HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-9, Page 1r--wieme
.tt' • 441.7MIL
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Jr.. - 405
„? . 30Z. Editor LudProprietor.
t, I70
9 Loormen ANN. TN ATIV'''ANOMe
01.00ster Sella 9w VIDA.
- - - -
The greatest Possible good to the greatest PolisibIe Number."
!VOL: Xxm.--NoW
Slimness 134utiorg. Unglues Directorp.
Dr. P. A. hionotamall
Mat maybes ateirwents. Stet e `SY .49
LI. NI AT 110M4VI)(Co
JY .0011 otelools, a. tn. •eery day. Wall melt
' ea . 0 . 011 b M. D.
rhTe1011111,1011tODOL1e.,64., thwhearolb C. W.
Dirt Met.= Aae.
1/1101Y/M4IAN. OURGetni. OIROWIll. Le. ndee
1 ed Medea. iltell Seen of CoMmtelhool. MP
M. Mehl M.
W17lTt5TE ent.renx PHYSICIANS aus MIM -
I 4 Mitre. C. K. R....$.. -.,se hose formerly
eielea he ie. J. V. C. Males, Ines *rex
' (of IL Celle.)
TATIOCI1T. . 01.., ovoids Des
Oudetle. (Marin awl&
CITILLnaUltuirii ton& satithela the .7,,., bran.
13 ..•9 n... mai. ten. Whitewaolnitg and Job -
law 'Mottle 1 Gt promptly Part Li, llama theoush
thu outelory mho &tom to 7.07 0, a MAIN. mat teal
Covering would A. toll to eareepouil wale Hen
anhaetiluip, Awl Imre. their Ham." ....mewl with
Slate% tea they null tool Wren *Leap.z lluts any
other t
usuo, (loderich. Veterinary Medi:
chissaitrayron lowed.
"Thosameno. rt../ eadiesday, and at
Luthew awry Morels/ end mow
•„• Horse manna. d m 70wiraladet
ACCOCCIIKT1R. ttomeeopethw
1.71.hrstetan. and Mehra! Eke...an
E matretem Eh. 41, ten of the Atlantic Mutual In., •
4.tirempeety of Alltany, N Y
Oleo and ttesideare hark M., th. nerd's
W•rJ,Goderwh. Ilea*
Hoose Sign & tiarriage Painter.
11 he tau Atte.' op h.
a pp . North We+, 11..It 1.1 the
n Icfl ARP *MIRO. NITRIC, teeillttittlif ASS Whale an 11.1.1. 'Chtte n, with tamale route .i -
J1, Ammerhone ft, Or • Who where he prepare. to 111 .11 ..elos promptly.
P.c.., Oh 141/. Warr awl& rear.04. leer. Thankful 7.17.. fotroa.e
- ell tba last ?wen sullen. a...mt....au .. Of the am..
igidaril M. lat011itlibel of,
--florons .,,.-4.P,.4O.., Weft-Rtreer-
Ileetset We. talk 11.4%-lf
New Is the time to Paint your Cutters,
Stefghs, and Carriages.
slo•po allied.' to
watt detepateili
Panatela, GildIns. Granting, Glazing. raper
eecoet , se.
• Arm Tenets.
AND AT77IRT117.AT.Lalr, M1rs
s 11.1....e.itChwalwai..C.:01.7.1•11r.
°.41l. Ner 1469.
fly terieh, INte• Bowe, rl 4.46
M. C transeron.
T7.tfl4R. *WORN RT. ooaveranar R. le..
.13 thieste .t.,Oneriektiot . .44
Cameron ig etarrese
fl 7.*Witty4e,11101.14MTORA IT CHASCLItt, te.
0111.... ewes floieriell.
ITC Causes. leg J.T. eeasiew.
.Sonn . *4 &option.
AtTilliCOLV-XT-tAlretitteinnt IN(115WCZRT
H.., &talk Connemne.r. ko ; o teolonen.
, 01111... tier moth 404 orate. Wow, third
A us, .411
Mee Des Oen. t •
I...se Ir. Tone. •
11-UUMIala- .A4111,
reties* earl,fl .710.7 law... stet
- •
Tlowlet At Into
nidtspiorrtm tun 'rims! go sentertOM.
Ste 0 oloneh. On(
IL le Doe. sof W 4 ittorma B A.
trasaye &
T)4441'1'7.1&r In7R 4f ETA- r.l. 110, NOM-
ett. t• Ch•nrom A b nye, veer e
nave In Oevir Gmbh'. 47,0, Ory•
• drenthehrs Moos • esirt
Jog-rkia. - - -h0Printor•
oTida Dew It fitio4 Nywitk edgy temalese
tra.11/1111penNin _ • ,
taeellnablet;a0 lemapLitiestasies
AN the direct road from Seaford' to
‘e Walkerton. Every necessary seam
sedation tor thetrartIllar roadie.
ifrolMe.F.w. E. tor.
SN'Illlurn R. IlIn. 111 A• E. MARTIN, Proprietor.
n“ 41'011 y TAW netrIcIt coast's sew
• letwIdenm. K. Reread etelenta
N. H _i• aremaine. None? If., on ree•oneddie
tieue. Donated Sul detootea Int. to mat • ern.. Good Accommodations. Ample Stable'
Hodertele. nee. II IOW 2.31 14,,,m.
This jo /a-Mitt/A to be a First class
Odla ef the Clete of the reee, Courthouse. dewier.
.7.Suede serfs
T. TO. Ott elven
ASIIVIT PIM .TII1TEitEft vIrip-t-r.rrn
Weft* .1esel. Thai -non, pr tortentor)
ay told I'..4.
ie. tateopt..mx•
L) Owego, Om.
_ nessean Ithitrater.
ewe. !Wilding. Itntr•lo. O. T.
J AlMerwey .4 >.... 14. n.saami,
It...lotio 1We. - wet
a wevern 11%1TIoNrr F.11 It TS Itf.O. roomy..
1a 11,- .n lelee tot ril.aire of cooniry row • .1.
A to. ..
.r•itt -1
1.. TV. Illemnitn,
('hvii, real,Ran 1017) ill'AVATOR. 1.4ND
14./ •itt (2.74,0,4,,'.,,(2.74,0,4,,'.,,Eineareltne. 1
'YAWN awl swelliestkm• Bodine, 8, got tip llt
It NW 11114 awned atyto
1111. Dire ewe 3.0. Beth. Co's dor%
GlIdefleh. Nay 774,7514
Crabb's Block, (VanEvory'eold .t and)
o N'T A R I 0.
Ills Soles in town and country punctual.
rittended to
Goaerich July 12th 1869. .24
• ICallT FIT.. (LOOM MOH. .
1%1( >IN 9L'OP 11.EN In,
Anent ha 77.. Cele% leindeot rodit re , and Wel&
pee& BnIldnu. Satiny and Inmeitntnnt 0..
Vltava:has tor Milealem
Crown Land Patents taken out. Debts
finderkh. Oct. 1.1, IMO. ret-tf
Auction dc Commission.
0()I)EitICI-1 as CLIN'TQN
11,.;44tlt hi fehed.. Miwellaneas Property nt Roderick
14417 FhtlimolAnand ilk Clinton every Wed -
Monewadenned on Poverty tot immediate
nd prompt retorns mean.
I'stm 5174 01 hOr 4.1.4 posnetnally ahead -
0.110 throokhont the Courtly,
0.1111.Tittf4MA54'S Ancfion Marl,
Warhol monste,lbutlemell
Dee, J.,77 7074 telt tf
Corenterclititiotetellictiel WAS
aonay ryyaEn, Proprietor. Thir th
ergent ad hest C0/1111 ry Hotel on Wetter
31.4.1•.•riJ nitrite. 41 rt1.41.•414 •ny 11
1114111tehell. 'Imre Proprietor. tiooder 1.1ing for
leg 11 orem and .2a7na4e5 tor ite ,
Sbernut Netter, let7
ilivectorp. GoDER,icH
ON BOARDTRIBPRINOW ALFRED ------,otto rmatew wrtne %arta
•ele em -the right wmg of the Ontario
From Ms Specialt'or rirpo ail. iif o f thr &raft Battalion, 3 core pettiest- and t hese 1.r. mut, t
up by the Ja ince „lifroi. Those who left
last went up oat the steamer Ltraintlia
7thhe4 dil:whakbtitnaiseel" talitel;etili:ersAasili7onli,balne ..1.1 alt a4.11.evelrferealiareirietedvera3lnfdriweinitlii:goinvb."mberld"hurbyt
4 the. same popular commanding officer,
• ILI-All 1 N 142.`r MA-11EIK 111 were aelighted with her sive, appearance night, who ap reciated very highly the
29tli at 4.45 a in.. we •
and equipments. Massy friends of Capta alamoronco "I the boot- On bflm-loY.MoY
•aii Wyatt, Fraser iand Paratella were visiting
. en board. We left (ollingwood fur the
Undertaker, &o., &o.,
W A E U S E.
• Yeatenlay, 23th inst., a large number of CAPT THIMIPltent
_ ess
Prices to Suit the Times 1
-- Secure the
ihadow ere the CD
hatenee fades
r". 4
Photographs reduced to $1.09 per Doz.,
ami 75cts. rex trite tiozze.
Largo Photograph Reduced in
Al,. 4777noket the) itzeo Int d •••.trApit• In of. In Gmlor
h. very cheap pi, 1,in, fens owe dull.
rtiotograph flattery
Oodorieh. oet. nem •rt
"Peed lt_i`eed I 1
.713'8'r a 'ETCV-Et:f
AT •
Shephard & Strachan',
Tit try 0777,
Bell Meal) for Cash.
Doderich..lune 7th 18C9. In-'?
Oldest Es1ablishm3n1 in own.
'MR otto•ril.er in ettornit3 Heank. for 17., 1(70,4.1 plithoolgo soul., IMMO*.• Op. hint 7.04. to In-
form 7.14 n omerou• 0o71onwr4 And the
1.4* n enn1/444fnee of Vb. 1.7. 0,,, he h0. ronnotel hi•
i.italsanste. the .1. formerly occupied by Mt. Booth,
We. At reot,orntt Itearlunedelentroal, wharf, to to) thing
n lloo 0(1170 found and
All Kinds Of Job Work will he Done
tho sante as icuol.
h 2.91h Mao la 1
SASH AND 10011
14 v. a nrnieroirted Miele( p071714480' *he I -lam-
ina Mill And Sarah Peeler, owned, and 08-
etipirt by Mined Ctimming, Ira now prepared
11. carry on the 404.4.41 01 nitlnlitertnr/nif
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Mouldings, Flooring.
•14 8,174. 07
CI ItC I.: (T)111,
teen St Clrele 404 (1,47.,,' tallith and Frames
They think from their experience in Factory
Work,that (hey enn torn aettafaction to all who
may IA /rm. them with • tall.
4 -A I hen duwomii to the trade.
20,000 feet of Dry inch and a rafter
Flooring on hand.
tiodenett. March 4714. (86.
J. little wend•rin the fraahlreg Swaim netutet
r -
kJEON TO ['VOW 011, MST° \ 1 1.:ro.,
that ha is hill able to sed tot mob, at the
ergot tete,
At his stem till Kittle,. street,
Hares Hotel, tiodenet. tiers him • call.
eadenan. °eta. 186(4. 4.11.37.
.110* OrritrIT.
Ter'. t•mn
Imre* ry oft to the some 101•17
j kr A Newell., Weft ekrert, opponent th.
Post ofiko, wiMe• shank he o.
(n. awl the inthl e,
0)the litteml even. wan vole. they Item favored
1.,,.,forth. In. 26 yews. and her. tolallore nem Mei
nn effort yell he spared to meta • e.t.a... 07 ,7.71,
peonage, het linisoWiAls4y will An lolupply
Wattles Clocks and Jewelery
whkeh will Riveolkhetion in the purrhaaer, and 44.0
work hent hoot If., mr.lf. eartaimer• nay depend
00110804 4 well ewiewed.
j*gA gond rowortment 0nd Met
0.1 eed l•weley
81007.11, Cloelm Ike., eavvya ow howl
04.4,17487 Oct fah 1.0 040
Agents, Read This 1
unt writ. pAr /CIENTO A SMART of pin
To work 44etprietwee, Of Allonf 1111W ,o/11m1441n4*
to Poll on, 44. leader/1d (0,001)001, 044,..,,1•17 tn Ir WAGNER ik CO ....hal. 141*'
o soy uiriat,, ale+
annot hallo rum inand
he fatter of all leant
.1 forfeiture whit may
favor bue with • relit.
Artie. 111 et)In or
prior, 1011 40
for Collingwood. Tho 'Horning was been.
Sault thu (Naga. 771 , at b minutes past tiful and we also enjeyed the pleasant cx-
12 o'clock. We expect to be out all sum- eitement of
tuer. • S- A RACII
with the Tug Ain/await tbri.rfaution, down
ens 141)040 AND MCNIT1046. U. Sault Raver.
The Steel battery and 60th Rifles were
working hard all night getting ou board
their stores and' aintunnition. Among
the rest, as a einders-fuge, I noticed a
good many cases of old cognac brandy of
the choicest brands. The following are
Wash Stark, I:doh., Tahl., Pinola
Hide lettattl*. (ECC'''1::":117.t,i.hrl.:6:::ir'l the officers and men, of the Steel battery,
Tablett,Naly Chau.,
now on the Prieer. let Lieut. I1enage.211.1
Bair do, 41,4 4 or different kinds .41.Mrit'ig.i)27:ttre•••• Lieut. It dilute, 19 Engincern, and 20 artil-
nes ilr MOtreme... Wool do,
N. H.- Keeps almtet •10.4 • Idrge amortownt ,
•oit Ian men, who have with them four deadly
ur a al. male °litho Ovine.: kilos.
Havittr olade arrangement* troth JAI7Q11ES
& :JAY, Toronto, ran furnish me) Hong Acre or
at them Id'arer.o... in Toronto.
7.3 Mae always • complete assortment of
Coffins Sr. Shroads In the Latest Style.
111:Ausr:91 to hire.
4::313.eit Et IT" a €LLb.
nodarlekiltairuery 1st., lea w2
. ----,-- across 1)1. river, the Sentry cliallenged a
taking tip, on this trip, 500 000 rounds oc
. , 4', Soor- Bird, loaded with hay and other host then tired at him, the 1::1.1
krill'. ill
anniunition, and have in toW the Schooner and received no atiswer. A party in the
$1.00 Per DOzeinU! afore,. The guns belonti.
mg to the staid through ha sliikt. just &hove h
. battery are splendid little pieces of blue& 8444 very narrow escape indeed. •
-, THE VAINCR •1.711171
was altogether too much for her and the
Prin.c .41friil left her far out of sight in
short notice.. We return Sr the Went
Channel through Piled Lake. Before
touching this Lake we passed twa Islands
I am informed in 1831 the Tonge Islands.
Very pretty little onee they are too. Ire
enter Lake ifuron at the
little sevempotinder guns. The strength 45 miles from Mackinaw, North Michigan.
Last night when we left the Sault great
.1 7)10 60th Rifles, on hoard, 11 as follows :
excitement prevailed in consequenceof the
Lieut's Mitchell, Hennes& and Bingham,
Capt. Northey, Ensign FuD
rstow, r Oliter 7.441/11411147
all over the States and the rumored pro.
and 105 men. Tire desk .1 ho Primes
Alfred, lora night; presented, 1 assure ytiu
gotten weriike-Appganuagc, Capt. Thom-
son. and SIAS' us srenting true best to
make our comrades comfortable. We aro
qability of a raid upon our troops now on
their way to Ited River. 1 will relate the
‚.44.0 01 the
nue en •
at the Sault. At Our -Lek -boat came
WM I a
51 cents, pretax. free. Gas dozen from
hack neaative ST outs, pesetas free, teeny
Part icular Attention paid to Copy-
ing old Ambrotypes.
For either large ur "mall photsgraphs. The
subscriber in returning tbanke for the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to bite,
would just say that he hu mule Sidi iota
movements in his gallery u will merit a rail
tinuance of the same.
.17- A I:reat Redaction on
Large Phatographg.
Goderich, Oct. 26, 1 S69. oattf.
The Last
.ftew,ltyre in CneBolag
Gray or Faded Hair is enfold)
restored to ite youthful color and beauty,
and with the first application a
beautiful glom and delightful fragrance
la given to the Hair.
Et will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked,
cold by all Draggiste. Price One Dollar.
Manufactured by
Wholesale bracelets,
35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Mate, •
New-Tork, and
fie High Holborn. Landon. Ent.
Land °Moo,
A nFAOITOR lIntlf./Veil 4.78. 004 Wt1t1
headier Deo,
Osier teh.Matel. 1,1847, Werke, °nun re
Some to iarest I n Town Property
Barrister. 4c. oderich
Goderialli.Ditot.13.18,4. mitt
-Aszuk, „ithfittp
Shephard de Strachan, en
reemlot tn p•rt of /Vest of England Prem. -
f IA VE twin 14 appedntrul sole agents at
I (loderich for the imitset the sidebented
1,0.4. I dealer. sopplied al thi Peden
eleNeiiffrf 173141" •
ninth*, aver., Whoneva, Rearabler, Piney
Enema, Armee, end Preneti Teterlw,Csemeres.
floselne, and a went' of Cmoteldn Clotho
legi.n, mut flowered Vestige, nine,
who ma t•vorhim .0,14 ,7,.,, order*
TWEED SPITS(all srool)111 2 And upward...
3.e.rghthilifiLASIMI Litaket. 1St
aglikleho SOD t24t1.. 1114ff soft
t2 •,
777-7 - r,4 4177 00'
;;,41 • 4114 .4 • .4,14 • Iv •Larie' .44.4.41,11, .11' ,etali,,
It le thy obese.. non -lest. loan 1•••Iwiorl. 1.44 he at
areted in tin oritintry weelt.trett rem be eAperefrel NT
arrows ken t either light nr Mary goodie wise. 44
rsputty and olltelfmt(y aq mon/ r14/1/4/11.944/ 4n41.17
11‘4,1111,04 sad Anew ken lepers to &et tan4
lemma Omen rewerlr am Arr. tf dome.) ow • r.4iinlat
teriner nolo. peke of 112 a. Ming, 11 •10.1/1 11,4
Ala SnA1.5 1.48.
Call and See the Itlachine
ii,(0141414.4i Ar Vara'
Near .the Post Office.
()ROM MORT RrArrerrvir.r filirt`RN
▪ I ...am thank, to 11. people of loot/n*11 meet
vfointty for flow 1114,1 p•froror •Inr1o4 11.4 4441
refs. ate I woe that th• hotntay Atm arrow,
.1(77. 44)77040(04 ortiormont• otnd tawnier, ler tem&
*tat.. ...tall 4/14h t., pnr, h1.01. 4,1r, f, prof/4414
nth.r..1.• a *Armee. ant nerltrntotohly
r apror an • . • or we ••• r. .
metal, their weIrrivitrant tbe .earriages
Honig only- Bre- 4 -b• -•-en that one man can
handle them with ease and twitaviett can
draw them in harness. The range they
are calculated to Carry with effect is (7000
•ards. Altogether they are just the very
thing for Rud River service.
THE 01.1110 OF TH1 PRINCE .41.74111
in very little affected by her heavy load, -
net more than 3 hone on the 370 elite
a:tweet] Collirtrwond and the Sault.
which we paased at 1.80 p. m. on the 26th
ies alanit 89 miles above Collingmed and
cot:tante in the neighborlimel of 3000
acres. It has only one white Milialtik.
ant and that one is
A eteleERICIT mat,
lie gremadanghter of James' M
who left hone/mime years ago and is now
iving with an Indian. The Island- is
partly cleared up and its Wiling -groan&
ire very prolific. The controls prominent
and there is a gradual slope toward* the
waterai edge, which is dotted with Indian
iuts. We caught some very fine fish here
with a trawling line and hook thrown out
makesspiendid time now. '1 never ate
her run better than she does. She is
highly spoken of by all practical men who
have seen her. Capt. Feuer and Chief
Engineer KilleY deserve credit for their
ecertions in trying to bring her to perfec-
tion. It really seems as if there was now
no room for improyetnent. She min walk
sway from any boat in them parotin We
arrived a%
COLLTVOACeell) 00,411
This Monday morning (3)th inata at A
•i'elock-over 300 miles in 27 leture. The
weather was line on bothithe tip and down
trip. W, Welt here foe further orders.
Ou Sunday the
ritELE8.4 (11•11007 RESITE
arrived here and will be in the harbor, for
at leas a week, undergoing repairs on her
boilers, one of which is almost used up.
The Engineer says she 4 worse than ere, -
h. at, I itivide.i mei that it would fah. year
to repai r her ea/o.. and boders efficiently.
She in totten be, in lier hull to a fearful
extent and the Engineer does not want to
go out in her. The l'rito-s .41fred will
take on to -,lay (Tueeday 3150
ts a port: nn the North 'there of Great for the Sault and several tons of stores
Manitoulta whieh so sailed peat at p. for the Red River expedition. The
(26th,) the fist port from Collingwood. Steamer (locura will leave this port to -day
Here wernme very near getting marremd , with -
he i'riotee totiebed but passed soar all 200 Watt TRotorn
rigid. At °o'clock we paused •
for Fort William. She mut faking on
stores yesterday. The A 11/01714 arrived but
night and commenced loading with mamba
ons and a number ot the expeditionary
stnall boats. The i'riece will sail at 4
p. tn. and an
.POINT Litt NT -1101' MR.
The scenery on the Bay is delightfnl.
The breaath of the channel varies from
011C to aix miles, This day has been very
fine, a Inc., oe.l. breeze from the North
West blowing throughout. No ever -coats
,r mita required now.
The Shoat like. a gond joke itself and
will easily believe that we are having •
'high old timeof it, of cootie keeping
within the brands of the strictest discip-
111.117O.1 117,5between her end the Chicon, which in &1.o
a fast boat is expected A (ee run is ex-
pected ; but in the meantime heavy bets
ore offered in favor of thu i'rince Alfred.
The N eftwtint arrived here last night teem
I lodench, laden with salt for this market.
:1f1•••• not even deterred 71. the eell-k noel' The .4 horn. left Fort Saturday
vetvran eh, occasionally remark' 11,1.1, after landing the tompe. All gine(
m it •16n
began to recede in the dietance at neon on
die 27th. We had a nee view of them
last night. The 6.11r1101' had to ha' let go
reefinefilielltint the mist risings(' tliick
(11774 17 was initerieible to sail. dt e set sail
again area at the mouth uf the Sault river
we met
T101 elltenniti
going down to Collingwood. A1115p.
and, after firing & salute, (which Mao nos -
ponied to by the Americans by a- salute'
from the big gun at their barracks,) land-
ed at the wharf all safe, with mirdetach-
ment (if troops. Colonel lloulton and
several officers of the . Ontario Battalion
came down to meet us. Everything WWI
unloaded except thegun* and ammuntti"n,
as we expected to go through the tanal,
with that on hoard. On application to the
American authorities we were
AltrrAKD PAntlAtiE.
accordingly to day, fiaturday 28tla ell the
ammunition behinging to the trimpe was
unshipped. The authorites ovoid loot tron
allow on to pass ..ith the bast stripped of
.rrrything hot the rr.ir. I visited the shore
and am informed that Col. tiottlton will
detain the troops here, ler some day., till
further orders, AS he thinks the Americans
are raising the difficulty Iiiirrossly 70 .anks
trniible at this point. It is expecte/1 tied
permintion to us to page through will
shortly conte from Washington. Vegetation
on both shores looks web.
wea really a mplendul one ; the sailing ot.
cupying about :9; Metre.
TFIR 4,10744
oser the whole route was very pleasant. -
If there is * choice, perhapa, the neat
romantic prospect bee between suttee
Mine. and thee/atilt, where wehad totem et
Intervale helm smooth as merble, qualities of all rune of men, fa one of the
having sometimes tw 1110 as close to them, !coat important in modern warfare, and is
not pommeled by the 1 roil', on a race, in
rtegree one* hit higher than hy the English
Scotch, German or French. A
army wl.ich gee* Int, the fle/t1 relying
° TAROPT ea Aimee.
Cept Thomson aiel Senn Potte made'the
two beet scores The Nreasis pecta 1o1
a cargo of share for Fl rt William. The
Battalion are under orders to held them-
selves •
REter rollAtTIVE147441,1
at momenta nntice. The Chirora will
take on board 25 horse.% for the expedition.
is expected here to -day, hi the afternoon
train from Toronto.
AIM all in exceillrmt heelth and spirits' ancl
very sintimte tft he allowed to go up to
Fort William. With 2 gunboate here awl
several other veseele at the wharf takingan
militaryabre,Collingwootalooks to be full
nf "the pomp awl circumstance of glorimie
*11 01,7) Ot111111111 FRTROO,
Charles Thotnparin, late of the Colborne
Hotel, keeps • very nest saloon on board
the tAirorii. Several of ns paid him a
visit, during the put two hot daes, and
were treated to a tine gleam of pop or gin-
ger ale. We have one awning no on deck
now and are very oomfortable. If we ever
stet a ehanee to show ululates ire will don ur
THE rzwrAN 011.11FAIGN.
Fe. the Odens- e, TrIttnifft.
Te the proctical, colculating mind -rdi the
American people* the movement,' of Fent-
&nem are an inconiprehensible absurdity.
We have had a large experience of the
frothy effeevescence of the Irish people
the femcieue weakness an.I pusionate in-
capacity with whieh they nieh imprepaNn1
into a fight, only to be whipped for the
thousandth tunes for want of preparation
or plan. They want to think courage,the
mere brute willingneem to shod blood and
gall their own, will enfants thetn victory
whereas it is the commonest of all the
N 20 feet, mud that too towing a heevily
laden ressel. But we have SI confidence
CAPT. tRlarlt
Canada hu dons/the Irish has bem to offer
inflicted by Canada. 1 he only wrong
!oily. Ha part uf the Irish grievance weal' .
tomer/ the completeness of its pohticaif------11911111Vreemdim UM
0201t A IlleilliCW MADE IN NIW Tdier 4
_...., •
them a free home WWI land, an we have -..
dime. 1 he complete conquest or rude- 17 844 Fettlantsm ankh ffaahed thmngli
pent. -nee of Canada, if it could be won by the pillar , .1 fire, and friliged the e.urteof
of cloud for the lanielities }trellis front etit:ill arms. would leave Ireland as belie
leealy under English thrall as ever. oppreseion through divided was. It it...I.'
The "Hence of Canada, therefore, con- ad with SEMB.B. I oto.0.44 the 414.444 litliari
da twitot repeuented in the British lair -
'lists in adj.. ' g the lintel States. Cana. of tbe temple, and danced for t.,.), •
the ruins in which the tyrants were bun.
c„,„ . ,„,i 4. no i01,..a,„,„r 07,,,,„e. he smote Ifoliath. It flamed Mere 11.1.
hainunt, while laden,' us. Canaliatue,thens ed. It throbbed in the heart of David 1
4)184401- '.4>. Fenian motto, Mena mew tole)
untilietit of Ireland, though Irtallition in
Parliament horn to govern Canada. The tip/at/sm. It inspired the Athenian triune
oppresisions of which !nehmen Complain %Irate to °mese the Persian honles,whoso
were inflicted yuvra, mime of them count- armaments darkened the stormy ..Egemti
ries ago and thequareelsouteneas of the ceownod the cause of freedom watt( Ifni
1'14 1 people &41 such 41 7.0 reveler a Lire- suacry through Miltiedes et, Marathma
igu sway inevitable. The English have defied defeat 1#0""i'l#6 at '11.7-t-
abnr...1k:nuiti"tulY,,lb".titil tlhie7t-disierYteirrYrelier‘hdlettlielrhlYe i raisin by Themistocles and Eurvbialee et
ruippylie, and scattered the hosta of Ma.
job or heartily as the Irish like to break Salamis, Platen. and .)
itMvcale. It 'wieldI
eelt other s heads. Indeed, when the
Er' *shish lied I,,,41 heads to break, they
have generally &rut Mailmen to do the
work, and have found plenty ready to
serve. A third of the Canadian volutiteent
who will face the Pomona in Canada will
be !nehmen, and, should English regulars
particniate, the proportion of ineh will be
still tower am,,,. them. If the Fenian
fore., were c suable of continering the un-
aided strength of Canada, (as perhaps in
mere numbers they might be, if they had
$100,000,000 .1nioney b. pay the cost of a
two years' war, and 25.000 nuen, properly
whet:red, and equiliped, organized,
and -molded with artillery, trains, and
military storesktilitt thetruaalea would
not eiell LArtiliCtablo,1 14r71*tfl;th41t
only acknowledglai enemy-, unitise Great
Britain felt in honer bound bap defend
Canada front their assault. But, if
S O. bound, she would push forward the
whitle strength of the British Empire to
defend it. Iredueen well kuow that, what-
-ea -err -fading. The ftritish Government may
have, the lack of energy in defettning
pettish territory to the last inch,'ned with
the last man and the tatarimat penny, is
not one of them. Ind if the Fenian* de-
sire to tight the Antall Empire, why not
ge to Ireland at 1/11W3 4 That paver would
make no more of • bite of 'crunchingaliem
777 ,1770 place then 171 another. In fighting
Englishmen iuCanadathereisno morel" 'Rae
or justice than in nahting Englishmen re-
sidtng In the United States. In the poli-
tical auliaO, Fenialitsin is iusanity. It la an
effort, put forth without any adaptation
of means to endear, tat:miter a country and
&people against whom the Venoms have
no grievance, in a manner w hieh a only
calculated to make Irishmen ridiculous iu
the eyes of the work], and to raise serious
doubts in the minds of those who have
been wont to regard Ireland as an oppress-
ed country, as tn whether a people e••
retiree/lady lawless, passionate, and un -
calculating can ever 11n withuut grievances
in any country.
Viewed as
n military questionahe Feni-
arta are attacking • nation, subatantially
free and independent, containing three and
than half a t an the thirteen colo-
nies were Whet% Petrick Henry declared
them trivia:it/1e by auy force Great Britain
could send against them. The Canadian,
love 71047 117017.07. independence, and well
they may, mince they are backed by all the
power, while eitstaining none of the bur-
dens, of the British Erupire. In theit deal -
'u70 with England, they have always had
the Iseet Intl of the bargainau Ireland in
hers has hail the werst. Were they verita-
ble henna, instead of Americans like our -
&etyma they would fight forever rather than
suffer defeal and ememest at the hands of
• disreputable a foe as this whimsical
army, who Se without a base, it flag, a
golernment, a conntry,__mteept that in
which they prefer to oe outlaws, and, to
far ait Canada is ectiesnedaitterly without
a erievance or a camel. The voltinteer
force of 4 'touttli, 1 -or Naive of nut enrolled
at will the tierce democracy' of Pericl.a,
inspired the accusing tongue of Luerette;
hurled Thruyinilita imam the thirty tv
ante, and Snick for Theban independent -4
by Epaminondaa at Janette. It puitheend
the advanced .1 the younver t:yrus &no
covered the Anahasis of Xenophon. It
tired the tongue LI Dentoshenes, uerve,i
the arm of Miterabens, warmed the end of
Cicero, strengthened the rum of Boantou
Charta front John, guided the am.w
preached the crusades, wrung Mae
Tell 71. 01.4., the Apple ordritik the blend
of Gester. It laid the peeled viserpers
and tyrant/1 fell at every blow from W.J.
lace and Bruce at Falkirk and Bannock:
burn.. It welcomed to their gory bed og
bra -kb -try every eivortchnian 1111084 ia.* --
dyed the Iteathez.,-Isa the freedoint of tl.d -
nod ou which it grew. 17 clothorl itself is)
beauty in .Lan of Ana It stii•reil up O'Neil
*gains( Elizabeth. It natualted tinder .
bridge, and slept in the earn of West Melt • •
with the regicidee, Anil wrote Oa corlden:
.ed erred over its entrance :
to tyrants is obedieece to (led." It
tipped with with diamond the pen .1 Jef-
ferson to write its esti gospel in the De"
el/want/nor Independence, and gave poi% er
to the sword of Washington to vindicate
it in the field. It kindled the fire ho
Prague's proud arch, and crinesoiled the
waters nitinnuring below. ft flew t,i.
nun -murk along the banners, and Whimper-
ed revenge or death as the w•toh word and
reply of tleoe who fought and fell frir
Sarniatia It mounted the scaffold won
Robert Emmet, and stoml beneath jol
shadow with 0•11rien and Meagher. It
rive John Barry &nil Patil Jones to oor
Infaut navy and Montgomery and Lafayet:
to our embryo army, and counted th,,
arms which Cornwallis surnindered to 114
legions At Yorktown. It gave the light of
hype through 4. .ng ages of despotimin
0 Neil, 0 Doharty, O'Toole, Sr:afield;
Tone, Fitzgerahl, Currast,(1rattana1itimet;
rEConnell, Meagher, O'Brien, Mitchell;
and the Manchester martyrs. It. is thii
oxygen of the universe, the electricity of
of the heavens. It is mining beneath thd
throne of every despot id Otte world. It
and marches round the world to
'Kama laserstanst tenet% the Weald*/
It floats down the Rhine, and up thd
Danithe, sleeps on the Shannon, ripple4
the Seine, disturbs the Terme, and with
chased nostrils breeds over the Thames. It •
soars frith the eagle; sings with the lark:
foams on the ocean, flows with the rivers;
Suites with the lightning, peals to tha
thunder, and llanems in the stars.
dl.hion theta/hall lif.,•,041,111 through all intent.
Mime eathitlenk, geese un.peut.,
Mr- Atexancter Mackenzie.
We have in a previous imam made re-'
marks oh the pnenti..n ..eettpied byA. Mac-
kenzie, Eng., member for Lambton, and
leader of the Reform party in the Houma
of ( `ornate:4 g.t1
atta ate aa. • •
The enrolled militia flal•le to draft) n11111 -
INT 290,000 men. The Britieh regulars
now iu Canada, exclusive of those empoy-
ed en the Wel Itiver expedition, number
*bout 5,000. thotigh, with communicatien
by cable with England, and steam tran,
sperte, 7a000 British regulars could be
forwarded to the scene of action within
twenty .day.. At leant 5,000 United Sta-
tes trope woula gather, should the excite-
ment continue fer ten daye, at any point
Where reinforcements would be liable to
emu. The Fertiane cantinti then, even
form anti morel% I In our territory without
natality te arrest by our own troops. They
cant et cram into Canadian territory with-
out inetent tihting. In short, the Fenian
mob luta neither time:stir space in whit*
to convert inemiscellaneons Materials into
All army. 11 11 lad the men and Meath,
required for the coil/meet of Canada, it
• etill need two months and a free
rommand of canspilggronnan. for organ-
ization, before its men (amid pesaibly be
handled by any offieer on the fteld of bat •
tie. In view of all thee, instipenible eb,
dacha which render mimosa absolutely im-
possible, as if at..linable, it wield be in-
tolerble an.) unjut, the Fenianrsid mitet
be regarded sa either. a Sem' act of !tummy
or an attempt to laely° the tattled States
1.1 Ifitr (Irent Britoin. If the latter
repine were poestble, it Mould jeatify the
Fenian campaign, in • military riensewhile
damning it with still more overwhelming
guilt, politically and monilly. nut 47 is
meatless on well as crinie to think of allow-
ing eighty millione of people in Greet Bri-
tain and America to be involved in war by
o few harebrained tatterdemalions, thirst-
ing for notpriety We pity folly STOTT
Where ton de, ply to thiret for vengeance on
it, !tut the fervent prayer of the Malts of
the American people im, that our govern-
ment will &Hew*, few of these Fenian* to
cr.sas into Cenado aa possible, and will
send as many of their leaders to. State
Prison se cap be caught. Let the rank
end file encatto to their henna, while the
oaken are taught oommilsery obedience to
ttli:vetriarrtivre thei.dy ham,. athwertem tetteiltzto defy.
The late*( nerve, (nen he front, is that ,,..,tem„....,48444,64,406....!_
iori *eked for three cheer* fee theP
of war," and have deeided that the best . • .
When einem hie duty well and ehnws himself npon the cowardice of tta enemy en 's d- thing tithe rl Inn te to return to thirhomee. which wore given, fllowe.1 hy
tamers for the (Toversor-Genersl awl
ethorinigh sealer in every respect. hat and invitee a accrue, 11. beside, its The net reaulte of the catritaign, terfore,
realise At1hur.
TAMPARANCR emptv lenity, it boa Sa. An empty treat, aro three Irishmen killed and twelve
ury, umlisciplined 14 men_ who wounded onil mit!, no Canadiang hnrt,
61 ply motto, and the fOrmation of A Lod
/14,01.41 1114177i 010 Ability 51141 courteav
shown by Mr. Mackenzie dealing with
all quettione that came before the flousei
and extended our hirmhle meed of regime
to that gentleman for the niannet in whielf
lie harl hie important and diffieult
position. 17 4. oustiefactory to note th it it
has not been left to Coneervatire journal
alone to pay this tribute to the gentlemati • 7
named. Severe! prominent Reform knito:.___.;;
nals have oleo alluded to the sante gen;
tlemen in terms the moat leitastory ; and
one, the Guelph Metrevel., ad imeatet a fit-
ting testimonial to Mr. lifulrettele for but
Illienalting and able effort. in the House in
behalf of the Reform patIa.-We cordiail
agree with the remarks of one. contemner:
arc, and trust to hear that ita recomensin:
'teatime Owned to accuunt.-Unit ftefOrt:
Thanks to the Volunteer.
On Mmlay; (len. Lindse, Prince All:
Duna COI, Earle. A.D.C., Capt. (lammigne:
/ma ethers, omit to Frelighishurg *here!
/1„n. fAntf.tay, Aefilronatel the brigade. He
congrattileted Col. Chaffiberlin, atm tit -
tribute.' the et.Tping of the Fenian ad:
armee 71( 710 acennicy of oar niena the. id
he eael
'As Lient-fJeiteraf commit/aint /le
Mejestv's forces in Canada, thank yen.
hut not simply in that military cspacity
Lient.-Genersh I also represent the laiteeti
and Gverner•lleneral, who re/weep:Oa the
(aticen, and in that, name Ialsothank
1 have alu the very rata patisfartion .1
being acommisnied Ey His Royal 11 447177....
Prince Arthur, whais also 44 110r41011 in
Centel& snit hie regiment fhe Rifle Itrina
who ie now raf th• staff et rokno
lead A. Itoesell. He ale. was ready to'
help the foreee to repel any attack Math)
Hr. yen. I thenk yeti, therefore, in the
name of the tannin the Metrnor,General
arid Prince A rthtir, end with pat the whole
militia of Canad. You all nobly came.
'erased, qtaekly, marbly and in great
numbers. Inneerf I never sate greatet
readiness,. 'The militiamen mity feel pner
4 the nutaner in which the sti
..1, no doubt the captain will PS have never been Junseil inte regiAlePtA aria //Hyena
44.o, 14.414
" iffa .thfit.Nrt • wroanifiiitiPida.`Vgx
half A (bison
would be be
dle, ich, ploalle send it &ong. The
talk of a
C4'0.14,1141 Catett
being in contemplation hoe earnitel proper-
ty tm the Comartien eele 11/ 4,144.014 3,10
per cent. Some village let. recently sold
for #25 would now bring 6100. In atone
parta a little heck, pot ean buy hied for
f ntiLteett..1.4 Rd4ve4444714.,(11::41044.4...„..
with his No 1 eompany cif the Ontarin
AI Jewelry Sold for Gold Warranted. Battalion, a.nr1 fonr nf the trOth
Repairing /Irina in the beet idyl, oe Rifles loft Lut Tweeter (29ri7 inet.) fro?
"- Beeleri k flee 12611 f h If
Oebei4. Me her mu woe • • •est? Where ft gol. ripoitona or inter .
mainteationg a permanent *mply of toad
oteept by plunder ; IV ithr/111 0/IMMO Of
clothing or *medical stafa reel, *hove all
without • hue of °permeate or a flee.
hurling itself against the power .4 firma
Britain, in defiance of the laws and the
troops 0( 1714 Unite.) Statee-it iain every
militery point of tiny, mans may 1111111
Jelin it teen'. real again tt V
and Fenn. who have net onportnnaine of
t is laments- le to see c. mane tnroir- Rome diffirenoe."
doten4deiankeetOevecatt.tbas ..-L. . . i. . i I es
- 'dell, sa 15 logra• #flit,ThstuFt:awnitovotsaIa ',4ii„.tii.-...iii
Jhr.s7:,111.: t.:::,..0.1,,i.tnia4.112:::: No W.
IVIO POloOir 11 I, .4,8 ene •f ietat Ye awe
Ohti 'fling an %lento degree ef serve (hos mere, .e no. onni:i7eTreite, el rr.ei
hi, dly, and /II In04 1/0411111•11f 0 impu)u, twohleg ...0,,,,,a,,,,tas ef :1*.7abli Th. i'•,..,^ 'He tonterl Ilit. elltmael ... .... 74
eine • 7 eikeemaskwely as Was ,ntrop4L *m.- 44.t......eklomo 40.1 lie iii ger lltiteselieLle. * awwrsto St . e swear ea 01. w i•-oe4
.A. teit illtmem lee .4. whir% he Reidy In Nan. 4 SM. Mai tey Um aft -
.0 eft tail' mr tin tesetratt fne • Inf1n114111 "". 440.t. I.4"d t " th. Th.*"
or homage Wet. Oa ... 17.,. or •11feis rail,. y wo...h.pstieuel
. ,
hund thousand dollars of Last tiona of the O'Neill.
irwithot,e.' Swie;rielrha1"' tiara Eft
Fenton lease, *MA they teg,
A prominent Slim of Philadelphia,
who was di.plesastl st en article in the
1.0.14707, test the, proprietor sad *A, "I
wish to !anti your paper " He seswered,
tine* year eopy
telihtistA .• r• t ales we a rap ort hite‘
• •
I'm Overleaf M the F.Iewit.
71444 ttotk'st twottlo rli e”, thee. en ;
1-5.' their rineseLytk• weer *ell,
At: I ir • ari.t..„ wee • •o• ea.1.
. ..
„ .
esh 1. ra ot the Please,
ill tenth.* rye eel. to figlA er sn 4N, 7'.*14;i
fat petty.. tory writl !Imre •11 he 9.7 oe_t
Wheal wee te modem.* 117 Mil IN., II ..1-wrs'
Thertah r,. n...,., m the Petra,
, .
irr,f#A, a.
s• a Mer•Ver
t •
4. I
• • .