HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-8-9, Page 3b 39 0:35 fY.: �t�a ;i e._. y. ..... 0000 0.58 (4 0:85 0: La '. 0100 p taut •0000. 8:00 (4 10:0 Hi (green) 5:00 @ 5:00 .Wodd.... 2:50 (4 0:00 Beef, per cwt, 5:00 0 7 B0 Pork...... 7:04 `4 9;70 chicken, per pair 0.'30 021 Wool 0:28 0:30 bleep .. 3:00 4:00 Tavola2:W 2:25 Apples ......... ... 0:78 Lal 0:75 .Ueave,* Salt, wholesale, f o.b. per 'kb '1:90. -''' 1.1tyd, ler, thews you eeraun the Ra.rnrlllion Sheol.. fur'* ..tsar many dl.....,' limit the save of AI..,..• for which you gave 4:.1un.l. Nether IWtw.y'e Menet Plat s.rpanlla, le ym:Wly re.wuaeld for am.teuth 01 the Waren t hat ('.auwl Lar /Im.4e7 to pawn led •04 wont • Pkyer-Ise l..ta 4'w for We proper ',.editor ago se. Ate prworll s Calomel el Ir Mcrtury .0 .arse funny- betters.. tlo DUMDUM AND hi 'Mt S OF ALL EI ND; And gal dine•.. entailed hon Mull 1',., Nee.1*. manet... !leer aa4 Ague, 44.uo. 1urw. Typhus aseller Fever., emir a. Draper. Daanntas, P14, LLtuoss 1 Mao.., Au. .'her as. and Tsar ekildeve are •111.!.4 with 8err. of Lac none, CrauA.r la the Mouth, dos 11.11., Kansas. 1yee War from Roney Teething =r any other oar. Mra sdo.v'. ea parllMa Nawl.rut 11! spe.dlly erahevle vary panicle ,4 discus ,'rood mauve. the 51414 alb health, War S1!lreritSrsusts - LOST ONMeade. rv.4.g, lot.. the r.44.. of D L11A14,. key , awl the foul of Reef Street, • bur. t•1 Perms, a.wmtm1 ,O. 0.444** key. •.tall �a sole . yulaada gold p(11I{ . a woodier ail. Th. nod.,., { Iy rye .rde44* aortas Lae rue at We Ytr.61:6 Lam' ad argue tile, er/M U LOST. ON T.nr.4.7 *4.4441.p Itch mat) *eleven the Malt land Hotel anti Mr Jordan's Drug Stona alae& Pearl, ame.4IM, gold .I..e. wow The Mao will he ■s. ow,...d w lea.w4 ted owe Y Ws M4ard Hotel. Dederick Arp.14th. an, batt LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN 00D1011CN PORT OPTIC" ON W tit Asyut, Ire, badmen W E Mcdn.M C44$4( • A twine' WIIt4w M.•K.•1. Dolma 1ketbn C McKay (mold _o prose K•npeU - M'Lomel Ellie (largen �W e.4 _ Neutered. (large "'. Ils Ileac. .11s-. .. _ blerbs*'Mclea,1M.1.h..11Yn 11.4. 4y 11 M (w) Snails Abr. L. Ikalsmle (11 Philips t. harks _s '1 4'SeesesC' tan.mh l:4 .. tb -- "-r_ A'}e C - Lw... t:., err -Mt. g► . Lamm I .hr' adoilm• 1/101 d -'__ 0 00 .. -, 1..04.111 J 1,104... J 44 -,-,.--, MellAle A Inv B4dtl lug Joys MOW.. Flus 0110,l. Mn Mille, J Co Rua4re 0 R M.l.r,' 1 Thorne.. M Nor. Mery - W,4* .m. R 1 -N•tL....a Wakens Matt. Cllr ler Mco414g414theme Toyer MAO. Meg ARCH. DICKSON. August 40. Ire wait Pod Ma..,. PIANO FORTE A FIRST CLAM 114.4N '.TALL Fltt'R J t nerd euurr IW,.wael Fum,, Ly Weber a Cu . foe r4 Ay W Mark R weds, Puuo Pone sa•I Drgaa Tamer: 411, era .l RntNh R.ches. Betel 0.1,. fN, 6144 Mina. lab .29-17 FARMFOR SALE, WEST PART OF LOT 9 LAKA Range. .North Town riot, town ship of A.hMW1. neat Mole. 79 .mee, be cleared Me. Frame IW... OCR ! cameras A me.n., let hen, 11 .44s from IMIkAek. II nom Fort Albert, es t 0 timid Read. Apply re the p.rals. t 4 0 M T,.sme. Load Whop (adeeic8. MONEY TO LOAN 4)011 to Loan in .mall Large Rum 10 it Nor - res. Apply to 01 TRUE4AN, l..a OS. t004.- rr4. W1FIr QTORR AND I)WP.LLI74 HOURS WITn (nn 1(l 1.7 the village 01' Wan4.dville one mile nowt 1418.,,' on me ear. of the ( Wrench 1411 Work. Rows as* Were entirely... and emm,arfe m• with g'.d Cellar ad L 4 in Rzerllenl eendm.. Tern. eay Apply le R RPANCF., 'Wrench P 0. or W RTSN1t'RRL R.rga.wilk,�l'. O: INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. In the ovate, of Carrot Brum nn ineelvent. NOTICI IR NRRAR7 (4171,4 THAT PURSUANT to Ike powers .want in mo as Arlgsw M the . lee, named IRrl.eet all n) nRht *4144 •04 444*04 n the Inanwhe lands W1 44.I000• r 4 0800 u aforve•Id. will he .,IA M puma ■neti.m at the Merlon Mart M Mr 1.I14R1/E M TRU►.MAY le the Town .O l.rdrn4A, Covet). M Moron nn 'deadly the 10th day of October 170 • r -• - '- •I�tab Iyingr•l MIng ,e taw '1 ip •m1,L In the County of Reins eel Prowler. of On Orin Bela( .nprwl of the .r41.611 Mot enter thole. is fed third rnw•eeeien of the Township or Norwich . 4r.sM. The said property r mein• M ad,na•...,..i nn)) erre her: the same more or lee. There me areM.nble Iminnerne444 0* the said land ad It 4 WMnhlw situated Per nether ...Ian •7pp717 u A Mr 0 45 TR41MAK. A.Mseeer or J M Uerdoe, "W 1., for 1h.Aw4a•a J(iH• HALDAR, Jr, 5.40,44 /Wrist Id IVO. e/►tre Antgnee, INSOLVENT ACT OF 1669. la Ue 'natter of Lop4a r L- oon*, an IRedpent. N ..'ov..r)TICH 1lwlv.. that pos.. to the p.. LM lo m. a, A.algn.e or the .4..e nam. ed fondant all m7 right title •44 Interest 4 the fol- t•clna Ode and pormlive sa Aa4r... ea aforesaid 14.11 1e 4.41 h) Puree torture at the Anru.,, Mrn of fir 'ROIWIR 1. TR4A4AN ie the Town nag ONeneh' ('omit. o4 Hun. Oa Monday the 'Ott day of October, 1870, A" THR DOUR OfTW4LV11C1.(N'1 NOON S ia All and .Ingmar lhet final• p.rr•el or tract N land •M panda. situate gift sed 'being m the Tn.n.hlp o/ H neck In the County of Ripon and ^ ms oOntario Seine rmnfro.44 of the aeldialf f lot amber t Irter in the third ,nnr,..Ion n( the Township of 110.I,k a8.rwald. The Id pronely mw4ln.I.7 aMmn.nnmrnl 1r'y arr. he the same remem lees Ther are ,nn.Mnraele Impfn mrn4 on the old l.d •d It Is 4.40.41! altoated, For further pn4u4n apply to Mr G M TRURNA4. arcttoYwr drill GORDON, Snbeltnr for Aalaare, antenna, A1g".t mod TSTA, oaths J HAT.*)A N, Jr Awa'•. THE PLACE TO BUY TOUR AT THE TAR OFFI0.3 •BOOK STORE, hem the lamest &ad cheapest }dock le to be fonad. ISIIINOTACKLF OF ALL KIND., oniestsripm h..% 0.11118 ‘1161,60, aed from 9feet to SI he -RODS 'It HIRI, Ter al 111M A,cya.•,-be..w, ►�S_wn.r Tor err:_.. ♦wwllea-lbe..w Mbmy1d4.a base 4451, "owe to . ier. ('aladlaue M•taanva*tius 4• 11. .lgl Wrnug Pefwldle would le of In•atiw.rbl• adralltrse their e.... I81,utose•t.. 4441 10tu *beast. the *object t+.0 w4 Ik*'.d to the people Wort. w, it .sem. . al oath the iiii4 Io ,::n,a-:-:•r.e�eawl.ri,Irl.s..-.-w.�:.. on '1. th'tr..6 Your Owen -454 be the Woad (all eta Iron totidJ'f i etroll? .lea. rete llr'y i iti" elem. iate. it has been nee byIbsemade elto Nle h fdl•,uuunu this Aeon.?. Por Nee ('M1040., Cold., .Lad all dim... which aRgt 11,0 wind o1 looses ,l k.. nu sy Yl, we 1. It noodled as • 4,mlua mol vias; It punt,•, the 1.1.,.1, r..rrort,.ud Illi -e. the appetite, not eu/Mn• the .k.0 . lo fact, 4, great 1, the ,ml•nrnurrl In lire run,Htluu and appeal,. f tl e wusl .. 4, lure led eery to dorbt if it ,-uulJ be th mi. Iwra. Reuesber the near, cud -, that the Lre*,inuo/ MIN l'. Is l'Is un n.rh package. N.rthpy 1.)„ hrwreetle. (let, proprietors h. Coeds sold by Wl ue4,dre dealer.. Rut. it tir•,.o rr. -To pnrlmt.r matinee di ewe I. Slue Witte grandest attain.. ere dwal.1 by welt and He) '. F'huonle Worms will a •ere run roughs our. Whams or the 14,0.1 sad I•ul.u,nlary e.rlaylalu4 an w•r.rdpeaD4'.e rdl.:winn. her colds diet attended to owner Of Latta 441 to (u.•urakle c,nuap tar, sal the str..(1$ .r the Waived oaroo 4!4.(f opt Meted TM *0,440.1 ad led . a kl....'. for the cure afer a •Inch bare lath thoroughly 1,4 .44 401. *4,,' hod an'. Pultroom• ttrout) pony,mud havr amoeba, known 4o fall. Kluge. and pnbl,r. .peak.. • 1(1 .In, donor coat b.uent fr.on 1I.• Law of t4.m. dull by all 1.1n11Ce0 dealer., .t 'Lotir ler boa. TIIE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills. Tig INT A LUABLE MEDICINE IR UNFAILING a InIke safe of al Rowe per rat -.l *d deasprous Waver.. wl•.et aka (see. eaWnrl wen 14 •el.ier1 11 radon.* all Id oma.. W •IMnclwn, sad • speedy ern lea I,e rel. d 4.a. ••••lett L.nlee 11 h pefulm...uited. It .111, 4 a Own nose, bong o.* the weekly pend alb reaoI.nty. Thea !'illi Monad .•N he wren ti Penal. duel are rho FIRST rel Rh'R LUVTN.+.J Proving. Yew gr. . r. re /0ieg.. Mlearrism. hal u/ 4.44 ether lime Iles 41. y.. In 111 C•.4.• of N.rwe. end Slweat Arena., Pain 1, Ike B.,-4 a.d lawn. Wal rPew, el, hleieOwn 1'•It - /um el lar heart. IIy.I.les, •. d Who•. the.. 1� 1. wit .feel • ruse wan •.1 other Inc... k.ee felled . ear all►wgh • powerful, rade, do nut enamors Iron, nbr.el, au,rw,y. oralylhmiteklertful to the et...mu- Ind ldireell... in the pamphlet •n.ed each pok•ge. wk4h Mw4 bemnfall7 preserve* we roses, r.. 1,5*, cru rr..nl rem. p.ee and 174 rnr.. for puts., erk»nl Ie Northrop -k�Y. err 11,nn„41a general morn . 1.. the Mtarleen, lettle,ret.r,.le.•a1 fd4, my ceeere Ira. NORTHR1r.P t I YMAN, Newcastle,(:, 044.4 •gent foreseedr lfr Nelda fl.men.h by Parker t Cattle one 44.Jorda1 l (iudiner a Co., Hay old; James &album,Koe.l rale i 1. Pickud,k tater; J.H. Cerate. ('!toren S. ted, Lacknow; E. Hoek: see .'11.aWnb. .mi as bad.,,. 14,4,.• SSD CI NIVIIICT11I-LESTh6VE A raiiaay_hteliesseeseit sad faros.bly Amuse me IN punt! •Yw:rling 10 • angle luteore to stye minutest cel.e 61'4ea Neely lw,lo and we have never known • ging 4 caw old.e.l.l.rllon when Ne directions aa. twee + reperly IoIIo. d, 1e( on the so Dimly_WI IF/ lel.;h:ed with at operators, and speak in 4k. sheet (army of !n winkle Lad Matted edict., THE (.'AP:ADIAN PAIN DESTROYER hoe w,.. Mnlwl(■ reputebua, esti NOW pun s M, .renin*. *loin* . ton r, n0UFpoa•rl .n the barny n(roed.:el prep ret one. l( whiten 414 (0 r110• Dyprpre, Lover Complaint., Ind,n.- IIw, 115.0 born, ad Sir He•rhe, Kdney Co.- plunb, Are' Morn.. Phtbreir or Asthma, u2 rteno.e to v ilal nttrvily the opts,. debit/14110 by .ueerlrg and 14,11.0.• tm m.pu•d and a twit- dui .rrtme In runny •wide. cold*, euie throe, Coughs, Diploma pairs u the nde,hon. end Imek, neenlgu,O.gh ache, 'hewn/tic and other pee. 40 airy part Lal the hudy ad front whatever ea,w, has given n • place In every hon.ebuM and m rim se pewee - .ng all of her preppam-at •t.4.. of the ked. 41 is shoo ■n v/r, Gni sed prompt remedy for Hur.,,, acerin., Sprains, Chilli..,,. t'm•t titer, ('ramps In the Stomach, D.rhQ., (.soler• moslwe. lUUswd C►niia. C helot* lil.,- sum, Dysentery, ere. Pore only 26 renor per beetle. NORTH Rut• LYMAN, Ne..matte•C. W wW. Gremegl,Agent (Lar Croda. !mold .n eltdenrh by 1'wker de Castle Lad P. Jordan; l*•nitnee h Co. 14vaeld; lame. Hent horn, Hoditervdle; J. Pa -bard, Exeter; J.H. Combe, Clinlne• Secret, Lark now; E Hu kw. '.:-'o, cad all M.dieiw %ales. w!g lathe bast place to get your Stationer cheap and good. JIIBT SEOEAVED A THIRD 8UFPLY OF WILKIE COLLINS GREAT NOVEL MAN AND WIFE PARTICULAR ATr}NTION GIVEN TO ORDERS Fon MISCu,iIiJANFOUS BOOKS, AirtTESIC.D, abo., ebo. All the latest Publications received soon its Untied to4erlclt, July Sett 1879. .17 11 IXAMI:NATION 1)1•' SCHOOL TEACHERS. /11/1R ROAHII OP PCRLI4 IN,TR*'ellON FOP 1 sue ('uauly of 11000. •ill inert lu the Celtnl arbour G.den. Luo WrInceday cad Thurwlsy /he 10th .red l nth da). of Aud'ul wit, for the examine ler ',1 OCMw4 Teachers, wet day •t 4w o'clock a W. 4.04* .4w *nling,Plr.t+-t.. ,enikutea all lie &lambed on butt Wolue4l.y ami 114. 1.y Third class no !0',4re.4.7 and &.wail claw on Thunder Cowl W.44* t.1on heirs admitted to an r1/11101utia• •n mount to Kneel ceraleatea se 44.84 mural character Wised ya Clerpalse wMetier of Ir p••e. g•rrok Ba7teld, July Ord Ire.. 47-a MASOITIC APRONS VOR SALE AT H. GARDINER, L Co's. Doderieh 25'JuIy.1870. w97-tf • PRIVATE ROARD- 'ORIVATR ROARD I ma la er hal for three .r le gwt4.* by aYP13I.. W W. •BOL (1.denrh, July NM 1170. •.D7•1/ CIFFORD ELLIOT. 4 144(RNET-at L•., Solicitor iw cluo0M7. Cor - C1 vvawer, tr. WINO HAM, Dart. Homy .4 led. Disputed Taus quoted. Croce Laud Pan ate 04t.sed July Slit, 17470, wA-1y STRAYED PIGS, • C41'RAA•EO lona the premier of the anh•r,Aer, two k] pig•. ogee 1 trent. wt4ld0{ short 110 ,to melt A snip (haring nue err alit) a,Ati harm., lowed • roes las. 4ueulk and Barka.. Any oregin11g rfer- rntice 1ea410g to tae rano. en all be ,,.ceded, J. N. WtI41INa. Goderkb: July Ito Ire, (pees. Mott w1Kt1 D ARLEY'3 ARABIAN OIL IioR HORSES L CATTLE. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY. rill* t'.(LC ARLR PREPARATION COMMNES • in tea mod .mal .Ines. of rhea .11,41.. whoh un, rt mine. • has proved In mews he mom r4 100 h. tent proration 6, Lae core of ele.h W.ym!e, ., Brune., 0.14 01 all toads, Cracked Rk, H r *1 .., *:area. GIMs.,Felvl•Re., Serene y. Intern - ▪ Pa... Servabw nr Oree.e, deer. T.mr,eae, Mange Whitlows, C*Ilaml Crack., ?matteredFeel, y .r, IAree.t•r, Pallier, and man) other .loves. .81•11 home. ed ,' ,tile ere fader* m The ...tooted L,mmeno b.• fern seed for many year., and orempirepnepenl-• lhnn.agkly tested. ✓ nee.d( 1m .. the rkwp..h end t r.• • 4.k rented 0,r .It Tts(nal compla n4. ever offered T,'. thole d•11 Drs RR4.1. sed Ce. per? 1e.hem. aro•gkw'tbe 111111 fl Puce M 14 Y.eW KOHTHRCPa LTMAN Ne ••.• Ont..1'.prktnn Soil Is fin,.rich d Pa coals ed F lord',. I (sed...0 ds Co, Re ,f r ; JOmee Reethsm, Noelgerv11le; J. Pickard Eleirr 1. H. Cumrr. Glisten ; ISecoed, Luc now4 E. Yaoboes, aesfoK4, std all, Medic 'Wolosie eta Hifi. abberttstments £1ITILL*A? 04.1.ATrENTION n1► (loon MEN WANTED AS VOT.UN- 4.'Re 4 the Order doh Uani.n R.t4r7. Appi4rt41, .1U bereaved by we at m7 uta.. 744514 THOMSON, Aed Sad, Ire. w161sr1r. Awed COW LOST. AIP'ATJ. RIM Cole, , TIP OF TAIL W1TF, bra k .put nn Mn Ort, short home, four rein old Any One rotundas her to the 0.4.n1■■eead .111 be mita b1) rewarded E. L JOH`*RON. Oo.erich, !nA Augn.l. 1A70. ww.l• BOOKS & STATIONERY LARGEST & CHEAPEST BOOK dr STATIONERY Tri Deo repaid surreeeeeebie kranoy Goods te TIMMS Atari Jet, T SETS, Cheaper ties EWHERE. Book Store. araltItT IN THE COUNTY SOUTH MARKET SQ17 &RE. BILLIARD P. 'P0 RENT IN A TRR171N0 TOWN IN ONTARIO 1 a .01 furnished DI, 1.N 1w,. eoeteth.g 1 Wet HASP table. at pawl don,. • gid hold•.,. Term moderate. AIJ10, For sale, tee superior thhl/ Is good Montag order. Price M.bo. Fur parts/ran apply to J OLASC/ orieaeY.wso Holed, d, Goderlrh, Ys.l Masud, 11•40. •n �.. EV .��+r�r�F� �npttr ,_ iiar� M(JSLll�px:B 11iailVI aria Kara o es ; *id9 Tisane Makings and Velveteens ; BROWN HOLLAND3, very good;tor 20 cents; Sc c3, 'p ELY1et 9itc ii y dbo•f ..00- Dundae Cotton Yarn, whit3 and colored,. • Goderich, Aplil2'th, 1b70. w43 LADDERS FOR AL p -- eUI4M'HIUEE YAf A office '1► LAat ads• ayer'8 QbeTrCherryp LA. we, e.l MOO, BBICY COTT.a GF. POR BALE ni, �f"ddLTlf For Disease. of the '1'hr0.1 and Moab mO (kaldLl WItoortno -�1AA*. P,,(eatbaabblr_ never r4bed.. 4. 1N whole Wateeryydof Wiltr91 iYB'ldttWNNs' flI 4 tar atr" Yta+iM ► testrelfee myth a rdmealy for i_Pultew4,alry�•• o apple/W.. Through a lou` 'f , ► ,.i"'.'yii'Tarrlfhlfi' f I r 'f'P/ t', fi 941 r. �d ,��,, pr 4j r>ti't6 VI Vi NEW DRY GOODS 1 4 A CHOICE SELECTION of NBRaaN ElAUYIFUL GOODS is JUST TO RAND JOHN HARRIS. . - CI(Aerich, Aprill2t1,1070, _ ' a 12 C:1 RDS & $ILL -HEAP Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates 11' !MB Z1IO114L OPFIC* �rxL: NEW GROCERY STORE. SPRING & SUMMER TRADE, ibs Nellear/ber to ..o nmies • ace sed tea' alas eget el, Chlith 44441* ., Uebt rweM.. Clodo, WHITELY & ELLIOTTMs- 04.4LLI1 IN • OROCERIE4, Pik/VISIONS', WINES & LIQUORI. Ossasr Yily'tem Street & Mark taSquate '7 !IIIc 14Ts 'ldili1J KOOL KLO'S wit W ARM -WEATHER 1 -1 - ABRAHAM[ SMITH - - au ON WD A SPLENDID : STOCK ! OP AUMIIRs COATS, - BUMMER PANTS. --SUMMER VETS, BUMMER HATS, And ever)tb4g •attalie for the wow, w 11.18 Lt 1. .L4g At the Lowest Possible Price for Cash 1.14 Style. M.tr,ale0•4 eyes• an wrh Ort he eau •alt We tute..o4 purr. of entry Moe. Oall Early and Often. Agent fur the FAMOUS At RELIABLE WANZER SEWING -I1ACH*NLS• 0uden'b, RD MIT, Ire- ■4 From the Beat Markets ]U IS The Most Fashionable PATTERNS. rp lY 44112.444844441, An H RMir.P ORM TOMO* 8 1p444- -(10 Me flew' •.1 rorty awe wit pf4 11. Yd lL the Isla t .1740, lUG4 I---- DV i Merchant Tailor. (Neat door to the Bunk of Montreal • NUT l FILET, 000r IUCH, 11- A good ardor. meted luouredielay, ilodenet Aptil Ttk 44e. WI, Lazarus, Morris & Co. Opticians and Ocnlists, ]A2oDkTTRE]AT., AVE. tvrtH ♦ ve.E v m 4544944 TmDBoSra.rte•, •nM P .URD Maoist ,.(.Nd Drussot, Goleriae 1her K1ae Arm tor * e. ihave mIn ':tiful mese 0.1•. •rSate nfldrura In mmn,l, IMO A.m.. the requirement. oall Nommen. AOpn„oly wall 8 thet6naed pe,ore. at .1P,*1-004.. enema d 'r to)our Men a(r•.gla- - t.ng •.,l pr.Yrnwg guano. e rru mu. errant Y. roles to their .Sp.Uort nor the ordinary yews nem. There le r0* gllmmerma, 4.g' / Is...Wiese. as...Wiese.4. , r.n ➢upl rnwl,..u, 4.',, eat nee worry, (nun I4.. .o.0tMo- ll _ w mal.0..1 tag. l•, they err erNldng rl Meea•n woven • Welles .J rend in 4_4. ass., 4d Iernaclne • Neer•rd d..b.ct ruts,,, u the •re 0 l he-netWenwl The, are the o,). !Vector.. ,her GRAND DISPLAY D.,FFEGUSON4R ibtfli IN DRY GOODS THE LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PAT rERNS TIIE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheetings it will pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILE TO PITRORASE ForCkapnow and quality all his stock is UortitteCd, A LOT OF COTTON YARNS BEST QUA AT MILL PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT BE COMPETED WiTH HIS GROCERIES Are equal in all respects 10 *bore which have gained him the reputation of keeping THE MOST RELIABLE FAMILY GROCERY IN ('UIDIE:JkiLICH PIIATFRS 1TITNTION ! H. GARDINER & C •aa etLAING) WHITE LEAD at $1.9:4 per ham. HAW OIL " .85 " Gal. 3011.I':D 011_ " .J0 " " FARMERS ATTENTION H. GARDINER & CO." Is the best plaee .t whioh to buy Agri- cultural Tools of every doscriptioo, suit- able for the season. BUILD ERS ATTENTION. H. Gardiner & Co., w111 supply you with Hardware Cheaper than any one else in the trade. Cat Nails 83.35 per keg COOPERS ATTENTION A new assortment of Cooper's Tools, at the lowest prices. is to be seen at the store of 0. a ARDIS'S.$O.. Nails Alma Oederieh, 14th J 454, tffia. .qtr - Hurrahfor the 24th nee illaCEIRA. AT BUTLERS. IN WRITING PAPERS A II la ONICAPIONT AND BRAT ALL THE NEW NOVELS arCIFIV ED AS AT asooanorszto Joky Illth at DUIRI TO CALL ROUND TO EIS JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, sod to Witold Fishing Tackles, HE CHARGES NOTHING FOR SHOWING GOODS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY SA sod WW,Oter Wel D. FERGUSON *SLUNG AT 0011T I • 9,4 SIGHT. •re oke eteapeet herrn. ilcr heti, •Imre 4.144 ■'ream onto. eh•n■■r 1•eing uecelar7, tr. W. employ no Peril.,.. F. JORDAN, eine Ag.nl for tidbnt4 w• Odder -h Apr11 T(• 1970. IA ' TOTIeE i4 IIF,REBY GIVE& iv that epplleatlon .111 he nude et the neat sear. of Orr I. -gold,. id I',,l.ro fur a Charter to now.1me. a .10.1 hon tM1:Mv of Indo, 4 the Comity of lett. to are Inlet •n rake nuns.4 the T... Wipe(tStables. we e. Woody•X Duna. • x 1,VIA Extensive Now Premises • AND SPLEN 1)11) NEW STOCK C. Barry/Bro., Cabinet Makers, Urdertakers ret Wood Tamers, g a ?niton -TON MT. Ha. ,.mond .en,sa tae .turn 1. the More 0•d door to Wm. A 714aoo', Huse. ahoy, .►en will be f0d A GOOD ASSORTMENT I altebee:Bedsum. DI.ingrw,m, ad,Plrlw ror- alt.m, suck •a TAOLEI, CMAIIN. (half pane rad wood w/reL) ct:PDo Akn1, BAUSTEATM, . WA111 STANDp% YAITIUMLOU7041 1121, .G WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASS% un,T [RA44114(4, ,,(( 73 G B. a B. are prepared M •ell erMylkVIIICY their l4. Cheap for Dash. N. B A amnia. ...mint of Ce.er and ROrn4 e lm.. had and • 110.0.14., al.: all naw re.• !sable tem.. A CALL SOLICITED. Maer4h, 17th Nat, 1r0 w14 -M N OTIC $7. Uon, a+ R has become LOU. mums *1➢ woUOrm 51TATiTPD, AT-TUEIIITMp IfXCOA?GL rlwraeter noun newer to un the anus afocuuua /1' Til • aAT•-TUthth .Iwh e..4 • wJ drul rwru, or the luny(. and !nowt, lube mule Il k WMn .1 e re• g •g lnbte prune. tor uthem. em. 1/hde adapted to pit miller from...f demon Slid toy a al;*04) von, tl m mt wf•' et the same!nue the mol .fecOat reined) that can tIW6!4k, Jose 111h,1tTit .. i L•7YsovAI01% M Parity ams !'hoar... -1, • kM'N t k �111MY Yalt rtrn a1 n. ss,m.n4t44 •g.lel. 444.44...- 44.., r1• h)• the 11P+rs1 �lkIDUN j YA 1 w+ 1< 11LU11A1•" t cu 'e�eneh. .Ili f►aa44,(444,80 at. EXTENSIVE NEW .PIt►EMISa be Moon for /wit/lent roweemodroo, •.d or• se... pow.. affections of the uuval rod iuirse. A. • 4400- W ei. Valne& .4,444n attack. of ('resp M should ter kept on hood in everyast fkrud, ..4 4.11.11 a. all Mrt should be yea rat d est. this sgtYkeratt,r t Although .•1.104 Cierem .•1.104ais 4. uwu�1,( ► minable, .tall groat number' of swim where 1440 diad ea. •eoun.l . W401, hat • born eoaplelely r .n.l the y.Dra,l n1lerd 4. Lad twilit by ('Iteres Per farad. So r .Pleb 4 Its owe. y Over the rh•unl.n of the Low.. and Throat, 141st Ike mord Wenn, le °Otlenl ,..4,! In 4L w hen 1.04- iu4 dv. ca.al4 ...oh thew, ,,,ole, ted ('0.rrp 1•.e. .wat they rlw.4. en.l dlsapyr,.r. Ripen .'w K.MI. 1f.e.Aer• sad great pro- tection rotection (rum IL Art Mee 1t always mitered sad Mira wholly e1OA by it. llev..4•Alfl. I. generally ruled by tatiug the Carob Carrara, In .,all sail nm,uent down. eat Morally con Iia rima.. known 44at w. uml n ot publish the mer4mertra M the. erne, or do more thaw wawa, Um public that We 4..thur are Puny oul_od. Ayer's Ague Cure, Pot Teter and Alto!., Intermittent Perot. ChM Paver, ,tree?!' ..ver, Dumb A,u., Perlubi or BI.. Peter. Ho., ant Indeed d1 Um • Mations .041044 arise trorn M� arwtu, w44al . or 4a.matte pula A a it. name Imnllea, R ,dere Cer, and does not Gwtnlnt a n,,44.r Anomie, Andatuc, Bismuth, SON mor Mr .tor miswa arPw440awn .4.t .teaea wknl.n ,, It In 110P1•0 inertia n•a air .+ [lent. T4.. n umlrrr and Imn..t.eee of h. roma In the woe dl. - trine, are Ilterully beyond account, an.l we bellre without A ps,sllel In the history of Apr. medicine. Our trade 1• ('444)-01 4y the Arknnwledgro uta us revolve or the rs,I, 'dlwr,. 41..491 In nllrllnete Mum, end w here other remedies hal wholly 4141.1. I'areenInst.l persona, either rewhnt m'w h0vellmp 1hrr•n e., miasmata In.mltlee, rill bepn. ...l by Litchis e AO rt ern R d:,lhv. F,w Lire, Camplatioste, whip floe. tnn4dltw 1 the liver, M Is els ...Ilan remedy, 144ulMeoa the Liner Into healthy aet4,40,. For Rhino Menlo. And Lie. Comnlelnt•, It Is an .eaeUa4 o•rwN7, pr'dw-lnft mane Indy re. marla ae etre., where ether emitters Imo 04 ,.,,. *44444000 *rye. ioe. AIA Wer emamoo 41111 a.1, P red by tel. J. C. Avima Ca,Prw•us.l bade ormesoU/edit.. gbh swum .)Wive*ew4Ars, aid An. Lowell, lga... ail coon P1tJICt, 94.45 J•Lt DOT. RAo )Z }ILIA mowiniS1401 e4. ?ser Lt, Y.een.ub 00 ( a 4 444 41 dwover ds ileo r . 0.41preterit/Sons 4• or 10sft..(l I /el.P � ergawl 4 a..y.4�yyr.eo7Pn a Dualof•mosty.far .,J t teemed o 1 find t4. most 1.'MW. 4 14 t teemed to C dd..Tob 1001O rl AkeY. ttm 1MrS• wast.aaar. h the all vans, bas 1 pnotitie..a Mt Qtr all .w of w .h.wtpd Ray-•-ai two . { MATIPUR -4457 Rww•r prP est, ones*. . perletall44 n ^451101 easel the two, be tho purposed eon. diaea•0, w vtterl! WW1 DL RARwey has wmpl iladweathrtha is Loth ail Warr ut !.winkle eubst4.wa PURUATIV1L Art:MtU?. ANY ALTsserivl PILL d.inis41.01 wink the ek�e�� - t T11ua0CUH EEPU;JM)i ' ALL /Ia4Ar1.1 AND DECOMPOSING demob la tY harm kW, awl ane safeb rake 4145 Mew MYlpr t aows. airs 4410001 ; is cow Mien 145 assess me4heae,♦ 1 the iet•rwal Pete. egewfmdq fns U4ami11+ ( isaut _4 t. ere. i., Gastric, Bilary, Pancre Complaints. NSDICAL'DISCO ' atrlr• Hro.Ue4, ef .wd4,,lees arc pal p wok, diwecea ram. 4441 mate alike. i.lmaaatl.m 1 pet. None 611 r.. orator Then ace. however. esw very foe • f Re.e melodies tk.4 nn •■Luer tow dlee.,1.e hi•�id r.`erM . Lal .aid 4 a Imo Ayer's Hair- Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which - is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving die hair. Faded or gray hair i1 soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Tin hair is (1S eaed, falling hair checked, and bald- ness ellen, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles ■re destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be rued for usefulness by this application. Lnetead of fouling the hair with s pasty sedi- ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling of, sod consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances whisk make some preparations dangerous sad injurieua be ill* hair, the • r. M iew SO owl besellt t not hors Ir. ii(liaMed HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so datable. Co4taiuiug neither oil nor dys.k dors not soil white cambric, and Pe 641 long 0u the hair, giving it AO glom/ Inoue and a grateful perfttt, Prepared by Dr. J. C. & Co., PEACTICAL am) ANALI' Lm MEW BP;CK BUsLCINE (NEAI:L4'0Il'1'14-I t.I J'l1:DAN-S DRUGSTORE) • 0flVtuichlt to t`,'.4.,L,•,, His stock of stoves &c. IS LARGE AND COMPLETE 1` 'mar. IN wANr Lar eNYrttnu l: Ma 110 •1Y ora arerl 1'f ueyr.,Ong l.. .lu,:k hon Puraheslag 1wwhe.. ALL KINGS OF 1J3 WOAa( WILL 8 DONE TM! SAME AS U.U14L, :darnel, :at Jul,. 1170. ■11►11 TRF. onhernter ?Award Itakwr vea•M r et 11 I4etmler 1.9 to hare .nr Interw.l In the Ars1. of ►•1.•rd /fake &Company, 7'..r.1.pt..' red R.w'Mrrs, /1•.ferlOb the eaheertl-r Arehltrld Hodge NII soe- dn. the bads.. or his °aio.»4.',.t. ARCH MOODS, i 11011K PS. 0eden,4/.4 Ray, 1R7e. wean! $5.00 REWARD. T 011T, on Ratnoley,eth lad ...me. Foothill wedten Monte (1.., (Intlevieb. a Mark clasp puree natant Ins two Slant Mlle and a aloe le Other The Abu. reward all be fad at We Whee to the Male an ratorlee the ear. or to any me era. noir Inf. matins se will MA to Memo.. he illIART July 13th 11%. w9Leto at Hiders, P. ill vu,LAGe LOTS FOR SA= IN BAYFI TOWNSHIP OF GODERI I (74 M 11.;,1(rom O,derlr► sad 9 nib.. from ((''II!14.4 411 situated en the '40.007 11Homier mier tor►4•• age 4 hay1111, from Mirk 4' is senor.. by tie w lend 14.•r. It mint.. /lf ac pa, 110 acre. rare New, 70 •era mar o/.tn.. and Is • high new no ..idealio., a t .I.'h May tum: bah n,. 1..x4.•.1 It I, wall a.und h) two limos amnia. An ,. 1..pl of lar apple tr.. or bon n44 - -frill( very ebony. al. • fad prtn, p4nm•, poack.o.d Morn. and a 700 <npp last. Twat et ivy torr.. b'n•a, *1 by 41 net 'wino full .ler of the Maw - Trams hem 46 by 11 R 1A la • sr' oppnrtunit7 in ng le • st.d Mere m 4.a lot, 4,oro, .herr rr:,l1 raising Ie snot mon teem. Lal lima farther 1n1ad. App* 4 �$R Agen 5,eele er 0 N. TRU EYAN, .(gel, ( 14,51, MMeh1Tth 1,4.74 weir 094MPIANOS, HOUSE ORGAJNS.ONa C1iIIRCH ORGANP, Piano Stools. &c.. lunhnfred b• the eW.4nt.A lbw R. R. WILLIAMS & CO., T 71e most•ttend. mtken Is the Wow Tx r slden44004 Arms 4 411141*, 1het M •ppniut4.net 440.'arymnrh ted ted.m een.t r7 1(445 above 44.1, eMahef d nrelk pared 4 sell all auto. wade by taw, at "'ANU44'.cT,'MB R)•1PRIp lu ntda way M eves and Mr. swerta4al et the IWme. Rooms, W.404•e•k DANIEL GORDON. Gdntrh,2:1111 Aril. too wit RIWANT OH? c•nom 4o4Swan!*r gr")".el Py/Ss M /Isitous border& mew rut I•me0a7 04) rr rul4f erne Slee err„h• s�• a..n�emu( btti. ►r•.• es7be 4,44 In or t..' •'r W the W heM sd• d parer?: pe 't.'' poor 1 •d ).4r'. rl bd.l O ;111: r hl hath.,. rel. Ir,, ele-tf N� R011 tta". ergo ACTOR DRI UDWAY'S mu; 1e R.nw'r'a Pala jz8ti an 11► Perwrioe 4'4(4i4 sew sews • Pill rPn.r properties tot. West Amite reme3,.. es 111,4 W .JiSeisms. They, .m alder to meet ell vtblr pills In'w 'wawa roe..4 8th. ,sty 14s 1 4.141.• that sepmtt4. • wbt*up fb Calomel or Mercury. In *1ADWAr'B 441LL1 Fa. 44.,. 0.011614 Out win awtmre palates., mon 1.....(111.....(11•ad yfr11i reemu teas wadi be giro to Ino Noe• sr pee di hoe.t ntyfuns of the mtbraly,rs4 ijew�r A, sr.rdl� 1 ]' olan soled ohs s jafmjh avert lllJerettewr preeer!1 . Wee XJir es Udemd gaoyo, drew. Y.C. Mil Pe t• Work .1 tn.& 4 owf�tte blue pill. this Iarwtr:.tr poo *44 4be UYitA lr 9rsprle.(•t•r er, .Acorea UY�DV<1l A4'aWap .•r p,.R •M.ol* ram t.t owe k coop• prawnns •n gime for Nthma t eat. s. roc Dare wrreer411sytg M sensorial the 47.(•11. a - N • AY 1 fiergattoa Xeceseary Tow ars two RI.c4PIoe width salt la tweet • .. 4,4 ►ease boar ; ono u w Melee' 1 dew to Mwap.41Mam• (thaw bemoan or 444...o ties all • r.}wee IIP A. abeorbeots eN laels.4 as mfr./ , 61 ether 4 thift 1 sui hitie. Is Meow a••ssrn• ke 145 life 1 Ur hear !kat W bowed ma a.m.•. .inti•.e el/rsb be 4rlwite4Ma 4•444.6.444p., e skeet Pad es reser/it 1 tkr, ant the beat. . eddy 4 wPPlyd with leap, halorl744 nicer Sk.w a.W4. Aa, bet *bad, fro sol awe. the (_.4,, et these wear an +..Mede.t thea itisti •.sem, 414 Yawl to aster overt. 4 a.pdyly eew4toeanA Wall madkd... ewe gime 4 the beams rase t • sk4 purpose, ern Is awn In the mesas ef RATE. SEA]AADICA orC4142ML)7BY that swaps Abe.. 4,1,.t0st milts so assweeke. HAPPILY, awil With each COMPORT Y RADWAY'3 .gwl4iil0444akt P the fares end ...remerta from the a 1 ,n-- b.mn. that oro °b.rked w idened ti their pale. nrbughhr11. Nit.. 4Wore" J-aro•, .ad sate owl bmlo*bow4w rtes It Nese•acreeet w:ag to the Skis, ?fern.! sop a, 4rrq.ted la their eery, they a Ne .44. Mdadoe�Nnegk bard need t err ..•-•. W.lartotlwg as �llw of IM sewe[Mes as eken0, the Wasik. , Martell. - •_, arlitln. 1 the areas tare Orr... ei a et red 4 hurtful, commi.Hr ways' fens Masks•. w 44..... 1 *4, K I I'e �8. 741 ELA141,44tt. Whiny. : 1:4'. 14� CIe.]A ' ilY WECTMAYO@i of the UY1417J11/. W YAYEar D .Jew tE k.Z u.aayed 74115 wgasroe M falling ) t. 4, land In end •en , of rnfPP , . Y, Akml.rl ea 1110 Tr*, lake RAD�4'AY. P11.1. Ilton. '• '. - ' w .rr.. 1 rfi ARAM, PAM ILIAW [UAW, //, 1CYT. In etre pat Mnnw,; di ...Una Wrath. Of the IM;tln.l .,.tan. thug We too weak tip v hold thole L'.nuUttient 4etethhy a .. o( 1,everwn � Kenn henna of 'P age 4 Ye,l.ed of lily, and 10 lonr4ar1h.., In IMM .t i, .r oonetant ami panful Mathews rd 4484. P./4 2'8. ay, 11tAwl d 11' to strain nlwhm Hd0 .rn.rt4 4�\ r..dlewl Iowa. Pennellnf tlrlies row. of holo/ web lathe dl*See stew should lover emir 0,0 0onewnArn.e0per riw. pare, marl. • f , e e. l•Whnmw at41I�'4ed orrier a east 0r ,wow• that hew. and 1nod.•n cramot nod 1. rad, W"rhtp'• .h pills these Jore to al. an o1 Auel/W, and Y d NU especially v. all tater waw. then 4 weakliest In the weveU Rtnbdlti d•<: the repair. etnOonre, Wad In all enema 1 feet of an yna, pewemptily etterectersygttyy 44 1 *41*44 MO any ahrurr will 1 In Y7 seamen of .o.4.nne' RADIVA ?ILIA are Meanly pargarIe leaf Retnow tat.. TIM 4Noe deer to ,loo ewtwwww OM454 thee the..., rnm'+I:utlr• of the rwtwetlert nal lar m.frl [ ('"r((''a ••mw"41merlw',.'r l lAI/WAY'. t Y 04444.17 reptant. when the Inane. era the , r W114 mmaw•n Most end d.o-.m 0*4ui and tenon "meant' te the runlet .sb m IY I.4 V9..44 111`L'0 EIDTIDUSPLIath ES It 1L1I (` T GODERICH GRA. MHO Oweram Trios will then se ath. whet.] peptle 11111 is tles beet Wm et Ws 'we W eager We friths, labomellea sow otosuo Pliffillke MDT aParlla offers 1. •••• lawr 41611hR 1111• la good Mote OwAirts. Wm earl *Amon beam% op, /AIM CRIWINA NOTIcE TO THE PUISTIC. ,g PT RiloS SWARD " HALL" otropoottrrorn Pt bitywif w mewl cde " Wollner. Hay Perk' bee amiss nor eire *of PM. Palal loth Jon. liny tar War. faro that NM we kers. run ell masa nat.. •the game. DRIP CLARK. Heileyklit TWO FARM8 far L,011 eal• two very ',nudes rim NOTICE 07 DI PARTIliltS ▪ t• tf A es 1111111617 1110 JOU, Ifellr1411.014 RAJYWAYII PILO we their ebessieal equivalents, IWO" obtain web HEM. Mat lean et their eyeless to mmt we Wean In eremeeta of tbe skin. fan. in pis tvl?!fe. Ow Wetter reedy lobe brim IL