HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-12-03, Page 12Christmas Draw WIN $30, $20 or $10 IN MERCHANDISE OF YOUR CHOICE at Betty & Arts FOODLINER Grand Bend One Entry Available With Each Dollar Purchase Winners Will Be Drawn And Notified After Closing Sat., Dec. 19 Vote For Dr. Morgan Smith to represent STANLEY TUCKERSMI TH BAYFIELD SEAFORTH on the Huron County Board of Education - Ensure that the school board has an educational aim that is understood and followed. - Ensure that costs are not escalated by faulty administration. A.S. ARMSTRONG FOR REEVE FOR McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP Common Sense In All Business Relationship Your Vote Will Be Appreciated On. Monday, December 7 Appearing This Weekend The Country Sound Come out and join your friends for an enjoyable evening of dinner and dancing Club Albatross Centralia Industrial Park Phone 228-6733 Pre- Christmas Special STOCK YOUR FREEZER FOR THE WINTER MONTHS rI 10 lb. Pkg, Turkey Wings - 26c per lb. 10 lb. Pkg. Turkey Legs - 37c per lb. Fresh Turkeys & Turkey Roasts Available at all Times RODER TURKEY FARMS LIMITED ARKONA, ONTARIO PLANT OPEN 8.5 MON.-FRI. 828.3335 'LIGHT 'N LOOK LOVELY' SPECIAL! Make-Up Mirror WITH ELEGANT 12.88 PRINTED CASE Light up her beauty with this dressing-table charmer. Mirror swivels from regular to super-magnifying, edged each side by sha- dow-free lighting. Vinyl case for travel. AM/FM STEREO Ironing problems glide away with this gleaming 'smoothie'! Lightweight Cana- dian General Electric model with air- cooled handle; twin thumb rests; temperature-guide; button-nooks; safety heel- rest. Weighs just 3 lbs. Reg. $13.99 .99 STIRRING SPECIAL! DE LUXE 2-Bowl Mixer beaters; powerful mo- maker brings you this exciting table-model tor; smart sturdy stand. Early Bird Special.... Sensational Early Bird buy from a famous with 10-speed mix-guide; 2 Pyrex mix- tachable extra large bake-store .bowls; de- 38.88 `Mixmaster' $1Ra9 '99 Neat hand mixer. Thumb-tip speed con- trol, Detachable beaters; powerful motor! Food-Blender REG. no $16.98 Ilq°7u Stainless steel cutters; 52.oz container. Powerful motor. Whips, shreds, beats etc. Happy-Giving, Easy-Living Aids WESTINGHOUSE BUFFET SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SAMSON-DOMINION 2-SPEED ••:::!:i*.ia:ax'••• • .7. HOT SPECIAL! C.G.E. AUTOMATIC Coffee Perc A boon to every coffee-loving household! . Brews up to 10 cups—to preferred taste. Selector adjusts to mild, medium, strong. 'Peck-a-Brew' level in- dicator. Mirror-finish chrome-plate. Non-stain polypropylene strainer Special buy We reserve the right to limit quantities on oll sole items • .88 SPECIAL! 'TOASTESS' ELECTRIC SPECIAL! PROCTOR 2-SLICE SAVE! RONSON ELECTRIC rti 110 ••:‘.1orr rirsiA v ,,x4:41,Xf•••••:••••:..., Kettle 7.77 AWard-winning design. Holds over 2 qts, Stainless steel; black handle and base, Knife and Stand 19.88 'Wan' power-handle; 8' stainless blades. Wall-rack itableltand and case. Toaster 10.88 Sleek pois•up toasts to taste, Chromed with Avocado bakelite trim. Crumb-tray. EXTRA! CashandCarry BONUS COUPONS Exeter, Ontario 235.0160 airmairin TIRE Alantgigtmovie MINIM TIRE V. There was a large attendance at the meeting of the Assoc.forthe Mentally Retarded last week when they met in Dashwood Community Centre.. The guest speaker, Roy Stephenson, SHDHS teacher, told of his experiences while travelling throughout south east Asia last year, When comparing the poor conditions of these Exeter hos ts Cancer Society Exeter Branch hosted a meeting of Huron unit of the Canadian Cancer Society at South Huron Hospital, with Branch President, Robert Luxton, extending a welcome. Mrs. M.W. Durst conducted the business period . She announced that the society had received a bequest of $4,130.00 from an estate in the county. Service to patients reports from the various branches pointed up the worthwhile work being carried on by many volunteers. The president reported briefly on the dinner meeting in Walkerton, attended by some local members, mentioning the very outstanding speaker, Dr. M. Jorgensen who spoke on "Our Addicted Society". Arrangements were made for the bus trip taking members to the Regional Conference in Brantford. Don Jolly introduced Dr. D.A. Ecker, who spoke on the Use of Drugs. He enlarged on many legitimate uses in the various branches of medicine, and talked on the widespread abuse of drugs by people who need a crutch and don't want to face reality. Thanks for his timely and interesting address was tendered to Dr. Ecker by James Doig. Following adjournment, Exeter ladies served refreshments. countries to the opportunities afforded to people in Canada he said, "Remember your problems . — but don't over react to them." Mr. Stephenson was introduced by Walter Fydenchuk. Entertainment for the evening was supplied by Don McAdam andAdrienneVan Raay on accordions. They also accompanied Jack Riddell and Jack Underwood who sang and led an enthusiastic sing-song. Rev. A,C. Blackwell introduced Rev. Wilfred Jarvis who installed the following slate of officers: president, Mrs. Alma Godbolt; first vice, Rev. A.C. Blackwell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Margaret Purdy; recording secretary, Mrs. Margaret Wein; treasurer, Mrs. Hilda Smith. The president conducted a short business meeting during which reports of various activities for the year were presented. Beta Sigma Phi assists CAS Xi Gamma Nu members met at the home of Mrs. Bill Essery when a Christmas auction was conducted. Donations were made to the Children's Aid in Goderich and a Christmas party planned for later in the month. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Peter Raymond and Mrs. Bill Schaefer. ALPHA PHI Alpha Pi chapter conducted their business meeting at the home of Mrs. Dwayne Tinney and then moved to the residence of Mrs. Bill Batten where they made decorations for elderly shut-ins. Each member had a guest and Mrs. Jim Newby conducted an auction of items brought for sale. The members donated $1.00 each to the Children's Aid Society in Goderich. WI entertain Senior citizens The Exeter Senior Citizens held their monthly meeting Tuesday night in the Legion Hall. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by 82 members. Christmas carols were sung, led by Joseph White and pianist Mrs. Leeda Sorensen. The entertainment for the evening was provided by the Crediton Women's Institute. Mrs. P. Passmore donated a Christmas cake, which was enjoyed by all. The committee foi January 5 is Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff, Mrs. Shapton and Mrs. Leeda Sorensen. Lunch was served by ladies from Exeter United Church. An estimated 200,000 Canadian children under age six are left in another person's charge while mother goes out to work this year. How safe are these youngsters? What can a working mo ther do to ensure her children and the "proxy" parent in charge of them are well protected against accidents while she is absent from the home? The following measures will help in safeguarding your children while you are at work: Impress upon the children that they are expected to respect and obey the person in charge. Baptist ladies hold party The Friendship Circle of Emmanuel Baptist church entertained the ladies of Braemor Manor at their Christmas meeting, Tuesday evening. President, Mrs. Ella Bailey presided and carol singing was enjoyed. Mrs. Harold Finlay presented the Christmas message. At the close of the meeting gifts were given to the visiting ladies and a social time enjoyed. The officers were elected for the coming year: president, Mrs. Ella Bailey; vice president, Mrs. Harold Finlay; secretary, Mrs. Gordon Marquardt, and treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Perry. • It is your responsibility to cast your ballot in the coming election for, reeve of McGillivray Twp. • It is your privilege to vote for the candidate of your choice. I would appreciate your support, but VOTE on December 7 George E. DIXON `Victory or Defeat' DANCE Mon., Dec, 7 9:30 to 12:00 ALL WELCOME George Dixon Make sure the proxy parent understands that she must not leave the children alone at home, even for one minute. To help prevent potential poisoning, store all your cleaning agents and household chemicals out of sight and reach of the children. Direct the adult in charge to keep her eye on these things when she uses them, and replace them high in a cabinet when finished. If medication is to be administered to the children, tell your baby sitter the exact dosage and frequency. Instruct her to recap the medicine and 1 3 1 1 3 cartridge Tuner 47.95 Converts 8-track tape player in- us AM /FM radio. Solid state with slidequle dial for point reception. 12-volts, return it to its proper storage place immediately after use. If she takes medication, she must be told to follow the same safety rules about keeping the medicine out of reach of the youngsters. To help prevent burns and scalds, tell your baby sitter to keep pot handles turned toward the side or rear of the stove, to test the children's bath water before letting them enter the tub, to keep matches out of the children's reach. If there is a discarded refrigerator or freezer on your home premises, remove the SAMSON-DOMINION Hair Dryer $111% 13.44 Swishportable; sets to any desired heat. Trim light tote-case. A 'beau- ty-full' gift! CASSETTE Tapes Calendered nylon rollers, 30-minute• . • 41.24 60-minuie . • • .$1.0 90-minute....$1.9S 120-minute. ..52.39 doors or seal them against the possibility of a child getting inside. Children can be taught to put their playthings away when they are through with them, if a place is provided for easy storage. This will prevent many an accidental fall over a toy left on the floor or stairs. Leave • a pad beside the telephone which shows the name and telephone number of your doctor, nearest relative, friend or neighbor, and the telephone number of your place of employment. Make sure your substitute knows it is there. Fry Pan $2995 22.99 Polished aluminum 12' square, VA" deep. Detachable cord. 1350-watt, Non-slick I .493nanX f 1 App l y Ora A CANADIAN !p:i TIRE P,..;% 0, Credit Card 04 •4? Today 12 Times-Advocate, December 3, 1970 Association for retarded hear of Asian problems BOARD OF DI RECTORS APPOINTED — At the annual meeting of the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded last Wednesday night in Dashwood, the slate of officers was elected for the coming year. The new board of directors are shown here. Back row left to right, Elzar Masse, Case VanRaay, Mrs. D. Purdy, Mrs. R. Jacobs, Mrs. W. Mickle, Rev. A. Blackwell, Rev. W. Jarvis, who inducted the new slate. Front row left to right are Mrs. Gerald Godbolt the new president, Mrs. Caffrey Cann, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. L. Wein and Mrs. A. Hemmingway. Ensure children safety while mother is absent from home SMOOTH $4.00 SAVING! C.G.E. Steam/Dry Iron fi to fit Si 4 fi ,r1;CotsWaPTeet.X•illeat za ess.11,27..esii'mrtWoenies.;;Sizs,eiihtsciiiies.egim•eXixer'caArasiassiheiizet.;11,iss.Ciks.P.iire.Piihst.Ps1ixa5;111.P.4ixat wasts•Wits•WirxecPsiaagiii'ms.aiks.a.r1iffsseXics.WrisPii0..Piin.eitiz.V•iiies.,eSiseslgasNO;:iiin.eslies ev0 tre4.01.0 ttK0 tti0 lrOatx.',/40%.i eRtAil;*4 tq'Ai 011$ lITTA oTAi c 4i tArdIRIS oTA IPla lO.'40?4 041(a• 0$11Ataft Rsil• 084i 084'S 4/VaTAII• mr44:1I40 arr,i ergs' w,,ittve; tsmet