HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1870-7-29, Page 3lq:r4;45.4.1:4S,V.r.,W4ApZr .....144.4.42444..4„1.4..,;;Aercyrev4.4.1. 00004X410 1 iAtiortrdiardtat, ltotr ratrveelled 0.::Y dls• tthhee •••• - 1111101011T .ir0irtsoltarthe Yteoot 14W. T. F. (arr. VAMME41..1.r..7,Trn.N..47.#49f.niNtr).NlY'R ;ium, wiemecias anymore it t... rearprolite Hellas at r Ctoada MVO 'teeming at 4 &Waal Belling a lushes l. ode or Integra* aerated .404 prompt• law, sect on the dose Womble Moue The 1.41eet 4.4.44844440 paid for WI*, .84ttee Warted prim par fur greetbesta •x4.44 4t1L ligoalet la tre • boar Ills Iowa, alell outdid...el ea mei:mi 081 Zile.. slant= .44 70.9* 4.4,, ,, r•10.pet, , am1.terporev.Ati twee . Ths He elder ettettuouZs.; 4. won la t dconcestratue r the dal& wIty. hemeelr -••••-•1 •••••".."17 Joao b.0 48( LW, wrapped Ins ...1111er0 c wood hos MA roamed upo. his wet, while - rat Americaa tuediethe nu did the honor. 14.0 • noel retinue grantousl, boning, tht In Mod, um y o de, ea4 waned by hie stoma. goaderemmleft We 681 the., it's people 18, 811 owe where Wow. iroptiolm, or Won...Spots 410., me canoed by were temotrorary 44orthigenotut of the e ircnialOth 111 (run. ••••• *018 00814. he". et the 14.414.4.0 ..f er .11108.4. ate. 48.•• of Sareparilltea •111 It•inu‘t to wee whom Otere le Camel, acrofeelentel theethee, Selt Rheum. Ague, aryeeparles, Kober.. Ul • 1.‘14.8.0. Fever Wee, Ilylitm Inewea, tied meacured Veareeloes test, al Uwe leruble &wed that Mi.* the tantthet undergoing yonestalt •aato - tie Wu saparllis• ilmoolio et resume wont Ulne toel fee • tore, bat it the wet el taw Waal. disease Womatined. the %weds are Goethe, tad (1. 14.4 le ts an to cum. li D ot coo weed leta nourishing coiletitheeln, re the Ismer 40 aluggieb, *ye. yellow, and, Ant doionloesd thes • Nee glow of eted•ey's POI* (coated) I ameo. tion with the letrapandita, prom a putt as Weekends Discharges.04 Zwieelease,-Theomande misfortunate& leave Ws, restored to vigorous health who We been rettoth• mem .144otor,1100,44' llo reparative wow of Vela reedielme. lAtecorehled 940.8i018. troia thy eterme, alga. Orteal. all Urinary Inficulthek ell theaueeof 4*.. ILIdame, lihnller Wools, Ind Crimea/ 1......4ory did thews of the a perandee telemels, asit Mode ars emoted by sas woulerful repent/ma re. ▪ •04 IS Watt servo., inelso,b0114! .1 4.401 e au readied 11 14.844 sod Aransas health. WASTID a oast wifIr al Ino Ayses Ostiasstilo daT Me • oi.dadt le SIG NOM, ft a u: • wow*. • • • - e -es. • . . •••e• %.11 Alikerth‘fa. vaddbas wetwoosoodbewiamew. Ir &GAIT. 411111 '311.A.RILII1'E ... g Getimidt, .irOtt RINI•70. Vali Wheat .p...•.;:ai..; Ca 4140 '14 'ring Whisalli.• • se •s• • „I. AO 1:16 our .....: ..... 315 5:50 theta ... •, . 055 (.4 0.00 Barley .. . 0150 (At 0:66 Potable. ..... . 080 (4 120 Butter .... .. 0:16 020 rm. 0:15 000, Iiq, r Ion 8,00 10.0 Hides Oerstoti) . . 5:00 6:00 Wood lit 0:00 'Iota, pair cwt. .7700 Pork T4 7:70 SL'hickens par parr . 0610 020 • Wool Itheep . SAO 4:60 'Lambe 2130 (4 11121101 Applos .. • ..... eco 0:7g llotleridh OWL wholliMbe Maki. le 1.20. moo anew of aisitioiso met smormossailall eswomiwil Orr of Bypsokitra, see Oar read levertehly theta tor hts walla Greater fir • Orea to the trios id re Low, teemed wel moo, soy •rroioattioa to taw luellated bkdry cough, W tad ide* smisseetalesp eitaesado .e..meas Waled D ALL . , IA Chipman. Orem Orate. S. B. Tries 11.61 Wee 4.4 1181. Ilked ef star swim metre • MOW Gra, wholesale Apar Wiessmat. • The loader %BM -W011110.111.4101111 w• 8*0 ilaglerlog eemody our sooting sooloas to, the waot at a amt.( for rem comes isamber. Me nwricaris.us Sowet of Moir trout...se 18,8 00(184. say purcreee le the Provisos*, 440 4.4. art bass erre to ewer wItalidlintbed tanges re real rip it to Ibtared, bet eerier ..u,*. retie le It le Redifelr to kart tart re :Curtin Pain &Wert le • rest twrontadwag our L.,.t,.4*. for war *18Ir. seeds. 001.184 enter le the reerh, risme ruler treetehlte., 1.1.11611.1a, Se est 1....:int;.sebtatartri for1084*40.. 4* .1* oktIllokIS NV OM Mk ~raw -ewers retreperabee OfJ. eau De Knape i.e. ...Mos* la Ids •• • et., °four moot Win.able WWWW WWW•••• "W. a well as antlemeet. lave hew Mired 1.104 eotne brier, club rod onarted rib, rebut the ellgateet V• or swore. rid Wirier tray 0.084.e would, try redeemer 040.4.4448.r sod 8...18p V'0 reeladtrakaa. a. rear that the Wears of Me bee If hot Wel *018. 444, aro mettle., •• ale be, 0e4 the wady le Ample Weir 'TN era biros or Welled art awl 88,1.84414.147 ieod carefully treated del the Iola emtirely maw. The oaly way to abeam thee .1404 4. 4. 144447 to In 4087.4. perom, la • hew ....tee the twat. la 'wee In Wimp ran 4. 18.0004 at Ng • Wiwi WWI Tomato. 04.00d news of 11.. 004 18 1•••144 the Moen manful wow De J. Wm' Ilirreem•Car att.. t• •old by arra.. oar smoky werramts derralle. • stbertissomm. -Ma-ligPRONS FISAL3 AT L GARDINER. Co's. Goderieh 26 Jely, L. ort741 Corilfieste elf Beauty. followlee letter is her • leleberIPIri WT. arra 1* Use circles of our beet welely , •L•rarevrs, 4.4, 0, 1/411 1 US aot tench enterer* le yew eramparilliaa arreer Herr We Warne fee *18 8.84 leer 18,8' 8084 Blotch. mad Plaipbee. I resolved et al event., le try it, ad toole two Warnowindul throe tires day, es direeted. 14 1. ant quite Or Veer err I comenwei 48. or Trier tree 44 184 • blvla.. Wet, 44.0.040 .1. &belles or soy Oka es.:1 es. • • • • Ar.14U:'.17 oferrrea1=.=4:. 11444A41 A. TRIEMONT., Jewry (*844.4 n osopointisatossivois ot 48. 41848. 4 heir Pre TA rely Brief AI cte per bottle 1141. ita per ben. Dr harrers Irmedise are mobil hy all Dmeggate abd fiewetry Illerelant• wed at Dr lladigarb. 144104 7.04 0.., It Seer Lane X T wed ale litt Tar St lleetreal aar NW Ter sod Truk rod or lever rub la (44 .4 Serer Ca. 418 81 raid Ilierresl- Worries weer thawed& will tee meet visa BIVATE BOARD. 15. 71VIT ,P4r-stgq o "icy 00 tilt i:iraistra ilk A 1. Tut.usissarst COASIPANI. Is the best place to get your Stationery cheap and good. JUST BEOELVED A THIRD STJETLY OF WILKIE COLLINS GREAT NOVEL ON AND WIFE 1..1. .... ',TV • .... 9 • It g Iti _1:1 . • • .9 •:. • I- , ,1I .,Fr11r7!y34Inw7K4AIIPTIITTMV.,1 1 • ( # , ; JVArArljegy, TIF I 411.14 r1.114 . 11' en tnare; !MI HI refill!. Kr MUSLINS, Brilliants ana Marseitles Wido Tissue 4loakin s and Velveteens ; BROWN HOLLAND, very goodeior 20 cents; A 41h11141., AT THU PRIMO) ILACHAPITIS Huts. • drefociesse oda alA • red Wir roes rg C) C.) Sr 1E3 itrici Ell TIC> Eil, cfc c3-, -Ica- 'Mott Dundas Cotton Yarn, white and colored. ____ Wut SiOCK 011.01.1115 Gereali ler low lin. 01,-0 (lawn, SII.ItaLuva-1 Itr-TH-ft \ ICI NITT /MK VATAtliltirdlinlen. Ter partierer• apply 'es u. EtrtTLIII Geer. 1481•Fi84rt. Joao Ir&. ertlidt vPft,-,or, Goderich, April 21Ith, 1870. wI3 "Mila"Lelik40Meiliatel"""liet".01141.m" via*, 'Moos woo .tried tt, tam OW It reed rent. law Wbe berl r:g keine thee it curve their WOW. sad tiinuls. 1da ems.nk:awt1.6.4"41‘11&10 4:76.:16";66;:i74."6.4 3 .-thet a never ry ridt ur ..4o 0? iertreare .4 (4440 reimertable Oath, .481. adiewles creplielets, bet rob awe are row. la pabliella drat. *very patediborhood, aid Ina 40.4.84 F41:0 umittithYlur771.4t: ear:m7asert:"..1.1:".".••:fr.:::„...ritial:w1661rbil.th":::bel:::. relbari 06r10084414048 :1 'A:4. um: They Opernie by tirir peererftil of serateing melther &Wand or try Adapted to all arm mad iM of wets II rad .. *biros 166lr irrogiAlar to were. per ei , Wirer try err, • derange. tlard4m.or the Arst.origler,of Wearri. tb. - She bet, lbthe rotteetes curaplatate, writ those rim. rapidly Mr*, -4, L. Ter 10yegretTelee Or lerliparre. Lettere or 664 eiT Asusemso, tam esout.itlre ntonorriiiily to iistondase the reale aoh.70.1 reis.ite..u re lt• ...4...b.sliarb.tome.,:aollotui......... am. Tor &lyreComplete* 614 1ta rano. l..arra aureate* or firm atekremea _SALIforep C.i..wrim.arnr44.78,4.80.7„/Prr....bers. they, .ititabduld.6441rek.Po dreary lakkea lot each ewe. to correct las Weird ...""FrLr11triritiosi.tin:;,..„' 4Zg.e4r.a..61resi:::ilid:.777f:isa; 111."..."'4 nOi1114"irt•t:t Sidt8Z1V"'ine"148.1.easod"'"1"..-'"'itoal ripeller. 710 mar awn their coraprlaiS tdl rib:.. or7.o7f • d..re..i.eer.ppi,uilnrr.e.dq,: 711z1.7w...7 roSs-rffiar..:.04t as t podieedTeot by, eraWity. As • Drew TIII., take re or t044 40 4804. rota itlie=a4...4 rilleraut .a...the erearm. a...4, ...1 .,o a.Ari 4, . . .11 i'....:tr........,..„.,............„..,,,„. ,...,.... healthy inium. restore the appet2 04(44... i•Ula etallretra ferderetedly bettea Or WI helm telehrly Well, Awls that Abele irreales aod rewartteg eTeet ea (448 44.14, it:/77. C .". .AT Er 4 CO., Prowlisai Chewy* VOWS L.L. MUG. U. 1.4. NEW DRY GOODS! A CHOICE SELECTION ot NEW and,BEAUTIFUL GOODS I JUST Ti) ilAND JOHN HARRIS. .12 Goderich, Alain 2tb 1 874. PARTICULAR AT ITNTION GIVEN TO ORDERS run MISCIIILANEOUS BOOKS, 3411:1113MC), a. All tie latest Publications received soon u issued indrick. Italy SW 114 tt CARDS & BILL -HEAD Plain and Fancy. Printed at City Rates AT l'ILS SIGNAL OFIPICE. ye l'NRITALLIE foe Furl,' tied Clisepeor bo, Ile/ ale1:7111.7atireeta.41, IOW Arl' A I IS soots nir 0,storlob L PLUIIMBit A C,O., wer • chromatic Lore& Oat EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISE: - puss TZ RUA.° *to be 8.4 ,00 tars or fru rettereen. by apply tag to the• eller 48,440*044. Jely Meth We. WE- 0,GIF F 0 R ELLi OT. TTORTIT at Lee, Sarre Is Chreery. Car Averse Le• WINOHANI. Orr. rrktU NEW GROCERY STORE, semi to lewd Disputed Tire errs& Carew load reterate thodali. Jely 214. IVO, eV ly _TaXAMIN.B.TION SCHOOL_TEIIRWERS., _ MITE BOARD Q/P rooLic noteuenota FOR 1 Ow Carty Of 411/48 eta meet Is the Oestral snood Owirla on Itedtmeray Throory tle 1111. earl Ilth dey • et Aussie art, for tlye narrater re ✓ ear Terri, meta day .1 481 o'clock • ta. trdi 444e pesties.rost.. cendiestes will he sumwed am both V/Weeday Thrwley Thad claw ea. Wellteray end rear ere on Thunder tardiries here bars admitted to ea retainers re required le prowl erralleatee et pod err chauseter seed IS • Clorgymos /flirter id trews T. E. orecent, Bayard. July 111e1 Ire. .17 .10 WHITELY S. ELLIairr to GROCERIE4, _YAW VISIONS', 115- Ooreer Kingston Street & Warket:Rquare _ ;ThE GREAT MILE REMEDY Job Hosea' Periodical PAIL .1•14.1,1‘1.7T.ALCtIVi *M0 *4,I 111 lalltn.1:4140 18 whew. 1. 4041 de (wale ,188.08 40 ilebrel• .14 wdereure all 110.001 104 reitesthe ell abstreeres, ame every ere me be rellei ea. 11•1•1011 LAMM 11 le poseherl•Gesivl It 4111, ta • 4001( 8... bring ear* =eerie period *044 4814.44.437. T4* 416 .1.84 .0* 01 Mk. 14 1m088 donee the 1111,11" THANE VONTHs..f Prropurry, ea M., sere be breeree Muemetars bed se wag aelor riew Iry ere rain. 1.410.... of Nene= er ageneel ASecteene, ram ie a. belt and Liar Trigger •nonn Niter beer Ma 88101. 4404011011. •4 Wint•a. taw irt 44 , wet erne • ere wen .11.18.. wane iteri felled sad ...twat • town/a r do not mold0 iron, 1*4188*1. setweey, sr tooted' 8len11110 1440 008811110 S ION P al leirooterie di• poplar wend reb wirge. rewire 114 Se we Igo tear hia wears, enchoed elorebrop ▪ Lyda., Kiteramel.. OW., veers4 ago.. lot the Ib.......,, 4111 401011 • bettlexoeteialneove• lag .11e, ht18810Wad NORTHRUP & I YEAR, Newsome, . ..gesers agent lorr•nade rp. 14411 40 Germ+ by Parker A Cattle ems 4.1e04ko °iodiseo a co., 4ovls41 James Nootbsot Rolm 'tile 1 1. eteb lard toter J.H. Combs, 0 holm, 9. song, Lockoovrt K. 140411moo. naafi:win. sad %II Itodiotao asalors. .414 • rAryno Roods,. r. HA 1'.4, ESQ., Marr r„.„ aikeicA We, the undersigned, inhabitiants of the Town of Goderick, respeetfullr request your Worship to proclaim !Saturday the thirtieth day of July instant • Public Holiday in the Tow. of Goderich, for th• pupae of etiabliou na, in common with the niii*b boring Towne, to enjoy one day'a recreation t000sther. 21st July, 1870. B. HYMN, W. T. Cox, and 75 othen. - - To R. 8. Smith, Esq., W. T. Cot, Eaq., and 75 other., citizens of the Town Goderich hence with the shove regitial. Ion, re day of .1 illy, 11VG, a Publee oliday for the purposes above meetemed. W. T. EATS, Mayor. Dated ai Mayor's office. f Ondorich, 27nd July, 1$70. NIUSt AU noel Music it half price, AT MOORHOUSE'S 001)EltICH. 0.40408 4... ,110111 evell tt GODERICH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. NEW riaTSIO anneired so soon as ruh,ishal, Ned sold at hell pelc,, AT ItTOORROUBIE'S THi 51111111.1 TIMM wall Dealt 01 *4.14.7 Amon gla, reran re pupil* motor he prowl Ire le the beat dr In the pox 10 4.400 tit• rhea. .,= terror inferrero0 may be elewed by applyir to .1.1JI. J. rairros B A. Rood Raster I Getkotob. Jsk PPM IM rear/ STRAYED PIGS. KOOL KLO'S TOR S1RG & SUMMER TRADE. The lenisarlber Ims woe reml red • as w ard repo Pene Wet el, siotae, um., Lida 7 Imola lima, &C. From the Beet Mashet11 AND 11 The Most Fashionable PAT.TEANS. _ - SHEET 1"- Hi ts rititeeltio,;11 sturrosesme app.. iia.dpi......esesmi mums saii est reme.a J. DUNLOP, Bert:haat Taller. Mast door to Ike Beek koWitimi .TKIAelle-410011111016- we Arad work ran alert ioaabriataft. Ilmalraaraeu 'Lb 4178. oeu Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, vs, of tare Throat and L. Whrtilzar Closs11.13fterillstaizo." sad Consumption. 1, .8404..1.4.1S In the wareAM N worrier.. .0.4144,08.100.4001 elpael Oa ....ICU.... of adokled, se Um excedledd n ewedy thr thilmoner) tonspithate. Through • Wog • Wee 4 yew., Sod thee./ .*,-I0( the room or Was a Or men rare aral derawer Tehen WO ta It the bcomboth;hl111 • W2 sod poweto ue er ider eller &T: et re Wu. rearl throatbare lure bars am a re liable protector agoind trot WIW ellapril 10 .1.18funn• of Were arid to your rarldrea. it le et the maw OW the wet effectual nowely WO& Ida 88 (3018 for nwiperst oomemetialoa, sad the re- sew. alwelor of theater awl Isar. As a pro. rear ward entire attacks ('reep, It elerld he Irirtyl ea head in every 44181)7, awl edged ..1I ore sonerner oulitere to colds aild coughs, all abersid be provtirt with this WNW for them. Arra* settled Creeserapree is thought 88- 408.64*. AIR r14111aumben *Peres where the dr- ew wooed Wiled{ Irtre eserpmeirree and the WW1 rembard ail reeled kohl Perrot. he °enabler le he !V14 (1. ed re Liter aa4 18. noir obrreets et ther yiehl to it 404 amerould roach theta, water the Chen" Poor Ilona they saber and intepterar •thfere mad 1N444. Sirmarees 404 4.080 480 lootion front la Anew Is drays eared And oar wheOT 1.reetj. 41 ietir4. Train eared by tablas tbs Cbertry r sad hese.. doses. Ile are • setae. Mier. races seed set I sob the entel air et theAlthre. tinle Wee thaa rem Ihe public dri 3u8*16166 06 Ali imahdtinctL 1300Mo') Lazarus, Morris & Co. A large stook always on head sod sold at lowest poestble prices, W ta.R;ti WEATHER I ! ABRAHAM SMITH Hee ON ItLeND A. SPLENDID STOCK! .se BUMMER COATS, SUMMER PANTS, SUMMER VEiTS, SUMMER HILTS, meltable Sarre week erre he e• IT NO u11110i81:8 _ Not is stock, procured M order int 'bort setae, it 4 charged nay ball price AT MOORITOUSE'S Sepal eller Orrick July 1314.11144 Opticians and Oculists, - Per A Alwrit ITT • Tie EMT Wilt .111- trollt etreir. &wooled P N111110.111, *Mead wet C/141.41411, demand he eslehewed fected p•nram... Soden* Or me ibeff 4.04 Agri 48.4 Meth Try have takes ear 80 ithe 1111. w oeful inamaiwer. wed tam onedelanwe la de War .ttem Aron. to the reeporements ot ell cowmen AA apprearty will be ,8�4.48'4 18 armed., te al Ilpeowles earmaiied by 840 80 Oen •1•••••1111- • nang and peen...roll qualm. • r.. owneit be sada I. thole eaorionis over 044000 There re ite fliteneering, greyer...or .4f toe are borer or water roarer reasosino.li n, de einem,. 118 .4 wad, re. L ector 4.1 the lawns, elav are ewelloog owl plearaa. mewl., • u1184446 0.8 111801, atan preehthIn• Nee They an the Only reeler At the Lowest PessiblePrhe kV,* Hi• Styl00 tlateriab sad roc. ars ewe M teem wed 14048d elf erearp lad Oall Early and Often., retrial.. Hai Jere, tea. 10 RENT, A TWO STORY env ft. apply to beINITOSH, Gerrieb, Jely terl tt CITIttYWDeamerlas pressisse .6 114. ereerilier. two 0 pds wel le *moths. woolen% about 100 .he earl . wo, Mew mg inee ette O•nd • harmer, Wed • ewe letres 1.8.48 004 museum. Any nee ferias infur mattes 88448( 10 tbs. roorrory .111 be rewarded, 4. 11 WILKINS. Were Iletel Oreriet. bale IPA Hit ere. _ GRAND DISPLAY POMO ! CU11911N PIIN NESTROTER a romity Metheise, well and avoroblyksown &etas put re years . sever failing in a etnele rawer teepee p.'. ..88( sobs Aro timely mesa, sod 00. 44.,. Imre. kaoline a trite ease 04 thematteret toe rebore i b. tfireetetne have been priperiy tolleered,bei ea the wintery all sre relighted with its operetiens, and tweak in the LOW trine el 1111 Virtue M•real &Teets, THE cAlCIDIAN PAIN DRSTIWTER 4400... lor itself • reputetime ••• • hl.M Ter, 188, •1•11.1111be elOmer h 40,4., enthr•thentl .0 (8* Ala.. of Forbes I pee po4*1808. 4, widens taile kr !IWO Dr144,411, lenter Compl•inie, 1 edifies- Obes. liteerthers, flick Headser, Korey ('0.1. Ours, Arid Stomach Plelbniee or A el helm , end pealowee to vital activity the eyelet. debt outset hy Whoring and drew. Ile =areal mad * eerier morose to moms dadikot gelds, Sore tenni, Cass ha, Dipthrem pate. to ills sids,Itoos sod book. Ileareigia,tooth TAW, rheumatic .04 8418, vim le any pert el Oa body wet from whatever erne, lam itive• It 44 84.1 4* every 80.441044 .84 is fed. eopersed- HAS riauesisawi-;i: IMERVIDSOW OPENED OUT LN DRY GOODS THE LATEST STYLES THE CHOICEST PATE -ERNS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES 1.r 14081489 Weerns, ernes, Clidlealtri rt. Raft, cramp 1. ta II•owa-t._^81 4.104.,.nierhes, Meer here. Caumfli 11. Oen. Oyeentery, ire. Pew Obi, i& 1110111• pee bottle. NORTHROP 4 4.7 8148 Novrearto . W - 0..111011.1 Apar ter Oetteie . Wer Aim la koderteb w Perri. k Call he sod . 1.044•1 (11114110110 te Co. Earledii wee Ilteelbern, Rodger,' bet 1. Partmed, K10011101 .1. H. 08.11.. 846-04, Imelmowi E rehire ait-*ena mid all Maitelne Dortionh ern H. GARDINER & Co., Ain saw's' „,f0trATAtMes&Wrika BO1LKD OIL " .90 FURNITURE VARNISH $1.75 " reAug volt sus rrnaEoiwe:rtF, "'mt.. Ifollost." Milooth tIttlooth enteral ler sad Orly ermatelkeraine pot deur off end War sal very Ove FY amp. Title ladle ewer ALSO Ordier err Wee sear tart alert 14 41. thrIvber vale's of BYO!. (14. 84 Oa heat @tends *0 (8. OD- rge Ina ma00 prepertir are ler male net, rin sr. thunt .101* prepeleter 40*,l( for 87(40.4 .84 will De Wet very cheep 4',...h perrhaeen. A pply to ler WILLIAM DIMAIIIIOND Illorehame, or to the proprietor ROBERT DRUMMOND. linfirWidilliatanarATTANORIO" His Factorise & Sheeting' it pay you TO DRIVE 20 MILES TO PUILOBASTI r).A.rel_aa-ir • 8 For cheapness arid quality ell Ms Mock is Unocioalkd. ARABIAN OIL FARMERS ATTENTION IL GARDINER $ CO." Is 45. 5.4.8 plain .4 1.51114 to hay Agri- cults:al Tools of weary deseriptioa, l4411- abi. for Ilia wawa. GRAND EXCURSION FROM GODERICH TO S AGINAW AND PACK id! VD C: SPLENDID STEAMER CITY OF SANDUSKY NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY :I' l'osl I )' F .111 'WA 14 DRUG STORE) cotrwelent to the Markel. His stock of stoves tic, LSLLRGE .AND COMPLETE r- 11)AKTI8:)47*WAOT 07414,7THI44i14 dock Wove parthaeon. ereirbere. ALL KINDS OF /OS WOR( WILL BE SUM IKE SANE AS MAL. Orlestea. let J , wilt-tt l :Aa:T1:11:..":0a. el Ur WIWI, eiththir,.,..._ ' OW A, C 1.1 4* :.k4r.16ilma i 4.:::.7:Ilmar;lee0ypJ••8 srteli pi:1:Ti.aId- 1,.ai.4r PIVMN rnm.VI AA ....h.....an.i. 01* .1 .8. .• ......r.i,.t.e)dr.Ile,e.t..ertillii..640.1.4Ic.r1:..,.,,.1l RjK:‘.:S.o:..1„r1.,. •,d. h,,,:iii m....;.,U.ftkLCiL0Lar0::.!.4...,jact:ilpilc6.4..4. 9 r:pP=eoe.rtw"eoatre. . i"y• 4lla'veweA".tfi• "i6as.."...o.a.aWf1"a4• ri•"- W.l1eliut..I4e. zmuum)Emr i::4'7"64..;xko. r""te.1 t.0:,l*IL sevesasio eracraias, !4 a.doraf.7;.(r:.:a%ti1 ...p,ma. . so the asWe tildat Piowers bre •sul e‘n iddzrti.taal44• Pol:mit *scot. 41 muieisl .0.801.et.. ae001mtoo.lul.41. 4.14,414 a 10/1 a 41 0.44.wbdet ite"""M.t L'8." 11144.I ear torlals. laTtrdu:sr8 • ttes4la ,t 18 0 4 4 heurent. amal/Wrl fnelLp ersa! ; .11111171LITAMIS IND rummy. 1 When Aortic (Totem uppalmod, It4IPTS1'• 11,t,...1".11,./1 tnaodigirovIdo.'1"dtto. rrnoW's'rnr.ae‘trit.".1g. 1.101flobte,8441s.m..D..8.467..14.rov...1..,....„; ......... eu... 61.74,4 die er tit %%were inspired- pita fa. el iu rel. Wel ty la Oriel MO lithe et bill rele theileth 1140 p8 ,00 and peettlieree (hot wee ell ..La.e)rodicilaetbe.Litil1ood0••••• Hltbeat etri ....ow.r.7:,...rew,.: ehe tAIAI'm MalanItEllt7sewr 061 ar•eto • eilleted herr rase. We mai., . „tor& Pla 041*4 :1LL171. DOLLARS' WORTII • ' b RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. t emertellar bras Wend I. fethitheet-el 041.th. 1041 02 1074.2.1..."100t.•r.".0•74.1M1 . 4•4•01q, etrk..tht, .061.7444,41..1.114•111... 0414.410:47.41,..1%wabillo 7.4areir;14,.......ini......._.............._ .1.....-- 4 r h.e.etr:i,hWiea.el.r.w7e e 1iea.1l.is4e o the• vADWAY.sREADY geth.eete.n.,i..rbeutbiE.hiFe .l : aeTTACK11.111ARKHKA D.NVeXiialki. i -• -- - - "- there It grikt0004.116146616611.5 ••• mi Trphoirl neer Teller err, Peep fuer. ..e..i."ttcre"h2.r.."4i"wl'.'‘., om y • 1rr:rer;Lenin,ebMs bee.06f.0lle1,a1e7o31e11ae, e e.iuL77i.4.imTWAv*:, 40;4 . .4rama.,.u.ot:4..r. rd r:oreion et bh, rareoirwdy e e 181.414 4.48. erepeeaee:ILe11 ottmofamamadherth-w;alrteraWrawfuthw-wetc • bigeotlrsdeiamrts" WIN10 ..4..1.w.4lwr.tl..o. purty. • wins oto inieeratA rr I•li o. im that Ita wooded...I draw beaks 6 actora4apistmety everwheerelerre rot re i 01.0•11141•14 'Wetted for rim writ l.A.:1r4,wEh r 44 144... 4.4... hthpiet. retjtai'tx.tw.zirin 81. ..i4. .4.4 .0(1400 oomed ti;ls"r.:""1"H.1teW'4 F0TEM.1.k0E . .iiiiaites. n . Ilea itael..ses krat WI:. : "It rr Nehellbtelle we lhe rere.titraily!17lrae 16•46.4 .04 I704141*• ND Allt111.- .:14'• • .' CMU40 £040 841871818 .....1 1 f litt&S;wel- lielrit3Pereressrl. "Vi4 tr., • Ve• •40. PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. aro Om regrew Wear the WI, shrove 1610146 n• rues weber erre bed( messmsy. Kr two omploy tie Pere. F. JORDAN; - Galena. Aged 114. 1114"... 48"" " U.4"ddirils n uoTtcy. Tal Ftwurriv invals e Uses applimtlon 04lI1.48.tl44lli wow 0( 14.. 1 wg. t re of Onterlb for • Charter to eenernet ▪ wind. from 40.4,44. 04 10111100, 1• 11. C...4. 04 idilieeew to soave peados Ube Haw im the Tow ably of Maar . Corry of Haw. Jilly le 11170 .18 18 Extensive Now Premises A 7.11 Ayer's Ague Cure, 110,4 I44040 and err, toter:Meet Min ye.% semorittent rower. LIMMS Ramo. Poril t Cdroinamlbartemos. kook. kg _zsIseas. - 1,1 " nu. CO0(.61411.4( nelthur A rueoM, e, Mewed'. y180 444- m4.4.4444m. 44,. Lir ,O,..7 otlem 'Moored roe potriese• entrant." .4, 444,44,44 thin whatever. it in nor. Injures sir Weed. re• wear and irriprtassee of lbe ea•06_. lb* 'la Rathoete trebt, are literal. herned aanomo tad gm Wm orlkost a 1/010•SA w.*1 marry WWI.* Our roue le Trailed by Or et WI aot 1104 sticoivr of the reellea1 enema l• •b•late. Cams, mael Wm. other rwe4*110A raptly f411e4. ttnoodioisted perenee, ..14ent la. or ormaimi utmost armee% w per IleCI &Lel% U.4.4‘.4 fi V .4 0,. tt Is an ex, tbe 64,1. 141. Maltby For Me tete SPLENDJA NEW STOCK 11.1111 G. Barry &Bro., Cabla:t Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turners, MICILACE:raTONT T. B1111.11111111 Arrorrlos. Gerdlur5 Ca, an11 simply gen with Hardware eheaper this oee else to the trade. Cat Neale $3.35 perks'. A LOT OF COTTON YARNS BES'F QUALITY AT MILL PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT .BE COWMEN WITH HIS GROCERIES 000PERS ATTENTION A new senortaost Coopes's Took, et the knees' rink k 10 be 11.4 l4 the More of Are equal in all respeets to those oideh have gaisod him the repstattes of Sleeping THE 1110ST RELIABLE FAMILY Oi0OkaT ICIE E. ()Malta R Markle Square. Goderioh, 14111 Juan, 1870. .43-tf Capt. G. W. McGregor. ON FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1870. TIME TABLE. P mth. imy GI•r.. AJ Warr7 wer*4 will bre Say Oity eta • ft ter OW neer. re Seer* City 0.440018( 18 wird et Sarre City, to teet Sesiese. will ere 11184ftahl11.1 ber Say City at 4 p leer 4.4 04(7 le • Ger orb mt st. rd.. God...Whet 10. ▪ Smailay rerrepTer for the lewd Sip WI. gold Ttobsts ase 5' 'i 18 81. worl4* 4.0. 8. ow earl en appllembea Os W. 111. SATAGg. Orlerieb. Getterla 184. 111711. riled Hurrah for the 24th 0111v2NOS, D EON& MOM ORGANS. CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools. &o., So, Illannfeetwel ire the *Warded alma et IL 8. WILLTAM8 & CO., Toeormo. mai wet Werra alms la (44. 0.0.40488. P' awionapart hers to lialtner that Ire be been • qp palatal arnt for elothietch ..*41b. esermend leg WW1, of Um above Judi y sebenaeod gra, and Is pew Woe8. mll all wile lee nude AI them. et 5I8I44ITF4C1'UR8 wtsiposecEs. Newer ray es ere esi twee ....ruirmi mete. ere firerlteenea Wee NOW DANIEL WEDGE. 0.4*87.111444 4,44,4808, .14 110. 4e0n0001 err.. the sthbet to the there tart dew 40 4.0 A Meant*. 11m:18e dieop, 4.818 048 les 814* A GOOD A401101ITYMI1T 1 Iltebee.pedroornkkoogrors. sod ^Oar ?br- eam., real or THE PLACE TO NY YOUR FLESAM vvcou,pr Aeifewliwwiiiitomookivt. STAI 01710-4.-.BUOI '44"1*441141"84*" 4"`Pwa "ugh' 4IP"40" TABULA. CHAIRS. dear, .41th .0.1 wood 804111.1 uvreoal400y 144044414 40, 111/1/01 armenk ATTRIORRIM. 1811,610111, 11.11 WHATNOTS, tOOCINC CLASSES, GILT FRAMING. 113. 0. R. 58.18 ptoporel te renter/jai WU hoe dieap for Cash. 1 A Orr. faireeda Orr ee head eed Hewer tdre .44 0* newahr 1•111001. A CALL SOLICITED., LIII111•441TACK4.4OT *IA. WINDS, GOMM/non r/DC LIALS3, NAN J 1111-4. •1111ISIM briefer arta 11,te• sed far 04.84. as Se 88 81411.. • RODS TO HIRE IVY rE 11 E!so) mimed all Primp. Onderieh. 1811 .4114/ TISK MAOISM. DORAN CANDLES, • soctres *04 soureposs. WHOLJESALE ARIETAIL AT BUTLER'S. -Bsatitifut Assortment JEWELLERV O• F ALL KINDS 115 JUST RECEIVES,. mai is Smoak ts„Jrzetinsc allmtse Wiiiklued 4;er FOIL 110111111111* °AWLS. A lira FAILING BEWEET. TAMURA TRIMAILATION oolinons .1•11;10.110110 RE SURE *4'C *IA TO CALL Rolm TO emelt* roma 0,14 aoaviriar-amrecerr 16=affooli ar 44184,onsuisili. t=ee , wee ono., le etai wmp-Weleti mom am mime, ts btrt woe. mad Ira solv".wootod mod Illbiokeno rtt, 14 lie ItIrt Istors Pookord Ps frvrr"u"dew".7 44i.:W0tg ,1„oime,erria04.4onty rohw Welig hamnd dew, 64.7. 8e4e * emires themto .4*4.4 ' Sodieo I easiltd, too ON HAMILTON STREET 44.4 HE CHARGFiv-NOTHING POE allOIci GOODS T N 1211119 1). FERGUSON VellatesPI• Mr. MK*" ' New FOB, SALE Otationeryar'ancyCcood .111WILVT wer41..51,4(ok • :it AND GLLT SETS, Chesper t ELSOWREAF. sir Dow4 Jerre 00 eall du Ofee I3oo7i Mon. cAtralLoWs Imo= Blow Enron. w. II•CoDir.A.c.a. Geilenalli VOA 1111% =E AND 18741.64130 4(118* ISM (Ayr re HIM(' of Wen larearcille 040 We nem Clielerielt re re eerie etre Unreel gall Melon 44,08. 010 noir astir ly .00. 8,04 error.. with stool Rowe 0.18.Ged LA 14 Ihrolleed toomelosoo 74.44.187. *poly arena*. -soena. P. ..W STSIONART. Ilsrvormiltto:P. 111 $5.00 REWARD. / OFT, no Cato relay ,0117A, Pews th_melyeritlites Tollsthn e o the ...than timed Nos. NM re mind es. odonGeri. A, • him '(0.p paw meddle log two 410 00wol • min le Slyer The dead mewl Will he peed at We ellre to re Grier at reetorles the mare, or ft. mity aitias wh War. matted 14 trill 10•4 le Se nerve1 KOSEST 111111111. wren et Neter, 7.11 Slay sib I RH. Norms 07 DISSoLtritallf PoILTNEInSatik voiles 18 IIKIRRIFY MVOs Mat Mr 111 besnoro.. osootios herons. 44.1141*140 r 0111 rod Ullippina le tlerri err, awl 0.388304. ler bra 0$118 44. smiu,.‘ 1.5 aroma 411 44044 inks 40.4 .814 Fortmerobir arr to bo psie 10 01101. tit 4 'ATTLA thee the Stralease ft the old Weed greet meld Partmershlp le Ondelnie .4 40 044Urn. (bath, by . Wiled D8,01.„&a,dtb ti" 104 • Fishing Tackles, or ALL stens, onweserne or 11111111ETTO Nam itnouu.414 AstiegOin.,,a RIM& NOTICE. TfilrEEKT.afT (4.40.1810tinter 4*4.4 y POW Asseka (the reS0 Tr, rweeretes tere NA day et A.R..' wt./ .4 11' AWN. Nast of Mr Hwellvw.t, Os Nosily the 1st day or Algot, A. l(18,.( t obtort.P V. The Rest le 1. sok to reel reataly lastarmate egiMtbe ere Asy et oak sratb. -dome amities 1011 b, r000lred 40r,11111 wail. We ewer* vs- --is- isr Wee of the Plaint Sy Lairra. begleral RN ow 40 44* essevese sob. astisfortetv,__ writs ODOUR°, ' ?eon Okr44,v0 YR, Rollortolh. ale 110.111111 IWO PR Tows Cleetto Okos. • mar MILLING AT tribal' - AT *MIAMI aeharboliSiA.P.-rt, 1 VILLAGE LOTS 702 BM BUILDElti & 0.111PENTGHS. are 1'4. 4.44 7418431 r•17•reA.r"IIIIT1," amo" aa. Deere Wrt Ps:eerlmketro ar Rohoa =f. ih;•.rx. aeb oer bst SSOh tgmeet 08' i•L.i. AllabilalL.X Isti 14"k - ..... ,,... "Ir. 1••• M5 Isn. SKIM TO nnt Prrst.tc. A "m4°WeernIegytar1We „b,„jejepot rtt:1bs. tier Ow NOS fbodortel 1.0.141*14HIM Job, tore, .044 JP 003 meMer• jk 646:4100. , 114111111!..., . 14111 gmodol,aptemere.kse. '.••• • •