HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-16, Page 111110$1,, • ." in. .4;4" do., WO* ,striVelz 7 lir • "". • I • 'Mace ate ,1,1 , tin . p 104 an. aloe, lease alsorairela 00 ATION d•r. •leal 'NSW 8 .e8 • "". . • • ." . I' I (WV., e • , • • • 'w ee 1#4 al4144444gtsr th.,dus'r .711.5'''Gt„...TiT,fff aataleatetattlajataseelitatesatattatalleW ;•-•' sammaa..• t II.M.latalt6 TICIVrNff60 M. D. LwnsX. iMahrtarmanuatr.areici.the file ihne. o C. •6 th• how. Iseeserly lieFepPeeer Pict. le Di4. 410614 Dire (.1 NOM Collate) 13,111,1,11.C.1,11.L11.111.(1,110. Jaw; • (AU% wfsfigr J. P. Dilater, M. D. Wt. 4cCoI'ofltcUB. H onaik4116161 sad tidiest elcolriellin. Parsletaa of tle •Lestio /duet* 'emu lenipuy of Matey. N. T cr oat. sed Resideaes Tafit all.. A • DerM/11 Werd.flodereoll. 1911420 1)ICIIARI1,400111, PH TalCI 1111711413DN Ass t litomaelase. alasshoster, C. W. Fehr., ta. 111147. ware , M NI, SURGEON ORNTIST. ttooni, over the Post °dice, Watt Street, Goderich. tonvis.ss sr% Mew sestt Ira Loaf t • 11•611,111111111 AND 17T066117•ATAAW, tat ilohallor-arCeseeery. Carey h•olirn Aitionteri iledenA,CaneelaWeet. Oleo is Can Nome. •14r40 M Canut...on. DARRIST111, AMEN IT, CONTITATIC116. Sc. Ilhastee .t. (loaned., Oat , 144 Daeastrost & (Arrow. 410L1CIT0RN 111 CHAJICiat. ie. 13 thane Regain Wee,. Hoderish. M. C Ceetinto•. Wel 4.?. Orassoes. Joan el iterrion ATTORNET:AT-LAII,n0LIC1106111 MAMMY Now? Petite, 04....y..., SC at , noearrtelt, Odir• oa the soak aft eflIta *low. Ma drafter Oesa-loese aseare. erta Taw, r..T'otast• IDA RRIRTIR. ATTORMT..i 1.L IW. WH.IftfT011 J1 le Claw.% 004.0.A. Qatari& 4.1110.- reales Ole A Maples street ser77 Darla 161•10.10.• ARRIeTTRi AND ATTOUNI11111, POLICITORe. !AND ..-'lsoarsm. as. flotenre. 0.1. W. T.!.701rillkOCAM‘INpeNter. • . . • • trolLti •••, 1,4044. 64,41.• MEM*" ,4-.11.11,411..... 40444. 111. - 44 '‘,1391' I4 • 11 'NA 1 li 4'77 lel t 114 itAYtit „. Car, • •-•7.*.v7.7.e,7 . Frlfry?-4717"c"?.. • ,TrthrTiVirlFirrITIT7 /Kt • . • twat • fe _ " The Greatest Possible Geed to the Cireatest Possible Plumber." $2.00 PER ..Atsi. IN AD GODERICH. ONTARIO D. C. FRIDAY, AUG. 16,1870 0 4. Ataktuaa.rt L.aug. el II III VOL.8--NO. 103 flusiacse Mitector NOW IS YOUR CHANCE .ra 0,4 r) 4 0 Such re the loadow eta the fed.. et3 41*-eVike. • • Prices to Solt IN Tfulfel Photographs reduced to $1.00/stIN., OR 'Meta PLR HOLP Fon*. Large Photograph Reduced in .Proportion. 414o .10 mete tea Urged. Pliot.errephe nude I• God* he, very Moody here.tas pater,. fro. ow floWit armada at D.• CAMPBELL'S INA 1,11,1111111. Flotograph Gallery .11 NEW CABINET Aura le lelercameL Wilt hT11R11 - own la & I I. TO 11111T1r0IFTON • • ?Watt •IfD LAIR OPIUM. ce•sve t lIneatos, enve. Oetaiea • leo se rraeonablo arm -4*Diepe:17*".Z. set aloe titles to row eatie• Ooll•nolt. Dec 14 IOC •.114 . "Itit Velltbana FR. M4.. B. n or to Learsd. (Writs Coebb's 114, seer irshearillFa fare. GODARION. F. W AIN vi ?toter. Pa of the Climb otter Ceertlbrejlrev- - Ir. 11. elltolsoe, 111'C'T POlt wilitTrotim AORICULT0ItAL warts. (Jewett [braes, proanotort 14.44...., . ad. all.lyttp 44. Ntistecentanst• 81111. •TTORXIT, SOLICITOR, Ili0.,441. 01. ow. vas filOtiitY TO LEND. _. Patron* & IRMIMIOT• et• %TR tali yearns:4ra AIJENTS, NO. reAde 841014. N. T era •Mdreesp-st-Lae. H. R. SWILL 1400. sal se..., • we 1 7.1 merlionsmil .n tleccfrotra!TR, 1.A71111T.D. Cowie, ol SAWA onweloie • memory poaraesav et. . 11114,TrA 0.. fl. FIreretitst• ls61111 vrn noltrawmt, LAND usisienasesa. Iteseevellae. • 114 ILL Sr, C 11.0tCo ARCHITECTS. sreillec•F••• el bandage. Suttee IpI. *00.141,1 sr. eror J. CI. Dolor Co'. eters. to.iter 1' Business Directorg. 1.1U RoN 110TEL, c. ZURICH. CO. 111:R011. JOSS itu,- - Proprietor. Faso te= up rite Fay Msee ta• u••••Itlas ST Hood SWAN' Rag laccapt ttl•adalage Foldgary 1st, 1470 *IV MILS. IJA YS' HOTEL WROXETER. ON the direct road trom Seafftgli ke Mon . Every armoury aledstioa for the travelling public. HANNAH DAYS Wroserltsrom. E. WV, COLBORNE 110TEL, CODER1011. E. MARTIN', Proprietor. Good Accommodations. Ample Stahl* Room. la. This is adniitte44obwit' hart dais h..- kept in Good Style. Dem *(s 1470. 1144 ti QUEEN'S HOTEL 11) • AIR 10 NI, Stoves ! Stoves !Sign of the Isi BrOd fr PIAA1144 AN D WAN 4:Tir NKrit113, COAL ' WHOLE81 LK AND*STAIL. Coal Oil Lampe, lte. &IL". 01,1 (toppse, Brea, Wool Pielosie. aid 611.01, Skim Lakes la •zobente, 4. & 4. ATO Mr Sirs ofib Lyn Coal Oil Goileciet. March lat.16117 a GODER1CH CABINET FORE ISHING V A JUL: 1 Ce U S DANIE,I• GORDON, CiLIMIN 1.7.'1' NI A. I< IER UFHOLBERRER, •NU Undertaker, &c., &c.,`" FURNITURE 0,_ , *ari- la - rarely alike 888,....„.,8888„ flIHI llebeallare lave melee* tb•Ir 4,-,..raolo 01 remise. who wry - - - 7' - .. --• I to ter preserve hi rear •• 1 Om Soo. toreerly isie.,- 7; g m. BROOM FACTORY GROCERY STORE ay Ole be Xr J £M*' THOM* ob, (Ira &arra avaall wf 68.8 4188 .188 8 81818• ter Ceps Hew). as alateton stoat. and ,...4 0 . is wlyeelset le style or slat tai se • Nr. Ottawas Iseurtsa. r.i. parehaama tura • eleatest aerie, sad ball la• .1. Wood Clean 011.14,01S111‘ ISM Stalliiisifie breoul..tnako,, Zse;";•70. Wm- $ . lames edsteele Soloa. Loess's. wif 441 !11 1ea., floullea•ae 4;,r:rola, t•ntioe Tale*. &ay Ch•/,:e •otroes, Sidi, tweorci. ChM...ere hce manta, Koolau Takla. e els Gra. Hattori... 4.4 •lt,, 'Me. 1 Str1t..1 117171:1.11laim. I sir do, art 4.05 dithrehl kinds apnea Mattresses b It - Repo always au Wed • biro memerterat of or THE AN EXTRA HEAVY BROOM IreduLl• ;tilt net Roempel ei'dioiptrasool, i•inara er made !elle eh,e1•• 11.11 kV, 143717.11r.r.1...40:. • 7).,14 fiy. BEST QUALITY & WORKMANSHIP 4. og at Hair Wareruwas is Taproot., It.j. •I revs el eon. p.tto Neon meal 01 ..""kih"."%111""r"..rh""P` r.:1`71"7.''""0"" Corks & Shroudi to the Latest Style. ' Both Wholesale & Re Mem, 11E 11*A.41 to hire. lieseLp 7( 11 They hays We rerelased the Wanes toral, February lat, ERIC MCKAY, WOULD 1111111PTATIMLLY 411- D Fatale Set he hay opened • new sal. 01 t'se alms Ifni wi Neat arse; *melte 0. Ralik or (laetrile!. where be .111 keep 04144.817 05 hand ..r nate to ore. FURNITURE OF ALL ILNDS• Hai lag oa hand a4 aasortaiest ref Upboistareg eselertal. ••11 be prepared *0 111 promptly all orders Mt teat Ilse aoesalty 011t .al Ro•e•ced Xoshltags Picture Framing to Order. 7.P **frosts .e(.,11 allosettua la buslates;* ON • Mesa* 0.444eh. New It. leee IreFlo • SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Dam 00 gm smut ittostamon.) for sus seesssestarseney saw* ma Poli Nee* Theoughestt, le Mem Ilea te the Itshite. COOD STABLING. cmotomLIMOOlt• AT 4111 BAA &meta £* 1S. 0himemeire1alliste1 ,tiltelIMMIC.11, 1".er.-irssa _ (OHM HICKS, Proprietor. nig fe ib 1 ...sisals...I beetCouatry Hole. le Wester lama.* .•nd c•argeo.a. ...dente as soy 111.11 la *Hebei I . itage Proprietor. &hood etablIng I or UFO florae Haase. arras*. fo, tige,•• dsortesi Wan., *411 B. Mol:ORMIJK, TAILOR. &c. (111LEAN0 OLD STAND, EAST ST.) PRSTIOUIILY CUTTER. TO J. C. DIITLOft, 4 Co TTATtlateNIAL ta.,ODERICH Oro, 1111PT lat. MoCORMICK •••--•• kJ lie hem la our earynient as Cater for as ar I year IN • Is milled rants ti* any 1.4* clams THF. undersigned he root poreheaott Oat mato- ing Mill .01Seat fernery 0.4.1, se* 0•• gupled by Desakti.:smaingsegese..som eer-y on itie ..in ot manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, elabletesest. • bespeak &atm 084 sosIdanor of way 14.a.7 employ btu, Rat Ell kinds et C I It C CI It IC.* tort et Cler44 1! set a orl Pr•ouee k They thlek from their ex aerators ie Factory Wert, tun earl give sat isfectioe le ell 13.0 may hewn ieirm 1.44 0,11, X. H.- A liter. deo•eaet 1.tie teed*. 20,000 feet of Dry inch sod a quay Flooring on hand. 244 iiItelcA • I,AVID * dieremea. Meech „. 111 ill ave.Fr. s ' CL NTON bliaheal 1862. moellamates Propene an Cole Menem/ Mows every ' oaf oe P 0,r rel•rell oltaf 4.l.p....r t the Musty, l'AURMA N'S Marbel RICK , • '.'UX C. 61171.011ACo PHOTOGRAPHS $1 -Allailler1,01110- . 3 1,1;-.7.ne 100 't 1141(41eala•11, AGENTS WANTED, ..To Sell the Refifsed Edition of Chamberes sit$Ellepoedls , A re-irsue of 10'0 with MaP8, PLATES, AND EMIR A VINGS. MO BR rOMPLIFT1111 IT Tim vor,unne IR 1 plan earl. Insetraten aboes star 43044- .04 &mussing. and forty Mate, logetica trite • Fee* 0.4*.t(1.3 *Ira 7yd, wee for the Oral Uwe apperiog la tee tree. ALSO LIMscoTr4 Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Cosenialag woman 41erneent tenons of all ape at* enuatres. .04 01. rotate of 114 ,1114., 445 of Se goon, Redo sad Cleric tlytleskanies, tee peeseeareetioa et Meer wines In P..• Margot ewers Is whir/Alley weer, Vita • no 01e, of other new sad Feely pope 4(4eorks Thee ....lie an Odd *fay ty Large•t ecerneo e allowed to Agent. leier particulate enclose sump and adder Kis J. BNoWS, Leads, fleassal Weller 0.O We. • WASHING M PERF 5. • CASI- Wen. THE LIVERPOOL a LONDON *NI) t10.01114 INSURANCE COMPkwyl „ N . • been 11 401.304051 Th.rty-two year• during that pared hes p.41 1..oe4es . Five and a half aillits• pentads Th•d•aboneemeui el the eitorrnote .14111 to S wrote. •ree, 11•• 40 tbe the eed•Iduihrseal or *hie I oaltuletei• els. ecoalideeee 01 111110 Corporialder girerrany, H oeselenkle!”. • be...°888 Wherever it is repneer..led. 14 181041000, *036,13.. 4,... • 01.170 aloe, Facwintei to • • ••••' .647,763 a it. 1051, year, P.M, 0' * 00 strIT,1711 • tpla veer, • • ee ee 4:8"-9.31t 30th year. IRMA!: • ie A810055 the year Isterlir 111 sow 94.777,464 Y• R. . Amid ye wow 411.2.01.468 n o she Life * leareaestad throes...et flew The •••600•4, by influenim, la lane 1111111$141110 tor IOW nags may be road*. 03.0611. 1,,C H, Iteseleei Secretary, *arrant, A. RONS, Agent Fr Coders, It I 8. vet*. , W. N Weeeos,I1.%s(o413. e .10 ob. 11.1tlead. wt) CIGARS AND TOBACCO. --r-0 '4. (IN tul / •- • • • a gt RICHARD PI Km.. o kale fas teat of 404 doe., Is :ator.e...s7.24. .s .• ...474.-:...f.•••A estlet.';" • f PRICE REDUCED stars of the .s ' bearded h • frum N • Ckeltenhallt ; , . . no, puffy FOS GOOD DRY Is *hut PP" PINE LUMBER,' LATH, SHINGLES ft,;.,!k AND CEDAR POSTS • ,o7f- - • The seberrimet 100 411. 00 besot 1000,000 Feet Pirie Lem PINE IND 6T111.11 1111111GLEi. EFA1r4..laGaTS,1 *heath. hs.aopeephitst - OLLIE LARG EOlt SALiLi LOIS •If ULIATLT Reduced Pricesifor Cash. Apply at ths Detlur it Co... @tors. dial, ewe* J. C. JAIRE8 SMAILL, Agent:, 111o4446. 147043. le% 4t ti . • ' • • ' ••• • • . .1.11 werser 2{ay :east= • le Adiaeltt."'"""firalla: • • Ar ,47.1110: vs".iwe ittlirlMeg osd•ititirews.i.frsi Bihsfuren in • sort of .pshttete tAllpiinat the masters mf oecareseary that this eurt °Leong ' tamped out. Landow unsp, lawyers, they won to thisak the matter pretty tightly Outside the vourt-yard, .1 itioittims est - ed ...jr oIcttad Iraqi* As. wk.. , hie about the dmarhaf 1 ha 68*44, all • 1:11iiiin tehdliehart.ofi. 44t, e"ik% gst..Ithe ‚.o.44 his .nem, prologs of cooshet ihAA pit viotory, kite Mao abate plum a hilluflgiau"Lldo arrecsrriagy.de 04(1 01 the town, dnrew b dfstrixett, ormolimon, and beartnj themokstre of the Viyndnaliail o. ate tithe are trudoug *1101 teFA, et I 111110 CI ibillti.10 liver) newsiest then the rimier 0HO 0 Iftrimili tie otuumsdire oiU.ofs bowie sill mere td %aro. ! Same, ?Ise thus rAents hare come in ipro,, several tolltijifig 01•111014., and site* a line Rusiority fur Aar Wy dher, and there M.., NW* 111108, from the prefangta 111. Mary*. Anna, tiverpne41es1 Pry • Wools. of groans trot. the streets. 'Novet mini, my bore; throne Otroto horn the steps; 'was till we pot the rAtetrui front Abercirsid.' The 01401 4101* Lay. got the returns frim. Aberdruid, and are vaulting otter theft; there is • ooneidernbie majority berstalu general there, 4.11.1*.'. they et pintas!. the* had faired • much larger majority num.: them. Theca was 0317 wantriki now the 'state(psis' the &OAFS of Atterewee district of which the hauunet a Tea wad the chieftain -the mainstay ol las' Pod sr and influence. 4 Presentlros horseman hearing the I.J074 *doom plastered over stab mad, hht 1144 torn &West from his hook, dashed info thl yard of Ittoro .dmoihir Test VIt1rifints. The ctairman t • mow 7. 4 mitts* to his seat at the .• trimmittee.rooni ; e men, e cirstereambout Inns and he .11411t ted.tt'Atoe tuna under his hand dins voles • a • • thostemen, Ira bare new the retnros of the poll up a) The dot returns we have prover have Air Wyndham In (warty ; ttsi• lassos • • .1 4 ' • • , • e A •r .• ' „ - e • : 4 • , • •••-o- • "•• • • e• . • 4/ - .• • • . 4 . '8 • f „...1 - ---.1M-•• At , • P : • •• 4", of 14'4,.‘ _ • •' ' „ Puy ' • , • 4 • • T • g .I . , Z . , ------0 3. ".4 4 i .. ' ' , • , ' . . , 27.77•iiXtr.11;4 01.404 0=liatin71-14443"::12411"4"4.441114,..416. /Mat raitri' '''IM.H.gliltili216420,.46/1414rIAAllri 64takilailTitli•;7f ' • ''' '46 • / I . . r • • • ...• 4. . I • V * 4, - .„ .0 . .., . ! 1 -- • ' , •4 ". . .7 ' '' ', .* ' 1 ' ''' ' • • - • ' r • , . , , . • MY •;-.' - • : Y" - • • pitrA7-.4,44tt-itoYektoislailit;w4twitaite4ragtoyprtx- dr. • t' • t 8. , 7e. •-•_ _ • . • 1.• .0**10.P.klet'AtVir - - e, _.......,. . 'IF -I.% te.'" - a ..-:.' ......,!....4a, I', to...r...m...o.---r-.4•1::=-!--"k.4.'-` ''''' '''''' :--''•`:-.4".• , , * ,0 • .11. ' 1.,0111. . I-deeelleby r , lir ... 3 . , ,.,;„,.., • , • iceii•• - ..,F,fie... . . .e.. ,..',1* "44..t.,..- ."..."'''s-..: •i' ,,^ , or.,.....!..••• - •• . t •••-•:,404.t' t- ' • t,' 0 It . , 0• • -rte.-area. . , ..dederet.