HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1971-01-07, Page 14P09, 14, Tim** .Advocate, ,fa
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7, 191 U r
.corresppndant:. Mrs, FrancesSeward Phone 227-4517
end: district news
Culbert, former Lucan resident
named Canadian Cameraman of
the Year.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reilly
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary this year. Mr. Reilly
was a. former OPP officer, and
Mrs. Reilly served 15 years at
Lucan Post Office, and the Lucan
Council 13 years, also the Lucan
Memorial Centre Board for many
Another achievement which
should be mentioned is the
sponsoring of the "Sunshine
Club" for the older people, by the
Lucan Women's Institute. Help
was also received in this project,
from the Lion's. Club and the
Irving Lodge No. 154, Lucan
Branch of the Masonic Order.
The Lucan Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion are again
sponsoring the figure-skating
course at the arena.
Ivan Hearn was re-elected
Reeve at the December election
with Clifford Abbott, Bernard
Avery, Elizabeth Goddard and
Bill Mathers, as councillors.
PICK QUEEN — Patricia DeVree, Ilderton, was named Miss Orange
Shillelagh for 1970-71 at a special contest at the Lucan nightclub last
week. Each of the contestants had previously won one of the weekly
contests. Dwight James and his Sound Investments provided the music
for the final contest and the judges had a tough chore before naming
the winner of a large engraved silver tray and a shillelagh from Ireland,
Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Torn Somerville and Richard Cowan. Doug
Reid, floor manager at the Shillelagh, places the crown on the winner's
head while Torn Somerville presents her with the silver tray and
shillelagh on behalf of the owners, Cec, Ray, Larry and Phil Lewis and
George Lee.
Highway Meats
and Groceries
No.4 Hwy. at Birr
Freezer Specials
Large sides of beef 58c lb.
Large hinds of beef 69c lb.
Large fronts of beef 50c lb.
Weekend Specials
Coleman's Wieners 45c lb. ==
:2 Bologna 35c lb.
▪ Hamburg
.s: =
• Homemade sausage, country style 49c55 ;1311. P. =
-.... -a.
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Es Open — weekdays 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. a =
A Sun. 2:00 p, m. -9:00 p.m. a
E- E
WINNERS AT ST. PATRICK'S — Students from St. Patrick's Separate school near Lucan fared well in the
annual poem and essay contests sponsored by Lucan Legion branch 540. Nancy Ryan with the best poem
and Mary Gysberg, who placed third are shown with school principal Kenneth Schenkel, left and Bill Smith
representing the Lucan Legion. T-A photo
Ups and downs of 1970
Lucan Slate of officers
named by couples
As we start Comments for '71,
we trust that your Christmas was
everything you expected it would
be and that your New Year will be
filled with health, wealth and
Happy to report 74.88% of
our members became "EARLY
BIRDS" and that's something to
crow about! Comrade Ben
Seifried and William Disher
were the winners of the Early
Bird Draw. Branch 540 takes
this opportunity to thank All
Early —Birds for their support
in this campaign. HOLD IT! I
have just received a call from
Comrade Pat Crudge , 540's
membership chairman reporting
that 100% of our membership is
now paid for 1971 — How about
that?? Impossible dream? No
New Years Day visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell, Terri
and Scott were Mr. & Mrs. Wray
Sweitzer of Shipka, Mr. & Mrs.
Don Dundas of Crediton, Mr. &
Mrs. Ron Sweitzer, Sherri and
Ronnie of Avonton, Mr. & Mrs.
Don Wilson, Warren, Sandra and
Perry of Lakeside, Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Smith and Mr. & Mrs.
William Rundle and Larry.
Guests with Mr. & Mrs. Don
Brine and Cheryl New Years Day
were Mr. & Mrs. Willard Schaefer
of Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Ross
Robinson, Lynn and Dale of
Fourth Line, Misses Myrtle and
Pearl Brine and Messrs. Charles
and Lloyd Brine of Baseline and
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine.
Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela
and Calvin had as their guests
New Years Day Mr. & Mrs.
George Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen
and Deanna, Mr. & Mrs. David
Wheeler, Mrs. John Butters and
Miss Jean Copeland.
Miss Jacqueline Beckett of
Galt was a weekend visitor with
her parents Mr, & Mrs. Lawrence
Beckett and Geraldine.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lawrence,
Judy, Elizabeth, Michael and
Danny of London have moved to
the village.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller and
family of Thames Road, Mr. &
Mrs, Charles Miller of Exeter, Mr,
& Mrs. Bob Miller of London and
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Constable and
boys of Kirkton were New Years
guests with Mr. & Mrs. James
Miller and Betty Jean.
Mr. & Mrs. William Spence and
family were Sunday visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and
Mr. & Mrs. Verne Smith of
Exeter were guests New Years
Eve with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith,
New Years Day visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Strahan, David
and Robert were Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Strahan, Linda and Janet of
Eighth Line and Mr. & Mrs.
Donald Strahan, Jenanne and
Cathy of St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Webb of
London were guests New Years
Day with Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb,
Julie and Lorie.
New Years Eve visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland were
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Brine of Baseline,
Mr. & Mrs. George Levy of
Fourth Line and Mr. & Mrs, John
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Tupper of
An tigonish, Nova Scotia were
Saturday guests with Mr, & Mrs.
Ellis Strahan, David and Robert.
Mrs. Dorothy Bull, Port Credit,
Mrs, Marie Mills and Harrison of
London and Mr. & Mrs. Bryce
Skinner of Munro visited during
the week with Misses Blanche and
Ithea Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glanville
and family of Hensall, Mr, &Mra,
Gerry Hartman and Pat and Mr.
Philip Hartman of Dashwood
Were guests on New Years Day
With, Mr. & Mrs. Ross McCurdy,
Terry and Barry,
Mr. & Mrs, Glenn Copeland
arid girls and Miss Jean Copeland
Visited Saturday' afternoon with
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pringle, Terry
and Wayne of London,
Visitors for NeW Years Eve
way. We did it, Comrades.
Imagine 100% paid. Wow-wee.
Branch 540's sponsored
peewee and bantam hockey
teams participated in the Silver
Stick hockey tournament at
Watford on January 1 and both
teams emerged winners, and
return to Watford next week for
another game. Our
congratulations to the hockey
teams on their win and we wish
them continued success.
To the coaches and managers
and all those who take the time to
be with these kids to teach them
what true sportsmanship really is,
all we can say is "Thank You.'
By the way, did you know that
540 has finally crashed the 100
barrier? Yes, Sir, we now boast
106 paid-up members. How
with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson
were Mr. & Mrs. James Miller, Mr.
& Mrs. Oscar Brine, Mr. & Mrs.
Laverne Rodd, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson
Baker, Mrs. Margaret Baker and
Mr. Leonard Thacker.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine had as
their guests for New Years Eve
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchell of St.
Marys, Mr. Darwin Lanin of
Monkton, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
McNaugh ton, Mr. & Mrs. David
Miss Cynthia Copeland visited
Monday and Tuesday with Miss
Joan Ross of Kirkton.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and
Cheryl were Wednesday evening
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Garrett and family of Gran ton.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson
and family were guests for New
Years Day with Mr. & Mrs.
Jackson Woods of Elirriville.
Many visit
at Zion
about that? Imagine, we doubled
our membership. How's that for
progress? For a lively program
join 540 where the action is!
Don't forget Zone Sports,
Comrades, Jan. 8, sees Lucan at
Ailsa Craig. While on the subject
of sports remember every second
Tuesday night is mixed branch
sports at lively 540!
I was speaking to 540's
Auxiliary President Mrs. Reilly
the other day, regarding their
sponsored ice figure skating
classes, which are held every
Tuesday in the Lucan Arena at
6:30 p.m. Would you believe they
have 225 children taking part in
this program?
To assure the safety of the
children the Auxiliary have
employed the services of an
assistant to keep order on the ice.
Congratulations, Ladies on your
sponsorship of such a worthwhile
community program.
Comrades and Ladies, don't
forget to keep the evening of Jan.
16 open. This is the night of the
Mass Initiation. The night we
meet the Provincial President,
Comrade Doug McDonald; the
District A Commander Comrade
Bing Forbes; the Zone A5
Commander Comrade Tom
Healey and visiting Branch
Presidents and their lovely ladies.
Following the initiation there will
be a social evening with dancing
to Ron Nash & the Country
Our second annual Children's
skidoo party will be held, Sunday
Feb. 7, at the Roy Hodgins
farm. But more about this in later
The Zone A5 Curling Bonspiel
will be held on Jan 9 at Glencoe.
Branch 540 will be entering two
teams. This is the Big One,
comrades and vies with the Brier
in popularity. This is where you
start to end up representing
Ontario in the Dominion 'Spiel.
Life's like that — "5,500 year
old civilization discovered" says a
news head. The way things have
been going, we could use one,
even with that much mileage on
Branch 540's Public Speaking
Contest will be held in the
Memorial Auditorium of Branch
540 on February 5.
A wee peek into the future
would seem to be in order at this
point, For you Wearers of the
Green, March 20 is the date to
For this is the official date at
540 for all good Irishmen to raise
a little while dancing to the
music of Tim McFarlane and the
Cardinals. Shure and we'll remind
you agin at a later date.
Branch 540 is pleased to
report a most successful 1970
Canadian Legion Essay Contest
and announce the following as
Essay — Biddulph Public
School — Brenda Cook, first and
also second in Zone A5 Contest.
Lori Hodgins — second. Tom
Earhart third.
Poem: Nancy Ryan — St.
Patrick's School, first; Don Latta
Biddulph Public School,
second; Mary Gysberg — St.
Patrick's School, third.
Carl, our smilin* Newfie,
advises that Fiddling Jimmy
Young will be at the Sea, Land &
Air Lounge to entertain you on
Saturday Jan. 9,71.
Dates to Remember
8 - Zone Sports
Lucan at Ailsa Craig.
9 - Zone A5 Curling Bonspiel
at Glencoe.
13 - General Meeting
see you there, eomrades.
16 - Mass Initiation 8:00 p.m,
come and meet your
Provincial President and
other Legion Dignitaries.
And that's 30 for this week.
Remember — if you want your
wife to pay attention to what you
say; address your remarks to
another woman!
A big one falls
Don Abbott and Lorne
Hodgins, last week, felled a rock
din tree at Varna, Ontario, Which
Was found to measure 6 ft, I ins.
at the widest and 4 ft. 6 ins, at the
narrowest across the trunk.
When entering a New Year it
always seems to be a good idea to
review the most outstanding
events of the last one, both
achievements and
As far as most people in Lucan
were concerned the continued
day-long scattered postal strikes
were a nuisance, but no real
Among the several deaths
recorded, three were of
outstanding Lucanites. "Mr.
Hockey" Harvey B. Langford,
councillor, reeve, warden of
Middlesex County, owner of
Lucan Lumber and Supply
business, winner of nine war
decorations and medals, sponsor
of Lucan Irish Six for 20 years,
also Lucan Midgets, one of the
sponsors of Lucan Community
Memorial Centre and appointed
one of seven members to
administer the business of the
Centre, also an active member of
Lucan United Church. Miss Reta
Chown, for many years organist
at Lucan United Church is also
missed, as is Edgar S. McFalls,
well-known mail-carrier for many
Of the achievements which
come to mind are the very
popular "Learning for Lent"
series of programs at the Lucan
United Church; Clare Paton's
election as president of the
Middlesex Plowmen;
Improvements to the Lion's Park,
including lighting, fencing,
washrooms, benches, and the
erection of a flag-pole, etc at a
cost of $5,000 to the Club;
Medway students walk from
Lucan to Medway High School,
collecting $1200 for "Bunny
Bundle"; Young People of Holy
Trinity Church opening the
Coffee House in the church
basement; Nancy Hardy chosen
to represent Middlesex at 4-H
Conference at Guelph and Teri
Lions host
Lucan & District Lion's club
met Monday last, in the basement
of the Anglican Church with
about 90% attendance. This was
an agriculture meeting with 15
guests, among them the reeve of
Lucan Ivan Hearn, Wilson
Hodgins and George Dixon,
reeve of McGillivray.
The guest speaker Frank
Vanneste spoke on
merchandising and exporting
Canadian farm products. He was
introduced by Lion Gary
Menders, and presented with a
certificate of appreciation by
Lion Len Knight. Each reeve gave
a short speech.
Couple celebrates
45th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
celebrated their 45th wedding
anniversary, December 20, 1970.
Their family and a few close
relatives and friends from the
Medway Euchre Club, extended
their good wishes by visiting Mr,
and Mrs, Lewis at St. Mary's
Hospital in London, where Mrs.
Lewis is a patient.
Their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Camp bell of
Annadale Drive, London,
entertained the guests at their
home following their visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.
Rev. W. C. Tupling was in
charge of the service at Lucan
United Church, last Sunday
morning, his sermon being
entitled, "Looking Ahead with
Jesus." Johanna Engel and
Douglas Barr read the Scriptures,
Holy Communion was
observed and Mrs. Nellie
Hampton was received as a
member of the congregation by
transfer frond East Wittering
Congregational Church, Sussex,
Sunday, December 27 the
annual confirmation service was
conducted by the rtt. Rev.
Carman J. Queen, B.A., D.D.
The following candidates were
Confirmed: William George
Carson, Albert Stanley
Thompson, Lyle Wayne Worrall,
Mary Jean Barker and Joari Marie
Hodgins. They made their first
communion Sunday,. January 3,
Next Sunday the youth of the
church will attend communion at
8:00 a.m, and have breakfast
Lucan United Church School
held a skating party for the
Public speaking
contest arranged
The public speaking contest
will be held near the end of
January, between Biddulph
Central School and St. Patrick's
Separate School.
Mr. Howard Hodgins has
replaced Mrs. Beatson and is now
teaching that class.
Granton man
dies suddenly
George Arksey died suddenly
in Victoria Hospital, Thursday
December 24, 1970 in his 75th
He was predeceased by his
wife, Alice Ann Thomson. He is
survived by daughters, Mrs. Glen
(Audrey) Froats of London, and
Mrs. Gordon (Jean) Ritchie of
The body rested at the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home in
Lucan where the funeral service
was held by Rev. W. C..Tupling,
Saturday December 26.
Interment was in the Exeter
Pallbearers were Andrew
Arksey, John Rodd, Clarence
Johns, Millen Pullen, Bert Stacey
and Ed Dinsmore.
children, at the Arena, December
29, followed by a sock-hop by the
older ones and games for the
children, after they had renewed
their energy with sandwiches,
cookies and hot chocolate at the
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Janice Abbott Was a guest with
her aunt Miss Doris Wood for a
few days last week.
Mr. & Mts. Harold Fischer,
Holly and Mark of London visited
Mrs. Katherine Fischer last
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Turner and
Mavis were guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Don Abbott, Sunday last.
Mrs. Katherine Fischer
attended aleIeW Year'sParty at the
home of Mr. & Mrs. Tommy
Thompson in London.
Mr, & Mrs, Jim Barker and
family, Cliff McLean, Ed Ryan,
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fenton and
family, Don Smith from Lucan
and Centralia wore New Year's
Eve visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Don
Lucan United Church.
Couples' Club held a pot-luck
supper December 22 with an
attendance of 28.
After carol-singing officers for
the new year were installed by
Rev. W. Q. Tupling. Past
Presidents are Mr, & Mrs. Bob
Patterson; Hon. Pres. Mr, & Mrs.
Tupling, Presidents, Mr. & Mrs,
Stewart McLellan,
vice-presidents, Mr. & Mrs,
Gordon Froats, secretaries, Mr, &
Mrs. Tom Barr, membership, Mr.
& Mrs. Don Maguire, treasurers,
Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott.
Each couple was asked to
bring another couple to the next
meeting January 28.
The eight year-old orphan,
Carol Collins in Dr. Graham's
Home in India is again being
sponsored by the club.
After meditations on the
giving and receiving of gifts a
relay race between ladies and
gentlement was much enjoyed.
Mrs. William Froats read "The
Night before Christmas" with the
members supplying a new ending
to each line.
Gifts were distributed and
poems for each read by Ed
Melanson. Lunch of Christmas
cake and coffee Was served by the
Maguires, Lockyers and Bill
Reeve's father
passes away
Robert J. Hearn died suddenly
at Memorial Hospital, St, Marys,
Saturday December 26, 1970, in
his 84th year,
He is survived by his wife the
former Jean Campbell, also
daughters, Lyle, Mrs. Gordon
(Lois) McEwen, St. Marys and
Mrs. Nelson Dundas (Roberta),
St. Paula, and sons, Rolston G.,
St. Marys, Ivan, Lucan, Donald,
Victor, Jack and Doug, all of St.
Marys. Also surviving are 25
grandchildren and 10
The body rested at the L. A.
Ball Funeral Chapel, St. Marys,
where the funeral service was held
Monday, December 28.
Interment was in St. Marys
We can crow!
New Year's visitors in the
community were Mrs. John
Selves, Exeter, Mrs. Harold Hem,
Mr, & Mrs. Harry Hern and family
with Mr, & Mrs. Robert Hem and
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Snell and
Jeanette, Grimsby with Mrs.
Ephriam Hem.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson,
Whalen, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kinsman
and family, Hensel' with Mr. &
Mrs. Keith Hem and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller and
boys, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and
girls with Mr. & Mrs. Everard
Miller, Grand Bend.
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Baker, with
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Thompson and
family, Woodham.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hem with
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Spence, St.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hem
and Alan with Mr. & Mrs. John
Tookey and Cheryl, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jaques, Steven
and Susan with Mrs. Allan Jaques,
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hern with
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cole, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Angus Earl with Mr.
& Mrs. Milne Pullen, St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hero and
family with Mr, & Mrs. Ernest
Ferguson, Whalen.
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Westcott and
Lisa, Exeter, Mrs. Ephriam Hem,
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Hem and
Mervyn were Sunday evening
guests with Mrs. Harold Henn.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lynn and
family, Clandeboye visited last
Wednesday evening with Mr, &
Mrs, Harry Horn and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Don Larkin and
family, Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. Gary
Heywood acid family, Thames
Road, Mr. Tom 13rock, Karen and
Murtori, were Saturday evening
guests With Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen, St.
Marys visited Monday evening
with 1Vits, Harold Hem,
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Church news
41.1111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111111111Y11111111111ffilm lllllll 111111111111 llllllllll I lllllll 111111111111111111111131111M,
The Municipal Subsidies Branch
Department of Municipal Affairs
801 Bay Street, Toronto) 5, Ontario
The 1970 Farm Tax Reduction Program is the most recent
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Farm property owners will receive $20,000,000 in special
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To be eligible, the property owner must live in Ontario. Also,
if the farm property is less than 11 acres, it must have yielded
$2,000 or more in gross income during the year.
Cheques and information leaflets are being mailed out by the
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Additional information may be obtained from:
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of the Ontario Department of
Agriculture and Food