HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-09-24, Page 8oort go eta( Exeter Times-Advocate is pleased to extend Birthday Greetings to the following people this week; MRS. ALICE CAMPBELL, Davis Nursing Home, 91, September 25. MRS. ALBERT liARLTON, RR a Alls4 Craig, 92, October MRS, ELFIE FENTON, RE. 2 Ailsa Craig, 80, October MRS. RV T. RARRINOTON, Clinton, (formerly of Exeter) a0, October 4. arm Parcae Mt Special Pack 4 6 oz, 7 4 JELL() Pkg. 7 Bread ?4 oz. LOAF 22i Heinz 14 oz. tins pa s o SPAGHETTI 2 Fo Small Link SAUSAGE Lb.59 ° FILL YOUR FREEZER Red or Blue Brand IMYLE'S LUCKY DOLLAR SIDES OF Lb. 63' BEEF SIDES OF Lb, 46° PORK Coleman's Odd Size $429 WIENERS 8100x1b, CUSTOM CUTTING & LOCKER By the Month RENTAL or Year. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3471 WIDE CHOICE when choosing That's. What Ladies Say When They,Take Advantage of the , Hopper-Hockey Home Decorating Service EXETER 10% Off ALL CASH SALES UNTIL OCT. 15 10 MODELS IN STOCK If you just want to do a few circuits around the backyard, there are many machines. If you want to fly, the name is Skiroule. iffirhunZirifat snow-how. • cdem,„ JOHN ELDER ENTERPRISES HENSALL PHONE 262-5598 Facts N'Foncies By Gwyn k a the pen with her arrogant and scolding mate. Nevertheless, she and her husband went to the fair the next day and brought honor to Edward Street. So, Mothers, take heart. Fair day only comes once a year. And if Friday morning finds you scrubbing potatoes, helping to put the finishing touches on a vegetable man, or cleaning up from last night's baking session, remember, all this will pass . . and all too quickly. ATTENTION LADY SINGERS Mrs. Marion McCaffrey, leader of the Huronia Male Chorus, tells me she is planning to produce the Christmas portion of Hendel's Messiah the week before Christmas. Soprano and alto voices are needed, and practice will commence October 5. Already two girls have been recruited from London so if you know anyone in the city who would like to join the group there is a ride available. Marion hastens to add that the choir is open to more men as well. So, come on now, if you enjoy trilling the scale, join in and contribute to this ambitious but very worthwhile venture. Phone Marion at 235-0775. LAST YEAR'S QUEEN OF THE COOKS —Mrs. Keith McLaren is busy in her kitchen preparing baking for this year's contest. Mrs. McLaren will also have many exhibits in the flowers and vegetable classes in Exeter Fall Fair. T-A photo Institutes show at fair Women's The Women's Institutes are pushers of hobbies and handiwork and in consequence many of the members will be entering exhibits in the Exeter Fall Fair this weekend. Besides exhibiting as individuals several of them will be contributing toward the Women's Institute displays. These exhibits add much to Huron will enter a display. The fair board offers $5.00 to each WI that exhibits but there are no monetary prizes for the winning displays which are judged on the point system. Although they only receive ribbons for their efforts the friendly competition between the different groups is keen and enthusiastic. the interest of the fair and this year the WI theme, which was chosen by the Crediton Institute, is Thanksgiving, and includes five different items: a fancy hand made table cloth, a table arrangement, dinner place setting, a pumpkin pie and a loaf of homemade bread. It is expected that most of the nine Institutes in South The kids haven't forgiven me yet. Perhaps our most trying experience, however, was With our littlest guy's panty hen. His farmer uncle had given him a pair of beautiful strutting banties, but because of their annoying habit of crowing rauciously every pre-dawn he had to keep them out on the farm, Two days before the Fair they were brought into town and while he was feeding them, Henrietta, the hen, scooted put of the pen and into the dense forest of canning corn growing behind our property. The whole family took up the chase. We floundered up and down the rows of soaking corn (it had rained the night before) but to no avail, We were finally forced back to the house drenched and puffing for breath and the banty still at large. Tears of anguish dripped off the chin of the small boy as he wept loudly for his beloved `Hennie'. "Don't worry, Luv," I tried to comfort him, "If God sees the sparrow fall, I'm sure He can look after your scared little hen." Sure enough, As we ate supper that night a neighbor phoned to impart the joyful news that the little hen was wandering around her house. Again, we all rushed to the rescue. Big brother managed to shoo her into some weeds where we caught her and put her back in ,ACW study Lewis book Mothers; Brace yourself for Friday morning. It's School Fair Time again. Of course, if your child is clever or artistic you can relax, for his or her work is hound to be on display, We did rear one child who for eight consecutive years had her printing or writing classed for show. Fat lot of good it did .her! One would think she was near illiterate by the few illegible lines she managed to scratch to us while she was away the past two summers. I must admit, though, somewhere along the line she learned to use the telephone. Her adeptness at this mechanism convinced . her father he was buying several shares in Bell Telephone when he straightened up the summer's long distance bills recently. But I digre I ss. As was saying, if you have an artistic child, you're in luck, but if you have one or two who give you the same sob story every year about the 'old teacher who never chooses any of my work for the fair' and who wears you down with his tale that 'all the other kids are entering something', you've had it. Friday morning will likely find you tiptoeing through the soaking grass and muddy garden to help the kid search for cosmos uneaten by bugs, half a dozen unblotched tomatoes, or a few scabless potatoes suitable to show. If you're as sneaky as I am you'll even resort to robbing the neighbor's yard. Or, if you've got pets they will have to be groomed and be-ribboned and usually caged before you help the small fry drag them up to the fair grounds. Always blessed with pets of varying types and pedigrees we usually had many to choose from. One year the kids took the guppies to compete in the most unusual pet class. They won hands down when one of the mothers commenced to have her babies which were immediately gulped down shamelessly by the rest of the cannibal tribe (or school) right before the eyes of the spectators. I cannot recall all the cats we've shown but one I do remember. It was a pure white mother cat with her litter of six white babies. The judges were completely taken in by their angelic mews, dainty red tongues and long lashes. I, alone, knew they were devils in disguise who ripped up my living room drapes, ate my plants and demolished my antique figurines. As soon as the fair was over I gave the whole kit and kaboodle to a kindly farmer. WE. STOCK Mrs. Walter Bentley, Anne Street, hosted the opening Fall meeting of the Anglican Church Women when the devotions were conducted by Mrs. Andrew Carter. A review of the C. S. Lewis look, Mere Christianity, was arranged by Mrs. E. Skillender. Three groups took part in the discussion of the theme and summarized by a leader. The business period was conducted by Mrs. E. L. Gibson, president. Roll call was answered with holiday time vacation trips. Reports were given by conveners of various committees. October 9 was set for the public tour of the bell towers of Trivitt Memorial Church followed by a tea in the Parish Hall. Arrangements were made for the baking and variety booth at the Exeter Fair this week. A social hour followed with Mrs. D. Brintnell assisting the hostess, With Up To 15 Color Combinations In Some of Those Patterns NO GUESS WORK W e Also Carry. A Wide Selection of Well-Known Our large hanger samples can be taken into your home to see EXACTLY how your new drapes will match your decor Custom Made or Material By the Yard -DRAPES by Val • Abel Canada's Largest Drapery Supplier AND Trendloom Decorative Drapes C Hard the "backbone" of every good window treatment Teflon COated For. Quieter Operation Decorative Rods, Rings, Hold backs and Tieback Holders A NEW SERVICE Come In Anytime And Look Around A Lady A ttendent For Decorator Assistance Main. St. `FURNITURE LTD. ry 1 f