The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-23, Page 12A FEW OF THE RUMMAGE SALE CUSTOMERS Karrot Kurlers make garnishes Fashion course for W.I. "01 0 LOCAL RADEMARK8. M. THE MAW WITH A LONG FACE GETS A SHORT WELCOME And the man with a shabby car doesn't get much of a welcome either. Take advantage of our expert Washing and Polishing Service to keep up the appearance of your car. Drive in this week. Daft AUTO SALES I TOYOTA SALES. 461.SERVICE RADIO EQUIPPED 241// .TOWING Pi401,235-1710•EXETER $1198 ONLY Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL DEMONSTRATOR 1969 Volkswagen Deluxe Automatic, radio, finished $ 2015 in toga white with red vinyl interior. J57849 DON TAYLOR MOTORS EXETER 235-1100 Huron County's Youngest & Most Aggressive Dealership '0111MIL. Authentic Anton RACING JACKET As Advertized In HOT ROD Magazine AVAILABLE TO COMPLEMENT MOST MAKES OF CARS SEE BOB TODAY Special Cars at SPECIAL PRICES 1970 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4-door with many safety extras. Demonstrator. J54736 FULL RETAIL '4 099 00$4,900 1970 CHALLENGER DEMONSTRATOR, 383, 4-barrel engine, automatic, power brakes, mag wheels, radio. J54579 FULL RETAIL sg 70n00 $4,400 dU tag Dobbs Motors Ltd. EXETER 235-1250 EVENINGS 235-1130 tee. Note • Soybean and White Bean Growers — application deadline • for these two crops is June 1st. THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario Crop Insurance details and application forms available from: EARL TURNER RR 8, PARKHILL 294-6525 NORMAN BROCK 534 WILLIAM ST., EXETER 235-1163 JOHN J. PAYNE INSURANCE GRAND BEND 238-2354 LORNE E. HAY BOX 165, HENSALL 262-2133 GLENN S. WEBB RR 2, DASHWOOD 237-3229 WILLIAM J. AMOS BOX 459, PARKHILL 294-6871 SPECIAL CARS with SPECIAL PRICES We are Proud to Sell our Used Cars SPECIAL DEMONSTRATOR 1970 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, V-8 Automatic, Power steering and brakes, radio, white walls, discs, Turquoise, Lic. J86786 SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL EXECUTIVE CAR 1969 Epic with 300 miles, light blue and matching interior, General Motors Executive driven automobile, Lic. 88397A SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL JEEPSTER 1968 4-wheel drive V-6 engine, automatic, buckets, sharp, red and white two tone, low mileage, a real worker, Lic. X15514 SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL 4-DOOR HARDTOP 1967 Chevrolet Impala, 8 cylinder, automatic, double power, radio, clean, turquoise with black trim, Lic. J86377 SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL VAUXHALL 1966 Viva, Maroon, great little starter, easy to park and get around in, dependable transportation, Lic. J86379 SPECIAL PRICE • SPECIAL LADIES CAR 1966 Belair„ owned and driven by a careful lady driver, top shape and well cared for, inexpensive transportation. Lic. J83569 SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL COMPACT 1965 Valiant, slant six, automatic, radio, 4-door sedan, immaculate, one owner and looked after, highly recommended, Lic. J72838 SPECIAL PRICE '3510 1795 '2835 1986 '995 1211 '968 SPECIAL DEALS ON 5 OR 6 AS IS CARS — UNDER $175.00 OUR SALESMEN HAVE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO MOVE OUT A MINIMUM OF 1.0 VEHICLES THIS WEEK. AND ESPECIALLY THE ABOVE PRICED UNITS. MAKE OFFERS! BRING TRADES! BUSINESS IS GOOD! RICHARDSON AUTO SALES 2841610 A Nice Drive Away, St. Marys Thames. Road friends hold anniversary party Director of Teen Home speaks at Woodham Page 12 April 23, 1970 Itirovc, REDI-MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK/ McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 By .MRS, WILLIAM 13QHPE,, Saturday evening about one hundred and thirty relatives, friends and neighbours. gathered at Russeldale Hall to honor Mr. Mrs. Donald Mayo, London and Mr. & Mrs. Reg Hedged on the occasion of their twentieth wedding anniversaries. Glen- Stewart read one address and Keith Coates presented Mr, & Mrs. Reg Hodgert with a lamp- RoaS Hodgert and Donald Bray presented Mr. & Mrs. Don Mayo with a lamp. The evening was spent in visiting and dancing. HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB The April meeting of the Happy Doubles Club was held Wednesday evening in the church basement. The theme for the meeting was 'God's Plan'. Lorne Ballantyne and Mrs. Jack Stewart conducted the worship. Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne read 'Our Horizon' and she and Jack Stewart gave several Bible readings. Mrs. Stewart and Lorne Ballantyne also presented readings, Mrs, Miner gave an interesting talk, 'This Is An Era of Change'. Picnic plans were discussed. Several games were enjoyed and lunch was served by committee in charge, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stewart. PERSONALS Billy, Diane and Robert Caswell, London, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Mr. & Mrs. Mort Caswell, London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Passmore and the Caswell children returned home with their parents. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Alan and Connie were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John McLauchlan, Lambeth. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schonneweis and family, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert. Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Luxton, Kenora visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Hodgert. Mr. Luxton commenced his duties Monday at Chatham. Services on Sunday will be held on Daylight Saving Time. r. By MRS. STAN PR ESZCATOR Mr. & Mrs. Ron Foran of Blyth and Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and Barbara attended the Preszcator-O'Rourke wedding at Zurich, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glanville of Parkhill spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and family. Kathy Glanville returned home with them for a few holidays. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cutting of Huron Park visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. William Pfaff. David Vincent of Exeter spent the weekend with David Glanville. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and family were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCallum and family of Walton. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAF FA Eight ladies were present for the short course 'Fashion Cues for You' which was sponsored by the Gould and Staffa Womens Institute and held in the township hall Friday. Those present found the course most interesting. W.I. The executive of the Staffa Womens Institute met at the home of President Mrs. Ed. Chappel. Plans were finalized for the short course 'Fashion Cues for You' to be held in the township hall. It was also decided to hold a progressive euchre party in the hall April 24. 4-H The meeting of the Karrot Kurlers 4-H Homemaking club was held at the home of Mrs. Spencer Jeffery. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge followed by the secretary's report. It was decided to have a supper meeting for the final meeting and each girl will bring Gary Parkinson; lone hands, Ray .Mills; consolation,. Donald Neil. .Later in the evening, Mr. & WS. Toni Damen, Lucan, and Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Parkinson, Exeter, newly-wed couples, were presented with occasional chairs. Ken Hodgins made the presentations. PERSONALS The Granton WI met at Mrs. Percy Hodgins' home Tuesday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kirkham, Mitchell and also called on Mrs. Geo. Pullman who is a patient at Seaforth Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bell and Helen, London spent Sunday with Frank Parkinson and Glenn. Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Mrs. Norman Hodgins attended the annual ACW meeting of St. Pauls Cathedral, Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mary and Betty were in Oshawa Sunday visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Claude Glassford. Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Beitans, Inta and Janis attended St. George's Day service and parade at Hamilton, Sunday. Mrs. Percy Hodgins attended the annual Diocesan chancel something for the meal. The leaders discussed garnishes and center pieces for the table. At the close of the meeting the garnishes were enjoyed along with a dip which Mrs. Jeffery had prepared. PERSONALS The first Cromarty Pack Cubs and Scouts held a bottle drive Saturday throughout Hibbert Township. Bonnie Miller, Bob Templeman and David Dow have completed their semesters at the University of Guelph and are home with their families. Mr. & Mrs. John Burleigh and family, Goderich visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Eric Norris, East Lansing, Michigan visited Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Karen and Steven Miller spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Rose Harris, Chiselhurst. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Miller attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Guild meeting at Huron College, London, Wednesday. Mr. & Mrs. Don Meyers, London visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, London were Saturday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mardlin, Louise and Lynn were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins. Mrs. McLeod Mills, Mrs. Earl French, Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, Mrs. Ken Hodgson and Mrs. Wm. French attended a bridal shower in honor of Jennine Clyman at St. Patricks school, Monday evening. By MRS. THOMAS .HERN Mr. & Mrs. Jim Morris and Gregory Comber, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Parsons and Vicky Elimville, were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilkinson, Steven and Julie. Mr. & Mrs. John Tookey and Cheryl, London, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hern and family. By MISS JEAN popgi..AND. The United Church. Women met April 14 with 35 ladies present. • Mrs. Ted Insley opened the meeting with quiet music and. Mrs. Laverne Rodd gave the Call To Worship, Mrs. Grant Thompson and Mrs. Wm Dickey read the scripture and Mrs. Laverne Rodd read a story. Mrs. Marvin Hartwick and Miss Linda Thacker sang a duet and readings were presented by Mrs. Jim Miller, -Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey and Mrs. Ken ParkinSon, Janet Hughes, the director at the Teen Girls Home in London was the guest speaker. mrs. Ken Langford conducted a contest and the president Mrs. Ken Parkinson conducted the husi egg. MESSENGERS The regular meeting of the Messengers was held April 19 with 18 members present. Pamela Rodd opened the meeting with quiet music and president Karen Insley gave the theme. David Tomlinson and Bobby Cowdrey led. the worship, David Spence read a poem and Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey told a story. Cynthia and Ellen Copeland sang a duet and Calvin Rodd gave a reading. Mrs. Glenn Copeland presented the Study Book and Linda Timms and Margaret Parkinson took up the PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bain, David, Patricia and Douglas of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johns, Linda, Arlene and Alex. George Wilson is a patient in the St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Miss Jean Copeland enjoyed the bus trip to the National Congress of Women for Canada and Bermuda held in the Coliseum in Toronto Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Don Rixon and family and Mr. & Mrs. Russell Mills and Mrs. Lawrence Mills of London were Sunday visitors with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Miss Jean Copeland attended a gathering of the Switzer descendants at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Murray May of Byron Sunday. Gordon and Graham Robinson, Lloyd Jaques and Ed Lawson took part in the Bunny Bundle Canoe Race Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sinclair of London visited Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson and family. Carol Dougall of Exeter spent the weekend with Michele Robinson. David Strahan took first prize in the piano solo sight reading class at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Stratford Saturday. Little Jenanne Strahan of St. Marys returned home Monday after spending the week with her 'grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Strahan. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Hazlewood celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversay Tuesday when neighbours and friends called to extend best wishes. Sunday a family gathering was held at their home. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine attended the surprise party for Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Pfaff of Crediton Sunday and helped them celebrate their 40th Wedding anniversary. SEE THEM TODAY! Come In And See THE NEW AUSTIN 1300 AMERICA • DAMASK Red in Stock • NEW COLORS • NEW MODELS ALSO SEE THE • AUSTIN 1800 • AUSTIN MINI FOR 1970 • DARK BLUE IN STOCK SEE THESE QUALITY USED CARS 1969 MONTEGO MX 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, two-tone, radio J56649 1967 FORD SEDAN 500 Custom, automatic, radio J54906 1965 METEOR 500 Rideau. Radio, power steering and brakes. H78764 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne 2-door hardtop, radio, automatic, power steering, power brakes. H76642 1964 METEOR SEDAN 4-door, power steering and brakes, radio H76905 1963 DODGE SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic J54628 1962 FORD HARDTOP 2-door, radio, automatic H7876.5 BIG SAVINGS! While They Last TIRE SALE Custom Power Cushion Polyester Tires 825 x 15 Reg. $42.90 Buy 4 And Get One FREE SOUTH -END SERVICE Exeter 2352322 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Gordon Miller, Warren, Michigan over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller stayed with Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Miller were entertained by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Coyle. Shirley Miller visited for a few days with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Ern. Willard, Exeter. Study teaching at Kirkton UCW By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS The A.C.W. met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Maurice Blackler with Mrs. Wm. paghorn presiding for the meeting. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Blackler and Mrs. Gerald Paul gave an interesting talk with demonstrations, comparing new methods of teaching with the old. Mrs. T.A. Wiseman of Toronto has been visiting friends in the village. Mrs. Cliff Scott is a patient in L ist o wel Hospital having undergone surgery. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Marshall of Guelph spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall. Mrs. Delmar Johnson, Mrs. Wm. J. & Mrs. Maurice Blackler were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Shier. Mr. & Mrs. Loughleen of Toronto and Mrs. Jim Stanley of St. Catharines spent the past few days with Mrs. Albert Bickel!. By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE A. Euchre party and social evening was held at the Community Centre Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Earl French in charge and eleven tables in play. Prizes went to: ladies high, Mrs. Gary Parkinson; mens high, Newly weds honored at Whalen LSMFT SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We now have a new pickup truck available for rental, to complement our car rental fleet. OUR SALES STAFF IS ON DUTY EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON UNTIL 6:00 p.m. Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 2274191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer