HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-23, Page 610 Livestock For Sale 14 WEANER PIGS - Apply to Emerson. Woodburn, 238-2696, 23c BULLS - Registered HerefoMs. Polled and horned, serviceable age, eligible for $75.00 govern- ment grant. Apply to Norman Stutt, RR 1 Forest. Phone 873- 5776. 17:23:7c GUERNSEY HEIFER - Due Dec. 27. Rodger Dow, R R 2 Staffa. Phone 229-8732. 17:23* 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1966 FORD LTD - Power brakes and steering, brougham interior, one owner driven. 235- 1717. 12:3tfnc 13 For Sale SNOW BLOWER- 3 point hitch, 6 ft. wide; also 30 gallon glass lined hot water heater. Phone Vern Alderdice, 262-5494. 23c SKI-DOO HELMET, $13.50. Call 229-8771. 23c PREGNANT? - Visit the Stork Shoppe, Grand Bend for an ex- citing line of fall and winter maternity wear. Open daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After hours 238-2111 or 237-3375. cow Uric DACHSHUNDS, Eskimos, Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers. A. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227- 4598. (Please, ten rings.) Closed Sundays. 12:23tfnc PONIES - Your choice, $25.00 each. Bernard Avery, 227-4465. 23c 120 BASS ACCORDION - Phone 229-8783. 23:7* BIDS WANTED - Delhi anten- nae; 40' Coblin tower; Crown automatic rotor and control. Contact Avco Financial Serv- ices, 235 0633. 23c SNO BLOWERS- Drive or back through snow. George Troyer, 262-5282 Hensall. 11:26tfnc SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 10: 15tfnc THE PAINT POT QUALITY ALMATEX PAINTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Next door to Exeter Co-op Phone 235-0680 10:8tfnc ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6: 25tfnc SAVE 20% on top quality Alma- tex Paints. Webster Signs, Exe- ter. 7:16tfnc POTATOES - Call Tony Mar- tens 234-6488. 8 : 13tfnc SNOW CRUISER has 7 models for '71. They include the fast, light 200's, the stable widetrack 2,000 seris and the hi-perform- ance RK •twins. Full line of ac- cessories. On display now at Milt Robbins & Son, Main St., Exeter. 10:22tfnc SALES & SERVICE - '71 SCOR- PIONS, Turnco trailers, and ac- cessories. Don Hirtzel, RR 1 Centralia. 228-6293. 11:12-1:21* • • ' gt's another Christmas season, ringing out with old fashioned joy. Hope you and yours have the merriest Yuletime of all. To our warm wishes, add our sincere "Thank You." From • Brian a Dale • Diane • Gloria • Natalie • Margaret • Ron and Ruth Ann • Joe and Martha 0 May a happy and a peaceful ° Yule be yours. And many thanks! From Ivan'and Mickey Terry, Tracy and Staff IVAN and MICKEY'S GULF Phone 2382257 GRAND BEND u ME RN E R'S MmAEARI,E, • o;:o No No No spao Novo No 5,?o Novo vo NO Virl phio Vrt Wan No.tW45 ogiv DASHW000 237-3314 18 For Rent CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT-- Plywood forms, wedges, form' ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays, N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4:24tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home, Whiting Rental, corner of Wellington & Carling- 2 blocks west of Main St. Phone 235-1964. 20 Wanted To Rent I NEED HOUSES to rent; also others to sell. W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9:24tfne 22 Notices Attention: Farmers Will be 'shipping cattle to DUNN & LEVICK TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Every Monday For further particulars, or pick-up, contact Campbell McKinley RR 1 ZURICH Phone 262-5430 cl 11 WANT ADS.. . Are Full of Christmas Surprises! NOTICE Due to renovations the law office of Peter L. Raymond 387 Main Street, Exeter, WILL BE CLOSED from Dec. 28, 1970 to Jan. 11, 1971 EXETER - Attractive Income Home, A-1 condition. Doctor's office at side already occupied, Attractive living room, dining room, modern kitchen, large new addition including large family room, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, large master bedroom, four other bedrooms, centrally located. Terms can be arranged. EXETER - Income property, 3 apartments $170.00 per month income, well located 2 blocks from uptown. Reasonably priced. Terms can be arranged. EXETER - Executive home. New split level, large entrance hall, large living room, dining room, custom made kitchen cupboards, large bathroom, built in vanity. Both levels carpeted wall to wall, 1 bedroom on main level, 2 bedrooms on lower level, bath, 3 piece and laundry room, large family room, lower level. Attached garage. EXETER - 3 bedroom, red brick home on Sanders St., well located, oil heat, full basement, separate garage. Terms. EXETER - Main St. 3-bedroom brick home modernized, broadloom in living and dining area, new gas furnace, new roof, and sewer prepaid. Can be commercial property. EXETER - Ann St. 2-bedroom bungalow, new addition at rear, full basement, sewer connected, new oil furnace, terms available. CREDITON AREA - 100 acre farm, good land, systematically drained, modernized brick home, all conveniences, good' deep well, combination of 3-5,000 laying hens, automatic feeding, etc. EXETER Serviced bldg. lots, Dow Subdivision. DASHWOOD 3 bedroom home large lot located beside Community Centre, new furnace. Priced for quick sale, Terms. EXETER - Main St. North, 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, oil heat property includes 4 commercial lots, two on Main St. and two at the rear, $2,000 down.. COMMERCIAL DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT - In Hensall for sale. Fully equipped ready to go. Down payment $8,000. COMMERCIAL GRAND BEND RESTAURANT (Fisherman's Cove) for sale on River Road, reasonable down payment. GRAND, BEND - Fishing business including boat, nets & equipment, terms available. FARM - 200 acre farm well located on paved road. 5 bedroom, modernized home, large barn & shed 40' by 80', reasonable terms. EXETER - Large two storey brick house, 3 bedrooms & bath up, living room, family room, kitchen, dining room & bath down, One block from Main St. HODGSON LIMITED INSURANCE - REALTOR M. J, Geiser Phone 235.2420 J. A, Kneale 11 If Page 18 December 23 Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 1 lost WOULD THE PERSON who took a lady's brown coat by mis- take from the Recreational Cen- tre at Huron Park on Friday night, please call 262-5085 and they may have their own coat. 23* 5 Help Wanted CORPORATION OF . Village of Grand Bend requires Work's Superintendent Applications for the above position should be addressed to the undersigned, to be received no later than January 9, 1971. Position involves supervision and work on roads and prop- erty, water connections, by-law officer. Salary commensurate with ability to perform. CLERK-TREASURER, VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND, GRAND BEND, ONTARIO 23c THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a Paraprofessional Assistant at NORTH MIDDLESEX DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL, PARKHILL For part-time cafeteria super- vision from noon to 1:40 p.m. and assistance with supervision and equipment management of Industrial Arts Shops until 4:00 p.m. Duties to commence January 4, 1971 Position involves only days when classes are in session. Re- muneration to be paid at daily rates to be negotiated. Apply for interview by contacting Mr. G. S. Knapp, Principal School: 294-6281 Res.: 294-6102 Written applications giving qual- ifications, experience, interests and telephone number, should be sent to Mr. F. S. Toll, Superintendent of Development and Special Education, 747A Hyde Park Rd., London 73 Dr. F. F. Boyes, Chairman J. A. Gummow, Director BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to MIDDLETON'S Drug Store Ltd. 359 Main St. Exeter Phone 235-1570 NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday EXcept Wednesday For Appointment Phone 2354433 9 Services WILLIAM'S HAIRSTYLING of HENSALL. 262-2102. Tuesday to Friday 9 -5:30; Saturday 9 - 2; Friday evenings by appoint- ment. (A/11 262-5505). 12:17-1:28c DRESSMAKING - For fast, ef- ficient service on all your sew- ing needs call (Mrs. C. J.) Joan McCann at 237-3395. Satis- faction guafanteed, 10:15tfnc SEPTIC TANK SERVICES- Re- pairs and installations. No muss or cutting up lawns. Pumping distance up to MO'. For imme- diate service phone Grand Bend Sanitation Service, 238-2291 or 238-2923. 10:1-12:31c PAINTING AND Paperhanging-- 25 years' experience. Expert workmanship. Tom Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722 12:3tfnc TREE SERVICE - Dangerous limbs removed safely with our aerial boom truck; also trees cut and removed. Fully insured. 234-6202. Dave Morrissey. 12:23tfnc INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 149 Waterloo St. 235-0923 after 5 p.m. 12:3-1:14c ANYONE WISHING to have their cattle sprayed for lice, contact Bill Watson, 237-3306. 12:3tfnc LUCAN RENTAL & SMALL EN- GINE REPAIR - 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs, 6:4tfnc SINGER SERVICE- Repairs to all makes and models. Sales and service on new products. Singer Co. of Canada. Phone George Vriese Men's Shoppe 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan evenings. 10:1*tfnc HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439. Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture and antiques contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:8tfnc DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc FARMERS' INCOME TAX Serv- ice. Complete bookkeeping for small businesses, Lucan 227- 4851. 5:21tfnc DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Highest prevailing prices paid. 24 hours, 7 days weekly, fast Efficient Service Call Collect BRUSSELS 887-9334 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 16 miles south of Brussels License No. 273-C-70 10:1tfnc Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3300 ANTIQUE FURNITURE RESTORING & REFINISHING APPRAISALS AND PURCHASING NOR - UTH ANTIQUES Crediton Phone 234-6431 or 234-6426 C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC , 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 9 Services REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL , CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prices we are unable to pay for any 'arm stock. We offer fast, efficient, court- eous same day service 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Collect 482-9811 License # 237-C-70 12:3tfne Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year- CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc SIGNS BY WEBSTER • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • BULLETIN BOARDS • ELECTRICAL SIGNS • TRUCK LEITERING • SILK SCREENING • CUSTOM DESIGNED TRADEMARKS PHONE 235-0680 EXETER. 10:8tfnc 9 Services VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 11:21tfnc GRINSVEN AND BUTLER, Lu- can Dead Stock, Phone Strath- roy 245-0838 or Lucan 227-4312. License No. 202. 11:5tfnc ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ALL YOUR LOCAL SERVICES? We would be pleased to introduce you to our Quality and Guaranteed (Protective Care) of all your appliances. DEN'S APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL US AT 235-2215 Exeter, Ontario 3:10:17:24c HESS ZURICH Fine Quality Watches, Rings, Silverware, Crystal, China, Pr.sser Sets, Mantel, ('k' ro and Chime Clocks. We have an excellent stock of: BLUE BIRD AND KEEP- SAKE DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS. Buy her a diamond for Christmas - 10% Discount Just a $1.00 purchase entitles you to •a Free Draw on a fine lady's or gent's wrist watch. Draw Christmas Eve Prompt Watch and Clock Repairing and Diamond Resetting. 11:2tinc 13 For Sale FARROWING CRATES - With or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, phone Hensall 262-5282. 11:19tfnc WOODS MINI BIKE - 3 months old, 3 h.p., shocks, $120.00 or best offer. Phone 235-2654 after 5. 17:23c FEMALE BEAGLE - Trained for rabbit hunting and house broken; also western style gui- tar. Phone 262-5341 after 5. 23:7c CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Brand new 1971 Admiral colour TV; stereos and kitchen appliances. Shop in the comfort and pri- vacy of your own home. Free information without obligation. Direct factory service. William Neil, residence 293-3151; busi- ness (519)672-4670. 17:23c 14 Wanted To Buy USED PIANO - Upright, good condition. Phone 235-2787. 23c 16 Properly For Sale EXETER - Duplex with sewer- age. Three bedrooms each; liv- ing room; kitchen all on one floor, full basement, oil heat, one garage, paved driveway. New vinyl siding. Close to schools and downtown. 234-6420 or 235-1066. 7:2tfnc MODERN electrically heated brick home, two blocks from downtown, garage attached with paved driveway, five years old. Includes three bedrooms, kitch- en, dining room; living room and bath 'all on ground floor. Hardwood floors. Full basement with laundry room. Sewerage recently installed. Phone 235- 1066 or 234-6420. 10:15tfne CHOICE BUILDING LOT- Pine trees, 2 miles south of Grand Bend on No. 21 Hwy. Vandon- gens Subdivision, 238-2618. 3:10:17:24c 100-ACRE FARM- Brick house. Two good buildings suitable for any purpose. 1i miles east of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Phone 235- 2366. 17:23:7:14* FARMS FOR SALE Four miles north of Grand Bend on Highway 21 - 169 acres; 9 room brick house, bath and oil furnace. Barn 42x66, 30x40;silo. The right farm for cash crop or beef. Ten miles north of Grand Bend on Highway 21 - 158 acres; 9 room brick house, bath and oil furnace. Large barn; new im- plement shed. Goderich Township - 80 acres; 7 room house, bath and oil fur- nace. Barn 40x60; stable clean- er milk house; bulk cooler; 26 milk cows; 10 heifers; imple- ments. 200 acres, 2 miles south of Clinton, Highway 4 - 11 room brick house, bath, oil furnace. Large barns 90x72 and 50x30. Dairy and beef. Stable cleaner, mik house, bulk cooler. New hen house 180x40 for 10,000 hens. Four miles south of Clinton on Highway 4 - 100 acres; 8 room frame house with bath and oil furnace. Barn 60x40. Broiler quota 10,000. 482-3287 C. BURUMA, RR 2 CLINTON Salesman for K. W. Colq:uhoun Limited, Clinton. 23:7c 16 Property For Sale 3 011'4 BEDROOM brick home, living room, dining room, full basement completely finished for rec room. Electric heating. Phone 235-0664. 0 23:7* 17 Property For Rent FOUR BEDROOM BRICK house, 81 Highway. Grand Bend, Park- hill, London commuting on Highways. School bus facilities, Write W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 12:3tfnc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE nicely dec- orated, broadloom living room, family room. Close to business section. Available Jan. 1. Phone 235-2421. 12:3tfnc TOWN HOUSE ground level 1 bedroom modern apartment, electric heat, laundry facilities. Available now, $85.00 per month. Phone 235-2420. 12:3tfnc TWO BEDROOM apartment, 1i miles north .of Centralia Indus- trial Park. Available immedi- ately. Appy Earl W. Neil, 235- 1921. 12: 10tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment in Cred- iton for $65.00. Possession Jan. 1. Phone 234-6268. 12:10tfnc APARTMENT - Central, heat- ed and furnished. Apply Bea- vers Hardware, 235-1033. 12: 17tfnc TWO BEDROOM heated apart- ment, available now. Large kitchen, hardwood floors in liv- ing room and bedrooms, bath- room carpeted. 235-2062 after 5. 23* LARGE 2 BEDROOM, p a r tly furnished, self contained, heat- ed apartment, with kitchen, liv- ing room and bath. Available now. 235-0736. 12: 23tfn c 1 CHEERFUL BEDROOM apart- ment heated, $55.00 a month, one year lease. Phone 1-271-2677. 12:23tfnc 18 For Rent RENTALS-Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; •power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc The WANT ADS Are Santa's Busiest Christmas Helpers- CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum 80c, SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 31/2 c per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c . 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 BANGHART, KELLY, DOIG & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main St, S., EXETER 235.0120 loymtivA,Attotw.,4,41.0.1ggrel-awpgi.:4.tto.v6.41,Atomr . f ' st