The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-23, Page 17Times-Advecatio, Prnall ril 23, 1970
HENSALL CAR WASH — Water and elbow grease netted the Henan
Hi C's over $100.00, Hard at work are Mary Mock, Nancy Forrest,
Shirley Brintnell, Jean Cole, Doug Mock, Jill Drysdale and Gary
Clements. T-A photo,
Mom...we're home!
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It pays, for instance, to have the full-time help of electricity on your side. A well-
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big chore.
As for the laundry ... you can forget it. An automatic washer and electric clothes
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It pays, too, to have lots and lots of hot water always
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In fact, electrical help need never end — as long as
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trical Modernization. Make it soon. You'll be so much
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Welcome to the world of
LOVE Cosmetics is a whole new approach to -5.1.
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LOVESTICKS (Lipstick) $1. 75 ..7-5.
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How to get your wife into a Volkswagen.
Have you shied away from a Volkswagen
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Of course, because the Squareback also
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Which poses a whole new problem:
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TheVolkswagen Squareback.
Don Taylor Motors Ltd.
District „Women's Institutes insta ll
new officers at annual meetings
Students present play
at Parkhill high school
The ladies of the Crediton
Womens Institute met at the hall
April 15 for the annual meeting
when dessert and tea was
The meeting then opened
with the Ode and Collect with
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins presiding.
Mrs. Jack Morrissey was
appointed a delegate to the
Guelph Conference and the
members agreed to cater to the
Stephen Central School
graduation in June.
The roll call, 'Something I
would like to see in a
programme or event for the
coming year,' was answered by
28 members.
Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand
Bend presided for the
installation of officers for the
coming year who are: past
president, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins;
president, Mrs. Bruce Shapton;
first vice president, Mrs. Walter
Weber; second vice president,
Mrs. Tom Triebner; secretary,
Mrs. Gerald Dearin ,: assistant
secretary, Mrs. Edward Lamport;
treasurer, Mrs. Jack Morrissey.
L strict director, Mrs. Harvey
Hodgins; alternate district
director, Mrs. Jack Morrissey;
auditors, Mrs. Philip Rudolph,
Mrs. Ross Haugh; pianists, Mrs.
Emmery Fahner, Mrs. Russell
Fink beiner, Mrs. Charles
Browning; Good Cheer, Mrs.
Clifford Kenney; Curator
Tweedsmuir history, Mrs. Earl
Standing Committee
Conveners: Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs. Ed
Hendrick; Citizenship and
Education, Mrs. Dave Cottel;
Home Economics and Health,
Mrs. Ross Haugh; Public
Relations, Mrs. Lorne Hodge;
Resolutions, Mrs. Charles
Browning; Historical Research
and Current Events, Mrs.
Edward Lamport.
Mrs. Bruce Shapton was
chairlady for the programme in
which two songs were sung. A
skit "Just a Relaxin" with Mrs.
Earl Haist and Mrs. C. Sims was
enjoyed by all.
The motto, 'Relaxation is an
art in living' was given by Mrs.
Shapton. A collection for
Pennies for Friendship was taken
and Mrs. Shapton showed some
slides of Centennial Year, the
flood of '69, Moose Factory and
Mrs. L. Hodge presented Mrs.
H. Hodgins with an institute cup
and saucer.
Hostesses were Mrs. B.
Shapton, Mrs. E. Haist, Mrs. H.
Penhale and Mrs. C. Sims.
At the Grand Bend Women's
Institute Annual Meeting Mrs.
Susie Devine, Public Relations
Convener was in charge. Roll
Call was Why does Canada
attract people from other
countries? and the motto was
Every good member should grow
turnips — 'turn up' for meetings
with a new idea, a smile and a
new member.
District President, Mrs.
Delbert Geiger was a guest and
she gave a brief talk leaving some
worthwhile thoughts for the WI,
members. Mrs. Raymond Kading
reported on the Spring board
meeting and Mrs. Alex Hamilton
gave the auditors report.
Mrs. Nola Taylor read the
nominating Committee's report
and Mrs. Harold Walper
conducted the election of
• officers for 1970 — 71 as
follows: past president, Mrs.
Nola Taylor; president, Mrs.
Wm. Love; vice presidents, Mrs.
Ed Gill, Mrs. Alex Hamilton;
secretary treasurer, Mrs. Hugh
Morenz; assistant secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Raymond
Branch Directors, Mrs. Verne
Ridley, Mrs. Myrtle McGregor,
Mrs. Carman Lovie; district
director, Mrs. Nola Taylor;
alternate district director, Mrs.
Alex Hamilton; auditors, Mrs.
Max Turnbull, Mrs. Alex
Hamilton; pianists, Mrs. Charles
Reeves, Mrs. Mansel Mason.
Conveners of Standing
Agriculture and Canadian
Industry, Mrs. Carman Lovie;
Citizenship, Mrs. Harold Walper;
Health, Mrs. Wellington Baker;
Home Economics, Mrs.
Wellwood Gill; Education, Mrs,
Leslie Adams; Historical
Research and Current Events,
Mrs. Emery Des Jardins; Public
relations, Mrs. Susie Devine;
Resolutions, Mrs. Ed Gill;
Curator, Mrs. Raymond Kading;
Horticulture, Mrs. Colin Love.
Mrs. Wm Love, president,
presided for businem, Next
meeting will be May 28. Mrs.
Susie Devine and Mrs. Alex
Hamilton will attend the officers
Conference at Guelph.
Voting delegates to District
Annual will be Mrs. Nola Taylor,
Mrs. Wm. Love, Mrs. Raymond
Kading and Mrs. Susan Devine.
Plans were made to celebrate
25th Anniversary of Grand Bend
W.I, in June.
Mrs. Tom Kooy will head the
West McGillivray Women's
Institute as president for the
coming year. She was elected
and installed with her executive
at McGillivray Hall, April 16,
with Mrs. Wilfred Dixon
presiding. Officers and conveners
of committees installed with her
Honorary president, Mrs.
Beatrice Dixon; past president,
Mrs. Albert Armstrong;
vice-president, Mrs. Vernetta
Dixon; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Reta Allison; assistant, Mrs. Les
Branch directors, Mrs. Grace
Dixon, Mrs. Les Morley; district
director, Mrs. Albert Armstrong;
alternate district director, Mrs.
Joe Conlin; curator, Mrs. Earl
Standing committees are:
Home Economics and Health,
Mrs. John Dyck; Historical
Research and Current events,
Mrs. Wes Lewis; Citizenship and
Education, Mrs. Albert
Armstrong; Agriculture and
Canadian Industry, Mrs. Laverne
Public relations, Mrs. Joe
Carey; resolutions, Mrs. Karl
Pickering; social welfare, Mrs.
Joe Conlin, Mrs. Melvin Allison
and Mrs. Earl Morley; pianists,
Mrs. Wes Lewis and Mrs. Grace
Dixon; auditors, Mrs. Wilfred
Dixon, Mrs. Parry Thompson;
Nominating Committee for
1971 Mrs. Karl Pickering, Mrs,
Les 'Morley and Mrs. Wilfred
Mrs. Mack Allison presided
for Mrs. Zelma Armstrong,
president, who was ill. The
Historical Research meeting was
in charge of Mrs. Wes Lewis who
gave a report on village of
Clandeboye as it stood 50 years
Mrs. Fraser Dixon read a
paper on "We build for
tomorrow on what we learned
yesterday." Each member
brought one of their oldest coins
or bills.
Mrs. Dixon also conducted a
humorous contest which was
won by Mrs. Wes Lewis.
Each convener gave a report
of their standing committee
indicating the completion of a
year full of varied and
worthwhile activities.
A birthday card, signed by all
present, was sent to Mrs. Reg
Wilson, Ailsa Craig, for her 88th
birthday and a get-well card sent
to Mrs. Earl Morley, a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital. Both are
valuable members of the WI.
Annual meeting will be held in
Poplar Hill, May 12.
Mrs. Reta Allison invited the
conveners to her home to
prepare new programs.
President, Mrs. I. McAlpine
presided for the April meeting of
Riverview Women's Institute at
the Masonic Hall in Ailsa Craig.
It was announced that
Achievement Day for 4-H Club
girls will be in North Middlesex
District High School and all
institute members and mothers
were urged to attend.
An invitation was received
from the West McGillivray WI to
a Needlecraft course April 9 and
10, and it was decided to hold a
Food Forum later in the year.
The retiring president, Mrs.
McAlpine, was presented with a
gift in appreciation of her two
year term.
A report of the district
meeting in London was given by
Mr. R. Neil and the members
were informed the District
Annual will be at Poplar Hill,
May 12, with the North Lobo
WI as hostesses.
A trip to Frankenmuth,
• Michigan to attend the German
Festival iepla'nned Tor June. "
The year end reports were
heard and showed a successful
During the election of
officers, Mrs. J. Priestly was
installed as president for the
coming year. Mrs. F. Crouch
presided for her installation and
of her officers and committees.
Hon. pres., Mrs. A. Dorman;
past president, Mrs. I. McAlpine;
secretary, Mrs. F. Dickens;
assistant, Mrs. F. Crouch;
program convener and district
director, Mrs. I. McAlpine;
branch directors, Mrs. R.
Morton, Mrs. W. Lee, Mrs.
Twynstra; Red Cross, Mrs. R.
McAlpine; Sunshine, Mrs. C.
Rees, Mrs. C. George; Cancer
Society, Mrs. J. Priestly, Mrs. C.
George, Mrs. Earl Rees; pianists,
Mrs. L. Lee, Mrs. R. Morton;
auditors, Mrs. D. Drummond
Rev. R. A. Carson was in
charge of the morning service at
the Holy Trinity Anglican
Church. The flowers in the
Sanctuary were in memory of
Billy Hardy given by the parents
and family.
League of Loyalty pins were
presented to Jeannie Barker,
Debbie Hodgins, Steven Glenn '
and Donna HodginS. Tim
Culbert and Cheryl Hardy
received the 6th Star (perfect
attendance) and Holly Elson,
Karen Henderson, Wendy Kraul
(missed one Sunday). The 5th
Star went to Bill Carson, Joanne
Hodgins, Jane Hardy, and John
Henderson. The 4th Star went to
Sandra Avery, Lynn Stanley.
The 3rd Star went to Michael
Stanley, Ron Glenn, Ruth Ann
Atkinson and Robin Kraul.
Roger Lewis, Bill Lewis, Coralin
Knoblauch, Faron Sovereign and
Ferlin Sovereign received 2nd
Morning service at Lucan
United Church was in the charge
of Rev. W. C. Tupling, whose
sermon was entitled, "The
Sower, the Seed and the Soil."
The lessons were read by Wendy
Ryan and Jane Hodgson.
Confirmation class will be
held Friday, 7:30 p.m.
The North,West Regional
UCW meeting will be held at
Brinsley United Church, May 4.
Rev, Charles Scott, London
Psychiatric Hospital, will lead a
discussion on drugs.
Smorgasbord supper will be
served at 5:30 p.m. All are
Moliere's 300 year old satire,
"La Malade Imaginaire" or "The
Would-Be Invalid" was
performed for three nights last
week by students at Parkhill's
North Middlesex District High
Staged under the direction of
Mrs. Mary Chapman, the
production was a credit to the
Drama Club and others who
worked behind the scenes and to
those who foster the
development of a worthwhile
theatre arts program at the
Campbell McGregor
convincingly portrayed Argan,
the old hypochondriac, who
arranged a marriage by
convenience . . . his own . . .
between his daughter and a
newly licensed doctor of
doubtful ability.
Christine Voyce, as Toinette,
the spirited maid, performed as
the perfect foil for Argan. She
delivered her lines with clarity
and feeling.
As Angelique, the daughter
Argan wished to marry off,
Bonnie Hodgins carried out the
difficult task of playing the role
of the heroine. She confidently
handled a song that Principal
Gray Knapp composed and
arranged for the performance.
Her partner, Cleante, was played
by Michael Rossiter.
The audience enjoyed Keith
Walper's performance as the
quack-like, know-it-all, newly
graduated doctor.
Supporting members of the
cast were: Kathy Lockhard,
Peter Kuracina, Charlie
Harington, Julie Sampson, Peter
Moorehouse, Lyle McLeod and
Bruce Smith.
Stage Manager, Peter
Lockhard, was assisted by Ralph
Robinson, Doug Furtney, Pete
Kuracina, and Michael Rossiter.
Mrs. Chapman, Laurence
Minshall of the staff worked
with Peter Lockhard, Pete
Kuracina, and Joan Nordmann
on stage properties and the
lighting crew was Mr. Minshall,
Brian McKenzie, Ricky Paterson
and Jack Smid.
On make-up were Gail Hord,
Susan Hemming, Cathy
Gooding, Susan Pennington,
Paulette Old Laura Leslie,
Cathy Poore, Jana Lynn Stewart
and Lora Lee Stewart.
ABOUT the most hazardous
thing in Thailand is a ride in a
Bangkok taxi. The driver will
invariably take his hands from
the steering wheel each time he
passes a major Buddhist shrine,
clasp them before his face, lower
his eyes and hold this ritual
attitude of prayer until the taxi
has hurtled — unguided by man
— past the object of his
and Mrs. It, McAlpine;
Standing committees:
Citizenship and Education, Mrs.
W. Leitch; Home Economics and
Health, Mrs. S. McCallum;
Historical Research and Current
Events, Mrs, J. Walker;
Agriculture and Canadian
Industry, Mrs. C. George;
Resolutions, Mrs, G. Hughes;
Curator, Mrs. D. McIntyre;
Public Relations and Press
• Reporter, Mrs. R. Neil.
The balance of the meeting
was presided over by Mrs. J.
Priestly, convener of Home
Economics and Health. She read
an item on Drugs, a timely
subject in our society. Each
person present read a health hint
clipped from the press.