HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-03-04, Page 16DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS
It was hummin'
Page 16 Times-Advocate, March 4, 1971
LIONS DONATE BUS — As the result of a joint project of six district Lions clubs, the residents of
Strathmere Lodge in Strathroy have excellent transportation at their disposal. A 14-passenger bus was
handed over to the Lodge Sunday afternoon.. Shown here are from the left. vice-president Jim Shipley
and president Gordon Brooks of the Lucan Lions, Middlesex Warden Wilson Hodgins, Lodge
administrator Bernie Jordan, Miss Winnifred Hughes, president of the residents' council and Lucan Reeve
Ivan Hearn who is also vice-chairman of the Strathmere committee. T-A photo
,e.f . •IF,'
LEGION SPORT WINNERS — The winners of Tuesday night sports at the Lucan Legion were honored
Saturday night. From the left cribbage winners Ron and Joan Walker, Dennis Riggin of Molson's who
presented the trophies and Marie and Gord Elson, winners of the euchre and dart competitions.
Sid Daley photo
and district news
Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Seward
Centralia Industrial Park
Phone 228-6733
World day of prayer
Dominion Hotel, Zurich
Earl Heywood Show
Sat., Mar. 13
Fri., Mar. 19
Sat., Mar. 20
Variety entertainment for everyone
The Odds 'N Ends
Come hear them this weekend
$ Barbecue Spare Ribs 1 "
6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Closed on Sundays until further notice.
Take Out Orders — Phone 228-6648
In Our Redecorated And Enlarged Lampliter Room
:.=. =
Every Tuesday
Amateur Night
Join thi
Shillelagh Dance
First 50 Ladies Receive
PHONE 227-4411
Sound Track
Here's A Great
Entertaining ,
Next Week
Music Box
Remember St. Patrick's
Day — March '17
A meeting of the presidents of
all church organizations in the
community waS held Wednesday,
at the home of Mrs. M. H.
Hodgins, to finalize the plans for
the World Day of Prayer.
Service will be Friday at 7:30
p.m. in the Lucan United Church.
The guest speaker will be Mrs.
Tom 1Dielienson of Pranton and
the soloist, Mrs: H. N. Mooney of
Lucan. A fellowship coffee-hour
will follow.
This is an ecumenical service,
sponsored by the women's groups
of all denominations.
Got the mid-winter blues? Shake
them this weekend with an evening
of fun and the finest in
This Friday & Saturday
The Country Ramblers
Grand Bend Cleaners
And Launderers
ree AP 1pe pa os !Ind t tom e n o f Announce
Young's Clothing & Dry Goods
As Their New Agents For
Take Your Cleaning to Young's
SERVICE 3 Times Weekly
Mon, —Thurs. —sat.
FREE Pic ...Lie,ivAenryd IN LUCAN
Fs'ttneeZtoung's 227 _4213
When included
With Other
Dry Cleaning
MOST IMPROVED PLAYERS — One player from each of the Lucan Lions sponsored house league
teams received most improved player awards at Saturday's annual banquet. Back, left, Randy Mann,
Dave Armour, Jeff Watterton and Bob Smith. Front, Mike Nevett, Scott Taylor, Ron Carrothers and
Ken Hallman.. T-A photo
at the
from Kitchener, Ont.
Polish & International Music
Sat., March 6
Wow-ee was 540 ever hummin'
Saturday night! It sure was,
Comrades, for Branch 540's first
annual Tuesday night mixed
sports award presentation, dine
and dance was a tremendous
success. There was a capacity
crowd in attendance. The dinner
was delicious and tastefully
prepared by a group of hard
working gals from the Sports
Club. A special "Thank You" to
Molson's Denny Riggin for his
attendance and his participation
in the presentation of the Molson
awards and to Branch 540's
Sports Officer Comrade Gord
Elson and his hard working
committee for a most successful
undertaking. The 1970-71 season
Tuesday night sports club
winners were:
Euchre — first, Gord and Marie
Elson; tied for second, Lawrence
and Mildred Hirtzel, George and
Dolly Durham; third, Len and
Stella Fisher.
Cribbage — first, Ron and Joan
Walker; second, Len and Stella
Fisher; third, Carl and Shirley
Darts — first, Gord and Marie
Elson; second, Len and Stella
Fisher; tied for third, Carl and
Shirley Stuckless, Harvey and
Esther Hillman.
Our 540 cribbage team did not
fare too well at the Zone
playdowns held at Glencoe on
Saturday. Better luck next time,
Comrades. Remember "it's better
to have tried and lost than never
to have tried at all." Thanks for
Zone sports will be busy for
the next week or so. Come on out
and support your Branch. Jot
these dates down. Remember the
"name of the game is
Participation". March 5th sees
Strathroy at Lucan. March 6th
sees Lucan at Glencoe. March 9th
sees Lucan at Mt. Brydges.
By the way, just because the
Tuesday night sports awards have
been presented it doesn't mean
that Tuesday night sports are
Ka-put. No way, Comrades, these
sports are still going strong, and
Tuesday night sports has become
a way of life at 540. Come on over
and give it a whirl. Another sports
function that has caught fire is
the Saturday afternoon mixed
darts. If you have not attended
this popular afternoon
recreation, come on over and try
your luck. I'm sure you won't be
My attempts to compile a
Branch History scrapbook has
met with failure, Comrades,
therefore I have scrapped this
project. I am now trying
something else with your help. In
an attempt to preserve some of
540's heritage, I have started a
Branch 540 "Hodge Podge"
Scrapbook. In this book will be
placed any write-up or photo
which can be collected.
They will be placed in the
scrapbook as received in no
relative order. Any person having
anything concerning the Lucan
Branch of the Legion who would
like to donate it to the project is
asked to send it to Sid Daley,
Lucan or give it to our Branch
Manager Carl Stuckless. This
could prove to be a very
interesting scrapbook, Comrades
but only the response received
from you can make it successful.
Shure and what is all the
clammering about? Did I hear
you right? It is ? But it's too early.
By the jumpin' leprichauns,
you're right, the 17th of Ireland;
St. Patrick's day to you folks who
would like to be Irish; is just
around the corner and seem' as
the 17th is in the middle of the
week, Branch 540 has postponed
the celebration until Saturday,
March 20th.
Now all you good Irishmen,
don't let the date fool you,
there'll be celebration as Lucan
Hold card party
for Orangemen
The Lucan Orangemen held a
euchre party Wednesday with
seven tables playing. The winners
were: ladies' high, Patti Fisher;
ladies' lone hand, Mrs. Doupe;
men's high, Harry Webber; men's
lone hand, Tom Emery. Winner
of the lucky draw was Evan
Next meeting will be held
March 10.
never saw before. There'll be
dancin' to the Cardinals a five
piece orchestra and many other
attractions. So all ye good
Irishmen, put on your best bib
and tucker, a wee sprig o' the
green and along with your pretty
colleen make your way to Branch
540 where all good Irish folk, and
those who like to be, like to meet.
Tickets, man; tickets — where
do you get the tickets? Sorry, me
lad, I nigh forgot to tell you.
There is only one chap from
whom they can be obtained and
would yer believe it, we made him
an honourary Irishman for this
occasion, none other than
"Honourary Irishman" Newfie
Carl Stuckless". There are a
limited number of tickets for sale,
me buckoes, so hurry along and
see Irish Carl and avoid
Dates to Remember
Every Thursday Nite
Ladies' Auxiliary Bingo
5 - Zone Sports
Strathroy at Lucan
6 - Zone Sports
Lucan at Glencoe
9- Zone Sports
Lucan at Mount Brydges
10 - Men's General Meeting
20 - St. Pat's Dance
and that's 30 for this week.
Remember; a wife who has
good common sense never be-
comes a nag.
t I llllllllllllllll . lllllllllllllll 11.111. llllllllllll
Township man
dies suddenly
Spencer McLeod of lot 19,
concession 15, London township,
died suddenly in St. Joseph's
Hospital, February 22, 1971.
He is survived by his wife,
Rebecca (O'Neil), and brothers,
Lloyd of London and Gordon of
Hamilton. He was predeceased by
a sister, Freda (Mrs. Lloyd Scott).
Mr. McLeod was a retired
The body rested at the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home,
Lucan, where the funeral service
was conducted by Rev. G. C.
Johnson of. Trinity Anglican
Church, Birr, February 25.
Interment in Birr Anglican
Pallbearers were Greg Fowler,
Bill Lyttle, Pat Crunican, Ernie
O'Neil, Ron Williamson and Ron
Tops to attend
Ottawa meeting
The Lucan Streamliners Tops
Club held their last meeting of the
month, with the leader presiding.
Roll call was answered with 14
members present. The Club is
making plans to attend the P.R.D.
convention in Ottawa in May. It is
also planning a meeting, March
10, when two medical interns and
two dieticians will be in
Lent series
Is started
Rev. M. G. Clarke, Field
Secretary for Christian Education
for London Conference of United
Church of Canada, with his
guitar, was in charge of one of the
interest groups for the "Learning
for Lent Series" in Lucan United
Church Ash Wednesday.
At the same time another
group was deep in discussion on
the Health question under the
capable leadership of County
Health Nurse, Miss M. Smith.
Using a flannelgraph map of
Middlesex County she pointed
out various locations and types of
program but soon she was
overtaken by personal and family
health questions such, "What
about hot dogs for the children's
breakfasts' and use of "the pill."
A new clinic will be held next
month in this church and more
information will be before us.
Following a brief interval for
coffee served by Mrs. A. E. Reilly
and Mrs. Geo. Young all met
together in C. E. wing for
discussion of "Evangelism in the
70's. Buzz groups delved into the
meaning of this word.
Mrs. H. Bond Jr. and Mrs. E.
Butchart cared for several of the
WI hears
about flag
February meeting of
McGillivray Women's Institute
was held at the home of Mrs.
Luther Morley. The president,
Mrs. Tom Kooy presided and
opened the meeting with the
Mary Stewart Collect.
Roll call was answered by a
clipping on human rights. A short
business meeting was held.
The meeting was then taken
over by Mrs. Albert Armstrong,
convener of citizenship. An
interesting paper on the 'Flag'
was given by Mrs. Luther Morley.
The motto, a Canadian poet or
author was given by Mrs.
The March meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Kooy
when a Stanley demonstration
will be held. Each member is
asked to bring a friend or two.
The meeting was closed by
repeating the Lord's prayer.
Lunch was served by the hostess
and conveners.
Stephen Lewis, leader of the
New Democratic Party in Ontario
speaking to the Middlesex North
nomination meeting at Medway
High School Thursday outlined
his party's farm policy.
The meeting chose Mrs. Pat
Chefurka of Komoka as the
N.D.P. candidate in Middlesex
North for the next provincial
Following are some
statements made by the N.D.P.
provincial leader:
"We do not for a moment
believe some magiceformula will
solve all the farm difficulties. To a
significant extent perhaps more
than almost any other economic
sector — leadership in the
development of appropriate
policies must come from the
farmers, themselves. Government
can enact the necessary
legislation and provide financial
support. But success will depend,
ultimately, on the willingness of
people to involve themselves in
the planning process, and to take
responsibility for implementing
the decisions. The problems of
the farm community are known
best to the farmers.
younger children in the infant
nursery while Mrs. Wm. Froats
and Mrs. J. Lockyer provided
games, stories and play time for
the "run-abouts." Mrs. M. H.
Sunshine club
enjoys euchre
The Sunshine Club met
Thursday for a progressive euchre
party with 28 members
attending, and celebrating the
birthday of three of the members.
Winners of the euchre prizes
were: ladies' high, Mrs. Harold
Ryan; ladies' low, Mrs. Clarence
Rogers; ladies' lone hands, Mrs.
Walter Martyn; men's high,
Clarence Rogers; men's low, G.
McCallum; men's lone hands,
Harold Ryan.
Refreshments were provided
and served by Mrs. Gordon
Atkinson, Mrs. P. 0. King and
Mrs. Frank Jolliffe.
The birthday cake was
donated by Mrs. Cecil Robb.
Open House
The week of March 8, March
12, Open House will be observed
at the Lucan Public Schools.
All parents and interested
persons will be welcome.
Above all, a New Democratic
government would move
immediately to relieve the burden
of the farm property tax. This is
no idle undertaking.
First, farm assessment would
be divided into two segments. On
the dwelling and attendant
facilities a regular residential rate
would apply; on the land and
other productive facilities a lower
rate would apply, from which the
educational portion of the
property tax had been excluded
since this is a service which should
not be financed by undue taxes
on farmers who are required to
own large amounts of
land. Nothing less will do,
because the costs of education are
now significantly distorted that
to heap them disproportionately
on the farmer is to invite
agricultural bankruptcy.
Second, under the NDP the
province would assume 80% of
the costs of education in a staged
5 year program. Every year in the
Legislature for the past decade we
have urged the government to
adopt the 80% goal but without
success. Indeed, the costs of
education are now so large that
even 20% of the total is perhaps
excessive for the local
community to raise from
property taxes. A regressive tax
to fund an unrelated service or
benefit makes almost no sense at
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haskett
and Brenda have returned from a
holiday in Florida. While there
they visited Mrs. Haskett's
Fergus Ryan of Detroit called
on his brother Harold and Mrs.
Ryan Tuesday last.
M. H. Hodgins is progressing
satisfactorily and hopes to be
home in a few days.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb spent
last weekend at their daughter's
home, Mrs. Lloyd LeNeve, at
Point Edward. Her husband who
recently underwent surgery is
progressing satisfactorily.
Mrs. Irwin Scott is now in Mrs. M. Hockey is a patient in
Strathmere Lodge. St. Joseph's Hospital.
E.:. Meet Stephen Lewis
P.. AND = =
= London Area N.D.P. Candidates =
F...: AT A
....,_= FREE DANCE!
= = Sat., March 6 Tt
= = = 830 P.M. -1:00 A.M. _ •_=_ — =
= ._--..- — moinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimilimilimilinimmiullimmilmilimitimminimiiiiiimmiliimifflia
taught songs
NDP leader speaks
at nomination meeting