HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-02-25, Page 12Pc90 Times-Advocate, February 25, 1971 Lucan correspondpnt: Mrs. Frances Saward Phone 227-4517 and district news. LUCAN COMRADE ELECTED COMMANDER — Bill Smith of Lucan Canadian Legion branch 540 was named Commander of Zone A5 recently. Smith, second from the left is shown with Deputy Commander Art Grovesnor, Melbourne, District A Commander Bing Forbes, Windsor and retiring Zone AS Commander Tom Healey, Strathroy. Sid Daley photo DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Name zone officers Thank You .••• THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARDS SAYS THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ASSISTED OUR CHILDREN DURING THE RECENT SNOW STORM EMERGENCY. C 7.• xi prepare for the farming season ahead be aware of all the latest developments and newest 1971 eqiiipment — Commercial exhibits, educational displays — Demonstrations, film presentations — Free afternoon and evening theatre programs Let's prepare by being aware! The 1971 Farm kff^1 Show March 2 to 5 WTEFIN FAIR GROUNDS, OUEENS PARK, LONDON 10 00 A.M. 10 10,30 p.m, (015005 4.30 p m. Friday, March 5) Adult ddMistion $1.00 Fran Parking . „ PHONE 227-4411 LUCAN-- 4 Every Tuesday is Amateur Night Girls Join the Shillelagh Dance Queen Contest Now Appearing The Music Box Here's A Great Entertaining Group 4. Starting Next Week The. , Sound Track r7111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111s, WI hears about ,school histories Members of Lucan Women's' Institute met in the Anglican Parish Hall, Wednesday afternoon. This meeting was to have been held at the home of the president, but this was not practical owing to the remaining snow-drifts around her house. The president, Mrs. Frances Saward, was in the chair and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer took the secretary's chair in the absence of Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. Roll-call was answered by, "A job grandmother had that we do not have." Some very interesting answers were received. Mrs. Harold Snelgrove reported that the 4-H club leaders will be attending training school this week. The motto, "Every day in our lives is a page in our history" was used for a discussion topic and brought out many interesting thoughts. Members were asked to name a pair of historical lovers and many well-known names were mentioned. Mrs. Sheridan Revington gave a history of Lucan schools. This had been prepared by Mrs. Ross McRoberts, for Mrs. Alex Young, the historical research convener, who was unable to attend. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Corbett and Mrs. Saward, assisted by Mrs. Ron Crozier. Next meeting, March 18, will be at the home of Mrs. Crozier. FORMER LUCANITE IN 'QUAKE DISTRICT When Clayton Abbott, now of California, called his sister, Mrs. James Mugford, last Friday, he informed her that his home is about 20 miles from the scene of the recent earthquake, but other than the opening and closing of doors, his home was undamaged. ONTARIO EDUCATION WEEK March 7 to 13 Theme: Schools ARE for People OFFICIAL OPENING at Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School (Sherwood Square, off Hutton Road, just south of Whitehil Is in northwest London) SUNDAY, MARCH 7 at 2:30 p.m. Speaker; THE HON. JOHN P. ROBARTS M.P.P., Q.C., LL.D. Program by • The Monsignor Feeney Choir * Medway High School Band * Oakridge Secondary School: selections from "Annie Get Your Gun" * Students of Fanshawe College, London schools and the University of Western Ontario Everyone Welcome Refreshments Explorers learn points Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers- held an exploration Monday with 29 girls in attendance. The opening ceremony was performed by the Chief Explorer, and Mrs. Keith Kraul conducted a game of communication, "Here We Come." Mrs. William Froats explained to the girls how to total their points for the hearing-seeing list. Points are counted for knowledge of Brazil, which they have been studying, and an absent Explorer being contacted, etc. The point system is to involve the girls in the activities at the expeditions and in between meetings. Highest points were obtained by Ruth Ann Atkinson and Janice Kestle who tied with 30 points each. For points and fun at home they are making a page-sized poster on how to communicate without words, for example, smile, frown, or just being kind. Mrs. Kraul told more about the Brazilian man who had learned to read after he was grown-up. This system is called, Each one, Teach one, and is carried out in many parts of the World. On the board were listed the ways to communicate or put an idea across without words. More banners were brought in on this topic. Guest-helper, Mrs. J. W. Lockyer, supervised memory work and sewing diapers and baby gowns. Next exploration will be held March 1 and Explorers will bring used stamps for the Bible Society. prints up the programs for the show and has many other duties which go along with this task. Phil has been an active member of Saddle and Sirloin Club, having helped with concessions and many of the other activities involved with the show during the previous years. Drive carefully! Remember: it's not only a car that can be recalled by its maker. Guest of honor misses own party Mrs. James Mugford, last Friday, invited Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott and family to a birthday dinner for Mr. Murray Abbott, but unfortunately the guest of honour was unable to be present, and missed talking to his son, Clayton from California. However, Mrs, Mugford has promised him another party this week. In the meantime his granddaughter, Mrs. Dave Turner held a birthday party for him in her Varna home, Sunday, at which Mr. &.• Mrs. Don Abbott and family were present. Sunshine club in bingo game Thirty-one members of the Sunshine Club met at the Masonic hall last Thursday, and enjoyed playing bingo under the direction of Mrs. Kathleen Neil. A rousing cheer greeted their president, Mrs. Frank Jolliffe's return from a Christmas holiday which had been extended by illness and bad weather. Lunch was provided and served by Mrs. Margaret Kelly, Miss Lillian Kelly, and a social-hour was enjoyed by all. llllllllllll 1111111 lllllllllllll 1111111111 lllllll 1 llllllllllll Church news 11 lllllllll 111111111 llllllllll 11111/11111111111111111111 llllllll 1111 UNITED At the morning service at Lucan United Church last Sunday, Rev. W. C. Tupling's sermon was entitled Power, concluding the series on great Christian words, Karen Hodgson and Ann Revington read the lessons. The new organ which has been so long awaited was installed and was used for the hymns, prelude and interlude. The dedication will be arranged at a later date. March 5, at 7.30 p.m. a service will be held at Ludan United Church for the World Day of Prayer. This is an ecumenical service, sponsored by the women's groups of all denominations. Coffee hour follows the service. ANGLICAN Next Sunday, first Sunday in Lent, the service of morning prayer commencing at 11:00 a.m. will be attended by the Cubs and Scouts. This is the conclusion of Scout — Guide Week. At 8:30 p.m. there will be the first of a series of Sunday evening Lenten meetings dealing with the church in society. The speaker will be Rev. Douglas Vogan who teaches at Westminster Secondary School London. His topic will be The Education of the Whole Man. March 1, the Coffee House is open from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the young people. The Board of Management meets Tuesday at 8 p.m. The A.C.W. meets Wednesday 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. The Cubs meet at 7 p.m. and the Scouts at 8 p.m. The Junior choir practice at 7 p.m. and the senior choir at 8 p.m. Thursday. GREAT CHAPTER MEETS Last Sunday the Great Chapter of West Middlesex met at St. Anne's Church, Byron. After a discussion of what the Chapter is, an election took place. The Rural Dean, Rev. G. C. Johnson, of Ilderton is the — by SID DALEY Royal Canadian Legion Zone A 5 dinner meeting held at Ilderton Thursday was very well attended with most branches in the zone being represented. The following comrades were elected to govern the affairs of the zone for the ensuing two years: Zone Commander Bill Smith, Branch 540, Lucan. Deputy Zone Commander Art Grosvenor, Branch 510, Melbourne. Zone Treasurer, Don Rankin, Branch 219, Glencoe. Zone Sports` Officer Cliff Cunningham, Branch 251, Mount Bridges. Deputy Zone Sports Officer, Lloyd Veale, Branch 531, Ilderton. Branch 540 extends to all officers of Zone A5 our sincere congratulations and best wishes for a successful term in office. Special congratulations to Branch 540's Bill ,Smith, on his election to the senior post in Zone A5. Comrade Bill will have ten Legion branches in his command, namely; Lucan, Ailsa Craig, Ilderton, Parkhill, Strathroy, Mount Bridges, Melbourne, Delaware, Glencoe and Newbury, Comrade Bill is well versed in Legion and Zone A5 should do . well under his administration. You're becoming an old timer if you can remember when unmentionables were also unseeables! The next exciting bit of news is the Tuesday night branch .sports awards nite at Branch 540, Saturday night, February 27. With the enthusiasm shown so far this should prove to be a most excitable evening. Molson's Denny Riggin will be in attendance. There are some beautiful trophies for presentation, Comrades, which are on display in the Trophy Case in the Sea, Land & Air Lounge. Remember the date is February 27 for the sports club dinner and dance and awards presentation night. See you there Comrades. I have the honour of acting as your M.C. and am looking forward to an interesting and fun-filled party. The other day a chap asked his wife to straighten up the house and she replied, "Why is it tilted?" On the same date, February 27 the ardent Cribbage players of Branch 540 journey to the Glencoe Legion to take part in the Zone cribbage competition. If you are interested, comrades, get in touch with Branch sports officer Gord Elson or branch manager, Carl Stuckless and have chairman. Magistrate G. Marshman of Byron is vice-chairman. The Rev. Mary Mills of Glencoe is secretary-treasurer. your name entered on the posted list. Remember, there are prizes for the winners who advance to the District A playdowns. April 14 and 15 is fast approaching, comrades. Remember to keep these dates in mind for this is when your District Rally will be held in London and also where you will be electing your district executive for the ensuing two years. I urge you to attend and bring along your lady, it,will be an experience you will long rdmember. Dates to remember: February27 Saturday Afternoon Darts Club. The Lucan Ariens Snowmobile Club was invited for a return visit to the Pineridge Chalet this past Sunday. They arrived around 11:00 a.m. and enyoyed a pancake and sausage breakfast and then took to the trails. Later in the afternoon appetites were again satisfied. :with a moose barbecue. All '"proceeds for the day were donated to the Crippled Children. imilitimiiisiiiiii lllll Lucan personals Mrs. Loreine Fischer, Kennon and Jamie, Mr. Larry Rodin and Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer were supper guests with Mrs. Katherine Fischer last Sunday. Heather Davis of Exeter visited her great-aunt, Mrs. Bob Coleman , last Thursday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Don Kernihan of Komoka were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. James Mugford. Mrs. Katherine Fischer was in London for several days last week visiting various members of her family. Doris Culbert is permitted to be at home at present, but has to make frequent visits to the Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Vens of Barrie were recent visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Marion Cochrane, for two weeks. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Culbert have returned from a holiday in Florida with the latter's mother, and brother and family. Rev. & Mrs. E. D. Lancaster of Forest called' on former Lucanites at McCormick's Home, last Wednesday. Mr. Ivan Needham is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. 27 - Zone Cribbage Tournament 1:30 p.m. Glencoe. 27 - Tuesday night Mixed Sports Award nite, dinner & dance —A MUST! March 2- Ladies Auxiliary General Meeting 10 - Men's General Meeting. Every Thursday night Ladies Auxiliary BINGO. And that's 30 for this week. REMEMBER; The bonds of matrimony aren't worth much unless you keep up the interest! This year's Timmy and several other children were present and enjoyed rides given by the snowmobilers. Sometime in the near future safety films and short movies on snowmobiling are going to be shown during regular meetings. Further details will be available later. At this time we would like to give a word of praise to the safety committee for the fine job they are trying to do in showing mistakes in driving and attitudes with regard to operating snowmo biles. ,Of course, as has been said many times before — ultimate snowmobile safety lies squarely on the shoulders of the snowmobiles, himself. He can still smash into a tree if he's careless, or get hit by a train if he's riding the track right of way; or cut himself up on " barbed wire if he doesn't look where he's going; or drown a mighty cold death if he ventures out on unsafe ice. In the final analysis, the vehicle still goes where the driver guides it. Remember, too, its never the snowmobile that gets intoxicated. Remember — safety first. See Brazil slides at CGIT meeting Lucan-Clandeboye C.G.I.T. held their meeting Tuesday when Mrs. R. B. Worthington gave a talk and showed slides on Brazil, after the opening ceremony led by Judy Froats. The question of membership fees were discussed, and Mrs. Worthington reported that she had not had an answer to her last letter on this subject. Next meeting will be Fun Night, consisting of eating and various games. li1111111M111111111111111111111111411110111011111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111001111111111111111111111111K' Hotel Henson = featuring s F...-- .— Fri., Feb. 26 The Country Tones' _i Sat., Feb. 2 Norval )Reid eid =_= =a=-- in the New Sherwood Room == A111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111011111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ....,, - . 4 at Entertainment DASHWOOD HOTEL The the Friday Feb. . & Maitland Featuring 26, l' Saturday & 01 - , Aof ° 4 1 ,...,,or . Ir. I' ir . . -- Trio 27 This — Centralia Industrial Phone -winter blues? weekend with an and the finest AND DANCING Tri-Tones Friday mid Club Albatross & Saturday 228-6733 Shake evening in Park them DINING r Got the this of The fun (- , ,,,.. - _. DINING OUT t'J - ( .. l_ /4 d . . I q :.-- IS A PLEASURE , AT THE Dufferin 7 Hotel CENTRALIA SATURDAY 2 this weekend ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND 2 PLUS Come hear them In DAILY SPECIAL — ALL NEXT Barbecue Spare Ribs $1 WEEK 50 I DINING Closed ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT, 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. on Sundays until further notice. Take Out Orders — Phone 228.6648 Room Our Redecorated EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY DINNER DANCING. And Enlarged Lampliter 00 Lucan native plans show A Lucan native has been named Programs Chairman for the Wisconsin Littlelnternational Livestock and Horse Show, February 26, and 27, to be held in the University of Wisconsin stock pavilion. He is Phil Conlin, a junior majoring in Agronomy, at the UW. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conlin of Lucan. Phil Ariens enjoy jaunt to Chalet at Hensall Old Mill T a nipiy, rn Sat., Feb. 27 The Country Ramblers will play for your entertainment Enjoy the evening with your favdrite drink in one of Western Ontario newest Taverns. We Serve Our Famous Smorgasbord Every Saturday & Sunday From6-9 p.m. For reservations Phone 2946638