HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-10-08, Page 12Page 12 Thinee-Adv.ocete, October 1970 Facts N'FanCie$ By Gwyn • • SOUTH HURON WOMEN'S INSTITUTES were responsible for the crafts display, which visiting officials said were the best they had seen at any rally. With the Hurondale display of liquid embroidery is Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne,Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs, Hugh Love and Mrs. Arthur Rundle. T-A photo `Don't accept shoddy service', consultant tells WI rally Stuart House FOIL WRAP 5c off 18" x 25' Stokelys 3c off 14 oz. tin HONEY POD PEAS Aylmer Vegetable or TOMATO SOUP io oz. tin Green Giant Fancy NIBLETS CORN 12 oz. tin Stokely's Fancy FINEST PUMPKIN 28 oz. Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT 28 oz. tin Snowflake SHORTENING 2% lb. Plastic 59' 2 /3 9' 4/45' 4/89' ti n 29' 59' 89' 1/2 gallon 2 lb. Poly 79' 49' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PRESENTS SCHOLARSHIP — Each year the Women's Institute present a scholarship of $100.00 to a 4-H girl who has shown outstanding progress and leadership. This year the winner was Jean Adams, of Wroxeter and a first year student at Guelph University. Her mother, Mrs. George Adams, accepts the framed award and scholarship on her behalf, from Catherine Hunt, Huron County's Home Economist, at the County rally, Monday. T-A photo DRESS SALE Charlton's Ladies and Children's Wear Parkhill Phone 294-6414 FALL DRESSES Clearing at a Real Reduction from Junior Petites to Size 24% in Crimps, Wool, Fortrel and Double-Knit CELEBRATING OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE EXTENDS OCT 1 TO 10 Your patronage in the past year has been appreciated, FREE aFneyatph c hTaos e"ohy e Pr a8n1t10 h07 with Maple Leaf Turkey Broilers Grade "A" Fresh 6-9 lb. Fresh Grade "A" Oven Ready R oasting 5 lb. up Chickens lb. 49' Coleman's Epicure Breakfast Bacon 1 lb. Vac P6ck lb. 79 Fresh Ground Hamburg 2. 1 Henley FRUIT COCKTAIL 19 oz. choice Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied CRANBERRY SAUCE 15 oz. tin 37' 29' DREAM WHI with free Jello P large 4 oz. pkg. FRUITS & VEGETABLES. - .. It's Comin g Two for the price of one —Plus a penny * Cough and Cold Remedies * Vitamins * Stationery * Beauty Aids * Christmas Cards * Deodorants * Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste R.N.A's receive Bibles Clover Cream ICE CREAM Supreme FANCY PEAS Bake & Serve DINNER ROLLS Superior Rich Moist FRUIT CAKE FROM MARRA'S BAKERY BUY of the WEEK MARGARINE ii,. FROZEN FOODS pkg. of 12 39 1 lb. pkg. 69 935 2 lb. pkg. F Ocean Spray CRANBERRIES Ontario Good Size CELERY STALKS A couple of quotes Editor Batten would do well to engrave on his mind are 'Cast Your Bread Upon the Water and the Same Will Come Back to You' and `The Wrath of Hell is Nothing to That of a Woman Riled'. In other words, HE'D BETTER WATCH OUT, * So, I gave away my pay cheque at the Fair last week. You'll admit it was an honest mistake. Nevertheless, I had hoped to keep the news of this innocent, little faux pas confined to a small group. The editor, however, deemed otherwise, and without my knowledge and behind my back, he `snuck' the whole episode into last week's paper. The guffaws and chuckles, not to mention the down right belly laughs, which resulted, would put Wayne and Shuster to envying. All week I could scarcely move out of the house without some wise-acre making humiliating cracks about my `generosity'. These were accompanied by knowing grins and nods that indicated if there was anything in my head at all, it had to be wool. My image as a clear-thinking, cool, collected, calm and intelligent matron had been destroyed in one swoop. Well, Mr. Batten, the blabberer, is grinning now, but every dog has his day, and you can rest assured, that this dog will have her's. Mind you, I've not a revengeful bone in my body, but I have learned in my long and varied life that the laws of compensation are as true and as sure as the sunrise. Oh, they may take a little time to be processed, but I can wait ... or if need be, I can give them a gentle push to hurry them along. * * The first time I was humbled by a mere male was in Grade II when the teacher was teaching us the rollicking song of Clementine. The words were written on the black board and I was roaring them out in fine style when a smart-alek boy, standing next to me, suddenly stopped the proceedings by shooting up his hand and waving it madly. With a malicious grin, that dirty kid blabbed to the teacher and the rest of the class that `she' (pointing to me) was singing "her ring boxes" instead of "herring rings boxes without topses were the shoes for Clementine." Peals of uproarious laughter rose from the group as they began to imagine Clementine stuffing her number nines into "ring boxes". I can still feel the hot blood of shame rising to my face as they sneered at my inability to read the words properly. However, the time of restitution was not long in arriving. There has to be something good come out of having two big brothers, and one of the arts they had taught me was the expertize of packing rock-like spitballs and capulting them across a room with an elastic and with deadly accuracy. Consequently, later in the day, that miserable tattle-tale was suddenly stung by a shot on the back of his ear that jetisoned him two feet off his seat with a yell of anguish that was heard in the principal's office. The delight of seeing the purplish-red lump rising rapidly and hearing his screams of rage is one of my happier memories. The elastic, which had sent the missile flying, was safely hidden in the leg of my bloomers, and my face was the picture of angelic innocence as the teacher tried in vain to find the guilty party. Since then, men of varying ages and sizes have occasionally tried to cross me. All met with the dire results of compensation ... one way or another. So Bearded Lion, wait your turn. No one knows where or when, but justice will be done! A TIME OF PLENTY Heap high the horn of plenty From summer's bounteous yield. Come reap the golden harvest From fruitful tree and field. Make haste the treasures to gather From a generous September. October's bright blue weather Soon fades to cold November. Now, the joyous time of plenty As we fill each mow and bin And with thankful hearts 7nd Prayer, the harvest's gathered in. Becky Jennings aget ger.ad The Exeter Times-Ad- vocate is pleased to extend Birthday Greetings to the following people: MRS. MILDRED LOVIE, Corbett, 85, Oc- tober 10. MRS. DORA BERNEY, Corbett, 82, October 31. Mrs. Kay Hodgins, Consumer Consultant with the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs addressed about 150 South Huron Women's Institute members when they met for their annual rally in Huron Hall at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Monday. Mrs. Hodgins, who had wide experience as a Home Economist and lecturer before joining the Federal Department, told her audience that Consumer and Corporate Affairs Department was established in 1968 because the Canadian Association of Consumers had convinced the government there was a need to have someone in Ottawa to speak for the consumer. She said there are two main things the new department hoped to do: to create consumer awareness, and resolve consumer complaints. Mrs. Hodgins pointed out that her department has the jurisdiction of retail inspection of weights and measures, and the inspection of foods and drugs in dealing with economic fraud, such as excessive fat in hamburger or slack fill in packages of soap and cereals, etc. She also made the women aware that there are inspectors for jewellery, and fur coats and suggested to always look and see if the name of the fur is attached to the coat they are purchasing. Minister Ron Bassford is presently bringing legislation before the House of Commons which will instigate improvement in packaging and labelling. Mrs. Hodgins stressed the need for more protection in the labelling of household cleaners and showed a chart with the new symbols of warnings for products with dangerous chemical compositions. However, she pointed out that legislation does not relieve parental control and urged parents to be very carefull of all household cleaners. She was also forceful in her warning against using pottery to store foods, especially juices such as apple or orange, and stated that the acid of these fruits could leech out the lead from the glaze or clay and cause serious and even lethal illness. Mrs. Hodgins also discussed textile fibre indentification, which will become mandatory shortly; Canadian standard sizing; more suitable styles in women's clothing; signing contracts with door to door salesmen; and unsolicited mail. In concluding her address she emphazised that legislation can't plug every loop hole, and shoppers, women in particular, must be firm in demands with the retailers and manufacturers. "We have been taken advantage of much too long," said Mrs. Hodgins, "and we must learn to take strong stands in dealing with shoddy merchandize and hard sell salesmen." Miss Mollie McGee, associate principal, welcomed the ladies to the College and introduced Mrs. Hodgins. Mrs. Delbert Geiger, president, was chairman for the event at which the Huron County scholarship was presented by Home Economist Catherine Hunt to Mrs. George Adams, on behalf of her daughter, Jean Adams, Wroxeter, who is a student at Guelph University. A bursary was also presented to the Children's Aid Society for a deserving young person in its jurisdiction. Next year's rally will be held 74kator 47010, Fay Goulden of Toronto and Halifax is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Andrew Blommaert Jr., Alexander Street. Mrs. Doris Shelbottom and Mrs. Shirley J. Snell won draws at the fair Tupperware booth. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the South Huron Gideons presented the RNA graduating class at South Huron Hospital, Exeter with Bibles last Thursday evening. MiS, Marjorie Herdman and Mrs, Mina Talbot made the 10 DAYS ONLY presentation, Mrs. Edgar Cudmore presided and Mrs. Esther Thompson of .Seaforth,, chaplain, spoke to the class and Mrs.. Talbot read the scripture and dedication prayer, Katharine Hall favoured with piano instrumentals. Contests were directed. by Mrs, Doreen Gesell, and. Mrs. Talbot, Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. More women's news on Page 20 in East Huron and the motion that Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Exeter, remain district secretary was passed. Greetings were brought from the area president, Mrs. Vermont Pow, St. Thomas; area secretary, Mrs. Herbert Jackson, Fingal, and Mrs. Wilber Lawrence, F.W.I.O. board member. of thanksgiving specials Phone 135-0212 Also Heavy Toms over 20 lbs. 45A lb. and Long Island Ducks PHONE 235-1570 Swift Premium or Lucas Arthurs Boneless We also have Swift Butterbal I And Maple Leaf Miracle Baste Turkeys 12-14 lb. lb. 59 Give Us Your Order For Fowl We'll Do Our Best To Fill Your Needs SPAGHETTI Large 19 oz.tin Libbys Pure Large 18 oz. bottle TOMATO KETCHUP Stafford Berry Box ASSORTED JAMS 9 oz. Jars Jello LEMON PIE FILL 3 Pie Size White Swan PAPER TOWELS 2 Roll Pkg. 2/39' 35d each or 3/9 4/88' 49' 59' 59' New Crop Florida 48s GRAPEFRUIT White or Pink Ontario No. 1 POTATOES 50 lb. bag Local WAXED TURNIPS Good Size Fancy MAC APPLES 6 qt. Basket 5 /4 9' skis 1 lb Pkg 30s ea 119° ..119 4 99' Runs from Oct. 15 to 24 EXETER e • 4 Yr • e Open Friday Nights Until Nine IDDLETON ruis- Hayter Turkey Ranch