HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-16, Page 2r --- -7 . • I • • • • • --kt- 111r/""" - u • - . . TIMM 117 otoo- "vie,. • 41 ' • . • i.•vs FORTAT Loot Lige • GASS MUM and Her Cote plea. • . anew rellatret /n 410001026 Aida. 141 1DIL VIA L1111.11.1111 GAM* The la Nepalese patentee/vide twit battle. Prunus eeetwate ear that nothing td perellatle desieuttott if baba Walla ''-'I Lot one, *wee* no01•11 144 • {•••• 61•11•11 •• 01•1 eat, soma ✓ olition. God 11•41.4.X.tezief•••• • ilea or wastes Sera (If los. aro tw llonoperatera awe seas wall ren 111.1,Y I• ." • IDA log eimajtmti•r oz.nv . ice wnet. - Trgegg-JCIAGrIii„ IMINOMMOMINIM111.11.=116 11WI* delfOof. MN W - - nklatal-104", ..--1)61441,1Aour negalitik1tWammlell lolnitmahl• ; dee Tula pm enema weber sem sh4 seas Ilia • terees sioditervika %sit David Dick nor, in re Nee °drat doted Mawr. ESSOISSO4S7 to. wows mi. fa. 88 doebli waa. en yew bada-whespporksbough threniesew Sr you bagel eels thew proverbs weebeagegegve•we eao„ IP- 'Bola lirsin ills. 'The doy the motherhind would it. gay fee lir. Dickla taurmation: multitudes ef ageeed Nes at hand eager to illustratad, and never mon fully, I assure Ilseettel ntrayhenitoartarienatairetn . %root -14-5A4thily-314i114111/1- 434.irlit1P,.. .• • n . • rr-roo.'111)41,'13,r, , -1•,--tr • ...egoKr. , rtr"" • • • ' ••• • - - lattaille and laboring rou ' • Goderich in uot glottal Kee otebeire, Omit Iffisegt, ee-the'rietew---""*-' that is more powerful aim a thousand sa11112 ...... re • et. hie era reepwr wert.d for ttout be Ate so I I trot place Uutiertoh Wart 6.4 the so,. boo. • and Ali p.m tboula seek to am proper Voce W bring him to. In thre Colonies, on pkat day her glory would bso Antwerp 10 a. en. mimes rom seI oia ..cowl pima when he took tho proper war state Out a battle se mutueufarily es.- scurrilous epistle published to your wee steps las son was immediate y to • pacted. of tu dey signed "Villager." In • great Motimit, Campaigne., and Mr. Dickson is correct as private despatches iti Well street and those that those who are deficient of brain, bare wool:. seoLiwc"4"siia.4r.7...w"'":"'..4u".7:"""•10,' ti. 'TWO part of the letter whieh refer• to kir N•w York 12t1a-nis sedately°. of all many instanter Mr. &liter, you will del they always act to that kind manner to received from other quarters moseys the a eadly mistaken idea that every cool, Seep •1 O. twine not rearm WAWA those committed to their care. Give the impresaion that great Willi =ay be et- deliberately speaking, man is either • .ow- Th. 141.eiti....:13.71:wottivyy. t au tuortion bud you voll oblige, ported at any n ...... out. ard, or • foul, and impressed with this idea, they rush w the charge, emelt sad wee. ta weary Wynn frorS=.4 hei or.. • Yours, Oen 1,80 ISows*•• r•vw• 'Twelve %%outland witsough Troops to relete often proves suicidal to them; iltr.;•.:•", -1 • •"',` -...- tor Outio. eaten Thus it has been e ith 'V Mar. ow ootor. .to or weetwr"*.1 T iii fi w A it New York, Aug. 12 -Tho Cuban inane- putout...I In • 11110114 jOUraiii wafues 1, i,,,oed, poor. af way. elt. oltiv e Faction is to b• erushed if we may belimm and his respectability Unweaned by an it • • dispatch soot by the Spanish Government unknown individual undieeiviug the pub. near 17,,,,m,..rr*:.,:rttflillrrnorr-to. owl - .. 10 lid ter rseutatives in Washington and Ile coororuing hill veracity, he gathers ii..i.V:Ell si•"tbk se tie to Tull than iu the person who penned t hat News same post tat pirsoo ea so loaents. to. •tiLiefesidi*--'' • • . Znat.a... ntreroUtmlneal. iessag neestLarinVe•riealS ._ Intstft___Wele .r.., • • ,,,,.4., opecureltetto ..„, 111= l'aral=..oful=tr. ivoe..:.77.. =owe. swelter to the llra7ehr sag. an e el. 11101rom....rtElom ill. ebonies 0.r woos se ete po Oa. tut. :sew so r Y BUI1150$531111.15 yet paid up fee flu past idly requested. to du mo ea or sums are so dallsolt of col. we shall elven sur fiends mid not miss the small amount of •ption,) to settle without forth - ng. Seek individual gum is stuall, the aggnespida is largo &ado! great im• • to ea giu to wen*, and her wisest ems see • From the last number .4 the Weems...stile 'Itaveic gm give the following reecow of the loss wheal wuud ensue to Brame from 'amok • suicidal act, as follows "Curtailment of trede, and mthsequen low of 'opt/ moot fur the toilers of ti. *411011. Diminution of supplies of raw staples . for oisuulacturing. • Q•cm •... At • Shut 'lug up a safe recuritins for th (11114aq t it u 31, igua profitable in vestmeot of suporiluuus yeah, mid redundant capita& seeing the miserable fabriaitions whit he . _ • - L, WM, ERICII. ONT.. HO. 16. - Low of suitable field, for outgoing 1870. eete,priec and bnguishiug iiidustry. VERY LATEST *Ay. This despatch is iutended to Five the impression th•t. renewed ewergY s an11..Ittit otttered,_,I,ac.,..ultieri together, that ye stegbtree rising predominaut, and having blended me vo.e.° lei:on, dojo...try! y round for 8.11410 tqAdlirSp 011 to New York portico foots thiit t. 4e, tooOtali 0 T I 0 E. Eutpire, minim; that its every oulgoiog PRUSSIANS far into FRANCE, ,trlpaniards and' thtt a soma final effort is mak.. to leo made thi• winter to destroy the in- obis hyperbulioll idoshties tutu adi taaado • ars spo off the unpretending writer ofe7h.d Trott. %tut Dimiteition ut the populai ton of the characterise the war on the part uf the • 1'•41,4tai ',kw* le "gem., el the Weekly and tionii-Week- Depriaation of ports of refuge in ease ANOTHER BLOODY BATTLE troops we to be Wit over in September. r` Irian...air taw. • writ of ejectment. Vis etnigrsot • Cul), et of the Crown aud a surgeon. Twelve thousand additioaal gui" ebs,..cter bor. tb„ pinkies to the Piutete te Vette legislate to the subscribers and citizen of the State would be kit. FRENCH RETREATING._ shoal would bespeak • coo- her colonies Enoland might fiud her ships London 15th. -A snoossafill meeting A YAW 41145 • 1111171 QUesissLeous • he, pen„ed such e epistle, Se gla bursinee:‘ ti.r.endotob;i: nD tful Dothostaci Triaged,. P.c13:126h• how he succeeded. After starching Cu pool, woo yob, se esoeo. were 41110 •Iiichlresatd tu action all its Billingsgete reeotre••, I tut tio sea et asiey aixis written td. ir Ser. -.---------------------------------------- i --- be said REPOS . "'View .111 Idol 41501.. roommoos amietim ests to sit bout es out ser stim.t: Ivry ROS..413.•••••„ air • Mod rake bed Trod. 1•11.4 moo baler Nara, Ile Itedeey Co. 4WD 011 ✓ oan Idoetival-WensaSe._ worth Override will rapad".M.ef thatistd ar OW* OM 1/// 0.0.,•4 .1th tromalmeet• of the liked eat as emu tea Is • sployed woo withielesity. elthoot a @apply 16.1th. blood. With lanalry larrod Ora three...4 ear .1 Id looms...moo tar blood Isapaoltly n▪ oliood esd penile& ead to °apart* el prodecus • reuse sled rod •adirad Leidy. TIMI Wale. Veda -ho• roust heel that Irs are oallbries wooly 0 Wales repo. kit the wept of market for oor esereatellbbeir. Aeortorscoa ...let of ter, Yoshio have antes& -y Ma. IS "Ai rower. the peat year. rod betas enable to :tee .111 (14 North of lamps we real udy 11 1* d. bat sone. ea We manor la, It ht anditylas 1* 1.o* thin the Caliadlea Tara Destroyer' le a greet worker. 41.1 II..44 ley 41• =1- Oralervi7:44C per battle. or a sides. H is was tiu••••• °I t/etseeetas Patronage •ttoo. dicker:or oo the %atoll NIL was held to -day, of Volunteer Artillery woo, &JD taus am sue THE HEART. ha.* tooled well leid it oroonated with The War In BUTOpO. arsaFarIllia• Itroolvoat tone diroaso by French capital is susnmarisol in the fol- Weresnal sad If= 6r. 61 "4 ' SU %a same to Mr. Abraham to be opts to Botha) cruisers. ithout ellems side ; thet ded to ma for sight taro peat. 1 would al. Low of ostipoal resuge. England is itri,ob &my r,p,dly recruiting and at A shocking affair occorred in Brooklyn, duet he ioy to polity his rush tutu pnt TH• roarnow Or IN THS ttLisz: ..4 87 588 Assuoutlun, there was much enthustaana. „id What %%ohms the Mood. aed nestnee uo moo of the • school boy a ten years doprevoll earl v. respectability, so notify mv debtors oroditore thist 1 wes r•sPr014", other esti°•• kw••••• clubs and elaswhisre feeling is hourly glue- on Friday, • child 11 months old being d that Bartow, is in demur instantly killed by MILITARY IT•TItat. pantiles roora, itmoti Ow Blood, helot. Urea* what does h• say to windiest.. himself A Military Mil of lb le tufa • a The wer 110111011 has *earls/ da iMber. 11. 'mule the fabriestions which ware proven against• ...clarity er t.e. aaa bim ktu says, 'it is out sunk in sire'', not • frog pond, I moo nd souse neiohbourunt g stionient comp' u.k suAn• • Oa IS oral treatment sad t f ISI dedcmer "meld etr lovks mot hook debut in her slaps sweep every sta t g g , u't the nerve he _ ,r tared Jind trust to Mr A bodies %cot% &ea gge Sag Guts ovi r free eaumtuunities in every front Military •, . of thermeny, that Michael Lovett, the propnet,r to • sone • bemuse under her 1..g men of all and that England most be prepared to grocery in Fen Bruit stret, near William, trad tamest policy of trumping mid his wife ----------- e amicably I f uie He's)' Id efy Troth.' I fully be. There are four rotates, is a military riv twv SILL con.oistoosi. coml1455. U0• ae rad Ilsrotaloar . . romet" ^ oolffilt 0111 p iiiiiiaed ,bIt . ies• .t000 r things **IIS was on• rro,rt diewere, "le '-`11-717.. wrt aye ro.ta we strafe is V" journal which mideavors to tram:iodise axim eteti:4tarttel.. e.irt.rm.„ tut t;.;• wd spun end 5, 8,00.„ .81 pity Glum ,„ oationalities and colors enjoy equal rights me' Norio Sea out ut control classy prepouder- together for some unto peat, an• reiterate; bot mod fa - W. T. COX- I Other, pervade the world. wara aa, dent of Tribime, nothiug knuwo (iwirreis. MacMationa raiti ..... problibly he will be trot of tot tam, to tetrad • Logs cheese hero him aa Its 1111'00.sta:4i that p tress nos., oy The SUhSerh''''*. la YasYsTwe " tk• \14•4111111 people. Mon oompcilof to emig- Chalons, fortitications Lutenbourg ore as she believed, to kill her. She ran first class Steam Gnst or rather an. ray. sow- abOrO, would resoectlully wogs ell who inight adopt ..11111.adz;inoing from Germany l'e,•77',"="111:12iflei,eie neeie no. her race mad language, Liras of natioarility by all outgoing unable to rej All the aray 'tearer than knife and started for his wife, ' Oimaelf. tie says in Ma effusion, we hav• • r - 'we hy the -pressure of eireuinsteamhe beint.rapolly demolished, but some ton.dis from the store, and nth* waspauntinagtnitnittt: A. 1 Grua hilt!. to:tri knowt sutclh upon eroseir.g the French Lopi LWItinv gleaduler eeel/lais Whits Monies* girl- info- the James. Young, who shine art out eased to t have re. ould quickly ,ioape-y• lk ad im Ith tO 1:4 vx,,, Ids most hence - to At V 01. taik Jit. be t.,...1"‘ dud. brAt. 111* *01 1101 and It111/11 • twasol,.0 citiscuship; becauses 111 Mtn tuild.ary power •haterer. Utirrespon- .. morning they renewed 0110 of their old oonething, which 'froth' C1AIII/Ott the publio miod on that point: venessei Vapor. Bathe • plar dlosso hat roar sore la (row ier between Strasburg aud u zeta rwe.aed.nialiiw".ammi."'"ontamasTiiiiiseisuuceeTui.uesal Lemon .wto th• 1,4.41 office, to/ 1.,16 M'"t Of complaisance, or the leek of op- antt reIntred bet.", f.rtress's rend" the street he this. the kaife at mill room w tth both t unfortunate- a 4 115 ;4O301 Is th.s u it self CO dem- burg, and then admit -ming a direct Ilse woe= aaw nowc:Ltonleutv.luma smolt emeoote, to Day up to this debt •itli 11'....of in over crowded island, if "1"fenalbitWthwthisn'T uni"ewnrald rat f°rc'e• trviTtle infant ism ,,f tbe 1""t te gay it Oust Only $321.0! if* ow Paris, 2. By eroseiog the f.1111/1 tett- eras, Water area Pleurae Moore Illteelsetrer 'ulo. mint Itts MI* as little debar as pounble. Creditors toe ``.• to crumble any rights antigen- auTosn'oy m.g,. tr. y that J.eeph , he mutinied P lave itory situated below Strasburg, and 144 Q."- D111.4" 114 111121 requested to send in their claims, which .Neettnie aliens and foreigners. sena; no such t Meg aa red extras be. QM. 4-18161.1.1 AM./ Val IND liquidated out --------------------- by fr, gum, Z..01 ies where the army can onal computes forces for the defence of I •• Parts, 15 August. -rho Uptown° Nati- ample, WY sitting to the doorway,and the knits entered his left breast, penetrating tureen Bethe aid Lake Home unless 11. .a•I'r6Ted ""m•ta'a •".7 t: Marne on ths cspitaL 3. By a move- ,th.00r.oromioo marehiug by the eilleys of the Sine sod woo., ae. pieta. madame told aa▪ tIdokles "lissaisosioalsom0000O,o. Bed, ha- Itatia- The _. Queen of Prussia were at the tr•trin ,"11 tne'r Does he suppose l mit an enemy of Berne 0 he who defends her from er enemies. en.eo..t from the north, posing the frertress Leetert weemelitatr.....„‘omoreesaotl.theeuw.zzlozit t mitts and reaching Paris by way et "..1"/"8.1188•88 by malty aeonr.-107-1141114 On" be kept wen bt.,mtand eonatant eaeretwe Parts, at 130,000 men, GOO guns are blood of the little one gushed .hoit Igo the heart and musing instant death. The Bente and the oolong geuerahtion t Ail 1.orer sad And yct Le umust ' • A of en duress la .• tho Stook sea Wpm& epee • 1040 he; active services, and mounted. the floor, bed both Lovett • wile laata watPe tea" an- V oaniti of Meth. V ictonousengagement oc- too, Awe. *hie attracts. tho • um On' it- oto , • Load that between hors. end the the valley. of the Seips •otl Marne. -. e extertaiyilfts te. nee sae ',,..the words of a ,r=n•• . , irpotnewataluebtathe--geaniel.-5Jarr-0155filt faajarletorar"aadirldr- ". 1" II. Creditors may depeud that all diligence 80 l 1 . t_iatillM40112.0Leilifireiltd. almum mit. The baronet, tired woh 1 .. ootti g ifia. oseaelld$0544104"in,,wiiariud with thought, fell , Ann* ti A NI POWITIS. . neseep in time anirt..te't 3, . --''''''''''''''''•ABrAHAm Smith.. .,--,-. 16,4 lona NV/ gone to 1)4;1, and Tanyrallt &AGO& 15th August 1870. W05 giveu op to the spirit .4 404. 'light.. tin Wyrethwo souk. protentlr with a Town Drwenhige. soot, cr)ing out in 11111114.4111 tar/or. Th. •,--- We door of the liodroon adjoining hol tv's are guel to sae our"City fethers"at room was qinte dark, hot Ito fancied teat - . Luc" opened and shot. Thant all Or last bestirring themselves in reference to had thud. Were they muting fic drainage. No horn has oreater natural him there 1 Lit:tithes for the porpowe and no town has, Re was unmrvoil hy his uneasy slnmbe.r: for such a number of years. so miserably 1,,,, ootoo,.. The „jet,' ung tOoly, b,,t neglected ita advantages. Mr. Weather - he otionet the window, and jumped to toe not ihirk. flu and sky •ere of one dull aid's plan of a main Sewer (adopted by the imolou ore], iediottlatruithehle, bat he C oincil) to start from the River, through isouLl ger be white fringe of the waveo, the. Railway Culvert, along Waterloo tit, wield dia, rn ths dint outlines ot the Klin St, and Victoria St to Nelson St, The chilly sir refreshed him. He thitssurnondiug theSqumion three sde, wontdo't rotorn 10 tl.at dreary bobooblin Locke • very feasible one If the cost is plow, listoitel by so :Moly gloomy mem- at all moJerate the work shooed be pushed Win He wonld walk to Aber, cries th. core a cortiage to the Dothechryil :Motion; rayer would grudge paying • little higher 1 RAII011 London, indeed, would pro' erty-holders and others w bate premises buside with writs for him PO the morrow, for the sews"( his rejection for Caerleon, and the nth ,,,,, r of lois ditticolties, would wmt the .1.0.• e.lousitoo Bot he most risk that. Ile sterted off for Aber aloug thy beach, soon reacheil it, Iving dark and under the shadow of the kilL The ferrymen we% of ruireo, abed said sleep Shonti • trim him t Its wart -en -to We sloping beach. There, witie mainsail, and wan in liar, ready to his hand lay the Newwwir. Anil then the thought struck him, why not take the boat, and make for 1..atorliton Truro he should catch the Irish mail, and would crags She Channel, and so QiumwsiAorn. wh,, kr that very trein, so he remembered, the American mad would Oa des itched to be pot on board the QsasIbeat. He would Tanieh, and leave not a trel. The wind was fair, the sea wies aulor--kaser the bar the beach, ht Om' :--"Xfors ml•la-lottuto'' -8te tlearge norradnear_hareto-*1)YTroops of the 1 and 6,egsaut O'Neil, of the Third sub-preeitict, NO ! N.. ! I wished to correct an ea• 11"41111111111Thig,"114itdIreet southern ine throoliligit'h muthe etnloatiL ',.frill it.Wel;s"."leilll -- .bo would say th3t it was ',..° 1r)kr °•• itli thei Corp. hastened to the IIC•1111 of 0010,0/411I betook lomat tote ~lode- lis mode &op.:x.1.a account given by Ana ud for .vary yokes, Ow US at home. Oiir troops were Paris, 15th. The following important deo- of Billinangat• designed as an attack on lenses of the Vertices mumitains, the .d.oriuee"......""as"ru'are,:tt".o.oe'..rtetel""'•note"erimoeremile." ". tory impossibility. Francis being prowo."' 11•41rdle Usrerkl".-F.b. atiPs, 11." b▪ s".:50tg.: Jog whieh enabled then [ 4,1Zta train don. . na attempt to escape, and quietly same- the Oise and Aisne on Perot casement • 14 114 •Araa•"" troops] to discharge their dogiatitisb New York 15th. There was • battle Ps- ponied the sergeant to the station. tlas he has been fur aufheome io eita • 'Furore Beans' and no doubt had he not kb* Oros opera . o 7. if they had been sonply treinerce - pasaion to his diaguatingly arranged piece ted ou tk• east by the great ostural dr. los brae soLoard te the I...ow auttutrw. it. wee. reorrorrodel I toroas HItherte "bosom the whys manner which they could net [liven, • terday, near Meta both 'idea claim '1 10" thrown off some of the effervescence of hue' al throughout the leorsol in such • ma II- "es Wile' gm rue it."11 • has juat C -Fall wheat in this Locality te 'Truth,' hts' gaysioal system would have Moselle river, the Ardennes mouotains, 1111111.14111.11 4144.1 11 11141 =117= I d not wish b. aod the River Meuse, supported by many 64=•;,.."" gr." gi".6"." 0 tory. ZURICH. to enable a fume to be at once collected any threatened point' loos of openings *here the youth of England con tind ample ocope for their business aptitudes, sums! 1u/orations, or political ambito me. The sacrifice of lan.la which the "unem- ployed' have styled the 'national inheri- tonce," by the help of ithicl. they and others like them mat' help to bettor their concliteni. Transference of what now constitotes the ,....,,,neteny,Sarte•neti'.° int..' rn.. soy of a reply notwithatoodi f 'retard without delay. Scarcely a rate - river them, and from tam other Old" pro - would go Oil to London and then to Rom Atonement to secure (0418 benefit. Iftny are serionaly dameged, both in value and oomfort, by the of surface - water, have, when the qiustirm was moot- ed in former times, ex; their will- ingness to give • bonus tot n oder- oik ing. Now ia the Woo fur for ward. ,. - - - .102101 1•1 1 :101 ' aftersteme, fily eifitkeds.ky brought over SOO excursion's's front Sarnia to ' received, an made des. ille 1,l,:t01 10 p. cross left gusrd 04.41 00 ds.fl*ge*1 by i. ge.„ Some spring wheat has been saved, and weir. "RUTH.' we arrive at the wooed hoe of &dramas ...,,,„o,,,,- vono to. io, ward the French oapital In this case rowereir meareumeemem. le. 11•••••••C4•1110 th 011411°1 ut anY fleas 00 off now and • great deal of it thrashed. next tone ke appears to the press to wri been iniiired by the wet, tint where the were the Prusvians to violate the m-ntra- a 0,.....,,,,•,..„, ,,,„uso oo o oossor000 0oo Colds, end all dimmer. which stealth@ olsoll 0 eve half of our army led to them. ...ousel teeproiar • porio moot, land 18 dry it promises shoot en average Struolt by Liglitn_eng-Illow It nolo. lil or Sellso'rle•d,sesi 0,_1050,01..10 ad. '.'"'▪ ',',1.„.".Z.::"..1.r.,a1., .,• 6.4,06 met be a ur hours they were looks favourable, some loW placer. have _ _ - One blowing however the midge has Thar* upon r•ri, trout WO 11012111448t. "nprovemast Is Ms nes ena *spores. of 11 although it ss h would A .ii tiactoselifra oonfroated by ti"oin'age heeee•••'11,,e,e.ininn.••'" aulien'nntrinnewnrietaunt", te in 0 of which has come under niv ibservatioto Northe *try. Oflicial swop* iif toe spring wheat II 1100011- tdoine fall wheathowever Soon signs of it, but it is too &bight, tt i• scarcely worth to know the mut crossed, th force after a n repuleed • ith g Parts 14th, hli calmer since change mired states defetice 0 /C. he *offered. the "107 °milt' taming auk varau"rdiur n become like 'Villeger,' an adept *guest^ fornfied plows, among which the strong of the Moselle bulk of strow, some a it however has Leo eras Vara Norm - It bi to tha tetanal et an ing ern in so valuable a pluvial as yours, hold of Metz. Dismissing, then, any weed rd th late rains it is all taken wil therefore elms, salon,/ the Ppeellk/10011. which this rout* naay sug,gest, •Ipsis000 hao mond that c awl entree Hosea looredy taw nod oho trl A correspondent of the ar es . C) C011tott writing from Colleton, gives the fortes. of L).1011, which has beef. otignalArtortlsrd . d t .- strengthcoed and rendered very soma, Lihrgti 4r4too::: • 1/.11.6"ra 3". C...i 840 the fulbming iiitereating details of an un- it day, who, you remeinber, was struck by o 1" "et "en Witte " s nos the Period of the first Empire. - ea Weornaa.-The .0810151 041(0 has been lightuiug • few Ls A I, Alld hie gars octore •rriving at that point the uorading very bad foe the tint part of the harvest, out woos more proott000 to too, tpong ' ihe °morello, : Hs was" lathing home foot or Long", hoth 01. whieh entlePY me substantiollyw.uhe folirw ni of tons 'void bare to capture either Bel- °ITT 01,81.2,,,,pusk y TIME TABL, •....len.•. ... . ...... ..... ..... wet-in.:mtg. Mr. David Wanleso who happenedsoddenly rind he went ender • pine tree Switserland would pan strength and the glory 14 thiscounter to in dependent or rival powers. Sh•Aild America, Privet'', I' ,r any otherrising power takes helpless but abandoned c.,10,o under t the doing so, all motored armament of Peru is in Feria Fll WO cannon are already mounted its proection, Englaid s Ives w of three forts which are moat likely other nation's gain. Thenerniwingandditheameentofnstional brat attacked and work of placuag aspirations ; the recooniteo e ohm- Pew's' .111 Positions wasienes without ta- ste" dune. by a ; tbo.000„goo work men eere engaged cutting off streams ....nog of terruptom day aird night. Yesterday 75011 dard of patnotiam ; 11t• of national honor and 11'''d faItis t° • le"h•lf Pare. 11as work been completed and molting remains but to dress up upon - false and fatal evoitoor- rrgards the colonic!! them- trig walls and place drawbridges in position. anon on them of !tritest.. Thousands of !About -era °moped on sm lel and teresemootoretosinOthilittoo thp agile on earthworks, mines‘ ditches with ingka..move them or nonrated and anarchic 'N1011110E1 tOtA/AlipleAll Mit 810(II `1011lor..I1E.1011111 conawnws ;the withdrawal of that supreme oround capitol. These facts we give in war Irowh ich thei r tics I dm- order to reply to perfidious andel-nom ma Oodsrieb. Though thdir star wim amort.i.,..1 ono ionneticoot . toot et. insinuations and to resthre confidence of to some threw hours, Dry were able to see ooeurs moms ot them to bloody ono our citizens in such questions rentmed, • good deal of our beautiful town sod •••• breaks and servile d,sturbances ; and the their mottoes will hate to answer fur - 'tinting a,nongst them of embittered duct before council of war. very much delighted. Our citizens oaf b ------ jaw akaiaraiaaa donde. auus.an hiostibile (re, brigs wahls the land of taiNttga. Yaaa• 14jta 7500,4.4 arcereialik: X OM. "thre•in- 0*34 rich sung by all visitors, who Mare alit _ _ Poureao arsoms asocluitcontrating in the foe beauty of situation, plowp/F walks and neighbourhood of Nancy. Kings army said sibilorateng brooms it la "fififilild by any to be at Pont a Motown and Ste:mus Froward whih only few miles fri Crown l'riace Board of Public drustruotIon• 01 the fashionable a er• f the Bo of Pnblic harvesting. with two little children, • girl of about six trossmanaing positions on the greeted oawrid, re, Musts teepozro soshaes ▪ he misfortune &Boded to in yoor ' protect the children till tt WAS over. Ho The third route is the mart fimuible. 0,0 tawe se. oboot ro_boilo took ..ff his emit and arapted it around end noneban. in ohms°, c,f Mr. %Mims was insured for the hole girl,and bent over t em to shelter id &boot four, when • rain came through whist) an tinny advancing nom ,,. areirrieh powriela ) ICOLAT. Fias.-We are glad to hear Ind • •••••• 11.555 11111.817 48 to $1000 emits mot too content., S200 of them from the rain, close to the body.! ning the fortreares on the worthearA, fr .00in • .................. ..... ..e.000tioo iier inaludiog Mets, and theo by eou- wehowor Aar • which eras etik the boiler. The Irsurince t7noe•ra Mr Wattles% 4800 and repairs www • / , aged ht. the ire. Mr Winless is taking out the timber foe * Mill, and is press- ing forward floor. with the same enera whith het oleo oiwrizact tent. We wish him every Oruennat.-Wis have • contest between two denim sononning that few" • great many Of oor Inhaleitotito who penned the letter signet ov II to the tree. All he remeinhers t le s wee a brilliant light that blinded him. tinued stitoesnes arriving on the ries! Seaga, Whon Le revived, he found himself lying :game, from whence there is no formiaabb- Ora., . . on his back about six feet froth the , , ,„ , , ,. -the ISISSIldtali Ammo, weveMay -...... o, feeling as if h. was in a (limp fit, and that neighbourhood of the capital. But so rowe• m--ur.:MOnaltarani some . large weight woo crushing out his invactiog force could out, as lanoline of breech. He attempted to use. but fail Mets and Strasburg, wis ly adopt this hark At lot be turned over on his face, the effort causing him inimpreemble aoony,, 11 f. wheu he met • would 4811.i° M111 and th•"°e imam Tbe French army, if defeated, 00NUILIRCIAL. ountmoda Ito benumb era, harms the roar of the Invaders, who anbas fecultv. Hts mono.' anguish was solo- .said he opeo to similar attseks froo. \o" Unaa. that an 811. "f •uff.rmit11111u• t.' hay* thrashing and plows 0( 1411 importance ta '1%. Wine route, by way of Belgium, is net by defense which the reverso of roved more imperatively owes - 11 AIM .7111.45111h1 1 ,oella0all0~,, nta of War. dews. 4.11. MONNY MASK rocremossr Os Sad•ra W r• r a14111. 3 1141 /AMA. 011111411116w, Ararat 12, ICI .wwww•mreues 5555000044555 3.74.500 64 Credal SI 1.4111400 ON& aveinhastm flatsio• • -• • . itgg ," sem eat Onion by well or to pb worsted waft pa We Oros The hi "11: It P. 1.10A HI MARKTMI moth. Aug. 16, IN 5100 1110 5:75 026 . 5-46 0:42 Ik54 1111 5