HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-9, Page 3witeasieDia e .. • 10:19 411.- ; 7W116t114111_•----.;•;• LiCTI.1119.-Ou WeiIntaday evening INA, by _Setinast, Worshipful F. aikit A. M., en the History of M Rtitliiiff,1**11-111TNA2/21M44. •••••,..e. •••••• ,••• It was all "lisla•abilte" shout Gen.. notudIug Cau.la, the r. o4,40.4 of die Fenian ...aeon vitriol.luoteloi of *at 4.••l..1 the lode worm- that adtber tho .11 an lb. lat -a t the Imituremas a timossai and 'hit this keturer evinced a thorough knots ledge of Masoary and • hearty appreciation of ita grand doctrines. Ile was attentively lie'euid to aud cordially thanked by the lodge'. 1V e bolieve the Worabiplul lecturer will continua; the subject on a future oe. uasi op. FENIAN KILLED AND WOUN- DED. The following is &complete list, &mord- Jng na the latest and moat reliable Wm. *nation, of the Fenian lou in kled and wounded : -Demi-John Rowe, of But lington ; M. O'Brien, of !Serial. ; Gen. J. J. Donnelly, of Utica ; - 'Duff; i Dennis Remota ; Edward Griffin, ol 'Rochester ; George) II uubes ; Jatnes Michael Evabs, of Troy; Francis Lille.), of Newark ; Charles J1111131 Clam:y-10. Wm:Yuen-Lieut. Edward Hope, of Bridgeport ; Capt. E. Cronan ; James Reiman, of Fort fr.dward ; Lieut. Edward ullaghan (ur Callaghan) of Burlingtoo ; Charles Carlton, of Cambridge, Vt. ; Daniel Ahern, of Wieoeski, Vt.; Michael Flynn, of • New York; Jame* Joseph ("aim, of Boston ; Timothy Moriart y ; Patrick Dorsey ; Michael Callaghan ; Attridge -I3. Not a single Canadian, as far as known, boa even a " sear" to show as a memento of the affectionate visit of the " wearers of the green." The "glorious autriaurst" has very igmenintomly burst up. - ETATI8.T108 OF O0DERI011 GAOL. We have been favors"' by Mr. Cam- ith the following interesting gluttonies of tiodeirich Goal for 5 veers from 1st Jonuary 1863 to 31s4 December 1/09. ION 11116 1047 len Ma. Warned meet04o...1111100.5 III 310 Si 73 70 ,10 V4s1. • 13 6 11 l• 1Iol=1.4.11L-. „MU • - • 1 1 0 • • 1 2 . Total' 165 136 67 tett v4 Cumn itted Wet tame - 121 102 72 Ta 71 .10 14.6 de . Itt 10 7 17 du 'SW 0 10 5 6 •eteemouithe • 46..14 Eugleod Ireland Innetrwel Utoied *at. Other tomato. • la 4 $ .41 44 el 31 • 17 A- 13 ha SI SS WI -4111-116--44-' 44 0 S I • 4461001.* oaltooll.•viatai ('4.0 ,00 Rome do do Soot lend Mthadista (Miter demooluallo. 24.01.1 30.0. Mt Ecru.. Utonarned Make. do Females Tewpwrate 1111 puti. 13 11 13 57 32 20 43 48 It 24 Id a 10 7 53 MS ILI • II 1 63 64 20 3 4 .74 41 tit LI 64 04 42 21 45 11 29 44 se 23 11 23 1 20 2Z'7 22 21, 04 40 Front the above it will he seen that we hate reason to congratulate ounel yea on a gradual diminution of crime an the County. 1865 the isumber of prisoners for the United' Counties was 251 and then_ _the population for both Counties was no greater than that for Huron. is now. A reduction in 11 years from 251 to 94 ought to be gratifying to clergynien, teachers and others laboringin the interrupts of religton and - --- Between 2,000 and 3,000 dwellings are said to be swam in Montreal, represent- ing • diminution sf populatien a from 10,000.4., 15,000,. 1441444'.Itavtleitwairi= 1444.1,1,1. '.boot tivtieml 416 Vehipi,*.. It ad iv* am to Web. • 1111.41111684 toe y. an sal U44.. tu Inebod 4,. homIsMi, 440 t. led owoioi Joh.. LyOck. ef Pealhigh. 4.34004. obi, fur uniny yeas.. a 4es4.(401 coltiris. of the, Guelph a ighborl000l, eomattted suicide. la • shunning wow... ia hang - int Lerwll 40o run stump 44.5001 Wee. Merl* ! The last Gortle announcel that tt lo to lorrunie • WWII .11303114 the !00017 a • Mal aerie, 10 widetiemite Cooticillone atid itutolty polio**. that 4111 be alw.m. los Laud WILLY • ro• la Venue., look out I 14 0.. limo noticed. near Pee- p.. that inn. hare been eity.toolottely inteetugos aroma uf cattle, for the 4Pterh.411 hmeltet, pasted. at, .• ...... mem the Worn haie toll... the druogm and ord. them loom Mr Frau.. 43,0 ,40 e04ae40.4 Cairdlen small eth et tb. week. our too mimeo, • . Moiety, E.q, more re. mostly of Loud... Ira 4,,..... .4.p.401.(1 (mistral Nautagry htul000s'a liottk, Moot teal. Molord dues a it '.04.041 4040.4. Fort (0.17 40. foie lot A ogost. Let, week, 01 Protest.. end 4.4 Chtholo.s died in Montreal Nearly all the troop. ou the N*2.5 frontier are ordered Lows. Moor was a r.-,I,,,.4,,,t,...,.,, Weal - need* 1,; 404 1.001.3 told nth.,'. Artla. at Rum lisiudoss, • . asr wh.,,ho• bot it i.! hs been the exclamation 441 Goderieh for the paet week. 11 Lila other sections of the con- tioent are vi.ited by raging fires, torua- does, and showers of hailstones as large dulcet as goose eggs, we rejoice in a spring of unexampled splendor. A FontPdit L'Ir child lately fell down, and when picked up was found to lack • tongue having bitten it It then bled 10 (1.08111. WANTS HAIL.-Thare is talk of the Fenian' of Philadelphia raising $30,000 foe Ake bailie, of Gen O'Neill out of set far wore seasibly by raising twice that sum, if, thereby, they could get the General permanently retained in his present quartets.. He has been no credit to Itii routory or to his canoe. Ile has proved himself either a moat consummate coward, or despica- ble traitor ; and in either ease the jail eell is better for him than tho Load of the "army." A terrible trageds took place at an inn al Barnstaple, lit the Colillity of Devon England, 1.011 May 7. A neighboring ter user, whose heavy libations prevented hie sat ing the last train, slept at the White Lem. 111 the night he arose, awl on re- turning to hi/ bold Mistook the PPM., and entered therut tine landlord. oh 1.• •••103 • Yee. The lanai -lord, hoe. Itbstuesa seem also to have been excessive, awoke tn terror, and thinking the intruder wax • robber, obtained • razor, and sttaeked the unllick. farmer, cutting off Ina wee, and indicting other frightful ...ends. Another lodger, named Jones, came to the resew, but .110 also frightfully 'rounded. Yep4, is in custody, and states that he thought the men were robbery. TltunPrillION ENO LASH, - rh,Govern meat at Ottawa have received a despatch from Eugland, informing them of the departure of troops 'and war yes els for L:anide; alm that England' holds the Aworio,.o Governmeut responsible for vny further Fetaian depredations on the Canadise frontier. The Government has been notified of the despatch of two regiments from bkiglantl for Canada. [hey were to leave ou the 21th. %Seems proposes to walk 100 miles in 22 h.,urs. 1:r• Th. British Xzehange hotel of this Iowa kw been greatly limper -A outeide as to appeal -twee, and inside' with regard acca ant an.alation. The funiiture is n•w and of the very heat qualtty. and the ap- pointments are all that could be required. indeed The dads' if acy town in Canada can boast as Irood a hotel. No claibt the proylrietor, Mr. Joshes Callaway, will secure • full share of pubic patr It is only right to say that th:::fer old - established hotels of Ose town have been " thoroughly renovated for the simmer boa - intim. Mr *right bras bail& • Aso new stable. Mr Hooker has added largely' to the Maitland Hotel, tho MattledfannuiRit intrilinprovenvent• sinew, and in fact we C4011 now boast of &number of the finest homes of the kind to be found ealwitere. The fl 1 Rtes.,* 1, 41. remale Pe,- Mom r•-rnple enffes f r Wooten'. RrIght.-- adurtjugalg_ THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY hin Moses' lie:Wiest Pills '17r7.77;',74Blrimmir::!;77:1404 45vNT:!:;'.." Con.. ta welch the fonsele se tetle. 1. ..041rn.le••11 yam10 aod removes ell tabstrut1,01111,, .1141 • opeody mere NM be relbd on. 10 nottatue Letose II r pree'terlreelted 14 Will. In • .heet hr.. berg theweedor Oen.* awn mit onion. The, 14.11....01.4 oak tocten by P.m.*, Moine 1. PIRr4T l'H k M NON! .1 f•••••.,...., 000 0010 44 11.40Nr. 1444 nay Mow are mfr. In •14 Co.. of N.' we. ,010 lane! 484.11.,.,., , Ike Leda, 84444... 04 shightesswe. Peltme. Rim ta"the keen, n r#1,1eo II, Whiwa t5e4. wool • Ifect a00ro..1.:0411 mho r num. he v• foiled , wed althonalt • ...MI .11rdi Or. not roorm tom. Calomel, ssitiormy. hurtful,o ihr tin. 1 Vol loltrectoo. to the ranirltht mound each package, whack ars Ald he earefally 741,0144 1040,000,0.. Toon tuna eno.enter I II, 'll-! Act.- Itaol•ai'm memo" las rot 4.4..-. lowed on • n•yr principle of MedtcalChennt.try, t 1. use , properties nf the Aimee prod, tt of the vegetal.. 1. aug.1000.. The hareatteridiers, Parttime Bison, r...,.., .04 other foreign Moot., 4fool thst ehl, into the onoupoeition of thm wonder( .1441,4. Theo. 11.11, 74.10.44,,. o edict. Noted and st.lhr...1 with the 4ree1.1.4,7at the neuter the aoperylel .11 of IntellIgent vent. botantata, employed coley.. ely for In Rainey 6 , too. th• noll - that tut hiottloopo1.111111ru15005 wortIlleaernortn ran poweinly be nailed • olt the porn Month. eherelahhoradmet.11.1 nooloRtm., Aker. or Impotters in the world take tlile wise precut.. 40retire rnn. end genial. Mott. It mute Or Rad neyier... n.0 1710 MO -thirty Goma 404 4011a.pet an.1111-51t the stool, e and esp... 41 floi•olati, he MI* branch •Ione Hot the w nod, rfo I mfr., owes.. 11 4... in the coral,. rm. 04 434 nernedleA, mom .0(8444.117 11,. ha mapartIltan Hemoliettl, pay. f, .10. nett. neer and ovar avails 101 Never In the ...tory of medleine wap au -he -Med lelne that r04414401e14 todtri. np, rtr.les and toodor atronit, heathy vigonota, end tmalitl. tut .11a1 the weak sod Woken -dm. rosatItrition.,u Ett Radvom•• nantaparIlltan Retolvent Ressoltatit I.1 per ?lll,, imttle. for Ready Itellef rta per bottle. Pilla 26 eta per 14,4444.,,,'. Remedies am sold by 01701440.4. and 4'0u1.4r1 Merchaele onel at 14 Itadwav's • Wand ...a, 87 Malden 140074 If and CM St Paul Pt Montreal a,e Road Eel. and Time nrh.1 one letter II am!, te. 1,r .4 Reidway 1 4,, 4.10 44 ratll 141 Montreal - information worth thonaamla .111 b..nl you. - ati Olt 01 Melt Inner!. --To prevent Ornonloolll, ronr aof the u modest iltaloruente ever tinned*, hy man and Bryant Poltnonte Wafer. .111 sr non. cum cough. tii klieg in the throat and reilmooary moorland.. et.war and petittlenot 84)11 ,4.011,41 Pryer. molds If not attended ft t momner ..• late lead to ',noble conetomp. floe. and the strength nf 11141 atniserat noon failed tim leeted Tbe med.. lowl 15.1 'omen known for the cons of theoc.o.mplaInta ie 'pry.* Pnlotonle whteh have teen thornoghly tiled tor the Inat twenty . tool e neverlewn 14,0.0 4.. fall. King.. Ind tothltropenkor. will also drily. swat heneflijffrom the 11. of Gr. t.y All naolleme dealers, et 201.per hos. Th. Lomb., Train Vi'r colon! deny Mall we ere 000441ng.........1.1. n1/1 limeher rect.. for- thar of a market (,,.,,.,,'o.,.,.hon.,. 78. 8005410404,44 aro mint 01 40.!, trool•lo. 400. 1,01 made sat pusehmil In the Proviso. the past tome and Mins nimbi& to compete twIth the North nf Kornl0 we esti" Rot Replend. bat eerkme thin matter4. 14 la to know that the ',7aI4,44.n P.M Iretroyee la • fa:nett* among oar Ionntoteemen, for coring eneeklhe emirle• enhlth row. In Penni...eh, horns. 0.41111111111, 117.5.04tea, ehlthlatim, ge and they no not itsper••• en • foreign mann, for 11,111. sold by all 44444. Itialersi at Met. per tiottle Great Parra. - lie trovello10 to any Got the voneein whreh Ilrigg. hos arbfeeml In 10. ;worm.. 40• Zre716.16"irgar.TV:IlallZiatWilklelneents, 1-1k14/1L a. geotleitien 6.... how, 1.11•144 Mom eorne. Mtn... clot. and inierted n.4t. wit Molt aligleteet Cot'(*4.4 4, appetwitttion tool Itneioloolgo n 0•Intnill••01 anal alnti•olle41 inahy mom emotd, Me shelty Pros Indlebbtals *no ...re that the .14...,. tof the fmt if n..t fatal to ewe.. life, otta Motainly aasa- noyttro ea ems he. •nd the meneoly 1, aro and : he m ton lin*. or Inverted nail not to. akilIMIty win, *1445014 08,14'. wee.viit ' wows, .n1 In • few Arent. * in • new 14 ROW con romeolted at Nei A Kies Ph.* T01,0110 When, .41 4),,..,, nf the Mel tem omitted III 40. 50.104 okithil manner Do .1 Prigs' Modern ('04- 041,-. la ftild othiggiortie awl enontry ingro,solo, greerally Petmeta Comproit1 sis# roundote. rank• 101.00140t •10 41. Nre4*41.0 neeel Ine470en4 .101441., C10001.. ed 1 ee hhit.:ied ether 484114,0,,,he484114,0,,,484114,0,,,of the Chat, nhoe tatted le *min It && NADA, • D. , -44.who. •••••411. 11. weer v. D ...•••••••-lrefee 1.110141140 • Ise 1g011. ist see tay t71110101 • , tts, lelf?4•0"irleMLIVI , getten* agents tor Or oterm tadtle,contaitlinn.e• 604.34., E7 saga. NORTHRUP it I TEAR, fteCesehU, B. Carmen agent unearned'. rs- Sold la 0.oierw4 by Parker 1 Cet/le 011.1 P. Joule. ; (hobos, a Ca., Ear rld , Jame. Herithum, Kasai •ille ; J. Fiek•rd,k tele, ; .141. Comb*. (11nton, 8. *rd. Luckeow; 41, Hick. sou. Owsfurths awl nIl bledlethe Ousters set) UNMAN PAIN DESTROYER A F•r6.17 Medicine, o4•nd favorably known forme pant len ye... fading in • •Ingle Innen., to stave &Moment rehe when timely mend, •nd we have never known • ying le 1-041- .4 diesetteleet inn whom the textural heed Owee ensperly 40110.14, be. pe 410 ontrery afl are delighted with to openttnint, seri sneak in the Whist thrm• of ite Vteton end Magio•I efftets, TIM CANADIAN PAIN DIISTROYER hew won lor itself • repittelmo.. a blood pun fin, Ciento. Monoeh ton 0,11m81u1es...el in the lotto. y or ,o,ohosi pre pe ret toes. It widest lain 141 riiry 0.ipopine, ldver Complaint*, Indiges- tion, Ileminhorn,Filek Ileed•che, Kidney non - Ar.,? Stomech Phthisie or itichm•,•nd restore* to schvity the system deb...idled by atiflenne end diersm. Its magma! end a onderfol min... In enrins midden 0.001., 0.1re throat, Coughs, Thetherts pain. in the enle,lion. and baCk • neorelste,toolk eehe, rhenmatie orld .44.., pain14 in eny 71144 .9 the body Ann from whetever ramie, haa gomn II a place m every hon....old • nd few su mimed- i•e 111 other preparation. of the kind. III also an Olen Inal and prompt rrintbly kir $calds. Wow, Drums, Ppm., Chdhletn.. rfor Miter, ( rempt. tn the Stomach, M.Th.:ea, wears morn's, kilhous ChM ir.Cholere Istitu- to* Dysentery, dr, 90811 only 16 rent. per bottle. NORTHROP 4. LYMAN, tieWC•1111e, W. Genera t Adroit for Claw,/ . trisIld 4, Corlertelt be Flirter & Cable end F. leordien; det CO, Hayfield; bene• Iteratimm, Rodgerville; 1. Pickerel, beeten 41.44. rombe, Clinton; Sword, lAseknow; E Ho lone la sews awl ell Metledes Detiers. ' I:a A.71, maiErsr,s ARABIAN OIL ruBBURIIIDIst A RISER FAILING REMEDY. At tledesiabias the 4U .4 June John 11 SUMERISCOMING VW • ..11/ • - -010. . • • iy 4+ A Aokeei et. • e • • • 4.!"-i' ' • • A C 4odfotE1321-E7g hy R -11:7:115017171•01F et, 44. t Pug.. flonsalen, Joss 7, 1870. .4416.12 on witt16111.I. • . nil Ile Cato& Nude ILI,. 07 Hort* at • 44 ,40..i011•2 Wiling tit . 111.10,, hy limil or tele,“ploli rte. -WI with pnorpt. Pees, aud . the moot fision.ble Vet tam The 4.tght.41 pounnin psid for Inge, and Mc highuot roue paid fur grawilrele. W P. P. SMART. ...... ' THE MARKETS - tawarieh„ June 7, 1870. Pall Whent...., • 80811- (4 0:90 Spring Wheat 0.86 090 Fbair 3:60 4:00 Oste .. 0:35 0:37 Peas 0:40 (4 0:42 Barley 0:40 (4 0:00 Potatoes . 0:40 el 0:45 Butter .... ..... 0:17 441 -017 r.dags t ORS 0:00 8:00 (4 10:0 Hi es (green) 5:00 (A 5:90 Wood 2:50 (3 0:00 Beef, per ea t. 500 (4 7:00 Pork700 (4 7:70 'Inekens per pair 0:30 030 Wiwi 028 0:30 Sheep - 3:00 4:00 Lambe .... ...... 200 @ 2;25 Apples 015 (4 0:75 Gmbeeich 8a14, wholesale, i o.b. pet Lb 1:20. 14 -nu dibbtrusciunts. T E ARUM iAWYKR Being • handy book of Legal Forms de signed for the me of P a 11111:114 84E31CI14 Id .4 071111.1. Pride 111.25 at 9100111111011411011 N. II -Thole leper mitt Mow Grit* wire beet in of110.1 elsewhere In tor.. - WHITING PAPERS bave • , advanced 15F""rin all grades in the BRITISIf M.4Iiti ET, mecca cart:mom:now *reared heavy stook -jils Wore the rife, and offers the same WHOLESALE & RE CA/L 11 the vcrg Lowest ip•salble pr:ees. ff• ]MiNi VM.F_JC•Vh WHITE, I31'FF anal TINTED of a superior male CHEAPEST IN TOWN AT MOORHOUSE.S• Goderich shoe 7111,1870. THE PEN OF IRE PERIOD. The Best Pen Ever Invented. PRICE23 ( ENTS PER MOIL . can Ise had at s end -7 toffIce ot the Montreal Telegraph 1 'ow party, wrsr MARKET S4VAtte. Ceder.* 11401noe, ISIO. THE POPE & TR PEOPLE. • 71AT.. -Trim ONTiR3"tlS.44(757111'? WeILL ..delis.. bytbe.Ioa1.4.616, uf Park, ' IS CRABB'S H4L1t, OR Tuesday Eve., the 14th Jane, inst., The learned will treat the wohJect from a lusdorn04 p0451 01 view , sal *din* from bat lite .4 him In ..thre iditee• e he I. 1. 10 3,14,1 V. May IA 4.. bob.. thee we nay •410et nhIt• 444101 ch. [...is. stem. Iloot of hint Tto 4.,,, gime 1.7 the Rev 1..,p hug ,,rt •01. inn.. to • of I h. latio•h on wis. • .1.1,11.114 spreitheo (•1 ...tort, al ahlItty. and from the stand*, 41.101 01 40, Itra Lecturer • nw.ter ;wee cot masoning As an or- ator, we feel eere 0, lawn. 4.40 4.. (913.114 14(411 - 01, e P Reilly and Goo*. 30 liartos, Kag , et .4 (1,1011,.,.. The liberal Me., en rordeally .1 by tbe re. trend gentleman throughout hia lecture. nt.returnieg %an(10 tes the thc.r armlet... .1 The ol'ooe Gott -of, were otli aid edePreedly applam..1 -90derkli. Juur ltb. 1470 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. • • 3EN •4Is. HEW, LAROXIAND SEASONABLE STOCK OF GROCERIES LIQUORS AND DRY GOODS. Purchased iti the BEST MARKETS. Al' THE LOWEST NWT.* AND TO BE COLD CHEAP FOR CASH. 1142 0,0 made extensive additions to THE 1)11Y GOODS DEPARTMENT 'OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS NEW & FAST-LOLORED PRINTS NEW & DURABLE COTTONS swid tit determined to give every customer fell value for all money left •ith him. re. Bring along your cosh or prodec• and beto,e buri4.1 elsewhere, Just call at the Neise-Ne. 1 Stand. • HAMILTON STREET wiumeu. maerich AprI116th, 1870. M TT 8 I Os •13.tt MISS SKIMMINGS 1C04E43of Moor. (Plan trine and Cabinet (le• gau ) Torsnise 40,00 ror yr. in Wows. Godench Mill April, Mak ••711-31. -------- Izteneive New Premises .8341 SPLENDID NEW ST'OCK WM "Z Wit C. Barry & Bro., Cabinet 31akers Uodertakers & WoOd Galeria, Apri112t1o1870. c 12 Turns,' SAYE RECEIVFD C 5651 -k reit vziFigv. Wthit-ae VII 1 'I' 'I,', Choice, from 10 cenIs up; ' MUSLINS, Brilliants ana Marseilles ;7 Cloakings and VelvAeeng ; BROWN'HOLLAIN DS, very gooditor 20 cents: 13C:0C:0T EA 49L ia.cl• 97 Cln SI, ce , .7C - Dundas Cotton Yarn, white and colored. Goderieh, Apii1.2.,th, 1870. 443 t 1.74-Efli=Z.E • , t i. iti.t.011til i ,. it .4 a, •-• El. ii..1!Iligl 19 V/ t' -IgiVIN- ig 0 ri Itte....;;;:-; o r4 r::.N : .ilsici •s = ' tl#ft.,ialf/ X,tz.' 6 l'Itre'-erieti--4ii C4 t..; I Ituf 'Si ilf,_1 .4 ;Al ilit!!..IIIIF . . rg4 ...1....h..,:t.,1..,F.,,, w Za. !if,Itit.l.filil- it .74 • ye-;14.1.ii,i "- • s. , t - - . • -I. 7:7i.firl'e .:_t" FZ4 ' 1 •••/:1!•!ILP4;: L_ X Ii,,,elsjilil. ra E4.; .71111,1tPli • ,t t 'z'lgYilit „„.••-- . • -. c t k t 'ilillfki Leg *4..6 . klIcirr.1 ri ,,,„; iti if g•.... v- 1r • ti 1.2 : la: A 1 4 &"0 It iii a NEW DRY GOODS! A CHOICE SELECTION Ot NEWand BEAUTIPUL GOODS Is JUST T0 11AND JOHN 'HARRIS. 33.A.BstritICIPC>MIT .a. 11...reomord ammo street In the otore oast door 4, 84... Acheson'. Han.. Muer, where • 01 be found A GOOD ASSORTMENT I of 11,..lions, Meolsoorn Neon:noon, and 1`.1.4r Fur- niture, sorb a. TAPLICS. 018111* flis Y. cane osul wood nesited.). curisos Kos naosir 441'0444444. narre 68.8 ES, L4tl::40411. /COPAN WHATNOTS,- LOOKINC GLASSES, GILT FRAMING. 71-e. B. •B are ...rend to sell everything in tAletr IWO Cheap for Cash. 1, 11 A ..... ploto saeorttetent Co*. am! Mtroodo a' emelt on baud and a him . all on re...inane terms. A CALL SOLICITED. Goderkb, I St h May. MO 7 84184! 8ign BROOM FACTORY A 15 IP GROCERY STORE TTIEfril.pors11.er. have removed 14.1, 43,,.,, Porto" to the pr...o in rear cf Story forme rty 014 ti - pled lie Xr JAMEN TIltelIM tK (two door* South ot the Nur.., noun), on Klogebot *Meet 1s.g to in Irakolluithaving *Alit.. 6., loth basing broom -eon. 11 lbw cheereat market, nal halo* the non nem 044 510144400 hrionionieker, they are 41.04/ tun. tag ionit AN EXTRA HEAVY BROOM caaaci. 1448 BESTQUALITY & WORKMANSHIP NURSERY BUSINESS. P4311 PURSCRIDER- 4411(14 TO INTIMATE TO to sie pos.. or IllUIFION. .84. 14 ILLIC.111: thet, ourc ath of 4 ntober 45.1, 4.. heis been tarrytn, 0.• thr Frolt tore lateen. 04.47 10 ids oven 500.110.01104pousalitlity• 440 e now taking FRUIT &ORNAMENTAL TREES of every tkairiptickihr .1.1.. r , in the spring. Re liege 40 what a cofferdam. • ut the patrotsa,,te of hie toteude. URI/F.15d SHoUI.D IRK IN ON Olt 8111111/43E 1015 APRIL,. All etoelt delivered rill be .1 44.. hest .quallty aa true t 1 lame. as- A TWEE OF GOOD OXEN FOR SALE. ROBERT GORnON, (Neer Ow Rade.: r1-....14.0 B. McCORMEIT, TAILOR, be. (VeltRANS OLD STAND, EAST ST.) ensvroust.rcerntn, VIT J. e,--blrfLoast rfODERICHIrrit, SINPT IMO. Mr, McCONMICK 4.17 bap b.. •044 o. Cult01 fon ton r I yew. H.- is eatolde of .•tt!th.q for 447 11111 t lam erant.,..t. We toottioak for hits the cOntkleu. Soy who num ittnploy 1.:/171 C. 11111114A5Deo .11 4! AURA HAM .SMITH,' Merchant Tailor (701Aier Market Siptare, IlittilIJIVAT RECEIVED IIIS 7s,OODS .1.01Xf;3 SPRING& SUMMERTIME The Nolmpriher ha now receive.l a new and emu. Sete eaci, of, Clot*, 30e11on4, Light T...., Cbeek., 4114, ' From the Best Markets Ahlt The Most Fashionable PATTERNS. ,. r-ry. 1'4 rive a RED 11 nrn4'r,4'..110 704.0171 IL 137 the 4000 on** oluirt...t ItotIca. and the low• eat ('fl,n4, l,'iUlthoIo4,.3 at, lo. HUGH DUNLOP, M rchant Tailor. WkIeIa w1:1 be fauna contrIete. as. offering Great taautow-: ste oet. ••• t, . • • .19174'.11711 - • s A drawing which it at onos agreeable., healthy, aud effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hoar is soon restored to its ortyinal color tritA the gloss and freebiess of youth. Thiu hair is thick- ened, falling hair checkoff, and • bald- ness (Alen, though not always, cured lay its 11047. NotllilIg cau restore the hair where plos follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied 11111I decayed. But MU+ as remaiu tau he saved for maulers:4 by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with apaoedi meet, it will keep it cleau aba v8igoro!Y lts occasioual use will prevent ta hair from turniug gray or falling off, and consegueutly prevent baldness. Frei from dim.° deleterious substances which Make some preparations daugerous and injurious to the luta, the ‘'igor eau only betlefit but not harm it. If wanted barely for. HAIR DRESSING, bottling elm cau be found so &arable. Coutaiuiug neither oil nor dye, it does not Ma white cambric, aud yet laats long on the hair, giving it • rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr.]. C. Ayer & Co., revs" ••••.' - Po • PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CLULMISTIle LOWELL, MASS. PB./0/1 41.00. NORTH 11',4. 1.1f MAN, osewtoseMe. Ont., &versa egeht• 41-40.1.1 io iorierirsda eerier d_111.4 O. sad Joni., tined*. Depict.,. Jaw50 broth• itmlgen Ole Pickard, 10014... 11. 1.44 100 •••cont. 101 1.00. L Mealionly ell Meath Me than*. STRAY HORNE: • • QTR. TED FROM Gone/RICH ON TUN 42.4at .0 Mai 1.1. a lholit brown hoe. k or pear. old, 16 Imml, high aod inert -me* both Wad sad Owe lega • ny ten 4l4.: itifortiuding resting to ler 18011 147 • No a .11.atily rewarded, 1111, J • J. MOAT. GoderIeb I Jrnia, 1416. 41011.41 ALEX. MITCHELL, H'?"1141,"n778:IV .1::7i11,•:n17. 1.1n Por r....1- ,0041, will hear of mumshms to km ed. vantage by nettle* to eh.. r luitualtettly. PRIMAL orrics. Cruderiel., •,... I. 1670. w/0-34 IZESC/LVENT ACT 1)1' 1869. tAs. matter of James the eller Imoinoar. xy °Her. hereto 444040*. pore.* 1.the power. gesies. toe. A ••igne• an **above trmed In - ...we WI soy toolo too ad totem04 10 .4.. fottowo* S w* wad 8400130.o. Aeog..s ea eforemiel win oe ooN1 hy Pub3, am... 01 08. Amnion Merl .4 Mr Geo.rse 30 Tower. tit ths Tue. 04 shatkroch, Cuomo 04 Huron on • Wednesday the 27th day of July, A D 18701 OTTITOII,,UROP TWELVE (40CLOC1110K1)11 ma. .111 and moguls, 11141remota retreat 01 loret co ha. el riMpreno... otione Ivo* nod beats int.?... All, Mehi bj. ei nist Comm, A Iforon sod P-,-40.-. of ...ono, Lai being c.001...1 01 10. Wo op - ....1y half of lot 11,. IT, in (0.MOnd ronce.lou .4 the mitusk; itiic mono or leo, of al& 4, .botit 41 acres lean .1 The otal • • I ty 1..enn orgood quality 10. 0,414444 414.4444.20 1014 .4. 2aeef4.1,,1th Inor. a' „a ...I WwWww village of 14010418. Foe 24.14.4 parrot olam•lisly to 41.A.M.. or to 5. II (1411410)N, JOHN ITALDAN. (L"1:1.4., ,1•1 , 1044 ' (41. day of May, 4570,408.11 Ready - blade elothing4,1 HAT'S and, CAP& Altplendol motortnimit of introrits AND PA NCI' r IP REDS. 4,04..' ton,1* prepared to meke tot loge, ty, post rattle,. Abort not., -a good ht. n mfg. A gmni meortinent Sowing Machines (In hmnd oo th• Lite, 4111,.. 1-.,'.', toot or limn; 44,0.0,44.,, 10414. Machine Needles and Mach*. 2111k hrie•le. ARRAIIAM SMITH. itch, AW-11984-rre-- Lazarus, Morris& Co. 3v3 Waggon acd Carriage FACTORY. ;BATES & ELLIOTT At:...,47t.1,417..:;71,1'.'..".::47:ft .'.....try that they hav• ned a 11 stm on set. . ere.. ols.p on Pitt . I David•e. ed. oi I 4114AV. 14 stated,. Int. onaihrtety-rtIntering the W.I.* 11.401 1 81 E. attend pontoon Ity lo .11 Ilse work mitt -salad to thous, '14I44 ;Dorian uot Waggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, ..4 reerelhom In coo lino, .44 (4.. '"1 fort material nd o orkaan.hip oat at the very lowest re...at; .• -e8'4"'"''Er4At41WZ' Canada. Province of Ontario, 41, 44.. County Con rt of vounty of 11nron 4 the I 'wanly 01 11,.,,,. In tee matter 01William rh11111Phitannn, an lam:vont 0 ....t the 1.41rtentlf,:r.I11414133 401).. 410440.411,4 . hergo r the mad wt. temtertch, Jug. Sth. 1674 WILLIAM 0(27474 84187444044, .20.11t0, 1514.. 11e4, 17 314li alzxallow a 0110:40 THE PLACE TO BUY TOUR itUWitsi tIiS TR AT THE STAR OMI.:.ROOK STORE, where the tar.. and rhoartat ...oh Into he found. 1,1111111401 iCKLE OVL A., N' COIMPTING nen erm.TINTA.11TS•0•174141, firm°. 25 moots to 116,c0, end from 0 feet to 00 feet le length, RODS TO HIRE'T'IllN 18141854.4' .1414.04.4101441 '.041400 .41zwagr v- rr /./ 'EA.v. f0071'.4.0404 •ro•ed 141 po....40.1111001111111111111 1=1.46tittioATL2.11".4.4.11gtat4retlriarkt,"...'!.?"."•afs'', ng /Ione, *peek Nene lewesle, rreeney, relent. • el P0Weeee. errearbee or Oree., 144tion*, Letoremoin. Menge Whilkmea, Come. sew Creek., PmeerIered IN.,. 11.empor, Iletrellorga, one.. ether iStationery&Fancy Goods eelelealerl lammonl hen. Woo toed fur eteey 4...0. end Oa propertios thoeoeghly meted, ono 44. 4441114e0.104 40 be the Amer. end mem no ehte rnawerely /or 011 • plorrnal mairleents ewer of.. 4040. Inshik fetid when immir oese me/ 14.,14/10.1 of ell Priossiela end 11.010.111 sir Door Argot PI 13411 4141 tfse srAR 0.uninws see r WAIN 11•S•••••,1 offrati4kinalblekla#01faP414•1111••••••/,' MOM flonprieh et Phca. ws C." 7,,j, cAliHRoN's InLoCIL ELNO- Joect.•• lignites*, Se Ise %Pc i Wertheinit M44ge1404.1. Plekerd Elsner 1111/41 STIIIRKT J. H. Cor1041 (1'61'6 ; Lee dw.• reCaDTAII.r..,143-r. S. Illietsee, eafen:, am on sfistiot Er. lowest's% flay sea Mk ..01111f Awe.. which home, end canteen Wee.... 411411114.1. 171 NIL 10re.1111, AND OILT 88T44, Cheaper than ELSEWHERE. iley rat mis 111000,161 114tro4..... Totonto. Both Whole3a1e & &Lail • They bare also pnr-losel O. • bal., of Mr JIMes Thotto...t.'s Stoca of Groceries I and made lard0 whittionl tlien.to end Intend to carry oo(1.' hi" old *Mud) Family Grocery Sulam an Ike CASH PRINCIPLE, A enmpleIl assortment of Teas, Co473138, Sugars, Fruit. Sp:eee, Flour, Feet., Potatoes, kr . te alway.,., linnd at the Lowest Pelee. sod delleen•d *Town. 13161• crtii requited to secure a con- tinuance of rublie COXsh: MeDONALD, • Kingeton Rtreet. 444, 74 -ferny...Nee tall. MEI...Lange for OWN February?* 107o. wtn.tt CARD OF THANKS ?pa Woo. whn resfronded to In 7 1.41(2,14 for money atd woold r.peo-tfnlly Ihi Ite the balanre of itt Debtor. to do likewl.e, by 11, doing would emit*. en 1. pay 20 ehillIngs to the pouud, and 4,11 Ono& Clomp, than eire A. 14/11114. (bolenleb.14411 74h ,(410 8*34 , APPRENTICE WANTED. rise the Illeekwelthfref 144.1404110 A *irons ernith 1 front the conntry 4.ee4.40.1 •rrly toPGRACUAN 17 MCKINNON, Ooderich Inch Het 1070. 0w61 440 14311 WoRSINO CI,. -We tom. 4114.. with mama. e11 too., the who.. then.. m1.7the mare now. ihnhvom 1104..4 poonaletn• noon• eerly hews S441%8444. now. Theis. who. dile arm mood th.4 X :, Meth* reophie aorta. oll paelgewlen.• mh.arl• Am. Eteh .1114n enamMe,r• yenta, •••• • envy of r.. 0000.000-404. *we, and 111.17 ruhit.,00-en I, .4, 74.125":70...15art INSOLVENT ACTS OF 18434 1865 & 1869. In Me meat. 01 T001041. Ph•ny 1,10.1,:mry 11.0.4. 41114.1431 loseininitt ( MOTU'S: la nor.; Oven Mat poem** In P. seise. ‚.08.4.. 041 4. e 0( 14,. 0004ss11 au meal In .... et 4\ 40 6. 115. 01 t.,he hMeet *Ile r Amman on*. Tow n Itoderieh, of If Ornel Weduesday the 27111 day of July, A. D 1870, *7 1117 nore TWFIA'S treffIn K NooN one. 44( 804 tong*4*, 4.4 1.1'.,, parcel* 1504*81.114 410 01,1111050 .4'..'. lying rod Mong ta the 1114.51814, coMrotoleh lo the sad Mooney 01 44..... 1141 Pearl. * of In..., end to Ins rows ow* et 41 lko 1 t\ f* poet* ernes, he the am. mom ew tem o4 *MA Ms roster not ierlemed .110 4004 fern. ere.4.11 low on Th. 7eom wooed oh 61111 ravel enbel, woolon 0.8,4.. of ('.O., Pen Ardis mime dare spple :re Me neon/noel llodertell. D. uvm•s.)., nowore se" tSelltil. *141, -oaaaomm*Amo44•••••••Imain WES f erests.r, Goortucit, Irr Aired workman muted 111010441417. 44/111411c7iA7411 713 71171k iii311 DESIRABLE PRIVATE BOARD. Cngrotrrsnt.t: twaann IN A PRIV.1TE 7481111.1" may be had on nameable kn.. For [moth:oleos at3,14 at the •' Signal" olhor. 041.1611, Ilay 13, 1140, .201 Hurrah for the 24th EIRE CRACKER... ROMAN CA NIt1.104, 11141 1.001:17744, an -I Tit/Wt.:Dorn. WHOLESALE & RETAIL AT BUTLERS. A Beautiful Assortment OF JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS 'JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CHEAP AT BUTLEWS. Fishing Tackles, OP A ' I, KINDS, (04444111T47144 IIEELS. 1.1.464E14, BAIT*. HOOKS, marl LINEN of • eureolor kited st SELLINC AT Co8T I AT BUTLER'S floderleh, 30a717, 1875 w11 TO SELL. pm non. nscr 0741 ,01' 784704I1E44 8, tER' 1 Month entormodent of Illnllett,„eny DM bound., 4.1,WW44.1 wit4.01,1wri office '0.41 8447, 004 , watered with • ..... tailing ereek •ml mere talll ne .pros Al. oeell ctn. by the hot.. Poly aerie. cleared, troll feettowl, rt ammo 41. Log and hem a Gillet...ore& 8 111.1. of pinto., 14.4.whIle sod red enreanta loam, rod and y•Ilow gerehorMer. Poe Mother raottrithent grow no so,. penness. intAN /I I ?I 1.•41110N end id. Mother. 305, 6040,1474, w14-11 itaers Wanted. 141140 ELI 1,1 0143E WALK (171 44)171'14 •tol• of Horne ?4...I, 77,, IfIgin *me So dem., WIlono's. Al. for grtettllag MM... Rood horn Et. toe* me., to 11.mon Rned. mol /01 pepv•I,Ing A...emote street front Votorta Stn. to thentels Road Sealed Tender. for the •I.ve 0111 1. rec.,* ya tone 141 IWKI. lapeellIcatfone to he root l(44.e eville, P. Adaweent, ('.t, .0.01, 7 *414414) Inerector tbstenich, May, 1470 w 1,1.11,44,4 A10101.111•0. liportrat W101111611•01,•• Pet. n mil. from Apply retire or In Ronny IISCIOF Inv IN TRW Iet M. C. CA ItRolh aware* ,ren 1: clans and Oculists, 311402\TPRIZI.A.T.A. IT AVE. WITH A AIN MNNT THN IN - 1 11'10 AMMO demand lor the .lebrated Pcrfeetril ationieten 40017074, rhea.** awl !nogg.% 1104erteh, 001 . 111.• Mar 11.•••44.'.' for th. Thew her. wren cafe b. etre al, oeedful to.tmeocott. Neve co...6door. in the atoll.. .1100 Amott• in the reimireth•ol• .4.)) *810111*10 An opt...nuttily will le 0.....tforded to procure, al al t mie• `Ipeciacies. wimps.. I.; astir kw their *trawl. - riling nod mover.* opm in- a moeh "Polon( he im •• to Ilietr enperi rye, the m.lioary glare...mtnor. a1 a... shrusetertme. .vave. mg of Meg**, iltsrotest, 40 nth,' lifilo.nanion atral.t000ll. In,. .,o lb. coonalo•ry.,- Own the mon- o loot., ho v •re ...loos awl 1.1..to. to rime ot• re to.f• to Le wear. r, Wel proctor o. w oleo:8ml ...tot mei .... , oloe natural keolthy •terh. Theo are the only Pireeleelre that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT. „a •re he rhea..4 bre.. the I.e.,. •lemt le.ting ao. verve without ehange being mummery. Wo arploy Penhiro . F. JtiltDAN, Sole Agent for (0odent h 1,03erteh April 4, 1117) .13 70 l'7IRIV.t1.I.611 for Purity end Cheap.... It 11(04. potter Milk, etc., .0.4 la warroded to contain nutlike InImiose. F..,44. by the mama ROBINSON YATES, Agent. 144, 0,4.14.0, E. PIATNINIER A CO., - wins Pro.. 1... Oleuded to ON HAND, • large amortment of 9 11 I C:4- IJE3 let h will toe 001.4 (71,0111 tor Cash or Cercto synod. lowly Unclench Fel., 34(4,, 1070, ENTS WANTED, To Sell the Revised Edition of thimbe:s's Encyclopaedia A reissue of le70 with MAPS, PLATES, AND L%GR,l;VIG40. 473.1140' t"IMPI.ETK. 1/. taro 0:01,4°04 414. *412 1, p.m melt 111.4ra144 with *boot hone therm, .1.1 Voters, logs vol fort) WPM, toItelhe/ 84,01 • omit. •.7 t e1411,7 (4,0,. eiegpntlp10l01' 844 PIO... all. ..... tit, .4 the .04. ee 41.4,'.! tom for the 111.1 tInto appearing in the work, ALSO LIPPINCOTT'S 'Pronouncing- Dictionary I.1 Illogrephy •nd Mythology, Containing nniorniono• .4 eminent portions .4 all ... •nd ...totem.. •.I al• ...into of the var.. anbjert, err th. .o,..mMind, and .1.441.- alythologlea ebb th• prorionmatin of thelr moors in Ow dIff. mot lattgoece. i• whirh they oeohr, With 4 mint., of other .11. 1104 horn. pop. 1.?840k.1 The.. wort. en ankt nall is ...eh. Unmet ...or.. m allowed 441 Agent, For partiotilars eualo. starer and addelowe RICA .11 nISOWN, Lnede... tle., Oeeerel ,i.grat for Ord 111 8.774,. JAIIF S 81 EWART WHOLESALE ACENT 09 The far-0*er4 mo relleble Pi Cat0.44min teenesly 11 W NEADLE 101143 rOlt A LL KIND8 or RE13/11. 13 41.441.. 44,.. litit176,1711; Godwin P 0 Godatiek II May, left own If *10.00 REWARD; INCONPTANIIRP LI RIM THE MUMMA OP 74404 4284. 08c4 oak*. kw/ . - - • . MELODEONS. HOTTSE ORGAN, CHURCH ORGANS, Piano Stools, &c.. Ite need lo• tI. celeterated Firm n( ft 8. WILLIAMS it 011., Toenwro. .1%. tome waken 131 U. Iloyer.... 1262,11.1011,11.241111.11WMIA1 0m;80.n1-7t=e1R4.1.1110 eedetwitibod *In, and le row. par. to .41 441.,l4.4.. reek Ay thaw 56 ssaberseTURIR we, rattles. leapt. tn. be eeent torynol 110•41111611404 at UN. •44114. Wren Petrel D NISL Ntokilo3i. MO April. 1.1M, •14 01 .....ancinfasaihearildanatte • or de omentelll`41164`• 1.1 he Mr .0ea 1 yr. old Re haw blew lege and a 1. Ito atar 0* the 16.e. Witest NO se. seer wore pt..* thongh 44., ownehtys lay jar.* g.Ing infonnatOm IsentIne 10their ....very .144 0.0414 the above reward. KLIJA it MARTIN, ..'nitowne 11.004.0040-11 80. Pr.. Mom, 0.1.110 lb Wroltly lind aurae !Mt MI at. Kleal *11111 LAND INAtaiLD. esememelluMiememeneraniewelestme caeoviecernew 1D44I11,1.T rwritnvito P14411 07 .784 0004 111.intst, le •••••••• Add.. ofte par 41.1.0.#6 41*. RI at 4051 1,1* I 'moldy re. WI4.114111 C SINN, Last awl Iseie 004. Ocolarich, nth War, III .4,44 ;16nf di me-musnmeaMemomatt Pr/ page . *WM .• 444 1733., ACII alta jag u sw•ime.• ith..14.1417.7i.:17111211 r. 1 weeeng to.. 11,..G. Imiliatnieatto. II I, tedium, paw.. selme. sober .. • . 1-11INIC4AL 4,1 FETERNAL; N!!'^-"ni V:tri -- 0-1.3 di:.•;a: ',a...et...Fa flea ti;,' •:a1. rim% 44 Goo corner W. IA CURE FOR EVERY PAIII dritr .vehe.le Poe.Wis"ple it.',11 477 1tk.lJI'.I' .e1".t1".'"t""5its171•.el eie10.10..I•,a7174:,o. .,FA.. 7.11.1 th• Houma .MI'gr7". ‘.17. 11114212:11.'7"Z'1"...;,:•..." '11.3" RADWAr fin? olctisr , deed.. •eel 10^e. 011tr-11:11.dirs"fairs:suse.."." 4 10 "4, 08 PRIIVIENT1813 to 0n1 ,rell+.•.11 e.1..• • ow-hio.... 4 atioutmoiawr. 1140404een INtsverrem ityht 1.1131•11: .8.. Pais Espied, it •sorlii Of remedial aproia. sod • ben 51.4 44.4 4.40.. so 4444114. ;es people wen mi.ished 01. 04,, .111.1.40 461t0 • • pot/1111. Inc the .. swot 1 ....•.pleu...1•11.641,- 711 I1s11 140144• diloted its 1,4101. oho tnnool andel, "111M1. Urt1,..... •••11111...0., 11.1.1111k. 4101 adi 11110•••• Itt 1001,144. voass4- PROTILMIC1S 4110 Who* Aeleide Chalets appeared. RADWA PEL1EY was tbeers1 it eu linot•sonadA. •nd ore., tp.111.0.fr... 00 ppLip.k. T; 44 .5. that Invitee ...ovule.. 0.141614 SI P. • I trVIsetheathra 67014 w're:411,117.,,,--.......--feet"11 ..14. Med ty 0 onVing tbsdivet 4.11 people -ereisel .044 Flag,. end peptilia. ea Met levered ell neenise.,,... and the heet Ohm or Without ha**, toll 85401444.4 .4 ono duller e.t.a. ..,16, Y. 45 41. RAD W•1C6- ktliADY 44)114014.• • Is p savior to the •Mi. tee Imiatic rms, vre.ea berth tainionuteuire ONELLM LLI N 1.0 ARS' WORTIL RADWAY3 ItEAttritELIEF; without ime Jolla. being tecor.1 hverrhaw. smt ha,. In asit aor teno oats. slum o.1I thr 4014 841'1 Mai 011444••• toe forap,, doer, neje, nerilllonotnall 501111.0. 8114141-tolloW 41.31.IF.* 611•44 180 [ tior '0 "011841.4 le. 4.- 1..r years Whet... a ,. PI'811304 . arole th.• •• 5?.1..4 our orn risk. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, • gm. 94. 11024410110 elm14 it tented ie A.eIATU: 121I/L/1U. ellt/4,4411.1 11011111'S. all IIILlot AT/Alibi+. A IttillEA. DI•nliNTERY. et.• other die... peculiar 1,the r404401,44•• sad en...re ober., 46wee toed, enggissIed moo to 7.11wr Pere.. Ts ;Wind Yeses beittlet Fever, 14.40 11...,, riertrme.wa. .41L.C11.1.711111. ell other fent". and is th • hen .44,14*,. (lolled, and PEEVE:IT'D The IV 64•104•1 P1•4544•11•44 444 er}r-tine the Devet% - 1.010 aol Frumwtort of this .;,..strreloos mimed) ni eaftlott1,14.1eta. lath.. cal as rods*. withia th - - rear of lie,7 4) sallow 10*...48 .0.41 had oniticient futh 11. 0,41 he their "h,‚04 east th• eaters tn moo4 atter teeny de. vie . . 0101011 413 Pureed trit beb.re th• wsatd eke - suety. sed *tracolon. quirk.* 4.4 this wind ouch tiro tlot it. wondorful none.. haws/ honmehisid itammet 17 et am* herw-ehoMe *Mit the ,.. Stroinentet selected fur lbw snot •grk here 4. th•cre.1 them d•oes thss th infallin• curative metre n(1thlway'e Read. Ref reNewt. i4 all rie "OW how fro. el. ibere all forme aged a. rewards .444..,AIMS 1.1044 etre alL be Reedy few misutee 4111 stop FEVER A.1•1'TZ, oth CA 'LIE Nereitbrteadleo the groat ra gm* Patio. Aeho. Allomota . thst Heil wey's RelinLeut time and •I4301011011 preia .1 4. 14014.. 4165T 44,4 hArx,r 11464.4,., PENMIL • MD 441/14 CHILLS AID BrIEVIEld. 1311.116orsaw SPasaresi- labs Tlwre ie no Agin. rare. Chid•Insur 7 preperan.. Ontotne. .1malin, .4 11`.. to • ,• forme of Memory ...if. 1. An reiocII*4 *MG the' 84311acre this dim.... fe.eltively. safely... oll'arbrqy's Is'ear?yrf. Ns set we. ThoesawS. fro* over -endow ' Clow..., snow, Merry.. tattle.. Ih Got mow Arc4 1,100 .34 Pm.. Pruett.* 0.4. 104, waster*" 4 • coved liver, fel oplown 4..0461.1 kidoeit. osarw..- r.d.red Alin. and Isoudroda of other mentister. dieter.. Theo. unto never sere, het einothet iliD disease. edietre. RADWArS READY 311I.117: nidnd he Raderay't Pill, leg only cure Ihe won.; twee, boil loll pooneet the *stays against ./Arekosi ard all other Fever. Owe Cleat Mettle of • Ra.dway's Ready Relief I. hett. . • ento frer all ratan r01161. Att•ce• Ac . them the quieting MI -aurae Arm Cum.. 34.,,!.,. .0' e. Qualm/ 07 10 CI, pthi itmlwa '4 Needy Rei ,P1 to good fur hombre!. .'(.,,41o, alimmor ihei the. tem md. • !trent le.trle 111.1•••,•• Plead. al • . . , - • 144 4.101 1,'. or tlie ceiti Pain emashee. Piarto Mere. hollemeettomt. 4 41.... .....4... lootie but faVonr 110l411111a0. 11( Rad.. riviv Ito Ger One botil• of 4(4.4owns* Ready' Me1114.11kr ••.*: root,. a. • Pao I1oori..1 I non! for Found; Perllome•. *43 tenure 04.44.7 liminelcd.1 freedom *geoid •ear..nd can be tieed for On 1,111•1 4,8 .1. would ...tar 10811.4.7U heath -1 ...lolls.. bad y. porehn. tweeterphoto_ or do... •very 6.844 rola askew., Or acooleut tak. rho.. I'440411 .11 AstArtokal whore. Radway's Ready Itelici *ILL A1'r0)1ft 1.V.,47.1.YT lefleauntatiose the K ..... 1 0 Me to pen too eb1 11.. lelarhier; InthissimatIon 01 60. 1'ittion•-•11011.1 of Its Lusa! Sees Th moo l• 011141.01 ees t I. tog, r..tid tenon or the Heart, Illyseweles: Croup. 1/74.1.11.. les Catarrh. 41•41•01•Itallt dIewtar It es Toot hre hos 84ee*M160*4 F1.IIeseiro441111.4 CoId 80480 (4.111.. Tina *mato., of the Heed, &lief let the rev( oil, 10.1-4.*hem I Ite PM. Of 4.1E0417 •earls, er.li • tort ease niel comiort ttO Mope i• • Tvespismehar Da Wetly will. In a few fornuents. ono . . Itit.l.WP IN, NP. lora 117114.11141A "Ilt.V, NICK N 141.111111114. DIFILVT a XI 4•&14 IXto noire,• nd:tiiri The shoe" ls• alereVrllC' W &ante, wild quickly mire . Art•to. Cholera., Cholera Morlma, Colic,. And all Painful Idadmegitie. TI•eeleirs ahookl •I or Are eari • 4.4414 /p.n.... m Pellet with the. A few .40.1 in 11,1%. 1 ;roves, irieltnea. or pain. One enertie 1184in. II8141211 TUAN 214113C11 aasany' irk i •-• IITIM61.1114. • dr.rr• 111.111.• - 7.4I• 4164 .8 1*. 1211.1131V Eh rms.. 4. Lorre Mont.., 8,14e814401$ 3 am. 4 limos the intorno of th; ming Liniments. Patut., KtIlens penneen. oi4.4, sif u ittartetd 1.11814 *•EN1 mon Noel oil al 4 ea • 10. $ome ;MG., tootatimys two 60411 harrithee* in 1.1411460.8 ,4 1101011v re. tom Araner••- aped 10 the Seoul 40,40the 1#1.11,1111. Ready Rah* will al 11. 0410et14l44 frarttLM the 1111144h0.te. 4.a.14 1401101 h. 1.01.• Rubber $t bottle read* air twits him. nt 48e11er..41 111.641 lonI tDtlre.R1eo2d-5e0o1Cu'1.4,0P10ro o ai oei $1,*. l5104, h onheepee rpronen 444IveryMO r PRI acell Imre In the 11-Yie'f!"•••• - Lo. v 1.1101111i ZOIL BALA - A •NaskW *14. 1045417 se 1004 14 Omletiels 0 sta. • oos. • 41;1111101, • ,,••, s.r.N.41.........eso; 4.44)14 4.‘ '• 2re ware. own ie. .4 • 1.7 1•11•641 Ihr•riNto ether Pelrelleito •44-.4 • tasoldssol D.e: t wi""erl -7