HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-7-14, Page 31..••4 wga. •r - 1 M aadl•r N0 my& taw the r Alrl, Ur {twee W Y'M•ven u• Burg.- 2 darer W ban leispaWriord 1• lila ally, tae+y Odour a,wl ••(UaaW• and w eib7 either., IW w r Iwell a• .alt o•. My Ore *lin - tory Xtbl Albbtrttaetaonts 0} Another tremendous bre, luting eight days, has auurred in Ilayn.aay. TR$cansadddhaiows in Ireland -One MAItltlniU. At-Tuwnto 0n WetipeatiAy dig $ itla•L.sk. he 1. Eh+ wane t� - 1t iutgmint Wt at skillfully ie fr Tn,�tl't•1 M'Vr: reed e a [rt *Tint* w ng MHO rem W count** t N het • King „dull • all Comm of tM hrt N a 4.,. C W wowthwow *DAM worm J. Mgr(.r.r re Wire ls add by atgpiate raid oelta4jy gcu.hlll', • 11,e L2,tw Rade- We want ties) that we •r- wiNdi ifjahedy l• liar lumber nigl.w• fol t\44 wait .l • *Mot for n*r mane lumber. Th Amerlrsu.,w, u t ef {Mu r lruatbee hat. apt n,ut. say fain -I•... 1nutl* Pr•r4,r the past year. std beteg unable to Englatea 2440? the hors► of Metoppe. we *et •hip It t.. nd, but rr4Nt• •• tilts a.tt., *. It 1. **Rio* t.. kw* that We 'Canadian No Ueelnyer' Is. great fa ..nasi. .suet our Lowteru*u, for o Y coo., •4,Idr. co W., rra.ga tow elalu.cb burns. brooms, (0'.t Lintea, ob11biaW, 42'...tithe, .Lr not dep.-uA oe •u • fool* walk* An 1 1t I. add b All Medals. /halos .t 26 eta per *.(,1124 aarsan:- 1 obtained • bottle of Yellow.' C0mp0nwl 9) r up of H yl••ph.al kand lona t urill 1. wale • 1peon*** rum of 9ror0►ai., from .4 1, h 1 had silt o,.l wooly two years. YENDALA'IWl'E F:It Vii conk Int11 1. eau N. 9. Jae 1tra. Price.' 50►WDIe , d aur 117 hlr 2..W 4v .partner r M gad by V. Curda0l A Cu. whuk,..y agent+, Man real, Xtbl abberttansnaa, VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE IN BAYFIELD /r lois •?Comber offers n2 .ale bur ,ebgfble lots le A w the Village of ID)Meet imus enrui•.e.re • Co.l trams Jeanie,. Inas owl nouns yea,,, Po, serUru4r• •fY474 on wewur4r W. 11.71.41, July lith 4,74 JAME.T C'l00... M le. STRAYED PIGS. 40TRA TED from the premises of lM mitre** 1.o A p •Aged • uwnth., 0rtghlr .b.at 100 .M vac\ 1 Og o....r.nt)a,3 ar'.., brie. rnr Mtwwo„I.eu)k•e,l irrecove. Allyn vying /Our metlru leading a Weir recovery .14 a ,..,Jeal, J. H. WILKINS a (*deer&; Jule 11th t.7•, (dome. HNN- lAtt EXCURSION SAGINAW TO UODEflICIi O!t 16th JULY 1870 DAFT, O. W. McORECIOR, 'TIHP. City of lhadeh, will 'bar. sir ,tagtnaw w Ilat.14.7 1.024 Jaly •Ith a largo e.. a r.,.,. part) aril, leg N Roderic\ w 17th at a • will Imre m„ 4.y for Detroit Rummer will leans Detr2lt no Toe. day arriving in Roderick M Nodosa, mono* 011 Maw lra•d1.Wy for Regime Pare rr.m G'dertr h, to Detroit ami t..,k M A VI '• ►'as• rn.,. Gwerb t t..i.lpasw e4 A M rr7, Tletaiaa.. titru.t.aeg.e•a. .sea W had on apputral..* to w, M. n1AYAl1E, G,eleauh ILIA July. tae• 2417-f4 rig at8 sirlAtr9 4 10._VAt r r'syt f�(1f�l. !' WitP•:$14l11.4". lA * tt � L" ` r eases ug ■uliiroku her. yesitor asj-:=-"Ph• heat -rem 1pfalao. stroll 4,-47 All Shoot Buie at hall prise, thr.atemi to be equally hot. Thermometer gt ; :IU, a. m., marked YW in tit. shade. AT MOORHOUSE'S NEW MU8IO R'toeiv.d an soon u published, slid sold at halt' price, AT MOORHOUBE'8 311,ISI(J I3()(>Kt�; A large stock always 0o heed and Saki M lowest possible prices, 1 AT .SOirRHOUSE'S AOC TY SR CI Nut in stook, procured to order es short Donee, end sharged only half price AT 1IOOItHOUSE'S 843221 ,1402., uwknr1 July Ma. IOW, GRAND EXCURSION FROM GODERICH TO SAGINAW AIR UACs GN TU R SPLENDID STEAMER CITY OF SANDUSKY Capt. G. W. McGregor._ o. FRIDAY. 1IILY 29, 1870. TIME TABLE. r SAYS; i,.lerlrh, 7 p ea ante at Bey City. twlar1.7 wonder will lave Bey City ale • m for ►..t N4einw •ad said.. Clay r24an2.4 .rA,.l .1 Ragtn.. City, a EMt A.g1Ww, 111 lap East „ag,4•w for Bay City .t 4 p s. tom... Bay City for 1:•m tm�l, at Rep. 4. Arrive ls limbo* h.1 s a. no. 'uud.7 atomiser/Ws for the Muted alp g5 la gold heiels •and tlak'o-.ma lar w mirunu.° eau tea •24" ".1004 un .ppl:r.twu tow M. $AYAOE, Godman. 4.4040\ 11IA July, 117•. .y,pl -CHEAT CIRCUS AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN ! THIS GREAT COMBINATION WILL EXHIBIT AT CODERICH ON SATURDAY JULY 16tIe. 'u r T,i I• !V„.T. %',CLY the lags Egne,etera, n.m,•n-onus t t.lienl prnl• of !stun orrgi•er to ll,,. aLluAu,e•1. . r[eal••d In harries, Amar qe THE INIRODVCTIOI OFA HELD OF CLIELS INTO THE RING, Thew mine** •'19.1n• of th..ea of Nod" .r. GENUINE DOUBLE I4('MPBi) RACTiRAN CAMELS, t4l4n. .t hr --3- -0 wow of !latent.* tM P.t. rt.,ntry l M I��I1.�2io ar• a,we of lir Nano. that m d•ar awilloory das th• lea1741 C ding artistes In tF1J1 el. alprol 00'.1 Mr. P1i11.0 NATHAN*, The y"2eg .rod dashin %Meta who.. •mhltlnn • WI] me CDOTI1 AN Mast, JOIN( SAMA DE RS. TM DARING AND 0RA('R7C L Danberk Rlder- Mrs. DAN CAATELLO, THE REACTIICL 7QCEITRIENNE. MIS.. ESTELLE NATHAN., Dntui4(ul, Csref,, ••d Dario.. Mise FRANDI8 DIANAT.DSON, Cord. Vol**. 1. here PHI* Tl GIlIlE, The Grae•ful jyynrlrknm, iIIIACCO, HAWLEY Jr RIVERS, The `ThreeFlying Men.' In the mint. wonderful, daring, and startling aot.evor nen, and performed ow LT by Mimeo, Hawley .4 Riv- era, u performed h them while in company with 't)s celebrated MANIAS ,RttOTH rata La\VTON /c IRR4TIIER, ArWlpa T\s RAIr1NV EA FAMILY, CHARLEY, GEORGE, t HEN27• Mullan. *whit* and Prolamine In rare* Plas•lp,,. lttr. BANCANTELLO, 2424. beet •:oNt'E1t9AT100e1H�, IAnd pn.Illv.ly the nnty Ar,ett..w,hmn M•tovera,.pear•4 before Qnnn 4104o,(p 7 Roy* emmmand Dan will Inten.twv the enol .t.rd el highly trained Hoa..., 11•'01., and Mules In Amdnea, Among the trained hones a the nel.bnlal how. 'Cru,' pprevented 1.' Ian by hl. b1 11,ncy the Rtnp•mr of R stns IMnO,IR He.. remoter: and th• most hattlfyl hots (pen Arabian.) 'Pl°.tm3 !'loud,' N• R lunar* Mnl*, and rat 0()24 (1. PORT, 'J...,., .' The ,•tte*uno wdl museum,. la the noting with Ib. Ratans 9per'tack H IThE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Jet holes' Periodical Pills. 'Abel* INVALUABLE MEDICINE IK CEPAI LINO does1l,• ore of ad 2.e• p,,nf,l .on J Moor..... .. ro whkh t4e (e.ra1. 0twr10elon . .Muer, 11 eau der.!,• all runes said rem... all oWlruc.we and. .peed; cure W' be tenni on. nl 8.248.24 tat** 1t u peculiarly riled 4 dl, bis bon au*, bong 224 Il,• ur.ur►ly pend with regularity. Thr. Pal, •L..ld .or 4. when y Prima*. Aerie, 'A. ,'IAlh- 1HNA'hr .UO,YT)It .J Pneooeny, s 04.2 u.r n.n ,.,ee. *.soman).. flu at sap *Aar row Mr, In ell Cases N•rvou. ane 8p.021 Affection., pain IM the Iwo• and tom*. ran 1.,e CO •l,4h0..'.w. P*p0.. us w I\. hon, H) .ar.r.. e.4 Whit.. three 1.1 1. witl.f cur. we.0 F11..W,, Ww• b.,• holed wet 1kbougk r paw ,1411 r .e,0d4, du W r*,u I eau calomel, wo runny, ur any thong humid to the cu*nt°. Yun,w.e,...n. til the ap24., .maid each package, which run tan carefully pr J2• nos., •••r red*.IOL• t*nwlary2. $l W end tail 1u* for postage, .worn to Northrop k Lo...., 1:e2w*1•, Il,.., goiter* ages* Orr the Docamiwl, wt.! inset* • botlls,rouWulnt o••. 204.6., ay pour. hall. NORTHRUP A 1 yysN, NewtaMle,l:, rY.g agr•t lur('sn•dp err Sold. Goderteh by Pinker .6 Cattle ria P. JordAn• limitnh, of Co., Rage.W; Arnett Heothu,., Mu2er.Jle ; J. Plek.rd,k tester; 4.11. Combo, O!int m, 8. curd, Ian:know; B, 0.1.4 +0•. ansful b. sad .11 Medicine 4..•Y.•. wl4 CAYA91A9 PAIN DESTItOTEK A Fainilp Mali.,.., weiI ani AvoritJyknuwn lotto» peer tee year, never A•hag io • angle ?nMaace to give permanent reli• thea ltmely ,..4, sad we haw neer knwe a •tngie ran" ul dimal..lectlon where the direotmne b•ta been mopes!, toltowed, gut ens aha •oatrpry ,A11 are J•l.g4:ed with is operations, ■41J ape.k in the higher ?Arms .l 11* V,rt.e .nJ Mauer tarots, TIIE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER kat won lun1self • repuletitls, as W blood purl ael, alteraiive Momarh 105 m, unaurpaw, to the horny of metlieal prep•rat,one. 11 .'4lum tails to cur' D7eppnnplea, Liver Complain,., ledir.•- lion, H•erlburn, Pick H.dache, K.dnq Com- plaints, Ar.rl,Sto_ma"�),.P ghlgic or Agfkmt, gad -WOLM. to fe t eaLe4ty[ t� s - b7weevta..lretllrw:, Its magical and aondeJdl wrr.'•s in MI 409 sadden colds, Sole threw Coughs, DlpUen• paia.w wad bock, oeorNpn:tnrafr e el*, rheumatic end usher paters in ■n7 p•n ill the burly Ina from whatever r»nae, ha+ gi Orn ?r • plate m every hnneehold •nd a fu: •uper+t'd- •Ii •Il other preIa'•to,ne of the kind. It a slat an .9. anal Med prompt reme ly for Mca1tte, Mures, Reuters, 9pr.ie•, Trot Nom, Cram pa in the P'omlsrh, Uurhm•, 1.nolen morlms, (0.11,uue Choke,Upuler• !oleo- ywn, 1)yeentsar, kc. Paco uely p5 ren', per bottle. J:0RTMioP$, i.YMAN, NeWrorle. C. W. 'General Agent for Canada. 4.4.84 in f7od0rtrh by Parker h Cable ..d P. Joeda.; (garde* Ar Co. Hayfield; Jame. 10 A wla- auna- llattlt;c U''duu ll. to irltPRTrr-'Ltee.t akcrim(o' Toxon to. jiE(I,R0119JWi418'141"818°14:+rr0eTh4 A4:r. LANDS E'0 R SALE AT BAYFIELD. I(1Tfi N(Y4. 71 .1 72 114TYIRI.D co! 14141wwow. J '1'200+1,11' rl Uogaten. eunpriall4 lea item .1tM bot quail) 2f lead, wilt* a*uut r mile. ,A tbe Mad* (a of w Tow,. of WyNld, TIMM * • dura*,'* 0f 13 a.'rr while could nadir be pr4ard h.r rnlpy The raw. tuba of tho*uJle .'k..ly ei end r1IA Me beet 01 beer/. awl maple ti Inner of .phv i" 20* growth. ea ea - re laid road p..es eau trio•, 4,. of the 40.942e.rrtt, \wk I. situated ill au old and 24.11 M?'.J uelglslnul O04. ALsiO. la0 la, Range A Turublp .vu•4y, contemn* w .are. of well or rood Mahar l.W. will. would pn.lu.-o 2 large quantity of areweud W Heim. 1 he tut rut. 1. the River Ilayae14 al* • ooeatd.rable water fall whorl, could be meds available Ow walkag w w.ratealew/mg pure.....' Woe lolls apply W. JAME* D. ALLEN. Woolpk. n W, W. CONEOB, 24s%_ May1614. Orlp4tataJ ow tam. •2422-M B. 1licl'ORM1�K, TAIIAR, Pc (M.'I.EAYS OLD STAND, EAST Sr.) PREVIOC'8LY CCTTER. '1'G I. C. DETI.UH, k 4,', T•6TIMUNIAL: GD1RICB I0e1, Nr.Pr IW.v, 51,, yepr)RJ,j'K TT has two a oar am A'oymoul a. Cutler for urea 1 year. Ho * cap*J* of tutting h.r y Ont els. establishment. We *err* for Wm w cw4,4.a*, of ea, also Soto.mp*y Wm. t• -'MN e. 1207II0R A Co all N s I n� great varix A'AC1A\'A'�Gs ler) tJiult'e, :mu 10 CfiN UII; BrUSLINS, Brilliants ana Marsoilles ; Wide Tissue Cloakings and Velveteens ; BROWN HOLLAND, very good;tor 20 cents: BOOTS ani cls E3r;OFJ9, cibo.• Dundas Cotton Yarn, white and colored. Ooderich, Apial23th, 1870. 143 NEW DRY GOODS! A CHOICE SELECTION of NEW aad,BEAUTIFUL GOODS Is IUST TO 1IAXD aGaerleh, Apriil211I870. .12 JOHN HARRIS. CARDS t.� BILLrIIE I.) THLT Plain and Fancy. Printed at City Rates NEW GROCERY STORE, WHITELY & ELLIOTT DEALERS IN GROCER(EA, PROVISIONS, WINES A LIQUORS, Cotner Kinston Street tt )garket,fiquate' x Ayer's I MN TRU -I • �'i rimming It air r , rue t �7A�yFor rec/oring Gray Hair o * 10.10° r� hTLF .w ions .... a.v Ir . • , . ■ ., r -T i wawa moms Jul A dressing which its at MECO agreeable, STOIC! & BOWELS' lean►y, and effectual !r t fop preserving the hair- Faded or prayDR. RADWAY'Et 1pm F. hair is soon restored t 10 Na original color wild Me 91oss and rah nese of youth. 'litslair is shit's44- PURGATIVE PILLS',• falling hair checked, and 1' nese ofleu, though not always, cured . by its use. Nothing cau restore the heir where the follicles are destroyed, MATUR?A 1hD1cA candelas la its wpwletllr or the gllulds atrophied aid decayed. M1p7 parooL read eatArLeaaeata Ibakf*,.'d sit re Dot such 241 remain can ke eared for w1fp0'O'' 0Ma the 6024.1., and thf0.b tyk, le 00th+ • oprq[altk" utor•meat, pulp II ty usefulness by this applicatioi. juet'J , caw the Loan and ui.,...tt. tt�rteailSp Of (owns; the hair with a pasty ee ]{ ser the portion .r cure, et 024000,41 d ael Inent, it wilt keep it cleats and vigorous. dice*••, roe au..l, ued•ea Its occasional use will prevent the hair La- llu.w.a •,I a,•epketw ea• •I. Ilak ltlw4.010 t front turning gray or falling off, and tial dinu,.ne..n s0ceal eh•m+erp-.a 164 "aim* Awurequgotly prevent baldness. Fran 0244,0* of ',Wahl. e.h.tat,ey, lot the Bonuses of • PC MSATIVS. APkltlk:N f, AhlLINWt-(RJtl?. (rout those deleterious substances which ANI. AI TERATI4'E PDLL, that e a y teb•n w maks SUMO preparations dangerous and dais *e.w wH► th• ab■otra rra.eer °,.•eVru,r, injurious to the hair, the Vigor tau TI 01:0X0 ESPUL�i0N uP ALL DSI;41 by Duly benefit but est Marrs IL u wanted AND DEl'Or}l'OSINO.ke.eea* .a lbw human hod/ Merely fur • kMd aloe tab to take is the soot uw;pn.0 d awns hoe Foran fa cry w4•re Ino ..ores a.sbraa°e HAIR DRESSING, II ',.` N1e. vcamr.m•"*"45[ea°,.,ow+► nothing else can he found so desirable, Ga lie Bilary Pancreatio, Containing neither oil nor dye, it doe*e ► AT TILE SIC1k:4L OFFIC.-Pe. .101 soil white cambric, and yet las* Corrlplaints. long ou the heir, giving it a rich gloss/ tustr. and a grata(uJ perfume& IPrepared by Dr. I. C. Ayer & Co., Sa•i.de°r•sdkLme• sae Wluyuent•r Ail• 242424•,, me male 4114., 10 saw ration of 008.24 sorra. y II'IU.Cr1CAL AND Assaf -meat. CnExQ3'Tg, l01•64lr.tor Th..* ara. ho0••m, bet n77 M , San ..424:,1,1 that are entitled to lay d1lka•a(, 24 j e LOW WELL, HAM or •adrfw .we... 'AC AU them nooses pills •,1 alanburnie Farm fur Sale TOWNSHIP OF ODDERICH. tl 1 I.' -Y from 11 -.leash ad , toile* erase rl alou, t3011E Ii IC H. [ .402244.1 241 the upr.l Rued Rue** fru* 'k.te- +et 1,. 1*'nehl, form •e.,8 it ,...pant.' by t4. Rat Gudenr4 Jun 110th 1176, . ,wp,,H ants 14,«r It e.raa. 013 24'.241. Illi woos *roe seree rima of el,trle and ,II . 111,{11 .tate .t veldt* ads Rob clay Imo. boob n.4 k.nl e*A. It k teen •.•e'd by t.• liergatr0•rna A. oreb.rd 2f 140 apple tr.* M bnring-(ell vete anal,.- .1... a rem ,e.'.. plum.. ywobe• and e.4«,roe.. and • few -eller 2844 slaw 241 11.15120* ?Rm..0 lone, by 4.7 01 3 II' trait naps to 8.44.2. tarmac e. tiara tanker MAUL' 'AWN. a Oe 1/ TRW. \0' 4.ALL, Ryadd Ili [rot, G.denr►, TEACHER WANTED. 1 A N71111 IMMEDIATELY A *AWOL TEACHER fur t. Realm Nu, 0 f1WMAa WJILAT, eeRirW ENGINE - t0$ SALE AIe hnnr I1.o, tea p.,rtaL4 F..gm., .0.24.24 prow mala R�*ra* i BLmLrd. ACT ly u Atli f o4ry a PAIN Mcrtf- s Gitlerich.% Jams*. 1810, A ---GREAT BARGAIN ! i{1IIOR SALE VERT CHEAP, PART 0? a Lot 6,10 eon, Ashfield, Co, Haunt 80 acres. Y5 ele•red, Rood sell, Beech and Maple timber, Corner lot with living creek 44 miles front Ooderieb. ...Vise will be ll.mlharn, RoJgrrvik,s. P='24004. ►:.•ler; J, II, given for part of purchase mom?. Cum M, Chalon; '.. n,.di Lu••k n., w; C Ho, know I °t:ron. •nd all M dle*N Dealers. NN 1 Apel! Pnet paid 40 NeMAHON t ninnoNS- Re-riater•, Inn'o1. ioedon July, 8th, 1870. swri.lw D ARABIAN OIL FOR I3ORSS8 & CATTLE. A NEVER ' FAILING REMEDT. '7'2444 VAI,CAfLE PREPARATION r074RINB9 a ell roe m.n,nwl nn.... of rho. •0101.• mach nng �Knperlennt tom preyed to newest* 110.1 ale 2400 prone'...a ter w• Y Ple.h Wotan*. Sprain* dimwit, Rolla of all lore, Craehen Rrd4, Cnl..rAllort1. /wean*,, let.. ▪ Por Ar,4ie Gre..e, Nome, Ionic... M. s w4nle . Coo* „..d Cowl*, 7 uwl.red re H U rtpe Nrrll nn, .1d me .11., T4 I t d 1. .,mer.? he. leen used f nl, .w .rut m y puny rose• t :eruaghl7 . '• ', trd.4 e• he th. t•h..p. t and 1(001 r ro▪ le rnme,4 e- .I1 enrrfal en el.un. ever ed .14 Ulan' t,uhlk-tl /244. when .8.517 used sod * Ihl.tllw.pp:,.d T".. that «t ..l Rows.* all - Co..u• 74.0,4*,,• thm2ghnu''he tr..roi,,,ti rrwr -_ per 1.004•. NORTI1(1Cra 1.4610 N. Ne • •. (4,,? Prepw..)ore Nub! m Oowneh d Pa Cultic had I Jordon ; (i•nhn,r dr Co. 8a , hear ; Janet Breams. Radeterville; J. 'I'.ckerd Exeter 4, H. Comore, Clinton 1 L+•ead, Lal engirt E. Lone., Rsafora, sad MI 1404W1 '444•,.. *0p. GRAND DISPLAY D. FERCUBON HAS OPENED .OUT THE LATEST STYLES TEE CHOICEST PATTERNS THE BEST QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES His Factories & Sheeting, it will pay you TO DRiVE 20 M,ILES TO PIIROHA.$E For Cbeapnem sod quality ail his stook is Uneynal;ed. A LOT OF COTTON YARNS BEST QUALrrY AT NEILL PRIQEES{ IN BOOTS AND SHOES HE CANNOT BE COMPETED WiTH I(n���I,wI!'r $I8 OROCERIE5 THE HALT 'D11w TJ'IE ®£S£fR� Ate •goal ip all recpneG fn tb4ae wirictl lana �rdu kgT•Cained him the repn4tloR sf keeping Abu In wend M h the CAMM.R.end theTRM1rIt OF THE (MTILTRRN G7 CIAO AR will ppear, followrd hr all the THE MOST RELIABLE .'.alelend Amide 180 tete • 1114 0•`e. •.-roust.. nine, *awns, mew ane, ,lona, bore*, fr. The. whole to r mono role. titled THE KU KLUX KLAN, • SIM 1)R,. 1i'iITIATIOO OF TWO /UMBERS INTO THE MYSTIC ORDER. R.:..:.r t ,�: f' W. I. G J JP. 1)FORf1i{ BiSfl(W, Malttlelp3; A. 8. RARCOCK, (1.111 ROaiwaal ARsot, F.D. BUCKLEY, A.tatset. !,r W. MAY AILLARSIeiIMF.F7, Askuorot. to reg... r.RILctI1* 111r �JDMI MO P. arm - '*4 FAMILY GROCERY IThi CilODIi.it;I en BE CURE TO CALL ROUND TO HIS PVT( )42, F; v.. roMmri.. v-'6111 0 I net r M*...rwp24fnr rrar pnrrll..r HE CHARGES NCTHI► G FOR MOWING 0 ARp YOU WILL SAVE MOHJS! EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISE. .'t sic) ms Convenient to the Market. His stoc-k or stoves acc IS LARGE AND 'COMPLETE KINOS OF JJ3 WORK WILL OE DOM THE SAME AS USUAL Goiliolc9 lit July. 187. FOR SALE MEAT'. STAR OFFI0.1 BOOK STORE. W.t7f1 EUa eat, apply lit 'the -11000 OMee.e July 5th, 18n. -.w116-4f - J LADDERS FOR''ALE. T*44, at'R„(•R1RE1L/1 AN A *TUCK RI h.,I1DE1W 1'.. r.., 044 kr.ph.. 1L HORTON M,r. (adereh 1044 June 1870. wait( BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE. 1.YY: THE VICINITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHCROM ur partlerl.n .pp) 10 Dederick loch June sem. II. MORTON Rem ass -tea INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. -r-- ln 4Ae wafter of Jams 1'24•)19 the elder aft Ins(dwen/, 0110EI. *rube eve. .hrper.e••t .o the pane L. . 'g any,.2Ll \... a 0nye, aMe lsoe lean.. inn-• k,4n•.!M- TV`,4. lerYag.ap0 ws .v4. m Mo,,o.l will be .eek by 1 rl.lie Ann.en t (\e A.rtn. Van .1 Mr. fl.now M. TreweW, a the Tow. of tkelerke, Cowry of Wednesday on 'the 27th dsy of lUly, A D. x1870: AT THE MICR toV TWELVE 0\'LOC! NTNE)4 ria. .4.1 .r .mg.ler *at eery*. parcel or tract n lend awl prem. • /am. .,d be.ug,nth., Town kti of )I 4. ev rod C .0 ,t f therm and Pa Tiuu of On aro, Inn b.ln"..np'..1 eft a Wee e p property motels, Woras qv (40 A(.7145Ctg, r the *we etre or *n, of wisch about 45 4'M n ele.,A 'Ab lett a scity Imam of wand 'moldy. The holl4Ind. thereon enn•i.t •A n etmr Hour *lint 19.10 feedeith • frame EA Ache, bed lid. Fran* Rarer 33.'.: R. R. r. tv Iowa good Ymuu. (,.4.r.i,,, .i, *tool*. TT ii p."' . t't. is well rit°aad h' n,,' • ,nlle ...I • halt trim the e''R:oWug •Meg. of Lr:, •ort/., You filllain kulnnap 1 to the Ase.g.ta err In . e Guxl if Juyq IIALDAY, Solicitor, 0o4rrerh Meted .1 (Maki' W. 1211 lee.1L4y, 1074, oboe . SPRING & SUMMER TRUE -- MHDICAL DI$COVERIES. ratan *LOIN Rads pnrel(y alike, wile item with. dreatke Ike/ The erb0nri4er ►•e wa • r•ir,d • rrw and Com. ale • hoes piety .8.08 0;1; 4g\•, Mdtuua light Tweed., Lim*, NORTH 11"l• 4 LYMAN, .ADW ATn! MLI.d o • alias t24, X h ~ 1RM 14. ices, �. autos• Lrcn..J.. hewn Out., n. Wri• b1•Jiea n fail•, to esker 11 Cir •01.1 on /...Ione► by Parker t Cattle •0.1 •8.181824 w minrN klgdoes Calomel .8.1 the From the Beet Markets Jordon. n.NIMr4A:u Hayfield Je• Debt hit 1.1.1' atmrmtiue+nfmpmrn.awno e•ntutraPOEy h .lyyt all„ J 11,1 ales Ea•kr, J. L .r te, alt an ailerorsra lead the root popular, fie. 11 * mJs'. All. Il, 1. rod, Lu,kmw Y. **Le., meta*, watered o8. WO cue• nal a 1.W,•0'1 AL'ea t;•244,,. M.m0,0e 1M•.,[. Nc ntnw,y. Antimony, Polypi* lotion and korai Tho Most Fashionable w-11 i4rw'uephe. Ila cathartic. redo., for the teWi�• P A T T E K N S IKae*tnr af. hat tor it ••g• of W se renwJ YIN • 1 A ! ile lo�A - la}Wr1b><Rje1 fwRiRRpRN9 - - r .ri. 241• the eaq.e y u the ,rtaal runs. e4o1 Jyejg� IA t - rt pro,., Wal w the .144., We. 4.Ie !1 . 1w.P¢u fwk4eb an rya lay pan, �TA'!E ale•• r•w►Lt,IN24 eUC•E 7I1 (.OT I\ Fr W �+ v v • • U N L U P m 110 einem if Ike. U arra* MN le**. H .,ar ,,,«i ~' t L. le, ttJl +e ne,t ink t kw* Name ere**, ,e...nr emwr..ltwus ansa► g•+.1 *me +4e*�� edema len, They older In •t 7 *.heat r Cell. •.d L 111 Kg• -11•* e,rrMw. Tann wry at•dleiae that eapoaral ass and ted oda YsewbJ Merchant Tailor. Algry lean „P1 etc, •n •.ra4 r U wdo»e a su6eG1818 in (Next door to the Bank of Montreal -• ear w' ar.N1tC2RT, Hrgernlle, P. os Calomel or;Wei-Aw y: WEST rR1:Eu T, .Ula4t11 - Te RADWAy-14 Plj,Le) ani lune en A ..,lua4 ear A good IMAMS& treated immediately. -- Extensive New Premises Ib•t . n rmwr• /.sill •. ,,,.re t►°re.a24 ..d \.rout *MU truly th.n wUI,M? j" e.dor24 AprU 7t\ 1/70. (•rent a (• ear Warne„„• Jr. ANL) 1•ght• p .8.r ofth•ind wil�1Igranuj„ar A r•onni /�,/k SPLEN [)[I) NEW STOCK r'ba4tr* ,a fe indtrllk"aBJ4.aslinac iIW4.'M: 4D, Morris & � 17y: t"� nae" Clr. ;•, Il. lir gNa.s.l net 4wwwort �Ak•tlec• Opticians and Oculists, O YPMIL A'.., IT ACE. WITH A VIE a TO MELT VIE 1!- il4.lnaDdeoel •u .\y Irtnt04 I•M.,,.o g1'eca,k., .;4'21.4 r JOgt1G. , ebestet epi Druggist, (ills*) E, Ara • a► the 91 Ag01.ufur Wi pic. � Tun Moe''ski'', ear.- ly' flay al, rK i tounrr ?Io,.., ad ave tai the *Ain, c. thew Age.. to Ilse •anuirea•?• ..f 411 ear An ,54g,u„war 0,11 We. Iko. vg.nkdps prorate, al t tone. awl ae,.e. muegr;le.l 1T any her their strength_ moophow, Ih7 ...Onus/ *snot be rias l0 their .,p erhM,, n .e.O s/ y*•.r. 28.. There * m e..2¢ waning lee*, d.irb'ra. M 0,8., unpl.w* Wt *lion of 1l,.rot : Leto. thee•ie,�r„hrogwl the l *84*4 m c4 10g • Delwg .4 relief m i. • wearer, • ei poltarb.g • cltu.mt d.n.,r/ mem, as w Me 1.1en1 N-n►y mei. nay .ra f►. only „p,rsrk, lh.t PRE$ERVE0A& - WELL-AS-AGIIS'T SIGHT. sr• h 1 • eh eerier rearm the Mu, •Ivry. Venni or re with*. elanI1 Ming rm0Wr7, LT We employee Peelers. 1 \ 11 a ne.nt n/ C2mn• •...I Nh and• Oft C. Barry & Bro., 1.40 *e r lir 1 •1 th• 18124 pill. T11r Mit wean. lir •.aee Ile rentid whet•« O\r pk rhos t mit DSC ean.A t•gon4? rag A. *f1A.•rU,o.t dna w owe pr•serildiune aro aiteo tor, willows nal 248 any rusk frau Ia nari•L.,sa w naiveties 1240 {teas, a Cabinet Makers, Utdertakers & Weed n'� Purga*" 4.'keilmu -Y t TurnersThar en two prWeip;ee wit ah •list i. comp liner human body : •roe * tees prud•et of dem, TTA,MTT 4 i �rT s i', Mw�t*a.uw, (tklw hupotee,4.4.. o, 1441 •t It.tr , o, ,1 e.'r. 1' 1....1024 6.41.. 440,. we Joan 4Je.W by 4• • ...b• ,, and (nasi u We..,l to w8.. Acb.ou'• 11.mer Slop, when .ill he bread, breed torlee thetehetril.* °thr ah.(. b°dagtrf y&imitinaat.h.IJerleooee ay.i , .a.wees wlsons.rp eAEltcwGo,B.a,..b.AU*mp$8qOB.TmeiM,peeElT7ur- 1d°M.$.r.P•ansmtutt•*W8.°.,G.ONea,.d rtheablothyrewytri.tbs.nag bode is *applied '- warn, elle/.*applied with WOW. WWW0,1a,'11r.r *ky T t RI C1 wants, de., but when. from any mem, the Any..• CU't2K* (lar ear..n4 woad ••.1.4,) of thew °roar ant *speeded, dial it is.00mr•1 t♦ CL l-lr?A nD4, te/an 1. • t o *into. (a .w IlhUaflAIMI pel,int .mev oA, W AyiPr,7AaM 4 all aedietau ever airs. a tie hamar vnet VAITah:I�IF.1, this purer•, there le none IA the Wean 0f MATT. WCNUY2, RIAM6UICA or CHEMISTRY that•.e.ns these •„uPAn important r•eulle w'°'.w41.IIAPY1Ll sad .tla WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES, snob C°bik DlLTy of 1. n l l;1 ."A ''.11 --. L'' . * ••'°agljl• I Ir lime Cheap for Cash. 4s1AMTAY9 PILIS, the lw•prre:rdatrit. {pan* la .nand -sot elon tO the oth.taof dymy. n.,kj the fare* ee t airrenN.* from tie % pats, but thrl humor. that en elmoked t.r •hlpoad in their p••••1a.// and the .hkia, A ,,.1. Loop., sono NI e.»rn ee'ret'nl1 .g...foirg at. fur if tit., taereremi � eernti•.d belonging to the akin, liter, leap, art Ia, amente is their•n.p•, they&4p... teen, lid leeemponition., owl mutthe ponied - nal* Affelelfid Under. h1 _ A CALL SOLICITED. co The Beet Pen Ever Invented. [Rico 2", CENT11 PER WA. ras he hod ea Telegraph Nevis-Vepot, roller* II* *wine; nketraph Colopowy, REPT RA WERT WAR& tri THE PLACE TO BU 70174 If nIEF.:WOritifft IR AT MP Li M. TRItEMAR. Roderick Jelly 6th, ORO. jr,,Iintvesurxt.r of I !NMI. rosnonirgo orf•ft,no 715 font. t.o $0,0, and from to feet la 10 feet ABRAHAM SMITH Ran OP sawn RODS TO HIRE suarents PANTS,' Mr Dont forget ln nail at the ST46 'BUMMER VESTS Ofioe Book Store. HUMMER RATS, CAMERON'S BLOCK And overythlag intlIable ler the ireason, stools h.- 1. ATOM ATR Of T gelling At the Lowest Passible Prle,e for Gash ILia At*. Material, sail Nip* ...oh that rat na• 111131LettlIRCIURER PRIM To 117711MATT MOW 1 he he pointed to Orme% *we rof every diserripterm In woelirnselilm manger. AII work *Intel* to leins In the Mara. or Thomas Oar* 4 anlmeis •1i We nth. ion awl intonon 1 the Ow gnaw - MIN of Worn on 13.4eeleh ter Jelly. 1170. aerate CIA 1.110M. TRII TS TR, Fromm ANT PI,RAtrt tot hem .446. R•ATI Weerenen by Melenten Resesere, dated one 11 P•tionery hop+ pare As die owe lose loot ea Ike 145 Jew taw. JANIS rees WS 1/12.1 1876, At TAP wort OT twrimpir ()Tract noon) am. An and aro*. Awe neerein towel* Haat of awe mestere ofteno lykig woe now le IA. Troarlp la Ira Crary elf Seem drel in ,•10 •04•11 al • 4 l• hurtful ernenoll/ peewee L, UAItt; !UP of the (JEN ITALIL. ontlfintat from. tale skno.• or .41.4.111 l• LADIEg An ed ir Rome 1.gga, Hutt* Milk ote., MN irafrotal to 'ante urGedirla. E. PLUMII,Elt co., TO SELL letone 114 he en4 Waltrinprot office fuse try. floni: hardwood watered with • never failing emelt IVY Slow railing aortae Alm roel rime by the WWII Anne, awl MM. • Redoing nrelurd. Nils et plena, Alarli, obit. and rad eltrran/a, pea., rad end yellow gnmeherylitii. tor farther potboiler. apply to. the lerANT11111, AT TN 10 FIR1I1911 TT Motel a Iret-now welt 0441 a voil Ames non IOW Orly PIANOS, !FRI ROXISE ORGANS, The nod tatemilve rakers If the 110•410i01. Illiannigalle WC% 110111,0041101,1. bean W appointed wig •er iloderiob and the Normand Lag cavalry of ON shore Rielly celebrated Ilna. *on a row panel to eill 41 article. note 11, them, at RUNUP ACTURER, PRICES. 7.eries .07 be Mart *4 tempt otrowtallawl LW mil- t. Wide-Roonin, West Moot DANIEL, GORGON. for the 24th I PIRP CEA, tuns now tic rrtNro RR T ROOK RIll. awl riiNtrxwq WHOLESALE & RETAIL AT S A Beautiful Assortment JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS JUST fti.eLIVEl„ Tishiaki Tackles., AP 1,t, RIM" inOWIttitTINA fit /Mt IA, D.. FERGUSON AND SELLING 'AT 1:00ST MISS SKIMMINGS. Nadorieti .01, 1170. OrTISSeti Era; largoz=4.a.: 7:4111;44, JAMES STEWART YOB AI4. KINDS Or Llano. Awn 0114114151RNTAL TRICR51, (Writ r hon. Plants' iireptiVrote, At,. tell MATES & ELLIOTT 1 1 Inn In thr public *town • out r. r.einidiy in all the work slalrnalart to them, Wel ern popariel to loin not Wsgrons. Buggies. aw• l werionan•hlp sad lathe re.; know{ tetea. Cutters, Sleighs, a large assortment of INSOLVENT ACT(77 1804.& 69 calmer dr Perm., tkiik Oho salgt seas 4044/ • nt *homey 14111/1/11. 41/T. VW. tharlde ilialstbanl of lite bro., lake itat/TW Al li in sneneteia quantity (2. let ..e11.1.0 *e Inn weak to hold their 1 onstitnent reformy theybold Pod lot lorneltorrhow, In !Mahon{ Digeromdrafti s'Old painful dire:quirt* of wawa* along One violent assi revere swam when at elsell well mph..., rind drolly.' the heeling pwwww et • month's Medleollory Demons of newt*. habil* sof feting from the* difficulties *lipoid never WO Am toil, 111.1 will Jive/ally AI, 111,1 WW1 *horn of on es is 711 ve charnel,. ha OW ilisriar OIL be them fa weuknem ft. time perrett gdiatagrigitmai the repoIred atfle.ltro, land III all Mee* (eve PI IAA ..10 Rh'. 8.11 lenelrel lye prig Vont ere *In Di soy ronslittop of weakest* ItAL1WAT4 take. Till. l• showttcleur to ‘11. iiiolwrOArinIt I and rehtore regularity lo the r,,n,t ions ot WO ha °otiosity e•gbdant• wile. the IN MO. ere rnetliti WlIl romoye n11 dem" wad dew en reel ok el, nie of TNIfia REIN, KJ RH Lys. sow (IA RADWAY'S PILLS; that nt• their system to pleafento health. , 1. I f hrtisk or thorough peeve (tipkthe Word Mee mon* we mean to lanI/W.$ 11.1tt WW,W smallness be applied to the delayer °salivated elm arementa of I hs akin, Mver, knits*" as well ea Ma nternerf teem la (De bowebI * required. Mere wetter ready tO IAA purgeitout ref the hettly. *MOW la required. tWo to throe will produce 4410 17 atairriy• dinner appetiser, M..* healthy dtgeetlon. owe poi too or three boort bee eler• diluter. Tleir daily raw, ea fin In &Am of one or two pu., Iv 5. penelnaha pripilatiott of the hew" and all I WI 11 not only keep the !Lend dinette, With, ninon wow wilt k ewe og 'torture t, sad • hundred other ni.,,,eiltAIPWAY11 PI Ogee Iterare damper, taken dilly; win tures/Arm "vat tite foil, imi nir •