HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-12, Page 4• 27,4 li. 111.1 Thal II 11. lot. /Moe sis 00 et mil STAPLE k FANCY DRY GCODS, MILLINERY k STRAW GOODS, ROOTS AND SRORS, elIMMIVING DAILY LANDS FOR SAL AT BAYFIELO. Godorteh, April 19th, 1870. JUST OPENED SEVER AL CASES Off Dress Goods, nice new Styles, Mantles. Gents' Hats, and New Tweeds. 1..4 Torres of timialerh. euisivielag I40 scree of the beet ya•Itty of lasid, rare Murat suMe of the Market fare of the Tow • of bleynehl. Tire le • oieranue of Sewn.. krisiols ouuld readily le powered tor crop The remainder of Use mad Is Muriel moored milk the Snit of bawls mei mple timber of splendid gram sh, ask es - is situated in Mk ohl and itreil rated usIgh6rurhoed. ;DST ngenivicr ASSORTMENT Ol Consoling in part of Wri 01 err, dosma., Wintry', Me teen erialidest et gone, the may's...Mire Mai Meer o Wraith, Swot th. 1'166 oestaiuusil• scree of well reserved trim Mr. afrath • The rum to Um er hayfield with • missIderable waterfall whisk amid be made erallsbh, for rides ov. maikelecturtug peelers. 40.0011 MN to elf Wore . .4 en vs I rensumad ht Werra t: lerbard THE MARKET GROCERY North SEA Market Square. 01 ALL HINDS. /tall AND A very large Stock of Crockery. A.yer't Sarsaparilla, ORNAMENTAL PRINTING let nermair Ude aw. ladanrel ben ita err. ass at eleri are truly OM arrtiar dn. sonwpiles, how helm eserdallarirTmer parr by the wrote▪ , untainurrea Were fully ellItelagolare hen radleally mei Fere ellelblel liaison nary rem 'draft Mk sand. seed le or ha erten at Sam robe" SAS td Oa ael oar ere Mak lb man ad& Splendid Chins Setts. GENERAL` (GROCERIES CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best make ALSO, TO RAND Several Cases of BOOTS & sHors itir A First -Class Cutter and experienced Tailors in the Tailoring Department Ile= Apache( la lryoraldi of Its MIMI ie do tie by perm. orr lharkbuer Wiley. N▪ ora was ef Ill we of WM is mi. Purees. allieted 1r Sa Yaw* Mee ter 'Mat Mom., dada /Dad, Itessees. reeliL as,. bor. Sem wad new elitism er made dlateare. elet lay were ler mirmywne wrens. sr Or Sientreof .210 afeevereled Mims are rend n• tberdlt • ewe line le resets* Is bet toes amassed mak ,of Ode tee rell Ilia tor Mak eme are tioZd is our OW e lorer far the nue( and oe:40111114 at Ile reslorstree pewee epos • flab sr au. Dogma,* IrreargreasIt GokirkkAritt, Sikh, 1218.S. Ooderlob, April Ifth. MOO. spew., For tame apply le. J•NEN D ALLEN. W, W. CONNOR, Dayleht. Or ph IS Jmor IV/0 welt. FARM FOR SALE. nr ler ACRES, MORI OR LENS, ABOUT 110 V arr. erred and do r•al hardwood Nom Yew, • kossfort.hk reek and illret-elsee frame Orr, • rind toehold, and well watered. Mr el tke Mad la To• 'whip • rise hem Godedeb sie4 ?Roos Orton. I On pa) inert of pert rash. mord Were 1E111 be pees ler tw halms. eke pertleulare apply os Me Merese to /OLIN MeR/Mallek tend lee wit: Porter., isosises Farm for Sale. y ors 63 mad M. Psydeld Concertos. IS Twereabp Liodertch Containing 68 atom, Owe, err 50 roes cleared walk good rf OW' spi 604r Hour, about le miles from lilistr• For Thom olarde apply at the D. soros TUN nn the premiere Oodirrich. Oet.Serit. 21, 1861. web rt. FRUIT TItl PUN submit bre Ma rer rime PEARS CHEttRIEf PIACH CEA rpisouild IL Mom/met Weems' Wimple. Wolk, e. Meal tie 10th WA., I will kw peer t Mork. • me • call before webs* Dederick •Apell 11. FARM• FOR BALE ON :THE 11.3 111 acres. MI of Mirk clever fere JAMES ST WHOLESALE 00 The tantatered and reliable Pt ✓ hose* Meta Drape Then Z. stosli=aot 1.6 try HID Id PREPARS.D TO MAIER ADVANCES ON APPROVE!) REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN WESTERN CA.SADA, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : IlltrisIrequirml io redeem each $100 admin..] i • . yore. 1111rars. IN ream. 11 parfairi yearly DI 66 111.40 0.34 Lean. at proportionate rale" for 2,4,6.0 or IS pan, The •bove Instelmenia int Mae • a.alons Fund, whorls rotes elf the Principe!, a• well as the Intone! of the loos, so that Mi the examen es ol that tens agreed opon, the debl se entre ty v ',pea out. The full neneret otthe louts *deuced. and ne payment ts required before the end of the Mill-yeer or yea, Persson may he mole In elvaeoe, ittr1 interval is • Rowed therefor ; Of I V.I. nlOrtgage in • v he rerein • ed in fon at say time the honorer drstrott,ottequ,tableinT1n. EXPENSES S7RIC TLr awe Appraiser to the Society.. r,i °drub . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM'Y 1•:ostaI,Iirshed 11!"25. °_" for r «d alfie. WITII which is wow ended the Cclonial Life Aroranc. Coarse,.aado be for Canada : N• n� tl,-� ynd.rd Company's Building% No. AT Grit IL aL Ilaaeg.r-N. M. Remsay. Inspector -Richard Ball. r.. D FUND - .000,000. ACCIIMIILATE "".. ANNUAL INCOME 3,soo,000. lee Compa^7 hiring deposited the sum of $ISe.000 with the Reenter Oeneral,in ennformity with the insurance Act oared last Section. Asauraneeewill continue to be carried out al "whereto rates and on l aliIlefsr.as :-Dr. McDougall, Dr. r 11cMichipractice. ag. J. CALIAWAY, Jr.r. OI. agile. 1!. Agent forUoderie►. BRONZE AND GOLD. iteretarr aud Treasurer, Tomato. Gederich. 16th Oct.. 184ii able ror eines orb -let grooms TM let krill he err ohms rd rimy terms. PaseresMes ran bo Mem ler Issuer. fof particulars wed Wwww. apply to if LI PARBONS or to J. DAN IIN)N, am Ooderish Dederick. Mardi flea ISM. welt FARM FOR SALE, Li 90 cleared, good dwell." Mawr. for SIMS loth • monosodems "Dern Wirier al. V.11011 Urn eared hy two hero ninMsgthrengh rise farm, sae dual ••114 Or toll. from yokel owl. withe hos Drench. Fer peeterree apply os Slei smear'. Su VIIIIVART October ILIA DIM • Mat Ofiew ISMS MELODEONS TM ESTABLISHMENT • liwww liVOOLs• WOOL, WOOL4 that bla New Woolen Machinery is now la Full Operation and in First Class Working Order AND THAT HZ IA MECII PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDIIIOUSLY thin last aertS011 While starting his machir.ery all new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Meth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will roadie prompt attention. Haying now on hand the largest, best and dm-ape:it Wick of of home made PIM SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING THANKS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONRGE •••• Hs him received luring the past year, respeeirsily bogs to intiret• that he is non pre pared to (under. Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet & Churcb..Prgans OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED AtIprioes and terms .which defy competition.in this section. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FUR FIVE YEARS, EEEET MUSIC:SW:4.1ED ON SHORT NOTICE. Zara - Cress 11114711.TILD writ ft re ION FOUNDRY 3041 PB.INTIlir0 tem 0rthz 41: for Um patrietres ta•1001 OM* wow your Calkers; shorketterlad .11411,1, R. RUNCIMAN rcs FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, & WINCEYS. seer Mho+ offerer to Ow in 1.1tia pert of the Emenoe, a• ir.•1•1 1•••,,,,t 11„.. 0 mehange thew weal to roll and f wide fur thesorlres berme appointing trineelere else•bere p enskitilIMMer th0 •pvels1 Marren of ferret to beware of were Vnann“•••• ago... welkin their seri Co eerier; •• I* WW1 peered It Mr the eireelenee 01 homer yowl hi he s he rfert •on reg. to them ts rrleree ways, that they remelt ie. orb pirate Iwo late tri rwrd against it. litr Ike highest Market Price paid In any quantity of good Clean Wool. nottlartrb Deere Works, lelb Hey, 111111,_ FARM FOR • SALE, MARTIN 13 tint tal able ro. herr runes, ILL KINDS OF 41 ht. "bop os Kemper Moron I./adverb Godrick.Oet.F. 16604. about b5 Isere cleared, r Sone 131.1111‘ Room, Prior, iRebes, Hell and Bed room . the erred Rom, Mining Room, lwrp isent, Dairy Rom. Pratt room lame room. Nest roes fruit La Pr. ueep slay Nam. watered Gotten.* 23tk tram" ler 'tee r rhe rem eri orim sib Maar WSW IV esimarlime • itili$111! kV= 1.3 117.igif .14 PE "Pi • itf tic us 1 la ti ...,ST & FLOURING MILLS, . 8,„th 8„,,,_„,,„„ Steam Engines and Boilers, • Thras oulti T 4811 STYLE, COOHIN of the tenet ion gipt nee esti a ng Machines, Seperators, AHD WOODEN PLOUGHS ! ith Cast or Steel Acadia, Drill. Ploagr, Gang Ploughs, atom Land R0114MS, Straw Cutters, es, Potash Kohn, Sager Kettles, Sell Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, PARL017Il AND BOX STOVES. :-.1011141,. DPW NATO err, and IllacVsmiths' ilrorit and Repairing tee. Call and sr ths SIM MOULD•BOARD PLOUGHS, r los re ap for Nish. or. 124.1887 w311 the GREAT INDIAN They Me erns tin AO 01001 nktrIvennl the, Me Seri SI Moore I Censpeen_ armee efts, foe Gr. us mow asiersible in Ore Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY Mon themeto, Ilesere, sil draws mires from wee Mere rer mob • ewe se Mel Is Use P•00.111 Wren from of ilrlvloos. C. W.. of Commembee ; re Wed Peter C. If. Miller. reemedoern, 0. W.. ofCer- .0 ['MITI: sod larr4 er ter er Iry leer le modeler hed we nano. if-for...it 11 the Dom Mon, WWI fel • fleesisrot IIONERA REMEDY sod PILLS, mel wary yeer Price of the Remady tarp pintalll' Irof dale hy •Il Dowers mid Doren in Medi leo. Ater, for Oreneb, r. Sorsa sad noir I WHOLESALE .10111-111! Tr NAPA Ent' 11110 k Co , pITHER BY NC 1,400untare hereby Es CALL AN1 PA air/ rill seek • R. oderich,98th Des. • lessan Conway P 0.. Carty et COMM " HURON METERS AND THERMOMETERS . MADE HY L STINSTED, RITGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. rood weft oral, on,sso sorse-,,Nosir, neon the maple of this rehdly Us• ono,. m lito,olm, ...nil foli ertmerst nf )0•11. aa.aratall isatramasia altica Abel AM at the follow :at.r.,asly Low Vance. flan WIdlie theory tramMip..kirmIl ; White Oagia 110 Indent Dark, ee eoe.lierg in tubs. , Warr Walnut Ores re eerier tries 0111 ; WM herr Drese alk' es...miles tertian 1 Pm Nero Wend Rare 6114 ova. al Use celebrated ereetdee Chien sag awe elha ; Rem Weed Mame alla Maas soma Masai* Tay. awl Claw.. SS Rap* Mogi har tuft &mum hair red Awl tad leoel,64, seoabee, *as 414 •48 era, aaak‘as hank rib • verse arra smorefe., payoff 66•6•14 a tatale4 Of Prey eft/ tre Onsra, Ms lot Are WM a., .1 ma aawarai Arbil. wary hmtrawatztewl. 0.'artir *MN =,.....m.orry to lutte Uwe war 7111#414,141......A: earriame NW Now of Mr reel Isermainale. obleh Ms 16 Oweerl Dv state of the emerher oatmeal aaly. Semi aka tw 416* . 11P44, flasasel Apia far nrami• liars GODEMICIII-WOOLEN FACTORY, (SNOWS AS PIPERS MILLSj DIIISPSCTruLl.F Murales to farmers sod others that they ars prepared to 111 -arra?..11601, altaw.IL do Ilia el* • fillrfeerint re wit ROLL OARDINC, Cloth Droning, Carer MANUFAMURINC [grinning, Dyeing, Sehnert'', ed Cloths,9 Wineeys, Flannels, Tormne• of dietaries Fr M11,1011111. rIN la 10 mrtify that rInrinf the elniar ef 1.01 wrir t•lowt snit • eery.* of the *Wink .1.100 prosily. mo Me the spring nf ISE, ereendod re my Imre, en4 en op to obi I Mere* r war • that I worl not welt is eoneneet 10 my, elsir 1434.,,dilsermit Nor. throe dram, d14 mellierem At UM Mr I We Wien to feel thr reMliestillPnbliff:; Rome., hy mellow tbe tem peer In • hare la fset I was mitres err IWO MAW Iwo bottles Make Illeelinsea lee OR flee 16101Mer 13416106. Partial' wiriing to certifier their wool for gnmi Rome made • t to tee us • sell. so ets ere satiated ws her the 11. it ma oi S aabg*I/apaat Mow IMI1141411.0.1. Nog 171' Ye • Mao at alp em Vnn NAM Ass 110oMerMir Sworn in Wore Inn ur Melee ("entry *MOO A•7 rowlmrT ma A. CV ww the WM Mar bar Mort roll share len Mane hello,. nett VIP lhamarama *mama, wry It row_ .41101ralike MA& alsomonsseesselosiesss N ler Mod alma Mask TVS 810, preemie, end rem rapid end neat et Mela of plain or