HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-03-18, Page 5WIN WOAA CROWN — The Hensall pee wees Saturday night won the Western Ontario Athletic Association "D" championship by defeating Southampton in two straight games. A week earlier, the Hens'all youngsters won the "D" title at the Lucan Shamrock tournament. Back, left, Rick Taylor, Paul McLinchey, Greg Campbell, Don Sararas, Mike Charrette, Dave Kinsman and Gary Moir. Coaches Gary Kyle, left and Wayne Smith, right. Middle row, Bradley Baker, Doug Bell, John Charrette, Dwight Consitt, Steve Knight, Norm Allan and Perry Mattson. Front, Doug Smith, Gary Koehler and Jamie Caldwell. T-A photo Hensall personals ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Hay Township Municipal Telephone System will be held in the Hay Township Hall ZURICH ON MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. JOSEPH HOFFMAN Reeve WAYNE C. HORNER Secreta ry-Treasurer HENSALL - ONTARIO Butt Pork Chops Blade or Rib Steaks Sausage Meat Fresh Ham Steaks Fresh Ground Beef Grade A 5.6 lb. average Roasting Chickens Fresh or smoked Side Bacon Pork Loi n Chops Beef Liver Minced Ham piece Centre cut 490 790 390 490 .59e 4.50 390 590 49e 490 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. •-•:,••••4!"'n•i• • LI OF DIOCIOUS 100 PEAS or CREAM CORN 140z. 5/994 Stokely Stokely whole kernel 12 oz. CORN orPEAS/CARROTS 14 02 .4/75 4 Stokely 14 oz. 5/994 GREEN or WAX BEANS Stokely 3/980 TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. Geisha Solid light TUNA VA or. tin 2/65 Aylmer 2/634 CATSUP 18 oz. Vachon 19 oz. 3/894 PIE FILLING chocolate, lemon or coconut 790 PANTY HOSE (one-size) McCormick's 2/690 GRAHAM WAFERS 13% oz. McCormick's i BISCUITS 3 ib.994" Weston 990 CRUELLERS (10s) 4 pkgs. F.W. outdoor 614. GARBAGE BAGS 10s 2 pkgs. Golden yellow No. 1 Chiouita PRODUCE BA NANAS Product of Horidtiras GRAPEFRUIT red or white Canada No. 1 CARROTS FROZEN FOOD AUNT JEMIMA WAFFLES pa394 Valley Farm FRENCH FRIES 4 lbs.694 lb. 1 24 48's 10/89 3 tbs. 254. Tirne5.44tyocate, Mar' h IL 1971 Page WAD INSURANCE AGENCY 0.T, -(Terry! Wade Total insurance Auto Fire Ole* Sickness and Acgiclept income l_ik.,,PerrOpril.,-,4irreW Bonds. etc,„ I would be happy to clicuas .y.pur ,particular .insurance o. ran;e nep..Colt today or et renewal- time. Phone Crofton 4-6364 or 234-0224 Henson and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maud* Hodder*, Phone 2624002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 2624025 Church women meetings NOTICE THERE WILL BE A Hydro Interruption UNIT II The rescheduled meeting of Unit II was held March 15. Mrs. 'Stewart Blackwell chaired the meeting and opened with a poem followed by a hymn. Mrs. Jack Corbett chose for her devotional the theme, The Hidden Treasure of Easter, and followed with a prayer explaining the meaning of Praying Hands. The study on The Americas was capably given by Mrs. Ron Mock who spoke on the rural andslurn areas in Latin America, Mock who spoke on the rura and alum areas in Latin America, educational planning, illiteracy and the roll of the Church in education, Roll call with 15 members was answered by Did you know? • Thank you cards were read from Mrs. Dave Blackwell and Mrs. Ross Forrest. Plans were made for the Spring Thaw supper to be held March 31, Volunteers responded to help Mrs. Pearl Passmore with crafts for the month of April at the • Queensway Nursing Home. An interesting contest was enjoyed and the March group served lunch. u.C.W. Quilting preceeded the regular • meeting of unit four of U.C.W. when they met at the church. Mrs. James McAllister opened the meeting and spoke on the Cross. Mrs. Russell Erratt read the scripture and Mrs. Robert McAllister conducted the worship telling the story of Jesus in the garden and in the upper room. The topic, The Americas, was given by Mrs. James McAllister who chose to speak on Chile giving its geographical position, climate, people, politics and industries. Gail Travers sang a solo ac- companied by 'Mita Greta Lammie. Fifty visits to sick and shut ins were reported. Quilting days are to be Tuesdays and Wed- nesdays. Unit four will be responsible for church flowers and nursery for the month of April. Mrs. R M. Peck, social convener, informed the mem- Minor Hockey Night HENSALL ARENA FRI., MARCH 26 7:00 p.m. 5 games Sponsored by Hensall Minor Athletic Association Bring your boy to the Arena — Don't send him 0 bers what would be required for The Spring Thaw supper to be held the end of March. MISSIONARY SOCIETY Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church, met March 11 with 12 answering the roll call with a favorite psalm from the Bible. President Mrs. R. A. Orr opened the meeting with a poem, Where Dreams May Grew. Mrs. Percy Campbell and Mrs. Edgar Munn gave the devotion and study with Mrs. Clarence Volland assisting. The Synodical will be held in Sarnia, April 13 and 14. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm will conduct a work shop for children's secretaries. Mrs, Orr and Mrs. Gordon Troyer were elected as delegates to attend Synodical. Craft representative from the group, to the Hensall Nursing Home, is Mrs. Harvey Hyde. The review of the Presbyterian Record and Glad Tidings was given by Mrs. Sch- walm. Five more little shirts for under-privileged children overseas have been added to the number Mrs. Anne Broadfoot has knitted. Next meeting will be an Easter thank offering April 5, with guests invited. Those taking part in the program and devotion will be Mrs. Pearl Love and Mrs. Malcolm Dougal. c.P.A.C. The regular monthly meeting of the Carmel Presbyterian Arnold Circle was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Mousseau, The worship was under the leadership of Marilyn Campbell and Joanne Bell. President Margaret Vanstone conducted the business session and requested that all members attend the Easter meeting of the W.M.S. to be held April 5. It was decided to pay $5 towards Myrtle Orr's expenses when she attends synodical in Sarnia. Marilyn Campbell presented Shirley Mousseau with an engraved coffee spoon as a momenta of her term as president. Telephone call from Hong Kong Mrs. Russell Brock of Chiselhurst had a pleasant surprise last week while recuperating from surgery in Victoria Hospital. She picked up her bedside telephone to hear the voice of her son, Bill, and daughter-in-law, Anne, calling from Hong Kong. The reception was excellent on the 12,000 mile call. It was noon in London but in Hong Kong the time was 1:00 a.m. Bill is with the Far East International division of the Toronto Dominion Bank. The next meeting will be April 19 with Mildred Bell as hostess, A.C.W. The regular meeting of the A.C.W. of St. Pawls Anglican Church was held March 11 at the home of Mrs. Fanny Clark. The presidents opened the meeting with the members prayer. Thank you notes were read for treats sent to sick and shut ins. The ladies were reminded of the A.C.W. annual meeting to be held at St. James Westminster in London, on April 29th. Fund raising projects were discussed. The topic for the day was taken by Mrs. F. Clark. Roll call was answered by reading verses from the Bible having the word Rock in it. Mrs. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer, New Guide camp progressing well Tuesday, the local association of Guiding met with Mrs. Ron Mock presiding. In a report read from the Huron division camp committee representatives it was learned that Camp Klahane situated four miles south of Goderich is progressing well, the grounds are seeded, a gravel access road has been laid and a well installed. A kitchen unit and storage shed has been erected. Several donations from organizations in Hensall have been received and will aid greatly in the completion of the new camp. The L. A. decided to hold a candy and bake sale in Hensall Town Hall, April 17 to raise funds, Sugar and Spice — Continued from page 4 It'll be little, insignificant me. There. I know there's nothing more boring than other people's troubles. But I've got about half of them off my chest. And you must feel better to know that someone in the world has as many troubles as you. And of course there are some things on the black ink side of the ledger, too. There's the "winter break" as they now call what used to be the Easter holidays. A whole week in which to do nothing but mark exam papers. There's the prospect, in about six weeks, of getting the leeches off my back (and into the unemployment lines). And there's the sheer pleasure of not getting up in the dark every workday. The sun shines, waterily and occasionally. There's a glimmer of hope that that peculiarly Canadian mon- ster — winter —, having vented his orgy of rage, is beginning to die of sheer emotional exhaustion. Unless the old brute throws one more senile but devastating blow at us. 4.* Canadian ADMIRAL Is Pleased To Announce the Appointment of DON TRAVERS As Their White Goods Appliance Dealer for the Hensall Area FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF . • DISHWASHERS FREEZERS • STOVES • REFRIGERATORS See Don Travers Electric KING ST. 262-2505 HENSALL Mrs. Lou Simpson returned to the Blue Water Rest Home after spending a week with her sister- in-law Mrs. F. G. Bonthron. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ronnie and family of Brantford, and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ronnie and family of London were recent visitors with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rannie. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was the lucky winner of a hamper shopping bag of groceries from C.K.S.L. radio station, London. Ann Mickle, Toronto, spent the weekend, and Mr. & Mrs, Robert Mickle, London spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. & Mrs. Don Rigby of Blenheim, were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs, Harry Snell, Mr. Stewart McQueen returned home with them for a visit. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mickle, London, are leaving Friday evening to spend a 10 day vacation abroad. Mrs. Mickle is conduCting a group of high school students on a tour and will spend a few days in the country of Yugoslavia, Charles Mickle also leaves Friday evening with a group of high school teachers from Hamilton to spend a vacation on the Islands of Antigua and St. Kitts, in the Caribbean. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Holland and daughter Gwen were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. James Sangster and Bradley. Kinettes to visit sick The Kinette Club of Hensall met at the home of Mrs. Roy Bell with all members present. It was decided to hold the annual spring rummage sale, May 5. District I Interclub will be hosted this year by the Kinette Club of Goderich April 14, and District I Convention will be in Woollstock, May 16. April 4, the Kinettes will visit shut-ins in the village. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scane returned from vacation in Florida, Mrs. Larry Jones and family who spent several weeks with Mr. & Mrs. 'James Sangster and Bradley left last week to visit with Mrs. Jones' sister, Miss Audrey Coleman, in Ottawa. Mr. & Mrs. Wm Shaddick of London were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. George Parker and family. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Adams, Dashwood, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chaffe and sons, Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al, and Bonnie Sangster of Hensall were recent guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Corbett. Rev. W. D. Jarvis conducted the Sacrament of communion in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Sunday, when Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Volland and Mrs. Don Volland joined the membership of the church. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall led the choir in the service of song. P on Sunday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Village of "'orison West of CNR Tracks and on King St. between Nelson St, and Wellington St. and also on Richmond St.