HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-30, Page 11The new Queen Elizabeth produce stand, opening in June 1970 on the southwest quadrant of Casablanca Boulevard (Offield Road) near Grimsby, will enable Niagara farmers to market fresh-fro m-t h p-farrn fruit and vegetables along a controlled-access highway. The rebuilding of the Q.E.W, into a controlled-access highway eliminates the four old Ontario Department of Highways' roadside stands in the Niagara LAWN MOWER WITH YOUR INTERNATIONAL° CUB CADET® 61ADET 60 LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR N. T. MONTEITH EXETER LTD. 235-2121 "The best in service when you need it mostf - 60190•10111 VOLLEYBALL CHAMPS St. Boniface School, Zurich, walked off with two championships in the South Huron volleyball tournament at Exeter on Saturday. Both the girls and boys won the laurels in their class, and brought the trophies back with them to their school. Members of the girls' team are, back row, left to right, Yvonne Oud, Willie Blom, Theresa Lansbergen, Rita Farwell, Mary Rasenberg; front row, left to right, Miss Skinn, coach, Carol Masse, Mary Ann Geoffrey, Sharon Masse, Susan Bedour, Patsy Denomme and Miss Murray, coach. (Citizens News Photo) Protect germinating seeds with disinfecting chemicals CUSTOM APPLICATION OF Treflan, Patoran, Atrazine and 24D Sprays ONE-STOP SHOPPING 0 0 For Your Chemical Needs Insecticides —Herbicides FOR • Beans • Corn • Turnips • Grain. TREFLAN —PATORAN —ATRAZINE TOX E 25 CASH DISCOUNTS Since each seed contains an undeveloped plant it is important to protect it against soil insects and disease pathogens. Germinating seeds and young seedlings are subject to attack by various disease organisms which may be in or on the seed, or in the soil surrounding the seed. They cause seed rot, damping-off, seedling blights, and smut which reduce stands in various ways, thus affecting yield and quality. Karl Bereza, Insect and Disease Specialist with the Farmers show some persuasion The Ontario Federation of Agriculture, president Gordon Hill believes that recent action by the Trudeau government proves farmers do have the power to persuade those who lead the country. Federal Minister of Agriculture H. A. "Bud" Olson has announced that the government will accept the OFA recommendation and maintain present rate levels for the coming year in the feed freight assistance program. The OFA asked the government to abandon plans to make less money available to the assistance program for the upcoming fiscal year. Mr. Hill explains that a cut in funds available to the program, coupled with a possible -increase in shipping, could have resulted in a decrease in assistance rates. He emphasizes that this situation could seriously hurt Ontario farmers financially. The Federation president says that indications point to a shipping increase of as much as 500,000 tons in the coming year. He says this is due to an increase in both hogs and poultry production. Mr. Olson stressed in his announcement that he wanted to remove the fear that the continuing heavy demand for feed grains would mean a reduction in assistance rates. The Federation president points out that the present rates, established in November of last year, provide a generally equalized transportation cost to feeding areas in eastern Canada and British Columbia. Hydro warns kite flyers Ontario Hydro has warned kite flying enthusiasts that carelessness could cut short their summer recreation. Because electricity will take the shortest route to the ground, metal struts, metallic wire, wire-reinforced string and even damp string will act as a conductor. The golden rule of kite flying is KEEP AWAY FROM POWER LINES. The best places for kites and kite flyers are the wide open spaces. YOUR ARE READY! Pick up your phone... then pick up your order! DeKalb XL Powerplant seed corn, with the high yield power, has arrived. Demand may exceed the supply. So if you need more XL seed, let me know now. • Silo Unloaders • Milking Parlors • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Honey Wagons • Belt Bucket Elevators • Farm Gates • Forage Boxes • Comfort Stalls • Water Bowls • Waterers • Farrowing Stalls • Livestock Pens • Exhaust Fans • Roof Ventilators • Roof Grain Doors • Meter/Mills • Windows SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION Kerslake Barn Supply JIM KERSLAKE RR 1 Centralia 285.1606 DIVISION OP GIIRBRO CORP: PHONE 262-2605 "Trade with Confidence" Trade With cook's HENSALL Attention Farmers! Rydall Has Taken The Labour Out of Tiling Install Only Clay Tile For Lasting Quality Time Performance Proven RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. MANUFACTURERS OF FARM DRAIN TILE "Quality Drain Tile a Specialty" ALL SIZES — 4 ins. to 16 ins. — PRICES ON REQUEST Our Delivery Trucks Are Equipped With Self Unloaders We now have available CRUSHED TILE for driveways and for beautifying landscaping projects Inquire About Our Trailers for Effortless Handling in the Field WESTERN ONTARIO FARMERS ... RELY ON RYDALL PLANT LOCAT4ON • ENGINFIELD • RR 2, LONDON CALL COLLECT WHEN PLACING ORDERS LUCAN 227-4721 NEW HIGH SPEED RECEIVING EQUIPMENT FOR 1970 WHITE BEAN THE NUMBER ONE CASH CROP FOR 1970 In 1969 there was an increase in the domestic demand and we could not satisfy the export market. Canadian Beans have a preference in the U.K. Market, growers should take advantage of this situation in 1970. %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% V16'40.04•10..\\•"\\•% %%%%% •04,••• %%%%% \\,..\\N\V1%,,, NOW AVAILABLE ley SEED BEANS Certified Canadian Foundation Canada No. 1 CONTRACTS Including Fertilizer and Chemicals LIGHT and DARK RED KIDNEY SEED California Certified SEED TREATING SEED GRAINS %%%%% •%% %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ••\,..\\\\NN %•,..N Hensall District Co-Operative BEAN CONTRACTS We have a COMPLETE LINE of Seed, Fertilizer and Chemicals For Your Spring Needs SEED BEANS CO-OP SEED CORN FERTILIZER Bulk, Blend and Bagged • ANHYDROUS AMMONIA • LIQUID NITROGEN • ATRAZINE • EPTAM • 2-4-D CONOP • PATORAN • LASSO 4 • AMIBEN BUY AT YOUR CO-OPERATIVE HENSALL ZURICH BRUCEFIELD Fresh fruit to be available along controlled highways Peninsula and necessitates a completely new approach to roadside marketing. Plans for the new stands, believed to be the first located along a controlled-access highway in North America, were developed during the past year by committees of growers and civil servants directed by D, E. Williams, Chairman of the Ontario Food Council, Ontario. Department of Agriculture and Food, The location of the stand, a crucial factor in its success, was carefully selected to ensure traffic safety and convenience for all motorists using the Q.E.W. Plans for the construction of a second set of produce stands on the north side of the Q.E.W. near St. Catharines are now being prepared. The construction and leasing of these new produce stands is being handled by the Ontario Department of Public Works. The planners of the stands feel that roadside marketers in both Canada and the U.S.A. will be keenly interested in this development. This service-center approach may prove to be the solution that will enable roadside operators to sell produce to the ever-increasing number of travelers using controlled-access highways in North America. The old Ontario Government stands, which must be removed to accommodate the modernization of the Q.E.W., were constructed by the Ontario Department of Highways approximately 30 years ago. This was done shortly after completion of the Q.E.W. to alleviate the traffic hazard created by over-the-fence selling of fruit and vegetables by individual farmers. To date, construction on the Q.E.W. has removed only three of these stands. The stand at Vineland Station will remain in use until construction on the highway necessitates closing it. Verne Alderdice KIPPEN 262.5494 Esommummisovamessomm Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, says that these diseases may be prevented or their incidence reduced substantially by the use of seed-treating chemicals. These disinfect the surface of the seed and protect it by providing a chemical barrier against soil-invading fungi. Readily available for this purpose are the well-known mercurial fungicides. In addition there are three carbamate (non-mercury) drill box formulations, namely Chipman Agrox N-M, Niagara Polyram, and Green Cross Res. Q, which give good control. Another non-mercurial, known as Vitavax, was registered recently. It is a systemic chemical and will kill fungi inside the embryos of seed, and thus will control the loose smuts of wheat and barley. Insects attacking seed and seedlings are usually controlled quite effectively by treating the seed with insecticides, says Mr. Bereza. Wireworms in small grain and corn are controlled with lindane, while diazinon is used on the corn seed maggot. The insecticides may be applied in combination with a fungicide. It should be noted that seed treatment is not always a cure-all. Where crop rotation is not practiced, an excessive buildup of diseases or insects associated with a particular crop may occur. Such a situation combined with favorable weather conditions (usually wet and cool) often creates an excessively high incidence "of organisms that may not be controlled by seed treatment alone. In addition, certain diseases are not controlled by chemicals. For example, for Cercosporella foot rot and Last party for season The South Huron Rabbit Breeders' Association held its final euchre party of the season, Tuesday, April 21 at the Elimville Hall. Scores for the games were men's high, Ed Murray; ladies' high, Shirley Willis; men's lone hands, Dave DeForest; ladies' lone hands, Annis Fischer; ladies' low, Ethel Donaldson: men's low, David Stanley. Door prize was won by Jim Dickey. take-an disease, which both occurred extensively in 1969, rotation with crops other than wheat and barley, and plow-down of stubble are the only control measures that can be applied. Where seed is treated chemically each year and crop rotation is practiced regularly, insect and disease problems seldom arise. Ask ban on no deposits No-deposit, non-returnable bottles increase the cost of food. This statement was made announcing the Ontario Federation of Agriculture will step-up its campaign to have the provincial government ban the non-returnable, no-deposit glass containers. Discarded and broken bottles cause the farmer possible injury to himself and his animals. The bottles cost the farmer expensive time because he has to clear them from fields and repair tires and machinery cut and broken by glass. The OFA president says that the careless attitude of the general public costs money in the end because the hazard of discarded bottles adds to the price of food as it costs the farmer money. The Federation first asked the government in 1965 to ban no-deposit non-returnable bottles. The most recent meeting with government officials about the problem was in February. Mr. Hill explains that the problem of discarded bottles did not start with the introduction of non-returnable soft drink containers. He says that people have been discarding bottles along country roads and fields for many years. Murray Gaunt, Liberal M.P.P. from Huron-Bruce, recently introduced legislation to completely ban the no-deposit, non-returnable bottles. The Federation leaders calls on the public to support this legislation. The government has announced it is considering its own legislation to ban no-returnable bottles and increase the cash return value on many different glass containers. EXETER PRODUCE & STORAGE CO. LTD. Highway 83 , EXETER Phone 235-0141 . • Continental SPRAYERS * HEAVY DUTY * EFFICIENT * ECONOMICAL The lowest cost, most accurate and trouble-free spraying equipment on the market. 10 row 500 gal. trailers, 6 row 200 and 300 gal. trailers, 100 to 200 gal. mounted models. Disc Booms, Pre-emergence Sprayers, Saddle Tanks, Pump Kits and accessories. ALL PARTS IN STOCK - Tips And Pump Parts For All Makes Exeter Farm Equipment "The Best in Farm Machinery" HARRY VAN GERWEN EXETER