HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-02-26, Page 11A REPLICA OF A CREDITON BRICK YARD — Everett Haist of Dashwood has built a miniature model of the brick-making yards that were popular in the Crediton district in the 1890's. Mr. Haist is shown above with the model that is now on display in the window of the Clerk's office in Exeter. T-A photo Cromarty WMS ladies receive Sarawak letter TimovAdvocott,,February 26, 1970 Page 'I• I Women win prizes at Kiekton euchre EASTER IS EARLY This Year ! To Guarantee Delivery' of Your New MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT Your Order Should Be Placed Immediately * * * Full Range of New SPRING SAMPLES Now Available from TIP TOP TAILORS dr WARREN K. COOK See Mein At ovIk NNIciU pze 6 Men's I Wear EXETER The Store°With The Stock 7Itotig, eigitgrAt Len McKnight takes this opportunity to thank his many friends for their cards, visits and treats while a patient In hospital. He ys now back on the job ready to serve you. complete RENTAL SE RVIC5 For Weddings And Other Special Occasions LEN McKNIGHT & SON MEN'S WEAR MAIN ST. EXETER Phone 235-2320 Notice . bue to the lack of snow cover SNOWMOBILE OPERATORS Are Asked to Please KEEP OFF THE GROUNDS at SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Tasty Good Drinking for All! Thirst-quenching, taste-tempting milk is hearty good drinking that helps Mom, Dad, and the kids keep healthy and peppy. Don't be caught short, enjoy the convenience of regular de- livery. Call us soon. EXETER DAIRY LTD.7 Phone 235-2144 The BIG PRODUCER will give you all the hot water you need to lighten the chores. Put the Cascade electric water heater to work for you. It's the BIG PRODUCER. Commissioners M.A. Greene J. H. Delbridge Chairmen Phone 235.1350 EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION <4 13.E. Pooley, Davis, Manager your hyJro 18 For Real EQUIPMENT „••• Hydraulic Rote- boom 25' lift; earth boring, 6"; trenchers; backhoes; air coin pessers and breakers; small bulldozer; road grader, com- plete with snow plow; side boom tractors; winch trucks; water pumps; water truck, 1.301- gal.; welding machines; certified welders for gas and oil installations; custom fabri- cation. Contact John. Vail Con- struction, Ansa Craig, phone 232-4504. 1:15-3:5c 22 Notices NOTICE THE HURON PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE_SCHOOL BOARD TAKE NOTICE that The Hur- on Perth. County S epar a te School Board on the 9th day of February, 1970 passed By- law number 7-70 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of a Debenture of the said Board in the prin- cipal amount of $44,000.00. 1, The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is the construction of separate school accommodation and the supply of equipment by The Board of the Combined Roman Catholic Separate Schools of the Townships of Hay, MeGiliv- ray and Stephen. 2. The amount to be bor- rowed is $44,000.00 on the secur- ity of the said Debenture, which shall be a charge upon •the schoolhouse property and prem- ises and any other real or per- sonal property vested in the said Board and upon the sep- arate school rates collectible by the said Board. 3. The Debenture is to be dated October 1, 1969, is to bear interest at the rate of 811% per annum payable semi- annually on April 1, and Oc- tober 1 in each year of the currency of the Debenture and is to be repayable in instal- ments of principal on October 1 in the years 1970 to 1989, as follows: Principal Principal Year Amount Year Amount 1970 $1,000.00 1980 $2,000.00 1971 1,000.00 1981 2,000.00 1972 1,000.00 1982 2,000.00 1973 1,000.00 1983 3,000.00 1974 1,000.00 1984 3,000.00 1975 1,000.00 1985 3,000.00 1976 2,000.00 1986 3,000.00 1977 2,000.00 1987 4,000.00 1978 2,000.00 1988 4,000.00 1979 2,000.00 1989 4,000.00 It has been necessary to pass the above by-law to replace By-law No. 5, which had been passed and advertised previ- ously, because of an increase in the interest rate to the rate above.enecified., 22 Notices NOTICE Dekalb Growers AT PRESENT ALL VARIETIES IN STOCK Please contact your 'dealer, LLOYD LAN PORT CREDITON phone. 234-6286 26;5e NOTICE NEIL'S VARIETY & SNACK BAR CENTRALIA, ONT. WILL BE CLOSED MARCH 14, 1970 FOR SALE COUNTER & 7 STOOLS BOOTH, SEATS 8 GAS GRILL MILK SHAKER, 1 UNIT ;ALEX COFFEE MAKERS RESTAURANT PLATES SOUP BOWLS & PLATES TO BE MOVED AFTER MARCH 14 Irene and I want to thank our many customers for their patronage during our 8 years in business. — Dick Neil. •26c 24 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR HAULING OF GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the loading, hauling and spreading on Town- ship of Stephen roads, approxi- mately 22,000 cubic yards of crushed gravel from stockpile at Sillery's gravel pit in Us- borne Township. A minimum of approximately 1,000 yards per day to be han- dled. Contract to commence May 1, 1970 and be spread at the di- rection of •the Road Superin- tendent. Tender forms may be re- ceived from Road Superintend- ent or Clerk. A certified cheque in the amount of $500.00 must accom- pany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders submitted on Town- ship forms are to be in the hands of the Road Superintend- ent or Clerk by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3rd, 1970. Wilmar D. Wein, Clerk P.O. Box 99 Crediton, Ont. R. F. (Frank) Mclsaac, Road Superintendent P.O. Box 99 Crediton, Ont. 19 : 26c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR Liquid Calcium Chloride Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supply- ing and spraying (some spot spraying) of Calcium Chloride (liquid) on the Township of. Stephen roads. The tender price must be per flake ton equivalent, approxi- mately 125 tons required. Contractor to apply to Town- ship roads by direction of the Road Superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent or Clerk by 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 3rd, 1970. Wilmar D. Wein, Clerk P.O. Box 99 Crediton, Ont. R. F. (Frank) Mclsaac, Road Superintendent P.O. Box 99 Crediton, Ont. 19:26c 25 Auction Sales EXTENSIVE FARM AUCTION SALE DATES Saturday, March 14 'Trac- tors, Farm Machinery. & Misc. Items. Hay Twp. Alvin Rader, Prop. SatUrday, March 21 — Trac- tors, Farm Machinery & Misc. Items. Stephen Twp., Exeter. Len Veri, Prop. Wednesday, March 25 Trac- tors, Farm Machinery & Misc. Items. tlsborne Twp., Winchel- sea, Wm, Walters, Prop. Saturday, March 28 — Real Estate, Auto, Farm Machinery, Hotisehold Effects and Misc, Items. Estate of the late Robt. E. Pollock, Stephen Township, Greenway. Wednesday, April 1 — Tract tors, Farm Machinery & Misc. Items. Usborne Twp. Gus Greg- us, Prop. Friday, April 3 — Livestock, Tractors, Farni Machinery and Misc. Items. Kenneth McLellan, Prop., Kippen. Household Auction Sale dates to be listed in following issues. Wednesday, April 15 — Valu- able Household Effects & Misc. Rents. Exeter, Mrs. Albert Pre- quair, Proprietress. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 gee Caution—Read Slowly'— The Money Saved May he Your Own 25 AucHen Sales Extoroalva. AUCTION SALE . of V.aluabla Tractors, For, age Harvester Equipment, Farm Machinery,. House- hold Effokta & Misc. Ite1.114 On the premises LOT 3 & 4, CON, 10, HAY PWP., 1i miles east of Dashweod, thence P/4 mile north, Goshen Line, en SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 1:00 TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers X.T, 190 Standard Diesel tree- tor, completely equipped,only 1200 hours, in new condition; Allis Chalmers semi - mounted 5-furrow 16 inch bottom PloW; John Deere 3010 standard trac- tor in A-1 condition; both trac- tors equipped with dual wheels. FORAGE HARV-gugp. Equip- ment; Allis Chalmers # 780 double row • forage harvester equipped with corn head, hay pick-up reel and .60 ft. piping; Allis Chalmers heavy duty for- age blower; 3 Forage Master self unloading forage boxes; 3 New Holland . 6-ton heavy duty wagons, all equipped with 8- ply tires; Outoma 12 ft. swath- er; Innes * 570 bean windrow- er; Int, #.46 hay baler; Oliver 17-run grain and fertilizer drill; 2 power lift cultivators; New Idea 125 bus. manure spreader; Kent 24 ft. fold-in cultivator. Complete list of this sale in following issue. ALVIN RADER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26e By GORDON MORLEY A euchre party was held at Brinsley Community Centre, Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis on the committee. The winners of the highest score for ladies was Donna Northmore and for low score, Mrs. Rayburn Steeper; most lone hands, Mrs. Harold Guilfoyle; highest score for men, George Mercer; men's low score, Fred Northmore; most lone hands, Ron Steeper. The next euchre will be in charge of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Guilfoyle, Mr. & Mrs. Levi White and Mr. Luther Morley. PERSONALS Joan Amos spent the weekend with Carolyn Lewis. Paul Hodgson, George H. Lee, Ron Scott, Larry and Wayne Scott returned home from a motor trip to Florida. Grant Amos arrived home from the hospital on Tuesday after undergoing surgery. Kip• pen couple tour the States By MRS. NORMAN LONG K IPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman returned home from three weeks of travelling in the United States. The trip took them through the middle states to Texas, down through Mexico and back again by way of Texas., over to New Orleans and home by Nashville and Lexington. They visited many other places of interest including Monterrey Brownsville, Corpus Christie, hughson and Baton Rouge. While in Fort Worth they attended a rodeo in the Will Rogers' Coliseum. They visited President Johnson's ranch and his home in Johnson City. They also spent several days in San Antonio. PERSONALS Brian Tribener spent the weekend with friends skiing at Echo and Glen Mountain, Quebec. Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Hood returned home from a short holiday spent with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Carter of Harrow. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Schneider, Stratford recently visited the latter's father, Robert Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. David Triebner spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bernard, Brussels. Mrs. H. Long entertained several of her friends Saturday afternoon. Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are, By'MRS. KEN McKELLAR C ROMARTY Mrs. T. L. Scott presided for the WMS meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Jefferson. Mrs. Scott lead in devotions and also read a letter from her son David Scott who is teaching at Three Rivers school in Sarawak. The topic was presented by Mrs. Grace Scott, and Mrs. Mervin Dow conducted a Bible Quiz. During the business period, plans for the World's Day of Prayer were discussed, which will be held in Cromarty church, Friday, March 6. By MRS, FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. William Fluter (the former Gayle Lamport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport) was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower in the schoolroom of the United Church Friday evening. Valentine decorations were used to make a colourful setting for the happy occasion. Numbers on the program were a vocal duet by Mary Agnes Dietrich and Cindy Cook; piano duet by the Tasko sisters, Patti and Mary Lou; a reading by Mrs. Alton Isaac. The bride was escorted to the front of the room to the strains Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Young of Chatham spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Bullock and other relatives. A presentation was held Friday evening. in Corbett Community Centre for Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thatcher (Rosalie Hicks) and Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hicks who were married recently. Mr, & Mrs. Don McLellan and family of Exeter visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Arthur Brophey. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Woodburn spent the weekend with friends in Kitchener. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Leader and family of Brampton spent the weekend with Mrs. Ed. Bullock and Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Bullock and family, Mr. & Mrs. Carman Woodburn visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Elzar Mousseau of Kippen. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Johnson and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Romphf and family. Mrs. Mervin Dow assisted the hostess. MARIAN RITCHIE AUXILIARY The meeting of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Larry Gardiner with Mrs. Gardiner presiding. Mrs. Norman Harburn conducted the worship. "The 70's, What Will They Bring?" was given by Mrs. Carter Kerslake. The new Study Book "China Profile" was introduced geographically by Mrs. Eldon Allenand governmentally by Mrs. Robert Laing. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Duncan Scott. of wedding music played by Mrs, K. Hodgins. An address was read by Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable and the gifts were presented by Joan Klemke and Robbie Essery. Joanne Hicks and Judy Blair assisted the bride in displaying the gifts and Barbara Lamport was in charge of the guest book. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson, Beth, Noreen and Joyce of Highgate were visitors recently with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, and attended the C.C.A.T. Open House where another daughter, Dawn Wilson, is a second year student. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hicks who were returning to their home in Toronto following a vacation in Florida were overnight guests Thursday with Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Mr. Murray Abbott was a dinner guest at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Mugford and family, Lucan, Friday in celebration of his birthday. He was a Sunday visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Turner at Varna. Mr. & Mrs. Burton Morgan and family of Kitchener were weekend visitors with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. Friends honor bride at Valentine shower BymRa.HARpt.a.DAVIa lixkton Women's Institute held a prOgrP4Sille euchre in Aberdeen" Hall Monday evening. Prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. L. Beckett; lone hands, Lloyd Gowdrey; teen's high, Lawrence Beckett; men's lone hands, M)ei, Shute. PERSONALS Mr, & Mrs. Stan Otterbein and family of New Hamburg and Mx. & Mrs, Art .Plummer arid family of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Derbeciter, The Brownies, Girl Guides, Sepias and Cubs met in a body at St. Paul's Anglican Church. Sunday morning. Each group renewed their pledges, The flowers on the altar were placed by Dr. Albert Berry of Toronto in memory of his wife. Mrs. Wesley Donne, Mrs. Max Switzer and Mrs. Middleton, Exeter, visited. Tuesday with Mrs. Clarence Routly, Sarnia, Mrs. Dan Jarvis is spending this week with Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Atthill and family, Exeter, During the business discussion, Mrs. Gordon Scott was appointed to arrange for money making ideas for the August meeting. A talent sale was held after the closing of the meeting. SCOUTS & CUBS Rev. W. Jarvis, who is organizer of the local branch of the Boy Scouts and Cubs delivered a special message on their behalf at the service in Cromarty Church, Sunday. The boys in uniform attended the impressive ceremony. PERSONALS Mrs. E. Moore is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker are holidaying in Florida. They left by plane from Melton Airport, Sunday. Janet Cornish and Jane Binning, Mitchell, spent the weekend with the latter's grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar. Mrs. Ken Davey and son Wayne of London and Mrs. Wm. Baxter, Mitchell, were visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCulloch on Friday.