HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-23, Page 9e, LOCAL TRADEMARKS, WE MUST NOT ONLY 3ELIEVE IN' ANTA CLAUS - WE MUST BELIEVE IN PEOPLE 'Good will toward men' goes when driving, too. Have your car checked regularly at Ron Dale's Sunoco, And drive carefully. You owe it to your neighbor and yourself. 'Pa& AUTO SALES TOYOTA SALESAdSERVICE RADIO EQUIPPED 24111 TOWING 7io..6 235-1710 EXETER RON wish you and happiness this hoI4 Ocason.. a a rrctr r. wg.:?Aii;rit-wgmmiiptk.me, Wtr;:fti t"t4•Wgilqiers:J. W.CtoritlIttqtrt:Flert:fgrs:KetTAIPAllggrzMr . . During Christmastime we extend to all our neighbors and friends warmest wishes for a wonderful holiday. From Stan And the Staff at Dashwood Hotel olidg teetums W. G. THOMPSON ro.pi.o.r.?pwopopoprovip ,.1i134.i,i01;40•%*,Foltioolgo.p04404440,P' More M10.$1C(2, than) snowmobiles Times-Advocate,, .0•K•mber 23, 1970: Page 21 • • A '4: 10 1 ki!ii. Pi , . Phone: 237-3242 Dashwood .;:kal:ka;:*::4*A47:e4rat.w:44154gaw,i:vA41:474arkt,:kzuzwer,vikt3;:w:i.'av • .... • rillgtitivglero.toirftwoltegtvovttotterwsmottmololtmcg ss oAlgyo.tmzgo-mtiomftvoiliterg<traokomtpliovfttgteri .. ' • • g• KINSMEN BINGO SAT., DEC. 26 ADMISSION 50c OVER $1,300 IN PRIZES 500 FEATURE GAME I 5 EARLY BIRD GAMES, SHARE THE WEALTH, 20 REGULAR GAMES, 5 NIGHT OWLS 4 - SPECIAL EVENTS BLDG. WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS • :47-1 60flignignifififijoilothoimoonointotilmititimprnommiffinimiNtillififfillilliffilifflifillIMIIIM1111111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111011111111111111111111111111110111111111111Na James C Hayter REEVE, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 4041'ie.geas•olo,.;:gie.eviia.eeasuiexgovigexgio•Narewouvia,e0eAee.N04*eziA earmasveatuemomtio.waluemeave*14;ie400.4" **• * • - • e • * • 404, • uilligaliainiailiga11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111116111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111611111111P1. Exeter eraftegliikr,NW41%'45*Mgen4lit142iial2kaige:OW.goatexiizeikt)ekie.whe e;:040•;iii*•w;ls Wee e.lt,et.vr,,?A w=vir4.viimeirmizrk*La Buses are free STRATFORD — 6:30 P,M. DASHWOOD CHARTERWAYS EXETER TOWN HALL — 6:45 P.M. TERMINAL 6,30,P.M. , V. L. Becker & Sons ALL PROCEEDS FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES As we celebrate Christ's birth, let us unite in the resolve to forge a stronger society built an greater understanding and dedicated to a lasting peace. Merry Christmas! Chairman — Ted Pooley, Commissioners — Jack Delbridge and Murray Greene and the staff of WOODSTOCK 6:30 P,M. ST. THOMAS 6:45 P.M. To the residents of Stephen, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EXETER PUC 235-1350 ' May I .at this time of year take the opportunity to. thank the people .of Stephen township for allowing me to serve them in the opacity of Councillor, Deputy-Reeve and Reeve and also being able to serve as the Warden of Huron County in 1969.. It has been an experience I will always treasure. May I extend to the new council the very best in the coming year. vow g Res: 237-3261 i Voices sing out our happy wishes for a Christmas rich in spiritual joys and memorable moments for you. DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. L- FIRST GAME 7:45 P.M. The Kinsmen Club of East London NO SCARCITY OF CHRISTMAS BELLS — Victor Jeffery picks out his most prized bell from his extensive collection. It is the largest of the sleigh bells that have fascinated him since boyhood. T-A photo Snowmobiles that zoop around the country these days may be a lot faster than the horse and sleigh of yesteryear, but one thing for sure, they aren't as easy on the ears as the musical bells that were attached to the horse's noise complaints The Exeter police department received numerous complaints early Saturday morning concerning youths making excessive noise with a snowmobile and an automobile. Main complaints came from the Anne and Marlborough areas and the vicinity of South Huron Hospital. Chief Ted Day reports two youths have been apprehended and that investigations are continuing. Police investigate Fascinated by sleigh bells MUNCEY ANb SOUTHWOLD — 6:30 P.M. INGERSOLL BUS DEPOT — 6:45 P.M. LIJCAN 7:05 P.M. • NO ONE UNDER 16 ADMITTED Two members of the present Grand Bend council attended their last meeting of the year Monday night. Reeve Orval J. Wassmann, completing his fifth year as chief magistrate and councillor Ian Coles both commented on their years of service. Wassmann said, "I'll venture to say the last two years were the most trying any man could ever have. We completed a lot of projects." He listed the water installation program, main street storm sewers, the river bank erosion program and construction of new docking facilities. The retiring reeve said replacing of the docks would help increase the flow of boating tourists. He added "boating is the best business we have. Anywhere from $150 to $300 is spent by occupants of each boat every time they visit Grand Bend." SHINING THEM UP — It takes a lot of elbow grease, steel wool, and a solution of salt and vinegar to get the old bells back to their original lustre. Most of the bells acquired by Mr. Jeffery' are green with age and often require new clappers and other repairs. Departing members say farewell at GB harness and jingled across the frosty air, Many of the younger generation have probably never heard the cheerful ring of sleigh bells, but Vic Jeffery, Exeter, remembers the sound well,.ard In closing Wassmann said, "I'm not sorry about being defeated. Losing by only 10 votes is a victory in my eyes. I feel that I've served well and tried to work for the good of all residents." In his closing remarks to fellow council members, councillor Coles said he spent a lot of time during the past two years working to organize the combined area fire brigade. "I have nothing to be ashamed of with my efforts on council — in fact I am proud of some of my accomplishments and arguments. The fire committee work has been quite a challenge. As a committee we feel we did a good job. Someday people will see the light." his large collection of bells bespeaks of his love for their ring. was always fascinated by bells," he says. "When I was a young lad driving the horses to town for chop, if I had a dollar in my pocket I'd go to the harness shop and buy a bell. If I didn't have a dollar I'd maybe buy a 75 cent one." He recalls his family had a good collection of bells that was lost in a fire that swept through the barn on Thames Road in 1925. "Only the clappers were left." Bells are composed of a combination of copper, tin and steel, and they melted away in the heat of the blaze. Vic began to collect bells as a hobby about 1945 when horses started being replaced by tractors. He has acquired most of them at auction sales although he has several that friends have given or sold to him once they knew of his collection. He seems to know instinctively where to find another bell. "The only places you can expect to get bells today are at auctions of farms that have been in one family for at least 25 years," he says. Most of them have been sitting around in junk for years and are green with age. It takes a solution of vinegar and salt and a lot of buffing with steel wool to get the bell metal glowing as it should. Lately his collection has been augmented by bells from other countries. Travelling friends have brought him bells from Switzerland, Japan and India which Mr. Jeffery appreciates greatly. Besides these, and his over one hundred sleigh bells, Vic has several cow bells which were commonly used by farmers when the country was uncleared and the .cows were put out in the bush. "A fellow might look all day for his cows if he didn't have bells on them to tell him where they were, back in those times." Apparently more than the Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER If your car has a rooftop carrier, check to make sure it is securely fastened down. There have been cases of lost loads due to loose mounts. * Deaths and injuries on U.S. highways for one year exceed total casualties of servicemen in Southeast Asia. A new group, Highway User's Federation, is dedicated to reducing traffic accidents and increasing highway efficiency. * Small electric carts favored for plant security patrols. Main feature is silent operation. A fully-loaded car needs much more distance to stop. Try to anticipate halting and slowing down when car is heavy. And a Merry Christmas to you! Travel a lot? Choose a nifty station wagon with lots of packing room at Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer cows were J:00, Mr. Jeffery has a goat hell with a 0411.40119r9140 clang to it. One •Inpst pities the goat that had to wear it. Our ancestors .even bung , bells. around the necks of their prize turkeys. Vic says he thinkS this was to frighten away any greedy animal that might have had his eye on grandpa's Christmas dinner, 10.011,10"00111*IoN'IsN4V010.1100 CHRISTMAS CHEER We would like to extend our warmest wishes to all our friends, patrons. Fisher's Hardware Far Everything In The Hardware Line EXETER PHONE 235-2190 Hat'ter's Turkeys Dashwood 237=3561 vriaWcatwouitaNamoWilmimiumgito4iatoxlaWir-twthitcoir4r4aarsitomatao. I • & Son H ENSALL 262.2527 WIPdPi.0W+ht WAIVANI04it4.0iiv illA0440,471100AR404:4044111,0.