HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-06-04, Page 10".•••••• o 25i DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 CLASSIFIED RATES FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5i per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4d per word, minimum 8(g. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 31/2 4 per word, minimum 70g. SEMI-DISPLAY - First insertion, $1,50 per column inch; subsequent insertions $1.30 per column inch, Minimum size in this category 2", Accepted in multiples of 1/2 ", BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25( per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards pf Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 24. IN MEMORIAMS $1.25 plus 104 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -30 words $1.25, each additional word 2d, Subsequent insertions deduct 501. 1 Lost BOY'S LIGHT BLUE JACKET, hockey crest No. 4, on fair t grounds. Phone 235-0343. 4" DOG - Large brown and black dog missing in Dashwood area. Phone 237-3479. 4c 4 Female Help Wanted 13 For Sale BRICK - 15,000 to 20,000 white back-up brick, $20,00 per 1,000. Phone Ken McCann 234-6401. 28:4:11:18e 20 ACRES OF GRASS for hay. First year cutting, Apply lied- ley May, 235-1737 Exeter. 28:4c SET OF PAN DRUMS - One year old, good condition. Phone 482-7069. 4* OLIVER 77 TRACTOR; Interna- tional baler, model 45; Interna- tional rake. Contact George Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia. 4:11* BOY'S BIKE - CCNI 28", excel- lent condition, fully equipped. Phone 228-6825 Huron Park. 4c FARROWING CRATES - With or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, phone Hensall 262-5282. oamc 14 Wanted To Buy LADY'S BICYCLE in good con- dition. Phone 294-6528. 4* SMALL FORD AND FERGUSON tractor; also buggies and cut- ters. Apply Box C M M Exeter Times-Advocate, 4: 11 : 18: 25c HENS - Best prices paid for goose and duck feathers; ticks. M. Matt, 34R9 Medina; 537-8594 Woodstock or write RR 1 Beth- any, Ont. 4:16-5: 7*tfric TIMBER - Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write Rob- ert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig giving location and phone number, or phone 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. 3:5thic 15 Wanted URGENT - Girl wishes ride to London daily, 8:30 to 4:30. Call 235-0283 after 6:00 p.m. 4* CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. re- quire boarding houses for the period June to November. Please phone Personnel Office at 235-2445. 28:4c 16 Properly For Sale EXETER - Duplex with sewer- age. Three bedrooms each; liv- ing room, kitchen all on one floor, full basement, oil heat, one garage, paved driveway. New vinyl siding. Close to schools and downtown. 234-6420 or 235-1066. 21:28:4c 3 BEDROOM HOME - Living and dining room, kitchen and laundry room, family room, patio, broadloom throughout, 3 piece bath and shower; at- tached garage; beautifully land- scaped. Phone 235-2736. 4:11e ATTRACTIVE RIVER FRONT lot 'in Exeter, 80'x110'. Sewers available. Phone 235-2190 day- time or evenings 235-2066. 5:7tfnc 9 Services LUCAN RENTAL & SMALL EN- GINE REPAIR - 128 Market St. Phone 227-4412 for your small engine repair and rental needs, 6:4tfnc CHOICE TOP SOIL, crushed gravel, pit run gravel, washed stone, delivered, Phone Earl Soldan 262-5638. 28:4:11:18c LET US SPRAY your lawns with Super-D-Weedone. Eradi- cate dandelions and other un- sightly weeds. Call: Keith Lov- ell, Kippen. 262-5618. 14:21:28:4c STUD SERVICE - Thorough- bred, dark brown, 16.2 hands, excellent conformation and dis- position. Registered and grade mares. Call Tom Shoebottom, liderton 666-0289. 4:11:18:25c GARDEN DISCING; lawn cut- ting. Phone 236-1122, 4:23tinx HAVE WELL? WILL CLEAN - Done by Murray and Richard Glanville. Phone Crediton 234- 6326; Parkhill 294-6427. 4:16*tfnc BARN PAINTING - Ask about our guarantee. Free estimates. Phone 234-6202. 4:30-6:25c BACKHOE WORK DONE - Also septic tanks and drain beds in- stalled or serviced. For fast, efficient service phone Pete Butler, Lucan 227-4312 or 227- 4254. 4: 16fnc SEPTIC TANK SERVICES-Re- pairs and installations. No muss or cutting up lawns. Pumping distance up to 150' For imme- diate service phone Grand Bend Sanitation Service, 238-2291 or 238-2923, 4:9-6:11* PAINTING - Exterior and in- terior. Residential and commer- cial. Twenty-five years' experi- ence. Tom Walker, phone 235- 0722 Exeter. 5:21ffne FARMERS' INCOME TAX Serv- ice. Complete bookkeeping for small businesses. Lucan 227- 4851. 5:21tfnc ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 Dashwood. 4: 9tfnc SINGER - SALES & SERVICE- Your authorized representative will be in Exeter every Tues- day. Phone Walper's Tip Top 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan after 6. 1:30tfne VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 11:21thac TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10: 19tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial. Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed, New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:Stfnc 13 For Sale NEW HOLLAND HAY condition- er, model 404, like new; John Deere Gyrmor, 6 ft. cut, new. Phone 229-6214 Kirkton. 4* BANCHEE GO-CART, like new, $150.00 or best offer. Phone 238- 2616 between 5 and 6 p.m. 4* FIVE 6 WEEK OLD healthy kittens to give away to a good home. Phone M4-6446. 4c BICYCLES - Two 28" and one 26" girls' bicycles, Phone Lucan 227-4117. 4c STRAWBERRIES SOON - Plan to pick your own and save, at Harry Greb's on Hwy. 83, 2 miles west of blinker. 28:4:11* TOWERS-TOWERS-TOWERS - 40' tower $50.00; Antenna $8.00 to $80.00; Boosters, rotors, etc. Complete CHANNEL MASTER antenna system. The tower king. Max's T. V., 238-2493 Grand Bend. 4: 9tfnc DASHCHUNDS and Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers. A. Macin- tosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays, 1:8tfnc 10% DISCOUNT on top quality Almatex Paints. Webster Signs, Exeter. 6:26tfne DON'T READ THIS ! Spinwash- ers $147,77; 23" Deluxe stove $199.95; 18 cu. ft. chest freez- ers $199.95. First with the best for less. Complete line of LEONARD APPLIANCF.S. No reasonable offer ever refused. You're right, it's Max's TV., Grand Bend. 238-2493. 4: 23tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Free estimates. Li- censed and Bonded Dealer with the Consumer Protection Bu- reau, Phone 235-0722 (collect). 2: 12tfric USED MINK PENS, suitable for rabbits, different sizes, Apply Francis Fur Farm, Kirkton. 229-6294. 28:4* TAG-ALONG TENT TRAILER- Phone 235-1427 after six, 4c A SMALL THRESHING machine (White), all steel, in fair con- dition. Reasonably priced. Best offer. Phone 228-6634. 28:4* DUO-THERM oil space heater with blower and pipes. 185 Carling St. 4:11* CORN PLANTER- 4-row Oliver, good condition. Phone 236-4875. 4* WHITING'S USED FURNITURE Electric Chord organ; pianos; televisions; radios; record play- ers; corner chesterfield suite; chesterfield; studio s; book- cases; rugs; mirrors; stoves; refrigerators; wa shing ma- chines; laundry tubs; chrome sets; wooden & chrome chairs; dining room suites; china cabi- nets; bar stools; single box spring and mattress; beds, springs, mattresses; dressers; window air conditioner; bird cage; golf clubs; baby buggy; gun cabinet; cribs, mattresses; walkers; small tricycles; pedal car; scooter; lawn chairs; tar- paulins; suitcases; girl's bi- cycle. WHITING'S USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES & THINGS Phone 235-1964 Corner of Wellington & Carling Sts., 2 blocks west of Main St. 4c SUNBEAM ELECTRIC hedge clippers, Phone 262-5186. 4c RED CHESTERFIELD & chair; tri lamp; 2 electric stoves; re- frigeratdr; bed and mattress. Phone 235-0736. 4* MOWER - 3 point hitch, 7 ft. cut International C 28, good condition. Phone 293-3088. 4:11* 30 GAL. PROPANE GAS water heater, cheap. Phone 235-1175. 4c ELECTRIC STOVE - 40" Frig- idaire, good baking oven, warm- ing oven, storage drawer; boy's bicycle, 24", one year old, ex- cellent condition. Phone 235-2655 after 6:00 p.m. 4c SMALL FORD AND FERGUSON tractor, 3 point hitch; also 8 ft. double disc, cultivator and plow, Phone 235-1912. 4* 40 FOOT S. MULCEY bale ele- vator, Phone Elzer Masse, at 236-4185 2urich, 4* GARDEN TRACTOR with plow, cultivator, disc, snow blade, good condition, $200.00 or best offer. Phone 229-6282 after Fri- day, 4c 3 USED OFFICE DESKS. Apply to Grand Bend Village Office. Phone 238-2141. 4c 'VIKING ELECTRIC dream sep- arator in good condition. Phone 23/-8262, 4:11c ORBIT TRAVEL TRAILER, 15', spotless, must sell, Phone 234- 6268. 6:4tfnc 9 Services Grinsven & Butler LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We now pay for freshly dead or disabled cattle and horses weighing over 500 pounds. Small calves also picked up. For efficient service call collect 245-0838 or 227-4312 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License 201-C69 6:12tine INTERIOR DECORATING WOOD GRAINING AND ANTIQUING A SPECIALTY LARGE SELECTION OF WALLPAPERS WORKMANSHIP AT ITS BEST CONTACT E. (BUCK) LITTLE HENSALL 5:28-7:2* CONCRETE WORK ALL TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS AND FLOORS, CEMENT BARNYARDS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates MALONEY BROS. DUBLIN Phone 345-2964 4:2tfrie 13 For Sale 1969 CAMPER TRAILER-Hard- top Wheel Camper Ranch Wag- on 8, Cost $2,975.00. Will take $2,150.00, Phone 235-0123. 4c PAIR Or living Or dining room lined drapes, white background with two shades of green snow- flake pattern, covers space up to 12 feet wide 7 feet high, 3 years old, excellent condition. Phone 235-2562, 4e NEW IDEA SIDE /TAKE, model 403, one year old; No. S Mas- sey baler; John Deere forage harvester with corn and Pick-up heads, Clare Paten, 227.4883 L11- can. 28:4* CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 5:21tfne 10 Livestock For Sale 2 IIOLSAIN HEIFERS - One fresh, one due soon. Phone 225- 2627, 4c BULLS - Registered Polled Hereford, serviceable age, eli- gible for $75 government bonus. Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig or 5 miles south of Crediton. 4:11e 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1963 CHEV TRUCK, series 50, gross V W 14,000; good tires; all steel 12 ft. box. Phone 234- E460. 4* 1967 COMET CAPRI - 2-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio. Phone Bob Crawford 235-1250 days. 6:4tfnc 1965 VOLKSWAGEN- Good con- dition, reasonable. Contact Geo. Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia, 4:11* 1965 CHEV - 2-door, 4 speed, 327, reasonably priced, Phone 236-4875. 4* 1963 DODGE, 6 cylinder, Phone 262-2613 or 262-2547, 4* 1965 FALCON 2- door hardtop, 289 automatic, in good condi- tion, Phone 228-6758 after 4 p,m, 4c 9 Services Ford Rent-a-Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc HESS JEWELLERY ZURICH WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING Work Guaranteed FINE SELECTION OF WATCHES BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS DIAMOND RESET-TING 2:19-6:25c SIGNS BY \t-Ti WEBSTER • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 2:8tfne OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. UP TO $5.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 Licence Number 248 C 70 We go any place any time. 5:23tfnc Wilson's jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc BRUCE REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC 238-2385, GRAND BEND 3:26tfnc HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CL I NTON We pay $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. 24410tIr Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License # 237-C-70 1:29tfne BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to MIDDLETON'S Drug Store Ltd. 359 Main St. Phone 235-1570 Exeter ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3300 PERCY WRIGHT AUCTION SALE SERVICE that is Most efficient and courteous. CALL THE wRidi-r AUCTIONEER Telephone 262,5482 Hensall N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235-2433 NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER • 1.89 . 2.99 No, 100 Wall Trellis ▪ • . 3.35 5,.49 CEDAR PICNIC TABLES LEGS ASSEMBLED Special 3.25 (Not as illustrated) Fan Trellis . No. 86 Wall Trellis . • Flower Box THIS OPFER GOOD TILE JUNE 6, 1970 '4 r page June 4, 197 16 Property For Sale 16 Properly For Sale NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter. Full basement, ideal for rec room, Gas heating and hot water. Brick veneer. Close to schools, Broadloom in kitchen, living room and dining room. Phone 235-1019 or after 6 p,m. 235-2711, Tony Relouw, Const. Ltd. 6:4tfnc HENSALL - Very attractive and well maintained home with 4 bedrooms. Modern kitchen in- cluding stove, 1.11 baths, family room with broadloom, garage. Hooper, 74 Richmond St. Phone 262-2024. 4:11c LARGE 4 BEDROOM home, close to schools and downtown, broadloom living room, sepa- rate dining room, family room with fireplace, central hall with open staircase, one 4 piece, two 2 piece bathrooms. 308 An- drew St. Phone 235-2044. 3:5tfnc NEW HOME with attached ga- rage; 3 bedrooms, living room, family room & hall, all broad- loom; 1 baths; dining room, kitchen and utility room, with Corlon floors; sewers connected; electrically heated. Harold Tay- lor 235-0674. 4 : 23tfnc FARQUHAR - Brick house, nicely painted, oil furnace, pres- sure system; double garage; hen house; 1/2 acre of land. Coursey Brown, RR 1 Kirkton. 4* 50 ACRES close to Highway 4; has 'excellent buildings; 4 bed- room brick house, all conven- iences; barn 45x45, pole barn 32x56; paved barnyard; silage automatically dispensed for 100 cattle. Water for house, barn and pasture. Extra 50 acres or 95 acres optional. See W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 4* •"," •,1 Classifications L Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4, Female Help Wanted P 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted IL Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted ,14. Property For Sale Jperty For Rent 18, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales , SECRETARY to plant manager. Typing and shorthand or speed writing, Must be able to work with little supervision. Apply in writing to C. Tunks, Boise Cas- Products, Hensall, Ont. 21:28:4c AVON CALLING i eade Mobile and Recreational p Avon Means Guaranteed Cos- metics And Toiletries Beauti- fully Packaged, Avon Means An Opportunity For You To Sell These Products To People In Your Neighborhood Who Want Avon. A few .rural areas available NOW. No obligation. Contact • MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32 451-0541 evenings. 4:11:18:25e 9 Services EXETER $3,000 down, balance 10% Mortgage, 3 bedroom brick home, well located. 1'/2 blocks from uptown, 2 baths, living room, completely modernized. EXETER Large home presently in 2 separate apts. $85.00, $90.00 per month, can be changed to private home with minimum of expense. Large lot, terms can be arranged. EXETER 3 bedroom Main St., living room, dining room, 2 baths, needs redecorating, Ideal family home. Terms. EXETER ($3,500 down, reasonable mortgage), 3 bedrooms, 2 storey brick home modernized, full basement, oil heat. ZURICH 100 acre farm, 10 acres in wheat, all rest fall ploughed, 2 storey brick house, spring well, available for spring planting. GRAND BEND 25 acres south on Highway 21, vegetable storage concrete block warehouse included. Any reasonable offer will be considered. EXETER Serviced bldg. lots, Dow Subdivision. HODGSON LIMITED INSURANCE - REALTOR Phone 235-2420 M. J. Gaiser J. A. Kneale DRESSMAKING - In my home. Phone 235-1723. 4c INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 149 Waterloo St., Exeter. 235-0923 after 5 p.m. 4:30-6:4c CARPENTER - Alterations and roofing. Call Don Reid, Grand Bend 238-2111. 14:21:28:4c DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by pro- fessional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash 228-6793. 5:28tinc WILL REPAIR washing machine in your home, Fast, efficient service. Reasonable rates. Call 228-6483. 28:4:11:21* ',11....••••••• BALL Re MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-2713 Enhance Your Climbing Roses and Flowers C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 HURON CARPET CARE Sales - Installation - Cleaning Wools, Nylons, Acrylics, Orions, Ozite, Etc. CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING ON LOCATION OR IN PLANT Famous Von Shrader Method PHONE EXETER 235-1451 R. D. BECK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Complete Sales Service that Satisfies, Call 235-0621 433 Main St., Exeter GET ACTION BY AUCTION USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors William IL Chaffe President Raymond McCurdy Vice-President Robert G. Gardiner RR 4 Mitchell RR 1 Kirkton RR 1 Crom arty Tint Toehey RR 3 Lucan Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin E, Clayton Colquhetill RR 1 St. IVIarYS Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry *Mies Exeter Clayton Ilarris Mitchell Seeretary4reasurer W, BtItton Exeter