The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-04-02, Page 17nnouncem S BIRTHS -"— ELDER — Pat and John Elder are happy to announce the safe arrival of a baby boy, Robert John (Robbie), March 26, 1970 at Victoria Hospital, London, FORRESTER — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrester, Zurich, Ontario, announce the birth of a daughter, March 23, 1970, a sister for Jack Jeff and Tanya at Smith huron Hospital, Exeter. HERN — Edward and Marilyn (nee Weber) Hem, Huron Park are proud to announce the birth of their son, Scott Edward Leroy, 9 lbs. I. oz. at South Huron Hospital, Friday March 27, 1970, a brother for Heather LeeAnn and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber, Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern, Exeter. SMITH — Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Frances Mildred, March 24, 1970 at Wingham Hospital, first granddaughter for Henry Gackstetter, Exeter. VAN SAS — Mr. and Mrs. Alfons (nee Cornelissen)" Van Sas, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, announce the birth of a daughter, Victoria Augusta, 5 lbs. 21/2 oz., a grandchild for' Mr. and Mrs. M. Cornelissen and Mrs. A. Van Sas. WORKMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Workman, RR 1 Crediton, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Kevin, Sunday, March 29, 1970, VOLLAND — Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (nee Latour) Volland are pleased to announce the birth of their first baby, a boy, Gregory Scott in Clinton Public Hospital, March 31, 1970, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Latour of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. C. Volland of Hensall. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. David Inson of Huron Park wish to announce the engagement of Sandra Gail to Mr. Gary Collins of Strathroy. Wedding to follow April 25. 2* CARDS OF THANKS — I sincerely thank my relatives, friends, neighbors, Exeter chapter OES, Kippen UCW and the Kippen East WI for the beautiful flowers, lovely gifts, cards and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Dorothy Bell 2c I wish to thank my family, friends, relatives and neighbors for the cards, treats and visits while I was a patient at South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. H. Currie, Dr. Goddard, nurses and hospital staff. — Tom Drover 2c We wish to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindness in our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a son and brother. Special thanks to Hoffman Funeral Home and Father Groome, also thanks to the women of Shipka for the lovely lunch after mass. — Don and Ray Foster 2* I wish to thank my friends, relatives and neighbors for their cards, gifts and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Michael Hoy 2c Fred and Mary Johns would like to say thank you to their friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely gifts and cards received on our 35th Anniversary. Special thanks to our family who planned the happy occasion. — Fred and Mary Johns 2c I would like to express my sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Read, Miss Claypole and staff. It was all very much appreciated. —Mrs. Melvin King* 2 I wish to thank my many relatives, friends and neighbors for visits, flowers and cards while in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Kippen East WI, Hen sail Kinettes, Amber Rebekah Lodge and nurses at South Huron Hospital. All this kindness was greatly appreciated. — Mrs. Bill Kyle 2c I would like to thank my friends for letters, cards and visits while I was in hospital and since returning home. Also the Hoffman Ambulance attendants, Rev. Warren, Dr. Gans and the South Huron Hospital staff. — Mrs. Elmer Lawson 2c We Would like to express our sincere thanks to our many relatives andfriends for the lovely -cards, flowers and visits while we Were in Exeter Hospital and St. Joseph's in London. Special thanks also to Dr. Goddard and the staff of Exeter Hospital. * Alvin and Marilyn Taylor and baby Robbie 2c CARDS OF THANKS --- 1 wish to that* my relatives for flowers while I was in Victoria Hospital and also for visits and the lovely cards, They were most sincerely appreciated. — Clara Paton 2nc The family of the late David Desch wish to express their gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, donations and cards received at the loss of a loved one, Our special thanks to Rev. Ephriam Gingerich and Rev. John Shrier, also to the pallbearers, flower bearers, Westlake Funeral Home and Zurich Mennonite Church. Thank you to the staff of South Huron Hospital, Miss Claypole, Dr. Wallace and Dr. Gulens for their services prior to bereavement. The kindness of everyone is sincerely appreciated. 2* I wish to thank all those who sent cards and flowers, and those who helped me in any way, during my recent illness, also those who sent news items to The Times-Advocate in my place. — Mrs. Frances Saward 2nc We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to all who remembered Norma with cards, flowers and gifts. Also to those who sent baking and helped in any other way while Norma was a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. John Goddard, Westlake Ambulance, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital. — Herb and Norma Stretton and family 2c IN MEMORIAM — CORNISH — In loving memory of a husband and father, Chester Cornish who passed away three years ago, April 1, 1967. Gently we turn back the pages of time To wander down memory lane; With laughter and tears we bring back the years And softly speak your name. — Ever remembered by Dorothy, Ron and Marion. 2* CORNISH — In loving memory of my dear son, Chester Cornish who passed away three years ago April 1, 1967. God called you home so sudden that we could not realize You were gone before we knew it and only God knows why It broke my heart to lose you, but you did not go alone For part of me went with you, the day God called you home. — Ever remembered by your mother, sister and brother. YOUNG — In memory of 2* a loving daughter and sister, Barbara Joan Young who passed away suddenly as a result of a car accident, April 2,1960, Just a prayer from those who love you Just a memory fond and true; In our hearts you live forever Because we thought the world of you. — Dad, Mom, Norma and Judy. 2* DANCE in Staffa Hall, April 3, Old Tyme music. Ladies please bring lunch. Proceeds for South Hibbert Athletic Association. 26:2* CASH BINGO — Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, April 3 at 8:15 p.m. —15 regular games for $10; three $25 games; $75.00 Jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25 cents, 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion. Proceeds for welfare work. 2c SENIOR CITIZENS, April 7 meeting will be a social evening of cards, games and prizes, in the Legion Hall. 2c BINGO at Huron Park Community Centre, April 8, 8:30. Jackpot $100 in 63 calls, 15 games. Sponsored by Huron Park Community Council. 2c RUMMAGE SALE and Auction sponsored by Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital will be held in Exeter Legion Hall Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18. 2:`9c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, April 5 at 11:15 Special Youth Service, Guest Speaker, Emery Hathaway, representative of, Alcohol and Drug Concerns Incorporated. Discussion following. 2c Draft program for junior NFU Delegates from three locals of the National Farmers Union of MiddleseX attended a Junior workshop at which the Junior Program for the County Was drafted. Joe O'Neill, Jr. Director for District 5 described the necessary steps to implement the Jr. Program at the local level, Also the effect of our economic System! on today's youth was thoroiighiy discussed. A Junior coininittee . Will be set up in each local to arrange for a Jr, meeting in the near fixture, Each local will be selecting repreSentatives to attend a youth rally April 18, in Oshawa. Cathedral Quartet IN CONCERT The Bayfield Ladies Trio and The Tait Family South Huron District High School FRIDAY, APRIL 3 8:00 p.m. Tickets At Wilson's Jewellery, Exeter, 235-2882 RUSH SEATS AVAILABLE ADMISSION $1.25 Last Chance This Season ... PUBLIC SKATING EXETER ARENA Saturday and Sunday 2:00 to 4:00 Spring Show Fashion at C.H.S.S. Auditorium Clinton on Wednesday, April 8 Admission .75 Starts 1:00 P.M. Fashions from Lee's Ladies Wear Everyone Welcome TONIGHT Exeter Legion Hall Thursday, April 2, 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary -=-• No one under 16 years of age will be admitted. JACKPOT 95000 in 51 calls 1 — sh4e the wealth Admission $1 for 15 rounds SHDHS FORMAL Friday, April 24 0:00 — 1:00 Featuring "Ray Steven's and the Hi-F 's" Lundh Tickets $4„00 at the door 500 FEATURE GAME 5 EARLY BIRD GAMES, SHARE THE WEALTH, 20 REGULAR GAMES, 5 NIGHT OWLS SPECIAL EVENTS BLDG. -WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. — FIRST GAME 7:45 P.M. V, The Kinsmen Club of East London = • ALL PROCEEDS FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES NO ONE UNDER 16 ADMITTED = = = .... = ERE: BUSE'S AT CITY HALLS a WOODSTOCK — 6:30 F.M.MUNCEY AND SOUTHWOLD — 6:30 P.M. 2 . = STRATFORD — 6:30 F.M. • E ST. -rHotviAs 6:45 P.M. INGERSOLL 8U5 DEPOT * 6:45 P,M. Es = Ei DASHWOOD CHARM RVVAYS a 5 • EXETER TOWN HALL — 6:45 P.M. TERMINAL 6.30,P,M, LUCAN 7:05 P.M. E E Ei gillIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111101111111111111110111111111001111111111111101111111111111011110111111111111111111111111001111111111111011111111101111111111111111101110111111111110111111011111111101111110101111011101110111101IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIO1111111111111 KINSMEN BilIts?IoN SAT.,T APRIL 4 AUM1 OVER $1,300 IN PRIZES Euchre and Lost Heir played by $hipka folk SHIPKA There were 14 tables of euchre and one of Lost Heir in play at Shipka Community Centre. Wednesday evening, Winners were: Ladies' high, Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood; ladies' low, Mrs. Ken Lovie; men's high, Hank Green, Grand Bend; 'men's low, George Chittick, Parkhill; most lone hands, Ken Lovie; LOst Heir winners were: high, Mrs, Harry Sheppard; low,' Mrs. John. Kingina, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker and girls visited. Monday in Wallacebnrg with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Reed and family and Mr. & Mrs. Orville Schilbe. Mrs. Theresa Brannon, Michael, Paul and Pauline of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dietrich and family. Mrs. Ervin Latta, Gary, Diane and Loraine, Waterloo spent Easter holidays with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Devine, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Morenz and Cheri Ann of London called on relatives and friends in this area, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Les Locke and family at Trenton and Saturday attended the wedding of their niece Carolyn Locke to Mark Teal at Trenton Air Force Chapel. Mr. & Mrs. Murray Evans of Delaware, Mr. & . Mrs. Jack Pickering, Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer were with Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, Saturday. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Don Adams and boys were Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin and girls of Crediton, Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams and Harv, Hugh and Bill Morenz. Mrs. Hugh Morenz spent the Easter weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Dell, Clinton. Mrs. Mabel Desjardine and Lee, Mr. & Mrs. William Little, Connie and Lonnie of London, Robert Little, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Chester Desjardine, Rainy River, Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil Forget and Jackie and Philip Little, all of Sarnia, Mr. Raymond of Forest and Mr. & Mrs. Willis Desjardine all spent Easter Brownies Drive-In Theatre CLINTON Re-Opening FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Sunday with Mrs. Trellis Little, Forest, Mr, & Mrs. Harry Chapman, London spent the Weekend. with. Mr, & Mrs. Les Adams and Harv, Mr,. Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart .Sweitzer, Bonnie, Loreen and Murray, visited with Mr, & Mrs, Jack Pickering, Sunday. Lorene Mellin, Diane Stone and Marilyn Johns spent the vacation in Jamaica and reOrned home to their teaching positions, Guests with Mr, & Mrs, Roy Ratz over the holidays were: Mr. & Mrs. Earle Smith, Brian, Bruce and Carol; Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Scholis, Geoffrey and Susan, London; Bonnie Hackett, Lucknow and Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Ratz and Gregory. By GORDON MORLEY Jackie Lewis of Stratford spent the Easter holiday at the home of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lewis. Mr. Cassidy visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ancell Lee and family. After much preliminary work in preparation to newer methods of syrup making Mr. Harold Corbett and Charles, one of the largest producers in this district have commenced the season. Special Easter anthems were rendered by a youthful choir under the direction of the organist, Doug Lewis and choir leader, Mrs. Jack Trevithick, added to the Easter service at Brinsley United Church. The Rev. H. B. Johnson of Ailsa Craig was in charge of the service. Angelo's Pizzeria OPEN Friday AND Saturday 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Sunday 2.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. GRAND BEND 41 Main St. Phone 238-2161 RECEPTION AND DANCE for DOROTHY WAGNER and PAUL DUCHARME (Bridal Couple) Sat., April 4 Zurich Community Centre Music by The Blue Water Playboys Everyone Welcome RECEPTION AND .DANC-E for WENDY and JIM KBRKAKB Bridal Couple Exeter Leg i on Hall SO" April 4 Music By Rodger Quick .and the Rainbows Everyone Welcome The Incredible But True Film Saga of Sadhu Sunder Singh JOURNEY TO THE SKY Will Be Shown At EIVIIVIANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Huron St, West EXETER Mon., April 6 7:00 p.m. SPRING FROLIC' Lucan Arena Fri., April 10 9:30 —1:00 Music by Ian Wilbee sponsored by Lucan United Church Couples Club Admission $3.00 per couple Lunch provided ANNUAL Sauerkraut Supper Wed., April 8 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. ZURICH Community Centre Tickets $2.25 Each Sponsored By Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce DOING? READ THIS PAGE EACH WEEK BUS TRIP TO Grand Ole Opry NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Leaves Thurs., April 9 Returns Sunday Night April 13 $65.00 includes 3 nights motel and hotel accommodation, return transportation, tour of Nashville, Grand Qle Opry holisep& recording studio museum, reserve seat at Grand Ole ()pry. BOOK EARLY Use most any credit card. At least 3 months to pay. Write or phone HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LTD. Seaforth 5274222 dill111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II = • • UTE DRIVE-IN THEATRE (DOUBLE FEATURE) Friday and Saturday April 3-4 Heilfighters (Color) John Wayne Katherine Ross The Lost Man (Color) Sidney Ropier Joane Shimkus Box Office Open 8:00 p.m. First Show 8;15 p.m. JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SHIPKA 111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111 r-- Times.-Advocato, April 2r 1970 Exeter Teen Town presents Montanna Sat., April 4 9:00 to 12:00 EXETER ARENA Admission $1.50 Dress Casual Everyone Welcome Pizza Patio Restaurant & Tavern GODERICH Friday, Apr. 3 and Saturday, Apr. 4 The Dimensions MUSIC FOR EVERYONE ANNUAL MEETING South Huron Hospital ASSOCIATION Wednesday, April 15 8:30 p.m. Auxiliary Rooms Please use the Anne St. (North) entrance For the purpose of receiving the directors' and auditors' reports. For the purpose of electing directors. All individual contributors and presidents of organizations contributing are members and entitled to attend and vote, The Public Generally Invited Mr. Walter McBride, President Miss A. M. Claypole, R. N., Administrator AuM iiiiiiiii M iiiiii mM lllllllllll mumuMuMvIM llllllll W llll mM l mu lllll M llll M