HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-09-17, Page 10ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS For "Winter Maintenance Operations 1970-71 Season" the following equipment is required. TRUCKS with minimum G.V.W. 27000 lbs. and minimum 84" C-A suitable for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations:- 1 Truck - Norwich 2 Trucks - Hickson - 3.0 miles south of Courtland, Wallacetown, Strathburn, Jct. 22 and 81, Parkhill 3 Trucks - Jct. Hwy. 401 and Sweaburg Road, Jct. Hwy. 401 and 74, Thamesford, 3.0 miles west of Tillsonburg, New Sarum, Lambeth 4 Trucks - Eiginfield, SimcOe - with a minimum 42000 lbs. G.V.W. Tandem, dual and 84', 96" or 102" C-A with 10.00-20 tires are required at the following locations NOTE: 84" C-A is acceptable only if left hand step tank does not extend beyond rear of cab. 1 Truck - Jct. Hwy. 401 and sweaburg Road - Jet. Hwys. 401 and 74. 2 Trucks-Jct. Hwy.401 and lona Road-Jct. Hwys. 401 and 97. LOADERS mounted on rubber tires are required at the following locations:- 1 Loader - Thamesford, Hickson, Simcoe, Norwich, 3.0 miles south of Courtland, 3.0 mileS west of Tillsonburg, New Sarum, Wallacetewn, 3 miles west of Lambeth, Strathburn, Jct. Hwys, 81 and 22, Parkhill, Elginfield, Jet. Hwys, 401 and 97, Jct. Hwy. 401 and Sweaburg Road, Jct. Hwys, 401 and 74, Jct. Hwy.401 and lona Road. NOTE: Minimum 1 yard Units required at first 13locations, 1 Vs yard units required at last 4 locations. Sealed Tenders on forms sUpPlied by, the Department will be received by the District Engineer, Until 12 o)cloCk noon local time, Wednesday September 30,1970. SpedifidationS, tender forins and envelopes may be obtained in porton Or by mail from the District Office in London. When requesting tenders, please specify location. The successful bidder mutt have P.C.V. License or apply for same Within 7 days of being notified. The lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted. L. E, Walker, P, Eng. District engineer, Dept, of Hwys, Ontario, 390 Saskatoon St,, LONDON 35, Ontario Yelephon 451.5400 • ,,CCIAMMISEdirtgau.. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD dOUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street rimbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count as separate words, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum 80c. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3Y2c per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c . 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 Page 10 September 17 4 Female Help Wanted 9 Services CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain. beans and corn. New large combine. Phone Mark Whitney 234-6479 or 234-6272. 7.30tfnc HAVE WELL? WILL CLEAN - Done by Murray Glanville. Dial 234-6326 Crediton. 7: 23tfnc WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS, corner columns. Repair any railings. G. Lewis, Lucan 227- 4493. 17:24c CUSTOM COMBINING - Beans and corn. Don Parsons, 262-5160. 10:17:24* 13 for Sale 16 Property For Sale 13 For Sale 3 KITTENS, 5 months old, to give away, Would make good pets, Phone 229-6281, 17* REGISTERED POODLE pup- pies, silver grey and apricot. Call 229-6645 after 5:30, 17c Classifications EXETER - 3 bedroom home, with family room, 11 baths, full basement, oil heat, sewers available, on Hwy. 83, 2 acres of land, qualifies under D.V,A. Phone 235-2517. 8 : 13tfnc FAMILY HOME with 4 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath upstairs, 3- piece bath down, large living room, large dining room, den, family room off kitchen, oil heat, double garage, nicely treed lot. Phone 235-0405, 192 Andrew St., Exeter. 17c NEW HOME with attached ga- rage; 3 bedrooms, living room, family room & hall, all broad- loom; 11 baths; dining room, kitchen and utility room, with Corlon floors; sewers connected; electrically heated. Harold Tay- lor 235-0674. 4:23tfnc SOLID BRICK 11 storey home. 3 bedrooms, 11 baths, large kitchen. Sewers, oil heat, 100 amp. wiring, new roof, built-in closets, close to schools. Nicely treed lot, extra lot also avail- able. 167 Main St. Phone 235- 0751. 9:10tfnc 3 OR 4 BEDROOM. brick house, living room, dining room, kitch- en, 4 piece bath, sewers con- nected, new roof, new gas fur- nace, 221 Main St., first house north of Beaver Lumber, Con- tact Bill Belling at 235-1373 or 235-0247. 6:4tfnc EXETER - Duplex with sewer- age. Three bedrooms each; liv- ing room, kitchen all on one floor, full basement, oil heat, one garage, paved driveway. New vinyl siding. Close . to schools and downtown. 234-6420 or 235-1066. 7:2tfnc FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSE - 11 baths, large kitchen. Located on large corner lot close to downtown Exeter. A good fam- ily house. 71% first mortgage. Apply Larry Snider, 235-1640, 9 : 3tfnc FIELD TOMATOES - Pick your own or order. Bring your own containers. - Case Van Raay, Hwy. 83, 1 mile east of Dash- wood. Phone 237-3496, 8:13-10:8c CONSUMER RESEARCH One of Canada's foremost Mar- ket Research companies has openings for women to conduct interviews (personal or tele- phone) and gather opinions in connection with consumer sur- veys and public opinion polls. Positively no selling involved. Both daytime and evening work. Use of car desirable but not essential. Apply Canadian Facts Co. Limited, 160 Bloor St. E., Toronto 5, Ont. 17:21c 14' TRAVEL TRAILER - Sleeps 5, A-I condition. Phone 227-4412. 17c 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4, Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 1971 SCORPION snowmobiles. Repairs to all other makes. Don Hirtzel, Centralia. 228-6293. 9:17-11:5* GIRL'S COAT, size 4; boy's or girl's outfits, one 12 months, one size 2; some dresses. 234- 6491. 17* AMERICO ESKIMO SPITZ, 3 years old, male. Phone 235-1883. 9:17tfnc FRAME GARAGE - 22' x 16', $150.00. Apply Gerald Lewis, Lu- can. 17c 5 Help Wanted 10 Livestock For Sale WEALTHY APPLES - Bartlett pears; squash (buttercup and summer). Will Mousseau, 21 miles west of Hensall. 236-4110. 17c PUREBRED Hampshire hogs and sows, $65.00 each. Must be ordered before Saturday after- noon. Alvin Deuerman, 345-2306. 17c CORONET SNARE DRUM, good condition, stand and small cym- bal. Phone 235-2295 evenings. 17c 120 BASS TITANO accordion in case, used one year, good con- dition. Phone 235-0327. 17nc WRINGER WASHER - Simplic- ity, like new; double laundry tubs, baked white enamel with top. Phone 293-3037 after 5:30. 17* APPLE PICKERS - Starting not later than Sept. 21, for about one month. Phone 293- 3043. 17c SECRETARY - TREASURER for for Hensall Recreation Commit- tee. Duties to commence Oct. 1. Apply in writing to the Chair- man of the Recreation Commit- tee 17:24c PREGNANT? - The Stork Shoppe, Grand Bend, has a full line of exciting fall and winter stock, Open daily after hours. Phone 238-2298. 17c 1 Lost, Strayed 3 HOGS for slaughter or breed- ing, 300 lbs. apiece, Hamp- Berkshire cross, $80.00 each. Robert Brody, 236-4829 mornings or betwen 9 - 10 p.m. 17c 2 JERSEY COWS - Due soon. Brand Bros. 234-6226. 17c 9 Services 1970 MOTO-SKI - 21 h.p., like new. Phone 482-7245. 17c MASSEY HARRIS pony tractor with plow and cultivator. Ideal for gardening.' Phone 482-7245, 17c DO YOU NEED for Christmas? mail gift catalogs home work. Send log and details. Enterprise, Dept. Hawkesbury, Ont. 9 Services extra money Address and for us. Easy 250 for cata- The Popular 269, Box 8, 17c 14 Wanted To Buy LOST - Black leather jacket in Fullarton area. Call collect 243-2660. Reward offered. 17c STRAYED -.From Lot 9, Con. 4, McGillivray Twp., near end of July, yearling cattle beast with yellow tag in ear with name. Anthony Martene, 234- 6220. 170 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE- Mr. G. R. Paul (Second year C6A) Lucan, Ont. Phone 227-4584. 7:16tfric WILL CARE FOR 2 pre-school children in my home 5 days a week, in Hensall area. 262-5087. 17c YORKSTAR WHEAT for seed. Gordon Ratz 237-3307. . 17c GOLDEN LABRADOR retriever, spayed female, 4 years old, all shots, excellent retriever. Har- vey Clausius, Zurich. 236-4307. 10:17* LUCAN RENTAL & SMALL EN- GINE REPAIR - 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs. 6:4tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-door sedan, 6 cyl , automatic, real clean. Best offer. Phone 235- 1336. 17nc 1963 BUICK - Running condi- tion, $175.00 or best offer. 294- 6125. 17c 200 GALLON OIL TANK-Phone 234-6268. • 17c PIANO - In good condition. Call 262-2536; if no answer 262- 2830. 9: 17tfne 1 SHEET white line red insul brick siding to patch house. Phone 293-3162 collect after 6 p.m. 17nc RELIABLE MAN for farm drain- age to work in Usborne and Stephen Twp, areas. Top wages paid. Phone 229-6614 after 7. 17c Typist - Bookkeeper Application forms may be se- cured 'at the office of the Public Utilities Commission, 379 Main Street South, Exeter, Ont. Excellent fringe benefits are available, Application forms must be submitted on or be- fore September 29, 1970. EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 10:17:24c FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS-- Average 7 lbs. dressed, 50¢ lb. Quick frozen, government in- spected. Marion Vanderhoek, RR 3 Zurich. Phone 237-3324. 10:17c DON HARRIS DITCHING and Sewers being operated by Archie Webber. Please call 235-0267 or 235-2596. 3:10:17c FORAGE HARVESTING - Corn. Phone Lawrence Becker at 234- 6486 or Eric Finkbeiner at 234- 6251. 3:10:17:24c 1964 PONTIAC convertible, in poor shape. Radio, 8 cyl., auto- matic, new top, $175.00. Phone 235-1863. 17c 1965 COMET - 4-door, V-8, ra- dio, white walls, power steering and brakes, good body and mo- tor. 235-2737. 17:24:1:8c 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - V-8, automatic, 2-door hardtop, ra- dio, new white wall tires, pow- er steering and brakes. 235-2737. 17:24:1:8c 0 SIGNS BY WEBSTER BACKHOE WORK DONE - Also septic tanks and drain beds in- stalled or serviced. For fast, efficient service phone Pete Butler, Lucan 227-4312 or 227- 4254. 4: 16fnc DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc BRUCE REFRIGERATION - Sales and Service - Commer- cial and Domestic. Kelvinator wringer washer, special price, $139.95. Grand Bend 237-3320. 7:9tfnc MAN TO WORK ON DOCK - Night shift, steady employment. Apply in person to B. W. Tuck- ey, Guenther Tuckey Transport. 17c HENS - Best prices paid for goose and duck feathers; ticks. M. Platt, 34R9 Medina; 537-8594 Woodstock or write RR 1 Beth- any, Ont. 4:16-5:7*tfnc TIMBER - Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Rob- ert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig giving location and phone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. 3:5tinc • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS 13 For Sale 15 Wanted ELECTRIC STEEL GUITAR and amplifier, blond wood; large baby crib, good condition. Dial 227-4702. 10:17* SAVE 20% on top quality Alma- tex Paints. ,Webster Signs, Exe- ter. 7:16tfnc TOWERS-TOWERS-TOWERS - 40' tower $50.00; Antenna $8.00 to $80.00; Boosters, rotors, etc. Complete CHANNEL MASTER antenna system. The tower king. Max's T. V., 238-2493 Grand Bend, 4:9tfnc SHORT ORDER COOK MAN OR WOMAN PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 2:8tfnc HENSALL - Red brick 11 sto- rey home on Main Street. Three bedrooms, two of which have cedar lined closets. Living, din- ing room, kitchen, full bath up- stairs, toilet downstairs. New furnace, new water heater. large spacious lot with garage. Information phone 235-2934 after 6 p.m. 17 ; 24c Large Canadian company in agricultural field has open- ings in this area for men with farming experience to act as representatives. Apply in confidence, giving full particulars, to Box NP M The Exeter Times- Advocate. 17:24c HORSE - 3-year-old Appaloosa, well mannered. Make an offer. Phone 235-1863. 17c DEHLEM STEEL CORN CRIB- 1,500 bus,, hold approximately 15 acres of cob corn. Brand Bros. 234-6226. 17c MIDDLE AGED LADY wanted as companion - housekeeper for same. Live in. Write Box 220 Age - Despatch, Strathroy or phone 245-0886. 17:24:1c DONNELLYS, Lucan and Bid- dulph. Wanted early Photo- graphs to copy of Family, Buildings, Citizens, for histori- cal research. Prompt return guaranteed. Write R. L. Faza- kas, 60 Marion Ave. S., Hamil- ton 15, Ont. 8:20-9:22* PHONE 235-1730 Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year for Burkley Restaurant GOOD PAY POTATOES - Call Tony Mar- tens 234-6488, 8:13tfnc CEMENT TILE - 3 and 4 ft., and tops; also 7 ft. tops. Leon- ard Dietrich, phone 237-3368. 8:13-9:17* CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK - Also custom combining of all crops. Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensall. 6:lltfnc FARMERS' INCOME TAX Serv- ice. Complete bookkeeping for small businesses, Lucan 227- 4851. 5:2ltfnc ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 DashWood. 4:9tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc 17:24c 4 Female Help Wanted EXETER - 3 - bedroom brick house, electric heat, close to downtown area. Phone Ed Mit- telholtz 235-1303. 9 : 17tfnc BEFORE COLD WEATHER move into this comfortable well- kept 1 143 storey house. East, central Exeter on 90'x160' treed lot with large garage. Vinyl exterior over Sitka spruce. On main floor, large living room with natural fireplace, book- shelves, sunny dining room with bay window, one bedroom, den, kitchen, 4 piece bath, Upstairs, two bedrooms. Full basement has large panelled room, den, tubs, automatic water softener. 235-1807. 17c Move Summer Don't Wants -Use T.A. Want Ads 9 Services RABBITS - Breeding stock, commercial and show. Brandale Rabbitry, 41 Simcoe St. after 6 p.m. 17:24:1:8c 1971 MOTO-SKIS - Some used 1970's. Contact Lawrence Beck- er, RR 2 Crediton or phone 234-6486. 3:10:17:24c FRESH PICKED canning and eating tomatoes; red and white potatoes. First farm south of St. Joseph on No. 21 Hwy. 3:10:17:24* 16 Property For Sale CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, full time, for Burkley Restaurant. 235-1730. 17 : 24c AID TO RELIEVE evening shift in nursing home. Experience not necessary. Call 262-2536 or 262-2830. 9 ; 17tfnc Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc WHITING'S USED FURNITURE 10x12 rug; televisions; record players; chesterfield suites; odd upholstered chairs; coffee and end tables; bedroom suites, like new; dressers; night ta- bles; cribs and mattresses; beds, springs and mattresses; drop leaf tables; gate-leg ta- bles; refrigerators; stoves; au- tomatic dryers; washing ma- chines; chrome sets; dining room suites; china cabinets; buffets; marble top sideboard; Victrolas; pictures and frames; electric Singer sewing machine; floor polishers; carpet sweeper; vacuum cleaner; movie projec- tor; slide projector; Royal typewriter; life jacket; golf clubs; laundry tubs. WHITING'S USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES & THINGS Phone 235-1964 Corner of Wellington & Carling Sts., 2 blocks west of Main St. 17c LOVELY FARM HOMES - 3 to 50 acres. Write or see W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 9:10tfnc HAVE YOUR FUR COAT re- modelled and cleaned for wint- er use now. Call on Mabel Hockey in Lucan, 182 William St. 17:24* WILL DO BAPYSITrING in my own home. Phone 235-2543. 17:24c Grinsven & Butler SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 11:21tfnc TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfnc BARN PAINTING-Protect your roofs with an anti-corrosive paint. Phone Dave Morrissey for free estimates, 234-6202. 8:27tfnc THEDFORD- Treed river front lots 75' by 200'. Easy terms. Phone 296-4857 or 296-4694. Con- tact Ross Hayter or Harry De- Fore. 3:10:17* DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS DREAMING? It's not too early to start - build a profitable business of your own as an AVON Repre- seritative and make those dreams come true. Territories available in Exeter, Winchelsea or Denfield. Write or call collect evenings, Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. 451-0541. 17c INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns, disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 149 Waterloo St., 235-0923 after 5 p.m. 9:17-10:22c LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Prompt removal of fresh dead or disabled stock. Decayed ani- mals and sheep not accepted. For fast, efficient, call collect STRATHROY 245-0838 LUCAN 227-4512 License No. 202 10:9tfne A'ke:em ' '41W4S"?.. VaMYwOl.".: si:ZOt:r DASHCHUNDS and Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers. A. Macin- tosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 1:8tfnc ALUMINUM , siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25tfnc GIRL'S COAT - Dark green with brown fur collar, size 12; green orlon dress, size 10, in good condition. Phone 237-3279. 17* HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439. Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc Let T-A Ads Work For You is' CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 5:21tfnc ANYONE INTERESTED in pur- chasing gates, iron work and cement caps at the Crediton Cemetery, contact Gordon Fink- beiner, RR 2 Crediton. 234-6292. 17c Carpet, Ceramic Floor SUMMER CLEARANCE of all boats and outboards left in stock. Free winter storage. Save now. Thompson - Warner Motors Ltd. Authorized Chrys- ler Marine Dealer. Grand Bend 238-2036, 3:10:17:24c and C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 1970 SCORPION motor bike. Late season special. Road worthy, lights. Don Hirtzel, Cen- tralia. 228-6293, 17* ALL WHITE, Welsh hackney gelding. Has shown English and Western. $75.00. Lucan 227-4616 after 6. 17e ELECTROLUX ( Canada ) Ltd.- Sales and service. Phone Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., Gode- rich, Ontario, 524-6514. 27:3:10:17:24:1* BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to MIDDLETON'S Drug Store Ltd. 359 Main St. Exeter Phone 235-1570 Wall Covering Installed HESS JEWELLERY ZURICH Hurry ! KIRKWOOD RESILIENT INSTALLATIONS Dorchester Dennis Kirkwood 227-4243 10:17c R. D. BECK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Complete Sales Service that Satisfies, Call 235-0621 433 Main St., Exeter GET ACTION BY AUCTION WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING Work Guaranteed FINE SELECTION OF WATCHES BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS DIAMOND RESETTING 7:9tfnc PERCY WRIGHT AUCTION SALE SERVICE that is most efficient and courteous. 4FTTNV SALE ONE LOW PRICE ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3300 DEN'S APPLIANCE SERVICE T.V., Radio, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Toasters, Irons, Razors GUARANTEED SERVICE To All Makes of Appliances, Large or Small CALL 235-2215 DENNIS GROGAN 197 ANNE ST. EXETER, ONT. 3:10:17:24c CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone 262-5482 Hensall HURON DEAD' STOCK REMOVAL . On All Almatex Finishes N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointtnent Phone 235.2433 GAL. QUART $639 $199 NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER 40% to 50% Discount Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck CLINTON We pay highest prevailing price for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Smaller animals picked up as a service to you, 24-Hour Service-7' Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License # 237-C40 1:29tfric BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK V BANGHART, KELLY, DOIG & CO. Chartered Accountants 476 Main se, S., EXETER, 235-0120 LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. SIGNS BY WEBSTER VICTORIA ST. 235-0680 EXETER 2354640 Exeter 5:9tind %):•••'? • )141;.:.