HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-30, Page 5= f E- The McKNIGHTS take this E.' opportunity of saying Thanks to' .t-* everyone for your kind patronage LE during the past year. It is our sincere desire to serve you better -2- in the future. BOYS T-Shirts TAM O'SHANTER KNITS Reg. $4.00 SALE a ON 059 2/700 Sizes age 8 to 16 TIGERS GET TROPHIES — The Dashwood Tigers, Ontario Baseball Association Intermediate "D" champions for the past two seasons received their trophies at a banquet held last week. Above, manager Glenn Webb and assistant captain Bob Hoffman are shown with Bob Sadler and John Livermore president and secretary, respectively of the Huron-Perth Baseball league, T-A photo $949 1965 BUICK LE SABRE 4-door, V-8, automatic, radio, power steering and brakes, J57361 OPEN UNTIL 6:.00 SATURDAYS AND 9:00 WEEK DAYS EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 27.419' mitobremplY1,11111,11111614.1 LS MFT CALL US TODAY Our Experienced Staff Is Ready and Willing To Serve You! SPRING BARGAIN DAYS Are Here Again Remember: Larry Snider Means Fine Trades ENQUIRE ABOUT OUT 12-MONTH WARRANTY Once again Larry Snider offers excellent buys in A-1 Safety Certified Used Cars and Trucks. These units must be sold to make room for the trade-ins arriving daily during this wonderful spring season. Certified Spring Specials 1963 CHEVROLET 4-door, J16571 1963 FORD GALAXIE 4-door, power brakes and steering, J57525 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, 6 automatic, J56241 1964 FORD GALAXIE 4-door hardtop, choice of 2, both with power brakes and steering and radio, J55402 and No. 2803. Your choice at 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500 2-tone red and white, 6 automatic, J57365 1965 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-door, H2065 1966 ENVOY EPIC a wonderful second car, J57357 1965 CHEV BEL AIR, 31,000 miles, J55225 1965 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 Convertible, V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, J84655 1967 DODGE POLARA 4-door J56583 1967 METEOR 4-door sedan, H7235 1967 COUGAR 390 V-8, 4-speed, vinyl roof J56591 1968 DODGE MONOCA 4-door hardtop, really sharp, E95874 1969 FORD LTD 2-door hardtop, all the goodies, J57356 Try Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Now And Get The Buy of a Lifetime Lawry Snider Motors Ltd '495. '495. '650. $749. '795. '795. '795. $9 13 $19 '2 $3 $8 95. 49. 95. 49. 95. 95. 149. Special Cars at SPECIAL PRICES 1970 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-door, power steering, power brakes, radio, remote mirror, white wall belted tires, with many safety extras, J54736 1970 CHALLENGER DEMONSTRATOR, 383, 4-barrel engine, automatic, power brakes, mag wheels, radio, J54570 DEMO SALE PRICE '4,099" DEMO SALE PRICE $3,190 00 Authentic Anton RACING JACKETS As Advertized In HOT ROD Magazine AVAILABLE TO COMPLEMENT MOST MAKES OF CARS Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large $1198 ONLY SEE BOB TODAY *AS Dobbs Motors Ltd. EXETER 235-1250 EVENINGS 235-1130 Times-Advocate, April 10, 1970 PagO Otto Darling and Kelly Robinson were the first to vomplete spring seeding of grain in this district. A joint church service of Ailsa Craig and Brinsley United Churches will be held at Brinsley, Sunday, Jule 14, for the annual church prado of Ailsa Craig ..Lodge AF ,4'4 AM, 0 1.121CALT NO MATTER. WI-1AT YOUR LOT IN LIPE. MAY BE. - BUILD SOMETI-11h1G COI-11-t/ Driving a car with smooth performance can mean extra comfort, convenience and happiness in everyday life, Our experienced mechanics will help keep your car in top-notch condition. Drive in today, RON Piee AUTO SALES I TOYOTA SALES AutSERVicE RADIO EQUIPPED 241b&TOWING P1tott235-1710 0 EXETER 1969 FORD TORINO GT, 2-door hardtop, bucket seats, console, power steering, radio, J59050 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 500 4-door, automatic, power steering, J86180 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 STATIONWAGON, automatic, radio, License X13828 1968 BUICK WI LDCAT 4-door hardtop, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, J13496 1967 COUGAR 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, License J85444 1967 PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENNE 2-door hardtop, bucket seats, console, radio, power steering and brakes, J54751 1966 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE V-8 automatic, bucket seats, console, License J58364 1966 COMET CALIENTE 2-door hardtop, 8 cylinder, radio, J56051 1964 CHEVROLET Super Sport 2-door. hardtop, J67846 DEMONSTRATOR 1970 METEOR RIDEAU 500, 2-door hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic, power steering, white walls, covers, J59173 TRUCK SPECIALS 1966 CHEVROLET 1-ton chassis and cab with duals 1965 CHEVROLET window panel, six passenger, 15768B 18-Foot Boat, Convertible Top, 75 Horsepower Johnson Motor HENSALL MOTORS LTD. HENSALL 262-2604 Snowmobile Storage PHONE 235 -1808 ▪ Get In On The Savings At Our First THREE DAYS ONLY — THURS., FRI. and SAT. 111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111111111111161101111111111111111114 llllll 111111111111111 lllll I lll 1 lll 111111 llll 1 ii I iiiiiiii II iii • iiii 1.1111111 iiiii iiiiii 111111141111 iiiiiii 1111111111111111111111 iiiiii 1111 E DON PARKER SLACKS SWEATERS SPORT SHIRTS See our selection of knits. Jackets the latest in styles and shades, Men's Walking Shorts a good variety Swim Trunks just arrived Thanks for Shopping at McKnight's THE STYLE CENTRE = = F.- = MAIN ST. EXETER 235.2320 :.g. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilliltillillIIIIIIiiillaiiiiilailmiiiiiiiililiminufflanalifluiglimiuffligiumailimulfiniltilallaallaiiiIiluninwililiniiilI111111111111101111 4. Len McKnight & Sons Men's Wear Young folk to present service at Dashwood By GORDON MCIRI7gY A leaking water pipe on the Lake Huron pipe-line made it necessary to clOse the valve on. the farm of Mr. Kelly Robinson while repairs were being made, The North-West Regional of Middlesex Presbyterial will be guests of Brinsley UCW at Brinsley United Church, May 4. After a smorgasbord supper, Rev. Charles Scott, Chaplain of the Psychiatric Hospital, London, will lead a discussion on the use of drugs in this age. Mrs, Grant Amos and Mrs, Earl Morley are patients in St. .Joseph's Hospital. Marion Cunningham was a Sunday visitor with Debbie Lewis who celebrated a birthday. Mr. & Mrs. David Morley visited Sunday with relatives in. this vicinity. Close valve for pipe leak By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS The Spring thank-offering meeting of Kirkton United Church Women was held in the church with 35 present. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Rae Stephen assisted by Mrs. Charles Bailey and Mrs. Ewart Crago. Mrs. Rokely Thomas was guest speaker and told about some of her interesting experiences in the arctic region. She also read a story of an afternoon tea in an igloo when she was guest of honor, Mrs. Ray Paynter gave courtesy remarks FREE ANNIVERSARY DRAW Visit our store and drop your name in the box. No Purchase NECESSARY SUITS MEN'S & BOYS Men's Shorts, Regular and Tails as low as 69" See the NEW CO-OR DI NATES. Single or Double Breasted BOYS Single or Double Breasted. as low as 24" MADE-TO-MEASURE SMILE ROW AS LOW AS 9400 Prompt service on Alterations By MRS. IRVIN RADER Youth Sunday will be observed in Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday, with a Youth-Adult worship service at the morning service. The program will be conducted by the young people of the congregation assisted by the Junior choir. The service features a chancel drama. This will be an experiment incorporating some of the best of the new worship forms suggested by the Youth Ministry of the Ontario District. The worship is democratic and designed to involve more congregational participation. Meet Craig Davidson. Craig has 7-4. joined our staff and is well known in the Exeter district and invites .F- you to drop in and say hello. _= = = FRIDAY NIGHT = SPECIAL _ = =•-• ...--7-. II = Ei Small, Med, Large Fr. E..-- Reg. $4.00 a.-- = Only 3 The young people will conduct the same service in Peace Lutheran church, Exeter, Sunday morning. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Guenther were in Drayton April 25, attending the funeral of Mrs. Guenther's sister, Miss Emma Leslie, who passed away in Listowel Memorial Hospital, April 23, after a lengthy illness. The funeral was held at the McCauley Funeral Home with interment in Hollen Cemetery. Harold Kellerman is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Amelia Willert has returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital and is staying with her daughter and husband, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Penhale. Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Tieman were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cornelious and Robert, Sarnia. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Hilda Haugh were Mrs. Laura Datars, Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Willert, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Van Dorsselaer, and Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rader and family of Stratford. Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Rader and family, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rader and Heather and Nancy Scott were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene. KIPPEN NEWS By MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dewys entertained Saturday evening at their home to honour Mrs. Dewys' father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Faber on the , occasion of their wedding anniversary. Progressive euchre was the entertainment for the evening. A secretary starting a new job found a folder in the "W" file labeled: "What Do We Do With This?" SEE THEM TODAY! Come In And See THE NEW AUSTIN 1300 AMERICA • DAMASK Red in Stock • NEW COLORS • NEW MODELS ALSO SEE THE • AUSTIN 1800 • AUSTIN MINI FOR 1970 • DARK BLUE IN STOCK SEE THESE QUALITY USED CARS 1969 MONTEGO M X 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, two-tone, radio J56649 1967 FORD SEDAN 500 Custom, automatic, radio J54906 1965 METEOR 500 Rideau. Radio, power steering and brakes. H78764 1964 METEOR SEDAN 4-door, power steering and brakes, radio H76905 1963 DODGE SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic J54628 1962 FORD HARDTOP 2-door, radio, automatic H78765 BIG SAVINGS! While They Last TIRE SALE Custom Power Cushion Polyester Tires 825 x 1 5 Reg. $42.90 Buy 4 And Get One FREE SOUTH -END SERVICE Exeter 235.2322 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MORE GRAND BEND AWARDS — At the annual sports banquet at Grand Bend Friday night trophies were presented to the top hockey players of the season. Above, Paul Roach, operator of the Huron Park hockey school presents the best goalie award to Tommy Baird while Harry Smits receives the most valuable player trophy from Grand Bend Minor Sports Association president Al Parker, T-A photo SPORT SHIRTS 59 2/700 13- Fr: