Huron Signal, 1870-6-23, Page 4' •
1st trAsint.
„.,41,VYW4t1f,eft ' , o I
ill tall...nen:I cull;
“Cetoe take ti Owls or 111 let a drop,
Alia then nert.g man, volt • ill have to attar
Aud gather the kagments
1 looked at the tenipter, standing there
Witl twaiitiftti 93 ea, and golden Imir,
• Alia nit twaino
For is 1 knew if 1 t.**4 b.,' stuff,
(M. plou would na.aer have been et.ough,
Yet, 1 unseet dared to drid.
1 1.11 no OolVerdme
, at Any ti,
Ain hate ite fears tit Shia liesart .4 min*
Of meeting a eoui111..11 foe.
Yet, eh... I looked at her lovely face,
With all as mane fr. dieksonie grime,
1 hertify dund so8 are.
1103 I Look the glum aud est it dowe.
Aed forting my face into a frown,
look the little hard in mine.
I told ber tem near to nun's briek
I was.- that 1 oeild not, would not drink,
And astkeil her the pledge to siva.
„ prod
••••••• ••••••••••••••••... •
The lCoble:once awe o Needegat at The &Abram( ee Caned,
ID d Aramaic. ay•wseenterf
taint 1,0,1p$,,,isoints" at tvA imPeoPruiti(ls affecting Gee, whieh lute tam twe rein fie
rffeerrierfAre ..,;Feel7Teleire't na,"1'44ePeeVetTletr
. . , ,,,meemoutowteem lock-
Prescipal Willis, Moderator, presidutle tnistry by bentclroppedin stlende. which extends Co fiviilears is reckoned a
After devotional extremes, • number of theTheet..Afwer"*„.° degtecculfeitte,,,,,,ate ArofteetbankTe eic misuchly and very middle clam affair.
Long etigagemente, in fact, even in the
modern sense el the tele), are confined al -
meet «Girt', to the umber nuke of the
community. Tie y ate nearly as 'nude a
iniddk ohm inatitutiou .uly dining or
di.nt. But auto in this ems superhu.
nom assiduity, • &aeon -like watchfuloese
and wonderful toot on the pat t of the
mothers of May Fair, oo-operatiog with
the pride that a poor piens man feels, or
with the love of his luxuries that a mod-
erately rich young man cherishes, will
generally prevent matters !row «ming to
suck • pass that a girl entangles herself -
with a Ulan who cannel offcr her ari ado -
(flute eatablishineet. But, as a rule,
there is no need for such iefluences. The
daughters of May Fair are, ninety Diu,
eines out of a hnildred, almost u keen u
their mothers in the competitive for good
porta. Unless, eome strange oversight
hu ken made in the choice of tecir com-
panions and inetruttors, or nukes oppor-
tunities of inculcating the principles of
the beaux monde; have been scandalously
neglected, these young ladies, by the time
they bare been presented, ate as determin-
ed not to offend against those preeepta of
the oode which reit te to love and matri-
mony, as to °butte° those which relate to
drew ocioversatioo. And, even in the
hundredth eau, the mother of flay Fair
is not checkmated or &egged into suffer-
ing along eogagement. If the girl is
young, aud her chances of making a good
match are still favourable, the proposal is
perempteriy forbidden, anti some of the
thousand rutailible measures are taken
to pretest the foe and goose from touting I
again. Bu e if slie is becowiug passe,and
the suitor is tolerably well couuected, e
virtue is made of necessity.''
• I dome remember what she said, •
lea 1 know ale "kelt &kook her head,
And laughed in her roguish way.
'Then I told her the good else etreht
Till .1i. said " just to get rad you
1 will sign the Orig. Wallis, day."
1 ,,,,, ;la of it all tke lows way tonne,
And e.,teient•I 1 noild ha -ii lived alone,
Coattenteclly untti now.
Si. we took taltha, instead of
And that the thing was properly those;
1 mu sure veu will allow.
thelerich, June, 1470.
Papa. What are lit y
Organs diet gentlemen play, my boy,
To answer the tu•t, of the day, my buv,
Viliatever, it b.,
They hit on the key.
And pipe in full coneett away, ray boy.
Committees eery appointed, and several
were read from vutous
were tilos ad us thear bohalf.
application& Prise -
lit terns ou behalf of a number of misnames limy" lititu" el"."1"4-..r""16.h. velesee/141
from „thee churches, who were diairims efigeetiel"n*h" hamit4"." f"r ""'" Years a
9.411114411OU WU) tlee Canada Preset)) terian:""41"'"a" 1" /3" ,,1"•LiCas BIB intru•
Church. Sums reports were else rooter- '11'1 ta the Ce"fere"'''
The It.. J. Ita3liaribion, D. D. Bishop
Applications wen read front various' °I the 11°1"d°'. Churcht-
, '"1".. `'`"a
iutrodund and delivyred a luta speech.
Presbyterial for lesiva to Itemise students
Rev J. Borland moved a reeolutieu of
as runitaters uf the Creeds Prealytenan
Churchthanksgiving for the dinamsfiturs of the
The Synod nezt heard the report of the Fenian jaealewt -eh" pea.vtL
address id the British Ctailerence
Gewgaw.* ou Sabbath Schools atel an
. ccic, to the Canada Conferee«, Pere teen read.
The hs. superanueted and superuu-
The Cummittee on Bills aud Overtures merary inhalators were then gone oyer.
brought la an overture ou the stabgast 4 The neat questieu was Vi hens shall the
simmer, with • drained wile's sister. gait Coultirenoe be 0.141 Belleville,
us,. Mr. Lem,. of c„boccs, pmeeted Montreal &ad lit Catharines had all made
that report of the Home Mission for 11169 application for the privilege of entertain-
-76. From the ttoeseeeet, tau& wee ung the Coafenumeuf 1871. It was rawly
very rel, in° 1.71 tItai them an, ed, after souse pheimuit regiarke, very oor
dially that tut, town of Belleville should be
in connection with the Caned& Presbyteri-
an Church 90 missies fields., 185 preaching "'elf Pli""1 of °""vuesti°°'
aimless ; females, 2,791 ; communicents,
The Ruud of Ezointacirs were then ap-
2,6571 supplemental congregati.a4, 64; pointnl.
The Conference met ee 'Wednesdey,
with churches, 82 ; families,corn-
whin beaules consideration of busmen
muuicanta, 4,500 ; duartet 154 ;
matters, the delegation uf 'be Primitive
plane ahem worship is celebrated, 24.5 ;
Methodist Cot ferenoe and C. „ 1
havin 6,169 families yinuected with the
lesion mu received. liar Dr Ryerson
churc , and 7,157 communicants, and the
gave notice uf a motion "that the Confer.
•verage attendance 19,300 ; showing for
eta the discourteous refusal of Sir
the 'tenons whosestatistin were nut given,
George Cartier to entertain the offer of the
el"" than 30,000 welt* on
the "'wagePresident to nude Wesleyan minister with
heard the gospel, and more than 6,000
the Red River Expedition- though a priest
r***trwl ewre "r tarn theerereight waa appointed chaplain." Several reports
of the church in ita Home !fission work.
New* from ell aintitriesaied cli wee, ney boy,
A tt v eruseilien t s,esaio Nand rhymes nay boy.
Mixed up with all sorts
Of flying reports,
jegieeeklisheil at regiti.5 times. my bor.
Articles able and wise, my boy -
At haat in the editor • eyes, my boy ;
- - And -love so-graml, -
That few understand
'To what in the world it applies, arty
Statistics, refiectioim, reviews, my boy,
Little scraps to instruct audamitse,my boy;
And lengthy Jet...ate
Upon matters 4 state,
Far wise -headed folks to peruse, soy boy.
The funds ea they were and are, my boy.
The quibbles -andonirke "(the barouy boy
And every week
-A. clever minty.°
On some theatricalastar, nay boy.
„ .
• The age ef Jemiter's meone,My bey,
The stealing of somebod vet spoon**, mybey;
The state of the crow,
The style of the fops,
And the nit or the (titbit., boffouna,my boy.. livered eloquent and effective speeches.
, Rev. Mr. Inglis (Hamilton), ream the
Lista of all phymical ills, my hoe, report of Knox College. The report gave
Banished by somebody's pills, my boy. a eatiefactory &mount of the progress of
Till you ask with surprise the College fur the past year. The report
Why any one dies, 4 the Senate of the Whop was abbe read;
Or what's the disorder that kills, my boy. it contained several smote:slims as to in-
creasing the ethcieney of the Guam in the
Who Itas g d boy, matter uf regulating the attendance of
Who were Olt tiff tn their bloom, toy boy, pupils.
K'hu handled birth The Assembly met on Friday when the
On this surrew.entined earth, debate on managers with • deceased wife's
And who totters fast tulle tomb, my boy. meter was rolested. Mr Laing nude •
leogagreek esiillWenb and missed Lir
Rev . Mr. McLaren preseuted the report *".11,:°°`16,,ctanbuod 14...°Pt*iitt engaged tha 0.0.
ow Foreign Minions. The financiel state -
femme* on Thursday wet the report of the
merit showed receipts to be as follows :-
0, Com. uu the Usirnieu work, presented by
li'leece ye heed fr''w [eat year, 11/984"" Prof. Burwaah. The (Icemen 111111aelittl td
received from congregational, 0,626,26 ;
the riociety is proanuted with great ewer,
belence due at ch..* .1 year, n1.584,53, has beon wah a very eta.,
making a total of 18,097,70. The eapeuanii -
1 degree of success. Beyond German Tabu-
ditu" were as fell"" :-P4d (e' nee ere 113 tl143 field, and others are ill tram -
of British Colunibia, 12,048 ; ou account
ni thin country and iu Europe fur that
of Red Itiver, 01,508,90 ; on account .1
imp trtatit work
Saskatotiestan !fission, 83,237.80 ; expert.
file report of the Coin. 0:1 statuitics sou
- 4."."•rifttiun preanted by the Secretary, front winch it
en of Conintittee, &to, ; o
all the general Aims expenses, 6190 ;
sac.c. 668,0.7 To. aispeara that the present number 4 nieni-
The Rev. Mr. Fletcher then addressed the 6be2,rsimis,.(14,688; uumber reported last year,
iticrease, 2,088.
A.awaseniThlkylicridAyin theimatteduiaLitiwo auovitammiootttrre. reaolution com.
Bari Me
wilted the delegates (rum the Priuntive
idler of 'the Miasionary Society to provide
Niethoiliet Church.
a Chaplaiu fur the Red R • r force. carried.
Rev. Mr. Mel's% ish reed • Lejtort re -
The Church Relief Fund import was pre-
I'l** t" th*.itat*"1 reitge'"' thdethg sensed by the Rey Thee Brod. The out imitated that light literature tans ind ot mono, ou
hand Lau.. aid th.
gay assemblies had done much to retardr
cautious churches was 62,5 W.93.
th° Fr"Irre uf the ehereh' h,,,The,„,,,,,re',„Th" Deputations from the Primitive Metho-
- if"De „chat and Congregational Churches were
stated that letegvngrega
iny change during the past year ; but
there wee cause for hope that progress had
The busbies, of the Cunnexienal Publ eh-
heen made which had ael °me' ender tjia ing antablialuanni was of a very fietniring
notice"( the Committee.
At the evenusg meeting the heady of the eirc,,,"ilation of the (tine -
ch reh was crowded, and tho galleries were. ",_',,'Irc.7,`"o'r"777,, jo"4. wttts "H
well filled, the announcement that the
was re -appointed editor. The circulation
delegate.. from Groat Britain and other
yd." uf the other Cuunsaional journals had
dilt*Ilt rice" 'weld "the" the aseen'-''' also largely incr.:wed. There was • large
hat ing rawn them together iu spite of the
Mc is 4 profits the book and pub -
wet weather.
Het. He.. Tiny and Ristioti, of the exhale; departments; the tetunuess &mould-
ing to over 880,000.
Presbyterian Church is the United Stetes; ,
flee report of 1),, Treasurer of Victoria
and Rev. Dr. Blaikie and Rev. W. Arnett,
from Scotland, were intoxtumil and the sea%cliegrieptai,raa ihottirer:vd;rtel,puinainjr;'6."1
to tg an. mus, my
Ii,tt'twould take me too lung
Te fell you its wing
A quarter 01 .4!! they contain my boy.
. ,
Death of Charles Dtelessen
A cable special says Queen Victoria,
immediately after flo intelligence of Dick -
ewe' death was commnnicated at the Court,
despatched a special menage .1condolence
to the sorrowing family id the deceseed.
letibItc institutiens us the city suspended
Thr Mat letter written by Dickens was
dated June 8th. Ties contained exproasi
one of the deepest reverence for retiqi
was 154.000. The list has now reached
On Friday a delegation, a.nsisting pf
Revs. Dr G reen and John Geniley, went
appointed to oonvey the fraternal greet-
ings of the Conference to the General As-
sottibly theCanada Presley teran Church
now ia session in this city.
Rev J Borland moved, and Dr Beene
see, a resolution of thanks to Rev Gervase
Smith, M. A., for his visit to the Conf 'oe.
Rev It Jones, Co4'reasurer of Victoria
College, called Antennae' twilie. inapertain
question that there win a deficiency in the
After a long diseitamon Prof. Cavan rem° resolved, after some discussion, that
every effort should be made to 111.
1110% ed en intendment to appoint • COW'
nil t fee tO give ata conaideration to the sub-
ject with the *hew of elucidating the
rx.riptural bearing of said law, and show-
ing es far se mte be to parties aggrieved
by the rules if discipline, that these do not
Crag-itthe aM01111t U1 such Cetile4Il111%,
that the institution may be &anal from all
further embarrassment.
Rev John Carroll, who haa been in the
anti ye work of the ministry fur the .pace
rest on slight or arbitrary grimed& a 40 team, e
lateen, as ho considered himself incapable
This was carried by a vote of 91 in favor;
58 against. of performing the duties connected
with the moult to which he wee ap-
The Secretary read an overture from thee
elynoti of Hantilton, reco nmending dud_ pointed. 'ter. John Disuse and others
-the Kankskcc fir:widened ki addressed the Conference in Wrens of
some Church which oould properly look sympathy with Mr Carr"lit expressed
atter it. a hope that his closing days might be'
peaoreable anil happy.
Ito. Dr ltverain read the address to the
Iteitiah Cunfuretice, which aiesed the favour
of being allowed to nominate therresident
of the Cattails Conference next year,aa has
Mr. Chiniquy addressed the Assembly
is putted in the newsmen to -day as on the subject in • starring speech, after
any which which the Rev. Mr. McLaren moved,
'That the Atutembly receive the overtures
hderived fresi expire«
r.t 6 of anvil on and the
n 5 W1 1err eaves ear
Memo(' to his ion with many valuable
suggestions about its rrienagentent.
Dickene hail been peril...sod to the Union
club and the laliodting on his erlinimaion as
a member was to have occurred on the
rloil instant.
.Inne 11. --Thin peening it is
intimated that lir frineral will he pnvate.
The piece of been' has not yet been decid-
ed npon, or at least not annonneed. No
inquest on the body will be held. interceding epeecnes.
The death of Charles Dickens; cameras pro- The preens:lingo oumnioneed on Monday
found sorrow throughout the land. Ile at 10 o'cleck.
was apparently na good health on Wadies Iter. Dr Wilkes and Rev Mr Marling
were received as deputation from the
day menittig whim hs wrote several
of his novel, Edwin Dew& The midden- Congregational Union. The Rev. Dr
Tins of the blow intensifier the affliction of Borns and Mr Duff Cameron were nominat-
ed as • delegation to visit the Cungregatio-
1141 Union.
It*, Mr Clarke introduced to the
Am/tenthly Rey. Mr Smith (nelleville) and
Mr Craig, M. P. P., (eurnwall,) dele-
gate" from the Presbyterian Church of
0'anada in connectum with the Church of
Scotland. After they had smitten, Rev.
Lognoe, June 9, 10 p. m. -The London .Mr Waters moved, seconded Bay Rev. Mr
%d.', in its limt edition this erening, eldrettg, that the Assembly exprem their
startled the °immunity with theennonnee. _gratification for the visit they have reposi•-
nem: that Charles Dickens had been seized .d from the reprenotatives of the Frisby-
wtparalysis, and was laying insertable erten Church in Crude, and through
ht 1t. resident. atGadahillotear Itrieltford..ser..hein, to convey to that Church our most
its Kent. I1te news spread rapidly andLamordial greeting, and, further add, that we
created Seat profound regret, but thee trust the time ia not far distant vaien,from
worst WAS Still to come. Telegram" have being two separate church
since awn received, announcing the death in this land, we shall he sine in "pint, and
of the greet novelist et a minter past six work, it. we are already, in faith and
this evening. Mr. Dickens was at dinnermihurch praetios Carried with applanse.
A communication from Dr Willie,
Pima* or Knelt College, tendering his
rests/nation, wee read and accepted retiring
allowance 11.200 per annum.
The Report of the (lemmata on Home
Missions was read. Amongst other things
the Report mentioned in terms et gratitude
the gift ef last year of one hundred pounds
from the Irish Peabytiwian Church.
The Report of the Committee on Foreign
Mimions war &Ian read. The Report snfp
goaded that China should be included in
the field of Foreign Mission*.
and the report of the Kankakee missions,
with instructions to give the subject there-
in presented to the Lourt their most 0111111-
consideration,and repert 10 this ASOWIW
blv at an early Sederunt.'
In the evening the delegaree frnm the
Presbyterian Church in England and Irel-
and, Rev. Dr Watts, Rer. Dr Edinonds,
llev. Dr McLeod, and Mr Sinclair were
intrrAuced, and delivered excellent and
his friends. I unseal dbmonstrationa of
public grief are manifested iu Loudon and
other cities.
From Lon& n
On VI relneseley, when he was seised with •
et. Dr. Steele, of the village 4 Strand,
who has been for Puny years th• family
. _ phymeian of Mr. Dickens, WM ininiedune-
• .
It called in anti remained till nearly mid
night. The condition of the petient
amine worn sed worse, it was deemed
solriaehle eummoil physiciene from letn-
don. Telegrams wen, promptly dispatch-
ed, and this monting severed Londen phy-
sician+ arrired ed (lade Hill ; a nnmilta-
tem Wan held, and thecae.* at eine. pro-
sooncod hopeless.. The patient "sank gradtl-
ally, and died at fifteen past six
this everting. Mr. Dickens lied been ill
• eren reeted Rochister end ether
,Mote dnring t he • eek The diced* of Mr.
1/Pickens him pltte.Ithenation into mourn -
ling. All the London papers have obtteary
Plli NOR ASTalititt 1
The 3.eimliesseie4 Hie Royel [lighten*
Prime Arthur at elontreal,on theeleventh
of the preeent 'smith, with the meet dis-
tinguished order of St. Mieheel and 8t.
ficage, will be intended with groat
and the Ditherer the Bleek Rod we on
N MIT CI 4.14:01.1$ NIMNV (.144.)01DIS
Palms A tWOCIATION. - A meeting of
the Executive e'moaruittee of the Prem all
sociation sou held on IVeduesday last, at
the Queen's Hotel. In the abseuoe eb
Me Hurt& Wytle;--Presideto, the chair - -- - --- - ..
the London Advertiser, besides whom
was occupied by Mr. John Calm ron, of ti ult0 N , FOUNDRY!
Biers were present Maus. A. J. Bekh, _
et. Mary's Arra • J. Summerville, Dun. . .
dee Benner ; W. Gillespie, Hendee.. CD
R. Mathiesun, Brantlosd
Expositor ; and R. Jackson, Newmarket $•-t
Era, (Secretary and Treasurer) it is de- -4--
cided to hold .Le minuet meeting of the CiD
'Association at Brantford, on the 19th ol
-July, and that the excursion party should C,f)
leave that place on the following day,
proSseding firet to Butte). From Buffalo
they will go West to Cleveland, thence to.
Detroit, and round by Sarnia ; theoce to
Loudon, where they will diaperee. 'The
Stetetary sets directed to take a tour of
the trip and umkts the necessary arrange-
ments, and having done la to issue a
circular to the wembers of the Aseociation
at an early date. It is thought probable
that on the 19tb, the day of the annual
meeting, the parte will also pay a visit
to the farm of the Hon. Geo. Brown.
AT J. C. DETLOR 1,& Co.'
Dress Goods, nice new Styles.
Mantles, Gents' Hats,
and New Tweeds.
ALSO, TO HAND Several Cases., of BOOT 5 &
pee A First -Clam Cutter sad experienced Tailors in the Tailoring Department
Cuderich, April 5th, 1870.
Fanny Fern's Delusions.
......,-.14TE.Aht-N1011E-33014 KS
Muley ana Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers,
Thrashing Machines, Seperators,
11 11•0 lci•verre, Iltrag Stiravvra,
Fanny Fern writai thus of her personal experience :- IRON AlID VirOODEN PLOUGIIS ! Dri
With Cut or Steel Boards, ll PG
loughs, ang Ploughs,
'I used to believe in school friendship. Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters,
That delusion ended wheu leabelli Trip- ,hdtitta rump. pawls Kettles, Sager Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Bozos,
let told mutual friewt teat. I was vItara---
C r4 Tact • 111 VI, WOrk
He., there, error, Oreweberrus, Itoplmolen
Utackberrica Aro. Ornamental Tor, Waterlog wane
•plemIld •theticaock Wooptrg Wtilowa Calera..
Weeping Birch, Ilac.
lbs ath Uust .1 erlU rue a bogy addition 1.0
tremor stock.
Ursa. seal bro. ruakeraur .1.03•116
Utelerula, tem to 140. *140
veers 111144•41M..01•04ic••••1014.0. Peek
1..1 het. 2 and 2 In cots A. total., 140 OM ie
To. ria,a..4 a senor, Nur. 44 over ha cow 1
114. 7 iia at A.1.11.14, houtherla 14 sear ga
arth 11.4 I. ruck. If 11,, 8/tlet
P. L. narvepar, Uodench
00410.04 Ass 144 ISM
TO 1_.MT.
and years her senior, Rotting what • et- L• • . ru in AND BOX wrist
°ranger t of
that I have seen one unstraj his leg in an
area, anti run off ;pity on two legs of his
own. Another threw a loaf of bread in
the gutter ; and I saw a third, who had
all day been yelling, 'I'lease assist the
blind,' carefully exaininiug his collection
of stamps by the light of • frieudly apple
womans candle. I used to put the great-
est faith in lovers' vows. Now, I du not
believe .wan means anything be says to a
woman, unless it is something disagree-
able. I used to believe in faithful serv-
ants. Si... then I have hired girls from
iatelligeoce offices, and lost all my hand-
kerchi. le but one. I used to believe ima.
beauty. Since then I have eeen • hookah --
log belle take off half her . hair, all her
pounds of Gotten batting ene • eorset."
As a warning to carrion stock feedera,
the Brampton T. tatea that some time
by feeding them some slops which tint
a tme pickle brine in them. Let week
"gait Mr. J. L Denniem, mar Spring-
broo, lost • valuable cow and two .we.
Ir m • similer -cause. They had di•tk
some brine that had been th o en out, and
died shortly afterwards from the effects .1
ret one Ter, !hese for Cesh.
Goderich.Nov. 1?.th, H6I
• • • • • • • • •
II E H Eta 21 T. 1114TC RN T.I A N Ka
to Is. the itiolut tIoderleh, for
the Lacy ray no tor low •11.1. awl hopes
by keeping
Meats of the Best Quality la Season,
ro •tt II rer se a share of their err.. 14 . 0.- Tate
-.heel Os r title. I the •Ititillni of the Imblle to
stock of Clariet astute Meat et. hand U..
souk. 016..117.2i ANItIla WS.
Motet Hou, Goderlelt
December kOt 11.0, •U*41
Ontario Carriage Shop
filet kl Ito 11.?....,of 1.1.4404, fot a terse el prow
1 Brick I 41.,v or al.& eau eecluml Gag Ws mem
et ra.4 leett. rt. larlislOw•WWifit*
W. D 41.11111.
Uedertch sot. roma • win%
Farm for Sale.
T OTTI 53 mid 64, Tayield Cooreeron, 0.11
ToWnehip t.t tiodors. Coalmine' EN *crew,
of Ow, 60 ern. • Igileral Wilk gard Flame
Hare, and Log Honer, •btrul If Mae. fort
cliatte. Fur Terra ad rig •pply 11.4t porlassoe
Court Aloe al taudencla , of 10 •Lf.
TON on Ow premier.
Hotlerich. or. Sect II, IFAS. wIle it.
(Ilantiltve .`;t y OT In, CON, 10, W 1'14.1U/11Ni, 140
Lal goad hrs. Maw 21030,
oith a attm lod. laMO Ossd
mital .1...1 aceontiouilsta•ill. hear., wen.* • ell
• atereil 1.1 la., I r. • ...1111 II, throng\ the term, aaala
avol •ella mu. nose grate' ead11 sue. friar
Clorua. Tor particulars apply ue UsagMitler. Le
undersigued, or to Oh% la Tyrgurta, Kruger Owl.. Usk.
wilWA UT.
October Vial/
l• fall awl la ...all,: ...perk,
VoRS.31.11 OR TI I RENT IA N.. re. 14 %V
II 1 ... Oro, ettla.1.114 .0 at rte. Th
lira 1 her • Ita tog a net
uta the &Inn It • .ruer Prwe lia aa pat Kral
tr.,' 040 Oil ati.I t, M.1111191 1.0..11LIN
h 2 .41 • 1.
Carriages, Buggies , Wagons FARM
.1110•2•, U1.1:1111•. 1, rrette,
A another of holt . 1.• Buggies on a.n1. awl for eat.
• he... ir Pri, • nr all anti le• au the WWI that
• 11, .4•14e hootaLla with any In ett Couuty
r witt •artunteil
14Ft kr lit./ et Loa ut•la 1.11 to Wagon tad Careiage Ile
Gude...a Resnik 1469 W41
Uantda*tiuvr oir awl dealer la
CIG AR .13.1
Plug. Fine Cut Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco.
Pipes& Remokerersesey Goods
404, eta.,
of all the above named articles always on
Ouderich, April 1st, 1870. .w64 -3m
.egh. Ft Ir
stack mu thrush 1.1:1•21.1 The" lot le sillatel
ykl"velesaal about 6 noir fr. OM town of rod -
howl • fir. eh1 lora lying orry suit.
te.iur • korai •or hat growing The lot will be
crape. tab may terra Parror ems he gaven 14
thaarr, for particulars rel •pply 0.
PaltatiXae. to J. DAVISON East Ilealanch.
004.0ea \Unit :gr watt
OF 147 ,ACRICM, 11:::.111 OR LEM, 4pOrill9.
inc. • ...fort .14. hoer aml nnatslase freer 1111114 •
see etriotd. awl sell watered. Mod of had is
...Bent ray. Tr fare.. 1.4 30, 0s1
Temeslop trance for Coterie and 7freve
10. paywieat a part iluth at.el tern. will be great ON
Um barna. Tor partkula. appla •.n the presider tO
JOHN 114,21.LNEllt.
err MG. 11; TR1'1111 3N,
tsed um. e, Golerieb.
IllattJelseare. all( Porter's 110Is. n
• 22 .100I) W. tRICINO ORORR. 11 poy Krr.
▪ tle• CiatIent. 1 erg Curb atel kettle 3 Soap
Month. llorra rul Waers- woad tow %Terre,
3 i•1,1.h• 2 Wlowl Kamm., 4Shi.t II a Pewter Camila
Mould Stands 3 lb in • .tact. 11Chs. Pear for ley
1 War Poui ami many other afprolagy•too at Mar
ool to anentir. la rod stead rad wiU be earl carp
for ea.. •
gr. LON loads leoel.r.1 Ashes i7 eget. tsw Hai
Knout.. of .1 BARNUM, at the Lair).
avoleneL.E.. leett.• vat
•• • ••• i• 0.71erlY). April ath 1470.
Tee roomt Nom will. thron% Jeadsarallaway.eall npon the pr.. ad title ylelnIty In Po color of the
1 to... months, with • hill ....truilt got' th..e an•truni•nt, .11411 011.-r at the 1111,.
1.,,,.....liate .11e,ir4....y Be;
t.. Vito ea. la h• 1.1.1, a fine Satin Wool frames $4 ea. 1.. with the W••len (intern and *rear
tit tlw end Knee 10...1 Frame with Bre 11.410 *nl Frank Tnto ant Lister, 123 . English Wheel Her -
t. Moharany Fo,tnc, intt •tal ned 0,04 le , attached, troll. 412 to WS each according to nark
fnliassortouvut of Engin. and Trench Aneroid Ha tet-.
,r7P2,141017•rff 414
ievel the ..r•pareil ....tra moot rirea I. liwslite whieh
tattling One 1 thee. no NI instolnor, ..111e1. moo •0.11,rartality hrtell the rat• of the weather from
24 to 44 hours in vivaner,shonld avail t3ernolm of lie. npparttitittv la h now preftentagtarlf. The Agents •111 n-
1fr• few ilaya rly. Held rice 1,. the Dominion. an Montreal Itesjperotilh:1,1wr,i,sr„..,dAg...t for
Junel4 1469
estop w .nisi,
led by the C• ?durance at a pre ious session,
a Committee cern appointed with • view to
watch the interests . if the Wesleyan Con-
ference, in connection with the Province
of Maninita, and take anal 'tape as in
their jud client may be deemed necessary.
Rev. ( anew Smith, M. A., delivered
a very (elections Address to the Conference
theeking them tor the kind manner in
which they have treated him during his
nett, and he assered the Conference that
he woul1 ever retain recollection of them.
The Conference wail then closed by the
President with religious exercises.
Tbe Future of Wheat.
There are indicatimut thatthe irregillar-
ty in the wheat market for the past yeer
or lllll re, may continue for sonic tinie to-
t:onto. Stocks are very large. Receipt&
are liberal. Crop prospects are good, ex-
cept in some parts of California. The de •
mend, however, is large, and, if less specu.
halve than last year, it is not without its
unreliable .sleets. A French deinend,
such ea we no, have,ia always exceedingly
uncertain. Wheat may he saleable to
French buyers at most any price to -day,
and to -morrow they may nut be induced
to touch it on any terms. The subsidence
of the Freseh demand checked the ad ranee
Wednesday. But it does not look aa if
we ought to expect very low prices for
wheat. Consumption has rapidly increas-
ed in the peat few years,even snore rapidly
than the production. Thelabnuring clau-
se abroad otr• natter employed than they
were • year ago, and it is reastnuthle to
presume that wages are generally better in
Europe, ea trade reports have indicated an
upward movement in many departments
for some time paat. Full crops, therefore,
need not neeeaaanly Inc followed by prees
that would be tv.; while it
ii not pleasant to centemplete the results
that would fallow any large diminution of
Then, Aain, we do not think that Euro-
pean crop accounts &re, up the whole,
terminable. (Air own well informed cor-
respondent 44 Lendon indium to the
the United Kingdom will be short, al
though winter wheat is looking extremely
well. Front Rum* the reports are not
satisfactory; while French socotints are
soniewhst onntnulictory, the weight of
ilksteeloae roar. „anlas thustand. left Ottawa vaaterdav afternoon evidenne preamitIming !!, tpeard • 01
Comet tithe vintage .11 Inealum near The ermines', will take in the St. of h• pod yoar. does not appear to ea
t i;axu,4 ,o;„ loan preventives' tar the seremesettlih
and of the experience
West Hartlepoot ly one .1 the hrethren Petriek's Hall, Mantras and invitation*
of the hoe's.] srniahtt.hnj al that place. tO attend it will 3.. isseleci ta all the mem-
The nem. '"h""," l'eetoon, "'eel bent nf the PnvT Caducei, the Ilmerwable
into • held to get • stick from a hedge, meenlirve n' the Senate, and the members
When, in the net 11. doing, he 'topped
aeon$ smell mimed .4 newly turned earth
at the !mt of the hedirsislita.uszlvii2IFlyulaiawasimpe.„ Joa.•
earth end «raw ereneoeing the moinetand
Meeee 44.44444,
"4"•• 41"•1•4111.1. • few .0elet de- thing in Para. IR a eri arranged that the Mr. Mints hoeplablemwnioll alad
e mu, ermeed with its menth .and ther the Menet', can glee al ing for femme.
Mho n4 u.444.-• *lmo& UFA , Tift IMMO Hee Aterier•d fe •:__(;eberet
Wiwi or weed tow See Metnew Mime '- The vow IN Wifirrwfrires etworeerow• Titson itfaw,„re acfn. re
that we can mitecipate very low mean for
wheat durum the conning swirson.
The Police in London hare diethivirreti
of the !louse at Coleartea, aa Well g• the Eivate "hell ' for little bora, and Mr.
judi.dary dignitaries, the high Akers of' Thee. ""ente ed No. 26 %V 11800 street
. onii,gpieutorsats raw
m44•44 of Ceremonies r.11 sinners fram nine be Mown yews of
nOwnitrinerretwetvidoia^therrert male age Imes 'WPO leistirtameretmetbsciser
writeerpis .e)
Fovea,' 14, item has bees held to answer
donor ea" nut for juet In Uwe la MVO ) .1 ..,,..t.....
1r111d l 11/14 I W igsty ,
ego Mr. David Smith lost itt ma fine pigs
If necessity is the mother of invention.
what relation a she to the father . f
thought f
7,4. Rriggr` Ihrnat, •1*1 hang Healer i•
take an I imuotrpaasieil for Ita erne.) lu • tiring
:ongh, Bronchitle, gc. Ord by Druggists.
r Alec If used II berally flinched, relief heal -
tete, and tura ortala. Settler Druggists.
o I Is. Neagh, Rronchttit Conniption. .114 aft
Dlr.. of the Thro•l, (Art a71 tangs Dr .1 Briggs
Throat atel 1,5.2 Healer is • ont tale and reliable Us
ay. Sold by Druggists.
Frost. PO4. ChlIblelne, Cornet, Rnnlor, Bad Nails
!le are pooltlettly oared hy the re of Or Brigs.
Al.lorn Curative. Thls Remedy ha. Mon compound
.4 .111, ors and. s. as direeted, never fade41ty=gbu
• Catarrh, • Moro rdell Meteor. ne anal dllgturts
cant friend.. ran ho. Oaten, ly relieved and apoekis 'ores
by tring Itt J. Prime' Alllevntr, an invainable
Rommly for all pale and Inflammation. 814 1.. Drug
Dr Brim' Allyvantor for the Core rif Catarrh,
Broulgia Rheonatiewt So., la unrivalled In a
rrial 10 1?. ntInc+. •Il .111: acknowledge Its
rapriorny. Sold by Druggieta.
10 .111 Pilaw von are noon afretect,
A nI ants.t for ere in Vain
Ileigge Pile Remedy •• ..rooted
Ton .11(1010. heelth an.1 pee. again
tw 2 wiener Co. N. King 511,et, Weet Toronto
DT .1 Brier' nu. Remedy la eeknowlmlyyst ty .01 elso
I.o.W. It (and their name le lowloni lnttttt heat,
meet sneeraflal awl .111e•eon•N Ilternoty rear red fot
hat •Iirrerid by Orerts.
all persona andfcrIng from Piles, Internal, Illeoling,
plusa, 0.11 he Imeneiliately rellev•A
and over n•Ily mired by ring Dr./ Drier' Pilo Rarrely
Sold hi 114‘.1004*14 •
rear. frryrn Cores honor, Red Valle, .04Ihnow.
triethelng affileOnna 1•11111.1.1na, are wall
722 211 VW /111.112.Y wert•••r•rer Parr" for errta
041.1 .101 1o,.Itlrno,. 5614 1.y Deligere
enetaltropt Ivoo 1r• 01 .1 RTIgire Inman sea Icing
Healer It .111 r• le. • •nd env. yr. For all roars
of the Tort, t tied lora, nothlwa emu, roper
0. breacial ear. Mold by Draggle..
18181 t 1(50 IIA8 1.AiW16 0785 (3?
Ceenpantea, for
lave Iment onImprovid
Rate of Inter ,et from 8 to lOpereent
r )i .gthree rawynarno
1 ear row :f $1 oboe 'non. am armor 4
Armee nark .1. 610.0. oath. bel•Io
Th• trahoerther 1..fie aproary re-pitY•
mud inetelisoste. Take nest plowmen. in recemmending them for parity and flays
from dater Sal, forint Prnov •
General Rules to be Observed in Consulting the Barometer.
Bolcrich 16th. 1.69
w111,11tip.,17.11,11ainint. • itt, • few
A2L511.ELL NORWAY ()Air.
awe 414/41ernat for the nap Tamers warn.
grow goditahle eroy aleauld aldose the prupoeturii,
as :u16.1.,
1.), W. RAMSDELL & CO.,
ti. Pearl Moot N. T., or,
171 Lakritreet Chicago 111e.
1111,, scar,. mgy. ...nat.'. Inchon. OT the leOPI •," without mama( much, either ttp 0iluwa
the weather will ter unaettlwil and elang•atile.
2 lftho Memory rie. to or shove the • flne weather is at bawd
3 ehould It happen to rein when the Nerttry stand. high. 0 will lw lcal, and ern IlttI. of It.
4 11the Merry continue. to rise abort, yaty for .121.1 ,r ten days -and orrice. at or arr. ea, lug • gag,
Fair." tient In atimmar, lock for drouth --if In winter eassinned frost
6 When the Memo" tale, It Indira.. fool wrestler t 1140 fall be allow It will rel• if qulek it will Now and
It 4.11. kwir, a la, Pr. arm 6414a,
• when, during • the Memory I+ rot to rho *little. then rest rans.I the error le over.
• Whfe the Mercury rove onekly, either ey or dors. the weather that full.. will her abort duration. .ad
ice yenta. Ir211•1111
WOL, 111DOL.
rpl1F undereigned would beg to inform Ilia numerous customers and the public
1 that his
New Woolen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order
than lad 10/1.1•071 whale etertingliii machinery all new.
Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing
Spinning and Manufacturing,
will recent, prompt attention. Hawing now on hand the largest, best and cheapest
stock of home made
over before .03.1 to the im1.11.• In thin part of th• ioeinT., he nwipw•tfully rognext those wlehIng
erre... their wool to call .n.1 Iilg• for themrivm appnInthsa thems.len elsewhere
P ft - P1. wrold illtryle• rail the ...dal attention of farmer tn beware of weed twornattans anal rartal ark leg
11101,..017fue '.04,.,- .4 he rsas prwrott 11 Ors the exporter., of tonne, Yr.., he a perfect roma 14 ..or•roer
to thorn. satire wars, thr they cannot es nntll perhaps too late to 101.41 rad or it.
Err The highest Market Price paid fm any quantity of good Clete Wool.
Ondetleh Wool. Work.. Dab Ma, 1069
Rant Street, Goderich.
to their superior stock of
'41171 N' E thil Az I pl,
wale% cannot be ear
All""*"1. (1."1"4"L. ...79f fs". --.7-1M1111 eAritik
C,111ral Itnie al • • •
3'1e 4 1, 'FR 13 , W• rnt O 1144041..noleri,h ,Ney, so lw43.31
419 it ILO?* it MO
swill 1 ro
erilAT DleilltABLE FARM, ON RAT-
A field need, being Lets 3 and 4, I con.
Code, ich C,oetainiag 160 acres, or
which 100 are cleared, is to rent for mach
;whirl se may be agreed r n. The land is a
god, clay loam, and the buildings comfort-
able, with a large orchard in excellent
bearing order. The farm is well watered,
furtIser particulars apply on the premises
April 4tb, l70 ser115-tf
•ale twei
Mat le Ho To
n A
,CeuderIch Toweolig
November rlh, weem
E8780 court wan (IPI▪ ,07 VI, 1309171128 I.IIIE,
• D Towrds. of Manley, Con.. of Herr 120
acre., 1.0 tors are in • INA stale of raltIratha. Tat
.1"1"Maria6.1.1.74:17inr:"....ron•draory.t" Tee.":"'sn'Claneale0"...hp .r."1"17be""ol'are01"'anniM11...51p'ren041:7111
01e11/114 r 8101.00 RE II V.DY. Try re won Ise -drained hoa, frame Is.. VI by 37 feet. granary,
u....alue awl turnute•tit.le reel, rarert.. rotoonerroble and ehol 104 by 24 feet, well fetteeel ory hard of
the rot reptocel that the Oml Meehems1 Coregs.._ 10.1 heating trees, tee never fill'Irtg • .111, rm.!
""n '""
reapply to D. McDougal, A ortloner, 1116.,Seld:r to
TRAUCIO scuttle,
Deviled. 71.1i Dee. 11100.
tor Mow. eal 10• 1111•0•11,1.01111., Layer, Ihgewoo
Inger, Eselsseya, le., r •441 r 6...i.4, the vetoes
ern tremor, Hams •11 ap..•••• armang Intaa
.apanteaa with. r...,, re *nate that ram=
rarer kr PIK811 1114811 EQUAI.LED,
wee there err ears • oar r thall nit the pure el
W.I.e. Irma of If • • cs. W.. er nautem,s of
tart of Fres C, ••••••••8. C. W.' .4 Ca••
twO, wrilial of Amis. . w.,
.1 itp.t0pan sell Wet. Consenst, to thet Joh.
Honey. Naree, C. W. of aherearine, wlan had
rosary ber 4.0 memen. veer in yr.* W •• treat -
metal heyerare .• no* well. Omer raven Orr
hael we spare.
rr ran et the long re0 siol go • Co..rte.
;111=4;1117arT'a7d 171.124", and" "r‘"iy"oL"1-
•• Pries of Me Remedy its large pints 81'
Salo by all Dowers Dealers in Medi
rum Agentm for bioderech, F. Jordan and Parker
141401.1441AL* rilliNTR!
Lee ene.taatrrr k 17 ,
IN114SP Allan WATO1114,
J 1611,1411k
tr. k MON,
HOLMN, 101( a NT1kila• MAMILTOM.
AI A11111.TON a Eka.
Wo,.,'. Crwerte of lisetiege,
Prevliare of Ontario. Erb 111., law.
Tom I+ taccrtt that timing the winter of Ire 1
knes.1.1on ipore h151, sad Meemew:o
1.10 i •••13 w,t .103. 103 wee waled le My Oaf,.
For •torint two yea.. while Ur makesms etnetes
00?nt 10.1 +n,tearlis, I emila wwhwlWwyOy-
i•I lithirent the=144004wlm. o
;,.,,„„-; hat Warrag c.4 -1111 1
oflaa. ylan 1 orfedortotry therr,boner
*tin Mt. f Meatier., trite« eistie nwhowte Alt 31.
M. , In het I was fiettiwisiatest Weir. I have
two hottlaw ate. WIreauseow P.At•rvir ..•i Pro
alio pins mat I setwillholpiestorm tc 1,..en+.
1 Weer *arr. to get WOW, UN Omni, tried the
merheine se • wort of Loalore bspit TIM, ma. of 'Tiro
Wee INI. •TM. tew, bet 511
Id l frl a : end toga, WOO 77.-_,T'hav.
oely le andkfy the
wilier. Ala I Mho. 11
ill7, day of Pubriliry, 1011. 3.
R.N. aeon meet
11.... erns Hut 1 have I
LOT 24. CON 4.
Tetriukip nf (1,4,r. -.-Ji, fentainin9 80 orris
aboet 55 (err** cleared,
k Nor, Dining Room, Prior, Kitchen, Hall and Iled
rnrirn iin the aeriinil Moor, Plating Hoorn, L.,. Fan,
Ily fintrowen, Ittor other bedroom. , 111. thaa•
ment, Dairy Rant.. Fruit fmr.ntore pl., Meet
Pram.. Rrn123212 feet. 7 miles front . toga. 7 'nun
lioilerieh 1innt large nreharil of oire- Ont on.perior
fruit tree, 14.11, neap eta) loam. Well wetered by
mortng creek aml flotrag grit 710 peoparty Is Oh.
. ted 13 mllea from lake Hrne, 01 .1,6.11 a 1.3.4 vier,
eat, hr hod for tr door, 41.'l? to James Wall/.
▪ Zeq., or the premier or to
Lamt OfIlut Ooderlefe
Onderich 16111 lanutry 1970. w I 'if
r a SALE.
ir 001yecmuwwiNf, WHARF R.-
11 ieh with the brick dwelling F., and natholoe•
therein Inerneriy hy the late 1/6 .
Apply 10 (home W. Totems.. or In
P. r. Walker, INUritirr, AN%
(leder,. 1411. nay. 1070. asr77-4t
Glenlyarnie }Arm for Sale
10!III Itatenett sam:41.4pee., I.
ricti re tayine, reellkele hi lite kat
11.14 Meer. It enetehis til Ilene, 110 ern-. tt oder
her, 70 sena elm* st•temp• PO • kWh sat*
ealtlyWasotell *kb AT WWI; bike itestnewlwrott,
rt • wee wawa* by twv• Wu. Aswegthar./
01▪ 4= Was htboullu0.?-froll • 41W3•w shw, •
IpWrow ploolos diwirfw• sad • Yew
grape arc Two *wry weeriw Week W 42 feet,
fiall air the helm Pww• tow 4837 91 98.
tat • 41,nro,14.1-WR ..1.a,mina •Mi
Bal lass farther Inlart Apl* lat
we nate.. PTO
CP, La•4 A.14, 0
lalaret.1711. I 01711
Farm for Sale. •
TWO miles front Hayfield is the Towle
ship el el esti,
leriek beer, trim*
Osepaisised, peed strata
Teruo way, apply In,
sett '
been' is Untite