HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-05-21, Page 11SCHNEIDER'S CHICKEN CO Legs or Breasts 03 Jr *0 25 Auction Sales .er, bred Angus, due in August; 1 Hereford cow, dry. BULLS: Natural Polled Here- ford bull, 15 months old, (this is an exceptionally good bull with size, bone & scale); Char- lais bull, 11 months old, sire King John, excellent Ealf with size; Angus hull, 2 years old, has been mated with the above listed heifers. There isgapproxi- mately 1,000 lb. butterfat quota available with this herd subject to approval of the Canadian Dairy Commission, Ottawa, HOGS: 20 small chunks; 2 sows, bred in May; 2 sows, bred in March, (first litters); 1 sow, bred in March, (second litter); 12 feeder hogs. ANTIQUES: 5 antique cup- boards; pine washstand; dress- er; chest of drawers; chairs; curtain stretchers; full set of antique wooden house shutters; Yarn winder; picture frames; antique towel roller; jugs and crocks; 7 iron kettles, all dif- ferent sizes; hand corn planter; meat grinder; sterescopic scope with approximately 3 dozen pictures from the gay nineties; Findlay Condor cook stove; Quebec heater, both in excellent condition; old German shotgun; numerous other articles, Lunch available. Terms: Cash 5% sales tax in effect. Proprietor nor auctioneer not responsible for accidents on day of sale, PERCY WRIGHT, Proprietor Telephone Hensall 262-5482 ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Telephone 237-3300 21c Too Late To Classify FOR SALE — John Deere two row corn planter, three point hitch, Phone 234-6242. 21e FOR SALE — Chesterfield bed with matching chair, green; also blonde step tables and coffee table with matching lamps. Best offer. Phone Grand Bend, 238-2429, Saturday only. 21c BASEBALL Six teams have been organized to play softball in this area for the coming season. Manager and coach for Corbett team is Gordon Mawson; Howard Clark for Shipka team; Jack Hamilton for West McGillivray; Norman Lewis for Brinsley; Douglas Mawson for Lieury and Ken Glavin for Mount Carmel. These teams will play their entire games under lights at Lieury ball diamond. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nagle, of Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Carey, Mary Eileen Carey, Valerie, Colleen and Stephanie Carey, London and Mr. & Mrs. Clare Rock and family, Wallaceburg were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey and Rita Anne. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Girard and Tracy and Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Micallif, Windsor spent the holiday weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey and family. Richard Trainor, Hamilton and Wendy Trainor of London, were weekend guests with their mother, Mrs. Frank Trainor and family. Joseph Dietrich spent last weekend visiting with relatives in Detroit. Donny Dietrich and Vera Dietrich of West Lorne spent the weekend with Mrs. Ada Dietrich and attended the Dietrich- Hodgins wedding, Saturday. Rev. Father John Glavin C.S.B. has returned to his duties in Texas. If you put off until tomorrow what you should do today, there will probably be a higher tax on it. Ready Mix CONCRETE \47' 4:=L1 C.A.McDOWELL ONTARIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION For Sale By Tender Approximately 250 acres of standing, mixed hay, adjacent to the runways at Huron Industrial Park. To be cleared away by July3, 1970, Sealed tenders, clearly marked "tenders for hay", will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon on June 5, 1970. Further information may be obtained by contacting Mr, P. D. Levier, Maintenance Superintendent, Huron Industrial Park (228.6657) MALONE MANAGER HURON INDUSTRIAL PARK HURON PAR K, ONTARIO DC III I „.„,!;16"1.q • it 51l FAMILY MARKET Invites You To Big Savings At The 12thInii fi tiivirsary oaf Cali 235-0400 EXETER 19 oz. 4/89C 2 roll pack 49t lb. 694 lb. 79C lb. 694 lb. 734 Kist PEPSI, MOUNTAIN DEW, GINGERALE Quarts No-return 4 / PERSONALS Margaret Jean Russell spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Russell. Mr, & Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited with Mr. & Mrs, Wilmer Howatt, Londesboro and Dr. & Bartliffs Bread 24 az 5/99C Lees Crushed, Sliced or Cubed Pineapple Sockeye Maple Leaf Picnic Ham Pine River 3 lbs. FROZEN FOOD issets Ice Cream 1/2 Gallons 11'n Viva Assorted Colors Paper Towels MEATS Schneider's. Cold Meat Loaves Minced Ham, Chicken Loaf Mac 'n Cheese, Dutch loaf Swanson Chicken TV Dinners 594 PRODUCE U.S.A. New Potatoes 10 lbs. 954 Sunkist Oranges 163's 2 doz. 79C ciernieg' MARKET m. Mrs. A.N. Atkinson of Wingbarn, Wednesday. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Moorehead, Kimberley, Scott and Jeff, of Rostock. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Eyre and. Richard of Shedden and Frances By MRS, KEN McKELI-AR S almon Premium Brand 71/2 oz. Canned 1% lbs. Ch eese at the service counter VIM Powdered Skim Milk Centre Loin Pork Chops Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Smoked Side Bacon exeLer frozen foods We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities \00 GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE F ESH E CJRED MEATS 594 $1.59 lb 634 $1.09 May 21, 1970 Pao. 11 Scott,. London, spent .th.e weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs, Gordon Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Ken .Rearss,...RR 1.1 St. Marys, visited with Mr. & Mrs, Larry Gardiner. EDITORIAL tribute to S. departed politician in the. Countymingoa,N,Y,,. Seat Press: "So many owned him .sQ- mueh," Tide Giant Size I'S e 25 Auction Sales antique silver m a n u al fire alarm bell; carpet sweeper; Singer sewing machine; numer- ous iron; electric fry pan; sealers; kitchen utensils; electric crocks; coffee grinder; copper boiler; large iron kettle; small iron kettle; apple peeler; sau- sage grinder; step ladder; gar- den hose; reel type lawn mow- er; 2 cistern pumps; gals/. tubs; large coal and wood furnace; brick; cutter; square timber; quantity of iumber and white canopy; barrels; doors; garden and carpenter tools, etc, Terms; Cash GORDON BLOCH, Executor for the estate of the late Emma Bloch ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21c Farm Sold — Clearing AUCTION SALE featuring Livestock, Beef and Dairy Cattle, Industrial Butterfat Quota; Hogs; Self Propelled Combine; Trac- tors; Trtick; Farm Imple- ments and Antiques to be held on the premises LOT 29, CON. 10, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP 3 miles west of Cromarty or 5 miles east of Kippen, on SATURDAY, MAY 30 at 1:00 p.m. COMBINE: Int. Model 93 S.P. automotive steering, in new condition, fully equipped for grain and beans, 10 ft. header, 100 inch Innes rubber pronged pick-up, spike cylinder, scour clean, straw spreader. CULTIVATOR: Int. 123 ft. vibra shank cultivator, excel- lent condition. TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers D-17, power shift axle, live pto, equipped with both snap coup- ler and 3-point hitch adapter (overhauled last fall), A.C. 2- row scuffler, A.C. 3-furrow mounted plow with depth wheel, A.C. 1/2 yd. bucket, mounted; A.C. pto side rake; A.C. grain and fertilizer drill, 15-disc; Cockshutt Model 60 standard tractor equipped with Char- Linn pto hydraulic pum and belt pulley; Allis Chalmers Mod- el C tractor with 2-row scuff- ler, bean puller and 6' mount- ed mower. TRUCK: 1950 Chevrolet 1-ton heavy duty, 4-speed transmis- sion, equipped with 100 bushel stainless steel gravity box. Sold for farm use only. MACHINERY: 150 bus. Turner gravity box and wagon; John Deere 6-ton wagon; McKee for- age harvester and box; 50 ft. pipe & electric unloading jack; New Idea manure spreader, pto, 125 bus.; New Idea 7 ft. trailer mower with windrower attachment; Forana 3-pt. hitch manure loader; 3-drum land roller; 9 ft. packer; 12' spring- tine harrow, equipped with Mc- Kee 3-pt. fast hitch; Int. corn shear, belt driven; Int. 5 ft. one-way disc; Gehl hammer mill; hammer mill belt, 75 ft. endless; Surge milking ma- chine, vacuum pump, piping for 24 cows; all electric Viking cream separator; Warner elec- tric feed cooker, large size, equipped with time clock; fan- ning mill; Fleury - Bissell root pulper; grain aereator (new); 16 ft., 6 inch grain auger with 3A h.p. heavy duty motor; 12 ft., 4 inch grain auger with mo- tor; logging chains; sap pan; spiles and buckets; large quan- tity steel piping; approximately 8 sections chain link fencing; heavy bunt pole; 180 gal, gal- vanized water tank; set of trac- tor tire chains, 28 inch; 6-bulb chicken brooder; 2 - wheeled trailer; trail hitch adapter for Kongskilde cultivator, brand new. CATTLE: HOLSTEINS — Reg- istered Holstein cow, Ponderosa Lucy Crest Tilla, Reg. 1739068, heifer calf by side, born May 11, 1970, sired by Rockette; Holstein bull, 11 months old, from above named dam, sired by General; Holstein cow in milk; Holstein heifer, from above cow, sired by Vinedale, mated in October, Angus; Ayr- shire cow, due June 22, bred to Diplomat; Hereford cross-bred cow with black heifer calf; Hereford cow with Angus calf by side, sire Corporal; Here- ford cow with Charlais bull calf by side (sire Basile), (show steer prospect); Hereford cow with Charlais heifer calf by sire Basile; Hereford cow with Hereford calf by sire Larollo; 1 large Hereford cow in milk; 2 Charlais heifers sired by Ba- sile, bred Angus, due in July; 1 Angus heifer, sire Grandview, bred Angus, due in July; 1 cross-bred heifer, bred Angus, due in August; 1 Hereford heif- 16 Properly For Sale CALL JB AT 1863 "The Centennial. Office" HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — Red brick, 3-bed- room home, centrally located. Full basement; living room, 4- piece bath and nice large kitch- en. EXETER — 3-bedroom house with aluminum siding. Electric heat; full basement; broad- loom in the living room, large kitchen and eating area. HENSALL — Large brick home about 2i miles from Hensall. Four bedrooms, large kitchen and dining area; full basement; 4-piece bath. This house has been completely renovated and qualifies under D.V.A. EXETER — 3-bedroom brie k home with attached garage, full basement, large kitchen area, 4-piece bath, good size living room. Good location. EXETER — House divided into 2 apartments, self contained, sit- uated on large lot. This prop- erty is suitable for a market gardener or for subdividing in- to 5 lots. Barn on property. EXETER — Large brick home, close to schools. This house has been completely renovated, has 4 large bedrooms, living room, dining room, carport. Oil heating and complete basement. Fireplace in living room. EXETER — 3 bedroom frame with Johns Mansville siding and oil furnace, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, full basement close to schools. EXETER — Two storey, 3 bed- room brick house located on Main St. Living room, dining room, basement, 2 piece bath upsthirs, 3 piece down, large kitchen, oil heat. Double ga- rage. Price right. EXETER — 1 block from li- brary, 3 bedroom brick house, 2 storey, living room, kitchen and attached garage. Rec room. House in excellent condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. EXETER — Brick house, 2 storey, in good repair. Modern kitchen, living room, dining room, 4 piece bath, oil heat, close to Main St. CREDITON — Income home, 3 apartments, each with 3 bed- rooms, living room and bath. Drilled well. Apartments re- modelled 10 years ago. Priced for quick sale. Good return. FARMS FOR SALE 6 MILES EAST of Exeter— 100 acres; barn 36x80 in fair re- pair. Frame house with steel siding, 4 bedrooms; needs to be modernized. WOODHAM —50 acres of arable land. Modern 3 bedroom house. Oil heating. Good buy. APPROXIMATELY 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83; 220 acres with 120 - 125 workable. Good barn. Brick house, 3 bedrooms, coal furnace. House in good re- pair. LOTS FOR SALE EXETER —o2 lots, each 54x160. located close to downtown. OFFICE FOR RENT Large, bright office, basement of Devon building. Parking, heat and janitor service. JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 5:7tfnc 17 Property For Rent TOWN HOUSE, ground level, 1-bedroom modern apartment, electric heat, laundry facilities. Available now; $80.00 per month. Phone 235-2420. : 30tfnc VICTORIA PARK Apartments- 2 - bedroom modern apartment; tiled, coloured bathroom fix- tures; shower; beautiful kitch- en; large broadloomed rooms. Phone 235-0526. • 4:30tfnc 2-13EDROOM HOUSE— Finished basement, like new, easy com- muting distance to London, Ex- eter, St. Marys; Hwy. 4 near Elginfield, $105.00 plus utilities. 227-4294, 14 : 21c LUCAN AREA — Farm home, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath. Dial 227-4670. 21* 3-ROOM apartment on ground floor, in Centralia. Stove and refrigerator supplied. Phone 228-6867. 21c FARM HOME — Reasonable rent, 20 miles north of London, Hwy. 23, Only parties used to living in rural areas need ap- ply. Phone 227-4294. 21:28e TWO-BEDROOM self contained, heated apartment, furnished or unfurnished, with kitchen, liv- ing room and bath. Phone 235- 0736. 5:21tfnc COTTAGE — Lake front, mod- ern,, 2-bedroom, boat, excellent fishing, beautiful private loca- tion. Available by the week or month from July 29 to August 22 while owner attends summer sehool, Reasonable to tespen- sible person. Phone evenings 235-0935, Ken Ottevvell. 21c LARGE 2-BEDROOM apartment, completely remodelled, broad- loom and electric beat, $90.00 a month. Apply Len Val. Phone 235-1557 after 5 p.m. 21e 17 Properly For Rent 50 ACRES OF PASTURE suit- able for 25 bead of cattle, Phone 237-3465, 21e FARM — 50 acres, 35 workable, good potato land. Phone Grand Bend 238-2385. 21c 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 2/2" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235..1033, 2:22tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier. Whiting Rental, corner of Wellington & Carling, 2 blocks west of Main St. Phone 235-1964. 2:19tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT-- Plywood forms, wedges, form ties stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N, J. Corriveau, Zurich, 4 :24tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent SOUTHCOTT PINES, Grand Bend — Modern, fully winter- ized 3-bedroom home in quiet wooded area, Fireplace, patio, full basement, one block from private beach. Perfect for year- round or summer living. Pri- vate. Call collect 238-2800. 21c 22 Notices ANYONE WISHING BLANKETS from Fairfield's contact Mrs. J. W. Horner before May 27. Call 294-6708. 21c WOULD THE PERSON who bor- rowed the dehumidifier from the Dashwood Community Cen- tre please return it as soon as possible as it is now badly needed. 7:4:21e PORT ELGIN — Tourist mecca of Southwestern Ontario. Make reservations now. Check Port Elgin's various types of accom- modation. Write Port Elgin Re- sort Association, Box 406 Port Elgin. 21:28:4c NOTICE — RE: DOGS VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA No dogs allowed to run at large as per Stephen Township By- Law No. 45-1968 of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Steph- en. Signed by the Trustees VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA, Ont. 14:21c TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Exeter County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Mayor of the Town of Exeter under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 13th day of April 1970, sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town of Exeter will be held at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Exeter at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 28th day of August 1970 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of May, 1970, and that cop- ies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 12th day of May, 1970. E. H. CARSCADDEN, Treasurer. 5:14-8:6c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Homer Desjardine, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Homer Desjardine, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 26th day of February, A.D. 1970, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell and Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of May 1970 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrices Exeter, Ontario 14:21:28c 14 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN SEALED TENDERS Sealed Tenders, clearly mark- ed as to contents, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 2nd, 1970. FURNACE, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS For the installation of a com- bination wood and oil furnace, all necessary duct work, a number of plumbing fixtures and electrical outlets. The equip- , ment to be installed in a new building to be constructed at the Township Shed. Further particulars and ten- der forms may be secured at the Clerk's Office in Crediton. It. P. Mcisaac Road Superintendent Wilmar D. Wein, Clerk-Treasurer 14:21e 24 Tenders Wanted TENDER TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5;00 p.m. Tuesday, June 2, 1970 for the supply of the following mate- rials to be delivered at Lots 5 to 8 inclusive, Concession 2 and 3 and at Lot 1, Concession 4 and 5 Township of Usborne. 3500 CUBIC YARDS OF CLAY FILL 4500 CUBIC YARDS OF "B" GRAVEL 1500 CUBIC YARDS OF "A" GRAVEL The above amounts subject to change depending on DHO ap- provals. Township to do all grading and spreading. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further particulars ap- ply to W. J. ROUTLY Road Superintendent Township of Usborne RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Telephone 229-6151 or 229-6363 14:21c TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 2, 1970 for the supply of ONE TRACTOR AND SIDE- MOUNTED MOWER as per DHO specifications. One 1948 Ford tractor and mower as trade-in. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information specifications apply to W. J. ROUTLY Road Superintendent Township of Usborne RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Telephone 229-6151 or 229-6363 14:21c PAINTING TENDERS THE PARKHILL LEGION invites tenders for scraping off old paint where needed and applying a primary coat and one coat of C.I.L. No. 1468 Moss Green on frame building and C.I.L. White No. 21 for trim on door frames, window frames and corners. Tenders to state cost of pack- age deal by spray. Tenders to be marked "Paint" and in the hands of the secretary by June 8, 1970. Work to be finished on or before July 10, 1970. The lowest tender or any ten- der will not necessarily be ac- cepted. W. F. DUNNING Branch Secretary 21:28c 25 Auction Sales Consignment AUCTION SALE PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, MAY 22 at 6:30 p.m. Household Furniture and appli- ances; many antiques including a consignment from an older home. Some farm implements; gas engine; tools and hundreds of miscellaneous articles. Lunch available. HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON Arctioneers 21c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises GOSHEN ST. SOUTH, ZURICH (Third house south of the Lutheran Church) The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 23 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 142 and part of Lot 153, Plan 10, Village of Zurich on which is situated a well con- structed two-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor — Large living and dining area, kitchen and utility room, 3-piece bathroom and bedroom. Second floor — Three bedrooms with clothes closets. Full size basement, recently in- stalled oil furnace. Also barn suitable for double garage and workshop. Dwelling nicely situated. Am- ple garden land & shade trees. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: G E 24 inch, 4-burner electric stove; Clare Jewel coal and wood stove; GE washing machine, like new; dining room extension table, 6 chairs; china cabinet; kitchen chairs; pine glass cup- board; occasional chairs; rock- ing chairs; chesterfield and chair; antique arm chairs; stu- dio couch; library table; dis- play stand; mirrors; small whatnot; centre and end ta- bles; electric radio; mantel clock; electric clock; electric lamps; antique rose color par- lor lamp; gold and white com- plete toilet set; 2 oak bed- steads; brass bedstead; steel bedstead; dressers; commodes; wash stands; wardrobe; large selection of mats, quilts, bed- ding, glassware; silverware, antique; complete set of dishes; and