HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-6-2, Page 2. 11 • A • •a, A '1 , ;'YID • t - �j: � -�. r tP•. - .. *tie. a+- • - v _ - _ a _ _ _- ...._ _ ..� - .. 't` -- _ _ �7 - .. -. - _ _. - .. ___. - . I °f— .r.. - —.—_ry _ __ • •--..• --. - . . --. , r..- , • of c wary n[&cert *every vol""temor every The 11ir _ -- -_ _ - ._ - - . sera a ,zgna�.=� O.Owa>•roa tks Irri»a of their art • ceresin ligan ; ON 1 HE WAY TO TBE a v ! �T tltill thrywtnall} take tit•ir dnlrlrtmey C pe ii us, rho inert a Feuiau hoot to L.,t sett if duo AmtrioAna could a$.,rd W lir 1 IU L' Ul \ BILL I ParUcnlars from the al eunrw. It wn„Id M road 1�'die to ritb• • t i d a t ,d t.. hwnd, be Nee sket ARTaR I I It ha kion j taken remarked theat real P"aa el their article ate bower rate thea � SaIILT• �1 y ~ ! of Front• draw the v,halttlrrw trona thin [nett. 1Tu . tr��rrttTr�appp �frr��pQ T w latest news thaws that (Evart Iintan, de(R;utut ui bow l is and common -wase Wy' leak heratofure livor duiu(E, lkero I WLaiR: - t) ZDd; 1�r I kats'.+kear out clrs,rly *red dncidrdlve dea arra able, us aaatunt of their very want a( .wf{ghe ptrhAps Iw wins force fu this u- ON BOARDTHIE FRINUIC ALSALD RRT�EER PARTtCU _ ' Z� ( '— Uwtud Stntse uv,q+. urn cnuiu (vert, • - wast wg that Amcriw shall Pool Fwi- moat. Blot 11 i w _ ._ rt.� - .. __.__•,.__ __._._-___ e"prcity,lwtetMr i fU lt,ct. Ti>t ia>Nlsr TILiL>• �+•• 4 Sass! week an .t #iW11�a►iipg P►� lnaiv wy,ati j/tis� w will uurbla admin w du t i3ttntln don. .-- _ -two►� b sy avdttsa eta ahAs ave "M imw �t tnatead t f __ - A�'o n nturtta $ruin tkn frvut.ba r Ay*awr, whop iAEW:. 10 - - - --- _, s - 40th ma -. _ ._ _ -_ y iw mamas Zu Wwd t `-' taste tl}x. '�' __� ' -- .. „• err. ”. ( n#��"JY1 �'1'f y y)Y t�i _ ' „_ ' ' a .tee A. � / + - ,' din! __ ._,i,•�r � �.._...-.w, arwemll•t71rCw - arrly ertl� satrtvla stet artl elCatd owl +, / p for P ., - null asst', ass dasartcd by all but s,uiw ) Y' 1 _ t, nr ii ,.E, �-wit l i3 no ? • r r The Star u4 { [ r +norm mlQnt un, their oo�«pu �ticr wept prim we meal TWI-4•�an _ -- ----116sfnikrwt11 aa�iUOC •i ehn fly�ht is 'tW wan, moat uE vrhum wen packing and in th.1'rt'k. they cru (l.,m PlrttrLnrY, ___ lira " sill} defenvssa be- I FdaaaaJ lwaseeN in holWwsnd nigh tuunJ- may have to pay Gtr it, awl ahs, Nura gwthend lrom bulb t'unadun and Fcrosu ,lailin a and rr° atati,uwJ hero u" much (or ehn Ley >fare No erolwa bol it. From half u- Mr. \V att and Col Taylor will, 4eg periods At b u'cbick on tLe murnug I g u their boxes of *tures; the rest )" Y Sa.tiaru era ieM w toolisk u W sell their aourou. Uu 1'uurdaj wornun ndonnA• I"'rpse ut yrolrutai ehn n, wet u( cwt, W the of the Quexu'a birthday • gun aka liar witL res ct to oho Fcriyl nod reach- rtro luutyptng rbont vs ry duinttestally, Amrrtuw Citianns irnm�hu Fuuuni ai to alis hullrlwUrr, that was u,wt• about the roleroma to the guubst Kr«ear. It sp eAks I The 8mfurlh FxlI (ur in, &gnv.l ezrngde Pe" {ole "f tbto provtime at " ro I wd saving little, Uso'br two leadiaemt, ,rewne the ueut raid by the Fenian, one ,,tight reasonably about rhe argent necessit at the time aur I (,f this clap of public m shfirn. Hs has, bower price than its market rales.' fired and the Prins AlJ,mJ, with the colt the nntghborL xxl, and wn info ! Kwlty IrAn. %Acs expected a battle almost aka sae nd11- tM urehw .,- the b t, .rad , un, but huwrver, mrJo •gears creta in cherin Would it be possible to put anything in L niun Jack pn,udly living, steamed slowly eompwmy of St. AlbAua, ouneriatmyyp ut term n t ricLost brogue. "Uswouf their 11aders The fight which t.,it plae at Pigeon g P R 'A light' in w►ieA the Erprito r ootfld esu ant of (l leech, heartily rhrErod by -alio en anti citiamu, organuud at their (,akin un heartog • Cau&l IsoYh, mid : nr Hell oft Wednesday wait upwuCd by the try w that o[ Nltrha. lu.trad of that, it courtly tails bo prove that re were I hos arena. The iuhabttaots of Huron are it f \\•v have it on the very beef authorit nxpwuse, Ni in uuwlakr, under Captain IruhwAu had cruse W Iwo h that dsy." In fee, ,ord. &crown the 6-ideu hal "are do - however, we text a sewn a robed. that eke• Orion in a calling her a fork, which site i* nut igl'orstat ranee• h ba mistake Aasnrtion that • 'Lxduh' Nun Bo •t " w Y friendly apectaWn who had assembled at I s ten sada acri y , limn no- Thoma Shepard,uooupied the elrwud with appearance they were t•,lurl t° "ray ,,(the Y ra 1Lu b rdnr and were de- daddled across the line almrrt a the Ont 4' al intunt atad purixws. We haws a fur argument cud boAmbseat Eorsu riot in- t"dy ha tried to 'o(,mprl,' u arranging to that early hour t° hid us "Gold S}wel" on I •brut 20 noun of the Sta"brid a Vuluntnur ploytng into lin•, Thu Ore had tit° eweet phi coal to St. C"therinne and '4, dis ro- our vu e. Tina tri u was a v fair Compare under C• Iain Bachus. Tha *tame nemlwr °!the Geral o ok or Stanley „f coutpdetuly drmuraliitfkir tier enemy. The shot, cummandal by g.nneb wbo eitLer snroad idea at., wLun tier St'rdrnrwlit talligunce. In rnnthewhGns tier Fr aa1(ul- p 1 P' ' YtY P P ry Y p Y street boys, sad wronl lexoked •ell in FonksuaCuuld nut tea mduocd to cross tie ❑apintton in mfrreno• to this matter; but / of tine article'thers'at s lower ,rice tleau eta one, although nearly all on board wan siva- tock uV pritwit on the hill side, about b00 their uniform. Otis Ix,atlu ly declared ° Savo then,sslv.a up to the Unite l States Int that pas.. What we and we repriat : ul '*take thunder' uli„ht lease Ler the voice market "'Iti 'As that-alueha hitlurtobee” l yards ou the Canadian side of the line, K border agar. U hill addre* er them, sick and Ivy ■tretcLed about on deck in fieryy would hays awthrr dutnce uh a hit tgllwp them that if they would out rd- artb•nho a W escape Ca oodian tmllets, if That the Jtorue is totally unfit fur active ul Joy° ; but it Certaeuly down, not with estimated by Pvuomylyania,s, ante ttgt ha about half war uu the read butwoon Cook's at C'•"sds be[oro long. There were about venin to 14-4 the worse fate of twins lynched by wrviee. And here snow th•rub. 1f ser sur intelligent yaonoon, wnn• u( &l1 men, will make •profit by the sleeeulalto. And all sort& u( attitudes with a view W comfort! Corner, Canada, and Fnreidiu Contra, fiftv box" of atoms of °vers, descri ,tion the Attack, ho a tilt his officer this 'foolish` pwrwu a out even W ask the I rather than gracefulness of pusture ; nut a United bfalw. I would crop the Inoe and deo fighting. Even than own wen, ee hep,ed iretantr, with- ams each • r men is wl a,nJlt. di why i' aro tau w.11 read to lar 'eau ht with chahf.' ■ud 1 esu surpriaud to ses team cout�,lule the [riled to rain for apuitsul hu 4dh.w_ the ¢tine of arose wa it not diaAvered g American it they ran 'AtLerd' to let him roe le&sant ra o[ r udw the Tus rosirru.t, their pre ntwtu hal noon, A ergo to ;ale roe started a"ck tuwrrJa lin+,kin out waiting to see Irks rkraor b.v. liberate The Erpwitur in hi• seauad aVaek rm SI, under -sell them. Wall, i[ Nuva Scotia Y P Y W g Q'laea'r pa duristg the winter Or early Spring le That birthday,but we •re notations. All the wr The mound wa well chosen, u it eom. s"'rubor of b,zea had loft before 1 evil u Ireland. Heavrre bah, [related if she has u a ,loo loin .e defy the War ur any other C, Cameron, in reply to our refutation of l can easily compwto with Pennsylvania at Y 6 R b) till F ster ari Hu,uFwgmunt arrear- W mut until liberation from real or ima- coat,' to answer antidsct•�rily. It may his fint _harge, I*quits a match astrr a St. Catharines, to nue advantage, it coon to thsGaurgiau Bay,whereit began Conine massdwl tiro road, and a ouwber of large e!atrted by thedupArtingboJiesuf F'uniau. E) (leu, Foater and ihonrwntion ut Bnr- Y mor call we had a to fended view of the islands cud fwks on the hlleado furor l,atural largest 1 esu l ndud State, o�cnn had selard flu 1 n tau, whale ten y a wry O'n,n nut b" vara nice iso talk ab+ut 'nu,buer►t I y do we throughuul Quahrc, P works. Tho Frniaw the r:amo ni boron (•hat Starved, but the seised sa ! K yet lion, hes alread ei , lis ee noes to tear thaw tri• iu we'll ^ 'hntatillwhrn tuhon.l inttrosts usual ; while se have the satisfaction of New Bruwwick and NewfuuudlAnd ;and Bayer"f the Northern shore. As wer,,nred ght uc- y been published. raids rat s tut of p.,r r,iflamufwun un, oar d know Ing that over psition u heartil sur Could comprta ver closely ern,, in tie• alongthe wether began to get w cold that � cupied a hill ruing immediately opp»rut they would have to, take them by tall*. Il„veruur Ifeudrio ha offered to furnish aro ms not a all thnik a word of hunent Y y we were compelled to wuma our evervuats I uu the Annerwrn .,do, elan aeat of the Thu uAiccn kept their place• en the gr,ouud trio Foreiau fres trails ,olta On to their 4,r.len. Nbauuothelprmnlartug it thea tenth is rant rat all nut of p,lwe. The Kr,- rained by all the n•pcesentatfra men ut ties rcAt o[ Outanu. Clearly W a reawnable and ulcers k t° rorww until eke a grosuon 1 4 thought f w'■ e'ton t eat is nu tical) ' rano rot and we def • the Reform art I ,,u rad mal and word, in concert, aro to be rrld assets, a hick as rather a strange rax- road. ,They rebuiveet rein[orcenoeots on hue 'Tho Maselachuswts won have ac- g! !< ) > P Y, pith whom re lave LaJ periet,ee fur w at the card of JIa Wrduwday murui iv, and about h&lL troopo arivod from Malonu,, u li they y allow a,r cIJULIN't o W out -run by teem. Rhoi td. Santee anything to lkt contrary- tier plrssure u(cunrening. TLe Frposifoo. ChoA ear xnd n"t .looter, un aceouut of tie. )'. Teat cept!I the offer, but the New York Falsi- tralve .!;,ward movement wa visible to had rent done rap to b u',:Isol Ana have aolcrnctel rill Plattsbur lis Suw.bd) is to h1Auw. \\'hA is it f Tarn and when :lemfurth u illuminated AN xrlwpR. 1 he F'enw, rition of battle was reall g' ' Th• t:aaudiwn to»qr actrJ rich wdeeren _ _ will fiuJ Hunt he ha [ellen inW an egngi- with na,tht Erywilur aha wdl 'sea ilio their r"nkt. often cnnuuruJ u( Gtnunl i" Y 11Lduus, wbnro r Irrgn futon °( aha rummy `�- 1'n, Pa Intensa excitement prevailed on linnet O'\ail to (urn fuuro and forward un the a very strong unr, consisting of #a barriade 'u cucadminted. Among aha Feuun. who of row end brrvrry which Lam taught the ;h[yetTtiosd. raw error to imagining that tnductiun of that ighl.' 1\'hnrodidtLn Erposilorgot the wheat it became kt,own that the Qoartrr- ' double, wax dutlmCtl Andnble un Lilo Ease- °f rads the,” -n up by oho stilt of ►dry leave returned helm r Fenism A' lifter hsa•,n, anJ itispired the -- Jl. C. Camera was an available see , i" statistics leading Iii,n to thie° concluatou Y _ g • n the Iturinigtou better class t Anie6cans with rem t a Is is a great misfortune when the under- stone b which lir nim himself nP Ung that then u not msatat Srrjt ra nuahero 4o be fuu¢d. ,Iran Aide. They canto wk i" column of ditch and extending two hundrd yards. a,dipauy, sell., dud the advaneg in tl,e sker- " - son 'A s"as"s of mal in The vessel wa hunted alp over, anti wit Wurabreast,theattackin art bein oom- .Their fir• swept tole pretty larxt fields, 6 y Pg hug of• ppwr oven mdicidea! u w Y I Fvn(Vp yham" f ams W the a,nclusiou that he must have sed of the tulle rin K 1 Y g over which our true had to ass t„ tuuh &r PI •sou ILII eu 11'udnead& There wnn nu Ittdneway h,,mbeacock the estimsuou u[ oho Hefurmet of the 1 7TT sunjert of furl haarwr¢nCl oho Er- P' g :-Cr t. Cronyn Pa P Kv'1 A body of 300 Fuuiaus Irft here this darkened that a clear statome•ut u int°m- yy tbue. \„ pmtllanimmu 1'earuck- nn County, i ,,I I i„ . naw Lr shnuta ;-••Ihiw the b Ileo unrbwrJ wind taken ■.&flowed rap and mmpwny of iti wnn ;Capt Marrs' . °m, whls they nod w gd.d e.evured morning un foot Ill Frauklin Ceutro, Lor ,n1*•t•rotonl •'ergtu,u, Ab h„mor tyS,itu. prehensible. We Are worry t• fiud that tic Thu waive , ,weep„o ILe J'*rtT pan h fR mien could dracrilw tie uron. No company, Hurli"gwti, fill uson, yrd Wob,;,Ai ro ruuna� behind. !jail they • "d the purgwe of recovering the booty of A !�� t Nrpmaiolr, of Say"'l any that a mad of Me Itfor- • relief we company numbering about (w/ anon, in all K they might havetri(twed d,•wn Fill killed iu the late skirmish, LoudLsi : rte bis Timlir ard our Stull 'Star is Continually W be Lound in this piti- Course., darks ; iu hu own lin ria find, urn or ecru of the electors of the N rah g lie, I officer* that rhea re en p rima from the #about lib. area l,hawlwrlin, aim C m- a Ltrgn number o[ our wen. As it was llen.l)onnelly was moresericualy wuuud- "llsor from lieu im dney. old honor rt &lila nondtly a Uur town i oml ('trio ' i"d l 'unnecessary w tutor iuW a tLbate told Mouth Hidings, would rep,mnmmd oW nai that rs had beim in Prot ct g ut �manded tie• Canadians, 11 to they only bred one volley before our ad in the ri ,ht at 1', uou Ifdl than was at r m licitl and um tiwtioniu I lolbwa tier tivw bo vola, to retain Su iu do in l)ndtrich W aid m Protecting our et into psitiam behind :oo rol towanls tal wan aithiu proper range, and then first re ortbd. He wasir.ncle iu the bis - Ts wean ref •very kidney. All honor to I t ro Y 1 s Y upon the merit".' We prestime, therefore, 'Joh¢ A. I•lacdunald and Sir Goo E hearths And homes from the dsstardl ' he bars of the hill, %O taut to fin until fled with the titan, st prwipitation, leave the gAllant Chamberlin, a brother rpt.- he leading strange maaafaetured (or it Cartier iu r p l p ( he a willing to concede what aka sir t(NI + � p, eq and loot leo hest in � lehind t nrntit t "(! rhlk esa•rping from a ban,, and ran •wile b its maudlin oracle the ,roil Ladles, IP , a _ Fenians, i[ the a ani land in aur ab- the Frunxus aaaud alta ire. Zhu w°mtnt 1 y " auamtroments, &c., ter, he leaded tnp the Finnkno ked t s rat that it is astouudo,l we dare,L•r "moment, for, that Mr Caner"n did not give up his + l6ei�fcountry, in 0 1 r th�� hepmyan u( v ciety wo c•°nghy a min hi" lewut 1 the P and • few ride*. The never h"Ite,l iu Md r -hs. Trio h ala. Tho ball dyo and P I y :ro ssed, t Y upwards. Th» ball glanced upwAnls and erns st le and thin kaucked them forme Trade principles, or renonncu any these titions mi ht be gnntod f " t�"dgo uurfelluw tuwtu tpz casuouseorxvtu trot. mon artaosw lltill'hwedy gotlacr1s* 45." hWhy ledged nes hu lungs. It has nut yet ono any ,rxas,on, to dispute the dictum o[ - Isar S men such a protector, p eq p ped s uli been extracted, and he hes ,at.. Ftanklut. i[to meat Josh esea)' eats "afire- the r:G,fK. 5\'hle we.,ro fr"to c nfewthat, for;aNa u( tie° IIr[„rin party, in voting 11'u deny altogether that it wa a !est � With a visib denoralisin efivet, at a have acted in wch:a manner aka only Its Iw.Gug pi.” Ity the way it rAr pro- for a Nstianal Tariff 4,, in mina moaure, qmention and here no real to believe cuut!ncacap lY K Centro, wfftnnk i11wnse - tram the euenll hwlthlul nature of the t.46 of 4W ya�' , which arms repplied accuntalformn the nap ositiunofinlwirut as ism h are, mow hale pi• the p»or deluded ducib 1[ Y lelwrafe our pr,dticts from the incubus Minutora would have left uAler Lad they IK'Y =�, 0 a. m.-t\'o arrived hero wfuly t,+. TLo Reopens at) thea aero rant bR►d• cu -sallow ur roar u(t I paned the mora„lg tMt Ln u,nnchhettnr, aka, to h.ra got rhea they relnrn. medicaments, we would Ilnr throws u been defrosted. It u all re wall, besides, this morning, having abacAed utr ibe pret r et u doubtful whether he will recover. - ad t•, St. Albaw. uncle Sam w,.u11 nary aha euGro Ul in,, tluu i"'° them by Illegitiwte Ameri• yse a vote after it hu been taken g, get into ed shun farad upon, but this is anthon_ Thr spinnd,d advance the H•ntinA•olon TI 1 by trio (,Anwluw ban to anal ons n1 ht, w as, to allow un to tauvely dented. At the seond fire the F„nkrers, under V-1onel McF-%chren'.hu "otnnng W do with them -tier N:,n,roan arae s11 e(,mpak titian. Conceding this, inn and as, i( not -aid w had rural dittcromtl ', Ix'rt •nth dsrligLt. ilttlre was a crowd Y Mere , been �tlltialdtld by the Auwnean suthori- . t„nled Wt Against them-at:d tits fail ono dirt bolos frank the Leadeilaborato ) c•mumeumcl to rotnlet, having, ray [ten glrun tLn alrce o[ honour, u the be,, and a ded b tie horn that the Cana. 1 7, Exi"I” r v irtuAlly funaken his stand -parkin t. i such -and -each would have been the result. waiting on tAt duck to wrinomo w and time, got "but fifty yenta neer the borrdar. theme o[ uuirerw� &tinuration, snow of Lirwnuun was rola wl b. a, f uul ""7 unmber u[ which the Star in, ready \'cry ekarao trruticolly, kuwersr, he ea• It aka a moauro ut uatiomal &ud not thpY cheered rat lustily- N'm Bred ono dtanm n•fuse to gave it up• It tern,, abet G'wT„r y. Inat.rd n( fu&,un weal plate of { ons, lee N Thry look refuge m tlw ii.aosee and�onarae Thus ern'uoL Durr MRI of tl r'a I g on oho fat .•f daily to bTaZ�rl[11etat a yuw(Iult or h Aty j deletion W raise a cloud of dust about wart- ministerial conception (a indicated by the g p.,l't troll the I,, the valle between tr hill” The tua11 e:t d, edea rest (ull(,wiu w s11 1' a"toll on, than endo of the Imes and C+oris, "they wore lel to "throat, the few; we must still claim the right (,t da- I ,,,,s '" illAtiml ot(:°reramout m reYvrb to it J4Ib howitzer &looking the light -!wase in y' 4'' `L V Y 4atty K 1'' used by the FOULAMI to cover the retreat of Liberator wen fur•el to crani a crust of coding whether the reaer,phon in, the batt #aud we nowt follow h'an and our ro resentatives wero ustified in gat the do ck• Irft several deAd land wotindal on the part, t du not think any .,( the FL'wilti■ lh,nne'lly from the barn. It w i p p J the harbor. We ern naw Ivi" round. One John Rowe who wa in the wore killed, add could only trace ons who wards nLaadum aN after - Maui at t ty, p'ru4�'.�-!,fnr ear local c edition. µ'a must into ens e4 ud, in urdrr W clear it away, Toln sa they did: The weather u cr»d tel 1'he 'Tl ars f oromcss nand esu she ww moxa prop fur eerlaia, Th nn ton ed. -a nl wait captured Ly -. • ,�_ . N'a „pule test aka h#a se hrsnI the Tia u still saJ IRs Ute UGefK t.a [ailed to nom•- - We quot from the Erpusator, r •i '*Ore must be "a at in the bag" the very candy and mud. likC R,na eY I:r`niiltaux; wliu oonre)ed t4 tW-tie• Catrin: _ - __. rduln----c small bridge; wirthis bodTMl-iwM t� ' soon,- and -Wro Kroutld wa tor. broken for dire tido. Fsmau raJu,s t•or wing sinor, µ'hy the prrheed public upiuum in Ilnn.n on tie° Iowa :--"After Wndenug to w a iiI A7Josifeor thinks when hu opmeelt on the very much scattered. The p,puhttou is aaWr. Thar tried W Wily but in vain, aur sore toget u,m wt them right. ew t, at isc••sid w • ortanptiblr th.,t er•a ]'set$ m•atA>u, Camrn,p anJ WnitthaMt quantum n an much at tariance with that abut ;IIX*. A great lumbar buaineal i, besi,, ru ,,lard bn[uratlw • Ddu •h ioJ1 •nation wake uxpruucd by theme Tna aetae¢ment of full C„ S, regular lifrl rt u arid, ro- ) i 4 ( ice• for which we aro truly nverybrRly else I( unr re re tra"maCtal hen and An uwntt I P ) got W ties lute. b t alus-ollowed ohm aired the bj their gntrinl, the SigAl pnwerds :- P semtatnas y q y of ss, uar° urn st bring chorkal in roachiny the Sr. ALRARM, \'t , !Ila 27 7sip m, side otthe Thero u a glee aref,,aaonsl mwtierror a, and ganef the abject in '•Duca the wholrssiu prior of hour in pro1miw l eu)thingat their election, they umbar to Iriog eat tliu llsrb,•r. tjo many osNERtL,i NEIL afore, line. They winche W tallow thew n ht V P rade 4n, the gnesuun winch we ■re [yrcal W clew; and any anoput ,d " reading out" Montreal ragulAW the pel of whet a re- Ear c saute the ntermts rat the r�reops ball here give gss,io a stamud, Oenenl ll'Neil tr»,k rcfngo in the brick a amu Aue.rfcnti ani) when the w• ul At 4:30 thus afrern,ron the boar (,f F'e- p,oir rarer This Ant ut the on the lwrt rat city papers will ■till Wave quire! for local cunnumptwn f Ezpwi'ienee entire .hep un, buD ap,eeially the adrlen• naltary apl,aranw v, alio town. hmue of Alvin RichArvla, And Commenced certainly have killed ower man of them mise that lett hero for,F rr11klm rrhurnrti enowdgd state of oar colmun". \\'e have them wrth the Ikd.,r arra of flnron At says, rant." tago u[ their awn cnnmtab.unut- µ'hu bel game exrrnfrl,or, Y to town: The advanced guard was in a to r. C,nnuitre through aha ec gnize whim and captured their ■Wars. Our troops •re tulrrably �(,rganiud cunduim,, but ten rest ,merool norther Sarin• nos ea .ned t , k ho their Lacks. tonal we bear fin bettor \V'e certainty mink, tbAt T oitheti rfouee one given to fault Brading, fur !ho logs of It iO n: peet.tl that the /ori err will leave Cfll. Chamb.rlain, whop reccgniz d him rncam led for flu .night with' 111116 o[ .ear 's doing* in fully of LhateJ of tb» wtlwnty than for Jt,r that the infl,ience add common wow, wy Yr■ ! Ifthe wbuilt it, would blAmg adeno fu dopa w f g throe h his fielJ lass, directed the men i i r>l straggled through tbe,trnra atlrivme any / l( at .6 u'clwk able evenm till d up wick B g t ! - 'n. TheY attempt at order. Amore ragged and wsek'. depots iu the taklirt tl+wt our rtL•rta .d some ono ala ka,cnrod to the bAsli• mala buyers of Muntrral, or elwa•Iwre, r n dwion ; '" a rpm, ur's eloquent con_ trumps fur the Sault Stn Alan ie. Tien de- to fire epee the house, and the proprietor are in great goirits, l�.jnr Stavenwn ■ („ „ will tea Apprxuted by the re.ulrn u( tLs ty aha alya,tages of • Pn,te•utive duty on pay a high price tole ,'else Aour, atnely mar , tachwent u to aonaut of a tart u! that tkoth compoilled him to leave dile window. Ho rl rn party could not bis iwamued. The Siyrionl. Iisttis f thed this aflurNhon. whole party old lipsards of 3W mel poo- SAh and • bol t u[ flinfloo w• &lull will not cal ,o yetail d a "Jail an . exactly a• we cri ievoihi looking b0 men and oflfC.n (and "fine sine oat into the roaJ, wScn lrnited O"e of tau Fra,taw vhn aka taken srieid only 10 rallies and About 2(u sabres. earth: teak ands os the in itehea , M. to Jia{.rs e p to the Lwal or retail de.l- Hr ha es, and t hu party, sacri6wd his kwkine lily they are) w ten Arc ampwd ,States Dliershall Fater took him prisoner, Primmer, A miserable wretch, is kept by A few wnn uniform, nut the aka "rtty wero NO QUAR•I LR I C. Cameron fed Jcreph µ'hithtad, sad en at &lover Saner than ,hey an oDWn Vrnneiplrs, and thro-u hunml! inW the nut hero ready to come on board ; also :00 Tho Caaadiana having repulsed the at- Zhu 6'Jth boys. __ to the votes fiivru by thorn a tmpr fur it from the wholesale dealers ; and if arnuuf Ser Gaarge Cartier, in unlet that men sad owfcers of the steel battery. 'l'he drv,wd in fustian clotLea much the wane ed b' their rnusututata. Noor it w dr„ the Wwn u[ Gednnrh .night receive •grant latter are me wldier•!'ke meet as nue could lack, drploycd into line anJ he1J the MALONE. Lor woarrind covered rate mud rnJ dual, \1•r ewdom rich r r s raf the Kin the wholesal* market,-- of wow 1311,000 fur the naahltshn e11t of wish W see. OF ehn bs4 aur the Rad ition until about 3 Y 1wmtSiatrlY"u tbceranirs,l thnirinrden s wine ' N&mr ''' Ws reel ale, SWr er f by livtlly cointstitinn of producers, pas 0. m., when the ♦err mens by the t. meed l t too In»,(s twirl despwrch", -rom all parts of tie^ W mnJao end w Give "s b cal h&bitalinn the whuletssla mar�et tea fully atipplied, a flarbor u( Retugu in that place. lis order River eatpw (Iitn,n, 12 aro waitingB transport_ were rei"fueed QQ� .aa tfetaohment of the ji�[�+ It7: L'..fa «, ataho (riwrtier, ..n b•dh sides of the line, fr•�ra and w taanr," W tial bithrttu, ntsswen, un,- retail dealer and hoc rill he to obtain the win u( moony, to he spent "tion. Tlaofr appwaraflta indicates that Moniradl . ntor,k Aceta a atm ¢ °j rfxming a gocxt d r,'al doubt to relatirm nod horn, &nil they. will be uruugnt til .Bich each will �,rm hu own atoned„soon knowss, 11anelea and nac•arertow p,rer •nAblel to purchaw it st •lures rale than I in Gudench, fur the teuufit ,,f a few apecu• they will lis tlwroughly adapted W lies the 52pd Battlion, Ca t. Kempf it oyom- W oho vrition and numbrrot the Feninw trial at once, that wu, accordin tolhe Star, moreblo s- tf there esu • Oanif in the whnlesrle 1"tun Anl jnbben, and which, alis frrmen purpxre fur which fury are intruded ;but pat ti0[h Battalion pend • 'Mout north of the Int near the Canadian Ione, The men, many of bran aw k, tie» Arent prition and tube• p, ds- fieosstly influentialin our cause than our market. In short, it u aha wholesale that °( Huron sill be eonrywtled to contribute that will wan be tested now. 1'he Battary A" pare la real [ duG mm�eoLtu settle the matter motel by unpri6ocipled px4ofthe inovonents of thernit,•.I Vac P towanls, techs urea Saw byaxtud aqa res tod rr r sentativo* at Ottawa. It s the retail.” tP ' pan r mersssre have :30 horses with them, and their prune Ka r and dated• exami,,ati.,", and accenting ponacnoeded by n -ir ur t of tion Ic"olcri Wtaw}dnu ahoy FMiA" crow, Mnro or law coon( of support t, the news u( utner secuuna." are lying in the an wwitmg shetoment, tory fire on the Fenians in the buiWiti;ra wild to Fart Cut ingbm finis tiro g' wttrlaffmo h.ir a or Cal raw. Tho h unr always apt to creep info Wlegrai . Partnership/- Really tier F.r)wilor in very welcome to For the same reason, we s-iplrosu, Mr. 700 of the 60th Rifles hare alread was kept up. As the latter rndravored )n enqui from a farmer I found that 4 1,nrts &till it is very difficult, wlied s„ w , - the god advice for which he u so "trip (,ameron'm nam° d�,es not appear m env forward and alto a portion of the (h tario to 1 I were picked off At there were no Fontana near Hvinssburgh, uu u ntr'ctly nufnmd ; and the r.,n• Those interested willplew bear in mind y o[ the divilmome which book place on thio , Batto,i Capt Cook and hi& \0 1 about 5 o'clock ear forces moved forward n"r"^y near Fort Coviajton. All rat thorn ,aro u that amid all [hear rorermw, Actio nThere, W distinguish fact fr'� gmtetul." 1t it W w a duty a well as a Amendments to the Sfauituba Bill. company here arrfrtxl at the SAult. to pick sip the dead who had fallen oo hti11'r"C°ad6d to join th•o•s at the t•:un{, rt elle Fentans uOrki r Ober and orderly. lichen. Thoro u nn doubt, �liow«vee the r ''tt the nee Act (or tie• registration of plitassre Wshowhim where L , "Just se ! exactly a wt antu:i tel," - J1any e,f them art pwnnless, and rm they. c,, partnerships comm into totes on tat Trout Royer. i -a informed that Aa lata the so.»tndrole 'in ho omits the alt ru FENIAN KVMOkx our side of the lines, sed to dis dodge tier a six °clock Oma bei pctam.I near F"rt ar,cwl terve )hey rare uuplate wish Mead gram' are a mrious l u1e era. All psnnersbips mud ba "nJ aka aro "truly grateful" that hs u fes p action seanrivl lir- Fesianv from &toddanl's tanner The b (lCnenl Foattr. Hasa s b. will sot t(nnu theta haul gmwrten in oho neem morning so douilo still amena^Ie b, wise cause its application to the whole County irk ane quantity, aro afloat in this vicinity. y Covington, bound file Troot liver am y Y reltatered procaine to th&t dal, under a u tau Apparent; and he stlects the Harbor The Collin wood Vuluntecr BattaL•un ha Preir¢s opine I • heaiy fit a on our meat .the Cdlector of thee {x,rt; acting .under rtermil them to stores, thoukh in th" `iStsW a"d li&rr &ppeamd in some strength xnahy of •2W ;ter which pwslty any ane Cmu'sel. Oor "ala ices" ha at All event `•t'Ant taut he may inaite out Cameron sel- bC•rn ran.utl G, held 'twlf in read'uos+ to bei withuRt hiltiapl any. ' Pneident Grant'e pfoclatrather, had en' uxrrcin,a of his dnty he pevents them at meets slung tier bonndarq of tie° eatrrn tend the eQuct u[ stnppdwg his pro -inns, I hng tie° country aid the County, for the be called out at a moment s notice. deiroured to µie their norma, but they Adtancing to the frontier. He a exerau- 14..vince. There u little doubt .al -o that «' mess wi isa w r ght W sus. Men in ,niserable drivel about -the ieor mann "kE of lies Town. It sould be very with- Tits RRTtuAT, had oral tau hed at faun, a he herd noo In his influence to get then, to disband .Yule of the rnamudurs have set their ,at. I. will tl u P 'rets - 4_ Leal old brood," amt ten ' p arsilg, thea rehrtke, if its want of fralh , , since her new wheclTix u i nen They drove tris r cnnns Irom the tan- soidien W ,,nut hint in carrying out his " vimg trwlo . - - o" ur , a t • u❑ a epos, r pray inform nn, when °' with Arens, saddl"aud bpm uiu, wero near Wet Earga number u return to their Iwmes. ed his peaty' by doing exactly a hu non- heir throe bmrtLs of the way ;end if she of the dead for burt&l on our pi lr, the eJ t ere at half price. A li4g• ul Pigam Hdl, ams siriy mfrs the price of flour in the County of Huron sttuerls field him. Ile •'sacrificed his lead nut slacked off, lis wait for do) -light, latter, who teed fief in an ensterl Jircc- Fort CocmgWn ve*terd•y stern xm ;Asst srriWd themselves of the,chauce, and went sat of ')tnntroal. bl,uiy-tongued rumor TOWN COUNCIL, It," burn comparatively loser than the Principles," Ly voting According to his we would have arrived at Culhngwuod Int lion, fired a vollry in return, and k illed Net tenmytrr, ltd n(,t kn t(, fmut River et•nth to-d&y. (imveml who IuJ net n,nnev desanben their intended objective points pries of tiee same in lifontrea) ( If, f,? cmwtence on the lately mooted question ni ht (24th ins4) a iI o'clock. .This iA rth their loads. It u- marl they went. rmmyh 4. pay . arried 27th Mt, 1870. ut a n#aG,nul p,Lc un wlich the people 6" i1 runnng. Capt. Wyatt is un bwsd"nd t °+ and wounded two tell them. Th; µ'est. The gnssltipt4 anises -µ'hers did in»' The a A}j'ortity u( thew ah t returned .as strothing all aha way from Quebec to The Council mat -Present, the Irlaycr example, wo export bo the Unita( 6tatm have espteas.J nu opinion at aha pills.- in, gang up adh ns to the t3Aatt. had a six pinndrr'If,Py-�t.ike tie fr atm arra All the arms W Wwn the &(temomn express the wish to DeaY (Ilrxry. Thos, art said W amtemp4re polo the chair, tie• teacart L'ouncillon Cli[• fl°ur to the value olt10,000,00U and im- •' He throe him,lf Into the arms of eer - rifi •d eaun4pi �jpm which thCy diacharF• uud Ls, the Fenialu iu the 1puaasnt esidl" t home. A few have.determned W joie paying special attention, to the destruction fiord Sinclair, $tnith, McK#a Gardiner, �,", an lon a Ties iet aoa Dors y P"r! W lho nine (,fllti s f3Mir¢a Csnier." Did lief µ'hen and y- to several rounds to draw the Bre of our this P•.int wero Wired near hero lalg &g•-' t n pwrtv at Malum, 'trhlch u under tie° of the Welland Canal, to an #attack on Howell, Roncinean and Letlur, Minutes we export $7,000,000 it i. the market As hew / We Lave to look to the Int clause ars ajl. -in gored health amt apilarK"and Orn, and ptite these in the • lley nn op- ,and it a a,ppoacd [heart tea"r hove only command of Gen. Giow?lu. for an ex Iw anxun,s to get ou to,the (:&real. IVur, t cnnroyrd them bo U,C old htdme place. - (1st O'Neal a still in vonfiw°iient st some portion of the Red River uxp edlti"n, of last meeting approved. Mondry me- the world that will regulate our prices,and f rx otL u11v to on ' the awndmleut et we fix the Fvu;aw i[ wt as u"ly get at �tunity to escape from the buiTfmg On a,.d tho k at Fnrt Cn4i 'o l alruut Rurhngton, anJ Gen. Spear r.lgns n•ro to and �e ple#asantl} re merles dntutrh Cmnt& wero disuused ui. Tho petition u! ^"t the gi,(100,(30p worth imp,rtrd, oho Maniwna Bill." µ'e never h6srd be- tnomE t.o are alxoilinK' fora brush. G/-NSRAL DnvfsLLT. noon, I aka told there tend txuq firing at ha ste.dl. asverls that 800 mea from Milwaukee an James Skimwiugm prwyinq W ha:* ens ^t kept cut by tLe Tari R. $o that. the fore that Cameron aka& in the way ut Aa soon u ever wn gee pmolppeeAy aettlaI Trent Rover, 10 nitl»t distant and tl A rumour was circulated this morning as Weir way to dencend on poor, devoted a state uE the nAries of the Wulf, a long "ahirkiag" the vote. Hut the F.rlw*tfyr YoiO will bear again from Yuuu Cual Pernod in command, who was ' Richard- • tela( that t [ (:rn&dtaw wero c• • 1 tagnant carter romnved from his g&.den, gra rfr cnlltsi en had wv at likely o,ccnrrel beiweim P �,»tench. ars re(errod W Round and Iiridgo olein. at aka expert arty gtuentity, u aha fixer ha w splendid mre t.,r heresy, W.,nld it ro�eaNr. �rin s house, with others, tried to escape, the Fontana and tie" Canadian trokle. ever,l num. h&l(,nr. iwtcr adviuon, hnw- mitW. The rafter true the Meehwia' tie° price of '•tl altar oho E..e"ny, i( wasaphuned that Mr but was shot i¢ lien back and erwerAl Altar duper I drove r(, 'front River,anJ ever date that the F Iw#aten it fine experience nn ('an&di.ti soil Institute of Ther right to the Grammar r As Camero"waa,mpelledthrutigDicktiesto re- ZURIUH• other were woundiod. The Fenians ware fnnnd, *tire emntgh, that thav had been "t Print Rtwertl , _. M1111- _ ,,LL r bean to to ropulwd to whence rheY fli lot anal amdhar h,t on N,•lar,n street the Ulrhe, of "th Marco /ukt, colors the turn homes few da •s before the not pursued over the lines. Three of the driven out of CA¢A t"at l l dc. k. Col• replied toretreat.era"the line tp kilone, a.», and compelled W lea%otheir vil wait accepted. John Craig■ license aka ) sPononcbred pUASN', etRTIMAY• where300of their number deserted and drbaable ra•olutinw wen carried, in the end that he is now confined to the house!- bodies were brought in by our men and Roe,,t ^ommanding the Regul&n, and Col. started forho ine. died and their baggage behind them. As rrdneed 810.00. The street In* ector's eadro+",r (n Iol ti l (Ary es, add all (Kar- The mean and p"Intime onam a film about The birthday rl her I'l,ywty the Queen buried decently, the (,..her were taken tic Ewclrren the V.dunteers. All wa Ctn- Thera ars an ••"urn intended cud Ueame acertailly, roport aka ad„Pled and the Hd �d anJ Jfl (hr jarwssr "ap°eulrtur and 'oblwn” fm 't }' an n ane t o the l'ouuty that every ° oily in A mat enth11sia- r r. a a nten ro o 5 00 "ads. wench fur anVt 11 that un, ! .,,rich and vici that 1 amot "" ` x"" view o I A greet man- -"roan b uraveu L r mike g PM we every one he wde c axon d he hem Acom certain apt al"n re "\ow, did fterar erietir W to the /ermer town and village within its bounds shonld tic manner. The trawl athletic sports TI1F. RRTRRAT. W lesrn tier poruculan. cut& out of tit, Alban.. If thin tumor ho rapwarea to repel the wntchw tad he hu Y pavane •cured• "hew much such pr(,teeti.,n told amount rwlwr and mcroao enol affunl a n,win Thrown among An,erianA and Fenians tune, and each sueuralitg ill g, A ho , A committee esu 1) ,or 0 to waiton Col. I 11 g were peorticip'ated in with a great amount The Fenians in their retreat throw swn s'aowvle 1. Prins Anhur tan, pith a R""" iso "btain 1t1 nr 30 (. stand of arms "W, and what he would gain by it 1 Li»,k onto -market for pnxluce. Does the y I had bo exs,roiw uutttvni, a■ I did not auk prove it, the mid is virtually over &i thus j "at tt even from the at&nd Count neuJ vmtant IAko communication °f spirit ; and rte usual feats of Running, their arms and secoutremerts, tmmrnse to attract attention by shoraink any British enol o- the Provmrp. watea at every tiall.ritry rnrthy of hu r(,yal ancedry, esu [°r the un, of •Town Guwnl.--Ad'ourned- pant fu the Y Jum m vmtiliea of which arc being icked u int the hire Attac'keJ,d ahe,.rtened by "rmnkont Prutctiunut. Teske flour aur ex- with'Chicwgo and nthgr ppwores- thnukhnul P g. hc., wero pwrfurmed in o man- 1 P P feeling. 1 exm fnnnd the Vohmteon nr molal* &riJ tailnre, withoutmono ore,na. a"" eget oho f(,romer! to flgh! in aur pose, TLe 8auit Oanal, "ample. Aeainst sums l2,Mf0,274 worth the wormer ( N'hat is tF,a roar,, we have nee that rciccted lireot .relit on the by the options from both Bides, Th it nil ceats, a that' aro celled, got high - Y Th• •.gnenoma of aha intelligence is excit "oE wLtell ae have imp„rted from the not a regular line of proprlden at prevent? muscle o[ the y,.nng men in thin neighh oto- f ill of artillery wa taken. The Trial credit for their Operated attack (,n the Fen- missanot, the Fenian oleoma of meeting "United .4w s, we have exported Lo the TLe wad of a Rate am efficient H"rb,or. ,petal• One oL the moat &Miami[ parts of isrrn did not arrive until mat of the hard tans, who had taken a pn"ition abut a wrill success this time. Su dnnLt, they 1e"1 °"r people ; bort throughout the The ('nited 8tatw Gorcrnment Iw wn- gg have iat, the of s lar a N„uml thorized the superintendent of the CAnsl I "Gutted alkent klO,Olg1,000 worth. Shut Ona we hire the Haler the conuuum- the days performances wa the Latium- fighting was over, but participated at the mile from the line, and lintel Wrn down R teat'y"n rat the .at them oxide not " mh•dow o! "out l4,Olxe,(tp0 worth, and ear will ex bhon well follow. What farmer, fruit- plana ; w cru fences end led ❑ aha awl* for breast- American p ,,ple, beat an art oyes rant a - ten,, B•eeV loyal volunteer snJ usLject tate n, gtnr,prsnd mm,itium oftwatr.tr'1'hfis ,�4' oho rahiu u( fi8,(1(p,p00 auoro th&npwe p Pag"t whisk apps gal at 0 clusoof the enhr"Krme¢t, p Ip p seine the ta¢ ble Loan of mdmev and pro• ower, cattle-raiwr, salt-manufacu'rer o cluck resentin (,firs o-eho most rotes, un, works, between wl ich they had kepri n a gr alis tarolste ►nJ cedes, 'ro&dy, syo ros<ITo' a buta grackilow concession µ'hat right "ennuih u Now' if we did nut produce *"old not hko to hay° theoptun of enter- ar1U amusing gwetmles ever wanes to - Ttlx vr.Nl.tr LOaq, ,thearp fire for aboat tan minntes. .Fm&lIy ^efunm, it dopes them Ilth: lidarl. I Hare anti wap bit to, the miscrauts when•er nr Lare aur to stn a f flour fur our own consum tion, g the Chicako market I Cameron ha Zurich or v'cintly. The company had - wan pix killed aid about twice that nom- they were compelled to retreat. Some ran spwken to some of ens urn, and Bed them Y t peaceful ex wdrtiun a tTto the woods on either side of the rood, earned m the helief that their peno.hal whenever tie• to aur awn 'l candor I "than would be • pvrsiLlay of ad`spiacing ."°Cured the mpeeJy cerLsinty of this, and bean thoroughly organized &rad .drilkoi, .bee wounded, end four prisonon. Thr dPnwat in the nn that & it perio the Y erases : for Uts word 6 -No Y ? "the rice o- what we have bY p,,tun a Town and County should iudh stand h each (i ne a Arm to character ; A few of and others went strap ht down the "led b, QcaaraR I A desire is univen►ll a*. '-- a P Pr"d $ hien. As Ion a Huron flourishes, the the mod worthy of ell were ' Bri ole -fo ur,dep( aro rhe taalpeA of the killed and their camp, w few h mdrod Yard. work of cause ie Irish tregnora Thu t(remt mts- "w, lon tirw duty on foreign �ce ; In, K 8n, measled. An far an sitecr[or Killed, take lies in that rant° of grea ,til - Praaapd (Cat the Feni#ares m#ay ane make The Rfo, ha net yet wnAamed our "w long as -we eepnrt f8,1/0(I,ITW worth, E Erle11111ur ii welcome "tis bay the moose." General ; The Indian Chief ; The Onluh K hse the line. The women in the village wen 'e"" P man and lady ; Nigger aench ; In the J°ray Rowc Burlin ten ; ilia i U'Bun, terribly •Lpned. Some retired to the G m� C•nsd"+- ig""once whuch ams snub a dreidwl danracutralion •ts wilt arficb snout the 'unfortunate p&sty.' In "in, the world" mnrkat wd pot the D• y hmren b • la e K' c r "noini(Au s that mat fix the rice ; in "ilk latest si le, faddy and the loafer arm'nd nleariah, N. 1. Tha naves of the other cellar and others ran ofd of their holes". Y ret portion of the an Ute opp,rtmiit► of terminmtenl v&irluslla,mpletdy hegs the qq ail and , P Ties ORNAMENTAL TRxrw.-Thio morn• Town. rhe rear of the whole land bring' Lrur aro rant known. µ'oundrd-(per. C&nridgew ps&srd,un•er tkeir herds acn,ss AMerican, ioeoplo- They leery it' they ones fur y gives In beaten. R'a alkali he 'words tLe IMmini(,n not being #able to , Auld once peep e a They d un if they annm-ance wed I all thin chronic magmumnoun rnongh to let hin, o$eay. ,,control the world's market the world wit ing "boy Fitzwilliam, was brought before brought up by a permonitiatbm of Hu Uunnelly, in the back ; Jon. Halligan, the line intra the Staten. A few Fenians ,Oro it to sttingthem know how a 'Satanic Majesty' begrimed, and be in trio arm ; Lieut. Edward Hnps,Bridge were won^ded. it %as noticed that veru ast ono-thtnl of our peepl° wooded "control oho UuMirtnna' HuW'unhiptha Mogor for mlebcinndyd°m decked in tie" m st urthol(,x infernal few of them amo back req the mad ; !ha Jnen their catiw. Thxy lxliec♦ the Haiti"ll peace -loving 1 p^pla, long nntraeal, takes WOOL Brews. -There tiro now some The EriuoAilur continues :- _ port, Conn., in oho thi h ; Fnnl: Aar vengeance "Len it pmclwimn No QIARTIIP, 7 or 8 parties engaged in this business, in- AI(win, says our contemporsry :- CouregHmeu& n&rc�r 1)n et it t'wast o hablimeafs of honup•tail Sc. After pared• ;raker, Briditeport, Co¢o 8 m the coin ; gree"t'er number soaped br the wrwals. .rmy to he with them at heart. and think "The dour consumin m !be Wwn end heir photo teed b if P R rheir sudden defeat at onoo led them W that one deefnrR victory would bring the Of to on iu c'"Orm I'l rill do welltoremem- stead of 2 or 3 a fnrmorly. There in, C.n- K pnbbc of Heron he vow, let off with A warnin If this e g E(r°p ) 1 • !►onto, Brid a ort, io the le Jamen ,{etermine W retire altogether ; and •t B m#ajrrcity n( aha rognl#an over to their side. will pry the local market -prig for that wanton ractico is seated in n exam le floor enterprising artist, A(r Onorgo Hsa, KCann, Fort 1;dwanl, in aha *nkk ; When Ooh "Hurd idea aro entertained bar thine thin, in tM mento» Canadirw sequently quiW a kern high itirn, anal Court 't whatever tLe mldJlo-men or' P thus, marched int ince orad escorted arks o'cb ck not m(,re than twenty -Bye of them wish M hA•e muted n papaw sir nngtng petty horpL. Phis u a }►(on:re&1 ,ria oRnr mdl*n ; #and thsAonr- will have to he made. The punishment heed inW Town. Trey next Appewrod tf _thee. (,arleton, C*mbri 1ge, sans ; Dayid were 4o art msen iu the neyphM,nrhvrd n( by int411'gent Americans, it o#aanot lis rat %their tormentors, ought to he. Consumi ublic of which meld tea Penn to t by east, is the Ibhc nitre d in a wow tea one, Ahern, Winooki, Vt., in the hip, thetramp. A good many n- thorn today rend°rod st tea the Faliana should think Ameries ha Laterad arks murdemw ng P Quebec will PaY • thr•ce Veas in the Fenitntiary. Ws ten M n,1 raftg R K an limo Dri» d, by w11oR'ing their circles W (,rgani, rhe Premier's Illnesw• I Price fur the article corse*p coding a:#act1Y perorate o(l rare indioed W mirschief mil( Ii�alh a rmllnleror f Swat$ aur b bLhedo ae eft r sir tl it that t gmDo time slier werokh Mr Bd6ned h C aired i Unif Ma l[- The general improairm hen is, that this _ to what eho middle -men chhas a the easel warn them o[ the penalty, and do what nn Ily aka tie"" raid will bis the Jat, and that the Fenian* aQAinat w nn her T*rrit„ry wnJ we do sot W dealer." r6 proceeded tr, append by the neck on an Jesd. al, of U Jenabmr was in thrix m&inn Iris • Ora vary sorry W hear, by Iwtont I they (yen, to prevent Hun Wunhip from g K' wdl sept fur • w#ar between Britain #atid &olm,roher any more fur aha taxi K Aoror sin to the nryfu'm*raft suppsnsin a:tmp,nitd ,affold, after which a firing afternoon, as aril an several United Sttra ► priwl#a- tele ams, aha the eonditnon n( Sir John g g beit.g nowpellgd W peat souk a sentance. parry dioharKel s couple of vette 'a into .'All sir PR'AnwRRm. wlhcton, ehn enJMvoured fol ,ixe tae the United States before strill another mation whiL•k PtvniJrnt ,rant ha issued A. M•edunald (of whose a»•dy recovery tie kk1l Ou semi Ierlglt(nral e -en• pre---_-r,,,__._.�__ )) Ca t Ainrnh blow [or Irish t�eednm. a the tat minnt of the t.elll h,a,r, pa per 100 IM. the naimie object of popular hat°, ho wait , Capl c rphy an Un other were e y R se their iurtally when a United! Roat., Illarshnll MOR'r'ne hopes ware entertained) has fir Rona the retail dealers of Se"forth and ArrtDstT.•� Daring the perfomnanee nl then ou[ dawn by some of ten excutinuen Y t1' y morn - arme, tier heve man* rd to t _- -w ~ gg arms transferred, to erlirA in order to be ha ado innloess tie"! mo tnraM haee ban, °h°"g°d very much fur the worse, U+leech might he Okla W bur tie° same arms rd the games (,n lhr Qnesn'n birth- wkn procoralel in w mock manner to per they wen mat near the Grace Ly wine of P LAT)etlT FROM FORT OARRY. P:Vrid At hi* command t-, toet,l a breach ++•- - nality of floor linin the same miller at day in Zurich, roar respected townsmen form the religious Obsel airs „ver the holy the independent company, who were re- Concealed, but a good many sold their "f neutrrhtt. Neither wall tardy -7- FATAL Art -„,,.-On Friday afternnoa That inn} lir the In icorl we nen, e ' of their victim, but this ceromony wa cunnottnnk and Murphy asked his way W arms at a small figure. w ,r the bug itenkr n/ Fenisniun will induce Int •middle .gad man named Thns. Erlvsilors's mind, and it ' m, h , Mr R Rrown, Reeve rel Hay, met with a suddenly interr[pded by the Appearance the Fenian heodgnarton, they offered to it is believed there were about 300 (Rel SlwrwAl Totgraph from Pill Corr,w "n to to annexal 4s a nation th,t hem n"t K q m the rather sere» wc:ident ray colliding with of Ain wtamc uealwtY' wh.o wrth trial guide them and led them int our ilnes.. Penteno, in the engagement, and *most J,noC(ent.) a(reukth °r elf- Turner l st ha life white engorged ire nr"It f a doxcn mttlen in Rer-.,Nh weal robe of ike jampsi m ; whnia hoot dntelf yells acrd demonime gedicul"tions clwirard Ttvo mnio pita pilary wor6 taken dhis,norn- 300 at the camp in the United Mister, who ep wi t entre to uds °I I him fnroibly on the Isee inflicting A limier-; the culprit a his own, and seising him ink by Lient.-Col. Mller, commanding ,QT. PAUL, Minn., blaj 2R, th c"'Wers W keep wtthia the bsndm M fleshing o n the farm of Mn, Brown, ° 1O{{'sting for flu Incl trate. When 'the which waA at A,rt sn pots, tnhe w fractoro, y tie° b2nd hsttalion, ut imide the linty, took mo part in it, and all have, it is re the internAhuntl law roangnised by all Huron Roel It a*eme the wholosal* mon of Montiv"1 aro presp�rad P bore him n$W the ntclint of a, adjacent 1' P tt iprrportied that At a Fenian meeting ariltnsd poor (°flow to pay nor mitten elO.W per 1001b,' .,r b'! our wnnhy phyn6awn Dr Morar" teeing sante. Thie tignro aka elinin pr»dncerl ,n The Indepcmdene Comp•np hold the tumid departed fur the fmnlier. held in this Cit nn ehn eyenin¢ mf N*y p ",,gh, W herr "etthsr mfr was Ly ing a Irax .t the botWm o>( LM •10:8(1 par barrel, then wheat will be K un hwnd pronounced it W tea nothing -the evening after having been saturated gro d, but are to return home to-ni ht if q ' t I find j ohildre ,rat Alghi ke nor hi#a r nave srnns lase at. w de tie ray 13 fast from the enrfaoe pep pe u" On rcac Ju \laluae tori oho, chddron and ahAll k,arp on unr own aka serinnA, and ander his skillful ttvatmitont g 26th, *boot h0 ince erre enmllod, sed P 30 r babel mod we venusro to predict with trolemn and Thorg�d with gnnp w- no farther demmnatmtion takes place. that fir'ty (luited 8ttee fronpn arched ogored their nerviees to Ko on the exptodi- wuder tie* brayeold wag in spite of ”. that, in much an imp+ssible saw, flour will Mr Rrnwn thmttfh still ably. to Ais lar aka, burnt amid the vol vening ape threethiindred Bron is at Freligharinrg, this a. m ,ard 100 ar6 oR ehn way able tion, or any movement their leaden might when the earth Andenl- caged in nn him progra g y. platne n- th6 spe6laWin- 'TAe evening aka K Thu "Won o[ the evening. Others aro to b° ted at W do n,A knew where the Fenian* tieing Covered wart, thew (est of earth, be sold locally At i'd2.bt) r barrel. A room in, win ta►minbl 1 P� "Karo upon, Lnlib al man poi°nR wen ennlJ attack os tMt w* wnnlJ he folitsd I Lf» w — --+• urther enlivened by a very Cerditable lir �8h battalion is at 8t"nbridgs, little AC nantnw with business world wvaral stations on the rose to protect rnllertnd-men II aa, of mars", extinct ere he could be prevent des Expositor from writin such YtRz IN AINLIiYVILLN- play rel flnworks, and arks "ca" on n[ etawT Rvxoatn r.A1•An Lt7w rR Ythe people from the F a y Mral men uibAoribi¢g IF,m b r to to m*et them. Ties !4mtheA dng out. He learssa rife mod two Child- rubbub. We rp•st that loon! Co y�IaeI1 wveml hautite ds &lns.dy beisehnq with bAvnn» qq y, wo es-tliorrI of the United pstrollr l ray Cr.s( sadi nfx tae nn quit desutyte. will pa for thwfr flniii rami a mach sa the �r {•r s^ rT' T-illk w4r's1f- ten o untnn! this A[tern,x,n. N„ return. 4 T i _ 1 y • t • Sates Army of this city Oro aid t" bo prig o�wheat at home will allow millers 13iessert. Aho^f k hill ",,ata Rrist Oporto to bI I . M $"sumer* cage b• snigle Canadian wa hurt in the fight. Tha A new festurp in the liestment of the that leaden of the Fenians in this neighbor- • - . -- sedated tie t & to - Penn Alfrr( is er TOMATO III.AVTN teles aero which ipt��tad p� and of the�e ht was to-diky visited hy• Fenun" by the United Stato" Authorities hop. sit•Atal that a twl•lr.m ear"dd make her � Rc -fir. Airs, to ak. Muntroal market rmesrt m .milt wsa burned W •heads meanie 1 tr Rrls lira flg etrstess #arulable eft Aabno ha nn hand and for ssls aR im- Y R• village making it risibiti�nall the large nnmliet of pC Salo hem h,oth Aides. iA, that the are not to bo serried Iree b,k i,er,nw tie• ehmw „( and du quot "Ft rr psr,Flmir sip ,rad r,°JA 1 NMhinq saygd. Qrigio of ire reokoowa ~ m' mor the A ht y The ,Ver ,Vorlio,aa of the 14th lafay in re• Iwk. Hur"m .w .t d,* 8.uft hear. M*rip mass quantity of ins sfron" tie* wens " Aset, ing to speculation and � ins neighbnnrhrKad. Tha while warm sig a ao atrmpt wt military to the plates whence they came by the tvlrei. 1t aunt*in* nn nevem n/imp rMn v. Canal. And where s,.. tri* ,iv fiwtof roil tomato the mp fy and dAmwnd for •x , what" a yet. _ _ - wound up by a ball in the Victoria Hntl evolutions were inside, bnth aides flelutipe i;overnmmnl, unr aro they la !r permuted k Yat r Can wlm, rat pleats. (Iles Aim an ! " pp parva kdx than mm ear y all. the market re ,rt rat Hu ,(or nirmrhs -- t where Uap d"each and me �n IWla�, �_a,.t 1 _ • _ ,. large spikes. its o°°upiad by the dote f . emr14 n•A pwt-ar to te.ve rvrn,der. Ha heA p nwlt a p ,. . aka.... r'...o r• - t , wer6 /rte Tiii o 1s_ , him 11saA oa..I .hop a 1.M sea ..,•..e _r •.•.• -••ear -I-• , -;� ,A... .«FR'. r.,, �N • •. t,lb xJrKAttat•e n�wm.`rTy. t t+rrrw rwR •. N�.Ma...n .. • ,,: Pttiia'f Tis /A Mlilhtl,i and (,thea b•ddln _--, res,« ° '""••-. _'••�.,. •- �, ` ALean Mario'"• Com anies. About 200�Fontana arrived ygga mold mndssee W tie* R. ter s coin re- of tivalench ha tie• honor of h"ing sip aha /w#alto which, ear sir nM certain, P lowlnt eamo4 from •Imo; aditoeid Iea1 S., a" the w.te ,in. th« F*nfw"s *I,"ld t -M I not (snfs hr ..'"m eat clue r omti•,n i ha would diyo m• �p inted to lead the Pineau detachment TMGn"diwtn nndnnht*dlt held •very n the 3 311 m, train linin ('bin A fit0 dw InyAl u,h.6dann d thou, in the Earn, of which th Y P• he ei " (ebem.lu in Canada:"- ot Mramtul.r Ike haat warietir" Mr, Wog nos to a "set eh* local 'knit lien ex� (codes fn ar- on th. pled hover ex ratio. He hu Tus Psswv RTtAntrtin - NMwith0laool- dam l ear load to "Gra it tier way from the eAwt, "The perplexities abroad enm•rrel wb a arm alrowdr ,n owMr,r «s ,ear t del of troukle sold dee ryes a ing other excitement, a vary fair atlawd FstHRlr edwan,sed, #aml w,thont & maoh d I,iue arrivals will mskr •Wal of I, IoM ' thiA atif(,rtnmfe eauntry and near rable r tier .n- Raba semen! ss that n,4 wpwnt in feet. Ws ' yen war asn,at Oatkfactiun the f#ar. sfeapsa/.d .rTi•al o- Nntrh .pill Canadian seg ment. scoot- a al W the er M y aaee wa siren W this favorite aafirtfetw• trMwM�R IOW ttrsntld leave twpn prrfect ru the Now York frontier• Name have proal". pari•nee of every Amar• - - ---- - ttlM�sr 'lk VW&n,t afato that the ting Th to teacrnma irloamor dt kmp,sr sell(, has Etta tfo ur reop.trtd falling A Ynvwn Ttrw tdAw. -- A'" ono dessert anent, H. 1, IHayle, Fig., oceupf sd lies y interned bsek b tela. p('ppr��tpp y' !I stela raid is rano larva O', T I P bwd onNative w m flaw of M6 3 Jadgi,n}f by oho ennlrnt" of our lat.r I.4•p. fhr dwmdmwe"ronsy -I 4ir Ties wOmther trss m ,w,oab,, and bas been gt•ieveronaly des&p rhatr. I )so waders mrrw : Mem,lrs. J. T. y Et tM onurs* the nail 1s new a war : awl it MY'r at,wd. y h ti ,Mia qry ked awd ppeitted to Aad "et home the price wu to barn that Mr. Fred. W Johnston h4"IATrnw W, P. (` fimaN, .-a lrrnnuq, and /wpWiuwr hrane in thaNection. n, wit 1 r*J,Ltal is w "Id M. " ffaaM. It ro IMlen. Canada and Red Rir»r have M Ajl *rose ,slywea v if thin msa►ryP o s,,,, a" t- Lor the aeawn, sad • i'r^d ` = T,46ir OU r a ceerlftable, examinotfeo before t . C e M'.. - o bean bo in at crnaN it it and ekMtais11tak weak, vs,... l o of sa�� fl"+w neat pmbtMs tie&! Msy will sltamp4 t" „ wHl anrllw"* t de Ao ow Imo x'"41 ---- i1! W Jsat dra I{ n aria n nolle a just bsliw►w"iae tiatre•atvua R awj new pliant. If tlta/ dnI R fes• al- "^� : _ y da well known tin r ffarry 4mithaong"pveral tapfol • rep, twfm that Mown Miller A Mar,"'s however, tbey all be m"atn to get shale „ ilodni;(, ambiti"nts me are allowed to 1GO; i to su,w.•, I ' is"" 14 "A "vpwfir. ' .arglet� a all and we -1611 Mm Eatery sreosel tea ass ITar"r„ pl" m the *, ,ii Navin (Iris •ml flaw -Mill", at Rivonwdale aM1Ciw fba► light. f/ M �I•titeual 7 f tin .^ * rlsnwrt*. f will advise nu whoa ►hi sec• ` mfisen,or the (urbhr minds of the T)n _ —�,R,wW ctamju 1 aka X a l !e L- !' A blrti _ t�l,n�r�e)lya ard ,.a i1trA,illri(1tI� Uk4.lA$l""mtrw :sem... rr ilisu.1�;p aro "orrylty�, g 8000t. arm,,,_ i n `mom -Ai':"'�:. -w"�;---",x. -XV W4Ut. _: sir y -MMKVk . „w,�.. -:• lhtint !u firy k ,talo*- _ _ -.� .a.«..._ -�. - _ r. _ ..._.., - -. ,- T_. _ _ ��_._.. _ . ""� �..`..R' * ,, - �� _ S: a r ' ~ - • "• - y«..aa-r....a,ro�. —...M..w, .,-..1•..ww,w,•�••+•••- • .Ya•ga