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possible to completely separate
the spouse from his family ... and
it should never be attempted.
It is also true if a young person
gets along well with his own
family, he will likely get along
with his in-laws.
North American cartoons
depict a man as being constantly
beleaguered by his rancorous
mother-in-law. Statistically, this
is incorrect, as it is the
wife-mother-in-law relationship
which more often causes marital
Ralph Linton, an
anthropologist, indicates that
60% of in-law difficulties arise
from wives being entangled with
The new wife, knowing she is
not yet the expert home maker
her mother-in-law is, may become
over sensitive and defensive about
her shortcomings and touch off
in-law trouble that need not.exist.
The mother-in-law, perhaps a
little lonely or jealous resents her
child's switch in loyalty to his
wife, and looks for things to
criticize and with which to find
Love, understanding and sense
of humor go a long way when
dealing with in-laws.
I often think back to the days I
was a silly, immature bride.
After an eyeball to eyeball
battle with my spouse I would
flounce over to his mother's to
tell her just what kind of a
miserable lout she had raised.
What a wise woman she was.
Instead of rising to his defense,
she would join me in berating him
. to such a degree that I would
soon find myself on the defensive.
After all, he wasn't that bad!
Often, I left her house quite
miffed about the things she bad
said about 'my husband', and
went home completely won over
to his side,
How the must have smiled to
The privilege of knowing her
lasted 25 years, and I count her
among the best friends I ever had.
As I said before, all parents
want happiness in marriage for
their children.
We may make a lot of blunders
but we mean well.
And we're not always wrong.
Often we are only trying to
save the young people from
mistakes we made ourselves long
If the young couple can
remember this, it will be easier for
them to be more appreciative of
their parents concern.
A heap of loving, a peck of
good humor and a lot of down to
earth understanding . • that's
what it takes to get along with
your in-laws.
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Recipe Box
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WHILE $ 0 n
o45 THEY
Boys' Clothing
SIZES 8to 18
MAY 21 , 22 - 23
Times.Advocate, May 21, 1970 Special problems
Single pa-rent in limbo SST: .SSZaS.'SSeessss,s,s,
Facts N' Fancies.
By Gwyn of tax concessions and yet most
of them find their incomes
tremendously reduced. Even in
the case of divorce, most help is
find they haveto go back to work.
suddenly become single parents,
11 a 'd`Me eiOus4e ' tt parents,. when they
in many cases, the women are
untrained. There is also the
question of who will look after
'tt hh eo children,
those who want social
great problem -for
companionship is `Where do they
want to remarry or for
meet people of the opposite sex,
Separated parents especially are
people in limbo — they are
neither single — nor divorced",
says Professor Schlesinger.
704 m444
"Society's fifth wheel" — as
the single-parent is sometimes.
called — was the subject of a
full -scale discussion at the annual
meeting of the Vanier Instittne of
the Family. „
Dr. Benjamin Schlesinger,
professor of social work at the
University of Toronto and the
author of a book, "The
One-Parent Family", was the
moderator of a panel discussion
on the problems of single parents
.and their families.
"Single parents constitute
nine percent of all Canadian
families", says Prof. Schlesinger.
"They have special problems and
yet they receive no special
consideration from government.
They receive no relief in the form
ea taw?
"What makes a good
Mother-in-law?" I coyly asked
my Son-in-law over the weekend.
"About 85 miles," he
answered with wicked candor.
(That being the distance between
his house and ours.)
Becoming serious, he went on,
"I think g'ood in-laws are people
who are interested in what their
married children do but who do
not, meddle in their affairs."
Toe cha.
It is even more than that.
The young marrieds in our
family have celebrated their
second anniversary and right now
they are facing changes and
problems that many of their
contemporaries are experiencing.
From a tiny house they are
about to move into a huge place
which will take hours and hours
' of renovating and redecorating.
They are in the process of
buying a business which will drain
their finances and absorb their
energies for many years.
There seems to be so much to
do and so many decisions to
make, our hearts and minds ached
for them.
This past weekend they asked
us for advice many times ... but it
was clearly apparent that advice
was not what they wanted.
What they were really asking
from us was our assurance they
were doing the right thing, and
that their plans were good. In
short, they wanted to know we
had confidence in them and stood
behind their decisions.
I hope we were able to do that.
este will turn the simplest meal into a ELEGANT APRICOT CHEESE CAKE, easy to make and delicious to
Home, scene of many accidents
results from falls Tragic
A fall may look funny . .
when a comic is taking it on
stage. He knows how to fall, and
how to prevent himself from
But a fall to a member of the
family at home can have tragic
they didn't expect to be there.
Wipe up grease or wet spots
Toys, clothing, linens and
other objects that might cause
you to trip should be put in their
proper storage place . . .
immediately after use.
Move furniture back to its
accustomed place.
Don't carry packages or
bundles that are so big they keep
you from seeing what is ahead.
Do not leave a baby
unattended on the bed, couch or
in the bathinette. If you must
answer the door or the telephone,
place baby in his crib, with the
sides up and secured.
The safest way to go up or
down stairs is to walk, Plant the
feet firmly on each step. Hold
onto the handrail:
The safe way to climb a ladder
is to hold the rungs with both
hands. Do not stand on the top
rungs, and never over-reach from
a ladder.
Attend CCAJ
The 206 bones that form the
adult skeleton are well covered,
strong as cast iron, light and
flexible. They're snugly hinged
together. Yet they're among the
most vulnerable parts of the body
. . . when it comes to falls. And
falls are the leading cause of
disabling injuries and fatalities
sustained in home accidents.
In a year, falls in and about the
home take the lives of hundreds
of persons. Many are children
under age four. Many are 75 and
Obviously, falls in the home
are serious business.
The Council on Family Health
in Canada, a non-profit public
service organization working to
encourage home safety, offers
these tips on how to prevent falls
in the home;
A surprising number of falls
happen on a single level . .. when
persons slip on greasy or wet
spots . . . or trip over something
SHOE 5myth's
Phone 235-1933
CHARGEX Exeter, Ontario
When young people marry it is
the chief concern of the three
parties involved, that is, the
couple themselves and both sets of
parents, that the marriage be a
happy and successful one.
Yet, it is s proven fact, that the
percentage of marriages which
break up early, within two years,
in-law problems are named as the
most common cause.
The longer people remain
married, the lesser the problems
of in-laws become, but in some
cases a satisfactory adjustment in
the in-law relationships never
Often the trouble arises
because each set of people has
different ideas on how the
happiness of the marriage can be
If you have never made your own cheese cake before, this simple
recipe is for you. Serve apricot cheese cake when entertaining, or to
turn an ordinary meal into a special one — it tastes as delicious as it
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
3 tbsp. butter, melted
3 tbsp. granulated sugar
1 (8-oz.) package cream
1 (16-oz.) carton creamed cottage
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
2 eggs
1 cup 15% cream
11/2 tsp. vanilla
MAGNIFY . Phone 235-0212 GARNISH
1/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1/2 lemon
1 (28-oz) can apricots
To prepare crust, combine
crumbs, butter and sugar; press
on to bottom of a 9" spying-form
pan 21/2" deep. Bake at 325
degrees for 10 minutes.
To prepare filling, combine
softened cream cheese, creamed
cottage cheese and flour, beating
until well blended. Add eggs, one
at a time, beating well after each
addition. Blend in cream and
vanilla; pour over crumbs. Bake at
325 degrees F. for 50 minutes.
Cool before removing rim of pan.
To prepare garnish, drain
apricots and save juice. Arrange
apricots over top of cheese cake.
Stir together 1/4 cup sugar and the
cornstarch and blend in part of
the cold apricot juice. Add the
remainderof juice and cook until
thickened and clear. Stir in grated
rind and juice of a half a lemon.
Spoon evenly over apricots.
Makes 8 to 10 servings. YOUR
U.S. No. 1
Town topics
Denmark relative visits
Large Size 24's
head 210
Schneidera No. 1
Add a few drops of glycerin
to starch if you want linens to
have an extra gloss.
011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111H111111110111111111111111111111111111111lilllillillIal FROZEN
Valley Farms
Elizabeth Arden French
Once a man and a woman
marry they are faced with the
chajlengeef identifying with each
Zal!if6r. This means adopting new
loyalties in which each other
comes first in the other's eyes. It
means breaking away to some
extent from both sets of parents.
The success of marriage must
be placed above loyalty to
Husbands and wives come
Some parents, perhaps 'have
forgotten this, and anxious to
help, step in with uninvited advice
causing unnecessary heartaches
and emotional crises.
And unfortunately, some
young people seem to go into
marriage with a chip on their
shoulders about their new
in-laws. When they do, they will
more than likely create trouble. If
they watch and wait for signs and
clues of in-law interference, they
frequently misinterpret small,
innocent things.
Another thing some young
people often don't want to face is
the realization each spouse
marries an entire family.
"For better and for worse,"
includes the close relatives on
both sides.
It is a great mistake for anyone
to believe he or she marries only
an individual, for it is never
Ulrik Kruse, of Abenra,
Denmark was a recent visitor at
the home of his sister and her
husband, Mr. & Mrs. Erik Gravlev:
In honor of the occasion,
neighbors of the Gravlev's, Mr. &
Mrs. Richard Jermyn, flew the
Danish flag on their flagpole.
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Howe,
Cromarty, Mrs. & Mrs. Cecil
Murray, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Don
Morphy of Waterloo attended the
45 wedding anniversary of Mr. &
Mrs. Ed Howe of Livonia,
Visitors with the Alf Wuerth's,
Sunday, were Mr. & Mrs. R. M.
Long and Denise of Birmingham,
Michigan, and Mr. & Mrs. Barry
Long and son, Robert, of
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Friends who called on Mrs.
William Thomson, Andrew
Street, on the weekend were Mr.
& Mrs. Herbert Bosley, London,
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Pulleyblank,
London, and Mr. & Mrs. Clayton
William Stephen, Woodham,
and Greta Stephen, Vancouver,
visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs.
Milton Sleamon.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Turnbull,
Tillsonburg, visited Friday and
Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. David
Millar, and Mr. & Mrs. Milton
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sleamon
were Monday evening guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Al Parker, Grand
Mrs. Harold Dobson, Grand
Bend, spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Stewart Miner. Mrs.
Grant Mills, Fullerton, visited
Thursday evening with Mrs.
Rev. Stewart Miner attended
London Conference at Windsor
part of last week.
Mr.' & Mrs. Archie
Etherington, Mr. & Mrs. Bev
Morgan, Mrs. Newton Clarke,
Joyce Ferguson attended the
graduation exercises at Centralia
Agricultural School, Wednesday,
when John Morgan graduated.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Willert, Jane,
Jimmy and Scott, Zurich visited
Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Jeffery.
Mr. & Mrs. William Elford,
Ronald and Doris, Mrs. Donald
Bray attended the funeral of the
late David Baynes of Wellburn at
the L. A. Ball Funeral Home,
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore,
Beth and Keith, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Stewart, Marlene, Elaine and
Murray spent the weekend at
Niagara Falls.
Barry Miller spent the
weekend with Peter Hendrick,
Grand Bend.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hall, St.
Marys visited Sunday evening
with Mr. & Mrs. William Elford.
. Mrs. Stewart Miner and a
number of mothers and girls
attended the Mother and
Daughter CGIT Banquet at
El im vine Church, Tuesday
Patricia Miner, Sarnia spent
the holiday weekend with her
parents, Rev. Stewart & Mrs.
Open House will be held at the
Manse, Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4
p.m. and 7 pp. to 10 p.m.
lb. 59
MINCED HAM ,,,.69'
eRIB ROAST of BEEF ,.:,1u, lb. 89'
lb. 354
Mexican Vine Ripe
21b. Choice 35
Van Camps 19 oz. tins Sunnyvale Fancy
Beans & Pork 4/$1.00 Fruit COcktail280z,tins49 Blue Grass
White Swan White or Colored
Toilet Tissue 2Roils 290
Del Monte
Drinks Puss 'n Bobts 15 oz. tins 3% oz, pkges. 4/894
Cat Food Pineapple-Grapefruit or
48 oz. tins Carnation 18 oz. jar
* T-Shirts
* Swim Trunks
* Swim Trunks
with matching tops
* Casual Jackets
Coffee Mate
r Sport Shifts
* Slacks for school
or dress
* Blue Jeans
White Jeans
• Rain wearwith Hoods
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busting Powder
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Perfume Vial
Flower Mist
Perfume Mist
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Flower Mist with Gift of
/ Buy of the Week Match a Pair
Boys' Suits & Co-ordinates
New sty les Single Or Double Breasted
48 az Juice
Peas, Cream Corn,
Kitchen Sliced
Green Beans
14 oz,
your choice
4/99+0 E, D. Smith St. Lawrence
Mania For Shopping At McKnigh0
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Garden Cocktail 32 oz. jar 374 Corn it 3 itc:z' 890