Huron Signal, 1870-4-7, Page 40 1tll..44111!„11840A1112 Ek, lee ,001. , 1••;R :t $itpa"' a &l i ': insret a,' 3'tt St. ie.ek a', ,1 • •. , . . _.. . had been declared h w ,fight W G.ke ►.r 114th bean - elseFEBRUARY V L L A K United tml&w., nom l' . .. _1.4414. ...44enC.ZU I ._ _ . - --- -. .- _... . . IM l the rude chance of war. perhaps seen . - 7T7 1441 jw--`un_ rC ,- r _ ... ]laa'w`.: +1 els+ v . - . , _ Moe, W. ' > Y9e'rl0e.r•1f s t 1-. t3 y[(?^ 'a ty ''jilltf-,F7itY'tll'i :`.. d. u.n'. erw .l. t'.,.' A1rat , i:-...rrl'rt':tr' .i .. •/gel-m. r..t,f._ :tww.tr r 7a , df.Inshshimmered gleamed from tea I" sf s y- gli IR ,C L I N O U rr. and ahinurercal ill gulden Awde (ren the Ifn amid not ay sacrifice the thought wotof nay- mike.' banners. The Miami: rattle of the ens him , et any sacrifice she would chug Ilviedrums. mingled with the clear tomes of the 'to him. At last she eonssnted to the pro - BALANCE. OF WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES LB ( d rr .'lens and the lull roar of . peed, and a pneet (ruin the intoner count- will Ile 1 in merriage. wally trrm.,nng feet sere • greed Yoder I ry united Before thiss, iudal had entirely 'nek- ton t, the lighter ...mole At the heed of his a•mpally, lou Van- en off his uurreepoudeace with Boy Eld- .tale u.rrdhwl with firer tread real manly ridge. gram, hu handaln'u face lit rte by hops Meanwhile, affairs had been going cel and pride. And why should hu ad (cel planned intwtthe enly at the emy 0 01JItowneu anttcineed tile -fill and proud t Had not It... Eldridge- Roy, u, hmugh- and rendered futile. This had happier' ty and bold te all ethers, w loving end time after time, and venous surmises wen gentle W him...that worming fastened a indulged in among the discomfited troops. runlon upon his brunt, hada hen • tear- Some one had evidently revealed their (111 farewell with many a lingering hiss of plans to. the enemy. love and oft-rel,eatedbnJ0inwss w h, cent- Yandale had been open and unguarded fel of himself. for her sake; and then in Ino conversations with Anomie Ill regard watched him with eager eyes, as he her- to matters at the pant.- Could she here rand down the street. Nag tat her jewel- revealed them to the enemy 1 He could 1.d tni.&turo-Inca oft of reluowbnnw- not believe It ; she would never have de - resting just over his heart elms. tuned Oeiead him thus. chamber was consecrated to her own glori- But at last a circumstance amerced that 1111 e.if I And was she not waiting now strongly *roused suspicions in hu mind. with w,riael others t.. gnat h'un with wry -I The a.mmanding officer of the ppecet was ins kslodkrnhief end cMxr,ng presence- absent, leaving 1t e1 charge of Vandale. her pn.od face tretufi nrwl by the lues that He planned an expedition whew destitu- tion Ire. Lar cove 1 tion sees revealed to the officer in charge Vory fair .,.e 1 cooked. u she stood with uuly at the moment of starting. The 411 and I1ape.y torus among the bright previous ensuing had been spent m the Reins eye. t...• hela.ny her straying'nng- company .d Annelle, and he had lulsuti- let., .10010 ,1 with l' the passing bream, tamely revealed w her the iutoualed foray. Aching tile strand. y .l gond, her .OK,Ot I The expedition tnrmlllated a limey pnoI- 11Is had ..i ck.ed in her eagerness, awl her I on 0851 had. 'L'be dotachulsut was led > r -un lel threat curved by het milieu ed -1 into a trap, aid badly defeated. Van- le muter gin. 'dale's auapw was now strnnl ly ironed CCP D 4.1 Iasi he ewe marching by. All her at once, but he mentioned his tune to no i"1 mall sew in her oyes then. and wares of 1 01)5. In Armands present* he entirely love, pride, and dr mal eppreheusioas ltrav- forgot his al.truste, su complete was his in• talker agitated breast anal sent their alter- fatuation. morn loth( iota shed... over her fate. His After his marriage with Arwane, the . Pright fes was turned to her as aith' Plana of forays fruit' the Vat were neon. `V hf v t he p+r».•.l belie/WI. Deftly she I fol. Evidently the channel through which Ce t e1,,, t gs.•d the fl•mgrant 1r.Hyn4t, among nth..+r the enemy had rani wed their information c u-rtully-vb•oa•n Mowers netted a lone; At length the event 0ecurrrJ that Van- - note, penned by her own far hand. I, dale had Ion a reacted ter st .0 er- She saw 1 emelt it, inlwle Ile diffusing K I" oJoue; Mid then drier from its sweet rest- I deed to be &thud -J. The order came swiftly air •' . and t . (mud at the cane; of an . fl ruche noun all WY tit Mai the hidden' .'ante. '., ran bustle and hurry, i a the meriting fight GRIST T & FLOURING MILS, plan ewdtly oyer, end thea lingered tenderly II l h: RECEIVED A LOT i u, 111 i was to beho1,1 thew steaming stray from darling! • howl n •.n le pun turned 0 the ordetlers were ., d, N feta ntilheir- r) (ITS Al i ® - Axa.n the bright fou was formed to her, I ray o o tut ern isswed, Lae Vandde bur• Muley Gnu Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, i B J __ww4Arwl aentaAult}e (_ well•eu n«d to tutors' Armaus fit the sudden de thaw hr wan u. eutintij( i1tR,tthettteTh Tashi ---Dlla.ch n-es-,-=-Sepfi . t'atO S Om r1sin sir- ihr.ng. And thee they penal on, t.rave men weilmosio- .rm .nee e-at,rrns.4 w FURS. SHAWLS , CLOUINI, MANTLE CLOTHS, OOLZN GOODS, BLANKETS, &,c.. ho. AT THS FRESH OYB rERS. 1 CHR,AP LA N.IIS .ESR . 1 9i,Fl WSW and by Haas late •tile/ arta jif, t1. east ane el . twY tins • mot l • f- -J,TOWN OF OQOE-401.6.. .... , • A ...: rawle C ora '` TO TESATo lotsteastglesouA. Lata lie Ito and leuµ?, t.,..en •d R•.rml'ri x«11 m our.. !fie to . v-r•m- .r.v .b.airr' 000-0.•a •an • ,,.• . osi Ir ■esdsnlgnd heetog emu the •hevwdl-true Ieq rM, eouurir to wo0of fish 0 Mw. Ines Rte own haatr le w,. pnpand w ,o. i :..as..,...1.0,berbinea:ipived:ede,:. ., 1►U.,peVhM„ ou ree..ble Min/ w sea. competent pare.Aior oa• 7••r THOMsn w►ATHRR A I.D 7ur particulan apply toY. 1, nwrel or, I1,.aer,en. WM. PIP1H le! »•&i 14o4..M► 14T Is. law. .tea _ - --- I ?COMB 18 II 01111111T Ole IM, TT AT A?PUC♦ TO .LT. 1' tea wIll be rads tow lama 4 the Uu.lmw of Canada, at tae see.. thereof neat city q the an of um. EMPARIf M. CHANCE 1 Alexander's aid Gloves $1.00 Der Pair_ FOR ONE DdCNTH ILADiES, thin iM the only opportunity you will have of getting the VERY BEST KID GLOVES made, at Jean than cost price. it. 13. .SLIrrII. ew67 Oo4cricll, February 4th, 14.70. HURON FOUNDRY! R. RUNCIMAN 1ANI't'A( TI-R1:1t ub' J. C. DErr k Co. WILL OFFER DURING THE NEXT TION ®MS1 THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, AT Greatly Reduced Prices For Cash ! STD 'I A L B :1RGAiNS Table Linen, Towels, Tickings & Tweeds. J. C. DETLOR & CO Gabriel Wank Itth,'1870. `ti.&J.KAY prepantirmr 'Pr her -yeerwey:- ld frequently Aniseed her -determination to aids bran ZLa,ewrrer M might :De or - endure thehi d•hips of was • exposure, dose. with h'go•ful and gallant l,eerti, els' tat! In the half -gloom of coming night, he how mow seen to he stilled for ever; • Posed episly &lengths curving and shad; while the .forma now proudly ingrains ed path -that lett to the (snit pines, when • honld lie torn end mangled amid the she wastrel* kismet him. She was nut crimsoned J of come tierce -contested then - field, there td find unknown burial, or '8hediJ not expect me 80 early,' he huger, with Tutting flesh end bleaching thought. '1 shall And her within.' bone., a hideous reminder of ear's fiery He entered they'd., hell that led clierot• of „ ,,,,,1 Imnn,odkind•. ane• CaeungA made &fid Hlaet•m.tw Work and lirpanna an' dcaJ11 Weisman. • ly through the mansion to the spacious done on siert notion. Coll sod sou the STEEL kIQULD•HUt1ND I'LOUQ HS, le •roe Ow Thu sonennge aiel dangers et Palo Alto trends beyond, and called her by name. get one vary •heap for rses. and flaw tea oda la 1'almA mud Immo mtered' 0 response was gives. He pauedtbrough Qoderich,Nuy. 12th, 1 set and safely passel; and the turbulent the hall and,mitered upon the lawn he- J etr•hte .1 tt,nterey anal bloody ramparts yond. Rai, he mule his way towards of lnena V tato, so prodigal of death in a favod.nte seat of Annan.. others, Ii -.l horn mercd0l to him; and 4t His f•.,tfslls were nulu,,ws in the soft Lint Lee VAndalr hound himself ltntione l grass as he passed sioug Laude -a Irving help, anise and broad armed, burdening the Gtr with 11• 01.14011 of imrfulne, cut from thousands of bright hued flowers. It was the fragrant Cherokee rose. Suddenly he Dame to an iiibitlit. the 1 Pirate L- 0)we11'►4, 7)7 -sag t 4n WI•a, Men's Gaiters, ` -iitON ADD --WOODEN PLOUGHS ! Youths' Heavy Baimorais. -- - With ('at or Sbil 1lonrds, Unll Ploughs, Oaog Plongbs, GirlsBalmorals in all grade'; Cultivators, Land Rollers, straw Cutters, Childrena' Slippers & Fancy Ties ; Age. Morel Furnaces, Poa•h K+tura, >iugsr Kettles, salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Reze', WOMENS, MISSES' & CHILDRENS' PRUNELLA COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOB STOWS, G i : KS IND BA L -MO R A LS. at Altmann', on the Rel Tampico. Unnngall his absence he had beencheer- ed be numerous and loving letterefrnm Ray Eldn 14e, and 1111 .11114117811tai 11101 hoer hod been banished by the retire- missives - minives that his love dictated. Every impenetrable wall The Ile gn had been diverted from its course and formed acircle & bent fifty feet in diameter, with a narrow e ntrance. This entrants Vandal! had noiselessly reached. • Within the circle was an enticing come. A leaping 10untein cooled the Paltry air by in spray, and .uogled with cool delicious- ness in the soft nestle of the leases. The heavy sward was dappled with drifta of letter from Roy bore to hint ...lined .s- 111811.11 of her unchanging love; and hie fervent answers were enough to Musty the moat exectlnll heart. The pet where Vendale wu stationed was + small one -he being second In wen - wand --and Its perpne sin to alarm and harems the ens it by midden incursions and envy •feel h)..s. ed was the home of seri "total (aim• orange b,nghs ane the tang ed ioxnnmrw c Iv -ono elms.. 114010 hall thence it .0a! of the hedge. Banner -leafed plal.tate. high am.'u;ethe aruterecy of . Mexico.- ! swovrd slowly in the gloom, mud the sweet tilr:, 1.. f• -re the hi -making 0111 of OW war m,104nnl1A toned its leaves to catch the the pererta.11 Antoine Vrtrolds ha.l passed welaren dew of the fole.taln. The scene away, luring behind them, bend.. lief- wee ono of trsnqull and luxuriant repose. Rolf i woo sexes. Concluded en 2nd page. Reath of the sons had taken up armss-- nne sea with the army of the Mexican Pre- s/dem., Salla Anna; the ether was the leader of an independeut band 1.1 esti- maned mounted rangers whose field of operations was tearer home. Annie. remained lu ch..rge • f the old family mammon, wise bred inane were noted by the *reel. of vegetame that the pr.,J ,stay and and gnne•rone, limen so ▪ sive gr un1t4, everything betokened eealth and cultivaf ed tante. Armen. herself was a fiery, imnolaive creature, COpetie of tieing roused to pas. eion.te frenzy by opp.arttil, mud 1ltnaIh capable of intense devotion to whato,er her heart h.ono,. API .'peon. She wee s being ell flame and ,salon, outspoken in ).rr opinion, with • mann, as lament, and a temperament u warm and impulses, as tt.e midsummer stn of her men luxuriant clime. The evening of his arrival at the post, Ins Vandele Melted the Vscelde menmun for the purpose of prurerittg a guard to restrain any 'treaders from committing want.m destruction upon the premiRes.- Ile was received by Armnne, who thanked Ma# aro ter...111g for the 1ffer014 pnetwdr.n; het somewhat disdainfully declined the pr.dfered guard, expnening her belief that elle would be fully able, with the aid of the servants, to protect her home. She Nu nmphsntic in her declarations of devo- tnm to the Mexican cause, and rated Val. - dale eeundle ter Mtni(smnng these whom she termed miaereante and hirelings.--, Saida -ha, a Persian, bee given a magni- ficent ball at Paris. His bungee were covered with cashmere embroidered. with gold, which he give away to the departing guests. One "lady,- net caring forcash- mere, took away a Persian carpet. Slip- per was served under& gilded trellis, beer - mg ape grapes, peaches and cherrries.-- n,C•t 1' 1 a.a 4 ' Tr7mttl is sp iidmg the winter on hie farm In Florida. A few nights since hearing a burglar at work nn the front door of his hoose, watched it, and when he saw the pint of aa augur curve through the plank he fired. There was no further demon- stration on the part of the bungler, and the next morning a negro was found in the adjacent woods, shot through tho bowels. A cmh'eeb wedding war celebrated' in Iowa the ether day. Mr Joseph Cobb was united in marriage to Min Kat.. Webb. Father McMahon read the Papal n - script against The Fenian in New `fork on Sunday, when half the oongrwgation in- stantly walked uut of the church. .39 BAROMETERS AND .THERMOMETERS . MADE BY L. ST)NSTED, REGENT ST., LONDON, E't BLAND. rllxn R genenl agent -11111, throegk eal1 npoe the people of this Arndt, Mae «aeroo el tie Mist m,,.ths..110 a NII wllbrated I.etrwmenta. which we shell Weir at the vaw M.w. fd11,.- Ing Extremely i..P.Mete Cherry 7,050.. Ie, h ; wh,11 Naon Helmet fn.froma , 1111.. ceo rdinet l tub... Birk Wel■nl Cao•..wit h1'».man ge+ tube,*. pi,l1e •, with Celt bored tubas $10 to gar ,-.. h .,•.onnnet,m.i.h , ase s.tln Howl nam., 5110 each, with the celebrated Wooden 1'letern and Rem* rut at the 1w4 . aR1pow 11'.....1 Pran.e 111, 4... Ilial. mod Franklin Tule and .•..tern 72.5 . RnrIl.h Wheel ler omelet.. mel.. rullitr.•f 'yJ1,. ,.in 1.4 1, Aoan1eie.I.k -.1t attached, to each. M.conies,, .stn • folle Every Instrument Warranted for One Year from ds.or.1, Haring pr.e ared a cermet reg1Alr .4 •ray el(y •n4 ewe In Canada, the height above tide rater ••l era brei the ..neral tacit 11 pre arn.1 to altitude every instrument for each' locality '0110,111. wkleh - hill .nw,rtinmt r4 0etf Rlwlale1111g A bWi.800wetm.t/awaa..0n •minim.' .Pip ' own the 110 lawnrce, stopped over lenity at (1e 11,00s pg.ersileSel, lu Monne) C. e.., hi tag mummer of VM Melee the day elen4.,) he wee 1r11M .111 Simms. miting..Msent purging, {r„ Indicating a •IIJa.r eyed Amyl. Tanen. Aa.tlepmeaard • ammo) 1•d .ed1.e. N I1.. deny. ; hot ou 11rl417a theme Soo .1,00,rea of media 1.c• ere rowel --a per .hd. for lame who art are 0e Men4yw. He eon eminently gs , in■11 ver, untllhl..n .mplo. Mrs,. darning usual Sale. .n•1 then n,,,,ager Amend and interested by her frankness, .•:"°1‘,""bawd wl.M+1 mein M•e hl... 1 l*mrdhme ly Vandals lied no but ring tone,andthe'm a lassp ,, nal fir R•M7 wh.f, d,wl i m . rr QQ halt Inm1,1r orf w11.r In w few .muni•. 11. , .hal• two parted -Vandals with the determine- name en. • lively an4 n• n .d nfiery-hearted arlM : 'I Nal mora Mplwn,10gd exfepdrrenlnn anti ha ln seeing nein of the n MAA sump .e. lasrl In conc. f h•.i.. 1p ales 114.0.1, r; and ,be thinking he wee much tax, n ever ... Moly • In 11,e .•anew .d an horn 1 g..• tinea man to 'w engaged ill what she an snot her Mi. la mn Meer after that. he ale hie 41nwr In the rrea.ng he attended, hnn•k the him cal led a mercenary week return to Montreal he celled net van and mend that he From that tinge Lee Vandele wee a fro ie meat chyli>' Rawly Relief .yed ht, nM ,fm .e,e 4 (b * 111 .•. i MAn11AY;M m the Ant rympts,a of pun . mean In Ihe that w,1 arouse.I IR 10111 at: he 8 'et in • .Inma h , r how.Ia, tae. • 1... mfr NNdy Relief • Mt. l«w enllfin•ally Inrroued. Ilia sown r( mol , m..e, ,tin. k. al _ infer. Dianna, gel:»m"Cn1tr, U7wtpP•vn, .lr. derop,Tl M Rd?), Eldridge were 4mpolten; pyi.,M rs. or, if reh,eH,hered, were immediately die fiat* Ms.rwai'. Al.uoos-far 1179 mined as e teething unpleasant to recall. Lee Va nem. finally awake to the fast that a1. mn ..neve». m•m Nennlge. RArnmal nm, n iie was madly in love with Armnne Va- r finer d•ecrg,nnl. r Vv./Brig.' Amn •,ant,r. i madly Celda. • .*.she ewer' your Neonatal., min your Rheumatism, mol budah ynnr pain. !told by all (1n.gabt. And Armen.. well ! elle can tell the env* of • wo,een'e heart r Long befnn 1 Ur. J, Rene• Thn,at. lad 1.1104 H•1114 I. PIos. . Vandals ventured to. tell her .4 hu lora 1. tate•1. arwr,f.M Mr la Cen/Im, Ons1h14/. . Moto by Inlllhn.te stir hal confessed to herself that ale luve Tvo t1.•s.le outer Ian. Cons, Bunions, 11.1 RAN, flitter was her humiliation and (!M11Was /reale tar. he . Ire to J nriges ('fir shame at (hie discovery; nod fiercely she entre I11181.t Haft"). •, 't...ri.4, 1.11ef 1. 'note reproached hrtnelf for• what she deemed Mate, 114 men whilenemny Breed/let her ihamat0tent wenaness. Ile was her enemy, elle ant 1 to, herm.lf the enemy n( Heise she loved; his position unkn„wn t.. her-rwrheps an adventurer. fnfling wi.h her for hie own wnluIement.-- And Rite hal linen Lorrepped by his hand nun fare end aiveci•,IIr1 rigor; she, wboe. atm Lal deck. cel r 1*) she cenld feel nal, Calarh.•dlew•.. .111.n di hateel mad a moonet for thowe win *err 1frevedesses n1 and 411r da 1 am rtMnh. ass wield. Moselle finesse and seekl..•nM 111 atm* against her meth?. ; Mho, who had 1 by 0.ing fir J Rrlw• 'aln.r•nt.r, an Ian almald» Remedy tor all pain and Inlla..atlou Roto by Dry grate I1. J Rriggga.' Alkiventne Mr the (lire of Catarrh Neuralgic. Rhi... en me, le ■nnedMA la e the ea Inner of 111 OWL tle u uU,w by Robert Rheum, of Om Toy ofOodarieh, In the County of Huron. for • MI1 or termer Sous Mann. 4 comm., formerl7 0.ude Borlsed aid w. called Tillie Hant, on the ground of adultery 111.4 of 0o4ene6, the 0th 407 of 0.1.)er, 4. U nowcasinos a 0.n RR,w. valet 1, •ppltoant 4-13. R. M'DC) U GALL, PRACTICAL VETERINARY 8 U R - unit, Oodertah. Veterinary! Medi- cines always 0n hard. 11111 be 10 U:.og.nnun eveiry WedeMda7, sM at Lucky,/eg• erate Friday examined r w wiodawa.•. sir awemlt. IMPROVED N Raw RESTORER FAVORITE BAIR DRESSCN i Pyle in one$otde BY ITE UOE 45&y or Faded Moir u nicely Nei* to its youthful color and beauty, r_. - and with the first applrcahou a - lasatital glom and delightful fragrance is gileu to the Hair. Oodstich, March 3rd, 1070. w13 EXTRA VALUE. IMP-CM/TED EDS WA New Seeds ! New Seeds 1 PARKER & CATTLE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEiR AN t'AL STOCK OF Imported Field and Garden Seeds, . - -- UofeinCasada.- Thrnno....hn. one nn r.- •,1 sen•., •.m,.4 these n:.n,l . n.lr,none., which ecru -Mel- •nd ,,,,,r,o ,ly 7'.nlrn the "uta 01 the .either from 21 to ae hone. in al renee,,lr.nld &mall t0uuelreil tLe opportunity wl.iih no. nt.iyeelf. The Agents •111 re man for . few d,y doily. Heel dimee fir the Dominion, to Montreal Iteep.t l 111. June 14, 10*1 J O lbiWIE0,0enenl Agent foreen•st& General Runts to be Observed In Consulting the Barometer. , If lir Vermin ser. o1.,.t leuebee 4the wont '• Changeable.- without mnving much, either op or down IM h her will be unsettled and chan2.14. 2. If the .mercury r..e.. 4, .d Imre the word '• Pelt," fine weather Is et hand . >h.•uld It h.pprn to rale when the .werenry elands high. Il will be local, and ,,ry 111,1 of It. . If ins n.rrnrr . nn(iuo. w ,t. .lowly -weir for age! air tee Joy/ -end arrive. &t or ahoy. the Ila 'Play Fair,'" Ihe11.n..ono•r,1••ukfor dr.onl11 .111n .Inter mnllnn.l Root. 1 w hem the Meehan falls.it /i.11.te. hal weather; If the fall he dew, 11 001 ran If quick, It .111 UM. ; and It all n1 w n 'Munn 1. wire te follow A I iberal dircou,t allowed t., C'wary 1 -...ars. mem r ' •r PARKER & CATTLE'S DRUG STORE, Owlerich, Feb. 24th, Ie7R. 1121 Market Square. 4 It will coax (lair to trove as 84148pota It ell promote Isturient growth. FALLING HAIR to Immediately dueled. IINd by all Druggists. Price One L)oWr, llannfactared by 8. R. VAN DCZE4 h CO. Wholesale Druggists. 116 Barclay Street and W Park Place, New -York, and 264 High Holborn. Leaden. Ent. IT*1I I.t he the Town of moutons me • tern, of years, 1 Bald Cot will • Wee on x01 111 acres of good landPo, l*0leula ap7ly'w. W. D. ALLEN. *deed es. elm two im7 bAT..RrCWLJMTW07 w16b 1.414(10 m.eaa M. gent waweeWl, cun- Wittiest 101 anon d .grilse, ish,A w•ll wst•re 1 Ther. us larw omen numbs theeesl *Moine end oda small me urougl W south .ad, 111*, areal sem -halm spring. it 1. Wf • 1.11e from Skoal* law M,11, •.d 1 mile. from Hlru, for .air very cheap ayply M *0c ARMRTOUNO, 00d.r1l, 0.401/00, 1.1,i11/71. ope T I+av •361 Farm for Sale. T ur. fa .14 64, H.ysrld (-un,erioa. 1e One LA Township et O dvmh t'oetelmug ra ierea, 01.lher nvrr 61s n rlrsred will grad Frame Marr, Mad Log M.Ome, •bet td e..1a irony vision. For Thong .l sale applyr el Ole D.vm.oa Cour 0/11 al ,:.der»•0 0.21_,. liWIOU)MU TUNua1Mpe .ise Oudercl. On. Heet,111,11176 1. - FARM FOR SALE. TWO HCNUK&D ACRES. LUTe AND 11110. STH. TuwwYlr or ORS 1 n a .em cleared.... rrv.m01 ala1ee.).m.ras aaM.t*. It Morro e log man, w.. 4 .111 fro. Y • IT from 1..- inn ..a n1hr lb Mel a.&.0eY WL R.. shies. .e *e.df mile h.ow el • : ohe.r, lieel pier .0to4.041 11 poen, RoeII, t .4.04(1*. gn ru,lr.ymf'IM Sp,lp 1.All TlI,,.ho f.•r tae Traa a lr. (10 7. en4seek H•den,n No 11. 1100. .a0 FARM FOR SALE, Lor 10,... N (1 11,1.11114.1 fir" p r1ru.•1. 4'108 .1..11 1• .tt0 & .w.*.dwu• 01 r .f4etv.l I., l t •Id .ilei an+r000IMIla, d lrrrup u hard all wel.,*I ty 111•..rrrl, r 1l.*I*4 10.0140 t0. f•.. 1 _ p..N r_o.i.' .u.. noel . Ma /0 IwM vsdw.lgewt, roe Mr, 1e FeeyiM,a, moose 114.14►. writraiet rawer nig lea.. u-tf NEW CABINET -AND UPHOLSTERING S IOP, wa»T ITaa5T, PPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL. GODERICH. ERIC McKAY, S & BILL -HEAD CARDS A When the M: i.•%drystorm, ,M MemIry le *Kim p to nm f Ilene, (ken er that0, ,1 the worst 1s tiler short Plain and Fancy, Printed at City Rates T. When the Mer airy m.,re. ga.dly, ouwap or 4owo. the sootier Ilei follows will he of.hortdun ,n..nd • „t a w AT THE SIGNAL OIFICE. THE undersigned would beg tO inform his numerous customers and the public 1. that his New WoJlen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order AND THAT 111 IR mere IIRTTIER PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY than last season while starting hie macho:el". all new. Custom Roll Carding, Fulling & Cloth Dressing Spinning and Manufacturing, Por bele*. Owlet, IlM1114.01.C.somptIon. and all Diseasse of the Thomt, Cheat and Limy. J tinges Throat arel Imo Hint. l• • metal, end reltalile Re trawled Peet iThiltitelne, rims, Minion., 1104 Nell. filrelere Pent.. Dee lOoccri hal been 0,impoomd WI with greet reee. and us. es direeted, never hule told he Drestista lelterly other ineehten of Met 140 veto, Mei 1..11 eruall onoirgli to lei - ten to the nano of Mann dalr inraders. With bit !yy.. *Men vhe 1.10. ar.114111.1.k.Hawongla trial of than ea or tift.a. .lorInrei to her inn thnt she would never re, onl to any an• she* 11,* Vandmle, Miming words_ told I h.r his love, and we earnestly anteceded her forte in retnrvi, mho f.intot all else hot the binge! fa -t that his loved ; that low - With Armen Vocable hoe name men 6 nerve marriage. end enforced his prey- l on by norprently representing to her that hog hio Imo a &mod up with hem Bret ha *relit; Imo yo• on own smosol. Edo. twill 1.011 health arol some mai. J Prow' pee, "le, Ring Mena, Wad Tomato De .1 *Hai Pik Remedy le eininne hy all who Ileave bawl 11 (and Mar man. le logloni to he the Wei, *11 11.14 by Drumlins& will receive prompt attention. FlevinV now on hand the largest, beet anal cheapes stock of of home nude FUEL CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS. & WINCEITS, eeee office 1 66 the poldir in this iart of the Pro. ince he would nodoed 16611y req.at anse wishing to etch.. their mmi la imd Judge for thernaelve. before appointing thenctolv. More here P lle 00111.1 lik mei. call the opeclal attention of farmer. to bewa. knot tomtits, and neekIng haahee amoral 11 from the experience a fornier yes!. to he perfort Iotirrr, of atieduaner to them In • arld.lis mars, that they cannot .. nnt11 puha. ton Mte gm. againet it. Yee ioNesiime• egm,,m• fro. rorrogr 04.11.1oor, Rad Nally rad Wm. torte ring ealletvins b111tOna, soil et *moo Or .1 lbsys' eMbtemma mennieneriese if/wow petite r•ta Mel tlaneasupaiwo lot Intlage• Telma( awl Lang Witelto It **I mt.... mat rare yes. Pm all illisiere Is Mae Par VT The highest Market Prim paid far any quantity of good (lean Wbol. THOMAS LOGAN. Ent Steen, Goderieh. al PARKER& CATTLE W01'0/ ESPECIALLY CALL THE ATTENTI.IN THE PUBLIC GENERALLY Yv to their superior stock of Anct having jam received Inge @apply of Take great pleasure in recommending them ler purity and flavor, which (*flout he eurriliwt1 for medical or family use. Gederieti ,Noy, 30, 1869. PARKER & CATTLE. et if G011E111(111 WOOLEN FACTORY, (KNOWN AS PIPER S MILLS) I OR SALE. 01.1.1) 113PkCTPI ILY AN w shop In the Mire 11,,. oe ern 0111 1 the s k rmake w order lt.ethe..Il Ivey ,,,n.tolly FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS• liming o hand an tm1a ail t pa.Mbrine n, -r. be trill be prepared 10*11 promptly all dr'l ' io cel line FARM FOR SALE. • FORMALS: "d Tu RK0 T, 11,1 Nu. e, Con 10 W U 4.110.1,1, '••. ll mace. •.• taming 00 are. 70 e,e.led, wi10 Maw amt tarn Then is • living' reel oe the/aK 1t le•.sew. lot. P0,.. $16.rtsere, mel YteW tams.W.s. MAR1'INUURRIN. Londe.. Pen. Y. 1 act,. • .1 • Farm for 8ttte. THR.uhcnMr of.,. reale Ill ot let T, minims , N 11 0.►1.1.1. distant .l...) 14 miles fir.. Bel ta.l. ...inning •, n. m re, .,t lee.. M m t.. clear• Moa or to n•1111.. 10 .rr.. (..l.'e 1.1 x1.4 um led the,'. h.M.•.A A yew frame 00aw, inure good weh.rd .*I .es Nele ol1. •11.. on emit hot. The vol 1a moot .1., loan. Pn , 44 )0), $em c 4 .fid ear 11417.1 Mt..y-rept0 r partinders may be nt.ti•ar•l from .'• ,. , pfielme. 040 N I s 0H R 0 0110*.1 1001. woo ono u Farm for Sale. T1 ITmmper ererm Ton •te, 4111 ens ► (1• r., 1 14...,4o re. .4 l.a4. 14.0111. or .111.11 •r •re4, erll..t.r•d by • living rrerk, and 1.ond. d ., she knee Maitland (i...l Ing Mew and Irmo hob 04.2',0 ria • gond "wheel ••n IM pyrr..m.r... 1,1.4.1 mar nay fn,. the riliat•e of Men. he.ter, It .n1il faire t;..4n• 4 and 10 .11.. from1 10lu.. The r• women, , deniable investment being or. the 1'nr.l y 1. 1:111 K.I.u•I y..- .u. e.4. superior oink pro liege osi the w,rr Mania. alai the Gtr inn. 1.,t of am mere the property ..f Mr J. 111,14, a1 or. of whirl r 40,1.4. •:th g'..1 Madinat., end Ui.henl Tee Piave tern Imo. 'MCA feet sea be het Memo Tar.. t... 1I,.(. sic; oI ,wake • desirable Farm he on,arty, a. do 1 d, arm, are together o1 can 10 411nlun.1 Ialt' [} A quaatlty of 0111.x1 Rn...,."I Mouldings o. baud Picture Framing to Order. J H. frost. by Oriel 0lterlroe le ►rt*N1 4 JUST ARRIVED. Apr 21 Ind. W It tf TO SELL OR RENT .rnE OLP LOT NUMBER El3HT, boundary ma. Bath •od Waling, Pool Officfe eerie orey. fined hardwood land, ma weterrd ; guns arms eleven.. Seventy aurthoogrortleolot.butor on lir fin tame. Mat 27a. INV. SA21611 N LA W6031. alas A SPLENDID PR @DIRTY ge. .1.1 emending fn. 'Three to Tea H•.i learn or Yearly benthnibis, by MO Imperial Building, Savings It Investment Co. OFFICE -60 Church Street, Tur,mt,, f) RSPRCT I, intimates to farmers and others that they are prvparad la Mi It all enders in ROLL CARDINC, • !One opatent, E/14 0. HARPER, Rae , Manager Merchente• Hank. JOHN TURNER Rap , 111.4re Seeseine. Turner Is Co NOAH BARNHART, Rest Nerrhant DALRYMPLE CRAWFORD. Law Weer* 1, craw WM Co D'A Ref( BoU11014. FY. Batikere--Mer,Aerds' Beek of Canada 23`Tlta aan•uni Ile Lean is •deatieed ens.. Detoctine. Omer owing the- gee leder. th• very FRICOls ARMSTRONG, inir Wes Sire. MONTREAL OCEliN STEASISHIP COMPANY. VOR TICK RTY in sot ha. Liverpool or Longo. - Marry by Ike above theenoap I, • apply to Agent, Oraml Truett Railway. AUCTION SALE or 'Ion to the Town of 1:-Iench, One .11undred Acres - Will be sold hy Pliblic Auction, at the TORT Hall, Gedench, ON FRIDAY. APRIL 8th 1870. Tba enteirly part of the River Mettland Falls Reserve, Township of TERMS OF SALE. w -One-fifth down ; balance in ten annital inetalments, re longer if required by the purchaser. la 41. Sae to ininmence at 11 a:clock. si. in 1 Fulled- Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, To RENT. gontle, Will 3,04 it to het• Inter.det to vira its a MD. es He are aattelled w• hate the Irene you retrirw Parties emetic from dominos with wool te got /larded may in riarly army moranae rely *a getting *kr wool &ens with them the anon day. Jon SO 1840 or11 • 11774. A TWO STORY HOURILCL01212 TO " the Marlon Benne Apply te, L. MoINTOEM Goderich Kane Ole, rO14 APPRENTICE WANTED. gin the ills, km/Unarm heath.. A @Moe yona 1 fn. tiler...dry profaned Apply to MIRACHAN Ooderich March flirt. ISM sweLtf EARLY ROSE POTATOES ! FARMERS TRY THEM. ned ia pure and true to name, and "• to which wee given the first prenainm at Provincial Eahiketion at London. And fint premium at fled...rich Horticultural ORDERS RI:CEIVED NOW will he filled on and after the first ef April. Price 80 cents per pen or 7 costa per pound. THOMS HOOD, atria taw. Rimer Wilk, Me.. awl le warranted la otimin nothing Marla.. Fre sake ley th• Ormer• EDWARD SHARMAN, PLASTERER AND SLATER, cents. rattiness te aay wink la the above branelk toms whiorws.h.4 ead Jae the miner. teem gagre to pet. • WIrabaltanaiwi Covering nen es wait eormeen tbe warmer. see BMW 011ier itiMinie "awned wit& wine Itsda. Dripopaie. bailer he. 1 um of Ap- the Head. ere milvie.1 to try this Mimed!, in B111041. Lever. •nd Stomach Contpi•int. it suc- ceeds when .4 turn ...I, inr steer •rtd eine. CO •sweale end Julie a wait never kno so to 'ail Remus mewJedb• Phvar ions throughout Europe That 11 no humbug as one bottle 01"hr-rased...no 8111 prOVe . 1.11 not stiffer velum you rsn eel ammo, by consulting Medially Taylor, lit rio,m Nelteelberrie Hotel. Cockwiek Lodi. unable be wall be Misoded •1 their o ire luesee. Zmg eye.. hy nee in it) ir v. mei dated Ontemonan, Mb plena, Irre, w141.14 nrsobvarr ACT 01! int r..1180 tosehodi le N.* rt thee= es fah , 401 mei 1411 be Yee gift Itiniorairmipierml lo veil ared mate JOHN HALOAN, taolweee Oedema Narali Ma, Ire, get et ic '44.1 A r 0 21 nAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS &westing in pert of /Veleta England Breed. elothe, Heaven, Irbil °eye, Fat ry (set , Scotch, awl ['mutat Tywerbi,esshineres, Doimacinti, end • variety of C•eadote Cloths; Plain, Salm, end Flowered Veatinge, thins tie fen ...onset of germ, satiliketioe 10 • who may levorittm with Om, orders. Iler II...IL-Cutting done to Order. -ram rd 081.E. 101111 V11.11.4111 or tral.trria. More fr.,P tear, and le I illege tide Are of thr Iota fere the end of Mini Wm. .1 the idher Orr me Mlle. River Maitland Thu erdmIel he an eeeellart site fee • , I Th. property will tie 14,1 reser," iv on part twyment. titne will la given tWrill6lik: more. Ifor further partrulars apply es She pierei STOP AND SEE • 11.4111 EAT IN IMAN REMEDY They •re were.. see, Our •g•• frOtr aetesai Me in Wrest SHOSHONEES REMEDY Orcrie. Kline 04 he.. se s•II es armada, tx rem,. WoralreV'arareneC. , C. W, Arna Err. Parapleani. ihal 4 Jean BAYFIELD GRAVEL ROAD. *easily Nom en !Tweet.. (n, teen, in latte 4.11 ire. - TIRING int noderiele "'ie.' 7111114"1":":91:1417104A. emi wets goer. no onvoi noi6•411 'N•41 the teem 4 Oed Waal et ine Drew Rear and get • Similar es JJ 114 aerie, 66 4 which ••• entered • mover 1/410141401 iii• MIKA r RIM* mak mem tieraush the lewd Tie is •ilmeml tins: totoodHoo so, ,4o, roo. foroir nor on. Poroo.7 .1,014" OM 1116101.• fr." TIM 101 will fa mkt it* large so ;44. oirgriion. nog Women, 0 Wroletar Pleb. 4. 1.79 •1141 FARM FOR SALE. ne 147 ACRE!) Witt lit LEAR, ABOUT 110 her, a romfartilde Mame and lintel.. frame hum, • good nerhald, *WI well 8111,4, host eit the land le mr.11ent elay. The from Is Int an, *throe,. noiterteh Towonlop 9 nal. fr., boter1r11 ant Thom mutes I °element of part rash. gond Orme will be Mem for th• notably. /or puttentars apply on the premillwa FARM FOR SALE roimagtip of Underioli, containing 60 acre* about 66 tient cleared, 4 lloor. Dining ihmm, Parlor, Kitchen, Hall med Bed roan no the ismond lime May Remse, Lary Ism, de Italroorn, and low other bedroom. on tk• Rue Inirnt, Dairy Froll ronm.Store room, bleat mom. holm Bernthal fret 7 miles frown rib tonna,' 7 front spring rmek mil flowing well. Tim property Is Ma- sted it Mtn Imre Late Hems. of elikb • yed vls11 mn he fri. the cloy Apply to lame Malm- sey Rog ,rin the primines 01 10 11, M. TRIVICW•Pi 261.1i 1111111,1, 11176 'aft °lift aftiftlw1-11ft FA.11,11 FOR SAL.; OR TO RENT. and gond Wm rin It. TY clamed la In e grind *tate 4 rattles/Inn. It 14 well alturitrol, Ming A mil. frnIn laytteld, It front Clint. and: 1 1 Iron, Roderick PM farther parteleare apply to the undersigned, Beryl. Poet FARIS FOR BALE. T or is, IN THR -CONCSIMION or T111 1.1 trunnalp Holten Is Om county nf Mann, coo - tinning 1014.• son. es hien TIM Pars lon he sni.1 eineie Peek, Of part5rile none% rel Morava,. For partleelen *pipit !mean MI lira et-fra 0•610116.1166110. OM. tre. Agents, Read This 1- new:417 meet Sew halweelimm 0