HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-17, Page 5Times-Advocate, Peomber 17, 1970 P090 5. Si IN MERCHANDISE In The Exeter Board of Trade C III IE All Tickets Must Be Entered By Saturday Night • • Look through the coupons below and see what YOU CAN WIN Deposit A Coupon In EVERY STORE And You Better Your Chances Exeter Stores NOW OPEN All Day Wednesday Throughout December Open Until 9:00 p.m. Dec. 17, 18, 21, 22, 23 CLIP and DEPOSIT THESE COUPONS IN STORES AS INDICATED DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT 1 0 0 0 0 :0t 0e3•5fess•Piess iggs-57et•VocigaINes•Wes.W,e4iiei Wies.9seMMt•isgePAies3.§ez,14410;iigs eMoVieg4,44plisslksi as•P ies•sNia•s; i;)sePie5 We* Nia•Wes Pkz4es•lAeo Wet Pie!sMges•Wm5gt:441es•Oies ' ii. a: g DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT g DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT W DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT g t Dinney Furniture 1 Beavers Hardware Greene's Variety ti' Win a Pole Lamp Name Address Phone Address Phone :0, $ P. kt•Xiess4fes4fe4A4Se.471e,Vii ie4iess47;e43siev*z•WiniVirs 'Nevi:tilt Vilit essiXas-RiagMessUised*A•44044is iessiNews;ies471em szs;iie•I=les4A'e.;ii..ries•Os:;:egsies.ViezV7es•571i: is s 12 11 DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT g • Beaver Lumber Middleton's ,Drugs Canadian Tire tf Win A Regulation Ping Pong Table Win Either a Man's Philishave or Lady's Philips Razor Win a Pair of 78 Series Winter or Summer Tires ,O. '4' f Name Name 0 fl: Address Phone Address Phone Address Phone ig tio•ftz•viamNittoktokthv.4t5;a 41 s 4k45,Pr,amistoxietmegoigovivotAiatitiarmstoNiamialviosuiist4iiiitiwoismiroxitxxiiiss-wwwiesmutftoAtiz,Niz iia al s a47 oiitsAi:argia.w.gigoitmlr it.....Ner5.Niz,pg.ft*.twaokz.No.gAixs.v45.0Aits.w.io.pgit).R.:;. i~7 47a .qemipiia riia.;.., aia a k:s•wza Nim4i.,i:t.;44.!:;:izria!4Iiita4.) :0, DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Jack Smith JEWELLER STORE Win Either a Man's or Lady's Bulova Watch Win an Imported Table Cloth • Win a Portable Tape Recorder Exeter Electric MacMillan's Win a Portable Typewriter Win 2 Ayers Pure Wool Blankets with Satin Trim Smyth's Shoes Win a Piece of Ladies' Luggage by McBrine 4 .: Russell Electric Name 0 Address I Name iT Name • Phone Address Phone Address Phone Name Address 0 Win a French Provincial Occasional Chair Win a General ElectricFloor Polisher 0 Name Name 0 0 0 Address Phone Gould & Jory Win $50 worth of Carpet of Your Choice Name Address Phone a. Win an Electric Blanket AND Sun Lamp Name Address Phone DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Bob's Variety Chainway Win a Deldxe Food Blender Win a 9' x 12' Rug Name Name Name Address Phone Address Phone DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT. Darling's IGA Win 200 Pork Chops g 8 DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSI1 THIS COUPON AT § 1 Grand Bend Cleaners 1 1 3 Win $25 Worth of Dry Cleaning AND LAUNDERERS JEWELLER Win a Lady's Diamond Set Bulova Watch Earl Campbell DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Dutch Canadian tt ..v;;;I.pscea.rk:).14.,151:7',:*.wiitlwi>splio.Piiimslii:1.5.ii:mali:t41 .1*:4,5,k4.1:i;4);Nizmisivii044154;i144.boxks.,;.;*:*.pattl.vii:o.vialstias.rkl,.$*0.5.9?•,itz.Nia ,;,tig...si;k:mizt5.q.i:z.v.ofizsvkialiavi:I.;•=iilzvigi:1,,rAiz.si;:z.oiii:mziivizmiiial4a*.444:14;vgizlovo4pAizoNi:4.5.pi,ft2.344i:zway.;m:3.44,2.pii:a.p.i.rii, fi tt .il DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT 4 DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT § DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT „. F.A. May & Son r, g DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT g g Win a AM/FM Radio and Cassette Tape Recorder , is.t g. A 4 A Name A .4 .t: A .6, Phone g Address Phone DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Huntley's Drugs cwa,s4e,X1e447e5•We4341:ss iessiessAswes s-c!tes ties 5i4c*ie4,risPAY;??1:*-N:les;*m•s;s:es. I fj• Name , Name Name Phone Phone 'irk Phone 4. Address Phone Address & Address Address Phone 47e a pi fea4a5•Wess IVAs litsrie4givs-4Pet•W•5-4ko-Cisiolls0,4044**A444054441*1411414§4*P41004""i"441401"44 .9 4401,e124)444iitt44041,Is. 44;k. •&'?1.e. Alt.. ,g,e4. •Riess•PievAles.. Wes•Sa•s2s.t.. ,P.. 5shel'- Agt,'' 1:Nso,'' l'' .04.v Phaz.' 34...0. 12Ael'' .0,14.s. Ne),- s44141hea'' ' NO. 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Win a Sealy Posturepedic Mattress 1,4004.04.0.0,44.4004*40.01044114.04%1A404:04440;411.1%40040,9AW Ae4siet4e4.saNes,W:••41;e54ktis•Pi•Oiess.5s1•40,Pess•Wiit•s*eti DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Milt Robbins Exeter Frozen & SON LTD. FOODS Win a Snowmobile Suit by Snowcruiser Win a Side of Pork DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT Lindenfield HARDWARE Win an lona Automatic Can Opener Address Phone h• . Address Phone .... . .,4:01NeA Nes•Ortio•CresAeMesMsisMeMiss•Wess.40M;05441kies-RisigArieWesst•Iskt.esIZtes:,0e4se4fisasNizia•Vple-5,4114k4,Issliaries.01es•I ri Name • • 4 6 44411.4.4iy• . .11 Name ... ....... ,r ........." Name — Wd I. Ne ale - A' liWoi • • • ir • • a 4 Name . 4444444041.4• ... • .1“ • 411Voitryo.4rot• Address •• i 4' • PhOne 4 d Address i '6 • • 4 Phone ••• • Addrest , .. .. . Phone " „ " Addeess . Phone — ..... 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