 2Tt{Y,Y 'f , i \ t45C.C'T�: f "l :111"1..8V -DMA) Vw LT 11 UL 1iL T v47ty .. '* 9 113OOT09 anct t1NYtc :E1 , ajbo-, .2210 - Dundas Cotten. white and colored. Goderiob, April 28th, 1870. 013 SEMI - ANNUAL SALE, AT THE EMPORIUM. c. Y3ETI A) rt- etc *111.1. BILL DUR1140 THIS 11rN7■ DIS Goods at 10 oer cent Liscount for Cash entritildnialle21115,01111ahli JUST ' 3EOE 00VBD A" SHIED SUPPLY OF WILKLE COLUNS GREAT NOVEL MAN AND WIFE PARTTCQT. A R AT t'T17TION GIVEN TO ORDERS FUR atP[i[R LI40*ARll MJ C�'L IANROUS BOOKS. fiod.neh. 1111. k. It's. 011 rlT_ E'TLILI'HED Moe 'HOP WEST OF TORONTO, A ELVER FAILING BENDY. rw■�44I5 t'ALUABLI PR[PIRATION COmm15[h l •Il the mothermi .Onem of t4.... 44,11,1.e wha+ one rapers. •. hie po.•wl 4 rubs 1w wows ser ..- racer I.t,ne'u.• fur t.• coir. of Merl Wooed* a{..'.., Bruce. O.lr o0 all two. Cerebra liven, hong limn, e.ana. Calk...,PM•1•, d..er, 1.teru ▪ Parma Pa 5. . .. 0.rk..Or.•, Rorem•, laseeneme Waage._ *14.010... 0..•r, std Cream, 7O ..re,' IM. -a. U.a'wwpe., S.101,.,. use men, rhe theme pia ► loam '• and r Mae .n nI pc, to. T►m n'.hr4meow, h.• bora treed f.., waw. rye .naiad. . mamma, thoroughly true', et W. e.r.drt 10 b t. cheep..• awl r. e .ate r.msd71nr .11 oatmeal r. P:.,nt. ever Orr "...lir public -a mover {•14. ob. teeny .,.d . M' 'shinny any led. 4,. !hen d1 Dant.. a .ad reentry rateb.ab trwrhwt 1. Dammam P'..•• •• pro battle NORTHRUPa 21114N Na • 0M. i•.gri eros Sow 0 .■ 0.rlch d P. Cattle and ad1 lo... 1 tee d...0. 0. Co. no ., Jam.. 0.01►.m. Roda.ndl.1 J. l'tek•rd Euler 1. H. C..m., 1:11nte. 1 deu.rd, 1..r nowt L. Markus. $.af.rt0. mad an Ywtwg nesters. ser INSOLVEIIIT ACT OF 18®9. !a Oka wafer of IJeorg. Brown an fesolesat. tffra.0l.al .1.0a ess 0.4 to t. powers hal I. as Ae sr of .L Own edo.. !retreat all m) n.ba ..at..d !.ten. 1 1h• & *1444 lases wed preen. r wiser unarm• n& will 44 M h ulna. amnio. t 4 unam Man d0.• it LriMOR rTIUnrAN M,. Tows of Godwin. Coo .t7 of Nara e SINGING CLASSES. J4,b. WARo pill op.•4Jl.n.l. anew . Car we ast..any attune.. r :Weak. n t. 11.11 ever Pur4us.m'. son. *4. e4ldres dm4n0. at Pena. an 4,1404 re moue .. • .11141 BOOKS d STATIONERY 'CEIE OLI)Er3T, LARGEST A CHEAPEST ,zartimi'elONEBY IN THE COUNTY ro. IS 110 1:16 {b0 0:3a 0 A5 0:S 090 010 0:00 990 6:00 0901 796 7:70 0'.30 010 190 2211 *71 MOORHOUBE'8 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE EIERITHING TOU WANT, IN WRITINf PAPERS AND 'LINT VI L(WI S, CAN BE HAD CHEAPEST AND BEST AT MOORHOUSE'3 •T701 V7D[fSIOi7[D la PILPA&LD TO 4A*U- aIYLss. • _. SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, of all kinds, 840.1.4.4 04 it ku0hi 1f.. om the .bora{ settee `,ma .w t. a..rrtrl sort», ,ad rrtanlw REMEMBER THE PLACE ' rem of F. Jordan's, Drug Store.) J. Ir. 101N TO.II. 0.4.0..b name ate, It70. .1144., AARTILLERY 00. ATTENTION yt 7[w 000D )r1.Y H- A%TE.D AB 70LC11-e. .n 4 tie 0.4.4ck b.ttery. AppikAtaa• .1u be1.on ed by me at my dice le Mea THO4t50N, caveat. tares 0.4, me. .141. LIST OF LETTERS ) 4.44171 NO IN 0' 'DARICE run (1071010* 11 t.44 *.44.4, 117*, .a0.... H ■ r.BarM 04.404 a •ALL THE NEW NOVELS RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED, or moos 111OOSEtal Galeria, Jell 21t1 1870. FARMFOR SUE. Monday tie IOII day et October 1x7 et the Merl Wenn o'rkrt rum. .r: *ll .m wearier 04.01 aortal. parol or tart dtug ..r, penman are. Iles .d .sue 1. tow Teamed', n Hamlet n t. Casty of Howe .M Mangos of 11 nom Meg methane I alt. un- half M 1st toe w l.. Morten 1 • t. third eerr*Wwo• ter t. Triweekly e Huwlr1 newes44. T. and pr..p.rty metals@ 1. dner.reert artarra he O w mem may or Wu Ter. an ...M.nI�144 Impro.een4 0. the .M law Mut It n d..mbl. situated ►tor further particular ppp11�� 1 5.0 M TRU/11410, AOeue..r orJ 1 (fads•. Ju4Mw far Ur Ardmore JOHN ■41440. Jr. Godwin0 *.1e.t 1. 1170. wse.m Massae WEST PART 01 LOT 9 T 1111 Rams, North Tows Piet, Toe?, robly at otabind, West Meat.. wean ite neared Nee Frau Howe MN nontalnleri sew*" lais um lamina trim Onloarlith. from XeM Albert, m Omni Kane. apply ea the pub. MONEY TO LOAN ow Is Loss la suit re Large mu le not Wen Pewees, Andy be TRUS,11•14, tern CoMa, Oedor IN8OLVENT ACT OF 18N8• /. 0.4 matter of Zo$a r Locke, as Ir44obr1t. N n new- er 7w .rt•d 1. ma - us u. of the &how la•nl,s.t all my right title ..d teleran 1. the 0. Merles Iu4• e0 pwm4. se Amiga. - .1..4.•44 5111 ..441 y PNMW *morel .1 the aunts. ran n' Yr OR0R0R W. 7*4.14AN es t. Teas a Ordered Custer.. Hens. Monday the 10th day of October, 1970, A- 7111 HOUR OP'TWILV10'CI.00E ROHR. Via. All and eles.W that -rola penal or Meet al lad ted pewter ettgete Ives sad Wig .s the T...ehlp of Ilowu-k In the County of Haw. ao harm,. ,00nle4n Deena rompowl of (40 .004-.1' .t Int ,nmlwr thirteen in the third 11.0.04. of 4e To. -11:44 of H0w1rk efar.4M. T. nod property enstei11. 17 dm.eureneet Arty acre. 1e the earn. term n0. len Therm an ranOMenble hnpa.rneele an the WA land .n.1 It m Arinkl) eitaated, Dor tare.. pert"►1,11 apply n Mt 14 r TRU Rid Ale. Anetlooe. r J B nlRD•,7, Soltel{ for Ades. Godwin., Aan tad 1170.P - ,am J II Amon LDA*. Jr Meaner TOE PLACE TO BUY Tolle FifiLEWCPWEE s WI AT T11 STAR OFFIC..1100B STORE. when 41.• Wet ad Mugu* ,aleck 40141.. 1,..4. r eaR MIX LINES, liArta Nita, 4111L U. Ittuletronk e•alti or trues thet to Arm le Media. RODS TO HIRE mean repined eat raseesualska A0g.et Ota. Pre l bx.y Da.1d 44..oud a•1. N04' esO11.0.0.10 r Ian. Herta Mr .nen Iebdle .4n *rbN Abel. naiad Aette Pups C•tha110 Mn Ralue Rudolph Wants' Ow Ruder*) 84.14401 Jo. sat04rla.d J4. R0nA.n * Thump..■ r William. H B 0.14 Churla Tu... Marrs Nur ARCH. DICKSON. 010.44 Peet /Mans. svoiza • 7101! 4Lrrle. *1.•rd Huber ousel r at 17 l Decants ISM b .n r. leWet .. wars m Llama Hohn •to:Anr7. I''•^p....0 ba MYnn, 70..e1s11e. 11.40 bele ARCH 00440!. L. 4400x1:1, O.Mteb Nay. 117. 0444{ Stationery &Fancy Goods JgHtl.L UT WW/TE, BLADE. J17, AND GILT BETS, Cheaper ASS I r lj Jj 4 M1711111Io, cybo., elba II the latest Publication soon as islned• Ueda** Jal7 fan 4014. A LOT Or DNKSS 00001 AT' HALT. PRIOR • I araoot* sk.sd Algtlt t. sit OcJisit smell 'Under, • JUST OPENED. 1 CO I'st(Actogels Boots; .�c Shoes! rjv TRY THIR NOTED enc. TEA. •reed, o.ss ofleu, by Ste u0.. j► lair where the foul or the glands atrophied But such as remain lin lie saved for. usefulness by this application. Iz:l.l4 of fouliug the hair with • pasty sad'►- m, it will band vigoroa.• Its oeut.ssionsl useeep it willrlesu prevent 11.. from turuiug gray or falling oe', consequently prevent baldness. Fres Crum Uwe deleterious inhumane* wbli make .oto4 preparationsY danRerors 1 th injurious to e hair, tb. Visor oath only Mutat but not harm it. U woMol merely fur • HAIR DRESSING, 1 olhiog els. Sao bit rotted Oto I wiir•• Cuotai*iug R.ither oil nor ipo, m•aares not wit white cambric, NM 3". Mats 140g w the hair, giving it,ti jic6 giro lustre and s grateul perRllllt& Prepared by Dr. I. C. liar & Iiaenc L ANO AJ ALTTICAL Casruteire. LOWELL. MASS .woos wait _O..LsI>t---Aged lull, 187'0. J. C. DETLOR do CU-' Ayer's Cathartic Pills. P00 all the e•4••Ne •a• • Zosease 1 *mw* soo o ono nellyo& Otic y a .ges. 71 47 eYa a.. NW wY 4004 s• M d r tet .0.J w.m•.-.*ane Dr,ar><u.d� �30. t £4 J ,patent rtiInileat 11*...•.Stull{ SARSAPAR; t y (1' '*T I' a ltw+C� YLLrsMU.o, as r,p�aytr..., 11 .0... .It r •• oar,. .•u.. a.. .W 0.0..... 111011..... rho IT evr,.1•e A4, MKS. J M..1•.. It 0.0.11 .W 4 lg NEW IJRY GOODS 1 017.41 --4 MASONIC APRONS VOR RA LR AT • H. (IA RUINER. & Gia. Ood•ne.h 25 July, 1870..'27-tf PRIVATE BOARD - 4.R;