HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-09-24, Page 1516 Property For Sale I; GRAND BEND RESIDENCE -- Highway No. 21. Two floors and basement house, two floor ga- rage, four bedrooms, oil hot air 'furnace, new town water, Necessary to sell to settle es- tate. Contact Ross or Wallace Desjardine, Grand Bend, Ont. 24:.1c 3-BEDROOM BRICK house close to downtown Exeter. Features wimming pool and large out- door patio. Bath up and down. Large living room with fire- place, dining room and kitchen, all redecorated, Playroom. New furnace. Phone 235-0159. 24nc SOLID BRICK 1i storey home. Three bedrooms, 1 baths, large living room and dining room, family room, sun porch. Sewers, oil heat, close to schools. Nicely treed lot. Extra lot also avail- able, could qualify under VLA 167 Main Street, Phone 235-0751. 9:24tfnc CALL JB AT 1863 "The Centennial Office" HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — Newly decorated house, frame, asbestos shingled, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, elec- tric heating. Nice lot. House is well priced as owner is mov- ing away. Attached garage. This is an excellent buy. EXETER — This home would have a particular interest to those in an executive category. It has 3 bedrooms, large living room, fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, full basement. The location, on the river bank, and excellent landscaping, plus a large lot, makes this a de- sirous place to live. EXETER— Frame house, Johns Mansville siding, 3 bedrooms upstairs, lovely large kitchen, cupboards, 3 piece bath, utility room, part basement. Owner will sacrifice because of mov- ing. An excellent buy. EXETER — A 3-bedroom house on Anne St. Propane furnace, with the inside and outside ren- ovated. Make a reasonable of- fer, EXETER — Beautiful 3 bed- room home, completely modern- ized, oil heating, large living room. A good buy. EXETER — Brick house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, living room and dining room, close to schools, large lot. EXETER — 3 bedroom bunga- low, close to schools. Family room, living room, dining room, utility room; newly decorated. Garage. EXETER — 3 bedroom house, close to Riverview Park. Johns Manville siding, oil heat, attach- ed garage. Priced right. EXETER-2-storey frame house, Main St. north, oil heat, 3 bed- rooms, large lot, on sewers. EXETER — 3-bedroom house, kitchen, living room, dining room, rec room in basement; could qualify VLA; 2 years old, 2 bathrooms. HENSALL — Large brick house with apartments upstairs and down, completely self contained. Excellent income property. e HENSALL' — 3 - bedroom insul brick house, oil furnace, full basement, Oxford St. An excel- lent buy. Lot 125x100. CREDITON — Income home, 3 apartments each with 2 bed- rooms, kitchen, living room and bath. Drilled well. Apartments remodelled 10 years ago. Priced for quick sale. Good return. FARMS FOR SALE Approximately 8 miles south of Exeter, 1 mile east of Hwy. 4; 100 acres of good land, no buildings; good well. Municipal drain. Terms. JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 9:24tfnc 17 Properly For Rent BRUCEFIELD — Two-bedroom apartment, available Oct. 1. Phone 262-5047. 9: 10tfnc MODERN FARM HOME — Dial 237-3307, 24c APPROXIMATELY 200 acres of completely tile drained land suitable for cash crop, near Exeter. Apply Box H P P The Exeter Times-Advocate. 24:1:8c 2 - BEDROOM apartment near Centralia Industrial Park, avail- able Oct. Oct. 1. Contact Earl W. Neil, Exeter 235-1921, 24c 3-BEDROOM FARMHOME, oil heated, large kitchen, living room, dining room, 3-pee. bath. Ideal family home. Close to Exeter. Phone 235-1817. 24c 18 For Rent ZURIC hous 3 be dini garage. — Tw torey frame Joi siville siding, large living room, oom and kitchen, bath, CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skit saw; ad- ding machine°, sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; carton carrier. Whiting Rental, corner of Wellington & Carling, 2 blocks west of Main St. Phone 235-1964, 2:10tfric 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 14 &;4" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, '234-1033. g;22tfric CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT--- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer,. etc. Phone 46- 4644 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 4 :24tfne 20 Wanted To Rent I NEED HOUSES to rent; also others to sell. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9:24tfnc 200 ACRES suitable for corn, B. R. Gamble & Sons, RR 1 Granton. Phone 229-6367. 17:24* 2 - WHEEL TRAILER to trans- port tractor weighing 1 ton to Lindsay, Required from October 12 - 17. Clare Paton, 227-4863. 24:1c_ 22 Notices ANYONE INTERESTED in tak- ing off 15 acres of turnips on 1/3 share basis please contact W. Parker, RR 1 Lucan. 227- 4839. Tractor and wagon sup- plied. 24e 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Jule Desjardine and Emeline Desjardine, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Jule Des- jardine, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, who died on or about the 28th day of April, 1949, and the estate of Emeline Desjar- dine, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of September, 1970, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So- licitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 10th of October, 1970 after which date the estates will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 24:1:8c 14 Tenders Wanted FUEL OIL TENDER Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received up to 12:00 o'clock noon, Monday, October 5, 1970 for the supply of fuel oil to Huron County Schools. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the offices of The Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley St., Clin- ton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Mr. Roy B. Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs The Huron County Board of Education 24c TENDER TOWN OF EXETER SIDEWALKS Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. October 5, 1970, for the removal and replacing of ap- proximately 2400 square feet of sidewalk. Further information may be ob- tained at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. E. H. CARSCADDEN, TOWN CLERK 24:1c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 24 Tenders Wanted ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (For salp By Tender) Sealed tenders will be received until 12:00 o'clock noon, local time on Wednesday, October 7, 1970 for the PURCHASE AND REMOVAL OF BUILDING # 17 approximately 1,388 sq. ft. ',AT HURON INDUSTRIAL PARK. Further information may be ob- tained by contacting Mr. P. D. Levier; Maintenance Superin- tendent, Huron Industrial Park. (228-6657). C. J. Malone, Manager Huron Industrial Park 24c ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (For Sale By Tender) Sealed tenders will be received until 12:00 o'clock noon, local time on Wednesday, October 7, 1970 for the PURCHASE AND REMOVAL OF BUILDING # 4 approximately 9,068 sq. ft. AT HURON INDUSTRIAL PARK. Further information may be ob- tained by contacting Mr. P. D. Lavier, Maintenance Superin- tendent, Huron Industrial Park. (228-6657). C, J, Malone, Manager Huron Industrial Park 24c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF CLINTON on Highway 4 The undersigned auctioneers received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 at 1:30 p.m. Kroehler 2-piece chesterfield suite; 2 occasional chairs; hex- agonal commode; 3 coffee ta- bles; small walnut round top table; antique morris chair; 2 hostess chairs; Silvertone ster- 'eo; child's oak rocker; end tables;, combination magazine stand and table; office desk and chair; small desk; sets of complete record albums; high chair; chrome table & chairs; Westinghouse refrigerator, self defrosting; Westinghouse 24 in, 4 - burner stove; Electrohome dehumidifier; smoking stand; large round mirror; record stand; electric clock; pair of lamps; floor lamps; pictures & paintings; child's crib; walnut 3-piece modern bedroom suite; 2 Woods sleeping bags; mahog- any 3-piece bedroom suite; 2 air mattresses; oak bedstead and dresser; set of drapes; Bis- sell carpet sweeper; GE vac- uum cleaner' kitchen utensils; canister set; pressure cooker; Coleman stove and lantern; an- tique lantern; extension cords; Christmas decorations; lawn chairs; step ladders; Honda, 50 c.c., like new; 275 cedar rails and many other miscel- laneous items. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Everything in new condition. Terms: Cash RON DEMERS, Proprietor RR 5 Clinton, Ont. Auctioneers: R. D. BECK (Gabby) ALVIN WALPER 17:24c CASTING A WATCHFUL EYE over her choice Coxcomb flowers which she will show at the Exeter Fair is Mrs. Gordon Smith, Exeter, Mrs. Smith is an ardent exhibitor who "wouldn't" miss entering in the Fair for the world." Two brides feted at Thames Road Entertainment Thurs., Fri. & Sat. CENTRALIA INDUSTRIAL PARK —PHONE 228-6733 Club Albatross Specializing in Club Meetings, Banquets, Receptions, etc. F R I DAY, SEPT. 25 The Country Tones Come To The Albatross For Good Food And A Relaxing Atmosphere Mondays — Pub Night Tuesdays — Ladies Night Wednesdays — Spaghetti Night — All you can eat for 99c (6.12) Thursdays — Amateur Night Fridays — T.G.I .F. -4:30 - 7:00 — $1.00 per person for food & reduced prices Saturdays — Candlelight Dinner & Dance with the Jimmy Wright Trio — $4.00 couple 9:00 -1:00 — Buffet at 11:00 p.m. Sundays — Family Dinners 4:00 8:00 Coming Events Friday, Oct. 2 — Roger Quick & the Rainbows Friday, Oct. 9 — Roger Quick & the Rainbows Book Your Christmas Parties Soon Now Appearing This Weekend Howes An .Outstanding Treat THURS., FRI.& $AT. SEPT. 24, 25, 20 Paul Baron's Harmonica Rascals A 5-piece group heard on Ed Sullivan's show and from Las Vegas to Tokyo PHONE 227-4411 LUCAN Every Tuesday is Amateur Night Girls Join the Shillelagh Dance Queen Contest Ontario No. 1 POTATOES 25 LBS 59' Old South Frozen ORANGE JUICE 12 oz. FOR 79' Bartliff's Quality BREAD White or Brown 4 FOR 88' Y ork PEANUT BUTTER 3 LB. $ 1 49 JAW; PENGUIN FALL SALE OF O GP Sept. 24 to Oct. 3 FRONTS SIDES LB 534 LB 630 HINDS LB 7* THIS IS OUR SAME QUALITY BEEF FROM HURON'S TOP FEEDLOTS Prices Include Deluxe Cutting, Wrapping and Quick Freezing For Your Freezer or Locker Schneider's No. 1 Large Chicken Legs ..55c Fresh Pork Tenderloin LB$139 Burns Vacuum 1's Wieners 2 LBS.$" exoter frozen foods cuniel/MARKET GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH &CURED MEATS CAI 235,0466 Extensive AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm Machinery and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 8, CON. 9, USBORNE TWP. '/z mile south of Winchelsea The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 at 1:30 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: McDeering W - 6 Super Standard tractor equipped with 25 Auction Sales live power take-off and torque amplifier; W-6 Standard tractor; Int. Super A Farman tractor. Both tractors in perfect work- ing order, TRUCK; 1951 Ford stake, not road worthy; 1928 antique truck Gotfredson frame, Buda motor, COMBINE: Case A-6 pull type combine, completely equipped, with motor and clover attach- ment in A-1 condition; heavy duty car motor used for sta- tionary work. FARM MACHINERY: McDeer- ing 5-bar side rake on rubber; McDeering 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill; Mc- Deering 3 furrow ace bottom plow; Int. No. 70 heavy duty 16" high beam plow; McDeer- ing No. 37-10' 9" double disc; M H 8 ft, oinder on rubber; McDeering # 30 tractor spread- er; Geo. White heavy duty wagon; heavy duty trailer suit- able for trucking farm equip- ment; McDeering 9 ft. spring tooth cultivator; 2 gravity box- es; 2 rubber tire wagons with rack; grain and beet box; John Deere 5 ft. one-way disc; MH 5 ft. one-way disc; 5-section diamond harrows; 4-section dia- mond harrows; 2 - drum steel roller; 3-drum steel roller; 4- section lever harrows; 5i ft, mower; 4-row scuffler; bean puller; sugar beet lifter; set of dual wheels with clamps 14x30; various tarps; Vessot grinder; fanning mill; grain thrower; endless belt; 2 sets of bob sleighs; cutter; walking plow; horse drawn carriage; antique turnip seeder; wagon wheels; harness & collar; log- ging chains; block and tackle; assortment of lumber; forks; shovels; barrels; etc,, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms: Cash REGINALD DELBRIDGE and JACK DELBRIDGE, Proprietors ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 17:24c AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects IN HENSALL 99 Richmond 'Street South, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 1.00 p.m. Studio couch; oak writing desk; Quebec heater; walnut dining room suite, table, china cabi- net, buffet, 6 chairs (like new); 3 odd china cabinets; reed rocker; chesterfield; 2 uphol- stered r o cker s; occasional chairs; whatnots; pictures and frames; floor lamps and table lamps; small tables; step up end tables; coffee tables; scat- ter mats; telephone table and chair; card table; small Do- minion safe (like new); ward- robe with mirror; pine quilt box; trunk; 6 antique dining room chairs; Raymond sewing machine; electric vacuum clean- er; chrome kitchen set, table and chairs; Frigidaire 24" elec- tric stove; Frigidaire Imperial refrigerator, coloured with deep freeze; pine cupboard; 2 fur- nished bedrooms, beds, springs, mattresses, dresser; 2 wash- stands; clotheshorse; drop leaf table; bird cage and stand: step ladder; oil lamp; antique clock; piano stool; garden hose; Zenith semi-automatic washing machine (like new); laundry tubs and stand; quantity fruit sealers; crocks; 22 K gold plat- ed Georgian china and other china; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; maple dresser and chest of drawers. PROPERTY: 8-room, 2-storey brick house. Four - piece bath- room (new) on second floor; 2-piece bath on first floor. Oil heat; electric water heater. Double lot. Double garage. TERMS on property: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels: Cash Owner or auctioneer not re- sponsible for accidents on prop- erty day of sale. CASSIE DOUGALL, Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 24:1c '111111111111110. By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD About seventy friends, neighbors and relatives gathered in the church basement Friday evening to honor Ethel Miner with a bridal shower. Mrs. Edwin Miller was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading Hospital Wedding by Mrs. William Rohde and a poen, Wives by Darlene Passmore Two songs were sung by Janice Alexander, Janet Cunnington, Caroly Glanville, Barbara Miller, Janice Stewart and Sylvia Stewart accompanied by Mrs. Reg Hodgert on the piano and a reading was given by Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mrs. Howard Cunnington read a well worded address and Ethel was presented with many useful gifts. Ethel thanked everyone and invited them to see her trousseau October 3. Mrs. Myrtle Passmore read back some of Ethel's remarks as she opened her gifts which were quite humorous, BRIDAL SHOWER Around eighty relatives, friends and neighbors gathered in the church basement Monday evening to honor Janis Duncan bride-elect of October. To the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Marlene Stewart, Janis was escorted to a prettily decorated chair by her cousin Mrs. Barry Oliver. Mrs. Glen Stewart was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading, Can I Take It by Marlene Stewart; piano solos by Nancy Alexander; a reading, A Conversation That Was Heard in Ken Duncan's Barn, by Sandra Stewart. Mrs. Ross Ballantyne read the address and Cheryl Stewart and Diane Ballantyne carried in a decorated basket filled with gifts. After opening the gifts Janis thanked everyone and invited the people to see her trousseau. Everyone joined in singing For She's A Jolly Good Fellow and lunch was served. PERS ONALS Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson and family, Woodham, visited Antique Auction Community Hall CREDITON Sat., Oct. 3 1 :00 Over 250 Lots in Good Condition Full Listing In Next Week's'Issue NORM WHITING NORM EVELAND Auctioneer Proprietor Phone 235-1964 234.6426 Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Glen Jeffery. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forbes, Ottawa, spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter. 4-H The first meeting of Hurondale I, Focus on Fitness Club was held September 14 at Thames Road Church. Twenty-three members including leaders Joanne Hodgert and Marlene Stewart were in attendance. The election of officers was as follows: president, Beth Passmore; vice president, Darlene Passmore; secretary, Carolyn Glanville; press reporter, Debbie Etherington. The topics discussed were the book covers, the handicraft and project, mental fitness and art of reading. The next meeting will be held September 21 same time and place. Times-Advocate, September 24, 197Q Pag See You at the Fair * * * Come And Enjoy These Specials Thurs., Sept. 24 — Barbecue Spare Ribs and mashed potatoes Tues., Sept. 29 — Salmon Loaf mashed potatoes and vegetable Wed., Sept, 30 — Baked Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes Thurs. Oct. 1 Chili Con Came & Toast DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT. 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on SUNDAYS from 4:00 to 7:00 Take Out Orders — Phone 228 ,6648 E'VERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY DINNER DANCING In The Harlequin Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY (SEPT. 25 & 26) The Odds and Ends DINING OUT IS A PLEASURE AT THE Dufferin Hotel CENTRALIA