HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-9, Page 4• 411t1w7Venee"I” --s. - - messe•easessewc-..__ see... see PoRTMT Temble Vire on the asegueuay• ' "Cu -Si 01 k to-dititn-rnyVinoyard" 6,000 PERSONS DESTITUTE. •-••• - LIR gEST 1 BEST ! Ha CHEAPEST .___..... EP W. Primo; /1.. M. Riviera du LouVell (eu,) May 26.- On 0.4114111.1.1Maele • kik &Raiment of 19th wawa. a trews:it, istasionie to 4 FARM FOR SALE Cline LANDS FOR SALg IN ui Xp TICE • timessally t,P1139EtrfnIttts Ilene Shate.rh ••Inal a heart nathetle, 0o t• rialto obwa ilie igneyard deloantleth. floe rine.ltemer • o.o mot rem Or 0. wawa * white h ,,,,, t eteedeth. Vt. Joy of 1M rental to shale. Then21 trMbere. werk. 114 slumber no tombs loo lehor r n214 stomger . Th. 1,1.2.4114. Int Mall be kt to •1 boll ...it, but the liaht et lla Let tax life rwsletl. 1 Inno... 2*2. those of mil belliaria.„ .. ... Itid Bodo *a -kat* L itieMIM1 Go. 100 22121 2.4 Mai tour, Amt loe loth( rifiiit RV, le Om tesie 21-21.22.1 (5 Meow st afiii--- sir ru•tot.s, lf armaded mai leagtuish, Le pour in the ell .14 (2.. • hie. Centavo- Tina molt, et. W.ork though the mener's langhlett a fit er the tattoo • 4.44 ourri., patient wiel.en 1.....after. Rhea laugh wh. ft the em........ •ewp. My, ow 4..... IVII.E1at. Pre. On .4'11 rill% 4I11111111 ear ; The unglite .t 1.1..101 me wool - Ills loot ol•er• . tautened to ahoy. -Then aura, Ay. If.,rk for IA. good Ilot le ult., at. Iheam riot of yreet nese .f.tr That .4.21. 1. rine tie 1, lie .2 Tliat tena . • e ey •te Work. 11.-e.•11 Die •... 1.1 st you, 11.4 wit •1411•I1raaa4 soon Nor *care till •Agel• greet 1.41 21 ,11. moo lea tonought. IMvie* th• tto: (loony e-Thest sift. is. gAv, thm th• life nn the et.. tat two beck harem. lo terve If the glens • h.., hi holler. n sweeten Lay tale, w12h otos. Ent a II, pea bear, owlet., ...k. *km MO' Ire v•itior 1.••'4", For teem, 111 Ile M1 • I I. odd's, 11 tine I met. I.r tv. • Clam, s-1110. , IS TS, OILS '107totillro ,W,WATrirciWiltkMmtnclitorffirimramioni toted number of families who are AIL -Which t ey have marked at the Lowest i'usailabteRates, exprmling that by doing so I he fire' covered an area of shout five the trade, their assortuieut is nut ouly the chesptat but destetuto is 666. they will double their businese Al they dual exclusively with the 'lest Humors in in" Wid. b/ thirty ME lit length, ana tended from Lido, it. John to Chicoutimi. The Best -Obtainable Anywhere in the County- tl it 35 tirrt t /tit Inf. ..1ra-w2,r4 t'rin ,1 1(02N Melee )knon. la del.(.Usti and 1.1usl -9Litr-AtulfrEWIMPI 451-4:301)S1 NJEVir- 451 60.1LIS . All the buildings were destroyed by tire helmet's* two o'clock in the afteriesoi and CARPENTERS TOOLS, moo1kau tho creams of the same , COWERS TOOLS, PAIN rs AND 011.8, RED AND WHITE LEAD; WASS AND PUTTY, NAILS AND SCREW, GENERAL HARDWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, do., dm., au 1..y. Pt ETHER PARTICI:LAZA. We learn through Mr. Tremblay, M. for Chimoutinsi'who has Swot returned front the barutdietnet, that the tire in its ravager swept everything before it,and has left the Loge number uf fainibes above quoted in absolute poverty aii.1 ruin. Many of them, aho were unable to pet/ - owe teauporary shelter in their respective villages, rein:heal Quebec the other *1(1r- 11000 in time steamer Clyde. l'he tine we are 12.14, travelled iu a circuitous direction', covering over 1,500 miles supurticies, acid ICO Mike from unit extreme tautlit to the other. 'lles irregular course, it is immersed, is attributable to the woe', which changed three or four times while the fire A gams en, l'ersons aartetinted with try punishes ilt lereer Cauada can term MARV Idea ef the painful misery which wall follow this frightful devaetation of property. The ,or ta.ople why were su unexpectedly (Inset& from their hap oy and n comfortable hone* had to seek she ter in Jibe swamps arid underground places, as •very building Attending sithin the march uf t to bre was levelled to the ground. Some of the atitroritiga which the poor in- habitants had to euolitre &re paactul to woutemplate. One poor who had only peosed through the pains of child - Int th but a fee. Mona before tlie-fire had reached her drenacile, was retnoved, with the new -Levu infant, by the husband to a swamp, where she 11.Virient the night alone, 20 III, littesatiol letel returned to the house ta roL70 some .2.... .g apparel, but found 1111 the meantime that the tire had cut off the communication intl, the swamp where his wife sought alit.lter. Another 111211, finding escateo impossible, jumped into his well, where he passed the whole night and part of the following day, uhile the lire swept over Ins head. Even here, the heat at tieies became so misuse that he was compelled occatioonally to slip below the werfaee of the water, too avond Win/ scorched. • number oof families sought +shelter un the ietto situee, bet were Mons- pelled to wade nit, it over the waist,. as the lire in its ravages had burnt up every- themsrodOiva_to the :erJ edge oof the water. Air. f reinlolay reated 'to es other cases of reit autferuig, which It is 1401 necessary to repeat. - Tile Ministers of the bocal Government have been Applied to for easistrince, •ted it probtoble that to -day a •teanier will be oluipatehed to the ace110 of the great con- thigratiton, with provisions and other tie:romance to elipply the temporary wranta thcms unfortunate people. It as to iN3 hannnl th+ot ne tnne will be lost 111 011221124 proposal,is jreat, aud ith sic" amens at triliERAL a* it is stud Classical Quotations for Fes' bineseal u ells CAMPBELL coriteru ra. O'Neil ! O'Neil ! beware of the (lay When 70 Canneks all in battle army, Stliell pepper thy troops with, fierce blind Freon forninst yonder fatal aniloweade ! For a couple of Sheriffs rush red uri eight And theclansof,O'Nutlare scattered in Bight 010. 2121 tk ENNUIS Ittlelt/PICED , ".A hacL ! A hack! My Itepi.blic for a hack'. MOTH in '021(02124-DT11,41111). .311,nre gra.. great Seifert! Refit to Pigeon 11114, And if o'.0 112141,112 taken a iew1/4 and come wear, the probabilitte* are that he Imre bum hanging around there atilt (This last eerie, 1,44 jhe nese has a g,se1 mane extra feet, trek'', will 011111,1.them, like the heroes who...Auld:try ou:•:'brit°, 14. bore/ well/. WHAT'S 2112-214211°Yet/ At the battle of Pegerom Hill, I was there all the whill I. waa &here al[iflie whin thelhattle of Pigeon111(1, fournItt with CeNiel '`.4440 eta the heel ; At the ' 641 At the hatue ' ot I fought with O'Zieb.. Jack O'Neill went up the bill. The bloody Canticks to slabghter But Jack came back in a U. 8. heck Much sooner than he eughter. DrItMa MUDDLED. Pate, whom Corcoran has led, Pats, who have with Meagher bled, row'm the tune to rush ahead Into Canadaw, row's the day, and now's the hour, Lot the front of battle lower, I will speed with coach and tour Out of Canadaw. _ You will asv• your money by Going to the DI ST EDI-1MA MST% Goderich, 1st Aptil, I S70. 11. GARDINER & Cb-, Market Squire, Goderich. w43-lf PI ANUS, ME LODEONS, SIE ET MUSIC. THE SURSCRIIIF.R IN RETURNING THA NES FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONRGE li A e has received luring the prat year, respectfiely begs tu intimate that he is now pre pared to fureirill Pianos, Melodeons. Cabinet & Church Organs OF ANY MAKE MANUFACTURED At prices and torms which defy competition in 'this section. • EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEAR, • :SHEET MUSIC SUPf-LIED ON SHORT NOTICE. JOSHUA CALLAWAY. March Leres 'ARRIVING DAILY AT J. C. DETLOR & Co.'s. JUST OPENED SEVERAL CASES OF Dress Goods, nice new Styles. Mantles, eentstilatrs and New Tweeds. 1"-f---- _.l* illood huge orchard tot ove. 404) eLpenur fruit tom. &.I. ...ay. clay lomi, •011 watmed l. scrim corek and Mowing ft .11. the pii•prit) 1.. allo- attel 1.4l.t. 11..41 lir .1111 I, goiel s.t. eau be luel Iron. tlic door. Ai foyto Jai... %SELO- om, klaii.,e1. the pro it... • to to U. M. TIlLI 112N Lend Ultra. Ooderlen Goderich 2612. Noma% Dad. wl•tf ."..1 • _ • TI1031.1*1 W.4TilENAI 14 r. L. nut vtior, lloderice liedernk Dee leth 1311117 ULU leek CHRISTMAS CHEER!! T1112 81:18SCRIDElt.11E.14 To Ttl 11: K. to bit untoreel aml 11o...tun. of ...den. It, lor the eetoonace the) lt.A1 uiet1111A1 .1,1 helm br *sea* t* Meats °title Betit Quality In Sasso's, 121 .1411 receive a share of custom. their N. II. -The eubscriber mould diro•t the &Protium of the Pullin. 1. 212. auck ..1.CLiadatattiy. Mame head tbl. week. brxrus.X ANDREWS. Plarkst dense, theterieb. December 101h, 1809, .611•44 Ontario Carriage Shop, ams ellamiltin• St, Roderic& ALSO, TO HAND Several Cases of BOOTS & SHOES soy- A First-CI:10s Cutter and experienced Tailors in the Tailutity Department fp 1 let In 1 tor Town ef 41.4,0, h. ett • tam of yeo.., IL Ito. i -.1*....--*illi a huge on•bard .12,2eta Al la • loot lot t., Oar. seierde. W. D. ALLEN. n..4.irr Rept. 17th 1664 whit - - - Farm for Sale. T rti 23..d 54, 11s) field Conceinton, le lett 14 Towittstep tot tInekrio h Comainma 62. mere.. et them, oversell, res elver.] with geed Frame ul L Barn, atos Doom, about 21 sole* front Ctiliton. For rernt• a.,:2) 41 lb, 17,,soi., CoUrt Wire at A•istertah, 02 1211 Mr. WItstal NO TUN ou this preitosai. °Wench. 0414.244101. 21, DM. w3o it. FARM FOR SALE. T OT 10, COY. le, W. II c,s1.11ite,112, 100 .1(212111.1.1 00 cleared, .1.0110.4, (ro., 00.3*.21i1), rotol....hatta• • •140 hart. laud shod anotutho•latti.o, 14.001, •ell *atone! loy toe...treks I railog through th.• farm 0.1 stool well* 1411. II.11 2,..,,, eta.. I 11..4. .21221..Lockett-h. For 100 I 1, oldr. Andy ota the lin soaa•-• 2.2 undegsigned, 40' to Mr. It IWAttioon,grorer 11.40 lett . eITIVAttT. (Masker 1111 NNW J. C. DEI'LOR & CO floderich, April 5th, 18;0. R. J. WHITELY, *1,21 operation, alid le turning out seethe Carriages, Boggles , Wagons (gall SI.Fliolle, 1.7 Num se, A souther .4 20.2 i loom Ilitgatee on 101.4. and for sale chaser...AM themoof all articie• In the Om that Will eunilmr• favorable with My In the CounlY I f• w.,rk s Part iedlar Meet, t ota .1 1 to Wagon and Cdr..... tte pan thj IL J WHITELY. C.114,41 25.., 2211 15.10 *11 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. W. PJ KF4., THE MARKET GROCERY North Sile Market Square. 1-71. .a.. INT la ir" OF ALL KINDS, A'very large Stock of Crockery. Splendid €111111tSetes. And tp alien. 1° it' str. Trumbley 'tete' that, as far as can C:Pr ..iiXE.1.23.cliili be ascertained, six groown-up persona and wo children have '1.. 't !heir 11VA • by the' (1 s we take into conaidortttiOD the "tent 01 GROCERIES re. Thu. is a very erns 'I number' when E1P AS THE CHEAPEST. ‘D'i Lb° Is* Platform and Counter Scales of best make ,-,...ind over which it travelled ' nc,i,:+us offered fur escape.1..'€) it 841i.1.1E. 'file or:te of thre is attribrutia."' ' . itui;d,,le of oertain farmers who had7 . m fi t sn, L. the ."oods in deferent pieces . -4 BOBINSON & YATES. ease.earancLa ,•ud burn up Has under- Goderisb,Sept. 291.1., 1868. w47 rush. Iliel thew i'.o.ple only thitit riuusly of the nose.* e•l.ich might w heir rash act, they would -4 hay* 914 finf the woods, when they kuu."...after the .....0. 214' assed, that the trees would be LI" 80 ileh punk. It te not oottly the great er the people re•eling in theme isolated istricts incur I.) to•ttiiig [Ile tiro, Mit, as inoinber for ()asp° pointed out at the mot session of the Local l'arliament the hole .,wintry suffer* through this recklees extruction ef our forests. A Law was Aimed to prevent the setting fire to the °oda during certain IP31101111 1 %10,. OAR er, 1&ke & great litany others., will be titer allowed to remain in abeyance orb. together dutregarded. %I's would strongly if its pubecatien in both Languages r the purpose of distribution. In the sentaine, the damage is done, aud the 'fortunate sefferers try the calemity are e ',rgent in great need of assistance. We, terefore, stretigly reeenimend immediate tem on the part of the nm tuverent,and, the Sarno t me, as tench private malef- ic. aa Call be procured. Nu time should lost tit elle 01:12,1, their distress.- se m Antortoart Stang -Vow It Botberod an Englishman. The utter ignorance of the English oicnification of American tiling expres- siona, often esums some eurious scene* between them and Yankeehoyers in Eng I.4, who seem to think that because slim language goeterally la understood, all their American idioms will be. An ex- pert buyer, junior partner io one of' our largo American firms, at a recent visit to his correspond. nt in an English manu- facturing city, was r-mpliinented by th- 'senior partner ef the hesse, who insisted on personally allowing goods to hie American customer. There sir, mai D.,wlas, throwing out • roll of goods, what do. you thick of that ? tosiottrto4padjit_._. ta. U 11 0 N TOUN D rrr 1 .ci t5 13.c.1:"U"Ni;r6C:41-6--M A N • ,:-.7711s; rCS MAIllifArturt I tat alel tte.s:er C I G R S Plug. Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Pipes& Pissokers, Fancy Good's etc., THE BESTBRANDS oof *tithe abovenamed articles always oo hand. 'SUPPLE'S OLD STAND, MARKET SQL -ARE. MANUFACTURER OF GRIST & FLOURING MILLS. Manley ana Sash Saw-Mills,Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperat s, Iltsrme Ekcswervs, IfIrsagialaws4, IRON AIID WOODEN PLOUGIIS ! With Cast or Steei Beard', Drill Plough*, Gang Piece's, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, gn•ultural Furoacee Potash Kettles, Sneer Keules, Salt Kettles, Wan end Pipe Bores, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, • II F: A. /V A. 13 A. ermallent61AetY iliti.ANCES tjJ APPROVED REAL ESTATE SITU...VI.° IN WESTh:RN CANADA, ON THE FOLL6wING FAVORABLE TERMS: .5 year*. 10 years. 15 vests. Algialbeligfah""addiftier:tsaa I :1'.1•Y'l u.eied“v .73TnItarnd.fL:V.;::1::wJ,hi I..d01. ran :31 ;:ot p6:• 0:1;_elhteb.Prt.nuedirinert, t..ere te7:::: .21 11,. loan, ad thnt 1St the eikereli on et Die term evred, the debt c•iirely wired out. The full ... . 26.25 15.15 163:14°4 $I 2.0a A 12 Payments matt be In aole redo,, am: in tere.4 Vilf E,"2.v11:5,cnts.rlstrallfRe Inits.ri•Lberrepilencw,n. ed in full al 40r 14.4e hr borrower do eatece, fi4ltitl21bltem e. rs. Er 4 713. For further inforwation,a ploy cronfial) to oftlenaoatinorovedsa-Bra_sCsa_tia Se• ani nl&ekrnthlyrk dosoonshor:D.tieandffethsifsEtmouw.uoAiDiluuulziiaatievpoilunci. .1000 V21Pr"uiE- ng eric,i2t`h:lr w39 FARM FOR SALE. VORRAI.F. Olt T. II 2.2 14.' 0, Co, 10 W. r D. Ashfirld. Huron, ....ottani./ 4,44. 21 elean01. otto h.oseesod Iota. 121,,. • 'time trek on th• term It i8 a •orort lot. $18 UV pas act. tent OU awl tete, MA Loud...Feb 2. I vot • 2. FARM FOR SALE ON TIII: BAYFIELD GRAVEL ROAD. 'DEIN() bit IS. dot 14/111.4i141 11.elerich Toer20.1, 11 116 arroll. 4.1 cot grbsela at. elt•rett • ueset • reek 111. 1 .... gh the lam( '2*,,- 1.1 is sitUaleal dot the (20..,1no..1 afoot a rolles ?Yeti the 1.,,of thei- r,. h. TI,. - L,4 is. 4 rtels clay 1. 0... bring 101451.21. •14.. f. ir wheat 11. fruit grow 11.0 tic lot • he mokt Yit"riCren't2 Pd /UV 12118 or to DAVIS, /21, Lel. O.4Irl, eric . were* 2221. tem.' . •10-12 FARM FOR_ flAI,E. /IP 147 ArRell, f/It ADOUT 110 al arm5 rimmed and the Naomi. prod hardwood tim- ber, 1 comfort st,le / 12.1 firia . 1.,e4 um.. Inns, a red arenas& ant etell netered. ,i1 the land le esostleet rlay In. Ann Is 144 fe, 141i, on., thalern h fn.•••G•s•I• fl, 2,•tot foni,Cliatou t221 I21','..* apart cash lege. •ell Mgt..; for 1•10,, e partenfats 14, ots the pir.tehie. to 241215 AI, KENZIE, er:to 0. let TR,1111 tn. Lae -1011m Ceelertet. 22,.4.1,,,,,e7te. • ,lf Porter', Flille, r A RARE CHAINCE. LAKE SHORE AsHERY FOR SALE g SORKIN. rttlftRie, tt pin ten KET. 1 1-0.4cm, I Mop 1 'orb •n4 !tett I 1 I 11ma ;;f.4!g"W,1,,.,.\:rr.:7;f, Goderieh, April 1st, 1870. sw64-3m. I 11 ater fual mans iith. r appendages to: m'a....Yr ItI, per 1.214 Coo r R 1 11 VES. at Do .11.13. 002, NEW PATENT to u entim. la good 11.141 ..1 • all be •••1.1 cheap .211.1Cli & KINNOW,. Ncla... etre e • Get!. r1 2,. wiehl 'intonate to rfrovers an 1 otlichr hitt. tossing Ina. 04111.11 the naht for Cartm • Ilar Lifter. they ern no. prepared to Po inoli at *J.110 mph. Tie art rustle tt, a mat met 11111.t0n2meaner. end ha, e gle, 1,0 ....11.0.11Aoto 1110m *leo e 1,01 them Au agent will be oot for thele.tie of .d• 1,21.52a 2 "4:11oriell am. Mtli.1209 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. HOUSE st LOT FOR SALE. ging EUIDICR111441 WILL riELL TB IS RP I UM WM r 3.1 1.4 at r neeent milord m fnenituni ware- ehma, mita .4.1.1.bin 4 !arc r and Mont ttiotal.L.onnethwo. 711. toloblinr. are in good . .. ..a• .1111.. and Stun st Mahe • dmelltrig Moue@ M small enema. DANIEL CORDON, 110.1.. h toll IR 10/16 lei .• • HC.FLACE RTON sir to the Societv.Bodencb. .1. HERBERT MASON. Siseretar v and Treromrer, Toroth): Goderich. 16t12 Oct., 1866 wlSaw BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS . MADE EY L. STI NSTED, REGE-NT ST., LONDON, En LAND. 1•4414.1i.le0ro0n052to ittow the MAMilklpFIGI.310111.WAli 04Tw4 • re, the. erop ,ar • proulatele crap 54421is the proprietor, • 2.11.....• D. W. RAMSDELL At CO., II, Pe id Moe..., y 111 (.,,k,-•treet. lloittago Ma. ser21 2t ITITIP genets] agent will. through Joildisralle way. roll neon the cmcle .21 12,?. vicinity In the rolum nf the 11. neat months, with • ntll :•••otttonot t n.w erlehretwi Inatmetente. whit Pi 212 5212112 otter nt the In4 IC stremely 1...orrer IIhriesers Plaill White Cherry Frame. P, met, , White 42. .2. on 2140,11 10.12 from 3:1., P. racortivi2 20totem , mart lams. 0012common clam t,)'. 94 , with flint bored .• gin to $20 eaeh ao.ortling tonneoh floe Mal& Wm.1 framm. *tech, with Pm ee•el.rd Wooden Cidern mell m.o.* .•10 at the •vel ; Rom Wood with ppm. 1110a0 .0.1 Franklin Tole ant cooerto $2.5 • Englinh Wheel eeetee, 10.4wegany Frame, wire! dial and 0.74,110. . attached. from $12 lad VS MOS sonantlaa 202114.8 with • fullemortment of knell* and Presteit Aneroid liartuneters Every Instrument Warranted for One Year from '(.2.00 .4.. Barnet preenrof ronishe of every rite and town in Canals: Ow heintit aloe. tide 2111.5 2,2 VII 111.41 the Orreend Agent u prepared to altItople every oat ritment for ea, Heal ity roomett5. whieli 4. aloolotely neremary lobate them soak room) on the DiaIa re-.% full meortment of MeV Reviatering thennotnetere co•st.otte hen.] et Fn.,. froro FA op. to 910, ....tortf.n3 to finish. Farnheat Partsea .20.onele .11.1,), one .21 )1... .....21.1 ot, • hi, h re.toi-st•l• sot 00) 1,000 the 051. ,,r • --- • THA T OF:411/ 1111.F FAIN, ON RAT% a. field read, heing Lots 3 Neel 4, 7 eon. (2,1,-,I'1":p. Contuit.ing situ-. nt %violet) 100 are clesred. is to rent for such. period aa may 211agreed en. The land Ur • .21)1141, clay learn, arid the buildings comfort - elle, •ith a horge orchard in eseelletot hearing order. The term is wetered. For further particulars a; -ply on the premier • to -- JOHN SALEELD. April 4th, 1'70 sw65-tf TWO FARMS for SALE F111 4410 leo very valuable FAR Sts in the roan shit. of Gudersch. For particulars ell:A. to 10/11:711 111 1 Dr. llook Guth h 2. • toil, p rp; ,,emiser 21.11, 1961, •1011 It's what said Roll. It's pilled out, I tell yea, add his eustomir. Played-sh really -we call it 'dad b'yar in England, but thie isn't plaid - pled, you know. No, said the Yankee, I don't meao pad. 1 mean ter say, Ws Rollo up. Oh, no, said the Britisher, not at all it has not gone up, quite the contrary. We' re taken off from *le price. Over the left ; it's three pence too bigh now. No doubt of it; but ear neighbors, you know, on the left, ere not maeufateurers, you know. Very likely, but I don't oare to be stock when 1 get home. Really I Moot extraordinary 1 Is it as di,,,gerous in Net! York sui the newspap- ers say ? Yss, but I don't want there goods, I've got some already that will intent ths apeta out of 'mu. But my dear sir, there's no apota on the good', I assure you. They ass per - f et. Well, well, suppose we switch off on these goods, and try nomething Certainly, said the Englialiman, and id the infintte amusement of his Americen friend he called a clerk 21422, • wisp broom, and directed him to *site% off any dust he enuld find, she- he proems& ed Moho, something else. There, paid the Eneishman, trium- phantly, apreading out another fabric, there'p the handsomest pima of goods in Engiand, 'arf a guinu a yard. I can't see it, said his cuatomer. Can't Pee it. Why, you are looking straight at it. However, suppose you trY the light of this window. No, I don't maim that, said the Amis. ries*. I hues). rt the stamps fin gouda. Stateps I No stamps revired bat o bill stamp, which we aro happy to for nieh. This misunderstanding tnight ti *sex. lisaos one of. the **100* 1fl4 i4414 ta minors perplexity, rescued the Am. nese, and pat him through af.- 11111 1111.414M1 of hie countrymee. A Detroit negro prisoner on his way to the penitentiary for larceny, wee asked wbet he Meow/ht.( the triad. He said :- Ale.. Ailpefllet 1a21e24,1219 tittrtotte au berme LIT tsOlotsa Uhurch At the Zion Methodist Church (colored,) New York, on Sunday, • dispute that haa arisen among the trustees and member' in retard to their pester, hie Wm. F. Butler, culminated in a serious disterbence. Mr. Butler entered the church, which was crowded, accompanied by two polteemen. Another miiiister had taken his place in the pulpit, who was ordered out, anal used rather rouehly by the police. When Mx. Butler made an attempt to preach the gas was extingilielied, and lie was forcibly re- moved. The %whole church wan 1210021. of confusion mid uproar. A melee ensued, and several bine* nere struck. Capt. Greer, of the Ninth Precinct, and a plat000n pet an end to the fracale by dispeeeing the con- gregation and arresting two of the rim,- leadeis. The trouble is occesioned by a difference of opinroon as to who should • parson. Borne of the congregation want Mr. Butler and others are decidedly op posed to hie'. The men Who were arrested were taken to Charles street teatime house and locked up. Thy Wesleyan rnnicrence began It. ....l00 00 Wit.1 As 4,111- at Toronte. The health of Sit Joh. A Xitedosald hail again slight ly tooproc.d. owewarallaunawwwweariTer f/r. J. Primes lltrnett, and Lung !feeler Is pleasant ake an onaurposamel for Ito rininey orinn 3m42,, Broachitis. ac. 4.o2d21.7 !trio/gene. ' • these whne r.ffni front roma, Bunions, Bed NONA Chtlblelna. rrested Tedt. lc, try Dr .1 11,2 •5' cur- rstisor It neettl learially dlrorta4 r eller le how.- liate,ead ars eiciala *4142.7 Oroartats Ply Volts. esngh, flentehltle, rvtianmptIms. end all 1/Inneme of the lloroat, r Mat- and Lenge IR Briggs Thema 1/1.1litrril.% le • oestalit mid reliable Ha rely. !I eht Y•••••••••1?1.41. Chilblain*, Corny Renton.. %al Nell. r. , ern positively tsred loy Ike na• of J nese Nolen, (*.trolly. Thia Item.01, hm toen compound e ol with greet...am am! 111.1 as .111..0.1, never hula 1014 by lhoggfolta. Petard.. Airmen whleh ellen...es 114 and dilawr,• ear friend.. can he I netantly fl'110224 01r11 '"";•111'or 1364*"4;4111.41,1 issa,seatias.' erne by w. gbara. be 3 p.'?.' !lemma, 1,1r 42,• rein *21 RhCstarrti.. eanivatgle. ttorttet &e.. ',n',n12'nf AIM* In thomml, trial of II• .421',.., all will aeknowleekge o nperiority :0214.1 by 1)21.14.20.I2•1th 211e. yen see m,209 aelimed. Anil to.217AbtfOr A eon. In vein 11 r T.111 Will both health and poem agao., Dr .1 Rehire 'Co, ? In a, Slag Rimed, Reel Toronto .r Pelage 1811. 1.2014•141..k.triewlevel by ell who neer trtri 0n4 OM, Mill. 14 1/1•11.11) 11. $110 beet, Lneem•ful mal ofilewelows Remedy 1•44. inent for hat .*i*'*... Read 021464.4*.AU ;wren,* enitering from Vibe Internal, 111erentig, Itehlfts PO., will he'lternerliatole relieved ems evintoe,11 cored ',geeing Dr/ airless' PIN Rowdy gold Ilrogged• IMPORTED ...SEE 11..••••••• New_Seeds 1 New Seeds! PARKER 4 CATTLE DAVE JUST !RECEIVED THEIR ANNI"AL STOCK OP J norterll Atztlit foreanatla Herrera tins to ist fthservrititiCe Barometer. • 1. if the Werenre ..... abont 19 Mete. ..r llie woril ' Changeable,- without rn iong n5,52-8, either or or down the • eather sill be lin...tiled awl Inncotable. 2if 0.4 Meerut, rises to 05shove the mad '• Falr."11ne weather 0*) han,1 2. 21 It happen to rain when the Venters. e1ee.1e Melt. 116.111 tw erre lit 04 of It. •tb, -cor• fonttnnea to rim minerly • my for elght or ten 4..-a,4 arrlem at or above the 2,,,,efa„,‘ fa •A tumor, bsok for dronth -I r in erIntar enatinoml mgvenri 21,111, 11 Indeatm ...ether ; If the fall he aim., it will rein . ff./nick, it will blow . and IwOhleer. ,th10.7•• :.."'„r"4„'",.,.7,771...!.....1,,1","„ nee 1 ItIle. then reql amenrot the worst i•neatet 52.tb. other tip or down. the w&C.Iter Mat 1,12... 21,34 bed abort 40100 inn. end ice verve w2Calta Imported Field and Garden Seeds, WOOL, wooma, WOOL. Which for rpoility and price cannot he sorpaesed by any respectnhle Mose in Canada. - A liberal dorcount allowed to C ,untry [dealers. Remember the stand, PARKER di CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, God..re I., Feb. 24t1., I2070. w21 Market ..8.1.1410. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE CON'Y Tl'astabliftsiseld 125. WITH which is now united the Cclonial Life Assurano Cerepany. ffead office for 91 Canada Montreal, -Standard Compaoy'i Ituililingq, No, 47 Mal St. James Street. Manager -W. M Ramon,. Inspector -Richard Ball, ACCUMULATED FUND s.,21),non,ono, ANNIJAL INCOME- .3,500,00o. Th. rompany having deposit •• ed the sum of $150,000 ,111 the H,,,eiver General , in ennfrtn eiity with the insurance Act passed last Session. Aseersnres will continue to be carried out 21* moderato+ rates and OR all obfferent aystems in practice. Referees ,-Dr. McDougall, Dr. MeMicking, vol xxi No. 49. J. CALLOWAY. Jr., A gent for Goderich. GODERICII WOOLEN LiCTORY, (KNOWN 48 PIPER'S MILLS) -0_ IN• 4SILIS Ar (-VINT Si, fl E9PECTFULLY intitnates to farmers and others that they are prepared to Ali IL all orders in riU %.# IL -J Cloth Dreaming, Cordons Spioning. Dyeing, Satinetts, Fulled Cloths, Winceys,1 Flannels, Blankets, On the shoetree entice. Parties wishing to exchange their wool for treed home mode good., will find it to their intereat to give ism a mill. as we me 'tended we have the goods you reqnire. Parties arming from • dirtanee with wool to get (tarried may in issese_sitis thews- orAG WOH.IL WARRANTED. so& tatEriana Soho my hattiVe4:11 Ilittrri9; 1:17deras t •1tIr 4215.1*21.' wall Raw* Camaro for rerlola 2111 -21nt-1 run. Meld by Deoalafo ennSe I bud trieen el• oder lawyer got ep --vs..- wed mummeed ealheout Inverts T Noiary, --- JUIN Ilth,111. .z...-rdfserttajmatsadavel,-- s ran. THE ,oderidgoad would beg to inform his numerous customers and the public that his New Woolen Machinery Is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order MO THAT 1/11 lerett BITTER PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDI1I0I7SLY than lest season while starting hie machinery all new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing spinning and Manufacturing, will reeM+ e prompt attention.itocHhavioin!ri nh°oIrrne°nrnhadmne(1 the largest, best and cheapest FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS) FLANNELS, & WINCEYS, pvt.r twfore off•ret 40 2)2 poblie In thi• pert nf th.. Frorinee, he m00l.1 respeet fully r.vpimt theme telehing to for themselvm ore appointIng thee...Item else. here to, bah...proved 11 front the el 'wean., of former yearn to he tt f toffee Seerte of inntorelet rerhange their wool to eall and ledge *0.0 wool r. _ would likeerto. rall the sceetat attention of farmer. to beware of wool Darman, and agent* to then. In rations *0/18 (Mt they ranted tee ORM perfume ton lode 1., rum eirgt„.g ihe highest Market Price paid far any quantity of good clean wool. Goelevielt w °ohm if orks.114.11 May, 1640. THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Ooderich. PARKER & CATTLE W0 t7 1.1) ESPECIALLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY m their seporter woe! of 1-T5 Tat CI TO33.A..000ES, At a., csca., Also having jast Teetered a laegia impel, of -sv N" 10 04 efic U C.) Ft PO, for medical or remedy ems. W 1 I Alailladil.X0051.4ael. .1.1011•••••••••••,.-amirrerPOON woe se. ••••• • .••••••twellesewell11111•••••... • • • • 1,11 Y. follow -mg 5•0l0').•Tesiononnle none! 1 wo ood. ut a n4 rate...Mowery rents to reloads hy the ItRFIAT INDIO REMEDY. They.. *tent en eit.1 noot.teoll.0 ?Arta. iniehnent In enortnee the owed •Itert.e.,,..11 tirret NIntoontwl Comp...tn_ anted after tor ere.. now III the Orcat SHOSHONEES REMEDY for IheeMe• ot the 1 hoi it, Long, Liver, Digestive (new, erstneee, n as nenduls, ire mimosa legin theram., Romer. met all Maim, eosin fom B7190 evilfenern ne. Lot Ts, CORRY!. LIN r Town.1.11. ..t 2,5 J. I aor, • 1,4 ,, • .r• Th • I, kh 00. bre', It o at on 11.11 I tn.1 ....1 I 0o0121•11 811 1. 0',.) board fere .. • i., 11.. 1. 4111 nia the prendem a am:line lc 0., , haste horn 30 Inr S7 feet. granary, 0,1.1, 0,4 0.4 DS by 21 feet a.11 kneed or, Issol of 10o team., t r'. ft, two ne.. i•itinit wttle with etto4 i..nitt•• Thit Itur Is si2.00e4 on • gravel ri en.14 ono.•. led Id .004 ariamternade with Chnton t 1" ',e.t.a.] 1.7 • roll. aml 2, be the erne In Ihn Amcor..., with the excellent mlikete nf Rane,* (4 none.) and Fthafortli (12 note.). re. Nether- pert', ol. arsappl2 LID. McDougall. ,1 tirtImme, neees153, o.'to TIIANCIll 41 seem: id. MI, 1101.11V 10.0 141 lbw 'TealMI the menden. remedy hes NEN 4 It BEEN 1.11,11.4. 711, 190*,ires.a.• wee three ever tenth • 4144 •• PRI in the perons Wileort Atone*. of Ilnehtron It' of Condompoon nr el,. I.. V C , of (80 . r'...11'.`:::"'won:;xT,.71.;.:!tem,• 0 , oh ,;flneey,oaraer.C. W. ot iheunalow, wt., had actually been on erutrhee 2.1 ream, in epee Mal treat. ment heretonee, sn.1 now well. Mentes ef such caeell otoght he mentioned nod 152 0(2102. el 11.0 !File Minn. •ne1 got s elrelilsrot ,,,.3..en• on the f soon. itorsees IIMMI:BY and PILLS, end adisly >our 4115.1 Price of at Remedy in large pints El pp- Vernal. he all ['roomette end IRefere in Med: me*. Agents 2,4 Gorlerteh, F. Jordan and Parker & Cattle 1V(101.1:21ALE ADENTP 1 Lyn rhiarrr, Itn., 011RPFAI'011 RIVAT211121. J. MINER a en. , YrIJIROOK A mirtitxriamit.ron. NICIII.1, .1011. A.M AMIIIMON Ca. Glenburnie ?arm for Sale TOWNSHIP OF GODERICIL A '4 )2.1121 from eireferIch 1n.1 0 ref le. from Clinton, 1/ eititatol on th*1,,,,-)e rarel Road Running front rah to Mullet*, from ehleh is rienttrateil by the 12.,. 5.44 RI,^e It 101.11. 212 aeon, I /0 arrest node, few..., 70 acme elosr or some. end In high *tate .4 mdttrethei eon r.208h Hay board looh (14,41141141.44,41. It I* writ •atern1 1.o. two kerns .tr. mi. An melt/tot of leg accle tree, In hearing-- veer Mote, also. n fe* peons, penehey atel -20,21),,,tea, 4 f*4,21reSito rises. •11401(.,ry rdrn, ),'g*', 22 lis 12 fret. .411.11111111. 01 the hone. Corm loni 1.1 1.0 8 1 ft. (1,), le 4 rsre opportunity to nervier, 4,..41 fa,. on h. 1110.• Minn. where fro It raking le ni Itch noire owe.. nil than farther Inland. 111.1.1y to WW 11.11.1., fir 12: W-TR1.14MAN, LandiAgent, (1,1,10h; Marrli 1 ;lb I82'0 win( TO WM.-. •1111 21 T1 1 Lia, Conway I'. 0.. Count y Le nnor.Onterio Cased. MA /WIC. 1-11411/1, of MO logs, Proem, 021 0042,4.,, Feh 9th, IMR. Tn 20 1. to rertify thet donne Ul. vrintor INS erne token with • wealtneee 021 41* allele., which grailio.110. owing the acting of nee, extended 10 01 Mery end on torn, hIpa, and leen.. on erealt that I r.othl not trodk. hnt was roollneel to thy elute 21,,,.).,,,l tern .t ears. while Alit wake.. tem mowing ne ter. sea se erwent&I.41 modinid ad elm, emnli st different time. them 4,40, on4 noollelne. of diff.nent froicrilmol by frIewle, le 24 &attain? 1 rmitinnall inert 11,11,11. Mid 1•4011110. nnIII the women, of I MIS, ekes I W44 Inane,. toe," thereat elleadomme R.1.21', 221 15*114411144,4/44 performeof, In 2(221.1,211.12. *21 48), how 1 heft horin rn Del the iversidene 122 mv howls . Ito fart I wee gentsit ems.) Indlnlesie 1 hoer Jaime ten bottlers sf the lahoehnnesa RemOdy eat two isameeetreas ...tele... • port forlorn hop. Thts ear of Mine nnt • private erns hot liftman tn ill my nalahhnre e0,214. • O. 11111114.41 1111 1 *Mi. 1 8.4. oaly 1. y iry Ins Stuabrafta Emewdy 1 Yakima le lama Iminat meal llo.no, Ill•ov Aso ff. of "Mem felt. 11.9. GO dor of Pothr, PM A. a gat. I h"11.111134=111a29;112121.634PCI Illf IIIM Mimi mesa t 1441444.44 171119 FOR BALE. T(term (RV KNISt7 Nt'S/MER)TOWNornonr R. A 1012.11). the Mirk 4w0111.0 hon., anti ...thou., therein I2.nt1,1 eeeneted by the late NV TIEW011.11..AVECN. Apniy to Grorge 19. Teneman. nr In 7.21.38,,, flatledne Jr. nnteriebdIth 11ay, 1870. . fo217 7 It Farm for Sale. _ rr 1%0 mi'es frnm (hayfield in the Town. 11 *hip •••• enunty of Huron, hominy 1.0( 112, Bayfie'd Road, Mouth, contain- ing 66 'wren e land mere or leari. Good brick house, frame barna. sheds. dc. Good orchard, good stream ol water, Ike. T. rim easy, tn. JotiN ESSON, Hayfield, P. 0. April ISth 1870. sw70 41 PARKER de CATTLE, at miry of theft medicine, one 1 log le Rola n. that Ime masa abate. eke the amfermeare of 21.7. Irma,. P 01114/Manya, Pro, 'area(21larbe iatifijitN Lerdi 2121171111 a end (rom Liewronel LegOn , dirn, hy armee Menne). Ult.,. apply WI II. CAI! A in