HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-07-23, Page 10CLASSIFIED RATES WORD:COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined lay hyphens count as separate words, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum 80c, SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 31ic per word, minimum 70c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1.30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion, BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c . 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 I July 23, 1970 9 Services 13 For Sale Page 10 13 For Sale 16 Property For Sale 16 Property For Sale BOOKKEEPING SERVICE-Mr. G. R. Paul (Second year C6A) Lucan, Ont. Phone 227-4584. 7:16tfnc GOOD USED NEW IDEA re- verse flow furnace in excellent condition. Murray Neil, 126 Vic- tore St. W., Exeter, 23* Classifications TOWERS-TOWERS-TOWERS - 40' tower $50.00; Antenna $8.00 to $80.00; Boosters, rotors, etc. Complete CHANNEL MASTER antenna system, The tower king. Max's T, V., 238-2493 Grand Bend. 4:9tfnc low, close to schools. Family room, living room, dining room, utility room; newly decorated. Garage, EXETER - 3 bedroom house, close to Riverview Park. Johns Manville siding, oil heat, attach- ed garage, Priced right. HENSALL - Large brick house with apartments upstairs and down, completely self contained. Excellept income property, EXETER - 11 miles east of Exeter on Highway 83, approxi- mately 41 acres. Excellent lo- cation for 3 or 4 homes or small factory. EXETER - Red brick, 3-bed- room home, centrally located Full basement; living room, 4- piece bath and nice large kitch- en, EXETER - 3-bedroom house with aluminum siding. Electric heat; full basement; broad- loom in the living room, large kitchen and eating area, HENSALL - Large brick home about 21 miles from Hensall. Four bedrooms, large kitchen and dining area; full basement; 4-piece bath. This house has been completely renovated and qualifies under D.V.A. EXETER - 3-bedroom brick home with attached garage, full basement, large kitchen area, 4-piece bath, good size living room. Good location. EXETER - House divided into 2 apartments, self contained, sit- uated on large lot. This prop- erty is suitable for a market gardener or for subdividing in- to 5 lots. Barn on property. EXETER - Two storey, 3 bed- room brick house located on Main St. Living room, dining room, basement, 2 piece bath upstairs, 3 piece down, large kitchen, oil heat. Double ga- rage. Price right. EXETER - Brick house, 2 storey, in good repair. Modern kitchen, living room, dining room, 4 piece bath, oil heat, close to Main St. CREDITON - Income home, 3 apartments each with 2 bed- room, kitchen, living room and bath, Drilled well. Apartments remodelled 10 years ago. Priced for quick sale. Good return. ZURICH - One storey frame house, asbestos siding, full base- ment, garage. Reply Box BINIM The Exeter Times-Advocate or phone 524-6664. 16:23c DASHWOOD- 3-bedroom home. Completely modernized, broad- loom living room, full bath, large kitchen and eating area, utility room, oil furnace. Phone 294-6604 or 451-4934. 16* 3 OR 4 BEDROOM brick house, living room, dining room, kitch- en, 4 piece bath, sewers con- nected, new roof, new gas fur- nace, 221 Main St., first house north of Beaver Lumber. Con- tact 024 c-tB7li l Belling at 235-1373 or 2 6:4tfnc EXETER - Duplex with sewer- age. Three bedrooms each; liv- ing room, kitchen all on one floor, full basement, oil heat, one garage, paved driveway, New vinyl siding. Close to schools 2hoo3l540sa9n6d downtown. 234-6420 or 7: 2tfnc 1. Lost, Strayed Z Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6. l3usiness Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales CUSTOM COIBINING - Grain, beans and corn. Don Parsons, 262-5160. 23; 30: 13c LUCAN RENTAL & SMALL EN- GLNE REPAIR - 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs. 6:4tfnc HAVE WELL? WILL CLEAN - Done by Murray Glanville, Dial 234-632e Crediton, 7:23tfnc BACKHOE WORK DONE - Also septic tanks and drain beds in- stalled or serviced. For fast, efficient service phone Pete Butler, Lucan 227-4312 or 227- 4254, 4 : 16fnc COMBINING grain and beans, Lucan - Exeter area. Phone 227- 4380. 23:30:13c DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tfnc HORSESHOER - Hand forged shoes, trimming. Graduate of Mid - Western School of Horse- shoeing. Contact Ross Elliott, Egmondville. 527-0118. 9:16:23* CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain, beans and corn. Three large machines and trucks. Phone Wayne Woods, 294-6576. 9:16:23:30c DON'T READ THIS ! Spinwash- ers $147,77; 23" Deluxe stove $199.95; 18 cu, ft. chest freez- ers $199.95. First with the best for less. Complete line of LEONARD APPLIANCES, No reasonable offer ever refused, You're right, it's Max's T.V., Grand Bend. 238-2493. 4:23tfnc REDUCED PRICES SELF UNLOADING plywood grain box, 100 bus., fit on any 1 2 ton '68 truck or wagon. Con- tact Max Dueharme 236-4715, 23:30* on all LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TILLERS LAWN FURNITURE INCLUDES SERVICE ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6: 25tfnc DRYSDALE CREST HARDWARE 120 BASS ACCORDION - Phone 229-8783. 16:23* HENSALL 262-2015 ONTARIO 16:23c WHITING'S USED FURNITURE 1 Lost CAR MAT - Green carpet, No, 4 Hwy. between Exeter and Hensall. Phone 235-2407. 23* ADVERTISING The shortest route to business profits 9 Services 10 Livestock For Sale 14 Wanted To Buy BRUCE REFRIGERATION - Sales and Service - Commer- cial and Domestic. Kelvinator wringer washer, special price, $139.95. Grand Bend 237-3320. 7 : 9tfne HOLSTEIN HEIFERS ready to freshen. Ralph Weber, Dash- wood. 23c BOARS - 4 purebred Hemp- shires. Phone 227-4839. 23c Bedroom suites; beds, springs and mattresses; cribs; youth beds; chests of drawers; dress- ers; unfinished night tables; wardrobe; pianos; televisions; chord organs; radios; record players; tape recorders; coffee and end tables; chesterfield suites; lazy boy chair; table & floor lamps; spinning wheel; fireplace screen and grate; clocks; pictures; washing ma- chine; Hoover portable washer; automatic dryers; chrome and wood kitchen suites; round ta- bles; dining room suites; china cabinets; desks; sewing ma- chines; vacuum cleaners; floor polisher; 26" and 22" girls' bi- cycles; lawn m owe r; lawn sweeper; tarpaulins; golf carts; small boat; book exchange. WHITING'S USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES & THINGS Phone 235-1964 Corner of Wellington & Carling Sts., 2 blocks west of Main St. 23c MOTOR FOR HONDA 50 Sports. Phone- 237-3452. 23c AN AIR MOTOR WINDMILL - Must be in good condition. State price. Send replies to Joni E. Byler, Apple Creek, R.D. 1, Ohio, USA 44606. 16:23* HENS - Best prices paid for goose and duck feathers; ticks. M. Platt, 34R9 Medina; 537-8594 Woodstock or write RR 1 Beth- any, Ont. 4: 16-5: 7*tfne TIMBER - Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Rob- ert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig giving location and phone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. 3:5tfnc IN HENSALL- Black dog, part Collie, part Cocker Spaniel, 1 white tip on tail, white mark on face, anslaers to "Tippy". Phone 262-2325, 23c The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario Property for Sale Township of Usborne The Commission is offering for sale a one-storey concrete block service building and two frame garages, together with an "L" shaped 2.416 acre parcel of land having a frontage of 165 feet on the east side of Highway No. 4, just south of the Town of Exeter in Lot 14, Concession 1, Township of Usborne. For f,u r t h e r particulars please contact A. H. Cass, 1075 Wellington Road, Lon. don, telephone 434-7391, Ext. 413, Offers to purchase must be received by the undersigned before 4 p.m., Eastern Day- light Time, July 27, 1970, at 620 University Avent, To- ronto. The sealed envelope containing the offer to pur- chase must carry indentifica- tion that it refers to the Ex eter Property. Each offer -to purchase must be accompanied by a certi- fied cheque payable to The Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario for at least 3% of the amount of the offer and cheques will be returned to the unsuccess- ful bidders. All offers to purchase must allow until August 21, 1970, for acceptance or rejection and must not be withdrawn until after that date. Offers must also allow until Sep- tember 30, 1970, for closing of the sale. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. E. B. EASSON, Secretary. QUALITY FARM RELIEF SERVICE for milking, chores and field work. Box 58 Ilderton. 666-1797, 6:11-7:30c CUSTOM BACKHOE WORK - Also custom combining of all crops. Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensall, 6:lltfnc 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 3 Male Help Wanted 1962 FORD GALAXIE 500 - As is or will sell parts. Apply to Lloyd Reynolds, 235-1917. 23c TWO 1958 LINCOLNS for parts. Good motors. Phone 235-2653. 6:11tfnc MAN FOR RETAIL bread route for Canada Bread. Phone 482- 7974. 23:30* SHEET METAL MECHANIC, with oil and/or gas installation experience preferred. Steady employment. Call 235-0487. 16:23* CARPENTER W 0 R K of all kinds. Concrete floors, side- walks, etc, Gary Jones, Lucan. 227-4156. 6:11-7:16c SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc SINGER - SALES &. SERVICE- Your authorized representative will be in Exeter every Tues- day. Phone Walper's Tip Top 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan after 6. 1:30tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 11: 21tfnc TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfne FARMERS' INCOME TAX Serv- ice. Complete bookkeeping for small businesses. Lucan 227- 4851. 5: 21tfnc ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 Dashwood. 4:9tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill, 294-6321. 23tfn c 1966 METEOR 289 Standard, 2- door sedan. Call 236-4834. 23:30* WRECKING FOR PARTS - 1963 Chrysler hardtop; 1960 Cadillac hardtop. Phone Hensall 262-5005 after six. 23* 4 Female Help Wanted CLERK TYPIST required from September through April an- nually for small office in Cen- tralia. Experience not essential. Phone 228-6631 between 9 a.m. and 12 noon daily. 23* A CAPABLE WOMAN required August 3 for general house- work, Nice private room. Live in. Good home. No children. Phone 262-2101 after 5. 23c APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of secretary and stenographer at Huron County Health Unit headquarters of- fice in Goderich. Duties are mainly secretarial and clerical but include some work in School Health Services and Child Health Clinics. Applications, giv- ing curriculum vitae and the names of two persons to whom reference may be made, should be submitted to Dr. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health, Court House, Goderich, as soon as possible. 16:23c 15 Wanted 13 For Sale ONE MALE BOARDER - Call 235-2967. Andrew St. N,, Exeter. 23* SELLING- Case combine, mod- el "65" for parts. Phone 237- 3269. 16:23* FRESH EGGS - Graded and candled. Marcel Verlinde, No. 4 Hwy., IA mile north of Hensall. Phone 262-5608. 7:2-8:6* DASHCHUNDS and Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers. A. Macin- tosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 1:8tfnc SAVE 20% on top quality Alma- tex Paints. Webster Signs, Exe- ter. 7:16tfnc 2 QUARTER HORSES - Mare 5 years old; gelding 4 years old; Appaloosa filly colt, 1 year old. 235-1207. 23c ADJUSTABLE FRONT AXLE for Super C tractor. Phone 237-3452. 23c 16 Property For Sale FRESH CHICKENS ready for roasting and barbecuing. Quick frozen and government inspect- ed. Marien Vanderhoek, RR 3 Zurich. 237-3324. 23c HOOVER washing machine, in good condition. Phone 235-0311. 23nc SOLID BRICK 11 storey home, 3 bedrooms, 11 baths, large kitchen. Sewers, oil heat, 100 amp. wiring, new roof, built-in closets, close to schools. Nicely treed, lot, extra lot also avail- able. 167 Main St. Phone 235- 0751. 7:9tfnc LARGE 4 BEDROOM home, close to schools and downtown, broadloom living room, sepa- rate dining room, family room with fireplace, central hall with open staircase, one 4 piece, two 2 piece bathrooms. 308 An- drew St. Phone 235-2044. 3:5tfnc ATTRACTIVE RIVER FRONT lot in Exeter, 80'x110'. Sewers available. Phone 235-2190 day- time or evenings 235-2066. 5:7tfnc Wilson's Jewellery JOHN BURKE Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 7:16tfnc Charles E. Pinner PAINTING Exterior, Interior PAPER HANGING Commercial, Industrial, Domestic Farm Buildings CREDITON 234-6262 16:23:30:13c QUANTITY OF WHEAT STRAW. Don Parsons 262-5160. 23c CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER INNES WINTHROW pickup, 7 ft. Fits any combine. In good con- dition. Phone 262-5075. Ted Oud, RR 2 Hensall. 23c WE SELL AND SERVICE Chrys- ler Marine Products. Boats, motors, accessories. 1970 - 3.6 fishing motors, $179.00, Thomp- son - Warner Motors Ltd., 238- 2036 Grand Bend. 6:lltfnc ATTRACTIVE 1/2 acre lot, inter- section of 23 highway and Hur- on County road 11. Former Whalen Church property. Lot is well drained, new well, mature trees, good gravel drive and useable foundation. Contact Wm. Marley, first farm north of lot or W. Morley, 322 An- drew St., Exeter. 23: 30:13* NEW HOME with attached ga- rage; 3 bedrooms, living room, family room & hall, all broad- loom; 11 baths; dining room, kitchen and utility room, with Corlon floors; sewers connected; electrically heated. Harold Tay- lor 235-0574. 4:23tfnc Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 5:21tfnc TIME - MONEY AVON Representatives sell near home - choose their hours - get good discounts - earn ex- cellent money. Territories avail- able in Centralia or Hensall areas. Write MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Ave, London, Ont. 7:16-8:27c 1966 YAMAHA 80 - $90.00; also German Shepherd dog, pure- bred, 1 year old, good with children, to give away, prefer- ably farm home. Phone 234- 6320. 23c Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck EXECUTIVE DESK CALL JB AT 1863. COMBINE - Allis Chalmers 90, 71' cut, with pickup, used 3 seasons. Have to sell due to ill health. Phone 237-3414. 23* DACHSHUND and Silver Poodle pups. Registered, purebred stock. Glenreid Kennels, Kippen. 262-5052. RED BEETS - 500 for a six quart basket. Wesley Hackney, north end of Exeter. Hay P.O. 23:30* BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK Executive model, demonstrator with right hand run off. Two filing pedestals with work or- ganizer filing system built into and across width of desk. Sug- gested retail on this modern piece of furniture is over $600.00. You can buy it for $325.00 plus tax. LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL requires a FULL TBIE "The Centennial Office" It's cooler to stay home and shop the classified page. HOUSES FOR SALE ZURICH - 4 -bedroom house, aluminum siding, downstairs recently renovated. Oil heating. Full basement. ZURICH - 3 bedroom house, insul brick siding, living room, dining room, large kitchen. EXETER - Frame bungalow, 2 bedrooms, oil heat, garage. Huron St,, Exeter. A nice place to retire. Priced reasonable. EXETER - A 3-bedroom house on Anne St. Propane furnace, with the inside and outside ren- ovated. Make a reasonable of- fer. EXETER - Beautiful 3 bed- room home, completely modern- ized, oil heating, large living room. A good buy. EXETER - Brick house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, living room and dining room, close to schools, large lot. EXETER - Eleven years old, 2 bedroom brick house on Sim- coe St. Carport with storage compartment, Oil heating. EXETER - 3 bedroom bunga- HESS JEWELLERY Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc SCHOOL SECRETARY Duties to commence August 31, 1970. Apply in writing by August 3 to: MR. A. MATHERS, Principal Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD 23:30c EXETER Large home resently tii 2 separate apts. $85.00, $90,00 per 111,,,,ctOchanged to private home with minim dVexpense. Large lot, terms can be arranged. SIGNS BY WEBSTER SEE IT AT THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 6:25-7:30x ZURICH . WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING Work Guaranteed FINE SELECTION OF WATCHES BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS DIAMOND RESETTING 7: 9tfnc P. T. 0. HAMMER MILL; Case 14" half ton mixer. Phone 229- 6202. 23* CHERRIES - Pick your own at Murray Bros. Orchard, five miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road. Choice quality cherries. Montmorency's ready now. 16:23c HEAVY DUTY WINCH; used ornamental railing; 2 and 3 ton chain falls; trolley to run on I beam; steel work bench with steel drawers. Apply Ham- ilton's Machine Shop, 20 Nelson St. or phone 2354655. 23c EXETER New split-level, 3 bedroom home, Sanders St. E. Terms can be arranged with a down payment of $4,000. Sale priced $21,500 ALL FROST PROOF • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS REFRIGERATORS REDUCED TO CLEAR HENSALL - Commercial corner at Main and No, 4 Hwy. Inquiries invited, EXETER 3 bedroom Main St., living room, dining room, 2 baths, needs redecorating. Ideal family home. Terms. PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 2:Stfnc DEN'S APPLIANCE SERVICE T.V., Radio, Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Toasters, Irons, Razors GUARANTEED SERVICE To All Makes of Appliances, Large or Small CALL 235-2215 DENNIS GROGAN 197 ANNE ST. EXETER, ONT. (Former Service Manager at Traquair Hardware) 16:23:30* REGISTERED NURSE HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Applications are invited for the position of Registered Nurse in the self-applied topical fluo- ride preventive dental pro- gramme in Huron County. Transportation will be required as duties include work in schools throughout the county. A car allowance is payable, Applications, giving curricu- lum vitae and the names of two persons to whom reference may be made, should be sent to Dr. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health, Court House, Goderich, as soon as possible. 23c EXETER' ($3,500 ble mortgage),3 bedrooms, 2 storey bdrSigie modernized, full basement, oil heat, ONE WEEK ONLY INCLUDES SERVICE TO GIVE AWAY - Collie pups. Phone 234-6253. 23c ELECTRIC STOVE; lawn swing; buffet and hutch; Quebec heat- er; army bed and mattress; handmower; baby basket with new mattress. Phone 228-6702. 16:23c DRYSDALE CREST HARDWARE HENSALL ONTARIO 262-2015 16:23c ZURICH 100 acre farm, 10 acres in wheat, all rest fall ploughed. 2 storey brick house, spring well, available for spring planting. GRAND BEND 25 acres south on Highway 21, vegetable storage concrete block warehouse included. Any reasonable offer will be considered, CLINTON We pay $5.00 to $15,00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License # 237-C-70 1:29tfnc Mr. Businessman POULTRY FARM for sale. Modern brick home. Large laying pen and barn set up ready to go. EXETER Serviced bldg. lots, Dow Subd 'vision. EXETER Large 4 bedroom family home, Priced Low for quick sale, Kitchen, living room, dining room, oil furnace, Sale price $9,500. Very reasonable terms, ZURICH New 3 bedroom, split-level home. Livingroom, dining room, kitchen, electric heat, Well located on a large lot 66 x 198, Terms can be arranged, Attention 6 Business Opportunities Sign For Ren Change of Address CANADA .BREAD- Toastmaster franchise retail, wholesale route involving Seaforth, Lucan, Cred- iton, Ailsa Craig, Centralia and Grand Bend. Phone 235-1775 evenings, 23c BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING LAND CLEARING Located on Highway 21 North of Grand Bend CONTACT SIGNS BY WEBSTER Grinsven & Butler LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We nOW pay for freshly dead or disabled cattle and horses Weighing over 500 pounds. Small calves also picked up. For efficient service call coiled, 245-0836 or 22Y-4312 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License 201-C60 6:12tine 9 Services' Chas. Bruinsma RR 2,GODERICH INVISIBLE MENDING -- Cuts, tears, burns, disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 149 Waterloo St., 235-0923 after S 1,,m, 7:2-8:6c CUSTOM SWATHING - Self- propelled 1.0i ft, swather, Ross Skinner, phone 229-6304, 16:23:30c HODGSON LIMITED INSURANCE - REALTOR Phone 235-2420 Ph. 524-9804 2 miles east of Goderich on Highway 8. Amoispilmowsunompamoopoome • VICTORIA ST. 235-0680 EXETER M, J. Geiser J. A. Kneale 1