HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-03, Page 15SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON TRUCK CAMPERS As low as Now I n Stock 2 — 11' used campers 1 — 17' used trailer 1 --.‘• 9' used camper 1 — 20' new trailer All at reduced winter prices See us for winter rentals Graham Arthur Rentals OhOne 235-1873 Exeter . . . and no one ever regretted buying . .. or receiving quality Pretty Wrappings And Bows Are Nice ... BUT It's The Gift Inside That Really Counts These Brand Names Mean QUALITY 4%1 ▪ Forsyth Dress Shirts. Plains, Stripes & White • Shelby Cardigan and Pullover Sweaters • Currie Sport Shirts and Neckwear • McBrine Luggage a Biltrnore Hats • House of Stone Suits and Co-Ordinates GOULD ho, Names You Trust & joRy Dial 235 ,0270 Exeter ig14-41N184.0:14 CP:Ki•ttAi t«:14 OtiO '*:Kits1;04% rkle4 oile,W4.0414-01-0, FIRST AID GRADUATES — A large group of Elimville area residents recently completed a St, John's Ambulance First Aid course successfully. Back, left, Larry Lynn, Jean Lynn, Isabelle Fletcher, Jack Hem, Douglas Fletcher, Blanche Johns, Leona Hern, Kay Blair, Hazel Miller, Marjorie Johns, Marion Skinner, instructress Jean Cann and examiner Key Carpenter. Front, Shirley Cooper, Annie Johns, Marlene Hutton, Sharon Lynn, Sharon Batten, Dorothy Elford and Marie Brock. T-A photo Two home from hospital Centralia man hurt in fall Extra Special This Week Beef Loins Cut, Wrapped & Quick Frozen Lb 89` itiottiegil MARKET BOY Here's Part of A Note We Recently • Received from One of Our Satisfied Customers IN CHATHAM "Thanks once again for your good service and delicious beef. We sure are PROUD to have folks in for dinner now. It was just great!" H amburg Fresh Ground Potatoes Ontario 10 lbs. Ice Cream J avex 64 oz. 7c off 2. 99' 37' 89' 43' Bissets Quality Assorted Flavors 1/2 gallon Martens Apple or Libbys Tomato Juice 48 oz. 2 for 69C Mixed Nuts 2 ..1" O ranges Sunkist 113's Dozen 69 Stalk Celery California each 29' Lockers for Rent By Month or Year exeLer frozen foods 4a/MARKET ••••••• 4ROCEPIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH CURED MEATS 235-0400 EXETER Attractive Income Home, A-1' condition. Doctor's office at side already occupied, Attractive living room, dining room, modern kitchen, large new addition including large family room, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, large master bedroom, four other bedrooms, centrally located. Terms can be arranged. EXETER modern 3 bedroom bungalow, remodelled 3 years ago, oil heat, 81/4% mortgage. Can be purchased for $11,800. LOW DOWN PAYMENT of $2000. EXETER — Income property, 3 apartments $170.00 per month income, well located 2 blocks from uptown. Reasonably priced. Terms can be arranged. EXETER— Executive home. New split level, large entrance hall, large living room, dining room, custom made kitchen cupboards, large bathroom, built in vanity. Both levels carpeted wall to wall, 1 bedroom on main level, 2 bedrooms on lower level, bath, 3 piece and laundry room, large family room, lower level. Attached garage. EXETER — 3 bedroom, red brick home on Sanders St., well located, oil heat, full basement, separate garage. Terms. DASHWOOD 3 bedroom home large lot located beside Community Centre, new furnace. Priced for quick sale, Terms. EXETER — Main St. 3-bedroom brick home modernized, broadloom in living and dining area, new gas furnace, new roof, and sewer prepaid. Can be commercial property. EXETER — Ann St. 2-bedroom bungalow, new addition at rear, full basement, sewer connected, new oil furnace, terms available. GRAND BEND 25 acres south on Highway 21, vegetable storage concrete block warehouse included, Any reasonable offer will be considered, CREDITON AREA — 100 acre farm, good land, systematically drained, moderhiZed brick home, all conveniences, good deep well, combination of 3.5,000 laying hens, automatic feeding, etc. EXETER Serviced bldg. lots, Dow Subdivision. ZURICH New 3 bedroom, split-level home, LivingrOom, dining room, kitchen, electric heat Well located on a large lot 66 x 198, Terms can be arranged, HODGSON LIMITED INSURANCE — REALTOR M. J. Gaiser Phone 235-2420 J. A. Kneale 11 Properly For Rent 1 CHEERFUL bedsitting apart- ment, freshly decorated. Adults only, Apply Doug Parker, Bill's Barber Shop, Exeter, 10:29tfne MODERN 1-bedroom apartment, electric heat, downtown, avail- able Dee. 1, Phone 235-0915. 11; 12 thic MODERN 2 BEDROOM apart- ment, large kitchen and living room. Ground floor and heated, close to downtown, Available Dec. 15. Phone 235-2602, 3c 2-BEDROOM HOUSE in Corbett. Available Jan. 1. Apply Hugh Adair, 294-056, HEATED UPPER apartment, Exeter North, 3-bedroom, stove and frig, separate entrance. Immediate possession, $95, 227- 4154. 3;10c HEATED, furnished or unfur- nished 2-bedroom apartment on Main Street, 235-2376. 12:3tfne FOUR BEDROOM BRICK house, 81 Highway, Grand Bend, Park- hill, London commuting on Highways. School bus facilities. Write W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 12: 3tfnc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE nicely dec- orated, broadloom living room, family room. Close to business section. Available Jan. 1. Phone 235-2421. 12; atfne TOWN HOUSE ground level 1 bedroom modern apartment, electric heat, laundry facilities. Available now, $80,00 per month. Phone 235-2420. 12:3tfnc EXETER—Self contained apart- ment, private entrance, all util- ities paid. Ideal for couple. 235-0382. 12:3tfnc 2 3 BEDROOM one floor brick cottage, basement, 212 Andrew St. $90.00 monthly. 482-3821. V 18 For Rent BOOM TRUCK — Reaches 48'; also compressor with air ham- mer. 234-6202. 3:10e GOING TO FLORIDA ? See us for a trailer or camper rental. Special low winter rates. Gra- ham Arthur Rentals, 235-1373. 26:3c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 3/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2: 22tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4: 24tfne CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand • lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, corner of Wellington & Carling 2 blocks west of Main St. Phone 235-1964. 10: 8tfne 20 Wanted To Rent I NEED HOUSES to rent; also others to sell. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9:24tfnc 22 Notices Attention: Farmers Will be shipping cattle to DUNN 8, LEVICK TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Every Monday For further particulars, or pick-up, contact Campbell McKinley RR 1 ZURICH Phone 262-5430 NOTICE CHARLES BUHLER RR 4 PARKHILL (294-6630) HAS BEEN APPOINTED DEPUTY GAME WARDEN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY • Township Hunting Licenses are available at Taylor's Store, Brinsley. 3:10e When to advertise ? WEEKLY That's the way to a more profitable business. 22 Notices Village of Grand Bend. ELECTION Electors of the Village of Grand Bend are hereby notified that an. Election will be held on Monday, December 7, 1970 to name a REEVE, four COUN- CILLORS and two members of the PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSION. Polls will be open from 10:00 a.m until 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Bend Village Hall, ground floor, An ADVANCE POLL will also be held Saturday, December 5 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the same place, ground floor. MRS. GLADYS CRUMPLIN, Returning Officer. 3c 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of FREDERICK ARTHUR RUNDLE All persons having claims against the Estate of Frederick Arthur Rundle, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1970 are hereby noti- fied to send particulars of same to the undersigned at 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 10th day of December, 1970 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto, this 16th day of November, 1970, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Co-Executor By: Bell and Laughton, its Solicitors herein. 19:26:3c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GEZINUS VRIESE, also known as George Vriese. All persons having claims against the Estate of Gezinus Vriese, also known as George Vriese, late of the Town of Ex- eter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the 28th day of October, 1970 are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the under- signed at 366 Bay Street, Tor- onto, on or before the 10th day of December, 1970 after which date the Estate will be distrib- uted with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the un- dersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have no- tice, Dated at Toronto; this 16th day of November, 1970. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Co-Executor By: Bell and Laughton, its Solicitors 'herein. 19:26:3c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Pearl Martha Fahner, late of the Village of Crediton, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, who died on or about the 22nd day of Novem- ber, 1970. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1971 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having re- gard only to claims that have then been received. PETER L. RAYMOND Barrister & Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for =the Executors 3c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gilbert Wesley Parks, deceased. All persons. having claims against the estate of Gilbert Wesley Parks, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th day 'of November, 1970 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 19th day of December, 1970, after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 3:10:17c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO PREPITOR$ AND .OTHERS In the.. estate of .GLEN WIL- LIAM RATZ, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Student. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed solicitors on or before the 31st day of December, 1970 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received. BROWN, BEATTIE, GUNN & FOREMAN, P.O. Box 339 Ter- minal B., London, Ontario, So- licitors for the Administrator. 3:10:17c 25 auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Furniture and Household Appliances ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM MOTZ MAIN ST., CREDITON EAST SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 Full list will appear in next week's issue. MRS. WELLINGTON BROCK, Executrix WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Man hurt in accident By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD George Kellett had his back injured in a car accident while on his way to work on Highbury Avenue last Wednesday morning. He is a patient in St. Joseph s Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert, Janet and Ruth were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Art Ball, Clinton. Mrs. Percy Passmore, Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore. Mrs. Etta Hodgert is back in her home in London after having spent some time with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert. A combined service will be held Sunday at the annual White Gift Service at 11 A.M. There will be no Sunday School. The annual vesper service of the C.G.I.T. girls will be held Sunday evening at Elimville. The Happy Doubles Club Banquet will be held December 7th. The Sunday School members and their teachers are busy practicing for the annual Christmas concert, December 18. By MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. 8i Mrs. William Hill, Scott, Julie and Stephen of Holly, Michigan, and Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dobson of Kirkton visited during the week with Mrs. Arthur Hopkin. Miss Jean Copeland and Mrs. Oscar Brine were guests at the annual get-together for the correspondents and staff of the St. Marys Journal Argus in the St. Marys United Church, Thursday evening. Miss Jacqueline Beckett of Galt spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and Geraldine. The white gift service will be held at a joint service, Sunday. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Russell Wilson had the misfortune to fracture his heel and some bones in his foot when he fell from the roof of a neighbour's garage to the pavement below. He was assisting in building the garage. Lawrence Hirtzel returned home on Thursday following surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital. Fred Bowden is recuperating at his home following surgery at the Shouldice Hospital, Thornhill. Marikay Hodgins was among the high school students who spent the week end in Ottawa. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom and Mary visited over the week end in Parry Sound with Ray's mother, Mrs. F.C. Shoebottom and with his father in the Wants skating Exeter, Ont. December 1, 1970. Dear Sir: I am writing to say how sorry I am that the Exeter Recreation Committee do not see fit to have public skating on Saturday afternoons. Every Saturday for over a month it has been hockey all day and on occasion there has been no skating on Sunday afternoons either, because of hockey. Is hockey so important that it must take the ice time all Saturday, every week? We invested good money in new skates for our daughter and she has had them on exactly three times this year (twice was after school). Come on, give the kids (and parents) a break, let them skate so we can do our Christmas shopping on Saturday afternoon. Other communities have FREE skating Saturday afternoons for a month before Christmas! Mrs. H. J. Patterson "You often cook much more for dinner than we use, darling." "Of course! If I didn't, how could I economize by making left-over dishes?" Nialis.W41•Nez•Ni0.Viiio-Ii0;47110.PM114k0141 .tiSitaPiliz.Ne4Mieii44iet.'' • FOR WOMEN • Kenwooci Blankets • Dal keith Sweaters • Paris Star Sweaters a Kaiser Lingerie • Kaiser Panty Hose • McBrine Luggage • Wabasso Sheets and Pillow Cases FOR MEN hospital there. Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Allison and Mrs. S.B. Taylor of Exeter arranged a Crediton girl returns home By MISS ELLA MORLOCK Shawn Dinney, after many weeks in the Children's Hospital, London has returned home and is doing well. Julie Schenk is attending Well's Academy, London. Mrs. Joe Bullock and Mrs. Isaac Gower were at the trousseau tea of Mrs. Bullock's granddaughter, Nancy Darbey, in Willowdale, Sunday. Albert Gaiser and his cousin John Scheib and family of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dinney, Exeter, Sunday. Saturday Mr. Gaiser attended the wedding of Mr. Scheib's daughter and the reception in the Dashwood Community Centre. Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. Alf Tilley received flowers and other gifts when they celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Don Jory, Forest were present for the occasion. pleasant evening for Mrs. Lorne Hicks Sunday when they arrived at her home with a sumptuous dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott of Lucan were Sunday evening visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott, Mrs. Russell Schroeder, Mrs. Fred Bowden and Wm. Allison called on Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith while in Toronto for a couple of days. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Burns Blackler and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn of London. Jack Davidson is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Dr. & Mrs. Norman Amos are in Montreal attending a veterinary convention. Earl Watson is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall, Bob and Linda visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Mason in Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Switzer and David of North Bay spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Switzer and family. .Pecimbor 3,4 1970 Pig. 1$