HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-16, Page 1;f1c, • a . ' .,'''• : -,t;:,.....- -4t,',os''. .I.,.. •ao • ''' -'' " !„. '1 . .', ..".: ' f' " 1 ' ''' , . ia,,,,..0e14 a'... :. • • : •-,•• , . ,., ,.., , , ', ' -2. 11'1:4;1'4 ft ...I ..ii Var4,7441:4L,MHEItikfltavidi '‘, , ,„`""r• " • • "•."4 , , • .s.• 1,1rt.ta gieffkae.'•t It 240.1, , eUla .•- Nth* ,reteettiaseitsele.vallit ' It len • v• o., . „,„fl - " ;aits'ltiftlkaattiAsyttig Lia • „a 0., ., • „ 40 1. eerie m o 4•144, '{ ei 4 , , • • • er. tioa4"/"Ertiaito .'401 • • ..t • r • , • J ,4 heat • 4 mg mew 11 NIP 111111155111 0. !it,, • oo`lb • di:pt./II 4,_ '•'$11* es. - • " • -"6 rerJI . 1 11.13Z. 4.11t r tad Proprietor. _ • 'nem Arm ler A VIVA -NOM ee."4.501554-010-1! points...Director!). _ - EDW &RD SHARKLN. H LAY Eli. lirriBURER AND SLAM, 4910,4 ....so .14 . • •Ot.,..P,a!iia.-tow• 4,••• • ..,--44,1-esalybe "(1,40r •- , *4,100Ni. '4 • .ir • WEEKLY 301orierit6141 rfr .11.1111:1' PY7-6Piei7 19 Aummo \-"11.111.1111. W The Greatest Possible Good to tits Greatest Possible Number." (10PERICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, JUNE -16, 1870. dr ".16666r ar!ir1tAiiiiii) ..'... : . . ','AN`.4;-,'-e.' ,a,:..".1":74E.Z, ., , . ..:.'„•. ..::'.-. lit:, ,. !• 041.iliai, etklw? JO Vr-t 't1rtr4tVd7r.f.41/1fettatittiltikteAKU‘14`674.irkettaVVEtir1.6an'49\"j:' r eAftiti-' .••:',,, 1 - - •-"--itcElitititAHOWtilletr."'"- - .." j -.'" "'kV' '„ 4' • 14;:',,'!„)11.59•Fti,''':**•,,I.:;irlia•4t, ' . L : • . 4,77011W,4,71Pr- 1041 pi; 1111 ru:11-! I I I II Lo .sriv se/ Molts MP JfIll mein, arliti Iventerieire ;94:44= •• '1' "err”.7rrill-Trirrr", • 741 )VOL: xxiur-N021 QT11.1..rontraria r rli eto eark the envie laraselt- 0 e noollahle brow Whiterehirts and Job - MN/ 'ID -61.1.1 Ww4P9y. Pedro hallttins borough the ironer,. *holed. to pot ott a Witabestenthell CoNF,Fi64114.414 do well to eoressoonil with the IlItol.fl..tt ha.. the Houten ravened elk saistiawal. e tbe ell and Uwe afblegme, than .1 Other coveting I. le thiederirh, Itareh. In* 8. R. Ni'DO GALL. pltACTICAL VETERINARY 8 U wool, Golancl Veterinary Medi- cine.' always on loud. Iva! b o 44414.4•LIPila sirma hill•••••ilay, owl at 1.4iLtaier von rrrer•riiy and nosey iv• Hires ensued m 6e* ine54-2ta - - IMPORTANT NOTICE. F. R. fit ANN, House Sign Ai Carriage Palsier. TUI PUBLIC THAT trz.,1117414therlajt•-it'9ip••:.i11t1ole. in diwiee 11311103 Directory. IOW IS YOU CHANCE ahto ' Prices to Salt tke Times! Photograph.; reduced to $1.01 per Doz., oe 7:erts PRIt tette' PogiN. Large Photograph Reduced in yroportion. WhIersa Methodist Church wit\ varalsh'n'eteta. at- 1"'"4." • tech. whirr he ir prepare to bile) orders promptly, e. 1 ti nmemilir pri. ri. thankful for the patron...die ar thi / Youseoliito rohlirtiletare 0( 11* mama. Now is the time to Paint yogi' Cid ten, Sleighs, and Carriages. yay Ontro fnua country Carrisimshopeattanded to • 1E1 tither h Met raiding. oudide. Graining, Olaeng. Paper- . ltv• , Le. F. R. MANN. 11. 11(9. wit IIURO TEL, ZLRII�,VO. MCE4).N. JOHN PRANG, - "'"1""Teele THY Men wrangles.* See the Unleaded pada, W Ow's& atshitseaali prompt smeseaus. Tetweste let . .94t MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. nv the direct road from Seaforth to ‘.4 walkerma. Every necessary accom modatioe for the Publ.e• HASaNAli DAYS. Wrozatiorwv.F, tor. w4 COLBORNE HOTEL, CODERICH. E. MARTIN. Proprietor. flteel Aceoesmodations. Ample Stable Room. eks This is admitted to be a First claim - --herner-lrept urflood 8t our dolls D. CAMPBELL'S Photomap\ dell ov Coderlek. Oat. 109)1, Idle. 1-i`eed Veet1 J1JST C 'CYM ID AT Shephard & Stractrarer, 20 TONS or BRIT, SHORTS L !Miter), oils>, WILI. Sell Cheap far Caih. Goderich. June 7th 1869. wig -H. tetasseretalitetiei.1111tehelIC.W • (MIN kle101, Proprietor. Thtili '•nrestoud hereCeantry Hotel id Metter Clearvia.lind r name. 111 .noderatee• say lime io i g • Proprietor. (fowler Nine for 400 i1,.•••••• '1 owes mad ostnages for Hoe , e• triortemtAlotiee 14.9 -GODERlali Stoves CABINET FURNISHING s A. wAREtioutiE• , •: DANIEL GORDON, , -,, IIPH01.8 TEM, cos ,,/,,, iifr. . .4, clA.Hi N E'r NI A. IK 7e2 it 0 AND ' ' lc Undertaker, 4to., &o., r; to °I _ -- _ d • 3... '/;:dulte Irdiir:77L:kbV I "it1 ri ! Stoves ! tj 0 Dareaus, Heed Alters, detleterats, aeres. TOrte09A..,.*.ttarebars.Emy chain. FURNITURE 016 iv rtery variety. whin\ •,44•040.04,.VON9114•1111' bef the favor 0(114la grant r of furniture who me g,.4 boor Min with a OM, p.g *nett* style sr .1 price, 110.1)1 es (-Wet:bade, tenanting, ('4.9.44149r. W. hiss Chant e> Wardroom, hole betas, hen eitele, Ertrlien Tahles, !bonds balg .lo, .*1 4 or 11 iltfleteed Idols Syria, Itat.treaare ilea thee Martrames, had ttro, Moe. do S. 11 - oleo, or. hood 4 14tNe re strident ..I • heatable gral and Romwriel *odd mg -frames, topiary me or real. made math. isisorted notice. Havoc able meant/rewrote with Ali WE'S k :JAY. Toronto, ea• hoorah moth., bens or att [heir 14'aren...6.0 rorento. 41- Has Cesare a complett esteemed of Coffins & Shrouds In the Latest Style. A lao, I8EA RICO to hire. Cliaezaig) ,ca CJitasYs. nocoicomewoory 186.1470 __ 14 GODER11.41 WAGON &CARRIAGE • • ••• '...!*••••••••:' /41041411" lir41131r4fr • 1 - g -7o" PLAIN AND FANCY 1\7" w .A. COAL OIL,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE POLICE COURT. WIDNEAD•Y, 8 June, 10 a. nt. The hall .4 jostice was flooded •ita the gorgeous rays of the June "sun, which tat up the coneteriancee of the distinguished assembly this morning cosivened, to give their eittetartisentent 4. the dummied of law, in their efforts to advance the caune of virtue and inorality and to become ' • terror to the evil doers and a (maim to them that du well.' Our artist and reporter who .ini,). 0 • for 511 tho boal. .• f c0l 1-3 situation, as well ma to describe and deli - 1:14 twee, was duly at hie post. The crowd apotitimertualy parted in tau to afford • triumphal passage for Mayor Heys and Joshua Canoe's, Eel., J. P., who grace- fully acknowledged, as they entered, the entlimiastic plaudits of the craned. His Worship, the 51a) or assumed 11-1 011 Iffir Coal Oil Lamps, S:c. &c. Old Iron. Dripper, MI41.14, WWI Piekisa•. •ad Sleep Skin. tibia •ach•n‘e. J.& J. STORY. n of th Large Coal Oililarrel, athestiea. Mare" 1.1.1)111 NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING 8 IOP, WERT . OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, OODERICH. .1C ea is r c• t 2 THE Mu Wenner wroild a•nottne• io the pole Ito 4,1 Harm, on,. 14ttee, thnt he meow rein- ufacieroe lirel•thlos Carrlsges, Waggono, Sleighs, Csattox-ss, wherh bold CHEAP -OR CASH. try. Wanted a wood -worker, and two apprentices -one to leers wood -work and the other blacksanAliing. JOHN PASSIORR, Victoria Street, Goderieb CodericteeM•• Nab. ISM. wee I. FREDERICK, ; . • 7 -7 'Of TE Oldest Establishment -in Toni WATCIIMIER. JEWELER, &c tA•Es;T 'AT , GODERI( lf, Near tho Post Office. DENIS MONT RFAPE(TFU LEY TO MIMICS HIM LA aeons thank. to the people of Ooderdb owl melody for their liberal ',Unmade dieing the pant years an I now the the hol•Iny who. be ...mod 11,18 111114. metal pnory•npn4.1 and amend..., he would WAD HMI all elm eddy to imelouteherede for p ti or ode -realm. of warred...I materiel and workr would well to he from ham al rate eorop• lively cheaper than that liked for worthleen trash. JewelJy Sold for Gold Werra ed. It,. Repairing done in the best style of Grilmo h (40, 514 lert ierlatf MDR tolierrier in lallIrning thankm for 98, 144,00411 .I. patentee re 4.01104.41,110) upon Mtn, begs to in form inimentosenetontent 11.4 44. gonad gearraily that lir 'amen o004er.,1994- late re, 94. 4,, removed bin '4,04neas 0.14. +tore frontterly.orropthi by Ma. lime.. tont raven, twit flank Of slontroal, where everything 11 94111 (114..114 I. r.1111141 snd All Kinds of Job Work will be Done the manor as mond. G. N DAVIS). h 791111Jan h SASH AND NOR ACTOR Y. pit,...dosnOlgeed Maytag perch.see *he 1 rag Mill •n,/ 4..h Parton oernerl, end oe- mtpiof by Donald Commit', are now prepared to ea•ry on lbe business 01 Inanalactering Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, sod all beds of CI I Ft C".. 0 I/ IC, such ••Eircle and Oolitic dash and Frit... They honk (0404.Doe ettperte•re in Factory Work.11ial they rill gore edialiction to wirbo 041111! of them with a rail. 7. lobsra distioost 40the node. 20,00f) left of Dry inob hid a quarter Flooring on hand: JAS RUCBANAN, DAVID LAWRON, RtIBIN8021. Onderioa, Hersh 4411. evatl REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, WATcHMAKed ,AND JEWELICR, One .Amer, 0 0 131ElltIC114. hip sohaerriter h•nnti ...nerved to dm Mere lettly met kr Mimeses . amen in...rouse led tle rehiew•Mieiver *art, men tem Imes famaZd lama* Wele•177ws, and Pep ipv„, 4*9 Minn .19 411 drool resent aneernomee .9 ,4.4, inewowelo kb anemias toady roil le meoppty Watches Clocks and Jeweleryl 111,44, 4..411 pi0•••141441nona I.• IA. ••••••••••• 41.41 an CI Work he been doe by Romer eemainers Misr doped eat Meng n well teemed sir A goal mime.. of (1.04 .14 Plead Heerelfp• Illidebta, Close 5. . (*11)411 011 ems tivaA.7.4411.43111.-- *00 Agents, Reed Thls I wail; PAI tnew17.4 MALAN, of OM a0*4 " ......„0.4Zogi ggreeignEllE91141110161"Wirer.6"1, " .) lawaaril r•V' t W MARTIN AMANN Dros 104NFORM (114i/1,1) ClaNYOMEtto I the be le 1.11 able to reed for cash, •I the owe. entre, ALL RINDS OF FURNITURE. At ha shop on Kimmins Ntrwri, opposite the Hume Hosea, tioderied. (Save Ana snail. Golirniti ihed. t11I1w37. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.40 Per' Dozen. HALFDGUN FRU tt RACK N 8DATI V it 51 cents, pottage free. One dozen from hark negative 670480(1, postage free, teeny address. 1131- Parilcolar Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For abhor large or email photograph-m.7.We subscriber in roaming thsnks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would jest say that he haa made such im- provost:unto In his gallery as will merit a con. nuance of the tante. A. Great Reduction es Large Photographs. F. 1.. AMNION, Dederick. Dot. 24. 1869. .4411. TAI LORING 30. ALT! M1E1 picl URN HIP MORTNINCRHETHANKO • .sewiestbtaosbeeeeavaiwed bustabia in tie& leh,entbemesht•t•••••-w• neer naelle I o bentder•hroughi lo lott•eilana 804•9ng d10.1110,111•041•Oilitni.O.f• CarryinE on Business Extensively end eintplopse neee• Not ana-riami tradesman ed•• D. A helteivirettse•tpeemsn-• es rioter s erionalo noes ta bit Prowate•,h•viiiissiiersedna beanwwwe•teeetwfty atitianotweefell; thiet itreeilliereMohigiktir 4.W, Otter • est er t he P04411104911ehlreett 1 • Millehttegh, drolland, he eteriwtelytist• 4, • fineereitte pehlie ha t OUTMAN() OAF DE P(&DF Al$1.410011111111140UA herlev• ge:eatisa.. OW" 1 i n Tninfile er Mwerwa othirieh, °slob*: Jrd, 1842. awl 7 --tenereweee, The Last Sueeesg, IMPF jam. RESTO HAIR DRESSiitig iiewp1t74 fn BY ITV 17811 Gm, or hew flair H quickly metered to On youthful color and beanty, and with the first application a bealtital glom and delightful fragrance le given to the Hair. tt rams Nair le grow on Raid Spam. It will promote Inniriant growth. FALLING BAIR Is Immediately theeked. bild by all Drehrista Price cos Dollar. Man n futo red by & R. VAN DUZRE A CO. Wholesale Druggists, 111 Pulley Street Vat 049 Perk Plum - New.isrt, sad 944 Bleb Melberg. leades. Sae. L FIRE & MARINE ERIC McKAY, w.,..T...D...xtrt.,.. Th;1- 14.4 ••••••1•q• In Orr Ahoy. ilia_ int West 'street, oidoeid or. IIoo8 -4 hoot tee ahem Ise whil tees constantly on hand trd. to order FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. 1(11. 004 no eel an so.ro mint of Upholstering material he war be pripared tonal promptlyallerden th•t. 4.1Er A gaudily of Orli ...tit...wend Moiddisige on Picture Framing to Order. t)- 11n 44,14 by et • it attention to Mamma. :tar in, 4 Aare •bl rote!, dT.&4. theirrIck. Kew 17, lent w441.1 NICITST 'I`() .CSA At Reduced Rates, on m toyed Farm & Ton Pioie' it 'ALA It might have been* whip. Didn't know whose dog tt woo. Mood shoos that he bat a large piece out of oue lag of lir. Truetuatui In x ibles about two hoer' 14,r.. Mr Cribb had the mutual by the nape a the neck snd and mos beating 111.111 Oh the posterior and all over. Asked hies 3 times to Mob the Aageliation. Gentles is not in witness' employ and he baa 110 1114 henget Ore, him. He did not set he *had • pick against Mr Crabb and Wold P0t hit. through.' yome ogierags, ••urd, in • buggy with Mr Pulley, beard the howlinv, saw the castigation and thought Mt Crabi, using the dog creel's. Wath the exercise he waa puthiag and blowing like ad a running up hill l'• ,.ked him to stop, nr if 1,9 he wo41111 haul hint np. tirabb Shipped then. By the tine they were at Saunders 44. tiled to chart this mirk of tb• nut tio calhe woukin't hawed, thouliti Otaitnon Clif AMMron lia. he lit os th. hark of 18.1 18.,. doe And at ...J clawed I awl meted! TFESDAY, 7 Jan, 10 a. se. Oh ' her dhow ! and the purp he yoshd t hate Mete went leo too 414., The Council met piirsuant tdjoerti: AIM , booth of thela were peeled hem Idolaselt: fen by add addled, meet deed runt. Present, the Warden It BM chain limentead. TIM ••••• he 1 Meedri. A ratirtowl, Dnhoh, Young rimed, *ad +awed. lad swot% Art he gethee 4 • Mg betrithat, Ferran, Horton, Sheppard, &tom; That he • toad lie darted emedialM Leckie, McDonald; Carrtk, tParst..‘ If let eau t ted .at ! ci••••4••••• be Wooed If It• 4M Wads, Morrow, Seen, Shennon, Govan! so,,,.4"17'.....9;"4,..1,'",,„,1.",:pit:,„i'"4-aaa"so. 4.10dn,k,c.KOthilir:oHreeitidanwtoadi, .p; &p' bi.di.013; Dallas, Messer, Scutt, Bl.hop, WPM; Helps, DirvIn and Gattrlt. 1114 .Anatol of yeitterday *ere teed iiipkVved: Moved by Mr Cresserel iseioniffea by Mr: Perkins, that the llama (..t1111 followirot Ori Friday mornutg, at 10 o'clock, Mr. gentlemen be added to the E'Inanetit"i Crabb was tined $2 90 and ousts. Committee, thila gi•ing each uaiinIcipaloV/ Tueoley siteruouu, beton, Chrism si.ihrepepit:eserdntetplo:r,kivil.,a.-Mbessi.dia.Aar.truitroicanli.; phwr Vrabb, fay., J. P. the followine cue and moved d ".111"2„t"i1.1, usTillmt tWx17.14•7;46T14hut,,I1L..,,,,,,,,ir amendment by Mr Leckie, seconded by Bratemon was charged with enalomiging beMrinatbmesebe4%t.ihatthMEir Cuagrrizkii,rudoM,urmiCatlyi in...171i the &Smoot of Mr Brtifrn of mon and Mr Helps of East Wawanosh. Amend, anent carried by • iniderity of one. Stored further in emetidineut by Mr PM104 seconded by Mr Castle, that on ehoonnt the abeenoe of Misers Brown and 00the Equaliastiod Committee, two be pointed by ballot to MI the vecancy. Let on a division by a majority of eight. Moy: ; ed further 111 autesalment by Mr Sisep:-. sou *neonatal by Mr Daunt, that no ad; down be made 10 110. litousliaatiun Coin; tliat,FoS't's. 01)1041011. Lost un divisom by a maysiett7- hi. ing plum ci meetiug, while acttng ageut, in ordering printing, nineteen. A commenicatiou irons Me and sell og tickets fur Finley, agent .1 1(1. Bulk u Meetrukt, ' was read and referred id the ftitalloil Ci.ninaittare, Mi,ved., by Mr Ouvisisholt; secreted by Mr Das all,- that lir Shannod '1- (1. 5.191.4 to the &inebriation Committee: Verrteel on la diviston by • majority of 6n(- Letter fro..the County Treasurer be. r14tt computed by • statement of the "motto* of Taxes collected on account of Nod Rmaident Lands was read add referred id tt, the Finance Committee Amounts of J. & J. Story, and Mr Donaghy were referr.: ved to Finance Committee. A cireelfitr Ott nail from the Count" Clerk of Elgin and ageism Leckie, Gresinway and Ferran etird eppointed • Special Comniattee 040 report thereon. Moved by Mr Gaunt seconded by Mr Castle, that as • certain charge had been made through the public prism against the pruitang Contractor for last year, hat ing charged more then contract price., and that the matter be inveitigated by the Pni.Ong Committee and report at Mai meeting of Council. Carried. Adjourned to meet again to -morrow v4 9 a. se. Wednesday; 8 Jude, 9 a. th 414 1 .1101 1141(414,1 41)4. Thiey they/ Ilitn lame en . window Wed. .4bd the teeter mare 161144 p 1141 hy ewer ••••• *nee • to age meal., or 4, met another pep hollt• may tont .7 041.04 mob/A at title Ara., I %met orb, • torm for that ' All I • anted to woo ii, that naktieli .I.0)� Wm 100)11. 18. ones, Tom re. depot ibe bowling began again and Polley said lie would haul him up. He thought it waseruelty to the dog and that Mr. Crabb was not drawing it mild. Clitalt EXAMINED loy Mr Crabb, woeldrether Imre *nod out the Artillery, loaded the le • 40(4.41 ' '410 r v 0-• the throne of state with the above gigantic' ...hunt of the 'Statutes of thiterio before him ; supported on the left ny Mr. C&91&.way. Hie Worship,:with several nourishes, doffed his fin the 'ourt Heine Sonars and blown the 'g auto smithereens than have thrashed 1 so. To Me. Potter, witness was not Siemea.„ if eastr41tra14.1 04,11•444. reeently. (attar repaRtivial„inderity compels us,. an 11115 Cil•P t.44 1410 U. M. Thl: CM A St, SWOT, Oldithreliar dallgeroldi vicinity in which Mr Crabb's cur rent hts unmentionables. Mr. Credit, pouuded the dog in 4 or 5 minutes after the fact, while witness was hunting ID Hatlehunit's more fur a 'LECTURE s. nicely Winded after 1. gong with bishand kerchief, the with which to shoot him. Thinks the dog was whipped severely hut as he spoke frelengfy-not touseverely fee theatroctous crone committed. It was the butt of the • rereo. estembos from Throe to Ten 'Year. Boman/pp . Re nee.,. or moothu, 11. t Erato or Feely Inetaine 1lIhn, Imperial -Building, Savings & Liyestnient Co. OFFI(..E-50 Clserch Sir*, remote. reettorrr. ' 101111 CRAWVititb, Roe, strasswiserwr. - Joni( Goering, wasessia. J()FIN CRAWFORD, Pay , 44.41 P., JOH N hen DO 4f, .4oc4ot 41•1,,I, -,y J 43. HaR04411. the • mega. Illenrhosts' Reek. )011r4 TURNER 14.. Mood. Nomore. Toone &Co. JOHN FPO II EN. Koh. 14..... 1. Flakes & NO414)9141441?.A414)9141441?. Zed Merchant JOHN 11141.6111/1. Irq .111~4 Luisa a Neenah. DableTt4P1.11 elt114410. leek,temio D Craw fool it Cu. ISARCIIr toULT014, Ida tendist Sartme•itir Hattmielaida, FA MORTON. beag. -3ferchante Runk of Canada. lowest R."'" *101)4 Wet hirer WASHING MACHINE! of prig:to-tit, and proceeded 10 4)1181110111. The cane on the carpet was the adjonrmed trust of skill PoLLEY ra CRASS ; the latter 'being charged with 'unnecessarily-, cruelly or wantonly' cudgelling an unfertunat9 The Mastro seggested that theJustices and specta'.ur should hereafter appear in their good A PERFECT CEM. Priceonly 0#2.00 each /T11IE P117FI41CRI 13ERN OFFER roil 11.11.0 'A .L w.nelerin the Wuhan, Marble lIner'patent- ed end niannfertriod he line Kinney of 14 noletock. It le the rhemerit noorbtor eta, invented . an he at ..had to any ordinary 41'0.4) (1141,1 tude b• w04ttrit44 nptirnpi tonnit Other algid or heavy goods watihe 110 noddy end ell, iron I v more r,unlorraihe emir hie', mar hInee ; .41 40.,,., laJory to the clothe.; and. Move. them neerlv rte dry. II dedre4. as it reeds, Wringer 71. 1..'. pri•re of 12. te• twinge It within. the Mich of anv With it aey Imearettameer .an •b• Iterow•••••ant• vAthout @alma setthig tors bands en aa aching hack. Call and See theMachine - AT ROBINSON & YATFOP Market emery: .lm. rata nee .usie eta Maitland Salt Well itairli";611 PLATT'S PATLN EVAPORATOR, The undersigned is prepare4 to No. 1 SALT, IN ANY QT'ATEelr A? 711E e t ]Price, lissom THE ABOVE WLL. 11,4/111 ?IRS allfillbabelt crograwr at 91 h•e1 rfne•n in Canada. don, England, witattlehed in 1745,one '.1Ile oldest HORACE MORTON, Agent Deorrzert A f, Marna PIC111WOVPA NT r•l• a alaadtlee., Tenho 11111*80 r se Ortemmy malletra gn. d. 14,0410. 041.4, takes 111 14 hoe mull eases rebel Mai <Ione MI. MOM At 91 1101111T01111. Aeut. I ...no shoehl, lo futore, be illhatreed stoat of the flacon Stgloll, A. M. ['oriel*, SW0(71, 0111 Saturday last Wag in a bngge-rido Around the Conrt-Flonse Square. When nearly opposite Dark's Hotel he hearil • tremendotui squealing as if belle one was lolling • f2E When he tented the corner ef Kingston otreet he saw Mr Crabb, with a stack 3 feet long, belaboring a which he held by the nape of the neck. He thought Hp Crabb woo killing the canine and 'eked him to stop. Mr Crabb kept hammering away at the animal. The witness w.rold hiatal to lick • As Mr Crab!) licked that gnadrnped. Witness felt as if somebody was muting a throngh his feelinga when he heard the howling. Witneaa trirried back and told Mr. Cothb if he did not stop he wniald halal him tap. Mr Crabh looked up aa mech as te. may it wari none of witneea' burnout how ernelly he heat the dog. It ease spew between wit, 4.•• -sesi Mew- foundland like Mr Crahh'a before they abed their hair ti 1,04 ,4 •;', anreaDtiJaraaair.Ce '7 '6 15* Dtrimal• moues wee ie the ;craggy with crow Gederish. Angina t& 11109. W2?I cum. tex in, my, (Iwo, -Didn't see beginning of ',hind,. The intArnment MONEY To EN D. . Mick about • yard Inng It might have been the handleof oireof Mrherom's famous • EASYTERM fi GORDON. ▪ -4weLabisfwatt.4eetzeotatere--eseeeel, ..Nt 0/4 uenian as t e deg s rut er an r. Crabb adgMeliteal that his dog therefore hire Mr 'freeman 'malice af"rettionighe as these brethren sotneumea light and Mr T. uses has J frinly es M, 4&,13'. pep. Ms. Stt•ItlernOltat, one, corroborated the other evidence, in part, but weld not say, 111 imager to Mr l'ulley, 11 castrato"' frit ennia. Nett CAMPBELL, 111104-0, saw the heatir.g. The dog after biting Mr 'foreman ran seeiber a aa if lie 'Wei: C.; was stalky and conimonc. 44•ViftfrAliglalrlfteP instrument wal a whip. Thai Mande, Or rot answer to Mr Polley could not say if e rowirrgiot. fu.t, 0011;. Thad.% was produced and did nothing h. 0 vindicete himself but slink into •corrier. ob No medical gentlem in being present Die et Mayor declined 04.. make a surgical tumor atom of his physical coudition. MaCnassin defence of Ma. Cuss made an elooneut appeal to tho .444444+44 The case warn adjourned till this (Enda* afternoon at 3 0 aka* &hen the charge was withdraisn, Dr. /Merry Hunt, ed the Goodogical Sur- vey, haa .inat poblished en elaborate report on the ibelench remora. The first part goons descraptaoto of the geologicel for- mation of the region, which la interesting to those who are in search of wells and which gives a !ergo amount of information as to the remelts of boring in different beelines. The second put of the report occiipirel with details of the promisee for makIng Felt, and shows clearly that the manufacturers of Godench hare n.4 yet adopted the beat means for working to advantage the brine which is .o abondant in that region. To realise the enormous waste uow going nn at Goderidh, it is only necessary to whew the differeut results ob- Maned from the Syracuse bone ami from the OtatIrrICh brine. The brine from Syra• mu mark from 59' to 65" of the !telemeter, while Dome of Ooderich give from 91' to 9dbcu p10' 11 are required 04.. yiel 1 a bushel ot salt elle a brute 490" holds 23 4 per cent,and .10 1. bushel of mit for 24.4 gallons. At '(tench, ai ha• been shown, there are tarried 35 beetle's of aelt to the cord of eel, while ...oh • winch inferior brine Reripteres declared "'Train lip a child an the way he .hold go and when he is old he will not depart from If the law alkove a parent to chastise a child (hich of comae Mr Doyle knovra nothing about ea ia an old bachelr, how notch more (11,es it allow • dog to be penished if that dog knows he is guilty.' This dog is an intelligent doe and • pup, in feet a "child' among d.,m and minuah- ing him now would make him amenable all hie life to the law concerning dogs. If this dog had been ea old dog he niight have shot him, but he was spiting deg aim had made an impression on Mr Crabb's affectionate boson mut punishing him now woeld maks Inni a good dog as long as he lved, and he hold that under the statute 'necessary' pnniahmet Wel permissible. The effect of the chastisement wale already apparept aa lie used to cherish 'malce aforetffffoght. to Mr Treeman ; while, since the thrashing h• had been in Mr. Trueman'a company without mhowing any desire 01 mntilese hie rtether garment* It ma only the other week be had seen Mr Polley's man nnmerciftilly beating baulky and he might have prosecuted him lint for his extreme "woad haute ' sad dila wee hill rewrd. B L Dol.,,, Earl., then. akfretsed the bench for the priesentiorl sol the Meru gen...tinned that the Conft deferred its judgment -till 191. tn. oli Frolay, to ye them time to look up aulthorities. _119tettellf_iseptintlt.,p*mog to. ' 'et" Mit no' f Pat 0 We WhSttell'„,,, Olfte' proptht. Bon The Council met. Present -the Weeded in the chair, Meagre Aretstrong, Young, Parra,,, Firirton, Shipyard, Patton; Leckie, Mot/ousts', Brown, Garrick, Per- kins, Wade, Morrow, Snell, Shannon; ticvenlock Kell Han ton McCalt,;,.. riinway; Teal** Creativell, Dallas, Masser. Scott, ilishno; Willis, Garvin and Gatitit. Thta minuted of yesterday were read and approved. no; Repot of the linguieer on the Colintj liridgee was read and referred to 1104 Road mail Bridge Ceseinittee The 44 110. Engineer on the Gravel Road! AKA read and referred tal !Le( Irate' RLidd Coats: mitten. The Repnrt of Musts Bay and McPhillips aa to, the value and (..kmditteet of the N./n.61111\ Gravel fitted wee and referred to the Finance Committee: A Letter from the Coutoy Auditors with a synopsis of Reooipta and ,Erperiditereo for the year ending 31at December wise read and referred to the num* Co.,: mattes,. Report of RevJohit Ferenieon, was read and referred to the School Coes: inittee. A letter from Mr Tome respect- ing taxes paid on anpatented Lod. wad read and referred to the Fidartee Commit. Me. Moved b Mr Farren se*.n11.4 by Shed at Clinton antrIPPS.V.411111114198110., 7hititert* • become pay able only on oompletios of mid shed acoording to Government reign, latios, Gutted. Accounts of Itarr Johri F usn, L. H., It., H. Gibson L 8 • T .1 Slonrhonee, John Walker, Copp: Syracuse yields 30 to 314 bushels. At the Clark & 0o, Luke Eilard, and Knirineer4 mise -and it must Its remembered this same ratio of production an that of Myra- caoce.,,munitttawne.re residAdioa.adnd reftlirredio_trmorro. Finasseiv .4 could be largely increarmel -4 :odermh brine 9 m. should yield f..9 Idlahen Sod to the cord Of wood, again of between two and three hundred barrels a day in the hoer smarm. It will 10. 011.1, no doubt, that theevapora- tory ere the aette a* those used in Kers- mime. Even suppofte the brine to be the g rime, the Syramise evaporators are by no means the tenet perfect that meld he oh talned, and it woad.) seem to be the Moi nes' of those who complain of being exposed to mdair competition, ea the Goderich men have done, to encleevor to make their .alt at cheaply u Fusible. Bat ao far frees thie being the ease, they haste adopted the proven which -.greeting it is found suitable st Sergeant -is not suited to the erring brines of Goderich. Keen thls anios .cording to the re. port, has bOin omidueted in • slevenly, condom mehner. Thii is egmarMed by the report of I/r Goeseinsn, who, id 1664, retommended that a different method should be pursued, either eveporation by moanderate beat, Oh Lhe Herepian plan of Itrige pans, or evaporation by solar heat in wooden vats, on the °window' plan. - Each of these plena, he believed, would produoe, with lees trouble, not only a good markemble article, but *mad make • difference of fifty per cent on tho Sloan then the pan system bag beee triei ie Clinton the teeing being the productire. of Atli lesehela to the eord, the maximum strength of the brine, being stood to be PA* althronoh the 'mistimes analysed by Dr. Hunt showed only SO. That thtgo derioh brines °An be worked tail cheaply than allanalysis other. THURSDAY, 91h June, 9&. in. The Conned met puniiiant to adjourn: merit. Present -oche Warden in Chilli', Messrs. Armstrong, Delto, Yoring, Fer- ran, Horton. Shepperd, Patton, Leckie; McDonald, Brom, Carrick, Perkins: Wade, Mrnsw, Snell, Brannon, Omen - lock, Kelly, Hingston, MCaitghey, Amp' son, Castle. Greenway, Yeerly, C004.411,1!;Dallas, Messer, Scott, Bishop, ',Alia; Helps, Girton and Daunt. The minuted ef yesterday more reed and approved. - Abetiact of Estamates paid by the Omit, Treasurer between the Council 0..04144f40..04144f4of Jannary and Jens, 1970, 0lMed and referred to the Finance Committee. Let ter from the County Treasurer aosoeripa nied dy etatement of the *metro .4 the Noe Heariderft tate1 collected bo the bile nicipaltty Ifiddialpil *b 440.4104(9 Ise. ferred thp leaden ActOunt of James Sharp woe referred to the Fieenes (om. ss„,..1 )4 Mr Armstrong, erevinell. ad by Mr Dalvm, That t10411. Vonotal grant the sem of $3110 to eon Ione the efavelliag of the Aahlield Gravel , and that ibe Engineer he iristruc to let the same forthwith, referred to the Finance Com - Petition of James Hendry WA4 read and referred to Finance Com', life,eff hy Mr Simpson. sec. by Mr Yeari, Thet the En- gineer he instreeted to examine that pays of the Gravel Road running thneigh t. villsom of Varna for the purpose .14t ,0i140411et ins nnisanlo canape' hy stagnant water id send Vallage-careled. itioVed by ler the suWM he granted tw d to ist hi Patton eserinded hy aft Ifhilimerd. Thans of tabloid's/ • Bridge on the first comas LU O in the Township of Doelerinhoionneoti seems to adroit 4.1,0 doubt. The ng .114 Dr Hunt and Mr. Goomman shimis that o'e Godsends with 0.70.14, refereed to rte levair W. mit from the Goderiek brine not (m yl I Th. reregigell ,b.W,.,4.0 0411.1Com. Adjourned to 4 p. m. Vibe the deductions from them made by aware' most favorably wogs di. bust IMItair Mowed by 1119. Totes, see, or Ifr, The Fate of a Fighting Do. 1MM, owlet • tr:reer deg A 4,1, tailed. ewe, in.. And that there rep 44 that theta mUf in meet an mil wale. For the man ha am 04 hte hned. Atel the does we on Ida Mtn 0. 10 Ittelt dist Mei lion./ .0E.16 S44atft1.11440*.4.1414-wwww. wiewwwww•-•••• :MONEY TO LOAN. A heed erred • home. set Tli.t et et afteein rennwile , •nd mho Nita gort Ohl retatnee advenes. rah els• ieel ea Onto 94. nl••••1 A �n. MISH See t Tranetetad Loss "Cowpony duct_ Wee that there rat wee mewl 4.11_01 yip! thuds 0.44.40441eilmaltigkipeiggy._ 14140111410EVIrrtinir Mirnit' - l:Tiff$ retvc-- •••-••- •-igash ilk 4 Market 3104.8(1 ,4,140&t1.5 ...a seat to. dal 4-4 s,20 000 .. &rne mese*. payee fees Stoney to Loan on Real Estate, or the atm of 110Mliohcadapi.lated re'r, .`" " "kr PVIFIr(11,,; :oflter Os1S,..,4.181"' tor •1, 4,04,94 • • P-40". T•tei, '.* Tvg1/4161N FLEralliATh Iter , lamp - 14'VY,i,,,Tr''..17 r 4, • , - •••--4•• asmorlobsetorti"-ii:41kirlee ',.444;14*(00g4t "4"10°44 WOr 4tiltkr441-, D' 4*1 `6. r•,p 004'..4 . .-.....:-..,4iZiPiiiiiisi; ...)+e--*-Oet,„.. _...... *arm brined it made et mull greeter strew, ithlunnwe IC' 81 14 0 trit fd the brines beteg much inforint gloat Mutt mired *I Iffinntnipal . Gesifee. 14 recruited, therefore, m enable the 004- erieti mit well proprietors to .61,4, 0. ish um a rwiesett+706redb advantageolis mono Into eoropetitinli *xi- Amerim prodeees is proper ligistoese msnagetereot. - M rearm: Perna sem Restalkai Etie Week to haft eget lialt--eirreed. Aeseeinta et h. the emu dose ant egesed hi ease eggtert-arried 4:14 by thepoord, eseee404 ay Mr. this 0.neeir great the seen INPrirm .-14491.J stsmabsepose hewe-r.'14.1sItt appearanoe et Corinne, Kansas( wham lie g rasshopper has andeed bosoms berillait There are ie., hindtred hid tfty mesh - WOO tor the Muslin, of codim. nil bLildiffirte Mt GM* *Mt r • p,10 • ti", '71VA f! -eTtrP6f61,..17661;'''66 rVERVIStagir Trif ' $1-1,17,-; -'erootow • mese cat MIA; " f'10, • . 144.,V ' Irftle “r„,b4:4 ,r,itifTrirstsreAct 11319:0" tr:DiftetVirst rsia' ' • . soar , • tovti .41-114a,OaA7rhilltlit.:11144-': .,..7V'', ' . ,r - 4.;6"44144411.104,Ft 04 • rr, 'a, ist •o&Th SWUM korei gable, wha Ned led aner& 4 11100.1 nomestaw• .VOM Meet , - sr ' omofte Gamma of bee.04 Ng, 1100-41.hi Et WM* A '0 .•- 11 .04 .1