HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-03-04, Page 18• 90-lb. CONCRETE MIX • 80-lb. MORTAR MIX or 80-lb. SAND MIX • 2-lb. PLASTER MIX WITH READY CASH REIII19c 5T" ANNUA Hurry! QUANTITIES. ARE LIMITED ILIV‘S t 0:0 00(1.°t0S*9 OtIts t5 SC°'"On the Co and H or d forove ck check unoaver1 ise che0' ,4011abke YOUR ° 0011 areal SAVE! SAVEI tcr-• 12"x12" We Sincerely Urge All Our Regular Customers To Take Advantage of These Values .... • WE NEED CASHI TO GET IT WE • ARE PREPARED TO CUT PRICES MORE THAN USUAL DURING OUR ANNUAL "CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD SALE" — So, head for the nearest bank, finance company or credit union. But whatever you do, don't miss this outstanding sale! The Cash. on the Barrelhead prices shown on this page are available for a limited time only. Hurry! MME ONLY... SO Fdr Stucco, Poured Concrete or Block BY RESILACRETE Reg. $9.00 Gal. CASH ON THE BARREL- HEAD PRICE, ONLY _ 8 . 1 OGal. Per Our COMPLETE STOCK of DISTINGUISHED CABINET 20% OFF and EVEN MORE Or You May Prefer Our Famous CAVALITE PLASTIC LAMINATE Ideal for Countertops — And So Economical, Too! 4'x8' Sheet Specially Priced At Only — 9 2.87 The edge nosing and back-splash are molded with the counter surface to eliminate hard-to-dean corners. Top grades of Arborite, Formica and other plastic laminates are used in most attractive color com- binations. POST FORMED COUNTER TOPS 8' Length Now Only 10' Length Now Only $33 87 GARDEN SHEDS Complete selection of sizes up to 10' by 9' — all reduced. For example: 6'x5' -Reg. $87.95 NOW ONLY $74.76 1 5% OFF Resi acrete concrete paints con rol moisture, dust- proof your walls and floors. And Resilacrete New Floor can be tiled QUARTS, Regular $3.25 over later. Decorates in 7 bright colors. Now Reduced to $2.87 SNOWMOBILE SHEDSgtZ $ 195 Season's Clearance! Here's a door designed and built to give trouble-free r Ili service for years and years. Yet the price is only $26.95. INCLUDES PNEUMATIC CLOSER! • WITH PLAIN PUSH BAR $2.95 EXTRA • WITH LATCH, $5.95 EXTRA 'Big 80" x 125" x 130" deluxe model with "Drive-Thru D,ouble Doors". Heavy galvan- ized threshold permits ease of entry and exit with wheeled goods. Self-Storing 1 1 4" ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $2695 DELIVERED PRICE. RE SILINRE11 000 0: 0000 00•00 •000 00000 00000 'Ojirf$9 .8 7 icZir. BY RESILACRETE Reg. $10.95 Per Gal. Really Works to Eliminate Concrete Dust 'NEW FLOOR' PRESDEX PEGBOARD 4'x8' Sheets Reg. $3.52, Now $2 .99CRS1 WARDROBE 64"x36"x20" $4032 Now Reduced To Only — BOOKCASE 36"x10"x36" On Sale Now For Only — On Sale Now For Only — Save Now On READY-TO-FINISH FURNITURE WARDROBE 64"x24"x20" $3 1 68 Famous-name cabinet hardware such as Amerock is seldom reduced in price. But during this sale, you can save at least 20% on everything you need to make your cabinets look even lovelier — knobs, pulls, hinges in all the most popular designs. Hurry! We can not re-order. Make sure you get the best selection by shopping ahead of the rest. HARDWARE by AMEROCK 001.1.1111101 .3 10111.11.1 111 Al 1110..10. IIIIIMMINI Si blininill , I 0111.1.1.11 um 110111111111111 no tailimmi umi MINIM oso ilium ism IMMO= HimillI11111111111111111 1E01 iiiMMer7 - mit ii 9111 iNa 111 Is n 4"x4" squares: white with black or grey lines . . . blue, green or prim- rose with white lines. Easy-to-clean. We're Even Slashing Prices on Name Brands! CHIFROBE 41"x36"x16" $38 88 STUDY DESK Now Only $2 736 A Truly Sensational Price! CAVALIER TILEBOARD 4'x8' SHEET, ONLY GARBAGE BAGS For A Limited Time Only ... VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILES Our Last Sale Price 17c Per Tile . . . Our New Cash on The Barrelhead Price Only 13 1/2 ' Per Tile CARTON SAL aleta of 45 Tiles loPolnilM $ sice! 44",(80„ r Penei lifitZT.reef -"ured surihe The kit itsiDooR,ou jorf ASpa VALUE ibWHisor2Hisvv,.., BuiLDI NG R PANEL S • 9 SOLD • S O a : CE THI NG r°PAr1°:N1 E:R:°1 SCOr : GE' s ; M:piN GS:GS withio wood torn watherpr :at - bon d.stiog rs 0n a poi,orpresist , Y. o r stain DOUBLE DRESSER 34"x50"x16" $4 1 76 CHEST of DRAWERS 38"x26"x 16" $2 880 It I Discontinued Lines of White and Decorator 12"x1 2" CEILING TILES Reg. up to 23c Each NOW ONLY I v24 Ea. CARTON OF 64 TILES $7• 36 • for000s g Ald rk". chpine As' "14115 COO Tee ltip thick, Approx. ....A 7334-:364.1ConlAtAMP:HtkECR:S:T 5PB:Uhl.t.cG:";°.7::3:616S.i-r2SIf°111/195e11; 91GuRS: 4N 2343-2374 Arborite Cut-Outs, Odds & Ends—Wr 12"x30" V 5 D BEND Cancdtan Gypsu 34's Ikt4StiS 18"x20" HANDI BAGS 15 for 334 KINGSVILLE LA SALLE 734-7868 BELLE RIVER OWEN SOUND V6-3181 RIDGETOWN 674-5465 COMBER 72883 2320.477; 687.2 401 COUTHAMPTON 797-3245 WEST LORNE 768-1520 COTTAM THEDFORD 239966--42979031 WOODSLEE 829-2600 HARROW 738-2221 KINCARDINE EXETER 235-1422 GODERICH 524.8321 KINGSVILLE CASH AND CARRY STORE 733.2341 4111111111111111111111111INIM YOU SEE MORE, SAVE MORE IN FRIENDLY CONKLIN COUNTRY 18 YARDS TO SERVE YOU