HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-16, Page 4weir serum ia the Foochow "Right I" mid the 'madman, throwiegl He simply "tut tu the private Mier of the LAR uol rittetteutiOUS U J-kulem. A GUNSS LlEE. "Napoleon Bousperte!'' teu uo cards ; had said nothing to auybody. or de his Leif+ emitting the cords that 464.'r ; 4"1"11 nun calmly bat dialtuntif eecaester ler llama ant. A lined ens tom , wastsken . „km. unj unifiable, contemptible and ou•antly ye tiou 7 las conduct had beeu , diet he had newish ffar"ki, 10%154 111 "••‘'"‘ th. -the remartabie pertinacity and res.. tor. u eve • true genius : this ir your to appear as • bully or bravo, or to seek to N ANTICIPATION OF THE EXTENSIVE BUILDING OPERATIONS Township it.);11,vich, conewasiee 80 Sella Mani 53 acres clearest, sawn tome, eine heel hews toe.• whims of the dieordered minds. set ebklirete. 4.1010"0.1 144" "ilea Otoditod their • ';4•• 11116t -w• "11 credit -1i Igo 11111111‘151•14 WOO pow. tatit la they were Clinemesa, -kw bawd eve below a thrilling initiated Wild& as which they were taken from their honiee, wed they nue dad not know eliat would be Leal eaturred as related, oee or the done with them, and Hat they were in reties to it baring been • peeratineut meet distress. They satd that all their , army (ace!' :- w ee had been previously scut sway.' When rrotimi,nt umatar,,d ;-•1 abeut three hundred, moving slowly. as lei service bade &dies tu na old 0061 The next aay We saw auetli er con, party sense forninla prayer. teem afterwards lie a m inwn "- vieiteil the Valley, lately the a- As I wee starting for the supper -table, hider,/ tisatile peeple oe the evening of the third day after my There Ile sr* teeny hamlets bereft in arrival, the Mies hell rang violently and tibiae er in part of their 11.11tabil ant* All eone the boy game io and said that • man the homes which were still inhabited int *anted s„,-, go. the &cum. - ▪ had Digits id heathenism on them, qb,, yisitor was by the u charms over the doors. But none et mien stitch lied been inhebikel by when I mitered. lie was • tall, powerful the idols hed anything el this sort, n'10-5 P•rke• nnwParad 217 d,a,re vier. wee,,,d eok .4. a "five feet sir," and hia great beaky lalack 1.114!▪ 1", Croditng utetntila sod bantam Imp- hair sod wheaten were well fitted to the lemmas were lying around, and e 5 cry thing SbOostrous ferns. here the eaglet of hasty departure. We •• le you eits at tibevey, easter, please •ere tout that about 3,000 reasons had al- on.. It is but a few steps and reedy been taken away, and Chet there yoe will oot need carriage." were more yet for whom search was gems ,4„,,,,rai„g the I put en niy caat and hat and followed tbyti fel art -the way to immortal fame Mend, that if you ever _iliac me %pin sainkaggrOCK.01_ IIARDWARE, 11„„ &or °red we% fete have dose nothing whatever tore offence Mr awl Carpeitere, Painters and others, lie Ismer from ch. Mrair, steak- megerelertelvemarei peeheire-wilves 81"ise- I Warted tor bellaga Pig saiiiiii at.-.41ith 71, " Th." u7or thq 1,41 doable their Miasma Asti's, doalualselveli Vith Ike beat-ROWili hi" mid scouring the conetry amend. Some 11 was MY 4,411 in many ahem. The man strode ahead of use ell the !emu Brun serived tu town, an in pur- suance of the appentaueut the case was opened, in Core's H•11. C. Moore, Yes., Deputy Judge for news appeared as counsel for plaintiff, and Christopher Robinson, Ent., Q. C., of Toronto, and Aietnnaler Shaw, Eaq., of Welkerton, appeared for the defendants. The Hell presented thu appearance uf a Envision Court day from -the Lumber of •itnessee present. We understand that it is not exiw.cted that the ewe can be closed this week, Ito lem than six Civil Engineers elnne, we believe, haring 1,/ be examined. We may remark ail connection with Wm case that we notice in the BrUre ihreali a very sometime and abusive artaleootioert.- mg the arbitrators, 07 It itistUn tent 0/ thew, Mr. Whitehead anti Mr. Gibson, the let- ter gentleman being the arbanitur for the County'. blr. Gilson as violently accused of partiality to the plaietiffand Mr. White- head is suspected of participating with him in such oai utility. 'That gentlemen own ping the poen-pow of Mr. Whitehead and Mr. °amen, arbitrators upon an important about, before the determination of their dutiel, is &shame and • amide' to any journalist, and should he dealt with in the same mariner a certain great osertm in Toronto was tlie uther day dealt with, Yu : by way of criminal information. It ie • consolation, however, to know that Mr. Whitehead aud Mr. Gilson are above. ,bie ing influence,' by such silly" twaddle, nor are their public chancten likely in any way to suffer. We can assure our contain - loran that in their hands justice will he done ita County. -New Era. 'rho case is being continued • An A.rtlet in Search of a Wife. At the hlarlImonigh street (London)Pie hoe Court, recently John Worriell artist, tin elderly person of reepectsble appear - language t,1 Louisa Hayward, "whereby she goes in bodily fuer.' The complai- giant, a young woman, said she waa a ser- vant to Mr Johnson, Blue Posta Totten- hanecourt-road, For some time peat the defendant was in the hebat of waylaying her as she went out with her master's chal- dren in the perambulator, walking back. ing op at the window aud whenever he had an opportunity he threatened her with what he would do if she did not return to her home. Mr Tyrwat De you kigolt the defendant! - Conplainaut. He le • stranger to R18. - ham denied her name. I want denied her want-VI:Mr rights you must go to Lord Pen- tanCe. I cannot settle such matters. - Complainant : Your Worship I tierce was young man, who tries to protect me from the defendent. The local constable, Mid- dleton, said, about four weeks ag-r, hearing • great disturbance by a mob, the defen- dant acemang the complainant of being his wife; defendant said becouhl identify her am his wife- she had two false teeth in front of her month, and one of the bodes - meads who lived in the neighborhood Id that I had got through with my Site murk and I am the trade, their selortamet b sot only the cheapest bet I should utter be ed upou take past ; t 'mettles me en The Best Obtainable Anywhere in the County. twou on Um smonti door. “StOttal4koosa, Large Front Sam 54166 Iwt. 1 tulle. Venni:10 Wooed /trams aunsing lesson, fern:tail, hoping that km utte:11. I inn willing tu ovrOerlook the Rosa vs. Oorporation of Etruom, This igen action brought hy Mr. P. Rose amiiiiat the Corporation of the Comity of truce for extra milk performed by him as Contracter for the omistruction of cer- tain gravel nada tut the County. At • ate Astarte a verdict ens taken for IP0,- WO, subject to the award utile*. Holmes, Esq., and Thos. Gibson, Esq., and such lard person as they might eelect. These gentlemen both cencurred iu appointing Jos. Whitehead, Esq., M. P., as umpire. On the ind inst., • meeting a the unarm tors, tor the purpese of taking evidence and proimeding with the case, was appoint- ed to take place at Wingham. On the end the arbitrators and • large number of witnesses, in pUntlitSce of this appoint remit, met at Wiegliani, front which place, after procesesling with the nee for a Jay, by couseot of the plaiutaff and defendant*, and their counsel, the further hearing of the cam was ad imarned to Clinton tor the et the temple we stoke to told ue that the); fondly hoped it was the foreruoner of ' wept on LiCieridIng the calamities of their 1, neighbors. Prom this scene of desolation s we returned wit's heavy haute.' He also teamed that the men, te the Dumber ef seven hundred and twenty-five had Wen embarked on board steamers tu be sent away, separate from their families, and tf they would not be coniyalled to re. cant, he believed they *mad not loom sontve, This in direct v 'elation of the treaty agreeteetat not to 'do auy Haug that may be calcuLated to excite relnpous ,r lited Doti. Enough. A Revolutionary soldier was running for Congress, aril his imminent wee a young man, what bed 'nnref been to the wars,' and it 171t• the custom of the old Revoliatiouary to tell of the hardships he had endured. Said lie - "Fellow -citizens : have fonght and bled foe my country. I helped to whin the illritAsh and the Indian+, I have slept on Mr Geld of battle, with no thee canting than thi canopy of Heaven. I Itev• milked over the (roan ground till every footstep was marked with blood-' Just ahead this talus one of the saverei- gam, who Lad beton • greatly intensted in his talc of sufferings, walked up au trent of the speaker, griped the tears from his eyes with the extremity of ha coat-tad,and - interrupted hien with : 'Did 'mu y ou had fuutthe British end the lujing 'Did you say you slept rei the ground, whtle serving yuur country without any haver 1' ' Did you say your feet cowered the ground you walked over with blmid !did,' said the sp.:akar, exultingly. 'Well, then.' said the sovereign, as he ru vote for t'thee fellow ; for I'll be blam- ed if you ain't done enough for your soma - try.' A elallforima Indian's Dinner. kre p at big side, and spoke not • word, not even answering my questions. Stopping before a subetantiel-looking neidence on one of the principal streets, le• applied the Istob-key, and led me into a pleasant little room on the second floor a study I thoeght it), hong about with &nod painting, and elegant chrome', and lined with books of every name. " Take • seat doctor; I will step ein a moment. Take thIc ehair by the fire; it's a bitter twit! night." The chair wu s great unwieldy thing. bet exeordiuttly comfortable. I threw my feet upon the feeder, end leaned back on the cushion very well satisfied to warm a little before /Wing the patieut. I heard the man approach the door, which was direedy back to where I eat, and heard the door epee and elmie 1 supposed he had gone oat, but did not look around to see. Indeed 1 had no time, for a stout cord wee thrown over my wrist" end screen my breast, and • hendkerehief bound over ty mouth so quiekly that I wield not prewent it. When I was perfectly secure, my eon- ducter stepped in front of lee and looked with much intereet-el nbrattempu to free myself, " Good smut cord isn't it ?" he &eked. " a stouter man than you hu tried it - 1 here, now, be quiet a while, and 1 will tell vou what I want." Il• went to a cabiuet that Atrial in the eoruer of the room, and takiug • loop, wicked -looking keit'. from one of the drawers, ran his thumb over the edge, felt the point, all the while talking in the moot common place manner imaginable. "I have studied the art of guessing, for years," said he. "I eon gums anything-, that is my gumming chair that you are sitting in now; and I take great pleasure in imparting my knowledge 16 others - This is what 1 want of you to -night. I did intend to make you guem that, but I have thought of something better." file bad beeome ;wished with the edge and point of hia knife, and 111A pacing up and -town the room, giving me • full hie tory of the world, interspersed with funs times be always stopped in frolic of " Did you ever study it, doctor ? know you haven't. I am the only one that ever reduced it to a 'careen Since I left my noble vekrana. I have devoted my whole tens to 11; and now I am about tO initiate you bito the inyeterise if you am worthy." He was standing before roe so very ealos, that I did not thinh he intended to harm me ; but when I looked into les eyes, burning with the fire of insanity, I felt that my thee WW1 deeperate indeed. "I must test you,', tie said. "I must me whether you are naturally gifted or not, before I waste much time with you. If I remove the handkerchief, will you answer my questione ?" ' Now, my dear docter, you ere as se- Miemlimitpeteitmemevedkilliteek have often heard of me, but it •ill he a hard teak to distinguish my name from ell other great men of the time. "You may gums it, doctor. What is Mr. Chemin who spent many years among the California Indians, and atudied carefully their history, and manners and customs, gives the follewing illeatration , of their habits, in the May tituitet the "Veturainat ; He saw an Indian mine to the banks of the Father River, one after norm. He was hungry, but hed a particle of food to eat. His first move- ' ISOM ever &rine old logs and hented up mom grubs. Hs then pulled up wrens dry reeds, and plecked a few hairs from his own head and tied the grubs 1.. the bottom of the reeds, siirrounding them with • circle id loops. The reeds were then stock lightly in the mud. in the shallow nate, of the stream, •nd the Indian squatted beside them motionless. Presently the top of one ot the reeds began W tremble, when the watcher put his thumb awl finger upon it, and teased • fish on the gram ; and er, he ormtinued to watch and catch fish until he had enongh for his dinner , all going to show, that the man who wants Ina little here helm/ may get that little easy -pre - tided he knows as muck as a California The Celled States Government and the Feniens-Thie is not the Mute to enter in- to an diectustron as to tne cood 1 of the ' 4101244911064M -4441i They do th,ngs in their own way, awl when they begin set with etiergy, theneh we should think it would be nicest for their true honor tn check iteowed intentions to commit breeches tif their laws at an early lit yo Ile had brought his face so near to mine that I could reel his hot breath, and those terribleeyea. The long, keen blade be was holdine over mo -for what 7 To eike my life if I faded. you fail, it will be your last guess in this world." I dared not cry out ; the knife was too near. I coull not escape, for the strong cords bound me to that ot air I eould not lift, and I ormlil lie there, and lose my life. What mild 1 do ? ''It is a hard gum, end 7 will give you three minutes to answer it," he mid. I nummoned all my eourage, which had never yet failed me -even in the awful hoar of bettle-and looking him steadily in the eye, said - "I know you Or ; go where is the use ofguessing 1' I have seen you on the battle-ield marshaling your floats to victory. I have meg you out down a more amen with your own si gist arm. I have nen Toe put to fight a whole banshee. I knew you, everybody knows you. Your oune is in my *meth." 1 r, vermbered whet lie mid about lege, Mg his veterana and had tried this ha- rangue to divert his attention. I paused to work the offset. i'l col -yea, doctor I Rot what is it ?" be ezeleined again. "Thirty seconds I" Great Geld I *bet would I not have Thirty meende, and how *here a second is 1 The knife was raised higher, that it might pin inowievitom by the diatanee. Hie body was hewed for the stroke, sad "Tr e ornonds more! Vim le it ra There wee (Italy asie hope fag mat, ited Nnrth Csr"11"a. Ild takull a 1.'11 "pekoe ai veterans, maw great military .---.. isfe:hiwk.ta. keerun.°144i,"4"testi i. cliewcwilich..61...-in_iat2.7- eh*. Rain. / theories ot oar ova berm, afterward, while the Minor was eteceienie my nr, het I dared NM steer them. It a liniksertnn• to view the hndy ef the rash wee the greattet Aimee genie that I had eiventryinas, hi *milted that indinawsl ever played -my life depended • the .1.-t"0•40.' annt Initt nun.* Yoe rear' 016 an- guessing or• ornate. 1 thought et •II the gest levier drank ' • tteopeas Ma bet met them aside The 44........ of Reese,/ will glee • pries 1. thiaPt'sakna,d. ea". bla I. agr "11 std. d at tam.. dr• ta,at Ian, Panted or carved, ,..r,„.sese„,$. r „,,,„„ertekej•rmtrm. : Ihra 4 rei*-.00. Th• fen moist In• essay teiltion I spoke • nem*, breathing a • ter elie•shiletme el Mt ipegyer that it might b. tk. eight we; 1 seined to stand it no longer. He had writ - tether than a late stage of the offence. The energetic action of Gebantl IF, after, however, as narrated in telegram frown St. Albans, shows that they kilOW how to employ capable and earnest agents, and thus to enforce obedience, orlon they be- lieve that the time has come for doing so. There is • touch of nrmicality in the ig- 1101111Mone carrying off of a Oeneral from hie troop' by a .singte Altar pulling the prisoner by his head into • doom car nage, so soon after the splendid speech which the same head had delivered ; but the fact rihows not only the personal bra- very ; resolution and strength of General Foster, an officer who we may remark gained all hie grades in actual service, but also the respect which even lawless men feel constrained to pay to the President's proclamations. We have not at all sought to lessen the possible importance of this raid, which seems to have been well Omitt- ed up to • certain point, if • thiog Po is - sane in itself min he said to he •elt plan- ned at all, but we have never been able tn believe that the American Government *odd connive at the actual carrying out of OD villainous a pnignainse. -Montreal um. a neat story illustrating the true engin and ramming of ihngandage is Ono«. The Bntish embassy rejoiced in • stately old Greek porter wh»se oonduct. woe irreproachable. The blameless "ire fell among thieves end bstcaine a most mariterfril robber. III the ea% of his new relearn in he spoiled some English officers, sod though tbe feetthat the sufferers eery- ., ed Great Itritam, which power 'stands no , seirar nonaserie,' led to almost immediate nen Weight it neeeseary to inform porter of the evil demi. of his Imogene. The • eld man, clasping his hands is pier, exclaimed :-"Ab pun Excellency, and I abn bail el wave haw* and au treated him to avoid r for offence, prepare yourself or a desper- ate WOW& ['ideas you kill me ersel will kill you wherever hound. Good morning. I don't "impose the editor wise intituida• t,ed ; but from that dey to this the gentle- maa's amine has :elver been nientioued that jourual. A Loy fieomt.-The Figaro relater the f ollowing roma u t ie story :-"T he Priam of Se hlesw ig- ulawin , on hie retire from a scientific voyage which lasted for amend year", leund his libniry in • state of great disorder. He asked bia ate Nerd to rammumed some orm who weld re- arrange it, and the latter person replied that the ouly person he was acquainted with was • young lady who acted as companion to his wife. This yoga( persoe, ter of • merchaiit at Calcutta, who wu foci:body in wealthy circumstances, but on his meeting with • reverse of fortune his children were ',bilged to earn their own living, and the young lady in questioi bad even appeared oe the nage. She accepted the proposala made to her, and on entering upon her duties the Prince foetid her so well educated and so inklligent, that be was quite charmed, and at last made her an offer of marriage. The union is to take plate in a few days, mei the bridegroom has applied to the Kiug of Penni" for permission to lay aside Ids priuoely rank and assume the , title of Cou t de 13ont, so that the 1 marriage shall not be • morganatic gee." CARPENTERS TOOLS, COC PK RS TOOLS, PAIN TS AND OILS, RED AND WHITE LEAD, GLASS AND PUTTY, NAILS AND SCREWS, GENERAL HARDWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, An exchange fame A ightieg man hag been employed on this paper. He weigher eight hundred poured'. His wrists are the very toils uf death; hie haii is short; his. eye@ black; his boots are No. 12; 0,he is a monster, this fighting man of oil& till goes for men like an ant for new cheese. He ate seven cans of oysters at our °fiat Om other ni,ght, and allied for more. kfe is tho heaviest instrument of total wad eternal pun it Immo en record Come at es, ye lean end leak, overgrown apseimens of humanity ; spit on our hoots if you dare, slide down our osEar door if you inn, and il our Willapus don't everia•tingly go for you, then size and heft have nothing to fir. J. Thin," novel, and Long Heal, te plameast Jonah, Ilemehttot. c. Oddity llirsggaste. To (hemline.. offer from Come. Bunions, Sad Nails, Citilloatue Pra Med Post. as , try Dr J Brim' Cur - fatter If wed', berslly w Mortal, relief as LAMA - how sad taro while Odd by Dmeitlats. Poi Colas. Cough, Ilroacdsltir Cosiramptioa. wd all threw. of Ilse Tient, lbw, and Lase Dr .1 Srtgg• Throat Wei Luag FIealer Ls • meet. and 011.1110 Ro 47. Edd by Demean Treated Peek Chilblains, Come. ittnowe, Sad Nails hr pmitirolybsnri hy the ow of Ur J linage Sodom Cantle*. 711. Remedy kw been romported e l with great ram sad. wed aa directed, fads Sold be Druggists/ Catarrh. sinew. whIeh diatremens se mal dllgosen mune...O. ran ho ,natootly relieved and conk la, roam • using Dr Bridge' A Illmaator, an isveinathis Remedy tor all pus and laffasumatiost Sold by Drug - Dr J Mine Allerentor for the Cure of Catarrh, Uwwortgla Waal of ite •11 will: at/meeker, ,ita If with Piles von are mune adlieted, In se Yon toll h health .n4 paws agalt. You will save your money by Going to the IL GARDINER h Co, Goderich, lat April, 1870. IN TOWN OF OODERION. anas be had from the door. Artily to arose Wilkie - it, it. TRUWEAN CHRISTMAS CHEER!! orm 1568, 1024 111.4, OW Niel, rub done.% • lw noon 111 egree:l Ewa to lib customer. and thr t1leus tot barb h, tor Meats of the Best Quality to Sessoo, lb 6101 nowt" a Were of their cutting N. IL -The eulimertner •ou Id direct the atteottor of th• 'whin to Ids elm& of L'briat smut Meat hea4 Um. Week. 575P1111 AN D141511/S, 'Markel Howe. Ooderhit. Ile, Faber 11160. .W41 Ontario Carriage Shop, (ffeinileun St , Dederick. /110 ler is He Town of thuleruta ao • term of years I Wick i otters ah a Loge go, runt awl Ma acre& of good load tor tont. oleo apply•to. Farm for Rale. east T ors MI mad 54, iteyllekt coorowes, nib Torinelbp thiderta b Coal wants WI acne*, ise,e o 0r1 60•eim cleared wilt. good End* Kg", gg4 Los Home, 61 wave ttudl Cl,aton. For /Irons ot sale spot at I b• therosod Court min al ,.;,,dirrich, or to Mr. WItilittal ee 15. Oatliellt. LI. INS. arilti It. PIANOS, MELODEONS, $10,4* SHEET IVIDSIC4 111HE SUBSCRIBER 15 RETURNING THANKS FOR THE LIBERAL PATROIRGE ••• He has received luring the past year, respectfudy beg, to iiitimate that he 61 Low pre- pared to furaish Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet & Church prgans OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED Aciprices and terms which defy competition in 'this section. EV ERY 1 N ST RC 51 ENT W ARRA N TED FOR Fl V E Y EA Its, :SHEET MUSIC SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE. JOSHUA CALLAWAY- limo 1870. 1 Carriages, Buggies, Wagons FARM FOR SALE. 14 IN gm,d dwellang Ism.. hem flat& 1•1511 (WM. kit. heti •tte. hed also good liana aalanal I.1.0 C/Viii 10 mamma Wrough tits fano, Ara '0,4 wells Otte etl. tow gnarl load. 6 *Iles frmel October Ilth teat •ta-tt R. J. WHITELY, FARM LOB SALE. stIll tu operAllou. w taints, out ...per* „immix ,nt 7t, Rcx T. 1,4 4. (.40 cheep", owl Promo' all artarl the Ime that will CAHN toorably with my t 'misty nelerlin. Mean NM "r41 BAYPIELD GRAVZL ROAD, J WHITELY. oe the fanu It Is 4 sew 141,. Prim VI ite p,,* 45141 nut Ma Usi astil Ware. MA illitti mints. FARM POR BALM ON THE CIGARS AND TOBACCO De .1 Dnepr I Co. No Slag Street, West Tomato Rerests' Pole Remedy Isalsks.miedged by WI who n400 1,04 lb., 1121,111n logioon) 1. thn haat. *11 nit bon Pd.. lOWnni. Enamel. or itching P11m, .111 he nemedottely miimed and eventfully rand biasing De.; 1.17164,C ke./14 Arad hy Druggists *Amos front rung krohonnO, Rad Sells, awl thow torturing affiltrone Chilblains, are mill rorommertill. el to taw J Krum,: krmwr Curative fur nitro. ronewmptives try Dr J Relsippe Throat mad Imam livelitr It will relieve and more pm. Poe all Glaser Mthe Throat. alma, and le•ga. nothing caw earliest, North SIA ilarkat Square. A very large Stock of 0 -0 - "RICHARD PIKE. Maill•botswr of ami lea., in AVM Plug. Fine Cut Chewing and -Smoking Tobacco. EVRILT DESCRIPTION OF Pipes As feo•kerst laser Goods ?Splendid Chinn. netts. CEIVERAL (GROCERIES ciez „am 12E.13:3.01.15, CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best make ROBINSON & YATES. Goderieh, Sept 20th, 1868. w47 Permanent BuildhAia Sa Bode ADVANCES OM APPROVED REAL ESTATE ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : 11 lostrahle yearly 20.b6 16.45 13.14 tomes •t networl smote rate. for 2, 4, 6. or II year*. The above nme Imenlater fade a Itribmg Pond, whist, mosey the Pnttespai, as trail sa the interest of t he loan, tri, (Ant ast the elision ol the term agreed epee, OM deht it eo own' looped mil The full amount of the Man 11. nirsored. nd en payment 0 requited beton the end of the hall.yedir ei Teal. Payments tent he made in • Imsor, and intereet 0 allowed therefor or ore monitor,* mg v he re-inun- ret in foll at ••,.. Ione the loveresorr onieppta hie Onion EXPENSES STEW TL r MOD ERA rue further , itioriuMion,• Nov (prepo id) to Appraiser to the Society . GOdene THE BESTBRANDS net tuna through the land The lot l• ettratosi os the Gravel mad about gull. ham tbe bore a God- er,,r1 Ilse hoed 11. • ra, alay vort Ming very eon - Otis for •heat frail gro•Ing The lot he ead hoe •.4 ow) tonne l',,aeraatola ca. le given lat PARMIntill we to J. DA VIM in, toy Ooderich Oodarich. March !Int MO. wt-tf FARM FOR SALE. 1," 147 ACRES WORE TiR LE8M. AWL"? 115 Waft. geed hardwood now ter, • , oodort .hle hour awl first claw frame Wear a earelleat ray Tar fano te Int NO, 5th cos , bodernk Township 111.1alla• Wrist boderleh and Thom Chinos on gement of pan ..aat 51.1 Irma won be was for tie mum. Pot portkulano awls ow She premises to JOHN htell.LNZIE. or WU. S. TRCESA11, istiwrapw of all the above named articles always on MARKET SQUARE. Goderich, April Ise 1870. aw64-31n NEW PATENT 1,2 hermste toles -mem gotlio•tt Utah Wood pur clawed Ile right ter Carter • Hay Lifter Choy are now prepared to fordo! them at 81.00 ea, h The am ;rest minim -boa to Utow who lawe met Wen. Au azeut will be out for tne;aale IAA, • Oodench Jew 11110.. IWO A RARE CHANCE. AKE SHORE ARRERI FOR SALE to() WORZINO oftnee. it mer ASH KIM s tier 1 Center* I amp Curb awd *min sou tdoolde. Hobe. am" :saran* g ad new W 11 Webers, Whorl Renown 4 Weed* • Pewter= Mould Stand, 3 ta • eland. Chaos Kreps taker I Water Pomp aud noisy other &petering/61ms maw ma to isasitios. veld *Wad awl will be rid imp for rash. Ile 1,000 nem "aches mire 7 meta we lead Swain of RA RSV., at Hs Aalsery. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE LI, cm 0.• loam to lonal Lamer mad mom IMPORTAN'T TO EARNERS 111 M•DELL NORWAY OATS 1"1 Lake Street Chi ago Illy seat rt rABIN TO RENT. FRUIT TREES &C. 441Mentar• end Trourner, Toronto, Goderiels. 16th Get.. 1866 Onderieh rp. Containing 160 acres, 05 which 100 are cleared, 18 to rent for see h Ode, with • large orchard in •xcellent 111/ariaj eider. The term is well watered. roe fsrMillir poetical Ars apply on tbe premium le TWO MIDIS for SALE FM tele two very vellamble PARIS la the Too. la* IS eadeneb. Poy particles. apply to 1115 nth written Itior now no Wed et Itis meerlsti. Eget FARM FOR SALE. waa present at the defendant's wedding, and she was positive the complement wee not his wife Defendent I say she is : I know her by her two Ube teeth. Consta- ble : I called on the &implement and ex- amined her teeth in the presence of the defendant. They were all mund; and the defendant apologised, and I thonght there wee an end of the matter; but a appears the defendant haunts the street, so that she is afraid to gri anywhere. Defendant: The alteration alluded to by the vinare. ble was between me and a young man. who threatened to break my ribs and knock my head off if I spoke to his young woman. 141m is my wife, and that I ain prepared to prove. Her sisMr, Mrs Shep- herd. is in court, and she will prove that I married her. btrs Shepherd here entered the witness -hoe, and said : The defendant married my sister. The young woman in oourt ia not the person. She is • stranger to me. Defendant : What, not the person I married ! I can identify her, and will undertake to do so. btr Tyrwitt : It is astounding to what length • respectacle man will go when he has got • crotchet in his heed. You are in idently laboring un- der an hallucination, and as it hes been proved that you act towards the young ',amen so se to pet her in bodily tear, I meat require you to find bail to keep the peace for six months. Bully and Cloward. (new Vint Coneepondosee Chinese EsPshliusAl All men of the world know theft it is a bad policy tn quarrel with n•wspapers, which are ten -thousand -handed and ten- thousand- tongued. For an individual to attempt to make war upon or even defend himself against the press ia like the effort of the ancient lady to sweep reit ,the At- lantic ocean with • broom. Jiiiirnalist as I am, I have never had any doubt that and that they very freeinently exercise their overwhelming power in the moat un- just and cruel manner. If all writers for the press were as they r 'telt to be, care- ful, ermecientonni, and honorable gentle - MOM, the power they pommel tingle be in- timated with snme ufely to their hands. Bet many nf them, rnmtified to my, are almeet the opposite ef and when a private cilium is atteeked se often hap- pens here, withont *use or provocation, A certain gentleman- Alt not mention for himself The reepenefhla editor of • journal noterions for vie onsernmeinnemese and indiscriminate about ofeverybodyemew fit to milent se a target dope eln had nwint intoned him, anda wheal reputation was shove repenenk. Temigeaph Mem rum - graph ni Os. falsest end meet enseemptible pone with army At wow APRICOTS, ate. Weeping Ditch, he. About the loth lust, I will ham • lasp addition to present nosh. WM. cestreau. MONEY TO LEND. ON REAL ESTATE AT LOW .1.11:ATE8 OF Apply to, a•stuvratut, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, TORONTO. Toronto April 16th, 1870. 11,69 lm Farm for Sale. TWO miles from Hayfield in the Town• A ship of Stanley, County of Herm, heing Lot 5, Tisyfield Road, South, contain- ing 66 arras of land more or len, Gond briek hoes., frame Immo. sheds. he. Oooe orchard, good stream of water, ke. Terms easy, apply to, JOHN ESSON, Hayfield, P. 0. April Inth 1870. sw70 41 TO PARNIE.R8 AND OTHERS. minx uNrorrt*imien HAR LARGE SUSS 07 roomy heloogIng le private puller. Pt yell et Companies, 1... Rate of Interest from 8 to lOper cent per sneerp payable half petty nr Freely, with Um la aa, tom of VW or over on moment of Principe' 1, Intoned toms eiroariat as the balsam rely. The anhaerilver oleo Weds mosey re -payable by ao seat imandeemess A leo War import al inmet-Conspiwy Apell 1111o, 1675 bat New Seeds, ! New Seeds ! PARKER & CATTLE HAVE JUST (RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL STOCK OF Imported Field and Garden Seeds, Which for quslity and price cannot fie surpassed by any resprctahle Clouse in Canada. - A liberal diecount allowed to C ,untry Dealers. Remember the stand, PARICER & CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, Goderieb, Feb. 24t6, 1670. w2I Market Sentare. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM'Y 11:astaablieshed 1S25. wITA which is now united the Colonial Life A•0111101416 Compsay. Head office for TY Canada Montreal,-8taudard Company's Ruddier, Ife. 47 Anal St. James Street. Manager -W. M. Ramsey, I napector-Richard Bell ACCUMULATED FUND s20,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME a,eoc,000. Ts. Company havieg deposited the sena of 0160,0On with she Receiver General , in conformity with tbe insuninee Act parsed last Sesame. Astetranceentll emnittere to be tarried out at moderate rates and on all different mamma In practise. Referee's -Dr. McDougall, Dr. klalicking, Agent for °Muriel. GODER1C11 WOOLEN FACTOR 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ...brirleraiLitaitfrisorr rim emelt, °flied TrmeI :014a, Rote, Rh 116/eli (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) -0 Poroong renovin int Timmons.* a, meet 1 wonderful lard eau...dowry noes Ili Canes., by the OREAT INDIAN REM Time are nem m dents', and treomeoltre tone maroon to rowel,* the most *ker. lonilist the Orem IbleArcine1 Comp... - wood eke* for a•e• ni wow simmosible er, the Orem SHOSETONEES REMEDY ro, os 1 hewn, Leap, laver, Chgeatia• throe, KW, ye, Ate., ea eh as Worlds, the ultra,. Skin nensee., Flinwore, all Mesas. analog from Imporittes MM. runs, we 11,141.) Male 11,161 ttoo (reel area there vier melt a eore that in the person 91 Mb, Mono* M Hrigheri,r, vv.. coneeepom -or thin of Penn C. V. Maier, Earriallanant, C. W., alCoo- actually barn en rrotehes. owe. 0 mos of all trees. mem lerrosnews. and as mow mill. • *sec. eteorh might he rneutomed hod we were. lie non et toe nom Mem and gr a Chrialat ol HON EES REMEDY and PILLS, and wady yoste Price of Ike Remo* in large pinta il tr For Selo hi, ell Groggets mid Deal.••• on /1.41 pia, Agents for Godersh, r. Jordan and Perko & coin 117.4711 Cn e.HICK11.1 Pr MO ownenip of Moony, ("minty of Herm. Ian sem, 11.0 arms are to • torh Mete of otiltivatom Th• Wed Fs of We hen quality awl few ad Mgood hoard fear. sksow ths host.) nem are on Um prewdeee a threllIng lonsee, frame harts W hy 17 fret. granary. n ab& end Med 106 hy 14 fen, w.11 finteod no -hard .4 lee hearing teem, two a...r /Wong eel* with good road and eowneeted 10 mud (1.•••I owls with ("Iletort ill tollmi mod by • not sWil to he the twat In Dm wooers, MG. the saaslient markets of Reynold (4 FRAbiati MARTIN, am the peemisten. 11.011.'d 7th 11164- w46ahn• Glenburnie }Arm for Sale intem from h eel mine Pron Clinton, I/ minute' oil the tiravel flunalne from nod. - rick to Royeeld, Tem ehlth It *separated by LW Noy - &MI Rim, IL emanates, 212 acme 1 le scree under fen. e, 70 arr. elear of stomfre mei In • high *tato of rennin -Mu wail neh rine loam tooth good hardwood, It le well watered by ton below Simone Aft orehent 0(140 apple twee In Waring holt war, eltnine al., a nor pear, plume. liewhe• sod ',beryl. mil a few g rove rime Two Mvey omelets hottee, 22 he 42 feet. roller full aim a the hone* Pram. tern 45 hy el R. This le • rano opportowIty to moon • gend !shin on Dm LOP Show, where Trott milting ie much more surmise hi than farther Islard Apply to Mares 17th 1575 WItt to If • ) County of FOR SA.LE. I i'sh with the helet, dwelling Immo and methane.. thereto immory ni-,171.4 by the late '411. TELE L. ACV4CM. Apply to Liman W. Trunlnan. Of ter P P. Walker, Rollin,. fre Owierteh 14th Say, 1670. sw77.4t ESTABLISHED 1848. 1) ESPECTPTILLY ladmatee to farmers and other, that they are prepered I lu all orders in ROLL CARDING, NIANUFAC1 URINC, Fulled ' Clothe, Wilmer, Flannels. Blankets Malievenne tha sbortest notices. Partire wishing to awahearga their wool for goal home ma& good*, will find it to their interest te give ea 11111. as we are satisfied WS have the rode yea require. Parties naming feast • diet/nee with wool tn get 'seeded may in surly every teeter's,* rely ow getting dins wool home with them. dm saw day. plate kb, 1011111. emares- Pr,ovine• of 11.14.10, Fah tin, ima. Motown knoll. pemerlhod frOseL, to tot no &mil of I Ma!, whoa 1 eras Indere* to try thereat lahnahlraft• Aetna. rod int Owen -ft performeL l• • Wm Filer At Litho two hod berm to feel the mishear le my learnt torn Wattle.. WU. Rh risme= Ihnsiedy WW1 two hoe, of the pin. end I am entirely renterrd 1,, health 1 neves oprePwl to get hotter but strap4r tried. We roodleim w • met of forlorn tore nee ewe of Woe neon, to MAW. roe at Wadline.,"Ciowall$Aar Th"af 11%""et Spa,' 7011 peohlty ment 'with 1 hove kenos low Wawa. Surnam, Wee 10 every portico/se 1 km,. that while 011ow owe Mas derdwrod hopeless end I %were that eke me sem Plboahowsee Pli••••• WIelevor may Ise the peeper a=„11411,1s .0.0elso, Odom I. that I HURON SIGNAL. T[10► ♦DVIIRTI11an PM.!11.erina lelw or Ilse view -era some, Narrows, and Owlet 1a.In.e inU0. w{W 11111048. paha All AA 1 ]o M.r m of a./.Ne.WIAY eAart• vas sloxii-icillbrrics. 'applied with pogrom romans, hand prism& and TMSOMISPII every balky for th• toMPtergt execution of every deeerip- tims of plain *Ad teeny printieg at mime is len se any eatabliehrusiii. 121417 •