HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-7-14, Page 2.-T --
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ttra iY con td sM pea' mets he reply AM diso j,eb touch$ a MMA of- it. Mr. - - . _.- _a±�i Y_ _ .iliru. `.'-'"-'.�_-_ . _ _ _.-`. . j ai::.•k�� Hwy ..._ . � __ .. - - _t s.-
` i�1l X41 n: and 'I.K • !h• 1'+'~t►,' 4fD1TONUAL NEWS C1y1g8��IT " `- - - ---.,_-_ -. -. - _
Mrs lied •ad 4'tr i wAn M tmr•f sir moat lasses usciale wa I -- THE CY1Fl8 IN B� B� Tne to .sur policy °f wubbiteg sp '1t a 'resents from aha Queen, whish tan°iced este, and Yawa to taro beets
t hat sw,"g rood slowly.' aver know must kern boon h.errifled,ohne �}n 04"ll Ilmireredy u be ba"To&, bat tnstsess`et nor colosaee, ion terve bow rf obey are anxious to rco.irs. The► ea- turt:nered by the Irirn L of tbe {xw,aon.
... I wink W 419-9- that they- u & w&rehonssn ut and J♦ A *MItiM 11esteN BeyH lMa1�s rr Canada u( all her at At
Oi�ORs J GLi lithe 1810. oo the duck, And (tutu talo tridgo the C'at • he saw tied awful west madoof hubigg d. i �= or tl..d • ; t?'° t� prow 9hemwlyrs luywl to law Britbh nus the I)orµuty N'uduu, ✓A
Wn could Rut M�atsr��et,,a w beaul. Is ordeal wear ktwwlall�i tLtt taw Frafrw farts... �, , . tr,k .upgt slip, tarasetmp
NRs&er@ne•.w.••.•.�.v..�..-w.ryr�,. sea he Partf w shit ry•v aiy.4aa�aleBT- Wirt eta tastes ftrs�rw amW ulRw ,-. lLvwnwm won vaf"& las amarvr rrw a.". a- .rt...," � a� .•.., a governm rat. BOW rl tM ML•btand. ewe a.- oaf !_x'�� 1.L - -.. .-
_�-o-.�� rww„8 swuad t board the Cr lain Y I used wa - -- -------- -- �- �� wewon. noy way troy era tbo gib "raw&AMs F s1A ---- - - - - ' `comiu to turn thaw tiff then fat'Oa best
-'. �� P Y. �1RlMIjV u rvl(unetpneatins Lahs". ----_ ._ -r- asa•iliag►er mObstsNHiwrdr�tiredbar 8 1cathed-ias fium t►�
_ ,f I�u�q fKa iax► 1} L�1[-,.-�._ _ ikb Ns tssjeriby'+C 4* prq�j�r� a �.1i�iiiilt�r iS- - - -
tat tsmrb A" tie at &n'N+-e 11• tk+n v •owl kis mut rD[dh (aryptr Cpw * Twu ar•4.•da o(Chitskor y1i !t(i TB>R' �BXY READY. .I W Me Low• to knowtMl lq w Y. marten pretty oral, its am 8Md the 8wwrds ted kaepen who Dryad b• a
- pesriitnre ors iwea
r 8&n F
1a • 44 .w,.l1 M.t I k.,r laws
7tr/r•J^.iiv;ft1 Xtit49i'CftRrJ v�, y.'yi17T7Rrrf+I'fr?s.'r9rdr+y i^" ;ta n3rfilintN.,ti ,J%%I6v len k1+.yTrR7r�IIi�H!*"erlliT?1 'T77wi'r0 va:,. 4iwy:0aw1 :.;.•'P`bJ.':= [fir;,ra1'1 vtil"o, tin,�rt'. lair•+a<irl"tf'1rvrkaill,.
_ .--_,1.�.... - _..�. ... .o,`. wit- var"Liiilepam tit amen tpW end Oar- 4y .,e.` uwpskiltY ttoiK Mitt f i b or tqf Mitt 'Auld& t - _ ._.. - 'e ameirto i ape folaara h wt w rooPui4i• __
,' �`t lyTaf7i*1nI11Ii1p11
L. eopedttiunxy •z Y neck taw twat.' He re li&d he Dual mataetnatacian t Sdtilouoal.
p -- ` -- -
Pnem,10 hod u«l P '�t. win• e°tnmtu Y v■nnl !Thn Co. C.mucil Y a++"tftis ed wit Rie1 A pyWba Preis, July 8 -Th• Bpouiab unstiu,n eel mute er tout • jet l. tight, or m • Wtn •' Rcing •eked now noon the esp0�lion `tion to •!t peer• in tku .lutnct, reit uualt
1Mw►wl tbn Wfuinutiw told o(w.me 8?0,- ill �f� w of breaking the etre-1, u •hoed pay tau Ex. his contract n inuunitsnly wtuflci with rise Mauitybe 419111 ualsos much uueruetsw. Thn» wme I (orcung her to w x nab. Hued to Ywo tour sill reach Nbrt Uarry, BisLu Tache ro- ousts were lint out into list l.k.,toprovrus
t ---g bottom thon. He P ce and I Bill and w they might be. ) I{u ti w won the Chancellor'■ ono thought. p clay eats if it should be attwmpled or
f10U. Bahop TacA•, tie• Owinent peace- owo told them W 1-t ga, the line W allow ex{oud the•ovorplus he wow reeives i¢ ILi~ Lundun, the Iwo, hrl two firm ^n nfghtu actmus as th tuuchtoecd I.0 cloik Ilmsa ,i It oatterod not W hint of thus sacnflce plied that they will uut likely do ao until rater. Eli: truepwro ul Major Duff's VOL•
starker, auS Vicar Otlusral Tluebrult, the boy W awing •way (n.n, theSrwk. The n- hiring an efficient pn•.,f reader, R&Lurday rat„ming in a Tanneryr wit ii•- lowest for an. ' I het lour Poetnos ors obtrmwl, •t whet risk_ soma time its &'ptrwber. Hn .old aha unteer Crralry wen called out W -aur
eyuallr eminent ditto, yeeeived 81W0, PIr wan 'that tM line wan jawmrS.' alt - - finery resulting its a loan u( 8L1000, y est wan gained. So IunK t Mr Lowe had I- . there are twenly-tix Portages between the country its the dura".tee and at night,
said, cut a or ahs will bra►k aur wheel.' Cartier Doomed, , Thr luwtitrtiuRJ (1m ria! an) An- in hu ter W wax olio unlatabout hu Fort William rod the Lake of the Woods suit tits tut
each, to tarry thorn W Furt Oury oar their' p• ori pts g y {mela:e joined ua the pursuit.
Imnw*dL&Wr ilia line wan mot. Them ■ha I P t• 311th Jwun, the Domiaiw nuunom too slay that shit S, is klutiatnr (rynuhmnut in lhr Ilottrn u( CommuN, it �lhst the swamp mako retelling req Ths prig mon in tfwirat•ntpode evidr°t-
tlunou wtriw. (lout Cun•n,n ted born steamed &wy dowdy ahr.ut •quarter .d s. Tho tlren;emenuf taw Dominion, at their li'0venae sur aha ia,oth wan 81,441,3Y8. AY hoes inutewcted to girt oolicial natio• wase, tout W how rhdther Can►.la hlS bad, end that it will be veoewr for lis- I� took to the wouds,&elwu wen,•Yw•nug
pard 113011 f. r adjrrtiug hr eyeglsY wJ wild outside the rucks and cause back Belleville gsthonug, nominated John Hd- and the Expeoditun 1848,000. to thn FrotieA Ouvernuedot of eek• wiwli.l- J t air doth tiuo, wen lemon by • wom&rf
her own, rx tell itsW the hsaeds sit the -, wldten to rebuild oke reds u the coma p
arderiug rho hrl(-baeeele W take Suwn that •8&i° W the dock anS tc,k uu bnanl the The Grnr<t ropnru tis• menta wit •tmv u( tko Hulunwll•re Prinun, wS aSds rulwttwn ! J on Y.Q=d a farm, ttwr the Crystal
romrind•r of the patty, Then ale starteS Iyanl C'anmm� from the otM1os of Urand• MAtill -ilio of Mr. lfrigbt (completely r• rbem Frew» bcomw cosvisoe! that Fortumat•ly G,r us, oke ri8ee of the alomg. lie dam ¢sit thiuk that the artil. µalaee, to be aukiog thou ray •t • run-
" blwwued Wraw "- -dhncb ahoy did out. ,M bey way bank fur the 'liault.' Mout toaster, anunring hint for supporting tau aWred, Spanish nutenos shall termiwte di Ler ode be la%on aerobe the eountr uing
Embry'.-Cov. MoQmgall •Y to rdorive, half au hour afterwanL, I rt utlkin with tying the French -Cres• �a Q \ngluAwericaw are good wd well dun- 7 y g•i/ iw • westerly Sinctwu Wwarda
V Government m car a The Merchants of Brantford have lumaue tum rilh hero tlwuV{{h tbere u JI For the sec ad tint• the volunt•nn Bishop Tach° 1rR by this mernioq's the Bath Itu&d. Thu u all th■ tet» of
i70W par anni¢n sit gulm-niaWnal Yfary; the Captain w the brdL•e, when one man dun Manitube Blll. 7 ¢uhmg Se6wte trove Prusls Fnnan rill barn bwten shit Fnntrtu without Stsh slain for Ottawa Th• ob'.rot of his wi,F them ubuinel end ss the Cul &a hour i _
I107 did muro.- agrees t° clow choir p1aoGo u( burin- ¢sit beYtrB•d with the erasivodoelampuo anattanon. This u encouraging, very ear- aios is nK kmowD, but it i+ ,opposed he tulletart u[ the guards rn 1 utficnrs, aro
,r . but re supe se it ran quit• right that to ails out -'Look here, Captain.' Hu at• 'rhay pledged themselves to work against every Wednawlay afternoon at I o'eluok. of Cuuul ffismarck. mak- uswuehes away f, un, a
att'ution wan drawn to two teen scufflin Fruw rho carious Ymi•o(Bcul o ant mg. It u pleasant W End hat, al- oes W show the Dominion Uovernmeat p9ory L'1
ae•a{rvate hied sur diwppnntmsut wit K the Governor -rat that hY Cartiax Gx ib kj Senator C'rawh,rd dial at Bn,ekrilla j urnalw R emu Nadu, dace until .tarrauuu lurow
forwent. He Inst me than, tying 'l must thuug ion have let all onthuaiasm in lis& uYlrawws of swdiv a CuorSian ex• II,
lorir&lio'r in wintering at stop est at.' He wont forward ; end, while "AeaS wit (-•lard." 1t tMy kosp 4. their ^n 4th iust. Hn wan r evridleulo( C&oads the wuriun-4 am ggsthnred ho following Britain, &,mu of our own flesh and blood g them cut. I'heire•capn by the ordinary
Pombitt",he sAomld baro been allowed in & then, 1 heard hien remark, 'SW the.' -1 Pledges the remark of the Belleville Chm- f1e 4b roan .tad euwwsatded a vulunwor details tuuchisg the Hohenzollern usudi- padition °f the magnitude of the present routes of travels nor tm mYible almost.
Sue -- roc,gn. and were rho whin of tin one thro h to Art Osrr and to res r, 1 Q-
` auolh sir two to uverdrrw lin -Aub yorri think Uaptau Tlwmpr,n's attenliun wan nir!< Y G, the Peace Fdranl eloceion, vis; cuiupaq in ;f7. Queen. i( ion wero oat w ouvwddd, ie Wl ), P JY. U'ItniU Esi ., C JutwCnightort
salary. The slim of 1;f0W W inclun and tVm McDuu ll hY again addrnssel The Duo 10 Gnmmwt says N'ntice would be almost work taw while u( wme I aura • pudou Cur I{iol." 1Saq., Puli x Magirtra4 wS A. 8. Kir1t•
cellrl .lout aha Yms time, u he Delors l -that"Dir Anddn,:n being►n Cnugnman, " hnpon the o do rill wino now her project.
Hay for the funnituro ^f • palwtial grit_ his men In '(all in.' Then Captain Fraser the North Lauer copstauenc Thn Eie recalls obs wr•icu sal Ftaraw i¢ aha patriot W import a few loyal Canadians t: , Patrick, Fail., County Itturo•r, preuwd•tll
K once Prueeeded back W hu position on u! °"one secured the U.thula Tote W A Ottawa Timor and Toronto 1"M throw show us the way to Towns insults; W hush at ant» W hu Prion, and rendered active
demos in Ford Gurl, u no d^uhf we the bra man," will nut be • licable to an future (fi untivel rotten at him ; but, "¢ish again by iutenlio4cg Culist w how W kw the Awur d Engbnd STABTLIH(3 )�U��. and valuable tanatuaa to the Wtudan •eek
dg•, wS made oke r -mark W m•- PP 7 8 Y) eggs p his ovalua
"I dumte. R'o think CaptCa,neron showld 'I think the Bruce Mine whiskey is tou Prrliamuttary andidature. We hopo yet wonderful W relate, the London Fr<a Prus It uh' bright wd few (rural aw. YY in spite ,
Runway* •1510 mora to acro where that fur atm. • the buys have Is hind on the back. MCDoU sa s No amwer has got been rwo•ived from u( the bra in of rifle bands, •o the oil guard, lien" Traill, wan
gut nt)tnrtoomach W see •ver K volin Aunurahl on its W ftaU Y r g d iWOOOaviVICTS MURDER A G('AIIJ) Thn deteascl
of I, Everythin (num ha out, due y p" 7 8 r 1'rnri& si¢oe the Jeelrntiou sit hO Seere- 1 N BROAD DAY. an active rad oNeient b(Hoor. He leaves a
pitwm anus i&. wit look after iL in Ilio is nowt• runmit thl about Cartinrdittin ver wS uudurou sit vwiu wife
1 u+1 owe tiekK. L•1 Dr Ryerrus alio take and winniti the tmuurrddror Rail's del ates tory sit Morning Affstn, •few otsys ago, and m&rtal Prwukrokers, we have lost our - (a water W Dr. Madden of the city,)
h• top hist, what an ooh. {{ ug On tis• mwuiug sit that day, however, • Decapes of the MurGsreru• and three children w
terewts of rho Da,min„m. The following A•S tku u the man who rho] &Dour d {xu{rr aetuon to wipe eat the imelt offered sad, at the Yme tied-, webbing loyal tank [sir dutinetwa, et7r thirst fox glory. � grieve at buaad rah
" rule'at three" u Propounded fix any of beta: drunk. If ■ober-use did not prevail to the large and influential body he repro- C&nadsaea, Smpateh wan tewived from Prussia to the We know not how ts fight, but we have -- He belongs to a very good SouttuL family,
Ovr random Arithmetical) die In this case that da 1 effect that that Government knew nothing learnt N hl how 9worio (From sae Kmyston Whist.) and was a ootuin W Stn°kland, the
Y posed:- !f it y, never Yw • ober eenp, and we may f nperwo W have wme- fj'Mr Archib•Id, the Lieut. Gov. of th@ "^Noe Y 841 ! Ag°OO
o^ -t 120.(kp to take McDougall er,d suite man in nay life. He commanded the Meat thin better in the aha Northwest, u in Montreal, and will start of the Huhenrrdlern candtdatar• [sir eke We aw chest, and buss, wd bow, bill Ymtorday afternoon the neighborhood celebrated authoress, and W Mrs. Moodie,
4h Pembina, how Mitch will it art to take well and careful 8 8 Pu of a (ihvernment BpwuAtkro ad. we haleas much nubility in our utures Y .Of the Kingston Peusitentisry wasthescene of Belleville, also sit literary tame. Mr.
7• pong t lhrou h all the tea aha won fur Rod Rivet. A ro rt, which teems well founded, is a cur has c.0
d.ng•rwis plaoee alosg taw route t. eek• present rotten wmlunwtion.- L+^ tytge, as muwh P,unuutm Y • of &noise- trrgedy, wAich vied its wilful• Trull wan IaWly oveesser of the Froot■n&.;
the urp- Winn W Fort Oarry .hen it ry tinter,' whdro Meta uta 1 kter Snu ht C•rtn•r in lighting the Weslefuu kY in• � The Earl of Derby and the Dowager in cumulation here, that the Pranan" anvil hY activity. wr and brute " rtth the munler of the Lead Mute, Hu mother lima its Peter -
41 8 Tuesday of S•labury were enamel un Mivater u[ 1Vu has onlnrod all 1{ -neral C'ei lsomol Ah, indeed, ew#bono ! What kindly remembercl Curw• ttu DrOoc.U, born.
9"'t'a'r 1L0,000 w•pay. lbs the ted of one of tun touch bottnfu. wilted hu oraSjutur in aha Cabinet, tis• Tuesday, ufaan sit the Prusaiaa say W btu their
Yen ken propellor tar 211 days. i heard the CapWn ny h• would have lion. J. C. AikiY. It will not be ,anible c J J pusibb gaol will •ll the wrrtinq' in the nnu the same locality in September, 1867, The following u a doomption of the
_ liked to have g•.t back W the Hault that p' p}} Heavy fl'rods continue in Atutralia ur{r ln°°udistdr• -orad du f Tha taunt of the Fant Napo. wd which excite! the horror of the «uu- Murderer :-
The'Iuletae to our (hods. night ren much, but the river wan rather l°r the latter, who Is w influential mem. and 20 Persons have lust their livs. Paris, Jul 8. -Nothing definite has {sun, th►t we were "a nation of shupkoop mostly and brought oundigu punishment John `Smith -34 years old ; 6 feet 1J
sus, dangerous to nava te in the ni ht. He b"r of the Wesleyan body, to silent) f� The General Convention of the Y. bww `laud !'row Prusau. 1'ho Spwuh ors " u mow re arae l as a corn limens.- os four uit men. The Puniteutiu inches h" h ; fair cum letion ; blue a Y;
8r g 1 g p g r Y 4f P r
Tinder this heading the Molie of Thurso ■aid It wan running rather too much risk brook the dight ufferod him and hu o°- III. C. A., held at Indunapola, elected s barYdor gum to -night to Madrid, W We area nation of sh•.plam(pt.ers, and we grounds liar• been the emus of tun) bold fair hair ; weight 144 lis• ; Methodist l
clayl&rt,gihotes the sad owo( Ca P"la to du w, and especially at thin time when religionist&. Canadian Prgsidwt to show their hatred ebdeavur w wake • srtufactury arrange- are Ytuliw to remain w. Nuir-a-Says it attempts at eacal but mover hu design, UTr CatudIan.
Pt . the will", t"ion were most needed by __ of Fenianum. 1Vv°t- u considered a grander •coon W mall a om the part of the convicts, taken such a Daniel Mann -38 yeah old ; b feet 8 in-
t gi•en in the Jf god and sddo : alts Government. No Amm at The Amberadors cf Aust En land
y, n• +� pound of cheese than W win a battle.- d"Pand murderous intent, Y that which chs hi h ; ssllw c-itu lexion
t{ • Y
"1( Irssiblo, •still Mere dint A terrible ce at P of Chins° ami Italy baS • eOoferenon to -day wit a the Our army a gradually' dwppearing. In. culminated yat4, "AT its theSeahut lidrul Asir light brown; MntLuuut ; Up�p•r Gel
ms, an ha . Ths awning wan epresd. and lights pat• -- Chridians tusk place wt Pekis u° 2Lt Dae de ltnmmuut. They seem favorable stead of wldwes, we lave crooning sweep- Traill. Thn nears r°achwl the city at 2 &than.
i& mento.ned by aha Uttvwa Veer, Yhaw- ad in ever part u( the ship, in order that b1r. Biel u joist now shiyeriog in his Jnue. the Secretary of the French Lw- W Franca.
tag las-1y come before the Pultce Court of all nn bond mi ht en o themselves ddr• boots, He murdered - en ; in lieu of gen irab, paupers wd u cluck wd cnite d • twhng of horror and Smith belonged W the township of OI -
8 J y Ptr,r Scutt ant lin gauun anS a number of PnGote wit Sis The Emperor conferred this morning 4hawcGo. E1'errr p tible molt u hesp�d aywPshv which u rarely excited hero.- Ses, in the country, wit wan esahreced by
three oily. "A man nannal W. Abl, IirinR +ng the wght io aha dance, -awl I notional now wants W Rot out u( the scrap•. -Why term of mercy wore "Iso sl&ughtereJ. with the Minuted u( Wu, Nawr, wS, ❑Pen our warrt'.n. They &ro ngarlsd as 'l'hn dred•sed wan eery well known sad ro- the late Judge Dnyor at oke Quarter tion -
near the rps int r springs in Gloueestor, re. that there were ver few but got full hour- did Riot-L4'derthe sho tin of Scott i It " guy a Justice- Militar mnssuron an alre&tl
onntly came in d.. ca wink • wife and fit of the muse on board durin the whole Y Tho Corernment of Hun rgon Y y i expensive tops, sand are treated with two- •pelted in Kugston &nS that added W woeis in March, 1868, W 6 lean' innprwn•
Yvela childron is a Dart. The mother • ui ht. 8 ran simply thus -and we know what. w• the Bishops of that country to rosut the mentioned. Marshal Baraite will comm• temppt and ridicule. A hundred years ago the intensity of the feeling. umat sur killing attie. Maar, wan esu
a.m mutively env wowr•n, wan w h„ TAdugma of lefallibility. sad Doe, std Com Lebrun thsother, of souls wnteno adHoxn leave been rlwred The immediate •onto of h• merits- sit the well-known Mal•hido raiders, in
J g Per a nest mmming lardy rs got land@r •r• talking about :-Riel wan in • It u almost certain that the docooggrroos� two corp to be made road fur immediate like diahoneat clerks i A hundr-S ywra wan the lime -kiln, sit atoin the well known the western parts of the Pruvince,utd wan
leas anwtiq wit :he eerea little ohlWnn, way agun,ad arrird safely u ohs 'S"uis.' room whop Fbntt 5&ppeewd W be. -H• of Infafhnility will M pnrcl&imed hefty- O1°♦"°tent Marshal MacLhon well hate ago would regimente of teed wldinn bare Pdnitmdiary gweeip, ptosis u[ l siun st., Yntenccl un the Irith_June, 9888, W I _
the very piotote of helplesanon, The WO Iandcl the rt on buh shores, all
yountest of thein, •.sly tic. ew•+ntllo p" y Ri wan !•Il nes I.....uT -t=-r t ;. i0 - .--- - -- tett armtf. awake°_ "" "' of wiB eat °¢- been disbanded wiLIMI t rhyfu� rMOK I �'1 g1fi0Y i+tt.r:. a.,o �ol.is,,, ka iL•If. -yian iiapru-cmmdaF. tumors W_ wt�•e -
9If1. OwprO&ung thyl4Mtyls .hQlhlf +Ttt:..:a iotas �� trtreted wtth impmtlwnt +••+•+• -•••e Count -.A kawdrwd ypn sgrrTwtd a a,l<rooky o[ Ys•ieetiR7 r n eSts TettiPn oT 414 alas Tfnw inTrii+ Frntii elittuy fete sir tMSN s g"
�-- �' urd °J *krfttSwt b q, Tlti tkirrf. 1k• rip. -- eg 41aii M. o �rwts"aeatdenna t Palikas taken command of the troop, to „ulitia have bestowed upon Aldenuan Sir go" W the kiln atter dinneq guard H'7 tonic as kat ws wan 000rlslyd el,
e�tilyalmgest child, dumb wit uibject W Su to as the using of lea l 1Nngruege wan "!j""' Scdt comtndioled him wit •t alts"+w °f Walm °urchasedm Ir-Irnd. „aerate against tSpai¢. Tknre is gnrot µnn louse. Nn, & tkousanS limo• nu a Traill wan [uuttdtu �- d.,wdar� _
epttc Sts, wan also an uhjeet of s ____,_T„-,,,ra•rttbwnttaxwer is,*4.iw aLae._. }lis l�ThajfttaLmat u .�--+-s..�t--.0 Lulj matwtys4 w _.. --.._ Bul, then, in thuhe clays, the Duke of Wei- cold blood, and two convicts who wore In- rot ta<ao-,- - - .
_ _ y". cansotu...i b rt" eall" a i.*Qwh u fur re n in Kin tun. �spor� -
1., ttat-thw oilers ggn;up esu • mast bred. I notined hu the greatest o[ (-ions- could out stanJ that, wit ho gars Muter P PO+ 1P It u reporteS the Duk• of btontp•ecter linom was at once a general and a mtuls- in hu ch , named John Smith and Dan, My Littlest Oaati Aalivow
..q- F#iibnl sight. While the ear wan going shi ro•utn.l stye
aiaug R+dnan and Sparks streets the woman lap its the 'Sraltbe sslnwY on Slack dun ¢y Hint a back -handed Lion, across the mouth The Iiuulton Mas{,ueraden an only hu urd•eeS hu sal4ereute ant W uPpuw ter ; in tAus Says, that horrible sight Mans, W hoes oacapnd. Tha ken u work-
ke d, Ain in 8 which sent him s r•wlin and Ind W r,r W be teed fur misdemeanor end will be the undiSsturo u( Prince Leopold. mare, Prince Christian, had nut even boon ad regularly by a large party of convicts, Deep, deep i° their infant sleep,
1 K R e maighs and pn7iwg and •z- the whole of the time. P 8 r released un bail. Thn Epocu op pees Prince Leopold, but dreamed of. wrath .n emeioot staff u( gums to wperin- So tired from Yesterday's play,
h,rcting. The aght attru wgrant many I am a mw uprsrds of fifty years Otago Scott's crnal murder. (live %n amnesty to complains ub.Rrance, beaux sh& acb Y
pouple uP the atmos, whop+ she sddreas•d and have seen a The Great Euro Still tis• old spirit of EngLnd is not twS sand omen tis«m. At uuon hnnr, thin Seem • ■hhsper cause (row their vio1.0
m an •&vadat manner npm their roG ,as I gross deal o! sport anr� Hoch a roftian ! Vnrar .Our l;orernment p.ran Olrotts. it the Curt" was i� sQ wise etnRaged to r uite dead. In the mother country it pa lay a marched into the prison to Sinner, broth,
r K gin amusement, and many u1s rnS doom Sur• Dan nerer be bat enough tv let him ob:. Dan Cantello's at Circus will show iv take card sal the dignity and intenrts of a,•apa, but fu away it burns quits ltrigho- but ss it u neoxwry w keep he fins up As they lay.
do"it Mr. Ab bran fit them int^ weds ing my h(etim-, but i nerer Yw • h•Pprr wS if it wero, .e believe the bullet is gee bP&1°'
w+ak fnreriatwnos fmm eek• •anlhnritiea. poly, mor •mare mI n shamefully umeS a (,Werieh am rho grounds Opprita Hw- Viemna, Jul► 8,-015cia1 nurnals °cn• 1 . YY' Can"da hY taught us a lesson. constantly, a gourd and two convicts are
Mr wife, h• wind, had beers an.Ano ter than Csptaim #'Auer hY been of the cat, m°ulded which win give him hu quietus tradict all ry J urrovndeS with tswnimg snemieA mob loft wird the roturn •t one o'dcek W ab Tho dark fringe curtains those darker ayes,
ker's Hotel on flatufAsy next-•fterua,n pits of the interference of � by sneering friends, she still has been had W them. Ymterday it happened uut The sweat munnth half u{w'd Y they lay,
lhwo'ees months, wit hu little atm+w,Sespits all &built nothing. I may just say I am As soon ss the fist line of red -cost• ap and evening. It u represented in the the Aurtri snx m he zndinPP difficulty be- into to her ars. In spite of the arttid Tntll was left with the two convicts nate- "king like wild-flowenuut unfolded yet,
lirwtmart aborta, wan going to rack and tot speaking in lavoruf oon.ny mora thio hears in oke 9ettlefuent. It u pituble W Prot Y being the most ulagnificent thin twee° Fr"°u'' I'ruYu, and $p•iu, and do- tribes of taw Yankees, and the friendly ad. and they availed thounelrY of the op- Foe the day.
�• Aatmattmeut was m&Sus Ost►t&!nst tis• other. 8 dery that Austro will not, Dndor an eir-
1A wits and she wan sent so 41'1.'• a ,ntemplate such a° affair &lad got who of the kituf that ever traweUed in Amerks. cumatancGo, wi h is jus ouutty violence oaf the Frowns, she has (ought pi,rtilndy W m"y out a doe 1•
P id theme
Sor are Utah mere Is olatedg 1 wan trYted with aindnoGo &i both will Y nkat Rirl's • rn•chis doom is lit I'O for the gr,ol auw, Kobbed of imp&nal eflactwg their enaPx, see • tear[ul cast, Sweet things n( mine, Lord, ■woes hio1P
anew• Tho O•ptain Freer wit Captain Thomwn der- J pP 8 Fur particulars sen large adv, relay. nn t, with wear untrained of ehm&,
slog s mo t tun common. It u alWgeth- iog ties repose r•6r ss nay •hurt acpumu- °'A richly deserved. _ _ I-nidon. July 8- 11tich informed tom- Pp^+ 7ouh• for however. Opposite the kiln, and at about FYhiuo them °trio to war:
er t.h•m• that the to thnriuGo in es 1n4rie tutee dish than uw, 1 comider them --- �- meet in the Cummous to- i ht on I'tuonu i sol nen, and Peaceful men for loaders, doe 40 or 50 feet from it, stands & large stone y
'h'a�.11•rw Ouch •slue of mattes M gentlemen -every inch of them ; and in TAR■ Caas sir Yovt HOas,-Ws un• O. N, D&vu t.as ahoy operand out ,A K Gill hY driven rho ennmim n/ England budding, the lime huuw, wS in the dx,r Uh,uwulSthemt.Rhce,modSth-mtnthwrr
^'"tans, eema for the shoeteat period. Tire short, I an only Wte flat tis• whole slog in�the large, new, Brick stun, erected by S°lar im rmpund pi io nisfre u the note from her frontier, the foes of Britain from of the building the gguard wan amewtomed In thy hilly wisdomaar4 way,
dentsnl eztreme mwurGo oro lobe taken Of France. Tho opinion is (requenuy ez- her council. Thu has done unaided, an- to wit and exercise hu sii"edlsnice user
roluirr ^fed°h ural"rl°natraotfst ►11 aAEo, oircalsteS odour them u (►Ian. •gaiat all h loons run°in at la s, him immedutrly in lin nor o[ Df n. t Fear). Y. Roan.
"•ahs v, hes ebC to °8• g R proceed that thin indnat" a spirit of mu- befriended, alone. "Well done, Canals,, he workmen. The convicts find free pan- . G dtrich July 0th, 1riiU.
gad provid& sox thslr You will plane have the kindness en in- So many are now "rooting' around fell Mack's Refreshment Ito,em, (live him a chief, if not a snore dangerous purpose, on We repeat a thousand times, "well dune .' &age in and out of the hoose, muringg lee
the, ,n xly oral for, and failing theta- sort the above in your valuable a,htmus, thus they are causing great annoyance W all' the part of Pnusu. hind and in front n( rho e nio ink ti-
the a"■nn tt}6y ongh9 apecially to chis`e and sxept rnr thanks fur ohs ssaoo, anS µcru, July 0, (i p m. -The Government T vVAt3HIPOTON.
lire( nth tMiety, ff the law Y it stands oblige, o e citizens, All who do nut want W be Latest from Fort GaiTy• ordinarily oceuiwing any concern what- _
8f/' B. Ilaztehunt is selling cheap a h■s received an answer from Pruonu. Its ever to hint. Yetterday they appear to
tam mg a ao. w ch W be don•, the roomor Yuan ts71v, pat to expevse by haying to roheve their mileellaneovs Stock of Dry -goods, glass it Prussia makes the following points ; THE M.tN(TOBA BILL ACCEPTED have taken salvantage e( ha oonfldence in ILLaot J. 8uxvax otF.NOLUM VsnetLe.
taw V. r s ,,(yrchangod the better ;fur G. BZSSAY. pigs from pound, had Enter shut them UP. ware &a., Sue. s" tdyt. First. Diaelalming all partimpYron is w them, k haws ant al the i c nfi n tis• �r
it u an the Inc degree discreditable W us Collingwood, July 2nd, 1r0. In a day ox two, w• believe, & __ andidxture of Hohenzollern. f3seesd L NANIMOUSLY. them, then to have the inter ntuseless- w• A&INOTnY, J&ly 0, -bar. DawGo,
we e v,wm infty dot evrrl now and then party u kis _ That the Prince is not even a relation of gg
.e rko■ld read ofbelplet, hopeless lune- The above °°^'°borates is every portico. be employed to pound all he can lay hu COMMON SCHOOL TRU"Taxi.-The the Rn al [&full "O atraDrrwN " " amexilvau ware ly on Traill, and dealt him two tearful from the Committee on Appropriations,
tea blame nan to our com soon Y 7 : the Third, as Oer.' blows with a hear club, which seem to re
eltrtod R+"la lis the relubk information whkh we have hods w. t3o laxrk oat 1 Trastoca met a Thursday evening, all l'nm segotiatcl wick the Prinw, he mart otxv .tarn. Y {rortcl book Ywenl Seoate Bi14 marry
o ill& "°I•' have been almost immolutely, though not into eQ:et the decrees of the Foiled States
eel am " rslnte eypiareatlr prodded (or taken Posies to stun on sir subject AS- - - --'--- rosent. Sundry accounts were be responsible, and not Prussu. Tha is . - fwP E ism have be-¢ ro ezpeotedll, [aW, Thsy then, in puna- (,
- ,r he fit'- ports -paa+ed (u Treace, and the Duke Ilio low nq d -spate vow sit then t hurts in regard to the iUesyral "irtm of
mle t o Man - o- im doe was ltaveae9I n t satidacW ceived tow SL Paw! - plea, hew off their n .
eep ry
•-��? �e �.. r !