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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1870-7-29, Page 1
• YARN FOR SALLA .ON TII11 ,Il YFIELD ORAVZL ROAD. Ile awes. dol t.balot • es.. feting Inns. J'4 �..,. .. u �.. sM. aDlae Y 50AA .1 for � eta. It. lead I. a nil els, toes. toa ry .rlt- ".1;4.},/j?I-. 0_0_ ll��f'1Y"M•1f4p1n Nor tmanif sad is=le•, Tu U. 1.t. �...�--rr-aR011eer l:�►..sA dafddi !fee• 1 j 004 0501 Mork 21.t. MIL 0045 FARM FOR SALE. QQQr��„, WIC 10, w. dD Lt'LBORNL, 100 ACRae, Celeeeo rook rh.$ •as Med 'also hale 121., i..., r a . o u.o. 054 . d Moiq. .p,d pars gel y 5*0 r mi. s, ped tow hard, sell py two .'int• rvu.Ing..l l►1 gess, sod 0.11. One non eros gravel owl. 5 miles how Put par..layply „ the plate es to eaes••al•e0• or fo 11M5)r. B Ferg.wa,l(..+er. Mode. len C KIM AMT. Ouo.►r U1h 1000 er0tr FARM FOR SALEM LOT 24. CON 4.; Tcontaining ulow.Aiy of (lotlrnrrA, aw lq 00 acres ob,t.t as dere* cleared, e)e7V,RY CONCIIXTE 01(1000. 'N Tnt ootoCR L awr, awned IN..m, e. bit tltrhen, 11.11 nod Vasa room o lbs .n 10 0..m, bitting 14th., 1 00. 1.n. most,r.r. o1. •m lues, other o Ante * . w tM www. ..0, Miry 11.00.. Fruit nos. Rote n.,el, 0005 ins, Fos.. Baru orad! hat. ladle* ft..an .111 50. nee inn OWenrb Nb..d I... orchard f .ler w0 t red by itrl{ use Mull. "000 oLq T. IOU r` Watered yyr. ..atilt 0551 •.wise well. pn.p. , era 11 Ile nun. I-ote renes, d 1L. h 04...1. s- eraNea m.r. Wreat.e. Ai ply W Janes Pals - era, 01'1 . „0 we Wreathe. w to 0.54 T1U0MAN Ls4 Oars, Oudot. Oed.neh 25th learn 1070. • 1 tf ES Farm for Sale. ,t T vr7 01 and aI' , .y/fold Concerto' 1g lg. os 0.dench Conlon • T....h,p '"oo 0e errs, d Cher Durr 311 sena rM.ad wall good Prsme Horn. and (...g{4 Hour, ■best 11 rude. Clinton. Foe 7k ss. of 1 50 apply Mill.' p.m... C..0 -Der •1 :00011e•. or 10 Mr. TUN o• 110 prcrosw. Oslench. 0.t Rapt. 25, flied. wS6 tJ. FARM t'OR SALE. VDRSA LC •Nt 15) /IF41 Ino Yo e, Coe le W. ✓ U A•10.1.1. c.. o5or.... ...taints r a.seer neared, .Iw how and lar. 14n la • I0v4100 wet w O. farm It le • .•,,nn I.A. rrb r We 00 {{aarr •el* rest 0s. en and lama. 11AR'I'IN 0) .01IN. Ir.doa. Feb. 2, 1545 • FARM FOR SALE. 9 0 - Ar 1(7 *CRL0, .ORI OR {.EAR, ABOCT Ile tJ wee. rlrrtd and IW lawn pen harder 4 tim- ber, • tnmfort,ble nose o.4 er0t.W frame 1....a.. on.o.d..*d *ell entered. laws u4 IW lead ie r Oustllega Ottectotp. 00004 0., • er e p. •- �:- 1lr • s;.,'" 0,000.5 a>,n - -r ,doDs sen Pe, . !• ORILL it At less mor ooay. gaTtIN1 molt Me et sf .fel *A .. elven dor gal wee Nus.{ ••1 e... *An .lastwdey N T 110Ata, 11100!•11• •e' •. -•00 gaik • r II Mete t4. M. Mont WILING'.1d'D• , ICRRT T COLL110■ PBTRICIARe ane NUR. {t,�A t. 1.04. • , OW ante 4.100011 .. 0.•111 '11. C 41...1.0.14n Mot. .wyseM lir. pa. <3Awe A.WV ter M*OW Conn/ PN wn 077 o10i ' " Osw, e.awI.IDeng S. F. 0111114012, ra• 0. `'ttrtot so V, AMcoVCH[t)a f10 aoolaepaakte ►-•Pbyans. bed Medical EMr Laantuse �ly.rdea of Ste 0.10•.1. Mato.* Ines Cosp..7 of 11bes7, N. T. Tr (Mae ad 1•atd0aee!ark A., • levee .e W ard,rtedrich. ,'Vtedtcai. T) ICN ARP 11100s11. reglad AN./V10101 ohs Ib booths.... M+e.h•wer. C. w• . .Wes r IAwrn. ter. we. W. T.QOZ,Editor and Proprietor. $2.00 PER ANN. IN AD E mipro+i. N1O)AOL3eON. StRGRON DENTIST. Rooms ever the Poet Mk*, West Street, Ooderich. W411.41Ne.._Wai0►1I o. ' 1r* t,odri a. RARR,004R SSW AT RR7 - W, on a . sobMtoc.e4.w.... One s. I0 Cron Dow. Aerw Sorer 4. 1 . 5' 00 • r u.Qa 0 r* JAI -1. lei)Ind t,o the gees. C. FRIbAY.~�Y �i 1870 GODERICII. ON ARIO D: R • • Nil • 5 - Y .e•,a .zdl toe r'cr:d• 1,• r ti.. ------ -- - -- -- - ,ir>fti;F{1_y"ml:rewl trtelrf l litillwfrr&Wfrtli ?,r�,nt�T�e, a Is1Gr {,eetYaf *lltirnnxrv+R ,x. are e ..Ar.. a $usiu ec R 10iredarg. Ijusineee DiEtdorU. HURON HOTEL, NOW IS YOU l�H=�Cp+l al,Rtca.g. rows. 1S. O o.A.'A. A*RIR1'IL AlTORNRT. Oo0T1TAAt) ode OW.D alai{. et.. Oederlab. Oat.. W (*Arrow. b taalaT re. soucirO1Raybes Awn, O 01' ARCIIT. La D elarleit M^C C.11llrseU. WS J. T. S.a.e.s Joan 14. 0*Orden. ATITALI 0, 41 -LAW RONC1TA0al1.u:A� T wet, 0111e t0. .oath ads ACMAid hew heIwo Oa1N,-n•w• Woes. wall UMW W. Tose. B.aaosTRR ATTORNIT-.t(-I.AW. LOIJCIT0L @� rter..t 1, , O„ a rick. 0ntarlo. OM. - 10 rabies anal. Lta4u• •fee. serf Doyle If 64uter. Q►RIIRRi't AND ATxt4►11UL, iOLICI717RL- ''.. 17 chareer7. M. foren♦ L M1w aA. L. L Rowat .00 rash. de R1wara . tY,i.l- •_hTTOIL5fR Y MAT -LAW, w 01.0. lee :llif 4* T onm7 In T.wtta• 11, Ar b0Wa'. Orate• ry. sI IT' Farmers, Livery Stable e KEEPERS AND O'I•HERS. Os payment or Ian sub. goal term• roll he filers for t&• mime. Pr gen ralan I,HY ep,y1dd7 w tbe proms. N . _ ye•a.=top _�� Load Oa,.. Indene1. BndJr.. tt70 les Pon... 01.11., 0.0 FARM FOR SALE. - BEINOI'OM MAIM OPW- T 21. 0(x4010 1.100, Twwr.hir d RWIr7, ('m,et7 ..f Nat.., 1:0 r.r., tear..,. la . AWA WW. W.I.• Its Lead 1e ..f the last qm1117 wad well he..tl.g.,d Load 0.... alrect1.. front.) Thes are ,.0 tM premise • dwell..N home, frame tars w 17 *7 hat. genes •t... and .se4 1s. 7 n b7 N feet. yell" had re kanl of 1g1tooting trove, two were fermi sortie vitt I l gyal pump. kr. That 0e. property b t. .Itaal o. a/ . nod ..d rumeen b7 god newel rand. nt1 Chat... t Ie aden ..d by • nae, rut t.. 1e 1he last la 110 pent once, .Ila the el..11rat s•rleta el 147 AA ((, mm..) awl Inefonh 012 umbel rrr funks11++nh etl- ars0ppl7 L• D. Yell 0W An -Dower. Iipl.ld, a N 00515040 MARTIN. es W pause. ono .• D .yI&4.705 Der. 10 *. 7Uy A veers. Oho 13.34 I memo. The full rrsr. '.4... - MOD WO. SO Bring on all Yon Lase Horses. T TAYI OR• enrk. .•I('O- L00000. n0rFi.n.4 J •after t0.a r a prpawd Dor M t.. Nord li.war dlrrr N B. -Here.•. I..4r WHoYwMfora.w 0ed.rich. loth Aum. ler.. MONTREAL OCZL]I STEAMSHIP COMPANY VOA TICKETS to sad Don LI0.paal .. berg e C dem i.) 0W Woe. nes. .byyrr C.'7, MP) le P. R.1'ASTER Sees. WWII Usd Teats Nall../ 4 Coles s0 MRS 1001. te10. .._ml STOP AND SEE. 'rip r. rnlww.n4 maw's. vat T•«,mn.ale v; soot., a wo,de0A11 and e.tesomfo net eon.. to Canna 17 on0RN:AT INDIAN RRMEDT. 'inn we gore. w denrblr .ml tom.4en.*N. teles. . ,,fns to C,t.!,$e. the epee .k.rterm okrn I after for lee. es now •we..hie 1n 400 Oren SHOSHONEES REMEDY f Ones. 01 n• 15..nt, Isms,Lover, Dh4e.0v timero).p Selsey &.., es. el r 0eM.0, tee nrn.• Drees., Abu , Ilonos, std 51 donein e. Wein( naw 104*0* .. 11 . 11.4, we boldlJ(J�� one 1104 ilia r reverie' less RF.W F... E•epe1 F.VI'A'•IrhIr,p �er; woe teem eve, bat n 0.100000o el noel C. W o( Cnm.empann ; er , 5O.4 Peter C. V. Holier, Hensen.. C. W.. .50th. ...spoon. mites of Awns. Wseta t now. ,C. W.• 7 pfp t..0d /neer Cos0M , t1t •f Juan prompt. • d Napa.., C. W. d Rb.0mano.lets We rNrll7 boon ...lee. for trap, In •pSe d all Orth.. ,� n1 be tons, sed 0eit1 we well. neons Yore saw. rage* memos. tomes.. t"n 0s OPEAf r AR0Is.r Nr6171; REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy Toes .W..a Price of the Remedy to large pints 110 *r pow Sal. by .11 Dteggeo nll Dealers Meek eine. Apse for Os• ce. - .JendordaDn . in • 0.01$ W#OLr.1ALR AO*NTR: LYS A N, F.I.IJ(r:rA Ce. 5.00.5)1010. IRJNNPAI.OI1 & WATBUN, J. BINP.RA ld. R01.RROOR & NT/tat,I at, IAMll.T01. 'r.IRf ?levy a NON. A.OAMII.TOR a In Nowa. ca• WI ., Rl to (,oee07 P. 0.. Co0f7 of Iwnnn.,Murl. M• new. Cnnnt t .J Dann" Peonage .00a4r$n 0.1 Kb, 11100. VW IP la to eanit7 Wm Annex thy .Int,, nr 11110 1 ase Alms .00 a priag o, of t4., angle, .4.501 Y rarw1A.117 d..1op tM.prlc0.0 h4T,, wM.A.A Ln m, that I enol nn op b as hip, 000 1 /wean.. an k that l o.enl•I .W .100. MI was roman.% . It s7 eufr. Per 000*e wnknn. anon Own 7. 0001110 this 704 tai s.1 ellMnmt Ytnr taro. &Dern.., .' hrl of s.7 ® titans, pr errthel by Mewl., Ie. tor in sent. s7• I erm11..1 toed wen •0.1 wens. vote the ayss/p WHIRL *Moe 1 Iona NAY.. Rn0es7 really Swear. Lart r*Od, Iney taw t• fMet. AIWA *„ea I hal Matte b len. the wen sow f. s.7 Made ; le Mt 1 en getting .•seal Mlples 1 have lane lora 1.4470 of the Wannest Rfewely 100 leo ti se Oh Ye�•e. 1. 1.1111 sad 1 ON Mtl..0etahtes, C . W k�ah.ti,1r"�i . set �f �,rl.vn 4141• Yo.Ar Arm trete, Ra ad. have the Nr in MAC ell .w an•• pnW• onohot banes to all 007 .•ahM.. 0s„ frfwda :.M ins. me aa50Mr A 1 am, 11 aoe MI) to r• ry net Pannone. Rudy I bellow r .111 ren yon Mart Ass V. Rewe be 1.0.. se at blotto*, CoitN 4444l. 4 rhte hnt► dap of Fenner 1000. 1. F. Comity J• r fi m t homM ren1A UW 1 Mn Moses Nn. req Ault Mr(ey Sew me Ian Afars Tonne ; no le • ee*0a M penalty sort truth 1 aye .s..'. bop MM,� . � ...A .4 kw 111 now 1 MK.. hs 00054410.4* se es tat. M ever? solo. I know ret white 1111? .?.. ed... rw44A Nie....-47.1"{lee le'i.e `••Ag4Pnar?OR" e M M�11or naenlr,.•. mer 14.404 N .0041le 1*, t 177:::..awl* Ma .0004 almost 'h. Me pores.... ef • I0Vla. A. P N.,nn. J r VA*. 1004'147 • gardA h,Prerlawv*AJW.,.,e w. l,e{abe.rl C,euO , • U O ►1 eq 00 lem Itt Prices to Balt the Times! t _.• 1 J A fJOHN .RANO, - - rtollrieto 3 x 1 os. `M Wilda W*v tr ett.a ap 01tb every wareldeaee lie travails. MINIS ' Oral '4.411= ad primp0eeeedene M/aa*V ►., 1090. whit Photographs reduced t0 $1.40 pet tied., 01 7J0L• r1a ROLF WAIN. + 1 =.ergs Photograph Reduced in Proportion. Mae 031 554 the Smoot Pbntegrapa• Node in Oreter 0eh. eery .Lap Purcelal• ptctoree MN w dell•. jiiieiat D. CAMPBELL'S yen gea,b . 0.erk►. On. Ina HO. tat 8041* ' Ca\IC10T AND LAW OPTICS. Wa•s'. sew W.idinfa [hn4taeti Newer rwy �, w reeaaw.ralWe N. a -rte jsw• to reel .e err a 004 Iladmelt Mwa. 141001 000 wooed. • Atternel-w�- P. F..e7W.wALKE R.,a..•�»•Je Oa ..00f 1y Clerk etutM 00•01, Celt Items Geller - .to Omura r. ter SIRS. DAYS' HOTEL «ROZETSL V e direst read trees Saakrih u 0 th 70Jksrte.. Every asearar, woes modalioe tor lie travelling e pe LH DAYS. Wronger. Her. e. 16A1. w4 NEW CABINET 'i. 1191. 500.Ye.. oar: 000 NTJ,ATr0RwSumas, M, A wwtCLTUIAL a P (Iupio sua•, propelt•IT 0. fa- Mwlcom•o00. ) (4410T10.1TTORN17, SOLICITOR. 44etc, •e LP Canton MONY TO LEND. L .- Strong Ws 04u100. RtL1eTAT1 AND IN.1t' R00CR AUtliTa. 10. 11, ."wary; ktt�rM law. ;. ='Itis' e%...len lest. r). '.tic Douga00 opo.TCrtosr a..a..AT1PI L°•' ' 00111 do Ott GABINMAPIONIN WASH COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. B. MARTIN. Proprietor. 00od Accommodations. Am J Stable Room. Qr This is admitted to be • First dam holt. kept 1n good Style' Dace J001. 1 7e' llYg3{TS g,13C-IIli OODERICH. ERIC MoKAY, IN °: west -a..t• Pp•M1r Oa .0.p 1. we shoes 114xe he rrW keep •,•nrerir7 Oa Souk t Meatrwt bad r asks W arias es FQB.NITURE OF ALL EI1DS• B..1ayg es rd se swurtmest d U Jlooden ton l W ehD M prep sed ft ta 1b.t lima laaalalna* ea [t A post117'of Ott and Rrw..d �� Picture Framing to Order. 11 R. treats by 01net .0,0w0w N bones. 11 w • •are of pub!.. 004.... wµ4 Oder1*. um 57. lord des r� I.RiNtraltalgil. �Ir A Undertaker. aoe, aa., 1R ani. a. Ire • 11 ale• Wert or -Pig& Ali 17, I.L. .• Wool Owen. CeaoOhaae, 1000•••••6d.a. L.001. 'S 51.0400.*.. 1.41400.. Tables. Mons{ ►.n IS Wen Nowir es,Trdes.lss7 0004Cann, G,yara. If we ho. 1e. Mata., Serb Rued., aetrar t*Nss, Ole•1e"•.40d Sea iOranm, eOelre.at1 wool deLAW inner 00$000 • mai It - see 6. W • Car050.0 1r t u7 N. R - 1414 . gew w Was. 4 three. rue 1.• f......d r.nlateg-D.+•11. Awn u1 owl. made eat0. Sono. ..a• \e . ly et - 006.1 ■to, anis • .}lyre sale r. L• re, Rwsttn. a1elM11a AID SCITSTON, LARD 1 T•- - gr4 Orn. wen. [ssardue YREDERICK AEMSTROIBU, LIND AGENT, MILUER, &e. ,wH/-r ST., OOI)BRIOI3• MON E Y 'r0 JONI), Matt NIWITere atet?*.igentLIE5. M Han.` elate •rrsegmeota with IA(.•Q45E5 3r NAV. Tomato, ata formai. 'myth••. here a at Mem Waaareore u Tomato. lir Kee always a eewPba swoetee... 01 Colin k Shraads is the Latest Style. Atte, HtAR*E0 to titre. Ci earg moa d61,s11 0ederna,0*0... 0 tot. 1170. 141A� 1.ereea ter,, �{ �ffia •gar,*• Apra 101► rd TOS`. HICKS, Proprietor. This th t.r(e.tad b..ICo0ntrl 804.1 is Wester ).wise... csinge0 as uoderele as •■ Hen. to *044.0411. Prase P op telarr good . H l O or IWO Reese Hun., lett AGENTS WANTED, To Sell the Revised Edition of Chamber s's Eacyelopie4ta r a 4lb71 /IMPS, PLATES, .AN Agripant tion Leaded Brads. Ortega •d nl•t Cr•dral Ca. d Os is Oswalt" Farm= for Crown Land Patents taken out. Debts Collected. rwa-04 Oadrteb. 0.4 id Mt 14MAILI..70. (:ROOK ARCHITECTS. P1..IR •Oa esW sie•LL •woe Da,L0e4 tempt ap seal a.A eerr.rt .171.. O•re nor 1. C Dealer Of. ewe. ---_�...10.0ta._ 1°. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. 4 I HALF DOZF ostage .Ct[N dose from be ATIV 05 mots, postage a e free, to ray beck negative dT mum, postage address. � Partlealar Attention paid to Copy - old Ambrotypes. eU_...., For sitter acre or ams�p :.. subscriber is reternlag thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore elund.1 tO toekboat, would just sal 5170 M Ism ads provemea1 inhis viler! as will OSA • 0000' grease of Oke some. it I Great ItedaettM M Larpl'Ntegrapts. __ F.. 1.. 70faKtt0N. O oirrhb. Oct. 16. 186 9. .4(I f. frO WE o(Jrrureno IT TER TOLIMA. OV 4. Oast tem 10..01 .0.► Id..0•00 •ed 1e▪ ' grretlP wd fon) r•c� ,W ..the with a .gees, u top Yw�th eatnwad ..f fate. *Yea Mdrd A •serest rlwrr7, we • 111 .Mean.'•99 rW .ir1• w. toe to ant YM wean.' ILEO LIPPINCOTT'3 Pronouncing Dictionary ,e la.*.►a7 turd ryY 5011. CIn.*11'i lar Remotes e t ....10.'t parer d all yrs we ...stn.. and se - of {a wMh,•ts d the Pee. HMA. Ma • lar Myl' man. 141 Na proame•rf.tee M their noon is tee 411004 Smears la .1,504.10.7 us rm • with 11ti• Irk• .opo seed 4 ether seer awl V even poro- us nearner0 allowed b *gnu. Dur prewar. sertnestasp end. ane? lf. 1STl OwrJ Mastic* 004 r r gr a n raga r Auction dt Commission. 0ODFZRIOKe�CLLNTON jp,tablished 1Bt6a. v.. ALCM of Miacdleenes Prep••H le 001004 0001 Rat.day ,• ad 1• CHOW. Swarf Wed• e hemp &deutsd on Property 10 irmeeli•le s.l.: e,l prompt .eten.Ande • Fere dark lead .xher Sans p.o.0Jl7 ntled- .4totbronghoatthe Car.40, O.Y.TRUE Market leaser. HodSnee pal SASH AND MOOR FACTORY. - Maitland Salt Well roc *P; 'Mr ,.,‚.....1 lam1 perekese'd ate Nur 1 ea% Neill awl Seib P•rrerT..0000 •ad .r - .pial by Deaald Cetss eta1, are sow pee'r•fie le carry . Ow busman of ma.Jaden?/ Hash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. Siding. . CHEESE,"- CHEESE. Shephard Ing & Str OODERIC$(than, OROCE\ V R been n.appointed sole agents at II (1orerieb for the sale the eelebrrted Exeter Feetory Mimosa.supplied at that Eaton Local deaden supe grids. BHEPHARDSSTRACHAN' .1945 Ooierio►. Kr 27, !ABT. .ed .11 ken's! Ci IL'CLI: WORK. suet a. Circle ad Instate R.A sad Frenal. They Omsk from their eepenellee i. ',eatery on. that shay ran pre eaallda. 10 JI who may favor them with • w11. ds0O.M to the trade. `30,000 fort or Dry inch and a quarter Flooring re held. JAS BUCHANAN, DAVID LAWSON, NY. ROBINSON. 3edelw. Y.erh 401.189. • died 1 PAATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, �It 1880•1 HBi3Y GRIST, 1868.) • FATENT SOLICITOR 1 DRAUORTS- MAN, CettfladtrJK7 QJ11:1*gyp 1 O'w and nthnr t, pntslonte of no Oorsenseat. rok gr Lkwvre..e •rat r.$ gOotrTlunw oft •..w Own meal 014$ hendb&b0 D nelys, pwleo1.d�rnnRa�, ea M0er riere4S5b ea . mr7 W =gnat. i !*0041*• M nota. M rel Inv 0t00e•0 Denman Me 1 Or eery JIhesebra terse A I. 111 14001•. Ore Yee FREDE RIC WATCIIMAER, JEWELER. WEST ST., OOD Near t�jittliWlt'� The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IN ANY QIt110TITY AT TNS w©est Yrie©, FROM THE ABOVE WELL. S. w. D$TI.011• noderich, August ard, 1�• 707 I Stovall'? a SO H Q Ilw b p . • iiid1116r, O P11.0114 4.2l71 ?AHOY ' x Er _. x . COAL OIL,' • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. soar 0w,IWTAW Come,l Porkies...•d Sheep Ski. takes s outmost. 1.41 J. (TORI. ear Sirs of tb Lame Coal Oil Ferrel, °•dart. Yens 1..1613 .p 'PIMA VOL s -r O. IMPORTANT N1OTICTSFIRE a MARINE Ntee Uri dNOIL T DItANN, RtEd leer„ 1--- F. �• In!" /illi AaA� -_-r ey.t, p 100 r..,gl.,eaA••r�rt•ae. Haase Sip & iorriage Pester. 1ar..n.W /es w1�-t•�0 D ceotter roe PUBLIC THAT Le .bop r N..,w .Yaw las Ws TOA Ott the Sw :,r� Meetho ss& Candi. IW 1•► te:rtM tane.a wine 10 a Avowal w All ap.tr0 1170 •ud 0t 00.01$*1.1• ►n•-•'• TO,nktu1 W 1. ,010 f the Irl 1 yen* rdtc1te • ...Amman el Catlett,Wel Noir b the tbae to Pslat S SletghS, and Cartages. Oster. aunt ...Sr Comp Mew Weesdol I I wafts. hPr- ens Tassels?• 0041.4. 0000.41. F. B. HAI N. n W 0444• N' 1 uMt a 11110ALI 7C HOMTO1Ii, Age** PA:rI. 11.0. ..1.4N 00Mi.tl ss. =; Wel)` ,men Tke retia rw•r^" gaspens. rw•ones Jnr wen. essay sew Ar., el... wire IgQeehIC 4#0.01' MONET' TO LOAN. 007 ns. nr•l aro I0* 700 r MN � , 1Gr Iwo sM N t.sln.�fe(ars. YO .A ri 1[10!)4 a`frNI Ai0tte. h,e.,,q, anb 3L v, t z.� -1. .• pr..d i Lloyd; a, e eo •.N tf 0s gomor7. . De„the only b be .w.11, tri W dcnM+ :lilt et M r 0 tiiti$.e'Y 1•A ekes. ateom['• ward* 0A • i' down ors ve 7.41 • �, Mope down onw etteyyar7 ins 7, `r,Y3I�(��w' sea l W Ind Y W hath e31s . i I arra t,yd !fair P �Itu, sad w•eP7rL111� .' b/ bl�,, .fon t tow r• .. 1 d wultld earl by Lir fs Iltih•; _./ =N ` 11th thad Or. ltrd tke7 at o .r. i ahsaraboard, rad *oar, sad weak '1• 'A taMrr ta► fru ."l} of 11.50 d•Vk4er.- I 1 y j*e s go to W .►tlr0a - „A r ew/.�w a �,.M5 57- .41 tkiW(f torr RrreMreminti ole. kat .01117 A,ve in` • keixdkewWt wick e 1411 d $,Raley? arm eqr� . Wh=ieedom fist matte Hamlet e 11 1e 4114 JODr,.:77,41,... , U• Ill ,00.4:6:::417". � p • aglj. a k.. bo s fblly Pr'+s7 O 7-_;',A...„. . aver tlocy 7Oe^�f:). •P into L 4i4 oda aumm7 like ►if., ' '1'55 55010E b. • 51010,0, Led! LT+'•4 •;,e M {bough Sir Wyndham lop 1 fella. soldier.' a.7. renew r. is ere. 1. ..t, Ort .• . 1 Htilr '.:. L .I • .0d, re •J .,.1 MAIN ftr1" I �lat 1:�'1`i At Reduced' o Implored Farm &Tawe hapertj / r lien.., ....Wing fear Three to T�4. =Years. W nee w••ss+w a•PP epi. m MwrMY. Y.N Ye.A, . 4 earl? I...Ass.•... IN MeV 1100 $1t1IF. M A Imperial Building, Savin I A EARLY ROSE POTATOES► 1,00o7a at 3C 111nghw- s•a A queenly or r tars loran, M. LAT°. gree ` R; r IitktlY migleoel noel sed .arrested s"gain* AI rd ,,.rebsID- WCR Woo J. A. 00th . D_ I1•TOe ..PA•3ti'8e 1 • F Cj p a 0 Asa � p�00 a .2 4 mt4~ es S A E4 8 IM BROOM FACTORY C"00 t kap GROCERY STORE, IA.sedewde. - elabirfriPM • 171x? s. prowl.. leer ns00 t5 N5. ,7 rtars ...- 1 o the prowl.. L a vow cop We Hee 0'__'01 in of *1. ate+ JAM Le [impute (tee 0. in d the tet s Rotel), . [nefor arnet s' Nagle la- mate tOe .400.01 g amen r 4 earnests' mimed hoover• Use steep.. ow to 1• eat se, &beyere tW s - •tow era ir.tetae• t"'wwy oat ••• •�7 w r. tara- iar••w13. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON AND GLOB• INSURANCE COMPANY' Invecninent Ooh amine -60 Mira Rind, 7' •a0•'rrsr. �'� 0.31/2 MU SS/3O. Ola, Q•1'..�. • ,o.rarl saw -•••� JOHN 00RI0,0,._ Y� • t JOR N CR SerFcRP, pen, Q. C. IL R. JOH\ uod0U Fr. rrr, Wyles 11. 114.444. J U. HAllrtlt, Ifs,. 11•oaie Io tai awn. 1011 .1 TO R*00R 1001 . 05.s* 1errN•. Trow &«. JOHN or.- EN. res' Nesse J. Pl.W 04)0. �mmAll H,.R\IIART, r. rn....l ho , y,A, roe. a Owe �.>(rrls ss .. N. Yet NO1 li M•Mre Leman • M+amak4 Mee er■ w ..,wsarc Tony -two San, sod doing goat period lima pool Loos.at melee Five and a half million poundssterling, Thrdutmneoent of thin nnrmooe em over a end. eree, bop wgb the 404lasco,tr.amts. to the eet.bleblreet ad ron8desee of reds Curran...we. Merchants, HomatooWer1. sad 50.5. •s rase aeawarly, whss*Y.f S s r370tee0rd. I s ea I0 year, 1[38, the Pin lrrwure D •lose ane mte4td to .. . • 110 las year. 1`09, •' r •0 Z4 7,70 • 111 �1 7.711e00e•' le" m m 00 149.331 the year I•tn. 1687, " u LS18,0611 AN EZTEA HEAVY BROOM mama wpP21Ats11 . Or T11 BEST QUALITY & WOREITANSIIIP .5(55 tbq.,. ruing r nano r sag trarfactarw II•NRtes r Tueo•b. - .•-,,... .,,.,�,-000:.�.-•c«.-a-s: Both Wholesale &Beta dI'• . • .. . rat rlfiltl 1.1w • r .7,4 'Oh, that's so much nicer. I n .Rt - persona, lye young mss, I meed. r I • .Abed a bishop er two perteatll to lw Toa miWr'1 halt me 1047 t1..44,• .♦ heaM,eo 1 or1003ider ti�t lei w a.I 0. Wood -by adt'pUoe . ca! •*.*n.r •nr voile. A .tiRTUN, lw-j!- Boeleree-- ere KI"n0,,,if ..aeat,M 0)100* •1 ('.air, t'Ig►eslag/n•. ayWN.ast Inde. Res.Ages. ,�001D5. r S The rife Breere. Fed ss taw 11.717.94 The Inde Rearms reed n now 09301•418 Tbe company s represented tiros/boot One faro •nd Quebec. by I*Maty*' *grew, In whom tppl ets.. for IOA.I. use .sop b. wade. *3.r.c. Shin H, Rennet Seemlier,. A. M. 00010. Asset for °Menet.; 11.0V Knott, los Erder KW( N. Walser, br80SWl07 °odenek•F,,L•11.111141. *41 o .. 1' 1 H, sled Nest Lr... CIGARS Alm pT ropm= RICHARD" PIKE. atTterra C I G At S, l • 017 1400* iP. `r 7° "'a �lkt i......rl.• '011; don't afros** Disk arparioe deal ♦0x01 lass tbe3. Th.. 700 0.S w ball me Aunt Isabel i Do you k * 4iall� • Teri unkind !' •a ,.ty 3 • L I miakt J1op Oke 0. i1 afdi 004 7°r ls•bel,' sett MLi0.t do0 441Arsllri'.(ggyyyy 004e ,0. oo +Ord,' dye, 11.•1 444 & �•.( 105,%1, '7••.r• I*Vro''it1a, feJW_..�_.O•mInA- (:owt.I11 1 all tk95 , leer aeellae 617 • bo] ars rod r Md' itt ttta So. Vit•) 1.daa weld esthete Wyse &pmm,e of your palling me WOO Reg t know ern ,v an yoli Menk I°• Uastaet. - No, es,1111 . . whop., I utak loft h0Mar Op 131 avis{ •a t. w 4.70 Lloyd.' tb.w itir *V134Aeft geed th.ii oral r Plug. Fine Out Qg and Smoking TObso00• EVERY DIC!t)RiPT1014 00 Pipes BUD eaters, Fasrr 044.1b rte., eta., They \W. Joe rmeaef 04 - (4. .Mares . 11. Jame • Stock of Groceries 1 sod made large 'd41Wu therein. Ind 1.Nd b tare7 w lie 0(0 old at.M1 a en1-Hass Family Crecery Sasiaess ea the CJASli P1tINCI1'LE. DESIRABLE PRIVATE BOIED. V ay Iei.PLR 1 evNtors . Fie lerrserra 1 Qojrrlca. ray if, t` o• wOea Feed 1 Feed'! 1 JTJBT R.03ECL'Pf3I� AT Shephard & Straohan'$, 20 TONS OF BRt'1, SHORTS;& MI4lIUs, *R1t'H THAI 001111. blel Sell Cheap for Cash, CLOT >�[ilta t;sR bBr. Abttl . _, o_.f wA� rant=s T,wnnto erMead••1. oderiob. ONober 3rd. IMO. REMOVAL. A easier. ee•ann.m5 d e, Fruit Spee ' t it L�ea. Le, elmsf. re head 0t the li.oweet Pram rod eeit•aral aTo.• 001V one fall rl .(Wed to wore a cow tiw4al•ce of K14 ' atroiwlre- TAILORING Ts. �D�M- pETII1NR Hlatt�`e1 anR�emt hey r Ll fort be vercel b.wl00 f.40441, 'pe,ebsce he romremlyd tab, nntMs&abbe le execute ever sas-ha l • heolderllroughl to atm la...weae lianas sow aesawdr ars fitted* Larryin on Innen External! 1 THE BESTBRANDS of all the &bore tamed article . always on Bull ire -oto 'MARKET SQUARE. (iederieh, A1 1e71 lel, 1.190. utra4 . �.. t ALEX. WALLACE, WATCRMAt1R A.ND JEWKLEE, .gars anr.T, •�' (1O17SR1 (314 rr'uY yubeenter Iselnin, N"rre N.A. etherrt.m7 1' rived b7 A Harmon. Sew Rlr.et, oppose the Vey 4100., Ara: e. h10.t W (needs .d mrd paid r, or O s Ws. -.I ...port with. welch thee bee. ! net 00,00 5e o0. Wt /0 Teas. •••d nee town eine es neon end be Serer ,anent OYolenwael. diet. ,.uses.... W sone. Miry will be Wimpy 4110‘00 COX A MoDONALD, Kmgstrin Street. It.14Jrr PerNn taken ellsenamp �0•d. ,,,,p.,g,,th, 1070. Watches plods and Jeweler? WhwleglY(hilrhnM In M p1in•bart', sod es WI em wt .111 H. sestoNot • rep deped . m. hit m ew der smelt w, �M0•r,./nk0 n mei ageresa. Ner el Mead and 1101• 1 �A'L PRICE REDUCED .d employing erm0 hat fr.-rses t redeem.• A ad tie 10• A .behsteehib•1perwere e1 Cotter to 00rna emasavtha Psdde imene l,nn H...,000, Ors mpellyant-etasecemorhan end havoc. We oorasp• , • Cotanase of Ise , Principe uiptate e*0r$ �I•b•7ab, SroUrd. Iwneenln , h t h,0 v.ub ehmen W Godoriolt. Jane Tat 1869. NtAnsilig • • IVtD POR 0001)) DRY sit ALEX tledecleh WO AM prolog over die las and thanadil gowor-geartes-Ormsd diem ends • roar miry* or forritiga. Tito rabaiir ran MS tlowarair VI and ale. direfcii letter lay yet do - TO EARMICitil DP Di WOG HAII .11.4411101 WOWS OT Investment on Improvi d YAMS, wieoratual PINE LUMBER, AND CEDAR POSTS The inbsoneer WOW Os boat 00,000 get Pine Lumber, ix go, a Marrs.. Vire i0 lite Ityndlitaio's Ado. lit hia harts, arid ka had to Nary that 11.• sluitild Morn the • enntemis og .sioese: • the letter -be, see no Sauffr iscnin simiL-w• '.. NT Al ,. rote from the goeirik :bet I still Item- ' And after so miurryellel Of ma row, I hare • ` hooted to forgive. Ogre you learned th4 '* . wine Leon, 0 isy taller 1-1 eceoeurese hope yrie harm You Imo., wimps,. tho history of my lite for the first tow 1,.. !Wks: gal in my minim! f Imlay -bow. ...... ..arl*41°°,col'slinj giill4 rest.444411A', you"‘ewl.,;41.4-c44144; 4s.4,8;LLI4:77 * wok,* tam 1 IPa• killed al thil Mies pros. , 1 Ira trio slaw now to tall yam story of ereapttuo *Jr Sitosit terra, °ref IThibluin tolgthnhe midre"ddge'rylarof iirre 10"411111. a a 1011:: ill. din la Ow ranks, onto tired% LlihoLogrio: c..4 marrisd secretly, s000rding to Om WNW _. 4 cored the eecrst, eine iso at iweeter w, ....A Mon at amity. There I worked as it s on die lovetfloatione, till 47 *Sit _,...% iit....17 4 d7;14-411.11.1,7:7544•11".74Vidaelirlblildr-'-711170710. .......4 the Penis*, sad cdroro, the 1 r &mot Interest from 8 to 10 present opt. 5.01.4 MVP songs. (say Ins an. Os red own of ern . reef ne of r *Xi* dimmable Gs theLtaseo only. leen* emplenen try ea Least ete tb. CAteeds Larne SWAM Cowry Anil 111a 151S. waif MONEY TO LEND ON INPROV SD If ABMS. teasels isvest is Town PrOPT13 Streeter tr. ,Ooderith • 1 /NW Home end Broom, Owl iesew men Carriages, %Veggies, Sleighs wash will be istil011MAP IPOR CASH. glp Wanted • wood -worker, said two enprentices-orie to leern wood -work and the other blseloanidang. .101114 PASNIORM, abititi. War Si. TM. wr49 SOF. SAM Refreshment Rooms. WONT RID? 0WW. New Re-opesed la tie New_Ballesg, Tel sinnl wArtn. MCl/ aroma TWA 1 mem. bee•repee /rot or all kW. to sone. nary, ft. Ss Nark will no tag * her Old ...novena st the Neer Saliba( ea 014 Mon Ontario Carriage Sim, Of> • in wow arty len Yew 114s. tingly awe kit al rsalteraelst. hoe 1 lost her, and lawny." lite rarest (or lice wetter* of They tottededy Born eider manyvntli a 0016 *OS two *tar hoar, rat 1 ISA glob my an einettane et Nie position he wiwstor Age 45. eINO ' loot the lord of thlileat and 'wild lilt. to tar r* wore the hrephahas gatirrat Int*, to Ming lig* Imolai your derelMing rads. land you, 1 hops ea 44 withdrawe year arra, Ort • • tos Wirt WI 4021/14 •