HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-23, Page 10phone 227.4517 Correspondent; Mrs. Frances Sawarci Saturday, Santa made a visit to Branch 540 and I fear he was more surprised than the 105 children who were there to greet him. However, the old chap was up to the situation and had a to one and all and many thanks for your patronage Rudy Engel Photo Studio 227-4756 Lucan lllllll )111 lllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Lucan personals Mrs. Mary Hodgson was the guest at a Christmas party of 20 people held at the home of Mr. Mrs. Arthur Hodgson, Strathroy. A Christmas party was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Keith Dickson of Main St. for Legion executives of Branch 540 and their wives. Thirty guests attended and an evening of Christmas carols and cards followed a buffet supper. Mrs. Mary Hodgson who has been visiting with her granddaughter Mrs. Allan Robinson of New Hamburg for sometime has returned home. After several operations Harold S. Abbott, 81, of Vancouver passed away December 19, 1970. His death left his sister, Miss Line Abbott, the last member of the family of the late Mr. & Mrs. John Abbott, formerly of Lucan. Two members of the Lucan Lions Club visited former Lucanites at the McCormick Home Saturday leaving beautiful poinsettias and the best wishes of their club. Several other • Lucanites had visited the Home during the week with their best wishes and gifts. true blessings of Christmas joyfully arise from that first wondrous Holy Night, May the spiritual glories of the season he yours. Farmers' Income Tax Service GEORGE EIZENGA Lucan By MRS. J. H. PATON Sunday in St. James Anglican Church the Christmas communion was celebrated. Rev. Carson preached on God's indescribable generosity. He told how Christmas was concerned with giving. 'Sometimes gifts are rewards for services rendered, but this isn't how God works', Mr. Carson said. God gave us Himself even though society wasn't worthy or ready to receive Him. Next Sunday St. James Church will attend Holy Trinity Church for the confirmation service. NOTICE VILLAGE OF LUCAN By-Law No. 20-70 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT THE DRIVING OF MOTORIZED SNOW VEHICLES ALONG SIDEWALKS AND BOULEVARDS IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN; AND TO SET THE TIMES FOR THE DRIVING OF MOTORIZED SNOW MOBILES IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan deems it in the public interest that such a By-Law should be passed. NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted as a 8y-Law of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan as follows: 1. NO motorized snow vehicle shall be driven along the sidewalks or boulevards in the Village of Lucan. 2. NO motorized snow vehicle shall be driven in the Village of Lucan after 12:00 P.M. and before 7;00 A.M. 3, ANY motorized vehicle driving on private property is under control of the "Criminal Code"; that any person making a public nuisance of themselves on any Village street or trespassing on private property or any other violations of the Criminal Code will be subject to penalties as stipulated in the said Criminal Code, 4, THE OWNER of a motorized snow vehicle shall at all times be responsible whether he is in control of the motorized vehicle or not. 5. EVERY person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law or any requirements or obligations imposed on him by virtue of this By-Law, or who interferes with or obstructs any person in the discharge of his 'duties under this By-Law shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 'Three Hundred dollars ($300.00) and costs. READ A FIRST AND SECOND time this 16th day of December, 1970. READ A THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of December, 1970. (Signed) Ivan J. Hearn, Reeve (Signed) M. L. Gibson, Clerk This By-Law was passed with the hope that it will be unnecessary to impose more rigid restrictions. M. L. Gibson, Clerk Village of Lucan Enjoy the holicloys Pape 22 Times-Advocate, December 23, 1970 and r distict .news Party for Sunshine Club can uftgszNulii4 , sis•s*ii•cOigiTg•WAI•0?"4•;:?sfilroiglitreirtiti. .t4itagiitiviiefigest•tgoF . . • • . „ • •• Jolliffe assisted by Mrs. Lawrence McCarthy. A vote of thanks was moved and, seconded by Mrs. Vern Smith and Mrs. Ivy Little to all present for their co-operation. Christmas carols were played throughout the afternoon. , 227-4276 Lucan .aizog..r42a*?*1-^ %:45,No•vigiapiira-w, Nitz.aiNi:1444:5445.-."i " ra•Aragra.'•pas>ra•s sip sib &OA GttA Giteet,441 And best wishes to all our clients and friends. We ap- preciate the privilege of serving you. r310343iis$C04;10•PAStitZjiht;Sio•Cilt•t3ii=13i43•14•043iici•1443•4311SsNia• We, ;•,:•csizspg MITTENS FOR THE NEEDY — Students at Lucan Public School did their part this year to make Christmas a little happier for other children. They donated many pairs of mittens to the Salvation Army Children's Village at London. Shown with their tree full are David Gilmour, Robin Kraul, Denise 1-layter and Larry Leslie. T-A photo ENGLAND body Shop 2274373 .4:4034'ioNizoihriogt •S a vievpAyA4 " i*vpme,omiwevoizto* DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Yw happyaand -- your blessings many. Santa surprised at COliistniFts May your holiday be The Women's Guild met Tuesday evening in Mrs. K. Egan's office. Plans were made to hold a euchre, January 12 in the church hall. Plans were also made to serve tea after the confirmation service Sunday. Money was voted to the Sunday School, Cubs, rectory and church. Early in 1971, a meeting to organize ,the women into the Anglican Church Women Diocese of Huron, will be held. Christmas eve, there'll be carol and Christmas hymn singing at 11:00 p.m., and at 11:30 p.m. there'll be a celebration of communion. by a social evening which will include refreshments and dancing. The public is cordially invited to attend. We are pleased to announce Provincial President Comrade Doug MacDonald has accepted our invitation and will be in attendance with his lovely wife. This will be your opportunity to meet our energetic Provincial President and other dignitaries of Command. Keep this important date open, Comrades and Friends. Smilin' Carl advises the next entertainment in the Sea, Land & Air Lounge will be Saturday, January 9, 1971 when Fiddling Jimmy Young will be in attendance. "Many of Lucan and District needy families will have a Merrier Christmas with a food hamper and many shut-ins will have a brighter Christmas with a beautiful plant through the combined efforts of the Lucan Lions and Lucan Legion. About 60 families and shut-ins were visited Sunday, by members of both clubs bringing comfort and good cheer for festive season. We wish to thank all those who participated in making our Christmas draw for the Children's Christmas party the success it was and Comrade Harvey Hillman announces the following as being the winners: Bill Shervel, Inez Williams, Al Van Cowenbry, K. Stedman, Marg. Harlton and Elsie Jo The Comrades of Branch 540 take this opportunity to wish their many readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. A very special thank you to The Exeter Times-Advocate for the privilege of publishing our Comments in their fine newspaper, to our pal, Ross and his trusty camera, all we can say is thanks, Ross, for your many kindnesses and may all your dreams become a reality during 71. God Bless You All. Dates to remember: DECEMBER 18 - Happy Hour Branch 540 5-7 p.m. 25 - Merry Christmas to all from 540. 31 - Early Bird Free Draw JANUARY 1- Happy New Year Everybody too bad though, too late to be an early bird. 5 - Ladies' Auxiliary meeting. 8 - Zone Sports Lucan at Ailsa Craig. 13 - General Meeting Start the New Year right, attend your branch meetings. The Sunshine Club began their Christmas festivities with a pot luck lunch Thursday in the Masonic Hall, Thirty six members took their places at the beautifully decorated tables laden with a sumptuous lunch which was finished with Christmas cake. After lunch Mrs. Frank Jolliffe and Mrs. Kathleen Neil favored with readings and recitation, Gifts were distributed to the members by the president, Mrs. Lucan woman passes away Mrs. Betty May (Jenkins) McLean, wife of Clifford McLean of Lucan passed away in Middlesex General Hospital, Strathroy, December 16, 1970 in her 47th year. Besides her husband she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Duncan (Mary) Gray of Strathroy and Mrs. Frank (Janet) Brighton of London, and several nieces. • The funeral was held at the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home with Rev. R. A. Carson officiating. Pallbearers were Jim Barker, Don Abbott, Bruce Walden, Ron Hodgins, Allan Pedden and Arthur Conkey. Burial was in St. James cemetery, Clan deb oye. Turkey bowl The Lucan ladies turkey bowl was held December 14. Turkey winners were Jean Isaac, Marilyn Carter, Pat Smith, Mary Van Geel. Four were tied for the next spot and received a chicken each. They were Marg Greenlee, Betty O'Brien, Helen Wicks, Grace Smith. Christmas By DIANE CRUNICAN Biddulph Central The long December nights, Were bright with Christmas lights, The ringing of the big red bell, Came all the way fro the dell. The ground was covered with snow, The wind very hard did blow, On the window pane fell a snowflake, While inside was the cake we did bake. All the presents under the tree, Was as bright as could be, Some were standing tall, While others was very small. The food was really fine, As we all sat down to dine, The drink served was cherry, The crowd was very merry As the gifts were passed around, To my surprise I found, My gift was a beautiful dress, Almost to nice to possess. On the piano he did cord, As we listened to a record, The house was filled with cheer, While in the distance stood a deer. 16 - Mass Initiation — 8:00 p.m. and a chance to meet your Provincial President. Public is invited. 16 - Social to follow Initiation. And that's 30 for this week, see you in 71. Remember: The Sage who said "Go West" never had to figure out how to do it on a Cloverleaf Intersection. Alex Young and Wraith and Storey hardware store made the party more enjoyable by their contributions. Mrs. Jolliffe, Mrs. Ron Crozier, Mrs. L. Tookey, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Frank Hardy, Sr„ set up the tables. The club will meet January 7. Sunday, which is St. John the Evangelist Day, a service of confirmation will be held. It will be conducted by Right Rev, C. J. Queen B.A., D.D. Bishop of Huron, The following will be presented by Rev. R. A. Carson: William George Carson, Albert Stanley Thompson, Lyle Wayne Worrell, Mary Jean Barker and Joanne Marie Hodgins. Following the service the ladies will serve tea in the hall. UNITED CHURCH Rev, W, C. Tupling was in charge of Sunday service at the United Church, his sermon being entitled, The Meaning of Christmas. Lessons were read by David Latta and Jeff Park. Marlene Butler sang a solo. The sacrament of baptism was observed for Warren Todd Decks, son of Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Deeks (the former Nancy Watson, Lucan) and Martin Johanna Engel, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Engel. The CGIT vesper service was held in the evening. This was an impressive candle lighting service performed by the girls. A carol service will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Christmas eve. Wo?groftvoll'AVA-3*.tritiPli get 6v S'eado#t'a 9leeee#494 to our many clients and friends in Lucan and Area, State Farm Insurance Co., Cecil Robb, Lucan Agent We aim to serve. For appointment Phone 227-4557 Lucan 1 • Donald G. Banting, Insurance Agency t g Established 1929 William J. (Bill) Amos, agent g 227-4741 Lucan uzzmNz.i1741,;,"•,..11::.>48•Pozn•priato•p,=•,Pral•sxso,pr4:44;a5o;o4IxasNamiro-Notxicroildi Best Wishes To our many friends and neighbors we send out heartfelt wishes /or d very Merry Christmas, Seadaa'4 9teetia9 to all my Lucan and District friends and patrons. G. A. Thomson Auto Electric pre-Christmas gift and candy for all the kiddies. Comrade President Jack Elson wishes to thank Santa for taking the time to visit us during his busy season and all those who helped Santa present his gifts to the children. Also a very special Thank You to Molson's Denny Riggin for supplying a most appropriate film for the children's enjoyment while they waited the arrival of Santa. We're "Crowing" Comrades, 51.84% of our members are pre-paid for 1971 and we still have a week to go "how about you?" Get behind the drive, Comrades. Let's be the "best" in Command. It's not "an Impossible Dream", only "you" can make it come true. Become an "early bird" by paying your dues prior to December 31, 1970. This will give you something to "Crow About" as well as a chance on a free draw. Branch 540 will hold a mass initiation of new members in the Memorial Hall on Saturday, January 16 at 8:00 p.m. followed 9i.iz.Nez.Niz1.010:4.0,,izNiz Aaa veg.s.wzmiala;k:14NimiNer:404,1x01.1; rt4trilolgv=v6vil.Atagi.‘,tcrAllgmcg.:4014:mgcmtceFgrowom-cettosAtigtaltmetsi* • & 0 A § f § f g g McLean Service Station to i 0 .m v & MAIN ST. LUCAN 227-4781 ?t tv 227.4211 Lucan 11 47:io.vgizq'..sia. sz,!•,04Neclaat$ *igtmvgal 141o.fta.;ii:z.veiria.oitt.;•isgo.vgovi:o..J. argigt, Ismoyd.rgemoomAnamavolmtogwittaptedtmoftveftime,ogogiva l .1!).;m:,.ftz $,'iasl win14,2a.s.:ik;14,1 ';‘,P$ia.0;:i.,0 !:;:wia ,v0.14' *43.0mancaftma.a§togwarfalz.vms0exateimavwaratvgngeoorgnarm- r C. Haskett & Son it is our sincerest wish that the spiritual beauty and festive joy of the Christmas season, light up your days, with bright hope and happiness. Wormer than ever, And cheerier too, Are the Holiday Wishes We're sending you, SMITH SUNOCO STATION Phone 221.4V4 Lucan for 24 hour towing Repairs for all makes of cots. 1;03 901 WO PO 317l43.1303Wit31Iiii$33*330A43340/4134#03403403•003: 30:44 1111111 llllllll 11111111111 lllll 01111111M111111111111111H1111 llllll lll 11111111111111$111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111.1 Church news mum) llllll 11 llllllllllll 11 lllllllllllll 1111111111 lllllll 111111 llllllll 111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiii 111111111 llllllllllllllllllllll 6 850 EXETE R Please send the Exeter T-A as a Christmas gift to: A .17.; A S9cott 's Elevator Ltd. 27-447 LUCAN 0 c‘? 0••riiitt);ilizt).o.40,•vat pio:Q (eye's wishing you the fulfillment of all your dreams for Christmas. Thank you for your patronage. REETINGS („: i, 1 3 I 4, 0 4 I) Its 0 a .w.,..;:i.;i0v4,140..44.0i.rii:4.01„li„xii...wwii...p,„i:4.,i;i:„.pi.;,,,,i..,,,,w.e..5.i.c..viii:.;:i.a„.„„k„.,;,li,w,w,t,v4:54,141,,.: .r Special Christmas Gift Subscription Offer * Give a gift Subscription * Save $1.00 exeterZines-Akmocatelaw 0 ONE YEAR $5 0 NEW 0 PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 TWO YEARS $10 0 RENEWAL 0 BILL PLEASE MR. MRS. MISS. PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS SIGN MY GIFT CARD DONOR'S FULL NAME ADDRESS taloworitgovaSubscriptionCertificatem • exefer imesakfurfeafe d '%O.WA)41,0)0•0i;e0,0i44iiri*briNizI.Mt#.0.0):