Huron Signal, 1870-3-17, Page 1w,p•a',1, "floto&kv4vn•M,0470 rk. -..re= '.rT• sr le 4 b W.T. L) , miter tadProprietor. Bl.00t'iCti ANN IN ADVANCE.' •IJ.04) 'CND l)1M YICAit. Ou5i:Il;s5 Oirc(torn. LL BK AT Vola Tog CGN•ULTATtoII ay ll .'..kick... a. *eery day. Will vent Yaw 1t.., how *an studs. twat urea, wee V EKLY EDITION The 3reatest Possible }sod to the 3reatest Postible Number,'' Biu:;illcss Dirtitorn. 11 C R()N HOTEL, COI. II i..,‘ (1(? l) MUCH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY. MARCH 11, ► 8;U. 1311,3il,c99 I:litedo n. REMOVAL. St oyes ! Stov 3s! / , .ALEX. WA);1•Ar , ,•'by (3.0. emanon M.A. -A JUNK rR_t_ (,, _ - Proprietor.► 4-' p1Ta1G1AN.tlt'Ru1uN,ac.;ac.,Gusor0, v . - u:4ai1-3 .!I - no* hoo.rle fitted up;with every ,-ne... t* O N. Me .IIC A N. w..go ttnrdlfut pil.hv. g phnk YWeres. musimiw, tone.w. r ee druza r1umeit ea. ita-pi .iteatea... i .rut gmeiMsee third dour east tit C. -neral School. ea Ertaraarr 1st. 1071. ,1.t( I '0 lis M. M.stl('Itl Nri, M. It. __. _------- iC teigAT'sf'n4LRn.-nee the noose attn. ...rias"._-. 17coal-` 07AT'T I. • 000„NM 4 . Y. Ren.1.1•0. the 4..tw, (..rarely yl lL i . IIQ7- I'I fi hr .r. 1. P C ilad.a, /7gfn Wiwi s A O aw a, -1 'W. _ ,u wpw al..' ON the dime* road tend searonh totfDI.CA1tQAUYs Miii Ate.me IIGEMN.a.., Gam, .,was. Dreg I Walkerton. :very necessary .co..r; tai int nn J. F'. D.uI.r !t. D. it 1NNA11 DAYS. b + I. wroxo ee.lamt. f'. ISAT. w( OITItt:RUN, ACCOK111 UR. HomoopalW i - H 1JPhy.triu, and "Wiest EM'unman. t7.na1M►eimiWilel.NetentsaIC.TN '11 guw,mea'abs1.W of the Atlaslie. wutaal lurr- ae. Comp.oy of Albany. N. T. tri wn.a'd.rlek 41.4.rle. ..Ii ; medai on for the trevrll hl Int OJae .ad ■..dla.re Park et.. 84. Dare!*e Ward Ooderwh. 1 vw4le 1 _ _ oHN !MKS, Prn K cietnr. This 11[i't1i(•nl. ! 1 'argest.nd hmtcomory hoot , 7enadr.and envies e, oewlernte a any Hsee. MI\Rn w,.'nE PIIY+11•I.V el'Rn1:o0 *se LMrt.•he II `lure Proprietor. 4too,l or Mintfa Mrd. Yrm►.u<., G r(... _ i7 lSeleiiarlNltte fat "' iolia.l oars,- - 4111 NT N I(' F I(7L4gA`f. --0reA'TIST_ _COI ,1101Z N 1': I tO1:EL 001. tit Woes" Room• over the Post Office, Wert Street,. COD ER1CT1• doderialt. Ileembe, Pet►. lase. - .40-tr a E. MARTIN dt BON. sea Ll'wIw, DAa1aTKR AND ATTt1R!rtT-AT.Ww. eta r7 Rd::n•.-ia(larwe. G.w9 (•,wen 40404.1, O.4.rf.h.flam4.w<n. 040.. 0 )'ow* Howe. .14.40 Room. 0004 Accommtnl•tions. Ample Stehle M. C Cameron. 13 A.ar•Tltlt. 4TTna3er..v)Nv1r.\Nres. se., ( . Thio is'admitted to be i First e).r IIogl..n,t,.a.lerei.nwt.. , bur kept in (:md style. Cwm.ron oft emoreow. tem . Y,Ib. 1470• oil-tt \RRIWrlltO. 1„I.If•1TOW. IN CHANC'60T, a.. t'14*,,. Klatetsa .Inst, GndenA. -t; 4•."114,.. war Z. T. ea.mow. Ie. •eha.1. t .rrtx•...•x. RBARRISTER %Tr"raver. .. d.p'ITO4. 14.. ' .r•.4e w►. ,' W. one.. s1m14n .014.40 } Rk.•k. west 111011 entracte. fret do.r w••4 *r'(rl4.gew i, g„•«. wee Jonas M. iiorden. A T7o1Ht414.AT.1rn4 01,N,n'tixtatxreasN'•Rr (0 1..•,•. Path.•.('nne.r.,.•er. a, . a,- n..tenrb. (ter.. nee•. o, 4n. reel. gide .( Warm R....., Mira dost ro,.a 4..nn-Ho.,.. *1..,•. woe Terme E y ARNI•TRR ATT..R! YT. r -I.4 ROLICIT,11 t) ,'h. -.re. a. , r4.41.rfr4, newt., owow= entiy's 41- vt. tlag.nn or.et soft Doy). mr lirteiAr. 1RR14TRR1 AND AT1OINNIRII, ROLICITOY• • t'JI a td, btly .r Mining wt Th{Lnder Ba ,-- Continent. The trade in hope was .b being much utjurwd Ly the freedom af- BY YauT'4r;aG forded for -R BILL. I Amrnwli competition. He believed it eau the Interest u the Province The Montreal Mining Company h.0. tt ► stature 1., unr own people the I4arke's t all I Ir scam reduce 001110 into the awuh the ho - wan AKL 1M.L Mr. Ms'frrland at. wink again of the country. If Au n 1 nder A± I,'*',I- uta sl-ow-Lak• Sup••nor... to oJdin, a' present circumstances, do., ndermll t x w,y. enget,- t0 •ulleyi Ig su,j rxploriug the C,mpa,.y t I wbidi would add L, the revenue of tl u C3 O D IC It I c H.! locations be has been engaged in carrying country, and which we will re. lure f.,r unr 1.1 ta4. no'wo•r,to, nsnmr,....rd"Ina Ra.e 4.111, I On-4.u.i,woprattons on an 'Alibi in trout larger pmbhc works, elh A Ka _.tun . t net <t - g . ': - . , 1 wh..b . •• "eves".none. $ valuable vein 4119er oro. Ili Yid a- A+w•w •ha vo uId ,5. e}t+rs t the ,. me ,< 1 ) », oo wn"a .4•r lore (ra•nA, a talu,.ble foci ill' adrer ora. He Lou al- flocs.-L.ea"aetd he would give sky to aha O n m fir .h,: I.., von, 149.1 Iwgr "..tr• test sot f w erected a building, and sunk ■ shaft hon. t•'tnance Minister. he W nxinns eeoo stet t..p.red n, m•.nt r,wlmrnr. er p<u G, bear oa ex NwaaW..1 bis catg 0 P..n,s.s<, hi• .,s,uus woofs ,.,u 4. tu."pph Ion the mall island m trout of Wdood'y't- f trpiTtinha 'rho queste.n. watches clocks and Jeweler oalien, Thunder Cape, where he Jt*oove:- Sir Prance Hincks was afra dust any- ' r` MI -hiker last year. Work wad to be coo- thing he caul say would not be excaxd- »,,, ,m d d * wow .,...atelwnun to 1414 ewrkaser, a u a k w..t ne hewn dl.. 4..n u, r,'oo.r r tinned 1. ibis ah ft all winter. .' g cry to the hoe. mombur, r•• yaw' 4Wnfort in h satisfactory i n o, n.v.4s a well <:., end 0LI r uart,n bavim• lxetr r' 1 H fe d b tk o , ger A good wowed ,d a„41 .,,d Paled Jewelry • washes, Clock. ac . awao•oto hand. C ALEX WALLACE. .-1 [;•done► Oct. Will lag ww o p a w fro tat a hon. member for the man mid horse eon the main vlino opt oxford. had secured his object tp bemiring polite: A number ul barrio of alter ore chin resolution before the Hoose. Nothing harabexn sent down Crutn each of thew ental be wont Ineweenisat to eke 0overn- hteali/i.s trent than lours asked so boon to bring •idown their financial policy to the Howie, Owi*g In some Jitheulty with the Ant- it was-pertieel,rly +aeweenient just now, erica,' partners, the SLuntah mine, near beaus there was a pressure teulg m.,le Fort I1• bilis.., lie ant been worked as ou the (l,, , nnrent of the l'niteJ Statra, was intend 'd thin :e 01011. The Thunder .with a view too having a clearer commercial Bay Silo, -r Hirci,'; C,Mupaoy pro.eoek,' u,tero,yrao with thus country than has -r- operation. with a alts[ IcfJLle ,,u:abe.1 of -.'ted hitherto. (Hear, 'hear.) Although _ons ortner vommut thin n a►sjunb 1101' atl L'walar tLut{ ,1 d...T„w_" yocity treaty,yet h ecou dsay" erected • stamp mid, to be driven-rb 'nl reciprocity testy, yet he would ay ALLAN P. M &CLEAN. Q - .0 ▪ --rpC T I N W A.let_ mu, - CO. 'OIL, '. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, INT Coal 011 Lampps. fix. a &e. Old Iron. Copper, Kra.., Wool Piekiatr.. cad lli vep St bas tak.4 ,e azcbaw•, J.ec J. STORY, war Sion of tb Large Cod Oil Barrel, OodeneL. Marva IN.1tie1 4 NOW IS YOU ' CfIANCE tr ee nsee stem. 141Qlerood. R a arronNRTa.AT.L*A SOLI. RI .* CO jD cam. i. Cautery a (191,,.9: G ago, ,'errs Ar. T[sneT err bend. ono x : GnAh'r El Jr, over !W. IKA/A*Id'. NMr.. •war. - I111{wm R. Dein. t/. A. 4NCRRT 4.11. Lt.r. OPPICF. ....1's sew a.0Minr.. 0,nwwon. Moet God<r.h. M. 0 .AereyWo4ni. Nosey 4904 int reew.eM. ear. Dogwood and 4m9.o.. title. m a .tete •Nasal. (1.d•r.i. Das. M Itea wit F. WALKER, Atlnn.j-N-Low Iblk now-11-C'Ita• ewv Cwvofse er Netto Penile, bre ilk o W Clark of baa Moe. Court walr - T. A. totrea, 0707 eon aTRATPGRD MIRMt'L1rn\L Not. IJueopa 1 .4... pruprl.tor Itr.ul.ac., AVIA IP.. .111V 4. wl. MONEY TO LEND. tttronw ,at Armlet,. RAL *TATt AND INMS'Rt0.'R A.47RTS NG. e, Are*& Bonding, RnOdo, N. T. *ie0C.4,.o.., Aanyway -.4Low. H. R. &ems. Not. WY, 14110. • 47 Tit. '%tc bone*ll IICRN1P.11 \T11!ONRRR, •tYPIRT,n. 1'nnn'v of . Males,* village or country punrin.11. t. •aded to. we.lyet L. A. Hnentun, CIVIL 60043100 *14) a oreiro0, Araw.n@ O.el.varer. Lneardiae. 1 . • .1OIIN HALOAN. .tr. pan (? COz Prices 1, Suit the Times ! 11Maw n,. ' •r ■ raw t'l',tlwnrT-_ : 11Www ro oo el upon nim ,., t• , - I os ;:n: t.,. reit ,'ALP DosxN. and ter n.• x•nrr,lly uta i, »n...e,.."... »fah. t n.1.. the.th. Large Photograph Reduced in w.ae n P Ihr.4lIatak rel . owl reaory thih r Y w... r n l ir,.t . P o r next In knr .her ., .,t.„n' tion 4 •, { 11 a bra line i,il rn"a,,.nd 41.9 will woke the largest rh .rngrapl,.'a141e In God., - All Kinds of Job Work will he Done 1.,`,,,,"';;;;;;:""''' 4 ;4"re' 449'0'dan*r th.same.. us„aL c D. CAMPBELL'S Pbutognpk G•Ilery, Q. M DAVIS. .cads+res. errs Mk. twee. y Oodrrleb . lath Murk 1 PHOT-OGRA14f1S 1. G. BARRY & BRO., $ 00 'Per Dozen OMIN CABINET MAKERS WO AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St,, Goderich, KEEP constantly on hand for sale al! arli- cies in their line, such as Bedetoads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, sac., tip All kinds of wood -turning done, such a (ool posts, stair bannisters, neckyokes, tr. Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS A 0 -111 nip ITTBT age I`J7O A tonna ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Consorting in part of Wee! England Bre-ad- 140th., Be"ven, Whitney., Besr.k ins, Fury Liu/1 . Scotch ,and teeth 'ha ed•,Ceeheneree. Do.•t.n., and • vanety of Ganed.a• Cloths; P1•tn, Ratti, and ',lowered Ye.11up, nine (*logo., ('spa. dcc.. Ste. He feels confident of giving s.tu6ohoa to et who may tevorh,m wok their enters. TWEED `St' ITS.(all wool)$lZaadepwartfs. le" 1!'. B: CJuiog dans to 4b•Ier, - Godorit.. Sett 2Sth. 1866 sw8 • GODER1CH ' CABINET FURt(ISHIi F WARIEH01USIE . DANIEL GORDON, (7AIJINI 'l` !Z.AAI>t LI UPH01 .Erma. AND Undertaker, Le., £re. HAa 14w'm h.nd [.rye .1.4. of IR every varlet 1-.h a f tet t o l via thefavor •,f all enrol ..r r.nnnnawAfl, m favor horn with •.not, whether in .t, le or pH. e, .urh .. Re reran., Woo., Chain, Cane Chaim, lle,la144, Sok., Ta41rs. I4.,k..s«, Cupboards. 1,ten,ton Tal.l.., Its., Chair., 14., king' 1,.ir• adn.s. nideh,wt"s. Clo:h„ner., 4 nten4.. Kinch, r• stoles. nf.mI.. • , Mea weir M.ttreasee, w'1.d du.. 11.0. do H*ir do. •.ad 4 w1 different elude a'p'nig wattre.... 4.. m.- R.r4o aware on hand • barge a.m.nment,d W..shsh,, 44111 and Ik,.r.,..l N-' l'I,ne-fnmr., ..euare or ma,. man. on tit.. .h•.ra.: nolo e. li.90.0 mode 0,ranproncot. retib 7J4CQD 8 •4 :IAY.'4- to. can lurn..h anithteg•lker* or u thea R.reroom•,. Torous, KJ- Has alw.4,s s complete .0ortmeet 94 Coffins & Shrouds in the Latest Style ChOAp 4'"K CQglaa ILFUULt:NFROM ft.tl'KNEOATiVr. AA 41 cent*, postage [tee. On. Gotten from back fie„ ative 047 cerile,;postage tree, -teeny adder se. Irk Particular Attention paid toCopy- ing old Anibrotypes, For ei,her la•1e• or vma'4 pled .graphs. The sutacrib. r in 4.•tnrnin_ 1hr.nk* for the liberal pato-meg. herel • .lure extendc,l to him, would jest Par thpt he hod made such im- provements 6, hit -cent lery kg will merit a c-,n- tinuence of the slime. limited Inudpapital, while the duty nn im- p"natmoo Into the State•a"was 70c in gold. The policy of the salt enauufeeturrn there was t0 supply the howe iowrket tint, sad send off tI.o remainder. \t hen they had supplied all their own mist on.re and sold off all their stock, they disposed of the nula.•ler in Canada, and sent in Targe gnantttien at uncertain times 11e did not objtc: t" healthy oo... ti,'n, Lot t" an unhealthy and illegitiu,ale traffic, Lr Whitt .H operations were disturbed. Every industry was -nearly in the a.ne ppooution,but salt atood info pee ollerpo.lt.ou fromthewealth"( the Manufacturers eh:, had resolved to cnuh the mf»nt menufac- turo of Canada. Time the Amor:cans had the benefit of retort freight, the Cana. diens having to pay .early Hirai tiara u muck for coovetanue of alt, net being able to ubt tin return cargoes. The Imo - kit, t,..,, was 1' taut. 1401 dial not axIwot beyond (lulann, a the article waa kept out of the t naiad States by • disc iit`g tanff and the Eastern Provinces could not compete with Liverpool-. t. the referred to the action Liken in the matter by New- feundlarJ, Australia and other colonies, and urged the Government W dal in this wattec as one of the greatest impor- tance to the Dominion, the ulhtaate pprro- he had infiltrated f 4 t the collutry de that this. .nfd'bi mtlTs meao0re'o fie'"libfit woe . rdeJ:" - ?ie 'rrii nut, un / - wTiola, an aav,catc fur • retaliatory policy, "NM rarer, t, ,roU_ I sumo ti i Me t' n the *tape n a roerpnn:,ty meanre er testy, 1141''" o which It )tad g ouustruction, it bad _mit been get into 414(14 `-., 1W exam very low duties Mn to adopt it. He believed that the country water web at the taut h of els Currnt tl('l,l t, 1 VOL. XXIII.-NO were higher, and when the farms' wero 1`M1.p•rnua, mfchsnits and nn•r•:hanta and 1 ,boring men were also. proof...lona. Hu had no ob ectiun to •it1draw has 1w,tinii ' and would .ay that If- Ileo Go•vernmet: brought down uich a pulley as indicated b,r his ntotiou, h• wutild sn{.p.,rt it, if net, h,. would take the hbertyof uu,nulgau*rueml- mant at • proper time. Motion with- drawn. Mr. Stephenson mored for reports, te. reepecttng the harbors of refuge ..n Lakes Ina and H111,,11. Hon Mr. [Angevin &aid he had reeerri,l a lengthy and very important report on the subject from the Engtl,oer of the De- partment, which he had to eonaidor, before bringing the matter before his w,llwguee, therefore he would ask the h..n. member to hit matters stand er.r till the end of the week, when the papers would be brought down. Mr. McCallum resumed the debate. re - Timing to the expenditure upon the Wei- land Canals, and adv„caking the orillrg- ment of canals. N her,arer this matter hal been brought up budorr, tLe U„ceremen t had always reph.d that they lied 1t under cnsideratiuu, hilt he touted they would now Rhe it thine attention, and have the neee0an impr.,vludo meth.. Non. Mr, Liu awl that whoa the 'eelfl atlltle'14RInglI tw1iT0T,neyn! wnutdim asked tot i c,n.t let' .' W.,re, and he would harea.me •further explana- wa isiou* and right lution would Ani that the Department of Public Werke had provided every this. at efaktorily, ' Motion passed. ;. Mr. McDougall (South Renfrew) moved an address for tlwr..pnrurtlh" Surveyers., or others employed by the t:.,verntwotils the neighbourhood of Lake Neepigon., 1tr. He urged the • great importance of air artaini.g the Mateo( the country between Ottawa and Fort Garry, in [wde_rthat the tail route "Timid be selected for the rail- way, or other mean. of communication. He referred to the strong interest taken by the people of Toronto In extending the llailwa to lake Nipissing, and ties poo - pie of Montreal wen Ilktewiseeoesid.ring the adv.ab,hty of costructing a railway to go up th ilttaw. valley. and as it was understood by the American people that the United States Pacific Railway must prey• ultimately an usuecoa„ fol enter- pr{.e, suave •tepatdwlW Ire takan t. a- g4tre informaton twpecting floe C.1 41 • successful oparawm at the oh n tit Dart hens. Ht trusted the lou, had hero resented from all Rart..n.- aatiuu. &rnicpr,liwivary' {pals how;ter, 111111141.0 wo4111 see the expediency of o, Ile ltd prey nled himself petit from prided the or. un hand to be rill. with ,,r. -0l114 his &lalreaa, and waiting till the County Huron, the forgest snot most rot - silver end easily reduced. Tri is hate t,•,4.,-rnment came down with their mo.,- pectable c0n0ly in the Dominion, (tallith icon m. le of the rtch brut .amt le id doe sure, ttIIich he hoped would meet with his for,) and which contained fully ..ne-half of Debi's, near the About of ,Thunder and ""{' M'n• ' - - the levitation et New Ifntnswick, and all Black Bays, artJ este noire operatnJos arc Mr Cameron said that perhaps on the th4 C.mnty Councils u, 1 t.tano were jai ntemplated in the spring. whole, the Hon the .Inner of Ft 118 favor of the prop..a1e brought forward by • It a mines of the region. aro bol leas nut t.. blame for not speaking on • the member for Oxford He had retool sn jrat lake this. Fiu had n x tad with (1 h banking reser. ketose to the Ann twine, - Ly which It is hem W state that he was going L. put• lupous. It was • ,pular movement and u fie ser is es, at perhaps allow freetr&le was excited nn the subject, and petition. af.,o-llm•r 11% of b 1 k, • pec the uvernment on the n Ing f=SMded,-tkey will be p tuctpally worked. ,rutective duty on salt fir which he and The following to file verdict of a negro jury Ws de undersigned, [rein' a Kor- uner's jury to sit on de dead Lowly oh, de . isgsr &onto, noir done dead and gene •pure us, l4a1 l e .n "thin; ..n de said nigger .bur--'-- . and tied dot aLkaamadidL.ou.de n ight of 14th November, come to def by falling from de bridge .Let de riler and brnkm his neck. ghat we find he wM sub - seal item' y drowued,*01 afterwards washed to de fiber side, what we o ipose,he. was froze to det.' • . DOMINION PARLIAMENT. would be fohnd to are .,, ; but IN pular a . cnl4ituenev were particularly interest- it was. the present movement was fifty per 0.1, or .•n owl or an'' other article, and he emit. mere an The pmak almost without ba,k it that the (.overnmeut would not a angle exception -that great organ of tele wish to ay that they would deal with the great liberal party -was with t1. pe,.jdo 'lection in o manner suit*We L. *hear and mode emelt the reties of p,bhc..pinion. 111nisterial potation. He was not so sem- The Toronto, T.I..j opA for some months guitar, le_must ay, as the hon. Finance had been adv 'nig the same Using, the Mania , in teepee* to a renewal of our 'Toronto Leader, which u11, to the day be- trtderelati,ms with the U. States. Thole fore yatenlsyh-d beena.l...catingtheduty movement* on the other side, fora renewal of cluing nothing, has at Lot changed itt of Reciprocity, had been going on for years tone, showing that a change had come over end *1*ays; tuwt opportunely, just as this the views of thswe who c mtrylled it. House was going t1to 11+11011. ( Hoar, (Drat laughter.) He hoped that the Fin - hear ) Something of this kind had occur- .new Munster would see that thus country red every year ever ',nue the abolition of was no Longer kept in the humiliatinglpm- the old treaty, and we . would have the Gott of waning patiently on another nation w_legiel.te f.,r the benifit tit Canada. • 14.. WO,"" - ,I , L. •• those wh., had spoken, and congratulate theemen " entl, .site o g ► p n their chan{s of matinee in diaen.amg the question. He quite agreed that every indication pointed the way to such a policy, and that the Finance Minister, from being one of the most unpupnlar sten in the Duntin- inn, which he undoubtedly was a few months ego (laughter), would become the most popular, if he inter local • measure to carry in1,1.flo.'t the (worried" of She member for Oxford • When he read the moorage of the President of the United States, he hoped that its effect hero would be to put un end to borer /dire p.liey,*nd that Can*dtan interests- and no other, would be euu.idered He had dos - we for reciprocity and proper commercial retains,. Inn if this could sot be obtained, same thing renewed every year until the A A, , awwwnn i trent stand, dietatrd by interests The Si"' Aker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Several petites' were presented, akin,( for an imposition of a duty on coal and other articles imp„rtedfrom the 1'. States; also • ,petiti.tp •fr,ut the ltapdiste of the Lewey Prrovit.eJs, Asking for the establish- ment of an asylum for inehriate.: Mr Morris .n iutnallnedea Hill to Pro vide for the amalgamation of the Canadian Bank of Comnietce with the Royal Cana- dian Banat. _Mr Stoned asked whether it is the intens tine of the Government to place in the VP - timate for this year a sum 11,tkcient fon he c.sil7trnction of harbors of refuge on the east coast of Make Hur'.n and 1( 10, whether It us Intended that such work be proceeded with d.::'nKthe current year. lion \1r Lnnje. iu na,1 that a re li,eler..h. F.hl,..,, Int, 1.70 .x THE PARLOR GER PIANO FORTE, m.aNCFm2-ruItEi, Irl Marshall 3t Wendell f Atha ay. 1'a)ERT Inamm.nt I. fully '.10,01,4 .1 lin . Ili. ,n,.l.rn I:nprnnetn.nt., full i 4i (rose or strong twos and M„hod Ivory front key.. For STANDING IN TUNE, we guarantee thee. Newer asmand to none. . . O F 11' I O I L ASSIGNEE. and a If 1'.aILSE w hire on reuooableterm It/' A {treat Red:lettea 111 PIan014, Melodeans and Organs Tuned, NOCK Mier. 1. D *NIG GENERAL AOBNT, i (Inderieh. Mar 3rd. D166 lbw$m• Large Pboteg. arks. - - N, RADCCt1,e1TP A Wooer at per emL • E. L. ,UHNIIO1'. 1111e11-Weet Meese, opt.w,t• the peat ofl4w: (Mawl.4. O Onderick, Ott, 26, 1169, .ltd. ntario Carrid,ge Shop, $MA i i.I. & R', 14.10(311I(/Ianitwn. bt., God... h. * ARCHITECTS. PLANA and .p0el41r.tI-.n• of Ralldngs, hr. got asp In • M4t •ml enrrart style. tt 011.4 over J. C. I4rtkn ( • .tsr*, •-.eertek. N.r 10,1640 - -BAZLEBU1 ST &COOKE AUCTIONEERS. COlill[I881ON AGENTS, &C., &C. I'rabb'. Itlo•-k, (\'nn F.c• rc'4"Idatnndl KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH ONT,4.1tI0. ego Sales in town and country punctual - attended to. O,lderittl-,/jdri' tlt, 1869. w24 IMPORTANT NOTICE. P. R. MANN, Haase Sign to Carriage Painter. RTt31R►11 To ACQUAINT TItt rrnide THAT ML, M W RW,1 np a Atop o. North street pert to the aley. NetMdwl Chorea, with vernl.h room 0 t.nAM .1.004 he t. puttees M ill all orders promptly, aid .t re,aonahl, prtr9.. Thanklnl Int the 9s,rlo"0e of the lett T re... .,I4.11e eoMl.,nsn,. of the e.mr Now to the time to Paint yo r Cotters, Sleighs. and Carriages. 177 ord.," Irmaoonntry C 0M....helUatt.adrl 10 with r,poMh llg. ON .g, omen* Mem Tam,- 71.14,441. *p.r- 41,,4* a. Non. a 1x4. w41 rREDERiCK ARMSTRONG, [.AAP ACICIIT, VALIJU, Ste., xV lnwT 4eT.. FITCH. MfL14FV •testi Tr 4111414‘ 111111 wow. IMMO. , Tara T a similar R. J. WHITELY, ".till In tall opmet4m, and 14 turning out .o4..4 1 Carriages, Buggies , Wagon of all k1141a, RI,EImfR, CCTT1R1. ee, A 0wwteir a/Arad einem Reggie, on hand, .m1 for *1411 Olean110.,.l. ('.L•.i or all start.. In thy line that will romper. favorably wllh any In the . 0,,.ly ant All work wsenotod it..rrttaeulsr .ttrt4. pwl4Jo!Igge..n4 Carrl.ga Re - 9*,.' lk-J WHITELY, t)uderic4. Noy Otb. 1rv'e .42 SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. 'f H F: nn•rrel7nrA 10.1.1 pnrrherr' •he Ylarn- 1 It t M,41 end Nash F..•tar. nwnrd, end oe. n,pteet by Dnoa'd Cmnmmg, .r< now prepared to eery on the h.,.tne.a nl m.nnfartier,ng Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, ■,digin kin/Got seed aNfelYflfr They think from their +sportsmen m Foolery Wnrk,ehat they ran givenMe&1ton to .11 who oily teen, them with • sell. N. F1, -A liners .4tsorte 4 to the Inds. SAW -[OGS & STAVE -BOLTS WANTED. ITII, Yt'7M,'RIHf,40 ' RF. I'i1,'PAR041 TO'wAgi i r onuses., fair alio• .1. 4,.r, „(e qua.tlty or £Int, _As $etch, Pine, and Heal ..,9 3tw RIs, a SO, PE Delivered on Ili,. , p -. ode, olgnatt. IM tall•., spun"- Also too,ndertihoth...n;nonf•Raton Loi. For 0,0,1+10. sprk• Mr t1.18 de In r'stb,„r 'WITHER RY NOTE OR BOOK AC- F Ow read. u.v „f ll, Jame. Toth • on rI *TANGLY 1 Co, conntare hereby,Nrtiaed,thatunloathey n.derich. 2ar.I ne.onl,r. 1909 •44.0 CALL AN, PAY UP AT ONCE bey will be sued, without further notioe, R. RUNCIMAN, Huron Found*ry, Goderich, Ont, til14ennd haul rlanon 4ekee la.sehagr, dot o I,•neh. L -u Jnne, Isey. J21-11 at Land Office, .t !.:(.}41.44TBR of 'improved Fsrmssed Wild 1 or 04.41, O. M.TIi11f.MA0, 17w19, a:h March 1, 1407. - Ma,ytg.ssee NOT I CE All partles'Indebted toR.Rnnelman&Co ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. Three Different Kinds of Papers For Hallo, Parteri,Dialog Reese ALL NEW PATTERNS, en to he the moat tyrant Intl &taigas. The Bast and Cheapest IN GODERICH. FOR SALE AT 20000 6.7t Of Dry inch and a quarter coldish. amll , Flooring on hand. JA RtrellANAN .c wu un er or cosidera Con of the Governmout. Mr l'ottin caked whether the American Government have Leen notified by the 14ominl.01:,vormnent that it Is their in- tention to place an armed force on the ('anadilul eaten for the protection of Canadian lishrnn''n' States. If he for a moment believed there ah.mld be • revision"( the tariff and Sir John A Alnalon*Id said then had that the ryotion of the weedier for Oxford the adoption of the ,lies dictated by atlw•,ga been *n armee) fare'. sUphed by *veld have :Ile effect of retarding 0r Canadian interests and byno other mu- ti&u f lBntnh fishermen. It Thel('tn dian 016.- voltng the renewal of the regiipnd ■ideration. He fully enorsed the stem. baton he would sooner allow hie censtiM- meat that no means would give greater Government had no recon /* believe that in. t, sneer for a tine longer than jeo- satisfaction to Western Canada, particular t^.1 forcno'iottentiootloframltin d mean purclizo iia renewal. In lin humble jltdg- ly the •gricelhural portion, than theeglJ'ni- t rehad P R mans the Government could take n,' better Mn of the tariff, • i1h • view to the armed force to iia own. It wax the mien• fore- armed tion of the Government to have'w certain scop than to protect Cauban pn.lncts.- taction of Canadian interests. .w number of /lice 'emelt; there for the en.tt by should the Americans want the re- sts? Mr. Mackenzie said of dune this was notion of the recip teeny treaty? Are not not the time to enter into a discussion of (nrcement a law in these waters. all the Canadian markets open now to, this question. He would simply'say that Mr Savory mo.v1 per enpne. of •ll ear- them, while their markets aro closed a Ile Qid not !relieve that the adoption of w rapnule•nce respecting • editor= system awaited nil In Almost ever cnmm,•lit,' retrograde policy. • policy that would go of currency--l'•rr'ed. they reap all the benefits of free troth', back to the legielatnrn of thirty er forty ' ParrI,S7V1 n1'TT. end we have All the evil, of ),rowcti,e 701'0 Mau, would M satisfactory to the Mr 111ivor moved flit an addrea to His without any of ire 110neflts. in •nppnpt people of I Intarin. • Excellency, praying for the imposition of of Ile petition he quoted d Stuart Mill t., nHun. At r. Flows aid that for the tut an import defy nn wheat, fluuq Indian tl,oenectthateneblistiryprlicy wan in twenty yearsalargemajorityofthepeopleuf corn, hope, coarse and fine salt and coal.- Deme case* justifiable Fort,lieol with such the Maritime Provinces had been in favor He said the Government had sent a demi- opihiona, they anald afford to overt..nk that of free trade in its widest sense ;. but ,the tattun M the West Indies and South ,f journal., which wore opposed to this Policy indicated by the Governm.el,t in this America, with a view of opening 4p a proposal, They had hard the 1me thing 'lucuoien was becoming.popular there, trate with (hate c.untr.e., but since its talked of for the !await years, that reel- not because they were loss free traders return nothing i,ad „seemingly bast eocity would be sure t, come immediate Tan before, but because the United Stated done b the Govefnment to open up then, ty, He agreed, however, with the mem- were making use of their -6&al relations - aezlatiaiiiVab =-:+-Y .e MieSS v o, . ..I,.ali,4eM...' deaiMeribitler#ettie•. I i116joct stet •now arrived when they mast pursue • pada- cal nn groat]. increase nnrenmmerce: for instance, ey of independence, oil this question, am- Mr imrnetl.e quantities of flour were being im- milting their own interests, independent words ported into inn Maritime Prnvinces,which, of what was said or done vitt the miter tido Provinces. if a suppliedpros duty ,'were impper ropp : wofndb. of the line. For want of doing no, mann Mr. Pope hoped the Government would fornce to the reci rrcit trot ho aid uterate erre langlush,aq, some wero par- enme down with a Canadian 40.4.oy, and if that Canada was iuw ivin yu liber- alyseJ. in flat, with regard to the salt m' they did so, he promised them his hearty ria nn unr fishin Rronntln. In fact the Crest' even if it stood alone, he held that seppn rt. R y I th.1 the (tovermnant nh,'uld not (.1,1*te hate oat 11. privileges we have to offer,. to ext.nda passim of protuution in iia MT. Magill said 11 a old not he denied and therefore they were not anxious b re- in In Weet.rn Canada, before the , that there win a growing feeling in Ontario new the Rt clpateily Tracy as they waMil.l dtgcoAyy Dt'ullt in the vicinity of LAks in favor of *Canadian mmmercnl policy, -" formed with the view solely to the interests of Can&1•, and he honed the Government would.pnrnoesuch w policy. Free trade was sound in theory, I.,e uhder the pres- ent condition of trade with the L'nited State it war not fres trade. We had but heavily taxed export* into the United `hates. and Canadian interest -alone. The moo- nlent this Haase ,mse, &, soon would all there p,oreinents yeast. Wan the Govern- ment prepared F. ay that any &trances had been matte by lire Amerhaan Guyer.. ment towards reciprocal trade arrange- ments f Sir Francis Hincks-Ta. Mr Cameroon was glad to hear it; but did not cngsider that that was in accord- ance with the views expresso 4 by the ['re - Odin!' of thatc'untry on the a"Lject, which were decidedly hostile to reciprocity. Sir Francis Hincks begged tocontradict the holt member. The President express- "d.hwn.eif as being -opposed to a renewal of the old Atecipootty Treaty, but not at any raw by. gessj@ any members of tl e Congroes and'Senat 7'.fte Lodi Meek ..:ui of the liberal potty in Ontario bed token the step of *Jvocatinx free trade, and he watt glad to hear that it was almost the on- ly .me that had warned the Government Rut to betray our trate relations with the route. Hon. Mr. Langevin said the preliuint ry report had been received from Mr. lull, but that* full report was expected shortly, and he w4geated to the hon. member to withdraw hu motion. Mr. McDougall (South Renfrew) said ea the re ort would be in shortly, he mould - allow his motion to stand over. 7 s meat If they had docWad upon any p*,lIcy won reference to thio matter.,t sour, La they had green the House t, tutees*ud that they .•mold be prepared to bring down • measure to effectually ..pen up common': cation .nth the N.,rth-w, • country, Sir John A. McDonald said that recent .conte in the It.4 Hirer territory had thrown .out the t:onernment pass a little, and they could nut omen before the Hones so well prepared as either. W they would lases dune. Mr. M u,keuzu asked if thotw(mtd have anything about the railway. fair John A. Mycdmuald said they would !tare the mans of coa.a,uaigtioe litt1 the North-west, 4 It to was-11jy.L_. Mr. Wood said tb.question raised e mMiol ad been t ieaussed by agrint b from the merchants of T'.ruuto, M. „ ). ural associations and Wm icy councils it h. section of the country for the laid two yearn, and was one which fanners took Been interest in. 'They rightly -or wrongl were almost unanimously of opinion tb sod other porta of ah v fora removal of the to per cent excise deity on petroleum. - • •Other reponse and petition. were also * pre.ente.). Hon. Mr. Holton intrrduad • Bill to at .onstnlet the ('unglmawaaa Ship' toanal, Referred to the Commitee oil Railways and (7aual(- Mr. Dunkin introoluoed the Canons Bill, and ellnd.d to the necessity of legislating upon the snhjeet, in order to take venous of the Dominion of Canada in • satis- factory manner. 1871 was essentially a centum year, when the tens,,. of Prince Edward island, Newfoundland, the Three Kingdoms, and th. United States were to be taken. in . preparing this bill, the legislation of the late 1'rovince of Canada was rather more followed than an other ; bort advantage was taken of legislation in other countries upon the subject. Hs then o•vpinined at length the various provisions of the bill, which provided only for the twn*m0 of 1871, Mr. Ma ckrnxiethought that feu much power would M placed an the hands of the Census Commiro,nero, He urged the - importance of accuracy, and especially in the vital .tatietice, and arriving at a comet statement of the valve of property, which m ( )titan,' could not he ebtaineolT as pro- posed from the Assessment Bolla, where ply-ab.ett. jBt ttilitw.i•ti.e ion with them. ' roperl4 stn. glean. He suggested that Anglin was inclined to endorse the the arrangme,,t of Ontario for the regu- Mr. Dunkin mid they irmild prohehly take advantage of aoch arrangement in the Province of ontario. Mr. illak• inquired if when the center re- turn.; were made, *change would be malts the Ansi' of representation ? Sir John A. Macdonald mid it width. in- tention efthe (loyentment --if it then •x- euthtew.nlein„tchreis ppreareznottofiozno-te make ouch The Hon*, then want into Committee on the Banking Reeolution. Sir Fral1ele !flecks announced that the Government had agreed to reduce the ininitimin amount capital for banks to, (19411(1);1.4°"Colhy *relied strongly for a Ism amount, and seggeated that in cities ef 200,000 inhabitants. or over, the Naifitrnutn amount be $1,000,000, hut in all other place* be 8204,teio. se tem, or go Nth./ NURN1,000. 401,A armor* Minixter had goals matte near enough in The Holies owe at ma. oi the Secretary of State 404 the .4trof.n of the statistics should be twad- dle tIoderich,29th Doe.. 1808. otherwise be. . excitement or tineminert in sue ef our ean market fooe'supplieri while the Eastern , locs1 market*, the facilities affonted to portion "%mottled Yin 'Liverpool. Before toying atm boron here, was 7041110ed to thin discovery the price was $1.60 and $2 ! enetile them tn step in and offer their pro - 51.50 by Cenairom inakers; the American* per barrel; the price, after the mannfac- chart* on bettor teems t an emu tans, or then hronght it down to 81.50 and the Cansdians to 111.45. When it was so ri. ported into Canada 1,4WL5,060 burhele of dace& the Canadians, not bectiuse they petition with our own coarser grains. The the interests of the country, reduced their rist:The'd:;dine.(114'telnit‘ilinrRiarianinktegraht,eweniah7ict:hntrY,Iinhdmicddeontinneerrinteute.tenrcert.''price tO $1.1 h at the wells. The A nosing In *ere (obliged te do so, but from regard to suffered great love In .coal ws imported comp„my thee. teeatat a eiroolar to tio.ir Ia. 7ZI Al SRI RE:It/RNA Ina mon, Ai A NKr, iorth• very IN twill. ruetriumite• It. her o-woMPIMeetrtelillmerel$ giro ed • reatricted tariff. 'W.40,000 worth-. cirmilar stating that iti oonsegnence of 8951,000 worth, and ea thonsittan mint* WI Taub* their price, the There waa no. doeht. he said, that if their discovery of a new vein at °amnia - duty were rooms Mr. Ferguson said his constituents were unammourty in favor of the polio, fedi- coteil, and he hoped the Oevernment would bring (loan 01611 la policy. Scetcherd believed that 11•01°T sec- tion "[Osten° was in favor of protecting longer to owe what we amid get from the seed on the article. etinvalVtiz- -#.4•Algirlit'llIMINATA=BilfF1741M47.1=tr -4.14 Illread Trunk line. being nulueed comilidiar- land Imam it tinkly With • •ien to the in, prinetpa 11y to ret•elinamenetorn•re.• being Wog MAIN 011ie* WILII predicted in the Confeol- said thin the oonnt• KAinbmeh, 4entieed • •• eeneadlyttliN lb • , that week, he beneficiary te the whole sole object of the. WM that they might have Mr. Mtephenrovis CLOTHING CAN BE NA DF ...nom be referred to more fully by th-P if the CaniowlInfla 1110T• able to manufacture id the policy indicated by the motion. Minn ti ft i rifoonto•r neontre• I malt as cheaply as their neighbor...ors, why mr, wo.hb hed se hope thin reeipenni, ieted laat year. Areording to the trade but in this reaped the American Govern- in favor 0 a natissal policy and he homed , were they not able te orOmpoite with them, ,,,,,,m i,„ „hceine4 pi,...4.tit„.„,,„ .... ciniei in one of eroortroxio.ahmemo • eratiein debate, on inter -Provincial traffic, awry"- as they approached Goderich. tertata of onr own tiountry AlseOrnta ft ',ohne hat Iwoninion• th. M "Ito uhiih the market tn themselves. It wax asked adjoining Lambt.on was strongly in favor P'. Mick. midi Imp deput• ation of Minkel* from litema &mom mid Blew Drurawfd.POrtin Mew olleireea • L.• retorn we imported $442 000 worth frolltL rag 81•41,1111111111k, and avormiall . - Ll in nem pot rpm ert1 ft noir non twittery, on on Miehigan, they gave • boonnty of tWens Sto Jelin A. Mardonald mid lie mine thrit the Cossentme 'helm nes, row," am • 1st, MC tf Irlmlisrias Auld Lilk lieuniees 10 TONS sr BRAN, SNORTS 11,1DCTID ON 11111A11011A111.1 ?SU RIC iyAvit autumns, Go , mermen mil mare on• of the moat thrivin astil-emeatain thill Mr 0 manor sio.d....that,:triehiNwrmt etof ttz mitTurreviaorsda77..**Pereed. rim 11,:oode,, riThee 1111111111p, I ()°'‘'''eh for a. "I. °I th. ni"1".8.71. it.hliwii.-w^hPritZt.;74rer.a^"h",.8.74:'"11:; the land, everything Mit the evaporator, P°14147. iiir;IdiffiRyer"nophliYadtht: thP:renitinaeres of the b." P. 014"4"" ."4" ."."14 ears sonesed in fie Intel mad erfreulat pahay Prey °nee. nf tha Roney to Loan on Real Estate,' ()a.. -say.. Riot!, miner emitter's.* on". casette. A FIR* iitRit re ire Times** 1 Square and WHI Bt.. nod.och, w. JOHN HALDAN, IR. Agent Bell Cheap fOr 09.111. Irere the • of the Slate. hod there reembeor for illaehwedlt Mild* row. iressi.011:11...... whets- ...helm minium mama. The farmer. were , • 'iv,. Leda ad „ma dm/ th.a.it the:: wive !me. in Canada •nY 2Ith Rept.,1011. 1.36tt *le'tt Ooderieh. M•• 27. 1467. at their nein mills, their ohjeet being to revers df throe quarters per tent, m here all had tor he provided cut of a „,„„„t °NI" hei "111 841":;.4;nalwial• niet.". 'reel" floderich, June 7th 1869. RITEPHAR11 STRACHAN. are eharging olio. dollar anti ninety rents