HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-9, Page 4rimerar R • • ss HAM BECIIVE rJ , ‘'.'eT acifayal;,r �•;(l� q' �tT +y" ir.1�..r�`';'... _ 111 _1,}�•: e'$�"T}`RI vF W'r ESTAlsIJ11HHENT --N 1 W M IP R I 1V GI. SIT O CJ 1610 - >NNIW4JCF, )M { INTI:W• GOODS Z MARkET SQUARE, GODERICH, I:t STAPLE & FANCY DRY GCODS, MLLLINERIP& STRAW GOODS, BOOTS IND SHOES, GROCERIES, &c .ARRIVINO DAILY AT J. C. DETLOR & Co.'s. 0. god elgre,• eel an.2 yorkhr .ora eel r • lool.LM at Sold by Drag Stock Very Large and Cheap -Call and See, _Godench, April 19th, 1870. .w67 the CO* M retook :w k p� 0.2..1102 tt IMg. 14 .,. Yduatod Tem • I1... Me • 'pts.&W. Hest Tomato l.. J noose rib Pomoert•.l•ir arMh.asa tot R h ��bhalir�row* 0.., �• bad 1,7 F ,•• a4w ply.. hr..rW. Mbodly all poops h, rw,.11 4 ,.:.e1t0.l7 MM„•d wgtnellr .•ted b,.ys RJ5N3: • RM Hood, la Iuu,auM wee.e Sud Nola, •ed t►w •Avon* 111114.0o, •ell nrsorM. •A to he NNW IW M INMV44 t•,2..•. 1•,• •m•e Thr•.. 4 Les .iglu ear jM'e fir J..nsp' �I.1• AAINMrr. r .s. Y•,r .11 Ammo oft Dt. t!1rl. ear Iola" *tont ••• mop. Vyjt 1i :.,• feet• Mee M lavast is dyer's Sarsapalsilla, ORNAMENTAL PRINTING 1111111sots. rsl ,,k& mak at •n$ ex. df00 .-or d, helmeted thus w.0 truly era) M whichmoreallow. are t.wlr eM► te1st Nowa* a,.,whirs •120 item resod seamed arta eernply0, hate lees ,..rI_AMee end cured by IL \oroRlleoe Jertlo,• .ad -yerdre,.hirlw ag- o�.w�..Wrda by the eaoR► T,w ewtasmalk a oath Shay wore p4oM111y a4rm4. hart Mrs *.orally er.dl.wnhOra•aadwo m erwe Moe M ;be .00•lr7, teat the ohne .cr'•driiiI K be 1•fmwd M M virtue, re eon. arn.NMas poems r nee of the neo drenorllo 00.0204 M roar rare. Lae.. tate near amf befell Imam of thews••l.m mmdennme' the em elltutr0, eat le ARM the aura of reforl I01 or Mil diseased, **►mute�e4l1g a le uMle P'0.0.0. Apt• r .Mme te hnwd 'rom0M•t tae holy, lop into, on .vire favorablefitsWhom rapidly dreethe into one or 02040 of 11. Nd.040 Imre, 40040 on [a .mire or ammo, *.e vitals. la the latter, tuber- cW Y esdd4*17 •kpr� h• w• tu,4. o4 ber4�a. by emerlons rlon In th b.R, or Il 4 Meer. rsttem0 n some part ` (IM body.l1 tar he nneeva. lomat me of • bottle of till. i.en.portU' It ad - tumble, stem when no 0,440* symptoms of deetwo Promos afflicted with the folow* rea- le 4ewe4Mly and imeneduete ,.Her god et 11{,care, 6y th re or e l4 UAPAlt1L 10. 14001 4, � end, Itio Id.. 14em e... San, aid other 44'. 0a4 or toad bred of Mroft.1m.• dlrw. Alb la W rete n0ossnd fors, r JVs,• r.l J�• d..re/ at wd he .at 0Tk••'•••( red ming- lar int11r nod wow mewl" g rpha to w r•nwea0 awl Mereeprif *)loom re mod h 0.Word" a lees tine l• motored ter MN.l• fere. obmrr4 melodies by ear *eerier Bellew em04a0ed ems .f 40. 0edbae 0111 nese ear Ireser,0.e or Wbrem, UMM4 rte, ••d /wee& 1Rmarred rid0am• yr. reed t4 atieh. y 111 �e edict. Whoate 101n.- ra ee& we are bead r ear Al0Yee.plied .q yon,-" sed neut. when trued eOWerre.•IMY0• of extrr0em•. wanes la Ile .krl rdh aIt, M 0001 4 . owl J..w ... whew 1e1sYtIl VeminteM41•4001M-• r SIB eM do, the ILL.lf poisons Y Ib . hoe& Tbr sASAAPAByLIA t. a peat re. Ittaer bra h r .kw of SA •y.trm. rimer - / eat gee MOW wit�> Ap- ▪ ptnmet• of If nohow, 1 And ,m.Mmle relief rd ottatag swYmao of ha **.wadi. power epee P140111D IIT • JUST OPF.hED SEVERAL GAM OT Dress Goods, nice new Styles, Mantles. Gents' Hats, and New Tweeds. LANDS FOR BALE AT BAYFIELD. Llo. o U.d lerri.h.'Yuwpreriul 146 •err 0filo beat moan'', ul l,4..210l* .bout t m of /1e Yarhat pities of Aha Towa .f Iryfe14. Than la • r1.r.w M 13 acme which.wuld r•.411y M proper.' or crop. The d bee. h ndf maa { eel la l timber .f Wooly •ld.4td growth th. .6e wthbr- ex- cellent rod Ino.'. uu I.uode. of ted I'ropnrwhich r mewled .4 au.1.1nod well ..ilial neighbourionoL A Late). - lout 14. home A Tow WOO .01•tky, 20wulug IS or. of• ell marmot timber laud, . Melt •011111 ender. • Oro g0utt, .t Arwood to 11.. rq IM lel runs to the R'i. yrW, Mid .ith• e naW.OA water tall •• I. .•h rola be toole available En W Hely .a ..uut..'.unos purl.*.,. Pim Wro..11 7 tu, JAM** U. ALLEN.Or VI, M. itON MAL Paii boy held.Oa pall Jahr 1470 w1Iti PLAIN AND C. ATMs t CO,Lewed, Team„ 4..104•01 rar/M4. C1 Shepluktd & Str *ilii lea, oODBAICII. .,owl dealers .applied at the Fuson' Pncas. RITISPITARD S STRACfIAN. IN EVERY COLOR, INCLUDING BRONZE AND GOLD. THE MARKET GROCERY North SI; ,e Market Square. az' LOUR ANEs-ire IZI 11 D OF ALL KINDs6• A very Targe Stock of Crockery. -.Splendid China, Bats. tEiIERM. tDCERIES o= 11.11 33.12:Lc1. , CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best make *`OIL SAI.E. ROBINSO YA Goderiob,Sept. t<JLh, t8+6d. v47 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM'Y 14:eetabll,hed 11325. nonwomoome..m.•••• WITHwhich is now united the Ccloni.l Life Assurance Company. Heed office for TT Canada : Slontreal,-Standard Compssy's Building*, No. 47 Gnat St. James Street. Manger -W. M Ramsay. Inspector-RW*4 B.U. ACCUMULATED FUND .------.8233:500000:0001.. 2 ),000,000. ANNUAL INCOME 3, 00,000. The Company having deposited the sum of1111441,1100 with the Receiver General, in conformity with the insurance Act pared last Sevion. Assassin will 000tioue to bs carried out at moderate rates and on all different .Talemq A preetIIS. la Referees :-Ur. YcDosttall, Dr. Mel(ieki.g. 1. CALLOWAY, Jr., vol.:xi No. 41. Agent for Uoderich. ,tea... IANOS, AIE.LODEONS, ALSO, TO HAND Several Cases of BOOTS & SHOES W • A First -Close Cutter and experienced Tailors in the Tailoring Department J. C. LE1LOlt & CO Goderioh, April 6th, 1870. =----411-`461--SC- ( 11< At A .1) $ . _. Permanent 'Building SavingsSociety 14 PREPARED TO YAK 11 ADVANCES ON APPROVED REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN WESTERN. CANADA, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS • A monnl regmreJ to rednemueiltlOD"fMrbtee.iaw'•r.••n-4••••rr 6Teem. 207.00. 13 wears. I Mvadde h .f-ye.rty • • ... sit s0 , 41 i,66 tel >Ma - 16.40 13.34 Loans il proportionate remt foe 3, 4, S. S or le Teas. The abote.nralesenta1110dea Slaking Pond, teak* mere oir the Pnnmpal, as well a. the !moat u1I hr loan, •o 10a1 al the eeplratia• of latent *4000.1 opo., the debt is entirety wiped nut. The toll • mount ul the loan a advanced, and gra payment a required before the end of the hall -year or y}esi. P.yme.t noay be mole , n at rao..e..nd enrreM .• .'lowed therefor l or OA montage mar OJ ra•Jerei - ed,n Gell at any limy the borrower demo., onequ,u hi.' term. EXPENSES STRICTLY NOD ERA1 E. For lurlhe ietufwuwu,.ppty (pr. 1,11E1)10. HORACE HORTON ES' .. Lppralaer to the Jociety.00defteb. e. RERRF.RTMA.`;(N• Secretary and Trealnrer, Toroito, Goderich. 16th Oct.. tone FARM FOR BALE. o147 AIHaI. MORE OR 1J.SNR, ABOUT 116 arms noted .qt the l.loee geoid hardwood t1m- ber, • o+mfort,hk 2...0.. and *rowel.. trams ...s. • g..d rubbed. sad .ell notated. Idol ul the bad r r.11eol *lay. To fano Is 1.4 m. alb et.... 0,4.4.4 Township Voiles *oma 2.drick and 7 from CI14 . e rpuruunt M An ..b. Md len. TOO be into lot We h•1•or0. For 1..rlleul.ra a2.per um the prwtl.s. W JeIN MrI4611s- .rto0 M.TRI-CM.eN. , Lead Oak, ooJerre0. 24441an. 12270 Islif Poral. M1t1. Pfl Farm for Sale. Ord U.��\ o Tr.wnsh:p •• tea viii* hall shirr• Hotrod and Lw Howie. .boa rap. For TFrm• 02 wk n b .t a„Aerw6 or to o Im oleo DtaHua•.- nJrnch. U%tMeel.11, 1.... IG 0nee4mu•. Ii t.. � aUleing 4711001, M t2. with good Freese tor„ t 3j 0I0 (r.. C,.ntpply AI lbs Donates Cru r. WIUUIIU TUN (1 w16 , 0. FARM FQR_, BALE os ;THE BAYF'IELD OSAVscL ROAD. 1) llss,•rn, o,.f.hlea .newnd.$'...r,r Pally -ear" roue thouob (2.0 1.1.2 The lot 1..lint,' ur •-• a ,...1..0 l . antra (r.,w lea Iowa .7(1.1. ere•h. 1Lr/ 440 .-fief easy bent.. Iraqi *.•Tito- •W.for . heat wOmit grosty. The tot loll 140,1.1 M.pD apply u• easy terms. P000ns .s eau tea giver *.t tote for p.war.00UMW b U It *AIL HN10* ere, A or to 4. DAVISON, Rey 0044.4.4 0.de4elt. .area 1RM. 1.7'.. *9-27 • WAS 4VDl 11•60..11' Ell A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Cusartus a parte( Wnt of Eaglaod Brcad- e6A\., Heaver*, Whitsny., 8....kl.., Pu ey English, deoloh,iW Front Tw..de,cubrtterme IAkes., aoJ • rheumy u( U.a.dtao Clut►•,� r Plain. Malin, awl VIo*.red V..4.ag•, Shale. Moves, Unpa. 330., &0. He festa wa\deet u( giving wtta(nnw. to SII who may Itrurhla with Half orders. TWEED SPIT8(.II wool)$l2 and upward.. sem' r . B. -Cutting don. to (*der. -y1 dod•rith. Scot 1611. 184. some E8TABLISHffiKT ue0N.l.D WITH Tin?,srRscranE t IN RETURNING THANKS FOR TILE LIBERALIATRONROE 11e has received luring the past year, r.4pectfully begs to intimate that he 0* now pre pared to (uroial• Pianos,I Melodeons. Cabinet & Church Organs OF ANY MAKE AIA.Y1'FACTURED At'prices and terns ;which defy ccmpetition;;inIthis section. EVFRY INSTRUMENT WARR.SNTED FOR FIVE YEARS, f. 11('1' MUSIC:SU Pi IED ON SHORT NOTICE. JOSHUA CALLAWAY. Goderieb. n m WOOL, \ii OL,'WOOL A F. linden iEo.iwoul4 to tofurm his numerous- SUtWMNN f1 sad Iiia pwbhe .. i --, a-. a.,..: rn'x�,e-•-4.. ,e,al,a.nnru.marm...•,0 New WoJlen Machinery is now In Full Operation and in First Class WerkIIgOder AND 711AT 111 IR 511'(111 1121TF1 PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORE EXPEDIITOUSLY t2.:u. Lott 00004,2' while Atari ins hen maehlfury all new. FARM FOR SALE. I0►20,b•O..10, w. 11 4«( .1RSK,1r ACM.0 g m .melee, rmd A., i' ' s hour. rt. 1fla.e, .N4 -e e„m.aolww 1.!1. L.4 .It•. Md .Lo r..«16em .d sued*o•ommod.tto, ,•.d leant s Lr0.2, web •Yogi 67 tee need. nnaa.. el mod gout Mr 4101 2011. fn,., gr •, el nod. a 0110• Iron, For r11ou1u. qq"7 .a to 5'oo 4 s t. ender.ig•.l,w� Yr. UPerruwn,gnser. (•.Jr00. C 87:70Aar. Orlo►gllta les. .14,50 FARM FOR SALE, LOT 21. CON 4. Township of (J,.kriel., contai.i., 80 orre. abort :,a sent cleared, lWORT' CI1r 'RPT*. 1101.77IP. OX Thi OROL•N *•e•r. unto. Won.. Park:. cet0ha., Hall anal Bed room ,n tom ..r,a,.t 2.o,r,Mitatng Room, Lori Fn n, Ih1,•..n, •a.l tom other Odom* we ted Dos te'room, Paler IV... Fruit roan 111 re noun, meal noon n ern 00030 04. *more, r •:w tonne.'7 from ...p els/ 4 -*we- ' wIer spring mk and 4.wtng eon. pr �+nr le sit. Med i f n,from it frInc. Hua.. ,d .lu, • god rm. ram he hot mum the 1.0.0. AI ply W Junes Wilkie - son, gut ,os the print . of 0.. U. IL TMUCMAI toad Ohre, elod•rtr• 0.20,o0 214 lua•n 1e7!L FRUIT TREES &C THK .e20enb0 W 17. n} and at 61. g.rte•. C•.1. atr0et, a I••1• n20cb 01 etrela 4 aid Ueerf APPLES, . PLC M8 CHEKRItl9 PEACHES, CRAM, A`e. Bler k Alms, irsoolotal Too, including woo *plod id hrlmanaun6 we.Wue *2120•. l•1t-Wved .10.7.rog Boca, lee. About the 1)16 lot., I .Wan . Wy marries le t reevat •Awa. Otter* tiro/1 Woe pambeelag gars hen, snck.dpr11 l2, 2474, WY. CAMPBELL. els-tea Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, will remit', prompt attcutt,n. Having nouw on hand the largnot, boat and clleapewt et,0k ,:1 ,.f house libido FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS. & WINCEYS, • ear before ',Tool to the p0.2,24,• In Ilii, part ,:f ,n. Pr,,., ,, ,. L. ..,.. I-1 n.-1-. than n.r..i t1 ,.. •:.Ling exchange their ..0l t,..11.n.I )u•tge for t2nnrlrre before eppnntto4 theu.s•l,e. --P. a.- J.a .o.141lkoslea tog Hasp *W .M.M .ewf (wing. M beware M- wool wriero . •04 meets wektre• their wont for ranting. ae he law 70. 0M It fro. O. e.,wo-n..d former ysn b. Ie • privet wain% of ...puha, to thew* in 0.n„u• ..yr,, that (10.7 ..am,.d : ear 'Antal ,.•rh.p, too rte to 1n.ntapm .l 0. H()N POliNDRY! fid' The highest Market Price paid far any quantit)' of good rine Wtol. . .-.ant : tier t, erie porl.rl01. Woolen Wort.. 1M► M0y, 146f. w 1 t F. R. MANN, Moe Sign & Carnage Mister. C01RR7 TO ACQUAINT 721. PUBLIC MAT b ate anal n M1..7%7 ,t2. -IT-n-2, n- (MkMwl pwrdt. Itb vrem\ 0401 hap oboe ha u weltered N ill .11 onion awe M's•o bee fine. TLnkfr. ( fur ted p•P (riona ora W, Teem w4 rite • evens naa,•. of ur *.,. New 1e tie time to Paint year Cutters, m•Sleighs, alai Carriages, r�T+t'o'olikenpn4000.. Cartago •hop.0tt.r04 4to Tyon'j�k,:-Nm'^"F goosing. Gloria. P.p,. oewls. R.e, e, 2U,, 1, R. MANN. u in W 4 NG Gre. W R I !,•j'e:4pTEHM'EI IT WEIR R. RUNCIMAN MANUYAGTURRR OF co FlirilFiTT P y'4,-.i!• Fri1I /.; ;",:JF.4 ' 41 `I do P 0 3 igTe d ^,t r.51oI'3 i w p;114. •13L e od7ei • ii I so 41 i if gIII; 0.5E-111sr,.y1 i i?jitt mil( 1"+'M Ad Q3^F!Ss[S c r yM 1 IT lilt' f'sS 1 io a ` ,ire °7'.I s 3J ., 1. ; i4i6e4e l •4q F> 0. ,.; ? w L ■ F.is IA 'Som �*CF� '' O o -Z7' -'fit s'0 I . EeiB i •. 'ST & FLOURING MILLSI TM, PR RFLCT ITU1'E aha Sash Saw-hl11ls, Steam Engines and Boilers. hi ng Machines, Se pe rators, Horse Yowerw, Drag Saws, ' 1N tAI1D WOODENCYO Of Meal Boards, Dr111 gh PLOUGHS ! *, Gang Plougks, 1ltlrators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters,Wave1,orn*ees, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Balt Kettles, Wao and Pipe Roles, gi: iNG, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES. 1.t. 7r imnvedknot*, Roar Calling% mal.. and RMc1••m4hs' Work and R•pairing ,port notice. Call and sea the STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS, M Too can very .heap for Cash. ..,. 'ich.Noe. 12t4.1867 *Id UROMETERS ANID THERMOMETERS . MADE 11Y L. ST1NST$D, REGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. 6 410341 f00.w,ne rent• -to o. T*. o.o. rb M room 1 wonderful and r 00w ehnery urn e, famed. Mr i h,ORKAT INDIAN RKMEBY. They see were. es teem'..04 mronte.l.ble lair.. .*S -,.n, In e0e•m., .0.t:arptwl 'hal tag 11,0.1 MMw.r.1 renq,•e- nod An / vie• ..e0 .remeible m 160 Meat SHOSHONEES REMEDY for D1es..a or the 1 Mw1t, lan.o, Into, 14Rerwn. Ikpn, 8'days, Re., sew ill as nerwele, .n ..no... 'lam Norio, Il.tm,n, Aid All Mow, •*ung from Trp 0.,... MIM flood, we boldly wale Thal tart Val errey has 4 ..t 2.1* R0.RR *AICAILV.D, where: wee there e•rr seen a ran 00 that to IM pine al w.b.n Rtmww of Rrtehur C. les.. M csnesp.M.. M •hat of Poser, V. Mtllrr, Earwewown, f. W.. .(Co., a0100.orlb1MAo.Mw., W..l,nfC.mwr..s, C. W., It R('NCIMAN, r .f 11yr u sew Leer. Complaint. or Iasi of Jot" Huron Fnondary, 11...y) 74.,.m..,r, W. n, hhenm,t•m, 016. 601 God.rich.Ont. .*,inti hero oe coo. ars 2..t Tran, ,n one Mall treat - went heretofore end le now well Bow..Mwrb.mee• ial, he mtem.n.et Mw vet epee.. li oderieh, 4911 De... 1488, wee. Y'r rill et the them More rod l • Cire•rrnt I„w,e.In1Mr Mes *e* Is.• e • RKA r RIPON. floret:1h ttrucIIY and PILLS, •le meaty year A_. taloa. Price of the Remedy in large piwts$1' Imo' Por Male he Of Promo. end Dole,* ,n Mod, -me. *seam b fo411.wench, P. lnn, soot I'art.. IVNM.RR•1.P. A0KRTR: ESTABLISHED 1848. JAMES STEWART WHOLESALE ..*CANT „r The 1.o -fared art r.ualda et albino.: &ve w,_�. U W. KIADt.c, cera( FOlt ALLIKINDS Of rya ARD O02 AMR•TAI-TRtgS, opt._-. C ire. Prnte U,.p.vr.r, (•,., hr. _ ��}} Ral000.2. sot... hand, ordered '01ha ryes 10�ie.Y•ObodvUb. U0.,ts1 r. Y -eMailsb i. 2.1 16 THE Oldest Establishment in Town. 1111111 MARTIN AMANN BEfia1.00.400AM HIRULU CUSTOMER., Owl.* i. Din ■til. Io eel for mar, at to owed nen, ILL KINDS OF FCRNITCag, At hie OPT on la' into on 0beet, opposite the Hums Hole., tlwl.nob. latm. b, • call. G Minc \. Oct. 1. 100* . . w h om 37. s• ON4'REAL OCEAN -- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. • .R TIeuri'o ,• •aA frown Liverpool ite fowl*' door by 4s. ober. ameeee 4 co 'r , apple r . --_ P. 11.I'.1KIER. ___ A ee,', tamed Tree" 000047 Oder Iib Mara *R\. 1*7a oLuti NOTICE. tUJ IueslisieMflt taa1 tk_-y EITHER RY NOTE OR ROOK counters hereby roti Pied, that a nleasthey CALL AN') PAY UP AT ONCE they will be ..ed, without further notice 1.1'M 4.1 PI.IJriTT AN 2'., mR0RT0. OTTN4PAI1fR 1v ATm,7 t 1 411/'.401 ten, ) NOI.4RIw.0 R 0Or0RR, RAMILT( N. r.41,-41,1•. R IN,R a.H AM1r,T04 8 panni •ger .n, Ibda.0o s.eb'•a1Pwv, .dl term the p.tp1• r*hl..tnw I I. 140 0.0.0,. of SRNUW:1 AS PI PBA'8 MILLS) wMrMlm-.lWp•it$BdC,•recag S•Sr,r --••• •warr•N IMtrarwa. wDCll .r rkh.aIIl fl. aatt �{a MI • e. _ .. etr••m• y I.nw 1•new. P1.11 a°Mwi i•arry nFealae lit r.0tt: venom' io 6tFrlrnrringer. a•tcar-m,+. w.:, v.r..e• ea.,,.r w,.•uts.._ . .�IM K orienting to lair , Moak *girt Corr .16atnerw tom, tel•.. lotto e0 .IM Ant 1.00* Who .I6 T- 0 b scooting 20.0 I.2. : *y Moa Wmw 000.0, gee .'or'n. 011 We eateb0110 Motto (Mho. end Rerr. el. J Lt �• ^ '_ t om UM end , Wer Www hwl•0 with leer tale aril Pranhlin Tithe and , I.1•rn ..s Kylieh Wheel Mr ■ r4 i1 " 1� In M "WWI Primo, wind AW ad PAM, Re , oW lied, from WWI. Sit milt. uvnrAloe tea. Ar M, with • erlitmot of Kaaba, and 'reach AMMON Snemser.00 I;SPRCTFQLLt istlmata to farmers lush *there thH they are propatad to III �eryllnstrnmont Warranted for.One Year it all orders in „» C[•..-r.._.,.e•...Mt.•sd kn."'4014*. "'T 1 .Torg. MA. reAI , �'h es esf�I1111n ea es ss. sri 4 /'k...19ewa e 1rYtu 1 f4. evil 4;:.,„.4;,...,,-;;:::‘,..,''''''.:.:''' [e tl lf*).fm7rn. ..w... rk .e •illlb-46~1 •! tea. r1.r a 01' 1 ro t 'J'. wr 4 isltiltstrtt a \Ig, 0.e• ear to b•r tag 1 w'wrwt o. 1* *Rule. Yn,rtm•Rt M. wlyd •ew.M: le.lry; 4..A t oto, .0wgrmr nal•. M • rimier'. Awr'n• Cloth Pranging, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satir..ta. 1,...414.0 e teentdww n,nwt., 5400 0143.. tel- amt Minta 0001 tial IM e10l 0f Na wet64er from '-". wana M••%. nn.A ••.1l th.,.Mvs a u.w .wrwwt••wale. r4 m.. p.•snd*uM The A4enq 5111 to Cl}�r � t4nA•y.,mly. h..n' 0Ma« f.1ha DleeMdto, I• Mammal Reap* ll} Fulled Cloths : Winceys,Flannels,Blankets, NIl1 J n.Po 130,0•.411Ag.wf ter t• t General Roes to be Observed Is. Cseselting the BareUeier. on the .hnrt.it vial... Parties wishing to exchange (Iron. wool Tor gond hoes made g,.e... •,.,.. •bwlrleewerWt•eew wp.e,gre 41•4•'.Tagil awnosr .,r\. 'I'M' we, ereewe gond*, will and It to their interest to giro 111 • mill. Y we are pitta.' we have l2.* * yea require. Pattie* enmin from a distance with wool to T to %•wsr `w_uk.t.r,A.wrAr4s. ,,a„ �a„A Rr'rd7R get carded ma I•wo .w tm w .awe tea Fkl)g. __ ,..t e4 r. owls every In1tao"g 04170 on grttlng heir wool bonne With t }'Nmefw4�•p y{1r.,:...Val.-AV'. /714:041,4".77,r. 2 4•• ^.A•n4s n 'vrt+pW..r,r.ain+• r .4.,-e r,.. , Y.. • • a - -.. S . - A l'''''.,r ,. -f tf,k.k ti wig:* ..•�Jri.t=ir. If la '.Tt,L...0 hw*e ,si+`' .T. -Ie IJ] ll iL�LI � 'r• .l bug, I1 lush•*.* Pur wrrldtm few can he shoe, H tom nr Hdeleb,1t will Wee met noderieh Woolen raeMry, ...0,l22.wmton Mom. ' • term, 14. Lurie*' le roe u ten• • 11Mro. ran IgM asetl•ed We .wr.t I. nvw Jmle Stk. lY11Y• owe .w eejretuwea. 45w.webe.esaisaytapesball. rNM.et W ase GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY wt 7.. Neuters Ce•Marat•t a Rt LC., re.w.y P. O.. L'.•nty of lernr,0ntarin • Canada. Male forint• of flrtl•4e, Pn.e1Mr of Imtarn. Feb Ma, one. 'AIA It Mortify that donna the winter of 1004 I l r takes with • •star.. of ted •*ilia, .hal n011y, ln,1* the onto of 1407, r.te•AM to m) s«., and on op M ml 4s.%, and 1 Mono .e weak that 1 rnn61 not walk, bet w. 'oemd to m7 e441r Ig.M„t run n,a,• 14 bb 7419,1 4WA}G . • .mea-•7fw no .t Interim* unve•thole •*Stn,., .440 Ili nn16!.Aa, prrw•n4,A by Mode, 1n. IM nn •vML mallnnM tont woe. and woos. nnttl the ..rmsg (Imes. when 1 wr lmtn..g to uy.Iha 1 R1..ee, 000 ryot tae.rtko. • .' PION: Rmm�'r nyn0Aln.tM ^.•�.efwtna •••••»••••• •. lt6rhw.I hed..g„ In 1 LM ..lore lehr7 s:h.t.o a ntoomalM�m„ "1i"�' M 0* t in Met 12 *00 4 rotting 01m,rt Mlple... 1 ha.. Nourr. of mous; IfI/YIR M aMlslr:•"''' •l n bend*MtM ba ntirely wool an'1 tun R.lew Roll,, ,•2 •,a .,• -lura *� ate entirely rr4ewA Wear .... ' �..- • •• eMdb�h'o r i"` d.,: n, ...,, ,,;,w,tly 'll,v., Stir .t le .4n1.nm4w1A�.'I�IC w (4*0*. Mq�rr�. waslist g. hot S n Man Tal• n..iihr.:11wt..1:r.:". N ttea tYes tit *I ttrr.,o.1 0,5 a . an wo.ont 6Mn u MI my 6r•wA /0 u, ray•/11 I2. r 1 5 resit M ryLtedR4sh.n.eR•arAy : 1 .illinn7rmM•n- 0*•bo4.000M deemeM*SAM, (101141(1`•r his m2. A.email., M p,M'.,., 1001 A. I, Row. J f• f r l arra an athat 1 hoe hrue• Mn. Very Amu - r0..w�. • .re..m LMe11My r ted N Al«o n Mar grow., •n M iitD tt a rALti0�0w� trio In mart rrnMly 0nA .n,I4 I We IM hg 4•Ann .rw .It•w hr, Illy..1 tell.. beg .01.4. 40 hs 1 rtMswr I kn... that*WM N1444 eon 41114 ben a:IM•" .. .... Y L -'Ir' r`w''' s#i sso-.rosAtif *Pi aro wrI ta. n4elrP l row no.nwtT *444 nr ma i. r T 11 E HURON SIGNAL. PURLI*NRD-,Elle-Wl1KCY AFD R'Lir7.r ear • TEIIiaas :-w wr.er ltyr..er7Oiler ""to 1M1 TRS Or ADTIRT1p11Y 1...0.0.••••,11 ItoIMnr,.4+rN4erWt1,that11f*ASTdMrvtt' ••r W .rte•renew lea. ilii �.r02I_.r. M Hero et( and teary pri4fiucst40100*an?A►Gaya�ww.104d r�'yn Rs'WwgtiP'eetn''•M 2.•n• Y law Y Any e•/abliwhuegnt. 1