The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-23, Page 15MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL BOARD EXECUTIVE are shown after the annual board meeting last week. Administrator, Alice Claypole was named secretary; Mrs. F.W. Selby, recording secretary; Charles Smith, treasurer, and Walter McBride remains Chairman of the Board for another year. Post office is closing, mail delivery from Lucan ..:1414em rom lead, ..t /4 nvelPhmee" NEW HIGH SPEED RECEIVING EQUINARNT FOR MO WHITE BEANS THE NUMBER ONE CASH CROP FOR 1970 In 1969 there was an increase in the domestic demand and we could not satisfy the export market. Canadian Beans have a preference in the U.K. Market, growers should take advantage of this situation in 1970. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% N.N•NN. %%%%% \\%.4.‘s NOW AVAILABLE SEED BEANS Certified Canadian Foundation Canada No. 1 CONTRACTS Including Fertilizer and Chemicals LIGHT and DARK RED KIDNEY SEED California Certified SEED TREATING SEED GRAINS "Trade with Confidence" Trade With cook's HENSALL DIVISION OP GERBRO CORP. PHONE 262-2605 GM MARK OF EXCELLENCE Malibu Sport Coupe '70 Chevelle. Somethings our competition hopes you overlook: Our low price. Our side-guard door beams. Our computer-selected springs. Our resale value (traditionally higher). Our low-priced automatic transmission. Our power brakes and air conditioning system that you can add. Our variable ratio power steering;and radios with the new hidden antenna you can order. Our status: Canada's most popular mid-size car. Putting you first, Mout us first. 3 ra ME MI =AT SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER 450 Main St. Exeter Snell Bros. Limited Phone 235-0660 Bride-elect honored,. CWL presents play Anniversary is cel ebrated MT. CARMEL Former neighbors were joint hostesses at the Mt. Carmel gymnasium, Wednesday evening for a miscellaneous shower to honour Sandra O'Rourke, a bride-elect of April 18 at St. Boniface Church, Zurich. Susan McCann read the address and many useful and pretty gifts were presented. Sandra thanked the large crowd in her happy manner after which refreshments were served. CWL A pot luck supper convened by the Catholic Women's League president, Mrs. Mary Muller, was well attended by older members of the parish, students and parents and several visitors at the Mt. Carmel gymnasium. After the supper an amusing play was presented by members of the CWL with Mrs. John Hall By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Mrs. J.L. Mayhr'w returned home Sunday after spending two weeks with Mrs. & Mrs. John T. Dahlke in Buffalo, New York when H.L. Rubie Dahlke and S.K. John Dahlke were installed as Royal Matron and Royal Patron of the order of the Amaranth. Mrs. John Dahlke and Mrs. Les Mayhew were guests of Dr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Kelermen at the Stetler Hilton Hotel, when Mrs. Wm. Kelermen was installed as the 44th Queen of Aphor temple, Daughters of the Nile. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baird spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Carl Vanner at Collingwood. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and Mrs. Olive Peariso have returned home after a holiday in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Nancy and Mrs. Mae Holt visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McVittie at Southampton. The Grand Bend W.I. entertained at Huronview home Clinton last Wednesday. I - ...L. 0 0°1 A6:2,14144,. 11 el ..,... KOPF' ' somehow he got the idea that I'm a talent scout for a circus!') as director. Members in the play were: Mrs. Harry Van Osch, Mrs. Wm. Muller, Mrs, Greg Fleming, Mrs. Vincent Thompson, Mrs. Edward Glavin, Mrs, Bob Cuillerier, Mrs. Ilene O'Neil and Mrs. Joe McCann. Several games of Euchre were played to finish off a good evening of entertainment. PERSONALS Mr, & Mrs, Wilfred Hogan and Margaret Anne dined Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Hartman and boys, London. Peggy Hall is visiting with her sister, Nora Hall of Windsor for a couple weeks. Judy Ryan and three girl friends of London motored to Florida and the southern States for two week's holidays. Rev. Father Jansen, a former pastor, spoke at all three Masses here last Sunday. Fr, Jansen is now Director of Holy Family Retreat House at Harrow, Ontario. Mrs. Laura McCann was honoured on her eightieth birthday by a family dinner held at the Dashwood Hotel, Saturday afternoon and a family get-together afterwards at Mr. & Mrs. Arnold McCann's home. Mr. & Mrs. Tommy McCann, and baby, and John Hartman, London, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Clem McCann and family. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Lane and girls, Detroit were weekend guests with Mrs. Laura McCann and family. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Saturday evening dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly were Mr. & Mrs. Jim Paisley of Wallacebury and Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Moir of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rannie and family of London. Launie Murch and Darrin of Toronto visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner and family. Ava Elford of London spent the weekend with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elford. Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Phelke of Monkton spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton. Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Bell and Ron of Shakespeare visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton. By MRS, J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE The Clandeboye Post Office is scheduled to close Tuesday evening of next week. The first Post Office was located on the McGillivray township side. After the railway was built the Post Office was known as Clandeboye and has been located in the store on Biddulph side, but for a short time it was moved to the other store in McGillivray. In 1883 Biddulph had 11 local post offices, but close enough for residents to call for mail. They were Adare, Clandeboye, Moorseville, Lucan, Granton, Whalen, Elginfield, Centralia, Saintsbury, Fish Creek and Cater Fallow. Rural mail started in 1913 and carriers over the years were Frank Kent, Tommy Lewis, Leslie (Sam) Collins and Arnold Blake. Mr. Blake completed 26 years in 1969. There are 115 mail boxes and now after April 28th, there will be 36 more. In 1935 the road was blocked for sometime. Rea Neil took his big dog and took the mail from Clandeboye over the snow filled roads. Leslie (Sam) Collins took the south part with a horse in a cutter for sometime. Mrs. Barbara Carter took over as postmistress in July, 1966 after assisting Maurice Simpson since 1955. John Flannigan was the first post master with James Carter, Sam Chown, Frank Lamport, A.E. McKenzie, J.L. Simpson, Mrs. John Simpson, Maurice Simpson and Mrs. Carter following. The last three are living in Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter. Mr. Arnold Blake will continue to deliver the rural mail, but it will be known as Lucan, R.R. 2 after April 28. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pearson, London visited with Mrs. Omar Cunningham and Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cunningham recently. Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gebel entertained Mr. & Mrs. Terrance J. Bedaid, Lambeth, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Beverly Cunningham were able to bring their small son, Gerald, home from St. Joseph's Hospital this week. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Murless held a birthday party for their daughters, Mrs. Albert Boggs and Mrs. E. Eginton Friday evening. The sister's families were also present. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna, Thorndale, visited with Mrs. C. Paton and William, Sunday. Monday evening Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh, Lucan, called on Mrs. Paton. Sunday, the service of Evening Prayer was read in St: James Anglican Church, Clandeboye. Rev. R.A. Carson preached on the Corinthian text 'The word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.' He said there were four approaches to the Cross. First, that of Almighty God; second, that of Jesus Christ; third, that of unregenerate sinners and fourth, that of regenerate saints. Mr. Carson said that because we are saved, we have no fear of defeat because we have eternal life through Jesus Christ who was our 'Passover Sacrifice'. The minister concluded by saying that we are at the threshold of history. Man thinks he's almighty and doesn't need God. When man puts his faith in himself he shrinks into himself and gradually shrivels up. But because we have Christ and His Cross we grow like Him. A C W The Anglican Church Women will meet April 30 at Mrs. Bertha Henry's . The program is in charge of Mrs. Roy Cunningham. The Roll call will be answered by a verse of scripture containing the word 'showers'. By MISS „4.LA MOH LOCK. cR E0 'TON Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff were honoured by a family .dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary. Brothers and sisters of Mr. & Mrs. Pfaff were present: Mr. Mrs. Harold Grierson, London; Mr. & Mrs. Willard Schaefer, Kitchener; Mr, & Mrs. Oscar Brine, Woodham; Mr. &' Mrs, Ray Stephen, Kirkton; Mrs, Mary GoWer, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Schenk, Mrs. Margaret Clark and Henry Pfaff, The couple's son Jim and his wife, of Stratford were present. Distance prevented their daughter Delores, Mrs. Willard Berge of Moose JaW, from Attending, PERSONALS Those who attended the funeral at Kenlough Sunday of Mrs. George Haldenby, mother of Mrs. Glare Spading, Walkerton, were Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner, Mr. & Mrs. Don Finkbeiner; Gerald Smith And Mrs. Clayton Sims. Saturday visitors at the home of Mr, .4 Mrs. O. R. 'Wenzel. were Wesley Krotz of Millbenk and. Mrs. cooper ,and Jackie of Don Albert Gainer spent several days last week with Mr. & Mrs, William Snyder of Goderleh, Mr. & Mrs. Herb Wilson, Inglewood, Mr, .4, Mrs. Edward Perkins and Brian .of Caledon spent the weekend with. Mrs, Mat Finkbeiner and boys. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rennie and granddaughter, Rhonda Rennie, of - Detroit were weekend guests of Harry and Maurice Rtrtzel and Mr, & Mrs. Emerson Wein. Enjoy the year-round comfort of GM four-season air conditioning ACW to hear about Arctic By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY Mrs. Ron Carroll was hostess Wednesday evening for the April A C W meeting. Plans were made for two up-coming banquets. Mrs. Hugh Davis won the mystery prize donated by Mrs. Ron Carroll and plans were made for a missionary service to be held in the Parish Hall next Sunday evening. Guests will hear Mrs. A. Rokby-Thomas speak on the three years she spent in the Arctic. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs and family spent the weekend with their friends, Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Mogk and family, Guelph. Ian Carroll is home from kindergarten this week suffering from chicken pox. Last Tuesday evening Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll entertained at dinner Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. Davis was observing his birthday. Other guests included Mr. & Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Grand Bend, and Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy. A quilting was held last week at the home of Mrs. Heber Davis By MRS. KEN McKELLAR Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Howatt of Lonsboro visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr. & Mrs. Ken Walker, London, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Currie, Dorchester, Mrs. Jack McGhee and Judy, London, and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hulley, Winthrop. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davey of London visited with Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCulloch. A group of ladies from the Missionary Societies of Cromarty church attended, as guests the East Thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. Seaforth Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Calder McKaig met with an accident when she fell, breaking a bone in her wrist. Recent guests with Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr. tr Mrs. George Boa, Hensall, and Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Parker, Staffa. Mr, & Mrs. W.N. Binning, Richard, Bob and Jane, Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar, ON PRESENT STOCK ONLY