HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-03-25, Page 17• Name Address Lot No.—Con. No.--Township To — Box 851, Exeter Leslie R. Vincent - Reasonable Rates — FARMERS INCOME TAX RETURNS A Specialty Phone 235.1693 EXETER "or mail coupon" a superb accomplishment. Form. Shape. A space creatively transformed with an explosive spark. Flight is no longer a mere human aspiration. The 747 — a tribute to man- kind. Arrow. extends this creativity and self-dedi- cation to develop a Dress Shirt line that's explo- sive. A combination of Stripes that stand alone. But when combined with your favourite tie is totally electrifying. Collar 'n Colour—styling that Arrow saved for the 747 line. MAIN ST. The Store With the Stock EXETER FIRE PREVENTION WINNERS AT McCURDY SCHOOL — Students at JAD McCurdy public school at Huron Park recently competed in fire prevention essays and questionnaires under the direction of Park fire chief "Robbie" Robichaud. The winners are shown here with vice-principal Pat Soldan and fire chief Robichaud. Back, left, Linda Hillman, Timmy Smith, Leslie Chalifoux, Kathy Bonner, Pamela Wood, Kim Riehl, Tracy Clark, Daryl Brayman and Brian Walsh. Third row, Brett Regier, Kevin Albas, Jimmie Thompson, Benjy Price, Tim Griffith, Wayne Walker, Scott Nadon and Ronnie Lightfoot. Second row, Lynn Roger, Denise Baptie, Sandra Boyd, Susan Barnard, Anne Griffith, Leslie Campbell, Shauna Spencer, Lucy Fitzgerald and Cheryl Brayman. Front, Scott Boyd, Gerry Desgroseilliers, Don Stuckless, Patrick Walsh, Teji Singh, Laurie Burns, Kathy Hunt, Shelly Pye and Laura Overall. T-1A photo Family visits Ridgetown school Auxiliary hears about mass media FOR THE LADIES CASUALS - Leather and Suede Ties and'Slip-Ons From $6.95 and Up NEW - crepe Platform Soles and Heels CHUNKY HEELS - Black Patent, Navy, Black, Brown and Red HI-HEELS - Black Patent, Navy, Black, Brown, and Bone JOGGERS - White Leather with Blue Stripes Gold and Blue Suede with White Stripe FOR MISSES *TIES * SLIP-ONS *BUCKLES *JOGGERS AS ABOVE FOR MEN and BOYS DRESS BOOTS - With and Without Buckles JOGGERS - White with 5lue Stripes, Blue Suede with White Stripe LOAFERS - Brown and Black OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT E5 llllll out llllll molumooluoflooluom llllll ufto Ei * CIGARETTES * TOBACCO 8:00 mut to 11t00 ott, cc.440044104444140404011 kui llllll 44010gt44444 E2 E FE tt COIN .LAUNDRY 12 Pound •60-Pouhd Washers 254- AMPLE PARKING FACILIT IES Dryers 104 South End Variety Potrnerty Beady Cleaners luoilitogo4u444i 1l 0 l lll i ll lulu 4 lll 0iiiiiiinmillim04444411 i hii ll ii l t4E4C C := WE TAKE EMPTIES ANY TIME I ... li . EE OPEN DAILY YliimliimluiiiO inhllrilinirlil,ntm gc In lllll 11101 * toys * GAMES C.97Celot CTGVS : WO MATTER, WHAT HAPPENS THERE. IS AL'. AY6 SOME-ON! WHO KNEW fl WOULT, You can be certain that all our used cars are DEPENDABLE. They're thoroughly checked to give you smooth performance, reliable service. PON iraft AUTO SALES RAMO EQUIPPED 04 0.towING P40623541 /10 EXETER Top Quality ALMATEX PAINTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES 20% Off ALL THE TIME Reg. Price $0.50 $11.90 Gallon V Our Price The Paint Pot WEBSTER SIGNS Victoria St. East - Near the Co-Op Phone 235-0680 1W ttttt 111111 ttttttt 1111,1 Silverwoods Ice Cream Buy One Pint at 41c Get One FREE Wonder Bread 5 LOAVES 99A 414144 41 ttttt 1111 1itt tttttt $10 DUNLOP Polyester Whitewalls As Low As $17.50 INSTALLED I EACH FREE! 4111111=.011•1=iminleek SPRING TIRE SPECIALS AMEIMINIY DUNLOP DUNLOP DUNLOP DUNLOP DUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES GOODYEAR (LOTS OP USED TRACTOR TIRES 1N STOCK) CALL: SNIALT TIEOMAN NOW AT: DUNLOP AND ALGOMA TIRE LTD t. (Newby The) 242 MAIN NORTH' 285-0330 First Tire At List Price second Tire FOR ONLY... 101° FREE INSTALLATION EXE GOLD SEAL TWIN BELT GOLD SEAL SPEED BELTED GOLD SEAL SPORT "78" GOLD SEAL C60 NYLON GOLD CUP 4P NYLON Times-Advootfk, .March. .25,t 1971 Page 17 By .MISS ELLA IVIORI-PPK CRFOITON_ Rev. Douglas Warren Voicing on What Is Truth in the Sunday morning service at Zion United Church, stated that truth is a Person. In the evening at the Bluewater Rest Home he outlined the security one has in Christ. The choir accompanied him to Zurich, with Elya Finkbeiner playing the organ ac- companiment. Christine Taylor is spending the week with bey aunt and uncle Mr. & Mrs. Don Winter at Don • Mills, Mrs. N. C. Motley 'has returned home after spending two months in Montreal and Cppreel. Visiting with. Miss Nola Faist are Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hilhorn and Cathy of Orangeville; with Mr. & Mrs. Frnmery Fahrner, - Mrs. Robert Palmer, Shirley Beth and Mark of North Bay; with Mr, & Mrs. Lorne Fink- beiner,Sgt., & Mrs. Robert Larnbie, Wayne, Scott and Brian of Kapuskasing. You'll Find I/ At ttert1;$ SHOES Main St, Exeter Many visit at Crediton By MRS. KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY Mrs. Bev Taylor was hostess for the March meeting of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary meeting. By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glanville and Jody spent Wednesday evening with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator. Leonard Wein is a patient in Westminster Hospital London. Mrs. Leonard Wein, Marvin Wein and family visited with Leonard. Sa turdayz., Lorna and Brenda Glanville celebrated their birthdays, Saturday, Lorna's was the 19th and Brenda's the 27th. Those present were Karen Haist , Penny Wein, Joan Klemke, Kim and Debbie Gallaway, Debbie and Shelly Glanville. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and girls spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Foran of Blyth. Brenda and Lorna Glanville remained for holidays. Michael Clark of London and Terry Dolphin of St. Thomas are spending holidays with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dye. David Glanville of Parkhill is spending holidays at his parents' home. Phillip Biernashie of Barry's Bay spent a couple of days with his wife, Muriel. ./Nllllllllll 111111 lllllllllllll 11 iiiiiii iiiiiiii 11111111111 = Frito-Lay Twin Pack CHIPS 62" 49 DRY CLEANING Plain Dresses $1.15 We Sell Silverwoods Dairy Products Mrs. Taylor presided and assisted Mrs. Frank Hamilton who led in devotions. Mrs. Ivan Norris was pianist for the meeting. The roll call was answered with an Easter verse. The topic was given by Mrs. Larry Gardiner. The Study book from Mass Media was presented by • Mrs. Carter Kerslake assisted by Mrs. Lorne Elliott and Mrs. Gerald Carey. Couples visit Grand Ole oprey By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SH1PKA & Mrs. Ron Desjardine and Steve, and Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rader and Heather spent last weekend at Nashville, Ten- nessee, and attended the Grand Ole Oprey show. EUCHRE Twelve tables of euchre were in play Wednesday night at Shipka Community Centre. Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Edna Clark; ladies' low, Nancy Pickering; men's high, Hugh Morenz; men's low, Verne Sharpe, most lone hands, Gerald Mason. PERSONALS Mark and Clark Adams spent the weekend with their grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance of Thedford, and Mr. & Mrs. Don Dumegan, Gail, Margaret and Karen of Grand Bend visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Ron Desjardine and Steve. Sue Ann Schroeder returned home Tuesday from War Memorial Childrens Hospital in London. Mr. & Mrs. Don Adams and Brock spent the weekend in Somers, Connecticut, with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Henderson, Paul, Sandy and Janice. Business period was conducted by Mrs. Gerald Carey , A quiz on Easter Customs was conducted by Mrs. Gordon Scott. WMS Mrs. T. L. Scott was hostess for the March meeting of the Womens' Missionary 'Society. Miss Olive Speare presided, opening the meeting with a call to worship and prayer. The scripture passage was read in unison with Mrs. M. Lamond as leader of the Bible study with Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. Mervin Dow assisting. The study book from Media in Missions was presented by Mrs. S. McCurdy. Routine reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott and the treasurer, Mrs. M. Lamond. Mrs. Calder McKaig reported for sick and shut-ins. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. M. Dow. At the Easter meeting, April 8, a pot-luck dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. with the regular meeting following. The members of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary and Home Helpers are invited as guests. Mrs. Grace Scott led the `Prayers are asked' in Glad Tidings. Each member gave current events and Mrs. T. L. Scott read extracts from a letter from her son David Scott who is a teacher in Sarawak. Miss Speare closed the, meeting and Mrs. Dow assisted the hostess at the lunch hour. PERSONALS Alec Scott was home from Guelph for the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Everard Kerslake attended Review Day at Ridgetown Agricultural College Thursday and visited with their nephew Hughie McCaughey who is a student there. They also visited with their daughter Bonnie who is a student at Western University, London. Frances Scott, London, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Scott. Ernest Luxton of Exeter visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Calder McKaig. Mr. & Mrs. George Vivian and children of Staffa visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar. More than 70,000 miles of transmission line are used to deliver electricity across Ontario Hydro's province-wide power grid. That's enough to circle the globe almost three times. iiiii„„miiimi,„,,,,,,ffiffillmimminififfiummininommllonnimmiumillommino....m...mmimmuffinuomumullom GRAND = :-..- OPENING SPECIALS . .F._ THIS FR IDAY, SATUR DAY & SUNDAY F.- = = E:- iliil iiiiiiiii linlitsitm01 iiiiiiiiii $$$$ ttttttt $ ttt iii $$ EE COKE YOUR E." AFTER Fa m i ly 4 Lil y 138C HOURS Plus Deposit STORE I, DRY CLEANING 2-Piece Suits $1.15 Save Money On Silverwoods Jug Milk 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 HI 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1